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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  August 11, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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listen to this one. california is already one of the highest taxed states. residents will be paying even more. thanks to pricey photographer hired to follow a route none other than governor gavin new simpered newsom is quietly hard celebrity photographer charles to serve as the governor's director of photography. costing taxpayers a cool $200,000 a year according to politico. newsom hasn't termed out in term ends in 2026 they believe he is an ex- presidential race on his mind precook t stew undergroundd precook sputtered narcissistic. >> hey guys, this i has been salvaged by the suit again tomorrow. [laughter] i am kidding. that does it for us will see it next weekend. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. it ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ hello america i am mark levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" sunday. with the ruling class in america, a ruling class is not an official ruling class but it is a group of individuals with different industries with different platforms who have seized authority over this country. the vast majority of them live and work on the east coast. and washington d.c. and new york city with some in los angeles. tens of millions of americans are not represented by this ruling class which is why so much of what they promote in their media has nothing to do with you or has no interest or is actually promoted in order to sabotage shor your lifestyle anr
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liberty. transgender -ism, it is a tiny fraction of a tiny% of the population you would not know it. systemic racism, there is not systemic racism in america but it is critical that be promoted in order to attack the broad middle class. climate change is nothing more than the de- growth movement the deindustrialization movement dressed up as some kind of environmental movement so they can do things through the back door they cannot do through the front door. the vast majority of the middle class wants nothing to do with this. does not know about it because it's not really relevant to them. that is why you are under attack. you see ladies and gentlemen, most of what goes on in this country does not go on in congress. most of what goes on in this country is not a result of actions taken by the people you elect to your so-called representatives. the vast majority of what's taking place in the country today is my executive fiats,
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executive orders, bureaucratic regulations. the epa has decided to single family home for the middle class will be destroyed. you are to live in high density high-rises with public transportation hence automobile needs to be destroyed. what is ev stuff know when once it even though washington is subsidizing of the "new york times" is promoting it. because you want your gas powered combustion while vehicles and trucks. well, washington just said you don't get it who voted for that? nobody. biden did it through his epa. and they say will have cleaner air and cleaner water of course we won't. has nothing to do that it's a massive inconvenience the intention is to limit the ability of the middle class to beat mobile paired to live the life you want to live and so forth and so on. this whole dei thing is set up again to attack the
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middle-class. most people do not know it dei is but it is something that has been pushed by the radical left marks us and universi in univerd college is enhanced by the democrat party in the media. so marriage is thrown out the door. instead we have reverse racism. reverse segregation. according to the democrat party which used to support openly racism and segregation this new kind of racism and segregation is righteous and so they promoted. and so, so much of what goes on in this country is deleterious to the middle class they are checking our traditions now they are attacking christian nationalists what does that mean? they are suggesting that if you are christian and you support america you must be part of the clan or something, christian nationalists they are embracing islam us, where are they embracing islam this? because they are critical to their base and because the marxists in the islamic's have the same thing in common, but is
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that? too completely up and our society your faith, your religion, they're trying to indoctrinate our children through our elementary schools and secondary schools, high school certainly colleges and universities. to separate them from parents to separate them from that morals and ethics in family values they have been taught. instead embrace the radical left agenda and bigger and more centralized government. this is all intentional. they are poisoning our institutions. they are devouring our institutions. they are accusing people who stand up against them as being against democracy and being extremist. so donald trump hence is hitler and anyone who supports him as part of maga in maga of course is like the third reich. no, maga is made up of hard-working americans who pay their taxes plumbers, electricians, farmers and ranchers. it's made up of people who make this country work and the funny
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thing is, these elites in washington d.c. and new york if we had to rely on them to eat we would all starve to death. they produce absolutely nothing. they do not do anything with their hands. they are totally out of touch with what goes on and the central part of america or to put a better way that goes on not only both ends of america why do you think they want to get rid of the electoral college? so middle america at southeast america, southern america northern plains america have no representation. if it's just a matter of voting the more intense f densel inteno the metropolitan areas the more powerful they will become. in essence nine, 10, 11 states will have control of the entire electoral system. the electoral college you see is set to be racist and set up my slavers. what i am trying to point out here with what the democrat party is doing is at war with the middle class. it's at work with americans. union bosses may not get it they
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may not care. they are selling out their membership too. they will throw tidbits out two or little pieces and little crumbs to you it will have a 20-dollar an hour workday. which destroys jobs and then not use marxist propaganda, class warfare but let's get the rich. let's get the corporations but let's get them. and yet the biggest concentration of money, the biggest concentration of power and i mean police power is not any one corporation. it is the federal government. look, this not a single corporation has control of your life for this not a single corporation that can tell you what to do or put you in prison the federal government not only is ubiquitous financially but is ubiquitous in terms of the police state and it is growing. it is not what any opposition which is why the biden administration has done more since any administration except
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perhaps woodrow wilson to silent speech. to censor speech. to monitor speech. two federal courts have so ruled they are one 100% right. they have done more than any prior administration to intimidate political and ideological opponents shutting down parents to the extent they can by threatening them with the fbi if they dare to stand up to the teachers unions which are crucial to the democrat party. or, throwing pro life protesters in prison even though they have not committed any acts of violence. they are just protesters they are true peaceful protesters. trying to secrete agents in the catholic church then trying to cover it up. this is a big deal america but they are doing what they have been doing. most of all trying to put in prison and bankrupt the greatest threat politically which is donald trump. we know the biden administration
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has had its hands and letitia ae teacher james cayce and alban case. in the fani willis case and of course in the federal cases. this is the democrat party. it is very important to understand when they talk about the rich and they talk about you have a right to free healthcare. none of that really matters to them. they know that if you fall for that you're going to vote for them they'll become more and more powerful their administrative state is going to become more powerful it will decide what medical treatment you get if any it will decide what prescription drugs you get if any. does that work anywhere in the world? pick any socialists last marxist may be a fascist is at work anywhere in the world? no and of course they are attacking the traditions they are attacking america's values by attacking america's founding. we are told the country was not founded in 1776 that note 1619 you need to be reeducated, you need to understand this.
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we are told the constitution of the united states was set up to protect slavery and white supremacy. really where does that come from doesn't come from anywhere consuming ideology it's that simple part of want to read something to you very briefly because this professor said it better than i could his name is ted mcallister he is it pepperdine university. a couple years back he wrote today we have a very different elite than american did as recently as 1980s in terms of their nature, goals, ambitions, style, and ways of exercising power priest of the deepest effect of our time is that america has a bad elite eight mendacious one whose skills, values, goals, types of knowledge are hostile to our nations inherent in cultures and pleural people. the new elites that has emerged in the last generation or two has no interest in preserving anything but perhaps their own power. they lack historical knowledge and vision which they supplant by or exchange for the power of
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transformation and change. intoxicated by the power possible with emerging technologies inspired by visions of globalist perspective could make attractive. this elite thanks of creative destruction as applied to the culture he says what they imagine to be a struggle they can see nothing of inherited world worth preserving for their very success the peculiar characteristics of the revolving power have given to her new elites the soul of adolescent art applied to a global campus. they lack any experiential or historical ballast to weigh them down. to slow them and remaking everything according to their desires. for them streamlining power is key to creation and the obstacles to their new creations are not really checks to prevent tyranny but rather limitations unnecessary friction and the headlong rush to transform. now, when you look back at last week at those three democrat presidents, so he is describing
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you look at sanders, hakeem jeffries, you look at the whole bunch that is that we are getting. let me be abundantly clear for the new bourgeoisie as marx puts it is the democrat party the new that would be you and me the hundreds of millions of americans who are not represented by the ideological push in our immediate by the democrat party each and every day. we will be right back. (vo) they're back! verizon small business days are here. august 5th to the 11th. get a free tech check. and special offers. like a free 5g phone, when you switch. don't miss out. get started today.
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mark: welcome back america. mollie hemingway the media have an enormous impact with the public psyche in the spirit. even on our culture, our support for our history. the immediate seem to be a monopoly of the democrat party put even worse of want to call this american marxist movement. it's very anti- american. it's very anti- american or republican, anti- conservative. in other words is the back pocket of the left. 1942, a commission was put together of the media to examine itself. there were warnings put out by
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that commission that we have enormous power they said. we have the power to destroy ourselves along with the society. today i fear if we put a commission together it would be one sided that there really is no journalistic profession anymore. the media are loaded with democrat retreads and reprobates. an activiactivists and so forth. so what as a practical matter can we begin to do to deal with it? where the editor-in-chief of the federal since entities like that and others that have to compete with them, don't you think? what does a very difficult thing to compete with you so much control from corporations and also left-wing funders and donors. it is not sufficient to destroy the corruptive propaganda press. our ford founding fathers talked eloquently about the importance of a free press for the republic we need to be informed. we do need to have informed voters. we do need to have truthful
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accounts of what is happening. as bad as the corruptive propaganda press or we need to have institutions that work. there are limits to things you can do when the regime is so supportive of this state run media. people do have positions of power to stop giving legitimacy to the awful left-wing media outlets that operate in service of democrat party power. and so republican politicians should think about whether they want to treat these as so-called news organizations as legitimate went all they do is lie about literally every issue of importance to the country. why do these people quote unquote moderate debates when they so clearly are pushing for one side to perform well and one side not to perform well. why even acknowledge propaganda push on any particular story. on the other hand it is important that real immediate be
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able to cover what is actually happening at the local, state, federal level we do not have a republican we do not have informed people who can make wise decisions about the direction of the country. >> i think in that regard a lot of the public is turning off a lot of that mediate the ratings for the usual networks are down the sunday shows are down. except mine of course. newspaper prescriptions are on the way out. most papers are broke the "washington post" as a broke they depend on basis to commit the "new york times" is broke they depend on the billionaire from mexico to come in. the networks, this way they used to have is not what it used to be. and yet to meet they become like in niche operations. msnbc, cnn, the "new york times," the "washington post" they play to the elite in new york and washington d.c. and they seem to be very comfortable
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with that. the problem is mr. and mrs. america do not have a voice in any of these media organizations, do they? >> they have way too much power. they look at the polls that show corporate media have declining trust. they're basically off a cliff at this point report the news accurately or honestly. in yet on the other hand every time they push a conspiracy theory it becomes something that even the rest of that media environment which should know better follow along with. the atlantic is owned by a democrat woman who wants to affect elections and they lose a lot of money each year. they are also able to push conspiracy theories into political campaigns and become popularly believed falsehoods. that happens all over the place for jeff bezos oh one so "washington post" because he has a lot of power in the "washington post" that's why people use media outlets it is
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important people not just say they not trust these media outlets but really put their actions behind it as well not follow along with what their conspiracy theories falsehoods or coverups are doing. mark: a lot of the problem is also the of multinational corporations or corporations involved in 25 different businesses. they will buy a media platform over here. their business is not really news their business is not journalism. their business is whatever it works for them. whatever i works for them is to throw the ground in washington d.c. mollie hemingway i want to thank you everything you different liberty your excellent writing, you are speaking. god bless you my friend. your gut is like a garden growing both good bacteria and bad. that balance is key to a healthy gut environment. benefiber's plant-based prebiotic fiber gently nourishes the good bacteria, working with your body to help your gut, and you, flourish. effortlessly. every day. grow what feels good. with benefiber.
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the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing]
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numbers. i am jon scott now back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪. mark: welcome back america we have with us retired four-star army general jack keane. we love having the general on the show. the in situ for the study of war chairman. general, there is a lot of debate you cannot miss it going out of the country about the competency of the commander-in-chief. but, it's not just the competency of the commander-in-chief it is the ideology of the foreign policy you cannot even really define. and it's impact on our allies in our own country. as an example israel right now the nation's focus on whether
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the president is competent or not we are surrounded by iran it is now arming the plo in judea and samaria it has armed hamas, hezbollah is a serious army. according to chairman mccaul we are withholding seven weapon systems from israel. what do you make of that? >> you put your finger on what really is the issue. the reality is global security challenges the united states are facing are on a scale that we have not seen since world war ii. and the reason is china, russia, iran or north korea are all looking at the united states and they see the national leadership here as weak. they believe there are opportunities here because of our vulnerabilities and our policies and they have a coordinated effort where they are cooperating and collaborating together. it is not isolated that russia
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has invaded ukraine a democratic frdemocraticfree country. not only that but has stated objectives to pursue beyond ukraine into eastern europe which would involve nato. we are talking about war and gaza. iran is operationalized all of its proxies to try to destroy the state of israel with hamas and hezbollah but with the houthis to disrupt world shipping which they have managed to achieve they have essentially shut down the suez canal all the nato countries meeting in washington d.c. are all impacted by that and here is a trying of the most aggressive behavior we have seen in the region has spenbeenin the last three years. this is what is on the table. many of us believe this is the most dangerous of. we have base in decades. our intelligence chief said as much a few weeks ago. are there capacity issues to bring into questions? those things we have seen their
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right to ask questions about it. but it is the policy and the judgment of this administration that is driving our adversaries to take advantage of us. >> you see antony blinken. peasant outsize i would argue national security but we have to rely on a cabinet office and the secretary of state to be honest if you're really not up to the job are not able 24 -- seven to do the job. so antony blinken has an outside power secretary of state. he is driven by a very strange ideology. a balancing power in the middle east. he'he is driven by a strange ideology that ukraine has the right to defend itself to a point we will spend money and provide arms to ukraine but ukraine is not allowed to actually win.
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are you able to define or give some parameters to what is the biden blinken foreign policy which seems to be an absolute disaster? >> they put diplomacy and diplomacy does have a means and foreign policy it should be pursued. they put that as their center of gravity. and surrounding that they avoid any confrontation with adversaries because they once had twantedthe diplomatic efforo succeed. what is noteworthy here is in the month of january when they took power in washington d.c. they pulled back on the trump sanctions told the iranians they were doing that. making that concession as an act of good faith so they could get back into negotiations with iran over the nuclear deal. iran took that as to what? weakness. they were back on their heels because of the trump sanctions and the killing.
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and here we have the appeasement policy which runs a thread through everything they are doing and holding back from ukraine's capacity to win. and restricting the use of u.s. weapons and russia at such a misguided policy the europeans by the way they have disagreed with us since last year. they force us about tanks and their long range weapon systems. the best way to end the war is for ukraine to take as much territory as possible, forced putin to the negotiating table and ended in ukraine's favor. they have given up on any thought whatsoever the russia in the long run but the biden administration they're taking a knee up at your finger right on
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it. not enough to win a void for losing what you get for that? projected war. mark: we will be right back. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds)
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mark: welcome back america. we are here with professor jonathan turley on mik on the hs admirer up i do not know most professors you i like.
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you aryou're able to take compld subjects, your intellectually honest about them and apply them to facts and events and explain them and await people can understand that's a very unique skill and i have it. while professor george washington university hope you have tenure. [laughter] the other saying is he has written a tremendous book. a book that is so relevant to everything going on the indispensable rights free speech in an age of outrage at right here free speech in an age of rage. professor, let me talk to about this age of a region. we have this war on the supreme court now. now they want to change the makeup of the court. before they wanted to pack the court. you can see you have dehumanization effort. really occult against clarence thomas it is constant it's against alito because of the dobbs decision. everyone so they throw in.
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now the attacks on judge cannon are you concerned about this? this rage that will go on and so forth. >> is very concerned thank you for having me on you one of the great defenders of free speech her whole career. and so it is a real pleasure to discuss the book with you. but yes the book talks about this. i am not as concerned about the supreme court. it was designed for this moment. the framers created protections for the court to withstand these moments. it says more about the present when president biden announced he would support quote limits on the supreme court. it really is one of those moments that is chilling for everyone. it is like when an animal gets its paw caught in a trap and nods it off. >> today i'm calling for three bold reforms to restore trust
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and accountability to the court in our democracy. [applause] first i'm calling for a constitutional amendment no one is above the law amendment. [applause] and i mean this sincerely holds no immunity for crimes former president committed while in office. i share our founders believed a president must answer to the law. the president is accountable to the exercise the great power of the presidency. we are a nation of laws not kings and dictators. the decision can be boiled of the title of one case o trump versus the united states. the court asserted i wa was maka ruling for the ages, as it
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showed for the court made a ruling for one the former president. no other president in our history has asked for this kind of immunity for criminal actions. and no president, no former president, not me, not one, not one should have been given an exception. with such immunity. the second thing i am asking for is we have had term limits for president of the united states for 75 years. after the truman administration. i believe we should have term limits to the supreme court justice in the united states as well. third, i am calling a code of conduct for the supreme court. [applause] the supreme court current ethics
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code is a weak and even more frightening, voluntary, involuntary in a code of must be enforceable under the reform proposal justice will be required to disclose gifts. refrain from public political activity. recuse themselves in cases in which they or their spouses have a financial or other conflict of interest. >> the president is offering up the supreme court of the far left of his party that says more about the president. it is a sad statement about his legacy. so we have seen this before. we have been here before we have heard the voices before. that is what this book is about. love the story of free speech through the personality and a periods we have lived through. it is an unvarnished history. it is a violent history it is a history where we did not always do the right thing. but we do have a system that is better than perhaps we are at
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any given moment. and mark, when you talk about the attacks on the justices, we are better than this but we cannot assume that just because we survived the earlier ages of outrage that we will survive this one with free speech intact. mark: speaking of free speech we've seen through this whole campaign aloft there against president trump in you, to on this. one judge after the other opposing the most atrocious gag orders one can imagine. is it not the case a defendant who is fighting for their liberty, that is the time they should be able to speak and say pretty much whatever they need to say to the american people and anyone else who will listen? >> absolutely but doesn't gag orders were deeply troubling. i thought they went way too far and then the judge kept a gag order in place after the jury and the verdict had already been rendered and left. and the idea you have this a judge in manhattan with the throttle control over what the
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leading presidential candidate can say. but once again we have seen this before. one of the things i say in the book is joe biden is the most insight free speech of president since jon adams. in the 1800 election, thomas jefferson ran on free speech. in my view of free speech should also be the focus of the 2024 election. thomas jefferson won because he was able to show how the opponents of jon adams were being arrested. how there was a cracked out on free speech under the alien and sedition acts and the american people rejected that legacy. it is partially because it is in our dna. the american people are not really behind the anti- free speech movement. this is the most dangerous anti- free speech movement in our history because of this alliance of universities. and the media and the government and corporations. we have never had that alliance come together against free
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speech. but it is not a popular movement it came originally from higher education. polls show the public still has this instinctual opposition to censorship. that is why joe biden and vice president harris should be forced to defend the censorship system that a federal court called orwellian. they have spent four years fighting every effort to disclose what they have been doing with this alliance. let them now defendant. that is when i go into the book about how this legacy should now be called to the forefront for both of biden and harris. >> a book is the indispensable right to free speech in an age of rage you can get it at any major bookstore it is a thoroughly relevant today and i'll tell you one other thing, i read a lot of books. a lot of books of the constitution and the founding. this has to be the finest first
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amendment book and i am telling you that i have ever read and i can tell you it is been many, many years putting this book together. the very beginning, although be up until now excellent job. we will be right back. my psoriasis was all over. then psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain,
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mark: welcome back america. the book is the indispensable right. we are talking about free speech. you are free speech and free speech leads to freedom of thought freedom of communication freedom of assembly and everythieverythingis derived fr. jonathan turley, district court was very good about what it ruled with the biden administration had done with social media. a circuit court ruled a panel was pretty good too and then the supreme court said we are going to take a pass but wasn't that a huge mistake? >> it was. it was a terrible moment for many of us in the free-speech community. the court failed to realize what we are seeing today we have not seen before. despite all the personalities talked about in this book we have never seen this before in terms of the alliance against free speech.
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what you have is what was testified to in congress where the government is engaged in what i call surrogate. actively using these companies to silence citizens. they concealed these grants to third-party groups where they target conservative libertarian sites that even target the revenue streams just in the last week we have had more disclosures about how that is continuing. that is no joke comprehensive anti- free-speech movement in our history. the court basically said we are not going to take this up part were not going to grapple with it at this time. but that means is this is the election of 1800 jefferson defeated adams. it was the public that put an end to it not the courts, not the congress they were the problem. they passed and upheld the
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convictions of political opponents. it was the public that said enough that is why free-speech needs to be the center of the 2024 election. let them defend it. let's have that debate. it has been years when i've testified in congress they opposed every effort to disclose the extent of the censorship system. it was elon musk who open this up. the debt of gratitude from the free-speech community unlikely ever to be paid. when he released the twitter files that shut down the people on the hil hill who told peoplee myself in hearings you have no proof the censorship is occurring that there is any coordination. we then got that proof and the response was a shrug for many of the same members saying we have to shut down certain people because it free-speech is harmful and that is the mantra coming from college campuses. free-speech is harmful it is a
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threat to you. mark: as i rack my brain i cannot think of anything the trump administration did you try to squelch free speech it certainly is not a target of theirs. but, it might look at the democrat party the members of congress that wrote cable companies to try to take conservatives including this network off their cable coverage, you have constant efforts that pop up here and there but constant efforts by the same party to change the first amendment. you have professors on the left who say there's too much free-speech. what is going on here? >> there is a recent column in the "new york times" sing the first amendment is out of control. one of my colleagues is leading a popular movement to amend the first amendment. so that free-speech can be balanced against equity. her argument is the first amendment is excessively individualistic. that is what we're we are up a. free-speech has been under assault on university campuses
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for decades but that movement has metastasized to media, to government. my testified in the house i had a representative goldman from new york repeat this mantra that we have to censor people because this is like fire in a crowded theater. i interrupted him and said congressman you do realize that line from shank not only did oliver wendell holmes ultimately appealed to regret it and move away from shank and the supreme court went into a different direction but it was used to jail and imprison a socialist for political speech that is the line you are using and goldman said we do not need another law lecture and cut me off it. they do need a lot of those lectures but more importantly the public needs and awakening these forces are gathering against the first amendment and against free speech. mark: you are one 100% right. folks it'sfocus a fantastical be indispensable right professor turley's talking about the first
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amendment. he is talking about your freedom of speech. imagine if you did not have it. you would not have in america. this is a great public service that you've done here, professor prato went to thank you. you can get on, any major bookstore and god bless you my friend. >> thank you mark, it means a great deal to me. thank you. mark: we will be right back. (vo) they're back! verizon small business days are here. august 5th to the 11th. get a free tech check. and special offers. like a free 5g phone, when you switch. don't miss out.
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hakeem jeffries in chuck schumer nancy pelosi and all the rest of our country they have a funny way of showing it. it was ronald reagan who said some prescient words, i meant to them here before and others have as well, they require repetition, particularly even what's been going on. >> i believe we the americans of today are ready to act worthy of ourselves, ready to do what must be done to ensure happiness and liberty for ourselves, our children and our children's children. as we renew ourselves in our own land we will be seen as having greater strength throughout the world we will again be the exemplar of freedom at a beacon of hope for those who do not now have freedom. to the neighbors and allies who share our freedom we will strengthen our historic ties and assure them of our support and firm commitment. we will match loyalty with
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loyalty we will strive for mutually beneficial relations, we will not use our friendship to impose on their sovereignty for our own sovereignty is not for sale. as for the enemies of freedom, those are her potential adversaries they will be reminded that peace is the highest aspiration of the american people. we will negotiate for it, sacrifice for it. we will not surrender for now or ever. trey: that is the election, if you were to be free or not. donald trump says fight, fight, fight for freedom. i will see you next time on "life liberty and levin" ♪


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