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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 12, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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basis but there's not a single current fox host that you would not like personally if you met them. even if you disagree with their politics you would like them personally because their kind, generous, humble and thoughtful, i wish you could be on the room and then special nights. there's a router he and a core that is palpable. it's a wonderful place to work. if you could e-mail us at gowdy or social media at gaudi.america. thank you for spending your sunday with us. we hope you have a great week ahead, you can find us at gowdy america or the tray gaudi podcast. good night from sout >> carley: a fox news alert. vice president kamala harris system finally rolling out her campaign platform this week and
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so far she's sounding a lot like former president trump. >> we know our immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it, that includes -- [cheering] >> strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship. eliminate taxes on tip for service and hospitality workers. >> carley: live reaction from president trump's campaign. guess whose name came up. >> i was concerned if i stayed in the race, that would be the topic, why did nancy pelosi say -- i thought it would be a real distraction. >> carley: democrats bracing for a pro-palestinian protest at dnc next week. a pro-israeli group said they have been denied a permit from
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the city of chicago. we'll dive in. you are watching "fox and friends first," on monday morning. i'm carley shimkus. todd has the day off. start with breaking news in middle east. idf confirms mlb launched 30 rockets into israel earlier this morning. new intel shows iran could strike in a matter of days. trey yingst is live in haifa, israel with details. what is the latest? >> trey: carley, good morning. regional sources are concerned an attack from iran could come in less than 24 hours, despite guessing game, officials appear more concerned and confident we are reaching hour zero. o overnight israel defense minister gallant spoke with lloyd austin. the pair discussed israel's
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pre preparedness. iran issued notice to airmen with indication they could move forward this week. hezbollah fired rockets over night. some of the fire was intercepted by israel's iron dome. there was israeli strike on sunday that killed two hezbollah operatives. daily exchanges of fire continue along the border. on thursday, you have egypt, qatar and united states working to cut a ceasefire agreement to give everyone an off-ramp to dee deescalate tension. carley. >> carley: trey, thank you. bring in john elliot, former jump national security aide. we heard iran might be
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considering limiting strut of israel out of fear of a wider war. iran is getting ready to strike and it could happen in matter of days, putting ceasefire negotiations at risk. what do you think, where do we stand right now? >> we are standing in a dangerous spot right now, we are cloeps to world war iii in three places under joe biden and kamala harris. this is second time of major attack since october 7. hundreds of missiles have been fired at israel. you have hezbollah attacking from north and hamas holding out on surrender in gaza and now iran trying to respond to what reportedly was israelis taking
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out hamas leaders. they need to be careful if they respond to that move by israel because everybody is watching and we would not be here if not for weakness of kamala harris and joe biden. >> carley: ceasefire talks were to be on thursday. there were hopes these talks could be the beginning of the end of war. now hamas says they will not send anybody to the negotiations. there are still americans being held in gaza. where do things go from here? >> absolutely, kamala harris and joe biden have barely even bring up the fact we have hostages that are controlled by hamas there. look, ceasefire negotiations are put be pressure on israel rather than us supporting israel innic
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taking care of hamas once and for all. this war could be ended tomorrow. the whole situation, all that has to do is iran would need to direct hamas to surrender, return hostages and disarm and it would be over tomorrow. the idea of ceasefire talks, we can talk forever, bottom line, israel need to destroy hamas for it to continue as a country. otherwise, it will have a threat again and again. >> carley: they are trying to do that. on saturday, idf struck a school being used as hamas command center and hamas said 90 people were killed. idf says that number was bogus, 20 terror operatives, including com commanders. here is how kamala harris reacted on saturday, watch this. >> yet again, far too many civilians have been killed. israel has a right to go after
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the terrorists that are hamas, as i have said many times, they also have an important responsibility to avoid civilian casualties. >> carley: what do you think about that response? >> john: everybody knows that we feel bad about civilian casualties in any war, parti particularly in gaza. there are civil ian casualties because hamas go into schools, hospitals and hideout and let themselves get shielded by their own populous. if kamala were serious, she would say, this is outrageous hamas allow casualties to happen. 100% of casualties are hamas because they are hiding behind them. >> carley: trump campaign says internal communications were
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hacked and leaked to politico and they are blaming iran for this. what do you think about that? how concerned are you that this will continue leading up to november? >> john: it is outrageous, i was senior advisor on 2016 campaign. you had reports of russia and different actors and 2020, same thing. this is first direct involvement right at time reports of iran trying to assassinate trump with senior officials. iran would not try to go directly after president trump or hacking his campaign, reason they are doing that, they fear having trump back in, because president trump was strong, killed soleimani and took us out of the nuclear deal. >> carley: tense times that could prove to be a pivotal
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week. guard to talk to you. in washington, vice president kamala harris return from campaign stops out west, stepping off air force two, making no comments to the press. her campaign faces more questions about her running mate service. hi, brooke. >> brooke: she returns to washington facing questions about tim walz military service. sergeant major who served as wail superior support claims -- telling cnn walls led him to believe he would be -- before going around him. >> tim walz went around me and above and beyond me and went and basically went to get somebsomebody
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to back him to get him out, it was backdoor process he handled against me or against the battalion. when asked about the claims, harris campaign pointed to another guard member who said walz was a good soldier. today marks 22 days vice president harris has avoided an interview. j.d. vance made the rounds on several sunday shows to call her out. >> you are interviewing me, dana, i respect you enough. kamala harris has not sat down, why talk about the fact the entire world is on fire because kamala harris foreign policy, she's asleep at the wheel. when kamala harris was vice president, maybe they should take a lesson from trump's play book. >> brooke: vance saying, i enjoyed sitting down with three major networks today.
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kamala harris has done as many tough interviews as tim walz has battlefield demplodeployments. harris campaign is expected to layout their economic policy. we'll watch for that. >> carley: we certainly will. brooke, thank you. kamala harris may not be talking to media, she is telling voters she wanted stronger border security. next guest, former massachusetts sheriff, here to tell us how harris border has impacted his state. back and forth with his bronze medal continues. new proof that jordan chiles earn the medal. the latest on that controversy coming up next.
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>> janice: take a look at the maps, ptc, potential tropical cyclone number five. it could develop and become earnesto. caribbean and puerto rico need to watch this. this will not directly impact
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united states. we will see rough surf, however, ber muda, be on ashes letters, potential category 2 hurricane getting into next week. here is bottom line, possible location, we don't have center of circulation, it is hard to grasp exacts track. the cold front and trough will keep it off shore. potential for deadly rip current. we have tropical storm watches for the caribbean. e earnesto will form by tonight, tropical storm force wind for puerto rico. bermuda, watch for this. you could see direct impact, east coast just indirect impact. we love that. we can have hurricanes as long as they don't impact us here in
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the u.s. bermuda, caribbean, if you have a vacation or cruise, be on ashes letter. carol happy >> carley: happy monday. vice president doing a 180, promising now crackdown during her vftz to arizona over the weekend. >> i was attorney general of a border state, i went after gangs, drug cartel and human traffickers. we know the immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it, earned pathway to citizenship. had a chance to pass the to toughest bipartisan border bill. when i am president, i will assign the bill. >> carley: those words don't
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lineup with what she said in the past. she said urn undocumented immigrant is not a criminal. we must overhaul enforcement policy, they are cruel and out of control. thomas hodgson joins us now. good morning to you. what do you think of kamala harris new messaging claiming to be tough on the border, is anyone buying it? >> good morning. no, she's three years late and billions of dollars short. she's attempted to try to reverse everything she's responsible for and biden and mayorkas. they have put our communities across this nation in serious debt with regard to economy, public safety. we have people laying in logan
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airport by the be hundreds, hospitals are overwhelmed. in massachusetts, they kicked the kid s out of the community center whose parents kept them there so they were noted on not on the street being exposed to fentanyl, so the illil -- will have a place to stay. >> carley: she's changing her stand. she has said in the past she supports decriminalizing illegal immigration and equated ice agents to members of the kk.
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>> it will be a tragedy, she will continue doing what she's done. she is pro-illegal vice president. she has been doing everything she can to support people pouring in over the border in violation of laws she took oath to uphold. impa impacting quality of life for all americans. when you have a vice president who frankly cares so little about america she would look in the camera and lie to us like mayorkas to say everything is fine. i've served under five presidents and the only president that did anything to bring in american sheriffs, talk with us about things going on so when he created policy it would benefit the american people was
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president trump. harris or biden have never brought in the sheriffs to talk about how to interface with dhs and cbp. >> carley: sheriff, kamala harris said donald trump does not want to fix this issue, he talks a big game, he doesn't walk the you can wa. given what you just said what do you think about that? >> it is not surprising, she will misrepresent the truth every step of the way. president trump created policy that did make a difference and the american people can see she is changing her tune. we will not buy it. the american people are fed up, they have been affected by people pouring in by millions
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and time to move in a new direction and american people see that. >> carley: thomas hodgson, thank you for joining us. it would be nice to question how she backs up this 180 when it comes to border issues. thank you. president biden gave first interview since dropping out of the race and explained what was behind the decision. >> president biden: i stayed in the race, that would be the topic, you would be, why did nancy pelosi say what she said and i thought it would be a distraction. >> carley: hmm, joe concha reacts to those statements and more coming up next.
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>> carley: president biden name-dropping nancy pelosi while admitting he was pushed out of the race by members of his own party. madeleine rivera has more. >> madeleine: this is president biden's first interview since dropping out. he point said to down ballot races as one reason he dropped
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out. >> president biden: it was shown to be a neck and neck race, would have been down to the wire. a number of colleagues in senate thought i would hurt them in the race. i was concerned if i stayed in the race, that would be the topic, you would be, why did nancy pelosi say -- >> madeleine: and tz president said he viewed himself as -- putting together a tour and will head to other states, as well. the president displaying a united front navigating through campaign fractures. the vice president has added new staffers.
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some see their standing diminished. politico saying friction between harris loyalists and biden aides. aides are afraid there could be trouble down the chain of command. senior harris official htz has p pushed back. >> carley: interesting. madeleine rivera, thank you so much. bring in fox news contributor joe concha. good morning. we heard joe biden name-drop nancy pelosi when talking about why he exited the race. nancy pelosi might be trying to make amends. here is what she had to say. in our family, three generations
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of love for joe biden, my husband and i have known him for a long time, respect him and love he and jill, they are so remarkable and their family. our kids have loved them. i have pictures of our children growing up and now our gr grandchildren growing up, three generations of love. >> carley: she likes him now that she got her way. she is a powerful congresswoman, he is president for five months, what does this mean when it comes to governing this country? >> joe: wow, all great questions. amazing watch ing nancy pelosi, guy who shived tz president out of the oval office. be clear, this angers me and people watch ing out there. joe biden has no business being
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president of the united states. he should have resigned when he said he couldn't run again. you can't be president for four years, but you can for next months. we are on precipice of world war iii and the economy is teetering and he is taking every weekend. he does notz have mental or physical capacity to be a golf starter let alone commande commander-in-chief. this is absolute embarrassment. american people deserve better than this. he is heralded as a hero because he stepped aside.
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no, you are a coward who allowed your party to bully you out. gloves are off, he should notz be president, he is not acting like a president at your beach house for five days for no apparent reason except you don't have the ability. that picture said everything about this presidency and nancy pelosi talking about what a hero, you pushed him out. i'm sorry, i'm done with this. >> carley: pictures of me laying at the beach while he is still commander-in-chief. he did a pre-recorded interview on cbs. attention has shifted to kamala harris despite fact she has not done interviews in 22 days since she became the democratic
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nominee. go to something that charlamagne the god said when it came to her lack of interviews she's conducted. watch this. >> it is striking we have not seen her answer questions yet. >> i don't know, it is bottom of the ninth inning, she should be anywhere and everywhere. >> carley: he says she should be anywhere and everywhere and doesn't know why she hasn't done interviews. "new york times" writing, ms. harriso harris system taking a similar ly cautious approach relying on televised rallies and prepared statement during rollout of our
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candidacy. some say harris is doing what she should be doing. what does "new york times" mean she's doing what she should be. >> joe: "new york times" should be deknow mand ing accountability. 22 days since you became d democratic nominee and you can't do one interview with any outlet and that is a good thing? same paper not endorsed a candidate, that speaks volumes. i used word coward to talk about joe biden, same for kamala harris, she can't sit down for an interview, she has zero ability to speak extemp extemporaneously. as far as abolishing fracking and fossil fuel industry and offshore drilling, which is
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great considering where gas prices are. you talk about abolishing ice, you are against border wall construction. you say men and women should compete against each other like they did in the olympics. you are soft on crime. she can't defend those things and will not do interviews. >> carley: donald trump will interview with elon musk on x. that should be interesting to watch. anything interesting we'll bring you tomorrow. have a good one. turning to olympics, bronze medal controversy su surroundin j gymnast jordan chiles, they have shown video showing she deserves
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it. her coach requested inquiry into the floor score before one-minute deadline was over and judges took action too late. jordan chiles score was raised over romanians and romanians f fi filed. kamala harris has economic proposal for voters that sounds similar, quite frankly, exact same as one trump said months before. >> eliminate taxes on hospitality workers. >> carley: react to the copycat plan coming up next. with tradition. known for discovering new places. no one wants to be known for cancer,
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>> carley: texas governor greg abbott issues executive order so he can charge the biden administration for cost of -- here with more, quite the idea. hi, cheryl. >> cheryl: good morning, governor abbott is tired of
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people of texas footz the bill for noncitizens. demanding hospitals gather status to report to the state government to track how much was sent on medical treatment and send a bill to the biden administration. texas has had to foot the bill for medical cost for individuals illegally in the state. texas should the not have to footz the bill. ron desantis signed a bill similar to abbott's. we shall see if other states follow suit. >> carley: from one border state to another. cali california, you forthe get it is a border state, she was raising
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money in california, what happened? >> cheryl: she is back in washington now, she held her first fundraiser since becoming presidential nominee. the event raised 12 million, followed her raking in 3 dltz 10 million in july and 36 million raised in the day following her selection of tim walz as running mate. they had 700 people there including gavin newsom and nancy pelosi. harris focused do domestic policy and went afterformer
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president trump. it's00 preparing for next week's dnc that will be held in chicago. that san francisco money flowing into her. >> carley: it is. thank you so much. don't miss cheryl on mornings with maria, she is hosting today. she you tomorrow. we are expecting to hear more from former ptz trump and kamala harris on respective economic plans. her the latest proposal sounds like the trump platform. >> we will continue to fight for working families of america. [cheering] >> including to raise minimum w wage -- [cheering] >> and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality
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wo workers. >> carley: this is trump over lasts couple months. >> when i get to office, we will not charge taxes on tips, there will be no taxes on tips. no taxes on tips. >> is that an official line item? >> no tax on tips, very simple. >> carley: caroline sunshine joins me now. looks like she ripped this out of the trump campaign play book. how is this for state like nevada? people rely on tips. >> when kamala harris is not flip flopping her strategy, she will copy ours.
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this was announced by trump on june 9th and kamala harris two days ago, august 10, announced she is copying president trump and media will allow her to get away with it. kamala harris and joe biden have done the opposite of saying no tax on tips. this administration instituted new rules to -- with kamala harris, if she wanted to, she would. they are in the oval office, if they wanted to do no tax on tips, they would have done it. her new strategy is to copy our play book, maybe she will want to secure the border or drill, baby, drill, we'll see. you have liberal main-stream media that ashesllow her to continue to do this. our campaign intends to make
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sure voters know the truth. >> carley: "new york times" has new polling out showing kamala harris is leading in wes w wisconsin. how does the trump campaign c combat this moving forward? >> nwe saw poll ing where ptz trump continues to lead in ba battleground states. they are working over time to make sure american people don't know tz truth about her record. more voters see of kamala harris, more they dislike her. you can take the woman out of san francisco, you can't take san francisco out of the woman.
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whether banning fracking or anything she is flip flopping on, voters are smart. polls, don't always believe your lying eyes. some of those are cheap fakes and manufacturing enthusiasm you are trying to watch create, they have an unlikeable and dangerously -- in kamala harris. >> carley: she will release her economic platform later this week, we will dive into what she has to say when she does release it. thank you for waking up with us, have a great day. >> carley: check in with steve doocy to see what is coming up on "fox and friends." happy minute. >> steve: thank you. how was your weekend? >> great. >> steve: i will go into it.
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"fox and friends," 1st up j.d. vance appeared on three sunday shows yesterday saying he respects people enough to sit down for an interview. trump 2024 karoline leavitt will be here. we got receipts, as the kids say, charles payne, will show you what we are talking about. start school with fresh kicks and fresh cuts and a church is doing that, the pastor will be on "fox and friends." one tiktoker changed the life of 9-y a 90-year-old veteran.
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they will be here. carley is back in a couple, you are watching "fox and friends fi first".
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♪ >> carley: just a week out from the dnc and chicago is bracing for pro-palestinian protests after approving several groups to take to the streets. but at least one pro-israeli group that also wants the right to protest and rally has been waiting for a response from the
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city for months to have the right to march. elon carr is the ceo of the american israeli council and former u.s. special endestroy combat anti-semitism and he joins me now. good morning to you. great to see you hold a valley for months now that is the right under the first amendment. what is the latest? have you been given clearance to do this? good morning to you and your viewers. we put in a permit to march, to exercise our first amendment rights. not only to stand up for israel, but to stand up for america. because, you know, the people who love israel are the people who stand with america and waive american flags, not burn them. sadly, not only has that permit not been granted to us, but, in the interim, a permit has been granted for anti-israel groups. the same groups that do burn the american flag to come and march.
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look, they have a first amendment right, too. they're being given the ability to march around where the dnc is. we have not been granted that permit. it's an outrage. >> carley: if the city of chicago granted a permit to the anti-israeli groups as you say and they didn't grant a permit for you, that feels like unfair balance in treatment. is it politically motivated? what is the reason behind it. >> it certainly feels inequitable. i can't speak what is going through the head of brandon johnson, the mayor of chicago or his minions, but i will tell you, i think to deny -- we are the only pro-israel group to apply for a permit to march. that's the israeli-american council. the iac and not to allow us our first amendment right to stand in solidarity with our allies that is bee sieged by the enemies of america as well as the enemies of the jewish people is frankly an outrage. i will tell you something else, we were also denied the ability to show photos, to show pictures
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of u.s. citizens held hostage in gaza in the airports of chicago at o'hare and midway, denied, outright the ability to advertise electronic billboards just showing pictures of her american citizens being held there nope, can't do that. >> carley: why would they deny that? >> isn't that a great question? do you know something else, carley? they wouldn't even put it in writing. it was a phone call. can you give us an actual denial in writing. no, we are not going to put it in writing. it will be a phone call only. this is bad stuff. this should be looked into. elan want to hold this rally at the dnc to send a message to kamala harris. you may not be given that opportunity. do you have this moment right now. if you have anything to sty kamala harris about this very topic of the war in gaza as it relates to israel, what would it be?
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message is clear we are proud measures stand with israel we have expectations of the government, we expect the united states to stand with israel as it really fights for its life against these forces of darkness. the islamic republic of iran and its proxies like hezbollah and like hamas. this is a country fighting for its life. it's a u.s. ally and we, as american citizens are asking our country to stand strongly with the state of israel. >> carley: we reached out to the dnc for a statement and directed to the city of chicago. we have not gotten a response from the city just yet. we do understand that you will be holding an art exhibit by israeli and israeli artists dnc august 20th. i'm sure that will be a very moving and powerful display. elan, thank you so much for joining us. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪


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