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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 12, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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and we don't know who is funding them or what their budget is are claiming to speak for the muslim american community and again, getting politicians unfortunately to fear taking positions that are actually international security inte interests. >> brooke alstyne, thank you for your time and analysis today. >> thank you for having me. >> so mike, if you are up last night, before but you may have seen was something spectacular, nasa calling at the best meteor shower of the year, treating stargazer to it as many as 100 per hour and will continue through most of the month and expert say for the best view get away from city lights. my mom is headed to iceland, northern lights, she is hoping that's on the agenda. >> safe travels to mom. >> you have been on the agenda working all weekend. harris faulkner is next. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert, many american
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cities are living the nightmare effects of the millions of people who have illegally jumped our southern border, the drugs and namely fentanyl, and our nation is endangered, looking at drug and sex trafficking come across the border too all a danger to our young citizens in particular. all of this as vice president kamala harris has resided over the border. she still presides over the border unless she got replaced and nobody told us. after replacing her boss atop the democratic national ticket her some speeches are virtually the same. we have shown you that. voters deserve to hear their plans for america from her own mouth. i am harris faulkner. you are in "the faulkner focus." and for his party, republican vice president nominee j.d. vance sat down with three major networks this weekend. he highlighted the contrast between his campaign and kamala harris is media blackout. >> should she sit down and
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answer tough questions with you? i think she should. where is she? >> we hope she will be on the show soon. >> i hope so too. >> we hope to have her on and ask her about it. >> you have asked me about three questions i have made three years ago, i wonder what kamala harris thinks about the fact that she supported policies that open the american southern border. i wonder what kamala harris thinks about the fact that she -- >> but i am interviewing you, not kamala harris. >> you are interviewing me because i respect the american people enough to sit down for an interview. kamala harris has been the nominee for three weeks and has not sat down for an interview. >> you are not going to get a disagreement there. >> and even some the liberal media are calling out kamala harris' snubbing of the press. >> eventually she is going to have to answer these questions. i don't know if it matters if she answers them this week or next week or the week after, but at a certain point it does begin to seem like wait a minute, what
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are they hiding? >> harris: others on the left are running cover for kamala. >> i want to shift gears on this one, because it would not have struck me since donald trump's press conference is sort of the highbrow nature of the press' coming ads kamala harris saying, well, and my view, whining that she has not talked to us. she has not done a sit down with us. she has not done interviews with us. >> 21 days, jonathan, started running for president. before that she did tons of interviews. she has done interviews with you. she has done interviews. i'm sure she will do more interviews. >> harris: senior white house correspondent peter doocy and before we get rolling i know that kamala harris has been doing some behind the scenes sometimes on a plane those off the record interviews is not something the public has privy to, but you might find that will be a time when she would ask for an interview into some of the
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negotiating you need to do to get those interviews. so i thought that i wanted to add that because it's important to know and some of these journalists push back and say she is, and we know she will do it, that's likely how they know and every journalist as some off the records. >> yes, including us when it's our turn to be on the plane and at least publicly, harris, we are being told by the vice president if we want to know what she thinks about current events or where she stands on the issues, we do have to wait a little bit longer. >> when do we expect you to roll out your policy platform? >> next week, and it will be focused on the economy and what we need to do to bring down costs and also strengthen the economy. >> the harris platform is not the only thing top campaign staffers in wilmington are working on, the campaign chair told the vice president she wanted a specific assurance that new advisors being brought in to help won't water down her
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responsibilities. that's according to a "politico" item about new tensions in the harris campaign run by a bunch of joe biden people. there's some outside friction as well as a popular liberal talk show host urges the vice president to do some press already. >> i really don't know, i mean, it's about them on the ninth inning. i feel like she should be and he and where, having these conversations. i truly don't know why she hasn't done any interviews yet. >> this week will be the first time president biden and vice president harris deliver remarks together since she replaced him on the top of the ticket. they will give her mark's thursday at an event in mar maryland. >> harris: peter thank you very much, now i did notice by the way that the bottom of the ninth-inning they are from tha god was really interesting place to visit on this topic, because it is 85 days from now, the election. time magazine's latest cover is
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giving harris the royal treatment, the glowing cart accompanied by the title "her moment." the outlook post is calling at the reintroduction of kamala harris and one conservative journalist posted on about eight where he introductions for her for a reason, but here is times new cover soak it up. a leslie marshall, fox news contributor, doug collins, former republican congressman of georgia. leslie, why does she need to be reintroduced so much? >> i think a lot of the american people know her as a vice president and a lot of vice presidents aren't out in front obviously is the president, they are number two on the ticket, one, two, when she was running for president against joe biden, some people remember things she said in the contention between the two of them and i think it's normal when you have a new democratic nominee, which she is, when you have only the
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second woman that was a democratic nominee, a person who is a minority, i think it's important whether it's left or right to introduce that person, because not everybody is familiar. >> harris: the downside for her and you can't scrub everything off of the internet, so some of the word salad stuff has really come back and when he reintroduced somebody over and over again it causes people to go deeper into those searches. i know you are not running their campaign or messaging, but it is an interesting backlash we see. the call for it now that we want to move to and i will come straight to you, doug, a new opinion piece says harris' press avoidance is un-american and it's working just fine. it argues that might be an actual campaign strategy as polls suggest her election prospects have improve since the exit given the gaps in word salads, they might figure there's no reason to engage the media after all the press
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coverage of the media has been quite favorable, even in the absence of rhetorical accountability, doug. >> yes, look, i had a press issue joint meeting with a candidate that i was running a number of years ago when a guy who is running my campaign had said if you do that, we will run paid me the other rest of the time, because he went to my message much more focused. they know that she has trouble. the teleprompter is her reading glasses, she can't read or speak without them. and i think that's a problem they are having. they are scared because a one-time in these 21 days she was quoted off script, off of the platform, she just messed it up again on the tarmac for the present, but this is what you're trying to do, how do we roller out and reinvent her for the eighth time or better and get her to a point where we can get it so settled that the answers she gives will be coherent and
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give the message we want? and they made the determination them right now the press is doing a good enough job for us, we don't need are out there. so be on they are not wrong about that. there is no push coming from liberal and legacy meeting that there is from others like fox says it has been 22 days and barely any. so as doug is pointing out, very little answers on what exactly vice president kamala harris' policies would be if she won in november. we do have a little bit of a taste as she did lay out one particular plan at a las vegas rally this weekend, but it sounds a lot like one of the donald trump has talked about, watch. >> it is my promise to everyone here when i am president, we will continue our fight for working families! [cheers and applause] including to raise the minimum wage! and eliminates taxes on tips for
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service and hospitality workers. >> this is the first time i've said this and for those hotel workers and people who get tips, you're going to be very happy, because when i get to were office we are not going to not charge taxes on tips. >> harris: trump campaign, vice president and the former president himself taurine for ripping off his proposal, calling her copycat camelot. they said this. >> as always if she wanted to, she would. she's been in the administration, they are already in the office of the wanted to do something like no tax on tips, they would've already done it. >> harris: plagiarism or what? leslie? >> the first thing i heard her say was increase the minimum wage which i did not hear the former president say, and i also have heard her say in our campaigns that she speaks clearly about her position on abortion and lowering drug
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costs, forgiving student debt, israel, gaza, and affordable continued support for ukraine climate change as these are some of the issues. i agree she needs a press conference, i agree she needs to do interviews come into your point, what she is doing is working. one we are saying our democratic party here is our candidate, here is our new team, they are sitting down to 10,000 plus people in the swing states where it really matters. and when you look at the polls and the crowds, the voters don't seem to be angry about her lack of press conferences. and at the end of the day that's what will matter. >> harris: early voting in north carolina and some of the other battleground states are right behind us, but north carolina leads the way with mail-in and shortly after that in person early voting on september 6th. so it says 85 days, but you can see that it's earlier than that for some americans who choose to vote that way. so you know, doug.
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it's interesting, because leslie leslie pointed out president trump did not see this part. we have edit analyst tell us that when you do that it causes pressure on the very institutions, the small businesses that hire these people, so it's counterproductive, what's your thought today? >> i think -- understand leslie, that was the best side step i've seen in a while and i respect her a lot. the decidedly minimum wage, we know that that does not work, it cuts back jobs and look at what has happened to some of the cities that are mandated as we have seen this happen, but what is happening is leslie actually listed off was the very things they want you to hear, but here are the things that the donald trump campaign and the republicans have to put out, she endorsed every bad policy of the biden administration, so if you want to continue an open border coming up over harris, you want drugs across the border coming about harris coming want an
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economy with 20% plus inflation, 395 gas you build harris, if you want to have an administration led by vice president harris that will lie about the condition of the current president, then evo paris i think that those are the issues people resonate on and after the honeymoon. back in the month-long democratic convention goes, those are the questions people will see and will have to make that choice. >> harris: when you have enough of a relationship doing off the records, i was talking peter doocy about this, you will start to take shape of where she will sit down first? and it may speak volumes depending on who she chooses, so we will watch it no matter how it turns out, because that's what we do. we cover the news. leslie and dug it, i thank you. kamala harris is running mate claims to have coined the left's weird attack strategy against the ticket, but now some are flipping the script, pointing to his own behavior on the campaign trail.
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plus president biden's first scenarios since dropping of the race. >> i ran the first time and thought of myself as being a transition president. i can even say how old i am. it's hard for me to get it out of my mouth heard about things scott's moving so quickly. >> harris: he also confirmed an overwhelming suspicion about some in his party and raise some questions about his remaining five plus months as commander and chief. "fox & friends" and fox nation radio host brian kilmeade will side cast his remaining members at "the faulkner focus" next.
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>> harris: "fox & friends" cohosts brian kilmeade cohosting a show and we invite them to join us as we will simulcast with its visitors. let's go. president biden back with the white house after more days at the beach. we got a rare glimpse of him in a taped interview yesterday and he confirm suspicions about why he gave up his chance to be reelected. and he said it with a special name check heard speak of what happen was a number of my democratic colleagues in the house and senate thought that i was going to hurt them in the races. and i was concerned if i stayed in the race that they will be the topic. why did nancy pelosi say, why did -- and i thought it would be a real distraction, number one.
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>> harris: no denials from the house speaker nancy pelosi if there will be, some loved but brutal honesty from her. >> we have three generations of love for joe biden and you know, the hope that that would sustain as we go forward, but the most important thing we have to do is to win the election to sustain his legacy. >> but she is not too old to run for office also in her 80s coming year take. >> she is 84, and i look at james clyburn too and i look at this, there is nothing 80 years old. i look at nancy pelosi, but whenever you think of her, you don't think she can't do the job. i don't care if you agree with her or not. i have no problem with 80-year-olds, joe biden can't do the job. and we have noticed this for three years, he did not have that pandemic he would've been exposed early on and not been able to go in campaign like everyone else getting 12 people at rallies.
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but now she actually -- the hero as a former speaker, because she stood up after the debate and behind the scene and stabbed him in the back on the front and kicked them to the curb. what i wanted does a direct question. if you are the most successful president they claim to be if the economy turned around like it did and you use transformational legislation, why does your party want you out? you can't have it both ways. a number two is how could you not be bitter against these people, the 70 people in the house, the 23 with 33 in the senate that turned on you and lead by nancy pelosi? what is your message to nancy pelosi today? we needed that question and there's nothing to lose. he is out. and what terrible objects, sitting on the beach while israel is 24 hours from may be getting an attack by iran sitting on the beach while all of these other issues need to be tackled directly and he says like i've got another cure in the world and the optics, can
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even watch the closing ceremony of the olympics? is there something we could do that it's a little more productive? >> harris: you did .1 thing and that is that it appears he got pushed out from those at the top of the party, which if you are democrat voter that has to make you angry. like you voted for somebody in a primary and handed you something else because four are five people behind the scenes that it was a good idea and they pressured him. the point of all of that is i don't think that we will see him more on any of these events, because he is talking now and the more he talks and the more he fills us all in on how it really went down, that becomes a shiny object for the media. so i do understand the strategy of them trying to keep them in the backyard if not the bas basement. former house speaker kevin mccarthy says a familiar democrat powerhouse is pulling the strings for the harris campaign. >> if you're watching the campaign now, some of obama's,
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david plath is working on the campaign, you are getting the obama shifting from running the white house to now running the campaign. >> harris: president obama's attorney general? is 2008 campaign manager, 2012 deputy campaign manager, all three of them hold positions on kamala harris' campaign, brian. >> so where is everybody else? why go to wilmington to begin with? everyone is going to keep their job, we will just put people above you. how would that fly in any organization even though they have 80 days to work together and you think it's a short time, they have egos and are going to build off of it in the future. they want to be david axelrod and van jones with tv gigs and podcasts come you can't do that if you are looked at as a nonfactor in the comeback of kamala harris. and back to the original point, and david puff is rattling a lot of people's cages, genera
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general molly, dylan called kamala harris and said outline exactly what i am supposed to be doing. you know ran such a bad organization it imploded before iowa even though she had the most money. 87% of the people that work for on day one have left because she does not read or briefing papers and explodes on people according to the former workers. i will add something else, if joe biden's policies were so great in his presidency was so perfect, why doesn't kamala harris run on them? she is going to flix inflation and enforce the border? why all of a sudden? and now eliminate taxes on tips? whose idea was that? not joe biden's. pretty sure she's not running on anything they did for three and half years. >> harris: and gavin newsom is now suddenly, suddenly and it's great to deal with the homeless problem that they have in california. they lead the nation particularly in san francisco, but why now? why couldn't he have done that earlier.
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but that's her home state so you have to clean that up. let me get to this first come the left not letting up now and you have heard a lot of this word i'm sure your listeners too, the word is weird and using it against former president trump and his running mate, republicans looking to flip the script using this awkward exchange between tim walz and his wife of 30 years. here is j.d. vance. >> i think that it drives home how they are trying to distract from their own policy failures, i mean this is fundamentally schoolyard bully stuff, any of my big speeches, so my wife and i gave her a hug and a kiss and i love my wife and i think that's what a normal person d does, tim walz gave his wife and a handshake and tried to correct for it. name calling instead of telling the american people how they will make their lives better. i think that's weird. >> harris: it's totally normal to great your wife with a firm handshake and a bro hug, but greg gutfeld had a hot take. >> extends his hand to his wife,
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he pulls her close and then goes in for that nonfiction hug all the while still shaking her hand. i wish there was a word to describe that, oh, yeah, weird. >> harris: tim walz over the top on stage antics also raising some eyebrows, one critic said it was bizarre, and yes, weird, brian. >> i am stunned by the whole weird thing, number one let it resonate him to begin with makes me worried, because in america, we like to be ourselves, doesn't this guy like to carve butter? that's kind of weird. isn't it weird to be a moderate to running for office as a congressman and then be a wild lefty as a governor? isn't it kind of weird to have a snitch line where you are supposed to report your neighbor. isn't it weird to let a city burned onto the ground for three days and say sorry i should've listened to my democratic mayor? that's kind of weird. isn't it weird to put down the national guard and say they're a
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bunch of 19-year-old cooks they probably would not have health anyway. that's kind of weird, and part of the musicians they spend their lives on creative being called weird and they hate it and i think in america if someone is not like you i guess you could label them weird, but i thought in america you try to have your kids grow up and be tolerant of everyone and say you have different likes and different dislikes and you tolerate people and you kind of get entertained by friends that are different menu. so i don't really look at donald trump weird and j.d. vance weird, but john howard is not a movie on my life. they did not have my biography a best seller for over two years did not seem to weird to the american people. j.d. vance is not weird, you might not like him, but i don't know if he is a little weird, embrace it, don't vote for them, but don't mock them. >> harris: there was so much they are and what you said and that part where he talked her children as a nation, basically
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being appreciated and loved for being different. that's the america i think we have too. >> thought so. >> harris: well, i see where you have so many listeners. >> thank you, harris. it's been on you have a lot to say and i'm glad you were here to simulcast, brian, thank you. >> i will see you in the hall. >> harris: that really is the only time we see each other. all right. let's go back to this. and this is a tough turn at such an important topic. hezbollah has launched an overnight attack on israel, remember it several hours later now. so we don't know what this new night will bring, but it is just beginning. israel fired dozens of missiles and to the northern part of the country and the u.s. is now sending serious firepower to the region as iran is reportedly set to strike. israel fighting now a border war if you will with hezbollah terrorists in lebanon, and we are sending in reinforcements on the scene.
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i'm really going to want to get into this. plus this. >> we know our immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it. but donald trump does not want to fix this problem. >> harris: she created it, so. vice president kamala harris suddenly promising to get tough on border security. given her track record, do you think that voters should have some doubts? republican congressman mike waltz of the great state of florida in focus next. hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. no mask! no hose! just sleep. give me this thing. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation.
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about. we know our immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it. donald trump does not want to fix this problem. he talks a big game, but he does not walk the walk >> harris: she said i was in a g of a border state, does she know they have a wall? she has to know her record on the border crisis is a problem, there's no way to run from that, but in this vein of campaign ads like this one she promises she will fix it this time. >> as president he will hire thousands more border agents and cracked down conventional trading, fixing the border is tough, so as kamala harris. >> harris: she has no new ideas on that, because if they wanted to fix it, it would be done already never mind that she
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back policies which illegally crossing the border would not be a crime are number one law that you break into this country across the line and she wants to make it not a crime. and she push for free health care from all illegal immigrants. politico framing her as doing 180, 80 pipit. rodney scott says no way and calls it smoke and mirrors, others actually working on the border are not commenced either. it's because there are going to be people who will be tricked, but hopefully the majority of the voters in arizona know this administration to include kamala harris as the borders are of done a horrible job on so many levels especially at the southern border. i would not brag about what she has done in california, we cannot expect she has done
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better than what she has done which is terrible. >> harris: again, she benefited from having a structure off of san diego going into tijuana as people cross into it. you know, it's a little tougher because there is a structure up. so walls do work it, apparently. the near post editorial board is also weighing in "harris has changed her position on so many topics." to the real question is, does she stand for anything? is her only ambition to say and do whatever it takes to get elected? then let the left wing of the party run the nation? in focus now, florida congressman mike waltz, member of the house toward armed services and foreign affairs committee is with me from the great state of florida. what is your reinvention of kamala harris? >> kamala harris is a fake. that's just the bottom line. whether it is her trying to steal president trump's idea on
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no taxes on tips, whether it's her vice president picks comic governor saying he served in combat or whether this is now this total flip-flop on the border, it is fake, fake, fake. and i think "the wall street journal" is absolutely right. she is going to say or do or pretend to do anything it takes to try to stay in power. but at the end of the day, she has a hard left progressive, the border is a disaster, the withdrawal from afghanistan, all the way to this wide open border and hundreds of thousands dead from fentanyl every year, she owns it, harris, period, and the american people will see right through this. this is just a joke. and the funny thing is she is throwing out the sound bites on president trump's policies actually worked, period, done. whether it's remain in mexico, the getting the mexican government to put their national guard and secure their
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southern border, title 42 where now it's proposed to go after the cartels which are the core issue behind all of this and you sievert space and unable blockade to shut down those networks. president trump has real proposals that worked and will continue to work. harris is just a fake. and -- she is a dangerous one. >> harris: when you talk about going after the cartels, that's one of the root causes i thought she was looking for. let's move to the vice presidential candidate j.d. vance with a takedown of john's and girl who claim that president harris was never in charge with the border. >> we have to start with the fact that we have a lighter southern border because the borders are set a lot of open policies. >> that's what the media called her. she assumed the title and had control over a lot of our border policy at a time -- the time they were suspending
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deportations, they stopped donald trump's remain in mexico policy and they reinstituted catch and release and basically threw open the gates of our country. >> harris: something dawned on me really quickly, congressman, it's almost as though they want to put out this very invention of sound bites from her on this issue so that when you googled those come up before old ones. >> there is a side-by-side of that very journalist from abc saying that in 2023 was in charge of the border. i mean, this is soviet style propaganda and we are watching it in real time, but let's just take that on the face of it, okay, she is only in charge of going after the root causes. she has visited exactly once, she botched that visit and the only solution she has proposed is to throw $4 billion into central america when anyone who has served on their will tell you that the gangs, the cartels
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and the corrupt government take up to half of that right off the top before it reaches anyone. that's billions in making the problems worse i was supposed to republicans who say let's pull it out of china and if it does not make sense to come here let's incentivize manufacturing there. now you are pulling our supply chains into the western hemisphere and now out of the hands of our adversary and two, you are getting at core issues in terms of the cheaper labral that they have down there. so there are real solutions on the table, none of them coming from the harris/walls campaign. and see the media just speed into the sound bites
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why don't you interview her about her policies? >> and i cannot imagine in your political career, you have won a lot of debates because you come packing with some new information every time i see you when you make your points. that's why we also need debates. we need those sitdown interviews and we need her to be just questioned about the tough things, like why are you suddenly on the camp to fix it now but you did not for three and half years, that gives us an opportunity. really quick, last word. >> i am in the camp for president trump to do as many debates with her as possible. the job of all of us and the media is to tease her out and actually have her speak off the top of her head to show everything that she does not know. >> harris: congressman, thank you very much for being with me. democrats have a new push to win back the working class and it involves cutting celebrity appearances at next week's dnc convention in chicago. that's how they got there. tomi lahren in focus next.
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♪ ♪ >> harris: hezbollah terrorists hitting israel before dawn. israel is on high alert for potential retaliation from iran and the terror groups iran owns throughout the middle east. the pentagon just announced it is now deploying huge naval aspects to the region. lloyd austin spoke with the defense minister, here's a readout of that call.
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"secretary austin has ordered the u.s. abraham lincoln carrier strike group to accelerate its transit." additionally the secretary ordered uss georgia guided missile submarine to the central command region end of quote. general jack keane wrote this. >> they have been doing this for quite some time and this is to look at the iranian attack to minimize that attack. certainly at the lincoln is coming actually to replace the roosevelt carrier strike group that is already there in the middle east. but he is actually announcing he is accelerating at which is something he normally would not do. and i think that that's the intended purpose. >> harris: alex hogan reporting from tel aviv. alex. >> reporter: hi, harris, as the u.s. increases it supports to the middle east, defense minister, that spoke with u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin about iranian preparation and the potential for an iranian
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attack. this as iran today through tomorrow is carrying out these military drills along the border with iraq. these are drills that were supposed to increase the country's preparation for combat, something local media here is watching closely. >> forcing movement along the borders is just preparing for an attack. they said that they are going to attack. so we don't have to sit back and say that this is just -- >> after a series of attacks and gaza overnight they hinted they might not come back to the negotiation table this thursday. instead it wants a plan drawn up based on previous attacks as we have seen continued cross fire in northern israel between the idf and has below, so there is anticipation if there was to be an iranian attack or by iranian proxies people will be given at least 15 minutes heads up so they could be able to run to shelter and prepare as soon as possible. harris. >> harris: alex, thank you.
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critics are mocking a political analyst on msnbc for these comments about vice president kamala harris is communication skills. >> i think it's a really good campaign and people really like her. she has gotten to be really gifted. obama-level or a tour and she was very much underestimated by the mainstream media. and quite frankly, she has command. >> harris: as you recall, obama is said to have been one of the best orders in the nation's history as commander-in-chief, that's an opinion. but certainly i don't think kamala harris would get confused with that. not yet, anyway. after 22 days here's what we get. lots of social media reaction, kamala harris is the commanding order as she runs away and hides from any press questions. another spare me, level of dumb can't be explained and sure if you like a side of word salad, and we have seen that time and time again.
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>> this is an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding significant of diplomacy. >> you need to get to go and you need to be able to get to where you need to go. >> since the passage of time so when you think about it there's great significance to the passage of time. >> culture is a reflection of our moment and our time, right? and president of culture is how we are feeling about the moment. >> ai is a fancy thing, first of all its two layers, it means artificial intelligence. >> as the name suggests, community banks are in the community. >> harris: like i said some people on the left are comparing her to barack obama's level of oratory skill? do you agree, tomi lahren,
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fox news contributor. >> i always love to learn about the passage of time from vice president kamala harris it's one of my favorites. but harris, there is no doubt that kamala harris has a presence when she is on stage. but when you are able to stand on a stage and you are able to just greet people and then stand behind a teleprompter and be somewhat likable, there is a term for that, it's called acting. actors in hollywood do it every single day. that's how they make their millions of dollars, because they are able to perform. they are able to give you the essence of being somebody that knows what they are talking about without actually knowing what they are talking about. you hear actor sam not a doctor but a play one on tv, that's a perfect description of what kamala harris does. she goes on these stages and she reads off the teleprompter, she giggles sometimes inappropriately and she gives us a performance. so there's nothing substantive behind it. >> harris: you mention celebrity as an acting, actually is what you said, as part of the campaign now reportedly they are
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cutting -- distancing itself from celebrity star power and a campaign official told tmc they won't be inviting as many big-name celebrities to the democrats national convention next week. they want to avoid making it look like it's a whole thing run by the hollywood liberal elite, but we know they are both still taking that money. here are some a-list backers can you see george clooney who has been part of this for quite some time now, has been helping them on and off the stage so to speak. your take. >> well, it's really interesting they want to run away from their hollywood elite bubble when it's actually the hollywood elite bubble that helped staged a coup on joe biden's candidacy and invalidate the primary votes of millions of americans. so it's interesting that they want to change the optics once again this campaign all about objects and run away through hollywood. it was george clooney that wrote that editorial and that opinion piece in the maritimes to tell joe to get out of office for
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this party is run by elites whether they are in hollywood or d.c. or in a back room somewhere, make no mistake it's the donors and the celebrities that run the democratic party. >> harris: and they are used to acting, george clooney and julia roberts acting like they supported joe biden when they were on that stage that night when obama put them -- his arm around the president and try to get them off the stage quicker as you remember the picture with julia roberts and george clooney and then shortly after he was not for him anymore. your last quick thought. >> this has been a very curated performance and unfortunately it is working coming up most of the mainstream media that is happy to go along with it. happy to play along with the narrative, the theater, the act if you will. now will come down to the honest members of the media to ask kamala a question and get her answer, it's her campaign speaking for for most of the time. let's go, kamala, it's your moment to shine. >> harris: "outnumbered" aftr >> harris: "outnumbered" aftr th thank you and thank you to oury'
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