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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 13, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> laura: you are totallye right, raymond. went to josh shapiro start saying country? that sounds like obama. >> kamala harris, kamala harris she's running for first lady ane doesn't think she has to do waive and give a few speeches off the prompter. we are not sure that will work but we will see if the american people and what they are willing to let her get away with. >> laura : the dance party into decline. raymond, good to see you asra always. that is it for us andolo make sure to follow medo n'social media. tune in sundays 7:00 p.m. eastern for special "the ingraham angle" pier at the next day, yes, i will be live fc chicago at the dnc and that should be fun.ti set your dvr forme >> carley: a fox news alert, former president trump holding a wide ranging interview with elon musk on x laying out his vision
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for america and calling out kamala harris and democrats from border to the economy to foreign policy and more. all the big moments. >> todd: today is the 23rd day kamala harris has not done an interview. >> carley: and harris flip flops on the border, she is getting called out by a sheriff featured in her own campaign ad. you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning, i'm carley shimkus. hi, todd, welcome back from vacation, how was it? >> todd: it was not vacation, it was a trip, a lot of time at home. >> carley: you are glowing. >> todd: kamala harris and i did the same amount of interviews while i was away. >> carley: goose egg. >> todd: brooke singman, take it
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away. >> brooke: despite more than 40-minute clay, due to a massive cyber attack. the interview ran for three hours and covered a wide range of topics from trump's plans for the future to his opponent's track record. >> she is considered more liberal by far than bernie sanders. she's a radical left lunatic. if she is president, very quickly we will not have a country anymore. >> i'm a moderate democrat, now i feel like we're at a critical juncture. a lot of people thought biden administration would be moderate, it is not. people in the camp saying, i think you should support donald trump for president. >> brooke: trump says inflation is top issue for americans. >> people want to hear about the
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economy and fact they can't buy groceries, the inflation killed them, food prices are up 50s, 60's, even 100% and this administration allowed it to happen and it's a shame. >> brooke: also touting foreign policy agenda. po pointing out failures under biden-harris administration. >> four years ago, we were so respected to point when i said don't buy oil, they did not buy oil. they had no money and israel would have never been attacked. i said to vladamir putin, don't do it, if you do it, it will be a bad day. he said, no way. i said way. the israeli attack would never have happened. russia would never have attacked ukraine and we would not have inflation.
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>> brooke: harris-walz says self-obsessed rich guys will sellout middle class and cannot run a live stream in the year 2024. elon musk said he is happy to host kamala, too. no word if kamala harris will accept the interview, she has not done an interview since she launched her campaign 23 days ago. >> carley: bring in former georgia congressman and host of doug collins podcast, doug collins. this is donald trump calling out kamala harris for not doing media interviews, listen here. >> you think biden could do this interview or kamala? they would take a pass. >> they could not. >> they don't need elon screaming questions. it's pretty sad when you think
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somebody that does this for a living can't answer a question or afraid to do an interview. >> this interview was two hours long, what donald trump is trying to do is create a split screen saying i'm ready to take your questions and do debates and my opponent is not. is that resonating? >> doug: i think it is resonating because it drug out 22 days. she is not even taking an easy interview with abc or cbs and getting a preview and having n notecards. last time she answered questions off the cuff, two weeks ago, it was word salad. that is the difference. right now her teleprompters are her reading glasses, she can't do a speech without them. this is problem harris administration is facing, they
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can't put her up to talk like you and i are talking this morning, she cannot handle simple answers. she needs preparation and to be reading. who do you want as commander-in-chief? i want somebody who can answer questions, not avoid press. >> todd: in reality, she does not have policy on her side and that is front and center when it comes to the border. here is donald trump calling out kamala migrant crime. >> new form of crime, migrant crime. maybe i'll call it kamala migrant crime. you have millions of people coming in a month and then she gets up and tries to pretend she's going to do something. and another five months, they can do something, they won't do nothing. it's all call. she's incompetent and he's
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incompetent. i think she's more incompetent than he is. kamala was border czar and now denying it. everything i do, she is saying she's strong on the border, we're going to be strong. don't say it, close it now, do things right now. it is horrible. >> todd: okay, doug -- trump get kamala on defense. if she continues to do this strategy and if the media is willing to let her slide on this and help her saying, she was not the border czar, she did everything she needed on the border. it is a tough road to climb for donald trump. >> doug: it is a tough road. donald trump is fighting everybody in the media, everybody on the harris campaign, democrats, they don't like donald trump. they will not give him credit for anything he did or wants to do and they are willing to take a pass when vice president harris has nothing.
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she approved every bad decision the biden-harris administration had. afghanistan, be spending more money in covid, approved of attacks on business and energy and all things going on. she knows what her pollsters are telling her, this is not plea popular. we need a new narrative, now she went off script trying to recreate history, orwellian style, everything is fine, economy will be better but they have not done any of those things and now plagiarism by saying no taxes on tips. we know that will never happen. continue to focus. people are not stupid. democrats believe people are stupid and that should be message for trump campaign for next 80 or so days. don't believe the media, look at
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what you are feeling when you go to the gas pump, grocery store or look at jobs and the economy. when they say open border, it is game over. >> carley: they did cover a lot of ground with the interview, two hours long. almost all headlines have to do with the fact it started late and there were technical issues. elon musk said it was an attack. take a listen what he said regarding that. >> this massive attack demonstrates there is a lot of opposition to people hearing what president trump has to say. >> carley: critics are saying elon musk is spinning this as positive, it could be potential issue within his company. the fbi is investigating separate attack of the trump campaign itself. that can be debated. what is clear, when this event started, 1.3 million people were listening and all of them can't
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be hard-core trump supporters, what do you think of that? >> doug: it was a massive win. it does be present the split screen and someone willing to talk to the press. the press does not like his answer, that is the problem they have. they don't like what he says, how hes it or what he believes, they are not conservative at heart. they are in favor of having vice president harris because they participated kicking biden out. i will trust elon musk more with a technical system than media, especially when you had the hacking going on. the media realize when people hear donald trump speak about the american dream and problems at the border and their own fate with the economy, people resonate to the message and they don't want people to hear it, they can't win with it.
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>> carley: they do not. thank you for joining us, have a great day. good to see you. good morning. today is primary election day in minnesota, connecticut, vermont and wisconsin. we are keeping close eye on minnesota fifth district. democrats will decide fate of squad congresswoman ilhan omar who is facing challenge from former minneapolis city cou councilman don samuels. recent criticism of israel response to hamas could cost her votes this time around. two other squad members were voted out in democratic primary, new york congressman jamaal bowman and missouri congresswoman cori bush. democrats want tim walz to make the pitch to rural americans, evenp even though he is fund raising this week. >> todd: next guest is a
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business woman who had to file for bankruptcy, she is here with a message for voters next upon. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission-based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest. (husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. ruri: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) ruri: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) hina: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) akari: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) others: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) others: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) (♪) (♪) you were made to chase your passions. we were made to put them in a package.
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five years? -five years? introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. >> todd: fox news alert. the u.s. moving six strike option into position as israel braces for possible attack from iran with white house warning iran to stand down. >> carley: trey yingst is in
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israel with more. hi, trey. >> trey: good morning, last-ditch diplomatic efforts are underway. white house released statement with france, germany, italy and u.k. urging deescalation in middle east. call described by white house with release saying we called on iran to stand down threat of military attack against israel and discuss serious consequences should such an attack take place. british prime minister netanyahu spoke with iran's new president urging iran to refrain from at attacking israel and they responded saying called for deescalation contradict principles of international law. they are worried attack from iran would be larger than -- new attack could include iran largest proxy hezbollah that
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targets northern israel. cross-border exchange of fire continues. israel credit rating was downgraded yesterday, giving sense of impact it is having on israeli economy. >> todd: trey, thank you. democrats are hoping putting tim walz on the ticket will be way to reach out to rural america. newport beach today, before hitting boston, denver and swanky neighborhoods like hamptons. next guest says walz will hurt the working class. she was forced into bankruptcy. she is a former bar owner. you refer to tim walz as evil, evil is a strong word, why do you call tim walz evil? >> you know, i definitely think
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that tim walz is evil. he closed down our state noted one time, two times. he in november, he of 2020, he decided all bars and restaurants needed to close down and he opened big box stores, target, walmart, they were opened up a week before black friday, he was looking out for the big people, not small businesses much minnesota. he talks about being small-minded for small business, that is not who this man is. >> todd: you defied his order and kept open, what did the state under tim walz do to you when you fought back? >> they took my food service license and suspended it and revoked my right to have a food license or liquor license for five years.
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that was overruled, i lost two restaurants because of it. i was fined over $300,000, lost two restaurants and bought a bar in wisconsin. >> todd: you hear what happened last week when they announced tim walz was going to be kamala harris running mate, what was going through your mind, a bar owner like you? >> that is not who he is or who he was as a governor. when i heard the news, i started crying and thought i would have a heart attack. he destroyed minnesota and now will have a hand in destroying america. he does not look out for citizens, he looks out for big corporations and big stores, people feeding his pockets. that is not who tim walz is, not
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a local former from minnesota. >> todd: one thing democrats are good at, when they do x, theys accuse republican of doing x. here is what tim walz had to say about trump's presidency during covid. listen. >> he froze in the face of the covid crisis. he drove our economy into the ground and make no mistake, violent crime was up under donald trump. >> todd: what is your response? what goes through your mind when you hear that? >> this man let the city of minneapolis burn, he left police officers there while george floyd riots went on. this man, everything he stands for on the media, if you look at his record in minnesota, that is not who this man is. watch the fall of minneapolis and see who this man is.
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our kids were locked down for almost longer than any other state or restaurants and small business locked down longer than almost any state in the country. yeah, what he says on his platform is not how he ran our state and not how he will run our country. >> todd: you have opened a bar in wisconsin, i don't know how that works with what appears to be vikeing representation versu packers. you are making money and nobody is stopping is you. lisa, thank you for your time, we appreciate it. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean with our foxes weather forecast. >> janice: still watching this, it became ernesto overnight and 40 mile per hour winds, caribbean and puerto rico, watch this. will get rip currents and high
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surf. canada needs to watch it. it could become close to category 2 hurricane. bermuda need this on alert, could come close to bermuda. rain forecast three to five and five to eight inches, watching areas that could see potential for flooding rainfall, including puerto rico. tropical storm force condition, tropical down pours for leeward islands, puerto rico and canada need to monitor ernesto. good news for lower 48, we don't want a hurricane on our door step. upons potential for showers, thunderstorms, heavy rainfall for four corners, as well as plain states and the midwests, we have stalled front and potential for flooding will
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continue for parts of ohio river valley through the rest of the week. stepping outside in new york city, beautiful. august cold front took away humidity, if we had weather like this everyday, happy as a clam. you would not need me. >> carley: that would make us sad. we're glad for the rain. >> janice: i'm fishing for comp limps. >> carley: thank you. you heard from former president trump talking about kamala migrant crime and he mentioned this case specifically. a woman raped by a migrant at knife point here in new york city's iconic board walk. >> todd: an outspoke n elected official on this issue is here next. >> we are overwhelmed. news about new york and i love that place and what they are doing to it is horrible. (bell ringing)
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>> todd: former president donald trump calling out kamala harris border policy in his interview with elon musk. a california sheriff slamming harris after he was featured in her new adeven though he does not support her. madeleine rivera. >> madeleine: a new adwhere kamala harris leans into her record to make the case she will be tough on the border, watch. >> kamala harris spent decades fighting border crime. she took on drug cartels and jailed gang members for smuggling drugs and weapons across the border. >> madeleine: sheriff mike madrow says she did nothing to stop people from illegally crossing the border. former president trump
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criticized harris on immigration saying this in a nearly two-hour long conversation with elon musk on monday. >> i saw an adby kamala saying how she will provide border security. where has she been for 3-1/2 years? she's saying she was strong on the border. she does not have to say it, close it up right now. >> madeleine: white house is pushing back on characterization that kamala is trying to flip the script, pointing to know ares for not passing the border bill. >> she's has an ad, she says they need more agents. if president biden is doing such a good job, why do we need more? >> you know who is getting in the way? republicans in congress. you know who else is getting in the way? the former president, donald trump is getting in the way.
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there is no daylight here. >> will be joining to talk about the new ad. >> carley: might be regretting cutting that know wo. thank you. border crisis impacting cities across the country including new york, where migrant is charged with raping a woman at knife point in coney island, accused of rape, assault, sexual abuse and other charges. this was not his first offense. he was charged for sex crimes in april of last year. former president drump commentings on this case during his interview with elon musk last night. >> wait until you see the numbers we have. this is migrant crime, i saw in new york, somebody was knifed, they raped girlfriend of a man that stood there watching in new york in one of the shelters and started pulling out knives and
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bad things are happening everyday. we are overwhelmed. you have to see the news tonight about new york. i love that place and what they are doing to it is horrible. >> carley: new york city co councilwoman joins me now. this women raped at knifepoint and this was not his first arrest. shelters are not safe and new york is not safe. >> thank you for having me. this is a turnstyle, constant occurrence throughout the city. everything seems to be a horrific crime. we have the woman who was raped at knifepoint outside a migrant shelter, a homeless woman who lives under the boardwalk in coney island. think about what we have here. migrants living in migrant
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shelters, we have homeless migrants living under boardwalks in coney island. every time we hear of another attack, are we surprised? no, no more, not surprised. we have to go back to the sanctuary city policies, we also have to go back to the southern border and what kamala claims she is the czar of when she's guilty as guilty as biden and this woman is running for president. >> carley: sanctuary policy, another case on this topic. details are extensive. daniel hernandez, member of a gang, came to the u.s. illegally last year and committed 22 crimes in six months, arrested and released 5i9 times for attacking two police officers, three strangers, committed
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theft. after all that, he lands in ice custody, set to be deported. venezuela does not want him back, he is here indefinitely. this is a failure on federal and local level, what is going on here? >> this is a sanctuary city, what does that mean? sanctuary for whoever. this guy should have been deported immediately. you saw what trump did back with he kaufled it 42, i believe, it was called. immediate deportation was happening. this needs to happen again. we went continue at the rate we're going right now. the numbers vary between 7 million, eight million, 18 million illegals have crossed the border. i have to lay it at kamala harris' feet now because she is running for president. she's been vice president 3-1/2 years and media is broad
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stroking her. >> carley: how do you feel about her claiming to be prosecutor for president, tough on the border. how brazen is is that? it does not matter if trump supporters believe it, will independent voters buy it? >> she is running on her -- it is the campaign of joy. i don't know many people who are joyful and i think trump needs to get out the message about the economy and border and what she has not done. go after her record of what she's not done. she has no record. in 2017, senator of state of california, what did she say? she says there is no such thing as illegal immigration. there is no such thing as an illegal immigrant. this same woman wants to be president?
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media better do their job, american people need to wake up and understand what is going on. >> carley: difficult to sfexpla away saying ice members are kkk. has not done an interview yet, that will come up during the debate in september. thank you. todd, over to you. >> todd: carley, latest appeal from usa gymnastics denied. refusing to reconsider ruling to strip jordan chiles. u.s. gymnastics will continue to appeal to swiss federal tribunal, that sounds serious. cheryl casone will explain what we know about the cyber attack on the trump and musk interview.
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ryan t. writes, "moving is stressful. can you help me take one thing off of my to do list?” ugh, moving's the worst. with xfinity, you can transfer your internet in just a few taps. just a few easy moves. did somebody say “easy moves”? ♪ ♪ oh no. no, i was talking about moving your internet. this will move the internet. ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh. -let's keep it professional. professional dancers! -ok! stay connected during your move with the best in home wifi. easily transfer your services in the xfinity app. bring on the good stuff. >> carley: former president trump sitting down for a conversation with elon musk. it was delayed for 40 minutes due to an attack,
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what is that? >> todd: cheryl casone upon explain what is ddos hot route. >> cheryl: yes, exciting, greeky stuff i get this morning. elon musk said ddos attack delayed the conversation, distribute said denial of service attack. there appear to be massive ddos attack, working on shutting it down. this is classified as cyber crime. at attackers flood a server to p prevent users access. delay acted a couple hours, various finds 1.3 million people appeared to be watching during the conversation. it did remind many of the botch of ron desantis presidential campaign launch announcement.
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this as fbi is probing trump campaign hack that includes investigating attempts to gain access in former campaign of biden with harris as his running mate. fbi did not elaborate, microsoft reported iranian hackers sent spear fishing email to a campaign and roger stone come out, former trump advisor, that he was contacted because of compromised e-mail. as far as ddos attack, independently confirm that is what it was, that is what musk said it was. >> carley: copy on all fronts. donald trump calling out kamala harris for no tax on tip policy, which was his. >> cheryl: f political calculations are fun. vice president kamala harris repeated a proposal floated by president trump he made in june.
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not taxing tips. trump reacting. watch this. >> she is making a speech and saying no tax on tips, i said that months ago, they had the opposite, they had tax on tips and hired 88,000 i.r.s. agents, assigned to get waitresses and caddies on tips. for politics, she comes out with what i said, which is terrible. >> cheryl: reaction from media is worth noting. cbs news poefrted it would cost lost tax revenue. when harris made her pitch, no mention of the cost. newsweek writing, kamala harris tax proposal backed by majority republicans. >> carley: you got to be kidding me. >> cheryl: cite a poll that
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republicans are in support of the idea, that was taken before harris spoke. in the article they mention trump first proposed it. but not in the headline, which is what people read. >> todd: the 68%, guy who proposed it. will kamala harris propose a border wall? >> carley: just build that wall. thank you, don't miss cheryl on mornings with maria 6 to 9 a.m. thank you. have a great day. >> todd: bring in outkick host tomi lahren. great to have you on tomi tuesday. kamala got media reset with time mag magazine piece. there is the glow. text says harsz pulled off the sw swiftest vibe shift in modern history.
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revolving around cognitive decline of geriatric president has been trans formed and second donald trumps presidency no longer seems inevitable. kamala dropped out in 2020, pulled it off or has media pulled it you hava for her? >> tomi: i think you stole the words out of my mouth. media is doing all the work for harris and she does not have to give them anything in return, she does not have to give them an interview, be doesn't answer questions. they are happy to put her face on the cover, write great things and even acknowledge she won't speak to them. what this is about is that kamala harris is not donald trump and they want to see anybody, but donald trump. they have not liked her for four
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years, have not written great things about her, they have tried to revamp her and put her on the shelf for several years. now they resurrected her with help of nancy pelosi and barack obama and cunning democrats of my lifetime, they have all come together to decide that kamala harris is the new it girl and it is going to be really hard to change that in the mind of a lot of americans who are excited about the vibes. >> carley: vibe is a word that democrats are using right now. media has not liked her for four years take a step back in time before she became democratic nominee. "washington post" oped, for country sake vice president harris should step aside. september 13th, new york maggen zoo, case for biden to drop kamala harris. february 6, "new york times" says kamala harris trying to
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define her vice presidency and allies are tired of waiting. compare that to press coverage of today. the way u.s. corporate media trans formed kamala harris to a trans formative pioneer overnight is test a. how potent of propaganda is. >> tomi: certainly and media is acting like the last 3-1/2 years has not exited. they have not talked about anything she accomplished. karine jean-pierre was asked yesterday to name a kamala harris accomplishment and she could not think of one. they want to go way back in time to when they can resurrect some notion of being girl boss prosecutor that is tough on crime. we have known her, but the problem is a lot of folks go
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with feelings and emotion and voters reject policy wise because someone makes them feel better or they like to look at her and dance with her. that is something the trump campaign will have to grapple with. have the trump campaign get a positive note and that will help combat some of what we're seeing, this is the situation we're dealing with for a couple months. >> todd: tomi lahren, thank you. gop picks up record number of jewish voters as democrats struggle with agreeing anti-israels movement in their party. we will opine on that coming up. >> carley: lawrence jones will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> lawrence: morning, family. nothing happening in the world, looks like they will let kamala harris skate through. as tomi said, it is not fair.
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we'll be discussing this more. elon musk says a massive cyber attack delayed his interview with trump. million people joined his two-hour interview. what does it mean for security as we inch closer to election day? we have kurt to break it down. and migrant crime on the rise in new york city. one of the migrants accused of attacking an nypd officer is arrested again. you have another migrant charged with rape. those disturbing stories as kamala harris tries fo flip the script on her border instance in a new ad. one problem, the sheriff appearing in the adsaid he does not even support kamala harris. we'll talk to the sheriff exclusively. and v.p. candidate tim walz headed to newport beach for a gl glitzy fund raiser, he showcase in city of conservative values,
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he'll join us head. we have tom homan and mary catherine. they are stopping by. see you top of the hour. golo is the safe and effective way to lose weight and keep it off. listen, starving yourself isn't the answer. starving makes you lose too much lean muscle. with less muscle, your metabolism slows down and you gain the weight back. with golo, you'll eat real foods and avoid muscle loss, the secret to keeping weight off. brerge ca. golo has no major side effects.
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♪ >> todd: take a look at this shocking attack, a jewish man stabbed outside a synagogue in new york while the suspect was accused of yelling free palestine and while anti-anti-semitism plagues the
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democrat party protesters expected outside the dnc next week. they could earn a record number of jewish voters. harvard university graduate impacted by the anti-israel protest that rocked the campus. he joins us now. that bass, good morning to you there is so much we will talk with you but first start with knife attack in new york city. the victim is still in the hospital saying he is lucky to be alive. lucky to be alive. the knife almost hit his heart. this is far from an isolated incident. so far this year 229 anti-semitic hate crimes reported to the nypd this time last year. this number is at 126. so, could you just address this climate of hate that we are in right now how this has impacted you and what needs to be done to prevent it? >> sure. whether it's college campuses or the subways of new york. whether's it the streets of l.a. we have seen explosion of just
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hatred. i would also like to remind your audience that victim's council member in new york said anti-semitic violence has no place in the free palestine into. ignoring the fact that anti-semitic violence has been a central tenant protest something fundamental right. we are not seeing protesting. just jew hatred. anti-semitism is historically bad and high. and unless there is real political change it, will only continue to get worse. >> todd: theres with a change at the top of the democrat ticket for 2024. kamala harris is in. joe biden is out. and that has happened since the last time we spoke with you. so, is support for donald trump among the very democrat jewish voter enough to especially in swing states. >> today is the saddest day on
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the jewish calendar. the last 2500 years jews from all over the world on this day abstained from drinking, eating, weather leather shoes, marital relations or from the bible. why why? the babylonians and romans exdestroyed or temple. jews have been mourning on this day. the land in israel is central to our theology. israel is not a political issue wedged with immigration policy and tax reform. an expression of our religious identity. so, when you have a major political party who is trying to disconnect the jewish people from our extraterrestrial homeland from judaism. if any major political party continues to amplify those voices who for example want to harm the land of israel by refusing to fund the iron dome offense. hezbollah, hamas and the houthis. or refusing to even pass
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comprehensive bipartisan legislation like the countering anti-semitism act, like the anti-semitism awareness act. then jewish people should not and will not show allegiances to those parties. we have seen in the last couple of months, that it looks like a record number of jews will be voting for the republican party. many of them for the first time in their lives. the last time a republican got more than 40% of the jewish vote was dwight eisenhower. donald trump is set to get 45%. that is historically significant and it represents the reality that jews do not feel safer today than they did four years ago. >> carley: there is a reason all of this is happening and it is as you just laid out very eloquently, shabbos committees tennenbaum, thank you very much for joining us. >> >> brian:


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