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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 13, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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legislation like the countering anti-semitism act, like the anti-semitism awareness act. then jewish people should not and will not show allegiances to those parties. we have seen in the last couple of months, that it looks like a record number of jews will be voting for the republican party. many of them for the first time in their lives. the last time a republican got more than 40% of the jewish vote was dwight eisenhower. donald trump is set to get 45%. that is historically significant and it represents the reality that jews do not feel safer today than they did four years ago. >> carley: there is a reason all of this is happening and it is as you just laid out very eloquently, shabbos committees tennenbaum, thank you very much for joining us. >> >> brian: 6:00 a.m. on the east
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coast, tuesday, august 13th, this is "fox & friends." and the summer is almost over. >> steve: don't bring downtown room. >> ainsley: gosh. >> lawrence: become a pattern. >> brian: can i continue, please? the whole crew turned on me, too. >> lawrence: keep it up, man. >> brian: fox news alert. a massive cyber attack delays trump's interview with elon musk as 1 million people still listened in as trump calls out harris for continuing to dodge the press. >> you think that kamala could do this interview? pretty sad when you think that somebody that does this for a living can't answer a question or is afraid to do an interview. >> ainsley: all right. plus, migrant crime, guess what? it's on the rise. one of the migrants accused of attacking nypd officers, remember, and flipped off the camera arrested again. and another migrant is charged with rape. >> lawrence: it's unbelievable.
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those disturbing stories as kamala harris tries to flip the script on her stance on the border. >> border state prosecutor, she took on drug cartels and jailed gang members for smuggling weapons and drugs across the border. >> brian: really, when? >> steve: one of the sheriffs you saw in that ad said hold the horses ains ains all smoke in mirrors. >> lawrence: how embarrassing. >> steve: that sheriff is going to join us today. it's 6:01 in new york city. remember morning is better in the summer and summer is still going on. >> ainsley: we have a month. >> steve: better with friends. >> steve: all right. enough about that. fox news alert. a major cyber attack last night at 8:00 delayed donald trump's big return to x, formerly known as twitter last night. nearly shutting down his interview with elon musk. >> lawrence: once the interview got going, trump laying out his vision for america and calling out kamala harris. >> brian: madeleine rivera has
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the details. madeleine? >> good morning. after struggling with technical issues that delayed their interview by 40 minutes, former president trump and elon musk delve into a roughly 2 hour long conversation. trump began by talking about assassination attempt last month saying he plans to return to butler, pennsylvania, listen. >> we are going back to butler. >> great. >> we are going back in october. >> these are incredible people, like the three in the case of corey killed and the other two, the families i got to know them a little bit, and a the families are great. buff we're going back to butler. >> he touched on inflation, top of mind for voters. >> the thing that they really is making them angry is what kamala and biden have allowed to happen to the economy. it's a disaster. with inflation. the inflation, it doesn't matter what you make, of the inflation is eating you alive. >> trump also took aim at vice president kamala harris for not doing an extended interview so
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far. more than three weeks after launching to the top of the democratic ticket. >> you think biden could do this interview? you think that kamala could do this interview? they would take a pass from you. >> they could not. >> pretty sad when you think somebody that does this for a living can't answer a question or afraid to do an interview. >> musk invited harris to do an interview with x, too. something she is unlikely to do given her criticism of trump and musk. saying they are rich guys can't run a livestream in 2024. the fbi is probing an earlier hack of the trump campaign and an attempted hack of the biden-harris campaign. lawrence, steve, brian, and ainsley. >> steve: madeleine, do we have any idea who launched this denial of services snafu that kept all of us from watching it last night at 8:00? >> no, we don't. but i'm curious to know what happened there as well, too. it's reminiscent what happened with florida governor ron desantis when he tried to launch his campaign on x last year.
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we will waited to see who is behind that. >> steve: no kidding. >> brian: did they say that was a hack, desantis? no that was technical. >> steve: so overwhelmed. that's why yesterday elon musk said i'm doing this test to make sure that we can handle capacity. obviously, they could handle the capacity but they couldn't handle a gigantic denial of services thing where there was so much stuff jammed at twitter, now x, it just wouldn't work. >> ainsley: unfortunate this happened but pretty astonishing that they had back up and running in 30 minutes. >> lawrence: the fact that they went two hours going back and forth. >> steve: they could still be cooking it. i guess elon still has -- we have interviewed the former president. there is an art to interrupting him. the president kept steaming ahead. this is him taking on kamala harris and bernie sanders. watch. >> is he considered more liberal by far than bernie sanders. she is a radical left lunatic.
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and if she is going to be our president, very quickly, you are not going to have a country anymore. >> you know, i supported obama. i stood in line six hours to shake obama's hand when he was running for president. i call myself, you know, historically a moderate democrat. but now i feel like we're really at a critical juncture for the country. and, you know, i think a lot of people thought, you know, that the biden administration would be a moderate administration but it's not. the people out there in the moderate camp to say i think you should support donald trump for president. >> ainsley: i'm just amazed that elon musk had to stand in line for six hours to shake obama's hand. >> steve: he wasn't elon musk yet. >> ainsley: that's true. that just shows you how he shifted. he has never voted for a republican presidential candidate and he is supporting donald trump. and this massive -- he wrote last night this is a massive ddos attack on. distributed denial services
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attack. attempt to disrupt network services overwhelm a website or serve online services. so who did this? that's the question. and is it iran? there have been questions about iran, possibly hacking harris' campaign and donald trump's campaign. we're going to interview the cyberguy, kurt knutsson coming up to find out can we trust our elections? will this -- could this effect our elections? could they try to hack? >> brian: one thing is -- one person who is not trying to do any interviews or talk about her policy is kamala harris. she wants just to be a rock star and go out to big crowds and say congratulations everyone. first big news i'm not joe biden. second story i don't have one. meet my vice president. so, with i think president trump being effective in doing, along with j.d. vance is showing him the opposite. i'm going to send my vice president out and do three network interviews and then i'm going to sit online and stream for two hours. i have no idea what the questions are. but i'm going to go at it.
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i want you to tune in any way you can whether you have cable or not. also important to point out what elon musk volunteered to do. he came out yesterday and he says, look, the problem is spending. you got streamline this government. we have so many programs that don't do anything. they are a waste. he said i agree with you. he said well, i would like to head up a task force if you meemght to. he said i would love you too. you are a huge cutter like you did here with x. you are a big cutter. you need people on the outside who want to come none the inside. remember, when trump took over, he put together a business council. elon musk was on it. they were advising him up until charlottesville and that travesty misconstrued and since further defined. wait a second i'm going to resign. elon musk resigned too. now i think he is. in also he said i'm a moderate democrat. i remain a moderate democrat. but i think you are our best hope of fixing these things. they just pointed out how frustrating it must that be she is changing everything she stood
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for and did in order to be more like trump. tough on the border. build the economy. fight inflation. really? since when? >> lawrence: she is not explaining the evolution, letting us know what made her change. >> steve: we know what made her change. >> lawrence: it's all these press documents that she is not crafting or giving interviews to explain the policies. >> brian: maybe if we read "time" magazine. >> lawrence: that's exactly right they are saying it's her moment on the cover right now. brian was talking about a rock star. that's what they're making her out to be right now. she a rock star for the democratic party. apparently for america. but she doesn't have really a movement. can you imagine michael jackson just starting off just rallies no. bans churches, going to bars. barack obama just starting out. >> brian: michael jackson was on david williams. >> lawrence: never been a superstar that didn't have to go
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from small to big. apparently kamala can go straight to the top. >> ainsley: comparing the rally in philadelphia last tuesday to beyonce and to taylor swift in the article. >> brian: beyonce music is played on her introduction. >> steve: book in the old days when people used to buy "time" magazine a thing you could hold in your hands and saw in the grocery store next to "newsweek." it's all southern living in my grocery store. they did put her on the cover of "time" magazine. >> ainsley: southern living in new jersey. >> brian: most people move from jersey. >> steve: listen, they have great recipes in there. >> ainsley: they do. >> steve: headline is the reintroduction 6 kamala harris. it says among other things, judging from the past few weeks, harris' own party under estimated her. maybe the crowd in 2020 primary just wasn't the right race for harris to showcase her talents. maybe the vice presidency wasn't the right role.
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suddenly she seemed matched to the moment. but here's the thing. it's called the reintroduction of kamala harris. she has been vice president for three years. why do they have to reintroduce her? a communication specialist by the name of brian daugherty went on x and said kamala harris has been reintroduced more times than mcdonald's mcrib sandwich. and now she is being presented as this all new person. we have known this person for a long time now it's a new vibe. that was the theory. the quote was, she has pulled off the swiftest vibe shift in modern political history. >> brian: look back at some many of the other headlines when she was actually doing the job as vice president or not. "the washington post" says kamala harris staff exodus reignites questions about leadership style and future ambitions. remember she was brutal to work with. 87% of the people resigned that started there to begin with. you had to have a certain amount of -- you couldn't brief her. she would blister you if she
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ever screwed up. in 2022 the headline reads in new york magazine if biden runs again he should pick a new vp. >> ainsley: that was slate. >> brian: okay. and this one from new york magazine the case for biden to drop kamala harris. guess who said that? jamie raskin basically said that on cnn and so did former speaker nancy pelosi. at least acknowledge that you said it, that these headlines are not are from the archives. i have to go to the microfilms. i would have to go to a library. all you had to do was google her. these are the headlines that interest r. there. why are we pretending that they are not there? >> lawrence: ainsley, she doesn't have a campaign theme. there is no theme. at least obama had changes you could believe. in bill clinton had his thing. george w. bush compassionate conservatism. they had something. that's there is not even a thing. interest is not even a video why am i running?
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every candidate why am i running? i want to do this change this. there is nothing but there is a movement? >> ainsley: what she is telling the voter is i don't need to have a theme. i don't need to have issues. i don't need to tell you how i'm voting. people, i'm getting the crowds. people like me. and i am -- they are just so grateful that joe biden is not running. >> steve: that's right. >> ainsley: they are going to vote for me no matter. what doesn't matter if she flip flopped on everything. that's why the american voter needs to wake up and look at vetting record. look at these issues. what is she going to do to our country? is she going to make the country better since she has been vice president? no. she is so progressive. >> lawrence: august the people pushing her all the pundits on tv. you do realize they won't have to live in this type of economy. they will be just fine. their families will be okay. their kids 'will go to the private schools. there will be no hit to them. it will be you that have to -- deal with the gas prices go, the to grocery store. >> brian: the crime. >> ainsley: the crime, the open
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border. >> lawrence: while they want to defund the police so you know. >> ainsley: don't you remember when bernie sanders started screaming socialism. >> steve: he still is. >> ainsley: we were shocked. like, what? this is america. we're a republic. we're not a socialist, marxist country. he starts preaching this and we are all in shock. she votes more progressive than he dose. america needs to wake up. this woman who is getting on stage that everyone is rallying around, do you know what she stands for? >> brian: does she know? >> steve: her team would say look, we're doing just fine. we're leading a little bit in a lot of the polls and so it will be interesting, given the fact had she has not sat down for an interview. >> brian: or stated her policy. >> ainsley: 23 days. >> steve: coming up next week apparently she is going to come out with the platform. we will see the videos this is my vision for america. interesting to see whether people like what she is proposing. so far hasn't proposed anything.
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>> brian: no, guys, she is proposing. she is going to be strong on the border. going to crack down on crime. she is not going to tax on tips. she is trying to be more maga than donald trump. that's what she is doing. because that's more popular than what she stood for and who she worked for. >> steve: don't be surprised if at the conclusion of the dnc next week she says and i'm kamala harris a want to make america great again. >> ainsley: right? that's what she sounds like all of the sudden more of a republican. >> steve: right, exactly. >> brian: owes it all to george clooney. if he didn't write that letter, that started the spiral behind the scenes. >> steve: that's some of the stuff going on on politics. >> ainsley: her open borders leads us to this story. turning now to migrant crime chaos here in new york. one of the migrants accused of beating two officers in times square, remember, flipped off the cameras? has been arrested again after being let out on bail. >> brian: a church bailed him out and different migrant accused of raping a bomb knife
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point in coney island arraigned last night. >> steve: brooke singman joins us with the disturbing stories. one of these guys, we heard a judge say last time if you get arrested again i'm going to throw the book at you and go to jail. he got arrested again. >> yes, he did. back in january multiple illegal migrants were arrested for kicking and punching officers on times square. one has been arrested again for serial theft. henry bruit toe taken into custody stealing makeup two self-mora stores july and august. previously arrested and released for three other thefts that occurred before and after the assault on times square. for the theft in july he is being held on $25,000 cash bond because of this latest arrest, is he being held on $50,000 cash bond for allegedly attacking the officers. meanwhile, two other migrants were arrested in coney island this week accused of throwing a woman to the ground and raping her at gunpoint outside a hotel
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housing asylum seekers. the other allegedly hitting the woman's boyfriend with a pipe when he tried to stop that attack. the victim was taken to the hospital and she is in stable condition, thank god. her boyfriend refused medical attention. the migrant accused of rape was arrested and is reportedly being charged with first degree rape, second degree assault, first degree sexual abuse, menacing, and criminal possession of a weapon. is he being held without bail. his alleged accomplice was arraigned on charges of second degree assaults and criminal possession of a weapon. he is being held on $20,000 bail. they both pleaded not guilty. guys? >> brian: thanks, brooke. here is the amazing thing i'm thinking to myself who bailed this guy out? because, you know, after he beats a cop. he gets out and he has got a bomb. >> steve: times square guy. >> brian: $50,000 bond. how we get the $50,000? the good shepherd lutheran church decides they are going to
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pay his bail through fen? why would you do that? catholic charities are the same one with those facilities that are providing basically being paid by the government to provide services to put the kids and these families right into communities when they don't belong here. so, you should just know where your money's going. do you think there is people at the good shepherd church saying to themselves i hope you use my money that i'm donating to bail out illegal immigrant who has already beaten down a cop. >> ainsley: how mad would you be if you tithe to that church and find out the money something used to bail out guys. >> lawrence: i wonder if they know. >> brian: now they know. >> ainsley: that's in brooklyn. >> brian: bay ridge, brooklyn. paid his his bail. they make money on it and then they sit there and take care of them throughout the country. that's not what these donations should be for. people should have their eyes opened if they do. >> steve: the people who should have the eyes open are the
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judges who wind up sitting in front of these people who come in and are accused of different things. like this judge i mentioned a moment ago, judge laura ward. she said after he was arrested like for theft. and he was out on bond regarding the times square cop punching thing. she said if you steal one more thing. if you are in front of me again, i'm going to throw the book at you and wind up in jail. next thing you know, she has got him back in front of her. and he is saying i didn't do it. so he is finally behind bars only because she said i have had it up to it here with you. >> lawrence: they are not concerned about our criminal justice system. we allow them to come across the border with no consequences at all. they come with biden t shirlts. remember that? come across the border straight from texas. now the administration keeps telling things are getting better. kamala harris, by the way, has been releasing ads. she is this new moderate now. >> steve: she is tough on the border. >> lawrence: part of her pitch to steve's point is she is tough
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on the border. she puts the criminals behind bars. let's watch that. >> kamala harris has spent decades fighting violent crime. as a border state prosecutor, she took on drug cartels and jailed gang members for smuggling weapons and drugs across the border. >> steve: so, lawrence, what is the matter with that ad? >> lawrence: the sheriff that's in that ad is said he didn't approve it first of all. number two, is he not endorsing her. also he said when she decided to come to the event, she didn't even shake any of the policemen's hands. she just went in for a photo op. and, by the way, she wasn't tough at all. she allowed the people back on the street to this whole gang fighting going after the cartel and all that is a big myth. >> ainsley: she visited central valley 10 years ago. one said 11. another said 10 years ago. 2013, 2014. he is the sheriff of this area. he has been with the sheriff's association the sheriff's office for 37 years. he said she walked right, in she
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walked to the podium, she gave her little speech and left. never shook hands with him. he said it's all smoke in mirrors. the truth is she never cared about the cartels and did nothing to stop people from illegally crossing the border. >> brian: you need to the border patrol to speak out. tom homan will be up next. i know where he stands. need everybody. the men and women who serve on a daily basis a political to come out and tell the truth she supported a sanctuary state not even a sanctuary city. you come, get free room, free board, free school. nobody thinks she has been tough on the border. mike buoy degree, in light of a reason political ad put out by kamala harris featuring sheriff burr dough as well as other local law enforcement. the sheriff wants to make it abundantly clear that his image is being used without his permission. >> ainsley: is that even allowed? >> brian: he doesn't endorse harris for president or any political office. so, that should show. you got to be hard pressed to find somebody who says thank
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goodness, joe biden such a great job on the border along with kamala harris. they have does anyone think they back the blue back the blue money in communities? >> ainsley: that sheriff knows exactly what her policies are, what they look like, and how they effected that state, if not the rest of the country. is he coming up at 8:40 today. >> lawrence: we will be talking with him. remember, she was one of the people who bought the whole whip gate scandal at the border. >> brian: that's the only time she spoke at the border. >> lawrence: they knew it was a lie based on the emails we have been able to receive. she wants to defund ice. if you listen to a lot of the pundits going on tv. they said that kamala harris has changed ever since she was a part of the administration. that she knows how to govern. then it's up to her to come out and explain it to us. you don't get to make the case
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for every single day is she ever going to defend any of the things she has taken? >> brian: if she comes out and starts speaking for the cops and backing the blue, she might lose a lot of people that don't like the cops that, really foe melted a lot of the unrest in 2020. so good luck. and now against the new green deal in all right, good against the new green deal alienated a lot of people on the left who live for the new green deal. >> steve: that's why she is being as vague as possible. i stand for this. vague as possible. and once she does go ahead and say okay. for this. >> ainsley: trying not to make anyone mad. steve. >> lawrence: i have never heard a politician not going into a room with people and shaking their hands. i mean, donald trump. >> steve: was it during covid? >> lawrence: is he a jerry that phone he started shaking hands. as a politician you got do it. this is typical kamala harris. we forget about this stuff that had issues with the campaign staff. she is not good with people.
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>> steve: we are going to find out exactly from the sheriff. is he going to be joining us in the third howard of "fox & friends." >> story making headlines, u.s.a. gymnastics has been denied it's latest appeal to get back jordan chiles bronze medal. refusing to reconsider ruling strip chilz after she won the wrons floor competition. the arbitration court declining to even see the new evidence put forth by team u.s.a. u.s.a. gymnastickings says they will continue to pursue every avenue for appeal including the swiss tribunal. maybe she should come on our show and we will give her a bronze, gold, silver, all of it. >> brian: holyfield got disqualified for wrong reason for hitting after the bell. he became more famous getting that bronze in the semifinals a lot of times she will have the american people know her more this now than even before. >> steve: they are sympathetic because of what happened to her.
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the u.s. gymnastics did not have that video that shows that they longed the complaint 47 seconds in at the time of the initial appeal. and so that is why they are saying, okay. you didn't have that then? sorry. >> brian: do you know what? i'm going to make a stand. i'm not doing gymnastics until they give her bronze out. >> ainsley: no more cart wheels. >> lawrence: preparing entire moment for this moment. >> brian: done. making a stand. no rings. >> ainsley: no roundoffs. >> brian: no more floor routines, nothing. >> ainsley: gosh. what is america going to do now. >> brian: tough, tough. get it right. >> steve: mean while, 6:25 here in new york city. back to a fox news alert. a massive cyber attack delayed donald trump's interview last night with elon musk on x. as the fbi simultaneously says they are investigating hacking attempts of the trump and harris campaign. >> brian: right. sutter kurt the cyberguy says foreign actors are ready to
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trey? good morning. >> ainsley, good morning. last ditch diplomatic efforts are ongoing to try to avert a crisis. overnight the white house released a joint statement with italy, france, germany, and the u.k. urging deescalation in the middle east. the call was described by the white house with release saying quote we called on iran to stand down its ongoing threats of a military attack against israel and discuss the serious consequences for regional security should such an attack take place. earlier in the day, the british prime minister spoke over the phone with iran's new president massoud urging iran to refrain from attacking israel. iran's foreign ministry responded today saying the calls for decan a can a labor relation political logic and superintendence fells of international law. analysts are concerned that an attack from iran would be larger than what the country launched in april that included more than 300 ballistic missiles, drones, and cruise missiles. overnight former president trump discussed the situation with elon musk during a live x event saying this:
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>> all this stuff that you are seeing now, all the horror -- look at israel. they are all waiting for an attack from iran. iran would not be attacking, believe me. do you know when i was there, and i say it with respect because i think we would have been good with iran. i don't want to do anything bad to iran. but they knew not to mess around. >> a new attack could also include iran's largest proxy hezbollah that continues to target northern israel. overnight israel targeted hezbollah positions in southern lebanon as the cross border exchange of fire continues. now, israel's credit rating was just downgraded it gives you a sense of how difficult this war and conflict has been for the israeli economy. ainsley? >> ainsley: how expensive it is. thank you so much, trey. now to another alert. the fbi investigating an earlier hack of the trump campaign and an attempted hack of the biden-harris campaign as intel experts are warning to brace for more disruptions this election season. so here with more on what this all means for our election, and
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your vote, is cyberguy kurt knutsson. good morning, kurt. >> hey, ainsley, good morning to you. the trump campaign alleging this is the iranian actors that are going after his campaign at this point, and, guess what? he might be right. no matter what, if you are on the left, if you are on the right, you can bet that these kinds of attacks are going to be coming at american politics from now until the november election. >> ainsley: what are they doing? are they hacking into emails? are they trying to interfere with the election results? >> i think any way they can get in. in this particular case they apparently got ahold of an email list and including documents, one that, included the vetting of vice president candidate vance and that point it was marked personal an confidential clearly should not have been in the hands of anybody else. it was then shopped around some websites, including politico got ahold of it. this is the kind of information no campaign wants out there. it makes it unfair out in the
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political landscape. bottom line here is just like you and i at home. just like corporate america. just like government agencies, when you are a campaign, you got to lock your tech down. you got use really strong passwords. you got to really train people don't share stuff, don't click links. because that's how they are getting. in and obviously use some really good antivirus protection to just lock them out. >> ainsley: okay. now, what did you make of this elon musk and donald trump interview last night that was interrupted by this ddos attack? >> you know, what this is so twitter, formerly x, formerly known as twitter. better known as at this timer an area known as spaces that allows connections to having these kind of live events. it was delayed 40 minutes. what elon musk is saying is that it had a ddos disruption. ddos stands for geek speak for distributed denial of service. it simply means that a lot of people or somebody is flooding the same location online with an
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overwhelming number of requests or connections. and that causes it -- like the plumbing, to back up. so people cannot get in. and that's what they experienced. so, again, tampering with digital media is one -- who is behind it? i don't know. what we do know is that. >> ainsley: will they figure that out? >> they should there should be an investigation into that. we are talking about our free speech being interrupted. and that is not what is good for this country at this point. everyone should have the right to speak without interruption. and there should not be cyber actors that are going online that are interrupting that speech. period. >> ainsley: i'm glad they figured it out. figured it out pretty quickly. if that happened to me, probably to you you would figure it out quickly. i would just give up. thankfully that interview went on about 35, 40 minutes later. thank you so much, kurt, for coming on. >> good see you, ainsley. for the newsletter coming out in a minutes with a warning about major browsers you
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should look at. >> ainsley: thank you so much, kurt. take care. harris tries to pivot on the border as a wave of migrant crime dominates headlines. tom homan says she is putting politics above your public safety. ♪ duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. where ya headed? susan: where am i headed? am i just gonna take what the markets gives me? no. i can do some research. ya know, that's backed by j.p. morgan's leading strategists like us. when you want to invest with more confidence... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management
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i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. it was hard, but taking preservision was easy. preservision has the exact clinically proven areds 2 formula recommended by the nei. i'm taking control like millions of others. migrant crime. i thought new york somebody was knifed with -- raped a girl stood there watching new york one of the shelters and started pulling out the knives and bad things happened today. this is happening every day. these are rough people. these are people that are in jail for murder and all sorts of things releasing them into our country. telling them if you come back. we are going to kill you. give you the death penalty or kill you. so they don't want to come back. these are criminals that make our criminals look like nice people horrible what they are
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doing. >> brian: right. come through the border and up in new york massachusetts and places like that. donald trump referring to addressing the border situation last night with elon musk. he says it comes as migrant crime is on the rise across new york city. for example, two men arrested in coney island. one accused of raping a woman at knife point while the other allegedly hit the man, the boyfriend who tried to stop the attack with a pipe. one is from nicaragua. one from mexico. you got a 24-year-old his name is daniel devon pa dea from nicaragua. look at the other guy, you see him there. and was also he was charged ina previous sexual assault case last year. for some reason he is still walking the streets, randall's island where migrant camps are taking root. another violent attack over the weekend. here to react is former acting ice director tom homan. it's as bad as it gets. your thoughts about what new yorkers and other cities are subjected to i'm a native new
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yorker. i was born and raised in new york. i promised president trump when he is back in the white house we will take care of this. historic illegal alien crime. a lot worse than what's been reported because of sanctuary cities. someone gets raped or assault or whatever, and sanctuary cities we don't know the immigration status is because ice isn't allowed to got jail to interview them. so migrant crime, illegal alien crime is much worse than what is being reported because we simply don't have access to these people in sanctuary cities. >> brian: one of these guy holes beat up a cop and was put in jail. he was given $50,000 bond. well, guess who bailed him out the good shepherd lutheran church $50,000 bond can you go run amongst us. is he sitting there robbing makeup stores now. who knows what else he did does this happen a lot where charity being organization are used to help illegal immigrants for no apparent reason? >> absolutely.
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catholic social services. lutheran. all those ngos getting billions with a b billions of dollars for the care and feeding of people who are not supposed to even be here. meanwhile homeless vets living under bridges. this does not happen under the trump administration. and if he becomes president again, can you promise -- i can promise you that will stop on day one. we will no longer be doing that. >> brian: by the way a report done, federal veterans affairs resources are being used to serve illegal aliens. taking away from the men and women who serve. >> it's unbelievable. meanwhile, vice president harris is trying to remake her image. we know where she stands when it comes to legal immigration. case in point. 2019 when it documents detention centers. listen to what she said. >> i want to know when you become president, would you be committing to close immigration detention centers? >> absolutely on day one. on day one. [cheers]
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>> brian: how would that work closing detention centers? >> it means every criminal alien. no one detained. all released. once you release everybody and no one detained more illegal aliens to the border. take us back 15 years as a prosecutor. first of all, i don't believe a word she says anymore. she has no integrity. she is lying about everything. even as a prosecutor she released illegal aliens back to the street and reoffend and even kill some americans. let's remember, more important, what did she do as a senator? what did she do as a vice president. she supports sanction areas cities criminals. she wants free healthcare illegal aliens. decriminalize entering the country no longer a crime. vet them. whatever the hell that means. shut down ice detention. she cared ice to the kkk. slandered the men of the horse patrol calling them racist for doing something they didn't do. they didn't do anything wrong. she never apologized to this day. her statements and actions alone should disqualify her from ever being the commander-in-chief.
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>> brian: yet, running ads as if she has been did you have on the border her entire career. at least stand behind what you represented your entire career and try to get votes that way. you can't remake yourself on the fly and hope people forget what you have done. >> bottom line is, a vote for kamala harris is a vote for the criminal cartels in mexico. a vote for kamala harris is a vote for terrorist organization that will exploit the southern border continually. we got to get trump back in office to secure this border and save lives. >> brian: tom homan, thanks so much. straight ahead, the meeting fawning over kamala harris as you know. remember when they didn't? even calling on joe biden to pick a new running mate at one point. the media 's 180, next. ♪
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. watching ernesto became tropical storm 5:00 p.m. eastern time. ramp up pretty quickly. tropical storm warnings in effect for puerto rico and the islands here. and it's going to strengthen within the next 12 to 24 hours. pretty rapidly. so we could see wind gusts in excess of 60 miles per hour. through wednesday and thursday. then it becomes a hurricane. possibly category 2 as it moves closer to bermuda. heavy rainfall for puerto rico, five to 8 inches widespread here. 8 to 12 isolated.
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and then we look at the track so it moves northward. bermuda, you need to watch for this along the east coast. you know, rough surf. rip currents. eastern canada needs to monitor ernesto as well. thunderstorms for the four corners across the plain states and gulf coast where it remains very warm so we could see the potential for flooding towards the st. louis area. fox for all of your weather details. all right, steve doocy, toss it over to you. >> steve: a lot going on. former donald trump taking to twit former twitter with elon musk last night. he creates a split screen showing off his availability to talk to reporters while harris, you know, she is marking now 23 days without holding a formal interview. joining us right now fox news contributor and columnist mary katharine ham. mary katharine, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> what was headline about the
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elon trump-a-thon. it went over two hours. they could still be talking the first of all, lie that i can a presidential candidate buts himself in this. wide ranging conversation on a bunch of topics where you get to see what this person really thinks. that serves truth for the american people. that is the opposite of what kamala harris is doing. i also love that they did this while the eu is saying no, we should shut you down because there might be possible misinformation in. this giving the financing tore them is fine with me as well. there are down sides to doing an oncology conventional forum like this. you see this attack that happened that slows things down. the interview pace between these two because they're not face to face is different than a broadcast situation a little awkward at times. there were moments where trump is at his best when he is sort of loose and funny and n this situation he felt that way sometimes, this was one moment where they are talking about how he was deterring russia we are
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going to do all these things to you, vla vladimir. he says no way. trump says way. i want to say that the way doctrine to me is better than the don't doctrine which is what we are dealing with the biden administration at this moment. >> steve: that's perfectly put. you know, i think trump probably felt comfortable because elon musk made it very clear this is not going to be an adversarial gotcha kind of interview. in fact, mr. musk said he wanted to help open-minded independent voters simply catch a vibe. this is the vibe when you are having a convo with the donald. >> yeah. and catching a vibe apparently is what we are doing all through this election. this vibe included a lot more policy than have you heard the other side talk about which i appreciate. look, some people will like it and some people will not. that's the beauty of donald trump is a lot of people have their minds made up. and can he kind of do these freewheeling things. i think there is a chance that on the margins there are people who are pretty online and
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independent who heard some of this. and liked what they heard. >> steve: i think you are probably right. i mentioned vibe because "time" magazine put her on the cover and they said she'd pulled one the swiftest vibe shifts in modern political history because, when you look at -- you compare "time" magazine to all the articles that have been written over the last year or two, where they essentially did not like her. but now mary katharine ham they like her, they really really like her. >> now, i think the media should pat itself on the back for the vibe shift. well done with the disciplined messaging, everyone. trump is not always a disciplined messenger. certainly the media has been one on behalf of kamala harris once they decided this is the person that they needed to boost. i would just say if you are writing a magazine piece where you are just lauding this politician, who has not been vetted in a primary process, and you don't get one quote from her, you should be ashamed. it's embarrassing. what they're doing is embarrassing. what her campaign is doing is
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tactically smart. not truth for the american people to not be exposed to what she actually thinks. >> that's a completely different vibe. mary katharine, thank you very much for joining us on this tuesday. >> thank you. >> steve: you bet. all right. we're going to step aside. more "fox & friends" in just a couple of minutes. so inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. no mask! no hose! just sleep. give me this thing. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies
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