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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 13, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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and strongly condemns hamas terrorism. >> dana: mike tobin, we get more and more questions as the vetting process was a short one, and finding out more. thank you so much. >> bill: on the two-time speed, 3x, meanwhile minnesota business owner speaking out on walz's response to george floyd. >> if he gets to become the vice president he needs to learn how to love the people here especially minnesota because of the destruction that happened during his watch. >> bill: they are saying that writers destroyed a store and stole $200,000 worth of merchandise and received no response. >> dana: more to come on all of that and a debate as well. great to be with you. harris faulkner will take you through the next hour. here is "the faulkner focus." it's me on the last time i vice president kamala harris ran for the white house she made it
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perfectly clear, she will end private health care and replace it with the government only program for everyone in america. so if you like your doctor, who cares? kamala harris is hard-line liberal policies are hard to erase from all the video on the internet, and that's exactly why her past medicare for all push is front and center today. i'm harris faulkner, you are and "the faulkner focus," kamala harris' campaign has suggested that she no longer supports what she said in the past. but we have yet to see any health care proposals are really any policies from her. you can check the website where she has not sat down in more than 20 days for an interview since she announced she was running and now she is the nominee, because they went around the voters and had a digital roll call to put her in place. but we do have are 2019 health care plan, it was a major pillar of her first presidential campaign and wood forests
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150 million americans onto government health insurance. here is a flashback. >> access to affordable health care should not be a privilege, it should be a right. >> originally brought by bernie sanders and you are a sponsor, it will eliminate private insurance, super people out there who like their insurance, they don't get to keep it? >> the idea is that everyone gets access to medical care, and you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company. let's eliminate all of that and move on. >> ha>> harris: "wall street journal" editorial is named if you like your health care plan, meet kamala harris. fox business is madison all worth with more, madison. >> we know that harris has not over viewed her care on health care for this election,
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but we have to pass by. to look at recluse. so vice president kamala harris has been a vocal supporter of medicare for all, cosponsoring the bill with bernie sanders in 2017 and campaigning on the platform in 2019. on the campaign trail, she called for the end private insurance and more. >> who here would abolish their private health insurance in favor of the government-run plan >> after that nbc debate she said she misunderstood the question, but in her own words, harris has made her thoughts on the matter quite clear and has advocated for medicare for all with a 10-year phasing period and allowing private insurers to continue if they operate with medicare plans. health care insurance tells us that a plan like this would add significantly to the nation's debt costing $44 trillion and
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that the 2019 plan would put everyone in this country on medicare. >> the idea is that everyone in the u.s. will be covered for the medicare program i would cover folks that were noncitizens, undocumented workers as well. it was pretty expansive of relying upon the existing medicare program ending private health insurance as we know it today. >> we reached out for clarity on her position and have not heard back. but as we mentioned, kamala harris has run for president before and medicare for all was very much a part of her platform. harris. >> harris: maybe that's why she has not changed it. maybe that's the telltale sign the remains, there are no policies listed on the website, so we will just take are based on what she has done before. tammy bruce, fox news contributor and author of the brand-new fabulous book fear itself, and i mean that, it's bedside right now. so talk to me about the past and
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the present and the future with kamala harris, because i know you are looking into this. >> it's hard and we have to have to guest because she is a ghost. we sometimes see her, sometimes we don't. and i think that hillary clinton said this once when the left was getting mad at her because of things she was saying she said don't listen to what i say, watch what i do. and when biden was elected they said things wildly not true, but we would not know until we elected them like they were going to be a uniter and things will return to normal. at this catastrophe is normal for the democrat so here we have a woman let me think about watch what they have done, her actions have been to abolish private health care. that's what socialists do. putting your health care completely in the hands of government gives them complete control of your lives and ask yourself this, do you want the people who delivered the covid debacle to us to be in charge of
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all of your health care? there was one thing you might lose your job if he did not get the vaccine, what if you would lose your health care? do you want the people who run the trains, the public trains in the country to be in charge of your health care? who are in charge of the dmv and the post office extensively and in charge of right now medicare. and then you have these arguments from at governor newsom and democrats in general that illegal aliens and everyone in the country regardless of how they have gotten here also should have medicare and health care, if you think it is difficult to get an appointment now come and you will never -- so it's not just about affordable health care. we want that. kfs, the think tank writes half of u.s. adults say it's difficult to afford health care costs and one in four say they have a family member in their household that has problems paying for health care. too bad over ten years ago we did not have a thing called the affordable health care act, because this has moved us into a
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framework where i think they believe americans just don't want to deal with it. it will be more affordable. you will be paying for it with taxes. it's not from the money tree in washington. and good luck getting an appointment, but then there is the quality of care issue. >> harris: let's talk about that for a second, we have people from different countries and some of them may be have got some decent health care or they have had access to any, many of them coming across the border illegally especially don't have that in the recent past, and they are anticipating having it now, that means everyone has a full check up and they need vaccinations for things we have not seen in this country actively like polio and tb and those things, it's not that we never have them, it's just that they are not a problem for us right now in high numbers, so we are going have to vet that -- oh, wait a minute, we don't vet. how do you vet that health care? i don't want to put it all on
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illegals coming into the country. we cannot handle it during the pandemic, we hadn't hard enough time getting people to come in with a sidebar of all of the things that we normally need to have with the preventative care got stuff, even cancer patients do not get their check or some of what they needed. >> that is the access after covid, people did not go into the doctor's office or did not have enough time that that's all of the problem. and obviously, no one in the country has turned away for health care, but this is why emergency rooms are jammed and we see trauma centers closing. it's about what can you handle with the government doling out a few dollars to you, doctors who would maybe become doctors, but instead be lawyers are going to business which is fine. >> harris: you bring up a good point, a lot of people left the field. >> look at where this has been applied around the world? it's not a new idea.
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to look at england, look at canada. it's a problem. it does not work. if you want government with all power you give them the power of your health care. and that's what this is. it fails and they know it, but they think, we are just ponds. >> harris: you hear barack obama's name mentioned in this, obamacare, but he did not go that far. >> that was just one step. everything is multiple steps, training people to accept this knowing it will remain unaffordable and then having a bad economy, wouldn't it be great to have -- wouldn't it be great to not have that pardon my my budget, but it is a trick. they know what it is. a look around the world. there is no functional successful socialized health care. they may have a budget that looks a little better, but people do not get a really good health care. >> harris: well, quality was what you were talking about. and we have an aging population,
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north of 55% of the people who are going to be moving into the later stages of their health care lives. we want the best for anybody. i'm one of them, by the way. medicare for all is not the only policy we have seen vice president kamala harris try to walk back since becoming the candidate for the white house for the second time. it's a long list which includes mandatory gun buybacks. securing the southern border. if she is going to do it, why can't she do it now? and if she did not do it now, why didn't she do it in the past? what is going to change, banning tracking and supporting a government job opportunity which is part of the green new deal, 14 page outline that aoc gave us. former president trump among many critics are calling her out. he posted "let's see her flip-flop on those little lifelong policies of hers. a completely fraudulent campaign."
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>> they are relying on people who are is not so involved in politics. maybe just started to look up. and she is new and younger and anything other than biden is a blessing. they are hoping people will believe the con. that's what grifters do, it's naive enough that you will fall for it, but this is not like all roads lead to rome coming here. this will destroy lives. and i think president trump has tried to reach out in a certain way of authenticity, are these people who they say they are. and if you are not getting the truth about who you are personally or on your issues, then why are they lying to you? if she really felt that they were the best ones. >> harris: that makes me understand why donald trump wants to debate her so much, and authenticity is not something you ever say about donald trump. love him, hate him, like i'm a
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little, like him a lot, whatever the situation is, you know what he is. >> you know what you got in that conversation with elon musk, two hours of the conversation is the man that he has always been. you know what he says and believes in, and you know what he has delivered and i think that's a clear choice in november. >> harris: tammy bruce, thank you for being on the "focus" tips are taking by, now still not answering questions on the record from reporters. 23 days since vice president harris signed up for the job to replace her boss atop the ticket, what will it take for her to face the press? she said she will do a one-on-one interview by the end of the month after the dnc convention, so it's too late for anyone to wait and then or maybe it's too late now? plus the backlash over her border policy flip-flop is growing louder by the day. >> for her to come out and say i am now going to be tough on
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border security, it is a laughable and you just snap your fingers and be the opposite, i don't think she can. >> harris: you can if you are in the matrix. the people who should be most upset by her attempt to backtrack and those who are on our southern border and a northern one for that matter, because people come across both seeing the very worst of what she is selling every day. sheriff mark lamb of county arizona is one of them in focus next. ♪ ♪ jim caviezel here. you know, saint john paul this second profoundly impacted my life. and i just finished recording some incredible new meditations on his life, on the hallow app. this content is incredible. why don't you join us in the saint john paul the second challenge? it'll change your life. download hallow and join me today. god bless you.
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>> harris: fox news alert, kamala harris is hearing it from critics on her backtrack, calling four or more border
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agents never mind the fact she has had more than three and half years to secure the southern border. our own peter doocy took it up with the white house. >> how long of you know that vice president harris does not think that president biden is effective with this border policy? >> you are making a huge jump. she did not say this. this is something you are assuming. i don't know why you would assume that. it's not true. >> she has a campaign ad where she sang many more border patrol agents. if president biden is doing such a good job, why will we need more? >> the president does one to more border patrol agents. there is no daylight here. i'm not understanding the question, because there is no daylight. >> harris: i can think of one sliver of daylight as he happy with the job that kamala harris has been doing for three and a half years? because that's on his legacy. the trump campaign is responding this way. thank you press secretary for confirming there is no daylight between kabbalah and lament kamala harris and joe,
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kamala harris owns the border crisis, the chaos and crime over the past four years. now let's take a look back together at her stance on for example illegal immigration. >> i think there is no question that we have to critically re-examine i.c.e. >> you support to medicare for all to people who are in the country illegally. >> any coliseum that would deny anyone from our country from access to public safety, public education or public health. >> i will by executive action reinstate protection to those young people. >> we staffed with you and those are people who will fight for you and your rates every single day. >> i'm in favor of saying that we are not going to bring people who are undocumented as criminals. >> harris: and the detention centers who have migrants in them because they have not broken the law, where all of
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those people to go? border agents are not buying any of her sudden change of heart. some of them are talking with the "washington examiner" and say this, i would never vote for her, probably worse than joe biden honestly, we are screwed as country and she becomes president. that is a quote. a column in the outlet ads there 20 years of factional evidence about how kamala harris deals with illegal immigrants and voters should look at them. it will give an accurate and disturbing picture. sheriff mark lamb of arizona, i welcome you to "the focus. all of this is what we know. we don't know what she will do in the future, because she has no policy is on her website. what can you tell us about this moment in time and the crisis at the border? >> the best predictor of future behavior is current behavior or past behavior, her behavior on the border has been a failure appeared she does not want to secure the border, she just
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wants to win an election which is why she is changing the narrative right now. it's politics at its best. i hope the american people see through this. we in law enforcement see through it, she has failed us in law enforcement and border patrol and continues to fail the american people. she gives an apology alongside of joe biden into the families of the folks like rachel moran or laken riley were so many other americans who have been the victims of her failure at the southern border and we as law enforcement are going to do everything we can to keep her from getting in this office. >> harris: i want to get a reaction to something, a feature as an ad over the use of his image, let's watch. >> kamala harris has spent decades fighting violent crime, as a border state prosecutors she took on drug cartels and jailed gang members for smuggling drugs and weapons across the border. >> harris: the office of
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sheriff mike boudreau says he wants to make it abundantly clear that his image is being used without his permission. and he does not endorse harris for president or any other political office. the truth is harris never cared about the cartels and did nothing to stop people from illegally crossing the border. can you understand the outrage from the sheriff? >> i would be ticked off. i would be so ticked off if she is one of my images in her commercials. i know mike boudreau very well, phenomenal sheriff, and frankly a great sheriff there in california including those who are democrats and i don't think any of them would support kamala harris in this run for president. she did not do good a job as attorney general in the state of california and the proof is in how california is as a state is a disaster right now things to gavin newsom, kamala harris, and so many other politicians who will tell you what you want to hear and i go back to what i said before, they will tell you what you want to hear now and
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then when they get into office you can expect that the socialist policies they have continued to implement as their behavior in the past and what you can expect in the future. >> harris: sheriff lamb, we are seeing the markings of the things that the countries have gone through before with that issue with house speaker nancy pelosi in the package of the really important bill on health care that you will learn about it after it's passed. that's kind of what we are staying with him all up in paris, you will know about what her ideas are after she gets in the white house so she says. "the new york post" is reporting that the police arrested two illegal immigrants for raping a woman at knife point and beating up her boyfriend. one was arrested for raping a woman in 2022. and spend years behind bars before taking a plea deal that put them back on the street. and police arrested one of the migrants, we don't know if they are here illegally or not but we
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have seen reports they are involved in the january brawl on shoplifting charges. look, we are seeing a take up all of this kind of crime and without any pushback from prosecutors, where are we on this? what do you see? >> i think crimes like this happen more often than the american people realize, because when we reported to the fbi there is no box to check that says that person is here illegally. so most of the time it's not being notated as having been committed by somebody in this country illegally. and then when she refers to these people by saying they are not criminals, they broke the law by coming into this country illegally, that by definition makes them a criminal because they broke the law to come into the country illegally. it drives me crazy when they pretend like these folks did not break the law, they did break the law when they came to the country without permission. and what we see as we should not be surprised when we get people from third world countries. you cannot bring a third world
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into our country and not expect that we won't eventually become a third world country ourselves, because this type of behavior should be unacceptable in america. we should not accept that someone can break the long come in here and have politicians like kamala harris cover for them or say that they are not criminals or that they are not breaking the law, we are not that dumb. we know it is going on and i think that the american people are going to figure it out too. >> harris: your job is mighty coming you, sheriff lamb, others like you it's interesting many of the sheriffs are along the border as he said know each other. you guys know each other well and are doing a very important job holding our nation's sovereignty. and we thank you for that. >> thank you. and thank you for being a voice for us too. we appreciate it. >> absolutely, always. u.s. moving military aspects to the middle east as it's time to pay attention now, because if iran is stalling trying to make a deal, who knows, we do know we
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have been told it's imminent whether or not iran will hit israel. so israel remains on high alert and now we are moving big assets to the region and maybe they will deter iran or maybe they won't. remember the president, joe biden said don't. i don't think iran is fettered at all by that. vice president kamala harris is avoiding the press, well, critics say it looks that way. >> i like that a presidential candidate puts themselves in this position, wide-ranging conversation on a bunch of topics where you get to see what they really think serves truth for the american people. it's the opposite of what kamala harris is doing. >> harris: it really puts the pressure on kamala harris, because with whom ever she sits down, it's going to be tough if they want their reputations intact. 23 days into her campaign with no formal press appearances. a lot of friends in the media, she may as well do it now.
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the liberals love her, the power panel next. this summer, there's no better time to experience the latest mercedes-benz has to offer. make your dreams come true. but the choice won't be easy with exceptional offers on the e-class sedan, c-class sedan, cle cabriolet and cle coupe. hurry, these dream offers won't last forever. come in now through september 3rd.
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>> harris: former president donald trump sat down for an extended interview last night and he went hard after kamala harris on the issues. >> she is considered more liberal by far than bernie sanders. she has a radical lefty lunatic. strong at the border and we are going to be strong. she does not have to say, she could close it up right now. the election is coming up and people want to hear about the economy and the fact that you can't buy groceries because they don't have enough money to buy groceries and this stupid administration allowed this to happen. spin on the harris campaign respond in this way, a stat statement. trump's campaign is in favor of elon musk and himself, those who
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will run out the middle class and cannot run a live stream in the year 2024. this is a woman who woman-splined artificial intelligence. but bryan llenas has more. brian. >> at its peak 1.3 million people were listening in as former president trump and elon musk spoke for more than two hours yesterday and an audio conversation on x. but it was marred by a technical glitch is delaying the event by more than 40 minutes. users who tried to join the combo were met with messages that said "this space is unavailable." on x musk claims they were due to a cyber attack with what appears to be a massive detox attack on x plan on shutting it down. it is a federal crime and involves splitting a site with data and knocking it off line. an attack as not been independently verified and critics are skeptical given the
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rest of x appeared to be operating normally and because people remember the technical problems that riddled that space conversation last year when florida governor ron desantis launched his presidential campaign on the platform. nonetheless, once the conversation started, donald trump and elon musk spoke about the assassination attempt, fossil fuels, and illegal immigration. >> we cannot have a situation where police officers are beaten up on camera by a gang of illegal immigrants and nothing happens to the guys the beat up the cops. and they are let out, this is unacceptable. there is a lack of empathy for the victims of the criminals and too much empathy for the criminals. >> elon musk who is leading a super pac to get donald trump elected explained why he is endorsing the former president. >> i call myself historically a moderate democrat, but those are
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for people in the moderate camp to say that i think you should support donald trump or president, and i think it's actually a very important juncture in the road if it goes the other way. >> and harris, back to you. >> harris: brian, thank you very much, they harris campaign as we were talking about has been mocking that technical glitch, it's a label estimates to our interview by more than 4. pretty rich for a candidate who has been running for 23 days to have her campaign going after him and she still has not set down for a formal interview or even held a press conference. which leaves the trump campaign surrogates trying to explain. >> i understand why the media wants to be able to ask questions. that is your job and certainly we respect that answering your questions and i'm sure when the time is right that vice president harris will sit down and answer all the
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questions she needs. >> harris: that was a mistake by the way, those are kamala harris is surrogates trying to explain it all. you saw that, donald trump is not buying any of it. he said this to elon musk last night. >> she has not done an interview since this whole scam started. it's nice to have a form like this where i can discuss something at length. by the way, you think joe biden could do this interview? you think that kamala harris could do this interview? it's pretty sad when you think that someone that does this for a living can answer a question or is afraid to do an interview. it's beyond the power panel now, fox news political analyst, former new york state senator. david, it's time that we hear some policies from kamala harris herself as she is currently the vice president promising to fix something on her watch for three years and she will do a better
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job if she gets a bump up to the top of the ticket and onto the white house. how do you even know that's true when we don't have any idea what her policies will be? >> well, we have a good idea, because -- >> harris: we don't know what working policies she has? we arty know what she has got. >> we can say the same thing about donald trump and has been ambiguous on many policies. >> harris: have you been to his website? kamala harris does not have an issues tab, she does not even have like generous talking points which a lot of candidates do to tell us what she is about. >> like we have said, 23 days into the campaign, putting that organization together and it has been momentum at the back of the kamala harris team seeing her surge in the polls we have excitement. as an enthusiastic democrat it's like a kid looking forward to
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christmas. >> harris: do you think an interview would turn that around? >> lee of the vp pick in the dnc conviction and to say everyone can look forward to no holds barred press conference if you will. >> harris: it's a strategic choice that makes her from making too many mistakes on camera, because -- we will move to john. >> david, sometimes i wonder if you get your talking points from the daily onion, because it is hilarious. donald trump is not in any policies out there? we've seen effective policies were four years. we can't talk about what kamala harris and joe biden have done. and thanks to the press secretary we know there is no daylight between them from a policy standpoint, so when they came in within the first 100 days dismantled, over 94 policies that to secure the border and we know there is no daylight between them.
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>> title 42. >> i'm sorry, david, i'm speaking. i can't hear you. but we know it is projected in new york city that there will be $12 billion that are spent on migrants from 2024 to 2025. that's an issue. inflation is a major issue. there is some the issues we can talk about that are going in the wrong direction for americans as there is no daylight between kamala harris and joe biden. it's a failure that they shared together. and the fact that she has an approach i believe running out the clock and allowing the media to do her bidding for her as a problematic scenario for anyone who is running for president on the united states especially when we have less than 90 days to go for this election is a disappointment for the american people. but this is what i think many folks who are watching this network have come to expect from kamala harris. >> it is clear when donald trump was in office he was in a tailspin. covid was out of control, they
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took the biden/harris administration to real dead end. >> harris: i have one strong memory of how covid was handled. just one example of how covid was handled under donald trump. joe biden tried to take credit for creating the vaccine, and then the video showed that he actually got its before he was in office. now maybe that was the beginning of something else in terms of his memory, but that is a strong memory for the rest of us. gentlemen, thank you. it's good to see you both. vice president harris and her running mate tim walz are raking in cash from glitzy fund-raisers. but the democrats may want to back off their celebrities. they want to make sure the convention they are saying is all about the class. former president trump seem to
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be making identity policy pitches? >> my promise to everyone here is raise the minimum wage! and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers! >> when i get into office, we are not going to charge taxes on tips. >> harris: there are some fallout over what critics are claiming as kamala harris is straight up copying clay travis weighs in next. book an exam online today.
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>> harris: this developing this hour, the entire military state is on alert, expecting an attack by iran at any time, looking for revenge of the recent killings of two top terror leaders, one of them a top hamas appeared to the united states has moved to six strike options into position in the middle east. big assets for us. the white house with this. >> the fact that they believe that it's increasingly likely that there will be an attack by iran and/or its proxies, and perhaps in the coming days. i will tell you that we share
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those concerns. >> harris: proxies, those are other terrorists around the region that are paid for by iran. alex hogan is live for us in tel aviv, israel. alex. >> hi, harris. hamas says they targeted tel aviv. a loud explosion was heard here and across the city. two rockets identified one falling into the sea. all of that shows that even after ten months of war in gaza, hamas still manages to fire rockets and launch attacks into israeli territory. all of this coming as the idf spokesperson daniel hagari last night told the country that the government is ready on alert, standing by to give any anticipation of a likely attack by iran. >> we take seriously the statements and remarks by our enemies, and therefore, we are at peak preparedness for attack and defense and will act according to league to the instructions at the political
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level. >> on that political level it's been days of diplomatic effort to prevent to this looming iranian potential attack. prime minister held a 30 minute phone call with the new president telling him that war is not in anyone's interest. it comes after a joint effort on behalf of the u.k., the u.s., france, and germany urging iran to stand down. russian president vladimir putin held talks with israeli president mahmoud abbas. all eyes are on whether or not the cease-fires negotiations will take place within two days. in the meantime, israel military pressing forward with ground operations in the southern city of khan yunis where as many as 100,000 people have been told to evacuate once again. >> i don't really know where to go. we will find a tent or maybe sleep in the street if there is no place. what else can we do?
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>> with the soaring tensions and the region, the question is will there be at the iranian retaliation, and the iranian officials saying if there is a cease-fire, that's the only thing that could potentially determine attack. the question is, harris, will the cease-fire in those negotiations take place in two days? even if a cease-fire is agreed upon, of course that would not come to fruition this week. it could take days, weeks, or even months for that to be carried out. >> harris: in nonwar life when things go on, sometimes a deal can cool, let's hope the time passing, iran will cool a bit and this won't happen. everyone is on high alert. thank you very much. great reporting. we all know that former president donald trump first pitched the idea of no tips on taxes, well, then vice president harris decided she would use that as a part of her campaign. we have shown you the video where it's almost word for word
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what she said about doing it versus what he first said. critics are calling it a copycat. and they are on social media with side-by-side comparisons, one which we have shown you when there are some new ones on there too. you will see and they all will show how the legacy media covered up the proposal from each candidate. in wokeness which has a page on x said same plan, spot the difference. to the white house is dodging questions about it. >> trump was the first to endorse tax on tips, accusing vice president harris of stealing his idea. so did she get this idea from trump? >> look, i'm not going to respond to a presidential candidate -- >> so much that it made its way to the press and then on the united states. >> absolutely, this is something that the president supports. he supports eliminating taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers by raising minimum wage
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and preventing the wealthy from gaining the system. >> harris: well, that's news. back in february of 2203. what this headline. "joe biden's irs plans to crack down on waiters tips." okay, they are so many receipts, they really ought to just tell the truth. in focus now, fox news contributor clay travis, clay, your topline thoughts? >> first of all we should give credit to kamala harris for actually endorsing a proposal since her website as you just mentioned with your last guest is virtually empty when it comes to what she would stand for. but this is just ridiculous. this is more of the erasure of everything she has previously stood for. whether it's what she thinks about border security. whether it's what she thinks about deep on the police. whether it's what she thinks about fracking. she has changed her opinions on everything just in time for the
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election. and biden himself, you are in power. if you think that removing taxes on tips is a brilliant move, instead of making it a campaign promise, why don't you try to do it right now? as he pointed out it's the exact opposite of what they did last year. and it flies in the face of what they did when it came to hiring all of these new irs agents and we all said there aren't enough billionaires for you to be able to chase. they have gone after people who are working class and doing their best to try to put food on the table and take care of their families. i think it's just a sign of how smart and strategically brilliant trump's move was particularly in a state like nevada, kamala harris is afraid it's going to flip back to trump. we've had a republican governor when there in 2022. it's right for the taking and it's just more lying and dissembling from kamala harris, joe biden, and that entire campaign. >> harris: here is something we are watching for, kamala harris tapping into her
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san francisco roots for her campaign cash. 700 people attended her fund-raiser on sunday donating more than $13 million. the guest list had some bigwigs from hollywood hollywood and silicon valley. her running mate, governor of minnesota tim walz is going to the hamptons this weekend for his first new york campaign appearance. tickets are $50,000 apiece and the campaign may be coordinating big names for donations, but they are trying to be selective of how many celebrities show up to this dnc selection. they do not want the campaign to seem like "a hollywood liberal elite event." why would that be any different than where they have been and how they are scooping up money? >> no doubt, harris. it was not that long ago that that massive hollywood fund-raiser with julia roberts and george clooney led to obama having to carry joe biden basically off by his elbow off the stage, and everyone in
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hollywood claimed was superstrong. and now they are going back on california. one of the biggest stories that will come out of the convention next week is all of the protesters that are not protesting republicans or republican ideas. they are protesting the base of the democratic party. and getting in the way with israel. they will protest her. and walz is a joke. trying to sell camo hats out to the hamptons for a $50,000 fund-raiser? they are the most inauthentic presidential ticket in my life, harris. and i'm not even sure what a close second is. >> harris: you can't hide, and trying to rhyme everything with. they are going after her like they did with joe biden on that issue. great to see you today. always a great conversation. clay travis, thank you. "outnumbered" after the break. -l that gives you a mop and bucket clean in half the time
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