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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  August 13, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us, thank you for making the show possible. please set your dvr so you never ever ever ever miss an episode. for news any time all the time fox let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld is next to put a smile on your face. have a great night. [♪♪] [♪♪]
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>> greg: yes, yes, i know. i know, i know! i know! i know, i would cheer too if i were looking at this. happy tuesday everyone. the european union sent a letter to elon musk warning that interviewing donald trump could be "harmful content" also harmful to europeans, soap. they are dirty, dirty europeans. during his interview with elon musk donald trump said president biden is close to vegetable state. the white house denied this saying joe is healthy and still enjoys his favorite foods. a recent op-ed suggests tim walz's masculinity is terrifying
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to republicans. i would not say his masculinity. new washington post op-ed says harris max campaign has better vibes than trump's and they praise her for being light on substance but high on feels. you know who else was high on feels? 4000-year-old babylonian tablets have finally been deciphered. it said for a good time call... dolce and kabbalah introducing a perfume for dogs. it's called other dog spots. -- dogs buts -- did we really need to make a bottle? a texas goal has land -- ban lack clothing because it's linked to poor mental health, especially for students with dandruff.
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the picture. we need to show you what dandruff is. a spice girls reunion has been shelved because ginger spice and scary spice are feuding but still going strong, old spice. love a good madonna joke, who doesn't. basic 51-foot whale died after washing up on the beach. devastating news and our thoughts and prayers go out to it's family. and scientists say masturbation can decrease the likelihood of prostate cancer. i'm going to live forever, said one man. it's our homeless man we let sit in every tuesday night. our part for society. donald trump what kamala harris
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is apparently unwilling or unable to do, he gave an interview. it was with someone kamala would not talk to, elon musk. the interview took place on x, formerly known as twitter, formerly known as the place where fans ask for pictures of my feet. after a 30 minute delay, trump and musk chewed the fat like lions eating the view. i'm sure kamala was listening to see which campaign promises she could claim as her own. she's been mimicking trump so well she's getting stocked by stormy daniels. the two men discussed many issues including the border crisis. i wonder, are they coming from africa, asia, from the middle east, are they coming from south america, from everywhere, and how many of them are really bad ones? >> they are coming from africa, they are coming from asia, they are coming from the middle east, coming from south america, coming from everywhere and there are a lot of really bad ones. >> greg: i knew it! trump put the blame right where
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it belongs, on biden's border czar. >> he could close it up now. he tries to pretend like he's going to do something. she was the border czar and people can't allow them to get away with their disinformation campaign. >> greg: that's the great thing about harris max vice president see, she's done nothing and she does it better than anyone else. and i include the guy who makes neck ophelia ask horny. trump and musk discussed inflation which is a problem if you've been to a grocery store or a gas station lately. or so i'm told by the orphans who do my shopping. >> for years ago, five years ago people were saving a lot of money. today they are using their money and borrowing money just to live. >> greg: trump blames the cost of oil, a result of biden's disastrous foreign policy, russian attacking used -- ukraine, saying it happened on
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joe's watch but who am i kidding, he wasn't watching, he was napping. iran is closer to nukes in saudi arabia won't take joe's calls even when he says he's calling to warn them that their cars extended warranty is about to expire. but trump knows putin, he knows kim jong-un. >> i know putin, i know kim jong-un of north korea, they are at the top of their game, they are tough, smart, vicious and they will protect their country. when they see a kamala or when they see a biden, sleepy joe, they can't even believe it. >> greg: he also warned iran not to mess around. >> i don't want to do anything bad to iran but they knew not to mess around. >> greg: what's harris going to do, deploy a crack squad of hollywood the listers, have cathy griffin parachute in and they will want to cut their own
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heads off. is kamala a radical left lunatic? >> she's a radical left lunatic and if she is going to be our president, very quickly you will not have a country anymore. >> greg: no more country, isn't that what the radical left wants? but you would not have heard any of this if the media had its way. time traveling hacks slams the chat before it started even though three years of watching biden crossing over caught them by surprise. >> misinformation on twitter is not just a campaign issue, it's in america issue. what role does the white house or the president have in sort of stopping that? >> tran10's rise as a trump backer comes as x has turned into a haven for the spread of misinformation. sometimes that been information has been boosted by musk himself >> greg: amazing we live in an era where reporters are asking if we don't have enough censorship. meanwhile an eu regulator warned
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to the chat contained misinformation and that they would take legal action, which in itself told us that this is why america has a first amendment and the next time you're it needs us to save them in a world war, they can go [ bleep ] themselves. -- europe needs us to save them -- but all in all we did not really learn anything about trump we did not know already. the bigger story is that the most important figures in the world agree about the world. three if you include me. the greatest tech genius ever and the most consequential political figure today talked on an equal footing. it was like me talking to a mirror. trump knew everything musk brought up, energy, ai, economic development and he did not, like a glue sniffing how you know once. zero questions about ice cream. no other politician could engage on future problems like this. most would need a staff of ten for research and still would have no idea what to think.
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trump joked that biden and kamala could not do this but the fact is not many good. by the way musk says he's happy to host kamala on a x spaces too. it's an open invitation like the one i have two kudlow's hot tub. you think she would ever sit down with musk? cheese too busy listening to her favorite up-and-coming wrapper. team kamala put out a statement, trump's entire campaign is in service of people like musk, self obsessed rich guys who will sell out the middle class. yes, self obsessed rich guys. one who's exploring space, mass-produced electric cars, created a device to help paralyzed people communicate using devices that harness brain activity and many other things to better our world and the other guy could be enjoying his retirement in the billions he earned building things but took a bullet while working a job he agreed to not get paid for. you really got them pegged, self
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obsessed rich guys. maybe two progressives who think meritocracy is a bad word and achievement is conflated with oppression. self obsessed my gorgeously sculpted ask. you can applaud. again, could harris do any of this much less discuss it? here she is explaining artificial intelligence as the ai lazar. >> i think the first part of this issue that should be articulated is ai is kind of fancy. first of all its two letters. it means artificial intelligence but ultimately what it is is it's about machine learning. >> greg: i would say harris could benefit from elon musk's neural implants but you would need actual brain activity to get it to work. let's welcome tonight's guests!
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he played granny on the beverly hillbillies, founder of -- michael loftus. she was a woman in men's locker rooms before there were men and women's locker rooms, former nfl reporter michele tafoya. her baby has already put itself up for adoption, new york times best-selling author and fox news contributor kat timpf. and when he goes to bars, mechanical bowls ride him. new york times best-selling author, tyrus. michael loftus, you being homeless, were you able to listen to the podcast or interview at a nearby underpass? >> yes, we had a shelter and then there were ten cans and wires. people were sounding out the big words so we knew what they were talking about. that was an event. hundreds of millions of people now.
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that's got legacy media freaking out because that ship has sailed, they are no longer the gatekeepers of what's true and awesome. it's funny, it's shocking that kamala did not like this, right, like rich white guys. >> greg: i don't know, rich guys. >> if you have thrown up for kamala at the end, she would have been all for it. white guys for kamala, comics for kamala where i see mark hamill really tore it up. i'm doing new stuff. they had elders for kamala. i did not tune into that one. that's a long zoom call right there. trying to talk jane fonda in. i can't see you, there should be a vietnamese kid who helps me. but to what you were saying, they did for two hours talked about actual issues and it was great.
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you felt like these guys could get things done and handle stuff. kamala could probably talk for two hours and it would be like six sentences. like space. is a long time. and time. all right moving on. they talked about the assassination attempt for half an hour which is already double what the fbi and secret service of talked about it. >> greg: that's true. michele, we heard a lot of the same stuff and we also saw how hard it is when you are on the phone with trump because it's like you could hear musk try to get a word in edgewise. but the interesting thing is, everything they talked about was future related with the exception of the assassination attempt. they weren't dwelling on past things. talking about next week and next month. >> i felt like i was a fly on the wall. >> greg: a lot of flies on his wall.
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>> probably why he could not hear very well. but i felt like a fly on the wall in a phone conversation these guys were having. it was really almost casual. they were just kind of shooting the breeze and figuring stuff out. i loved when musk said there should be a committee that goes through and finds out all the waste and fraud and figures out where we can cut. i would be part of that committee. >> greg: you know what was funny about that. musk pitch to that three times and trump just kept ignoring it. he was like but there should be a committee and trump is like yeah whatever. like the guys applying for the job. >> and then said i would be very good at that, love to have you on. can you imagine elon musk and the trump administration? >> greg: i can see that. kat, did you listen to it or just get little snippets? were you listening for two? >> always. no, look. i watched a lot of it.
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what i thought was more interesting was watching the reaction on x itself to it because i feel that we are living in two separate countries are alternate universes. you obviously were a big fan of it, you loved it. >> greg: i was a fan, not a big fan. >> i would say you were quite a big fan. usa today called it an unmitigated disaster. you did not say anything negative about it. >> greg: actually thought that the technical issues socked. for example the reason trump sounded like he was talking on the laws inch, it drove me crazy but that's what happens on spaces, something happens to the microphone. you will listen to some, they sound drunk or. >> the technical issue, had that with ron desantis as well, he needs to figure that out. for me, i thought there were things like that that you could criticize. at the same time he was talking about real issues that people care about like inflation. i thought that was great.
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one person i don't think can criticize it at although is kamala because what she was saying with that self obsessed rich guys thing is she was trying to make the point of, you know, he's out of touch. you cannot present yourself as a woman of the people if you are not talking to any of them. that was a softball interview for sure. trump has also set down for interviews that were not that way. you really can't sit there and criticize who he's talking to or how or why. it comes off a little ridiculous when you have spoken to no one. >> greg: yes, into your point it was like the first two minutes musk just goes i'm voting for you. so there's no secret that he's biased. he's not saying i'm from cnn and i'm objective. he goes no, i'm endorsing for you, voting for you. he said, it's going to be softball all the way. softballs. all right, tyrus.
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>> this interview, in any other time, would have been behind closed doors. they would have met first, had this conversation and then came back and we would've had a 30 minute interview. but i have to give trump credit, when you are going to be transparent, you don't know how it's going to go. the message is i'm transparent. considering the fact that they talked for two hours and the soundbites aren't as much as i thought they would be, i thought they would cut everything they could for that because they will run that instead of having her do interviews. my biggest fear is when trump goes on, because i'm voting for trump. when he goes on, he talks too long because all you are doing is giving the other side more reason to have kamala talk because they just take what he says, and it's the newsfeed for the whole week. instead of talking about the committee, inflation instead of
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talking about two guys who know how to make money, you know how to run businesses. one of them is inventing [ bleep ] we haven't heard of yet, he's willing to take his extra rocket and get our astronauts out of the sky. so that's the guy i want on my speed dial. 2:00 in the morning, you know, just saying, like. >> greg: we used to actually admire people like that. >> and that's the problem is that we should be admiring it, regardless of whether he is running for president or not or who mosque is. the two coming together and talking about tangible things people can be -- get behind. but the problem is, one side is like brilliant, the other side is like they are bleakly ignorant, so that's a problem. but here's the thing about so many people watching, this might help trump in the long run because he might get someone like you know what i never saw him that way. usually has reports start with that's a very unfair question or
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how rude of you. >> greg: what worries me is that quality issue, it made him sound like he was drinking. very irritating. drove me crazy. up next, see why it's true tim doesn't back the blue. >> announcer: if you will be in the new york area and would like tickets, oh to and click on the link to join our studio audience. upset stomach iberogast indigestion iberogast bloating iberogast
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♪ it's coming your way, it's video of the day ♪ >> greg: when minneapolis faces a riot, tim walz got quiet. our video comes from the george floyd summer of peace, love and
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arson. clips from minnesota senate every surface where officers testified about feeling abandoned by their governor. now vp candidate tim walz. >> to watch them go through that was so heartbreaking. to know that they could have died because we were not allowed to respond to the way that we had been trained to respond. >> i heard the governor say give it up. it wasn't directly to me, it was through a phone call. when the governor says give up the precinct, that's demoralizing for the whole state >> i've never been more broken as a police officer then i was to watch our leaders give up on our home. >> greg: given walz's miserable lack of leadership during a time of crisis, maybe it was good he retired before going to iraq. might have been the only person
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who could have made the place worse. michele, they are trying to paint a this guy as masculine. is it masculine to hand over a precinct to rioters? >> so i live in minnesota, i need people to know that i've lived there since 1994, i've been through numerous governors in this guy is the worst. he's a wolf in sheep's clothing, he likes to go around and smile and act like he's just good old tim walz. that period of time in minneapolis was awful. a neighbor across the street came over and said do you have a fire extinguisher, my friends business is burning and there's no one to help her. she was looking in our neighborhood for fire extinguishers. we were under curfew. he was nowhere to be found. that night that that precinct burned and those cops just had to flee, it was one of the most surreal moments i can recall being a citizen of anywhere. so he really did abandon his city and there's really no way
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around it. i spoke to the minnesota police and peace officers association at a dinner one night shortly after and they had to right him a letter and say good you stop showing so much solidarity with george floyd and his family and wait until all the facts come out and give us a chance? the police remain demoralized. >> greg: i don't think it's ever recovered. kat, it's easy to govern when there aren't any riots, when things are going great. it only really matters, you need to have a spine when things are bad and he just did not show up, did he? >> i also feel, and i've said this over again but i will say it again, the criminal justice issue, there is a place for that. i think that, you know, i'm somebody that thinks there is a place for there to be reform and i think there was this huge movement and amazing moment for it and the way it was bungled in
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such an insane way back i don't know if there's ever been anything quite like it where it was just that mishandled. because it was obviously ridiculous. obviously nobody who wanted criminal justice reform, the average person would say what we would like is an easier time for violent criminals and businesses being set ablaze. at the same time this is the same guy remember that his administration had that hotline for you to snitch on your neighbors for doing normal human things. what's more important here for law enforcement to be involved in, a building engulfed in flames or wanting to watch a movie with your neighbor next door? that's not -- nobody wants that. and so it's obviously what he thought would be politically advantageous and i know it was a different time but what a stupid way to handle it. >> greg: tyrus -- [ applause ] >> thank you. >> greg: applauding for me. >> his question, yeah.
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[ laughter ] >> greg: it's kind of interesting. what kat is basically saying as it was politically advantageous for that moment to be on the side of the riots. >> in life there are moments when you are defined and they are not moments you get to pick. you could be 6'8" and 350 pounds and a coward in that moment. are you going to run into the house where do you run the other way? i think when people see who they really are for themselves, you get the worst of them. when that [ bleep ] broke off in minnesota, that was a time for him to lead, to make tough decisions. he probably would not get reelected if he made sure that every citizen went home safe that night, which brings -- means he brings in the national guard, on the tv every week, respect our city, something. there was a moment there. and you might not be favored with progressives or the right or whatever but as a man, since they want to use the term
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masculinity, which is hilarious since i don't know what that is, six months ago they did not know what a woman was and how they tell us how to be masculine. we know who he is. his track record is pretty clear. he would like to change that with his speeches and his calling jd vance weird and all that type of stuff he's doing, but this is what america needs to see, they need to here from people who've lived in minnesota. we need to have interviews with -- how are those storekeepers doing now, what is their fate now, because they are forgotten. the peoples whose lives were changed forever, how are they now? how are those people? if he ever does an interview, did you think that was the right thing, to abandon your citizens? with all the stuff going on at the border, and if they are coming across and happened to fit the progressives idea of oppressed, just like california and texas burned? the citizens in texas will take care of it but not so much california. i'm just saying we see who you are, you can't change that so
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america has to decide if you want a person like that in office to be next. that's not my vote. >> greg: but the thing is, the media will not ask those questions. michael, i want to pay you a compliment. you did not riot or loot at all. >> that you've proven. >> greg: that's true. but it appears you've stolen from clothing from a transient. >> it appears that way. or is it part of my new transient line of cardboard friendly menswear? i don't know what's wackier about the tim walz. i don't like that name. how do you pronounce it? picault lane, sausage lips. did they that him are did they not? there's only two terrifying realities here. either the democrats are like anybody is good. or they vetted him and say eel
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at minneapolis, i like that guy. stolen balor, he's our man. there's no good way to dice that up. >> greg: what's worse? i almost hope they did not that him. >> and then you are supposed to be okay with like he does the double hand wave. double hand wave. masculinity threatening, double hand wave. >> greg: only one person could do that double hand wave and it was the late rip taylor. >> and confetti. >> greg: loved him. >> hilarious. >> i will have to check it out. >> greg: up next, time magazine's new release is a kamala puff piece.
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>> announcer: a story in five words.
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>> greg: kat, this is so humiliating for time magazine. they put kamala harris on it's cover after she denied an interview and would not even set for a photo. they had to sketch her out like she was sitting on a chair in times square. isn't that hysterical? >> it's so crazy that they appear to be using the biden model. which is what people kind of accepted because they are like look at the guy like can he sit for the interview physically? it was like those issues. but they are just doing the same thing even though she's, to my assumption, she seems to be able-bodied. she walks around, she says words it's very obvious she is not a candidate so much as a media manufactured vibe.
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>> greg: exactly. >> if she's herself but goes out, it will ruin that. that's why first gates are so nerve-racking. even talking on the app it's like when they meet me they will ruin it. but i want people when they interview her to just ask her a simple question, what do you mean by that? >> greg: yes! >> a well-placed what do you mean by that, very strongly lacking i think in our interviews of these people for years and years. >> greg: you just truck up on great way to derail a first date , what do you mean by that would just destroy the date. you are always trying to stay in the first mode, the unopened christmas gift. tyrus, do you remember when we were kids, being on the cover of time was an achievement? >> what? you and me running the mean streets of san francisco going
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did you get the time? i've got it. no, that never happened. if it was jobs, i'm with you. thank you. -- jugs -- i said this yesterday, she did a picture with no interview but i think we need to look at it in more serious terms and say that time is part of her campaign team and we need to realize this is not journalism anymore, this is propaganda. they are pushing for her in broad daylight because president trump when he was on was a melted orange cartoon, they did everything they could to make him look silly or embarrass him. this one they are trying so hard to get that obama feel, but the problem is obama, whether you like him or not, you give him a microphone, he will show up and talk. even if you are like i can't stand him, but he's so polite. he was a communicator. good, bad or indifferent, he would do it. the blueprint is there. they won with it, they got
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81 million votes with this, so there's no reason for them to change. she's not doing interviews, she doesn't have to. they just wait for trump to do interviews and say he said this and this and this and she will respond and be like send more money to stop his lies and then it's november 6th before we know it. >> greg: it's true. loftus, one way you make money on that street is sketching tourists. does it bother you that they are doing that now here? >> i'm hoping to get some royalties off of that because i worked very hard to get the throat right. no, bigger, bigger! this is great for time. more people are talking about time magazine now than i think in recent history. they are going out of business. they can't go fast enough. because it is, it's not journalism, it's like the back of somebody's yearbook. it's like kamala, too cool, love always, like isn't trump a [
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bleep ]. that's all it is. friends forever! >> greg: have an awesome summer, can't wait to see you! >> that's what time magazine is and i'm so glad that x and twitter and these other platforms are thriving because it's more like the town crier, the digital town crier. you find somebody who's like following the same stuff and they let you know what's going on. >> greg: it is amazing how obvious they do their bias, michele. when trump talked about taxing tips, getting rid of that, they talked about how much it was going to cost. when she does it they don't. >> it's brilliant! in fact this is what's so funny about it. trump says i want to take the taxes off of tips and then she doesn't, she full on copied it. but let me remind you of this fact, on august 7th 2022, harris cast the tie-breaking vote to pass the inflation
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reduction act that provided 80 billion in additional funding to the irs which then got to work cracking down on the service industries reporting of tips so that they could be taxed. >> greg: exactly. >> so she voted to tax the tips. >> greg: she's coming out against herself! >> she is. and by the way the teleprompter right now is her basement. she's reading what they write and if she can keep that going, she can win this thing without doing an interview and that scares me. >> greg: yeah, will you have to act like you are losing or you will never win. i just came up with that. all right, coming up. why does a middle school oppose all black clothing? about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. save even more at our parking lot sale this weekend (♪) whether you're moving across town or across the country, you can count on pods
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[♪♪] >> announcer: five more words. >> greg: school bands all black clothing. tyrus, and l paso middle school, my favorite kind. has banned students from wearing
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black clothing citing association with mental health issues and criminality. do you believe the causation or correlation? >> no, stupid. it's dumb. how about figuring out your kids and stop worrying about what they are wearing. it's so stupid. they can dress like a rabbit the school, that's not a troubling thing. it's the kid in all black who wants to be johnny cash. if they are showing up to school, you don't know how they dress at home, you don't know their finances. whenever schools do this somebody gets some wild thing, if we get rid of all the black clothing. kids will be happier. no. it's stylish, most people like to wear black. >> greg: it's very slimming. >> black is the new pink, relax. >> greg: loftus your clothing is always black but that's from soot and filth.
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>> not everyone has affordable laundry detergent at home, that's the problem greg. this is the most texas thing ever. all these depressed kids in texas and they are like here's your problem, you are wearing black all the time. get some color on you! look at you, walking around like a villain wearing black. no wonder you are long and the tooth. it's crazy. you've gotta -- you've gotta let the kids where what they want. that way the goth kids can be with their friends and the nerds can be. you don't want to get your golf mixed in with your jocks. it's going to be pandemonium. >> greg: it is. you know, is this an attack on hot topic? >> there you go! >> greg: trying to bankrupt hot topic. >> that's what's going on here. this is so weird because there are some kids, they like to wear the black hoodie and sweats and there are others who like to
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wear bright clothes. let them do what they want. but any time you ban something, i have a problem with it because it is just taking away your right to choose something else. and so on the one hand, i think maybe bright colors would cheer people up, but on the other hand it's like let them where what they want. i'm sort of split on this one. if you are going to have a school uniform, just have a school uniform. and then take the choice out of it. >> greg: but you know who wore cheerful clothing? clowns. do you know who was a clown? john wayne gacy. i rest my case. >> yeah, i actually feel upset when i'm wearing a bright color. >> greg: really? >> it doesn't feel like my vibe and i feel like i'm lying to the world. yesterday i had that yellow dress on. i was in a bad mood. part of it was because i felt like my placenta was popping
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out. sorry, sorry. but the other part is that it was yellow. other people can wear yellow. when i wear yellow i'm like why are you wearing yellow? i feel happier when i'm wearing dark colors. i feel more confident and also my mom did a version of this to me in high school. she took away all of my emo cds because you felt they were making me depressed. i'm allowed to listen to them whenever i want now. but i was depressed because i was depressed, it had nothing to do with that kind of thing. all of these kids, if i had to go to school wearing yellow, i would be really sad. placenta or know. >> i don't have a placenta but i can't wear yellow either. i walk around yellow, plants grow around me and people worship me. >> greg: kids try to board you. >> yeah. >> greg: all right, up next, a routine that's disgusting and obscene. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture.
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>> announcer: when brown comes to town, you need a man who won't blush at the sound of a flush.
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you need the poo detective. >> greg: tonight on poo detective, the case of a brazilian model and an unusual skincare routine. video is going viral of her taking her face and what she claims his her own poo. i know. she says it helped makers can stop flaking but is she just for love crap or just covered in it. could it be she's just [ bleep ] faced? all the time. she is [ bleep ] faced all the time. >> i don't care, that's better make her live forever. if you are going to rub do key on your face, you better be gearing cancer, time traveling, endless clean energy. you just rub poo on your face! >> greg: i'd have to give up
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eating corn. [ laughter ] michele, if this worked everyone in broadcast media would be doing it. >> has anyone thought through what this would really require? like you have to collect it. what about the days that you are constipated? can you just not get through the mess. and then do you have one day where you scoop it and that's going to last you the whole week? i'm just wondering about the details. it's really awful and hideous. >> greg: kat. >> she's not really doing it, i don't think, which is what's even weirder kind of. >> greg: that she's faking it. >> if you are putting your own [ bleep ] on your face, you are deeply mentally ill. i don't care. my skin is quite flaky. that's fine. we will let it flake. >> greg: it's like i will take the flakes.
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>> have you heard of lotion? >> i bet there's another fluid... >> greg: shut up, loftus. never have a homeless guy on the show. last word to you on the turd. >> no. i'm not playing. no. michele, thanks for burning that in my brain forever. i will just say this, she's changing flakes for ringworm. >> greg: exactly. i think we've learned nothing. >> skin is so soft and pink! [ laughter ] >> greg: we will be right back.
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8:00 pm
apoquel is the #1 treatment for allergic itch... that veterinarians have trusted for over 15 million dogs... and it starts working in just 4 hours! do not use in dogs with serious infections... may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations... or preexisting cancers... and serious infections. new neoplasias have been observed. do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel. now available in a tasty chewable. i am >> greg: loftus, tafoya, timpf, tyrus, studio audience. i love you, america. >> trace: good evening, 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is


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