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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  August 13, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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he #1 treatment for allergic itch... that veterinarians have trusted for over 15 million dogs... and it starts working in just 4 hours! do not use in dogs with serious infections... may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations... or preexisting cancers... and serious infections. new neoplasias have been observed. do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel. now available in a tasty chewable. i am >> greg: loftus, tafoya, timpf, tyrus, studio audience. i love you, america. >> trace: good evening, 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is
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america's late news, "fox news @ night". breaking tonight, free speech under attack as democrats in the media go crazy over a two our conversation on a privately owned social media platform between the man who owns the platform and the republican nominee for president. >> letter access turned into a haven for the spread of misinformation. >> because elon musk has come out to endorse donald trump i expect this to be a bromance interview. >> we need to have a conversation about whether we should be using platforms like x. is it worth selling out american democracy? >> trace: our panel and commonsense will break down the hypocrisy. meantime the harris campaign apparently caught red handed censoring google ads and rewriting news headlines making it appear as if major news outlets are on team kamala. actor dennis quaid will be here live to talk about his claim that facebook is "throttling
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advertising" for his upcoming film reagan. even worse he says facebook actually shut down the interview he did with yours truly and "fox news @ night". we are not letting this one slide. but we begin with the people who think censorship is essential to democracy. senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in dc with more on this. >> reporter: good evening. the question from washington post reporter was fairly straightforward enough to paraphrase this way, what role does the white house or president have been stopping the spread of misinformation or intervening in that? that was yesterday. of course it was a preview to monday nights conversation between former president trump and x owner elon musk, a digital fireside chat that collected over 1 million live listeners during the stream. where the two discussed a variety of topics from the personal to policy. >> you've heard us talk about this many times from here about
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the responsibilities that social media platforms have when it comes to misinformation, disinformation. these are private companies who are -- and we are mindful of that too. but i think it's incredibly important to call that out. >> greg: >> trace: call that out. meantime the european union's digital enforcer also warned mister musk about so-called hate speech ahead of his trump interview to which he responded with one of his favorite memes imploring them to blank off. emphasis on blank. this is the washington post also released an article before that interview accusing mister and 16 a becoming a megaphone for far right politics, released his platform. the post owned by billionaire jeff bezos. not saying there is jealousy there but you decide. >> speaker-02: kevin corke live in dc, thank you. >> trace: the "fox news @
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night" commonsense department was among the millions who listened to and liked donald trump's interview with elon musk on x but the liberal media did not like it, no sir. in fact washington post reporter suggested the white house should censor the interview even before it happened. and karine jean-pierre said "it's important to call that out out so to clarify, a white house reporter wanted to shut down an interview with harris his opponent and the white house it good idea. the washington post at several op-ed's only interview, one of them using the words white male six or 700 times and an op-ed dished up more hate than it carry christmas movie. , even taking swingset fox news and greg gutfeld who had zero involvement. it gets better. kamala harris trashed trump for doing an interview. three plus weeks without a peep
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on policies or the press and kamala suddenly wants to comment. the queen of no information wants to go after misinformation. the very same harris campaign that ask io's now reports is rewriting news headlines to be more flattering and then using them as campaign ads. commonsense thanks nothing screams honesty like editing real headlines into fake news and calling it legitimate. let's bring in the author of progressively worse, joe concha and former white house deputy strategic communications director roma davari. thank you for coming on. here it is, i want to play this. asking karine jean-pierre may be censor a little bit of this trump and elon musk back-and-forth. >> misinformation on twitter is not just a campaign issue, it's in america issue. what role does the white house for the president have in sort
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of stopping that or stopping the spread of that were sort of intervening in that? >> trace: you've been covering this along time, are you kidding me with that question? >> wow. it's unbelievable only because the washington post called -- i'm sorry, elon musk far right. the guy who makes electric vehicles? that's interesting. the washington post who won't call out kamala harris for not taking one question of substance in 24 days. you will see jeff bezos with donald trump in jersey before you see kamala harris hold a press conference or do any sort of interview. the washington post is worried about misinformation? this is the same publication who claimed that anyone who said covid came from a lab in wuhan was a conspiracy theorist, the same who somehow earned pulitzers for it's reporting on trump russia collusion that did not exist, the same that just two months ago said that videos
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clearly showing joe biden's cognitive decline were manipulated cheap fakes. the washington post now has a reporter who says that the government, the white house should step into make sure a conversation between the republican nominee and x is owner, a private company, that did not see the light of day? even folks in pyongyang are probably saying are you going to far with this? so that's where we are at at this point. >> trace: that is where we are at. you are right and right again. the said -- the following was said... >> we see excuses journalists are making for why kamala harris should not talk to the news media and then went elon musk and donald trump have two hours of live conversation, it's widely condemned. so it's basically a demand for censorship, a justification for kamala harris hiding herself in her agenda. >> trace: it's the journalists who are pushing the censorship which is unbelievable to me.
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>> they are doing the legwork for her, for kamala harris. she's the queen of misinformation which is a remarkable accomplishment seeing as she hasn't spoken to the press since she has become the suppose it nominee for the democrat presidential candidate. so really you have to ask yourself and the american people i hope are doing this, why is the media peddling this narrative? they asked her this, they asked karine jean-pierre about misinformation before the conversation even happened. president trump and elon musk, before a word came out of their mouth. this is something they are used to doing, they write the headline before anything happens. no matter what president trump said during that conversation with elon musk, they would have said this anyways. frankly free speech being under attack is laughable. president trump is the one who had his account taken down from twitter, censored with an unconstitutional gag order. ridiculous. >> trace: saying harris campaign google ads rewrite headlines, editing headlines
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within google search ads that make it appear as though major publishers are on her side. i mean it's just dishonest. >> it's literally peddling misinformation, all that stuff that we are being warned about. i wonder if the editorial board will weigh in on this. of course they won't because the editorial board for washington post is never endorsed a republican presidential candidate in it's history. think about that. they don't care about this because quite frankly this is about activism not journalism. >> trace: stephen colbert and cnn, this is there back-and-forth. >> i know you guys are objective over there, that you just report the news as it is. [ laughter ] >> was that supposed to be a laugh line? >> it wasn't supposed to be but i guess it is.
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>> trace: should have been a laugh line because it was a laugh line. final thoughts? >> the audience got that one right. frankly asking questions as a serious reporter, everybody knows that's not the case these days. unfortunately it once was but not anymore. at the end of the day, the amount of misinformation coming from the media can only be countered by trump himself and that's exactly what he's doing. he and jd vance are out on the road every single day talking directly to the american people and any journalist willing to listen. so next up kamala harris maybe. we won't hold our breath. >> trace: thank you both. meantime vice president harris still taking heat for not holding a news conference or granting a sit down interview 23 days after her current boss dropped out of the race. ashley strohmier is live in new york city with details on this. >> reporter: it has now been 23 days since kamala harris took the top spot on the democratic
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ticket and still no formal news conference or sit down interviews with the press. despite republicans continuing to call her to task ironically on the airwaves. >> we would like to ask questions. i think it's pathetic harris is not set down for one serious interview. >> her policies are a disaster which is why she's avoiding the press, which is why she's avoiding scrutiny. >> those same republicans are drawing a stark comparison between donald trump's willingness to talk to the media and kamala harris' avoidance of the media, even though most news outlets seemed to be friendlier territory for her. >> the only candidate running for president of the united states willing to stand in front of the media and answer questions, kamala harris refuses to, she refused to do the interview for the puppies. >> reporter: and while we have not heard much from kamala as the criticism on this continues to mount, democratic governor phil murphy told cnn today that there will be plenty of time to
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do interviews and what matters right now is that she's "brought joy back into the whole arena of politics." >> trace: ashley strohmier live in new york, thank you. let's bring in journalist brianna lyman and rnc spokesperson elizabeth pipko. thank you for coming on. i'm not sure if you are a football fan, brianna lyman, but i want to play this from senator eric schmitt about the backup quarterback role. watch. >> it's like the backup quarterback. the backup quarterback seems like might be a better option until they get into the game and you realize why they are the backup quarterback. we are about ready to enter that phase. we will see though, maybe she will avoid it for another few months. >> trace: what he's saying is harasses the backup quarterback. numbers are good but everybody wants to back up they fail. >> reporter: it's a bad day to be a football fan because i'm not a football fan. with kamala harris, here's the problem. democrats have spent the past proper years running defense for
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joe biden and so now that kamala harris is being scrutinized for not being transparent with the public, they are trying to cover their tracks for her. the rest of that interview, basically said we want or interview on a lot -- kamala. if they really did, they could. the same weight when the democrats wanted to oust joe biden, the media became aware that he was cognitively declining and they had wall-to-wall coverage. democratic media can focus on kamala not being transparent and put the public pressure on so she's forced to answer to the public. >> trace: very true. no football analogy is for you, just a national review and saying "the question the media should be asking kamala harris, what caused you to change your mind on these issues, did you learn more that convinced you that year old positions were wrong, unfeasible and ill-informed, what guarantee does any voter have that your new positions will be as quickly and quietly abandoned as the old ones once you are elected." it's a good ask. >> it's a very normal ask.
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i'm going to start keeping track of how many times you and i speak before kamala harris decides to. i think we are at three or four already. this is so basic, it's so simple. she can put all of this to bed by just having an interview. it's not a difficult one. there are countless people she can pick from, george stephanopoulos tomorrow. she can do that any time, any place but all of these -- put all the concerns to rest but she doesn't know what she stands for because she doesn't stand for what she believes in, she stands for what she believes might win and the polling does not match up with anything she's repeated over the years both in this administration and back in california when she was a federal prosecutor. a problem for her is that she does not know where she stands and the american people can see that. >> trace: a perfect segue for us because then versus now, put this up on the screen, in 2018 we've got a critically
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re-examine, strong border security and pathway disses and chip. 2019, open to expansion now, does not support expansion. 2019 i support a mandatory gun buyback, now not so much. 2016 i'm in favor of banning fracking, now doesn't have to ban fracking. the flip-flops here. and by the way don't even get me into the no taxes on tips thing because we could go on and on. >> it's the first time she comes out with a policy and it's not even her own, it somebody else's. the problem here is that she flip-flops because she does not actually want to tell people are real policy beliefs. unfortunately go back a few weeks ago, the rating of her as the most liberal senator was wiped because it became disadvantageous. now she's trying to appear as a moderate but we have the receipts and her stances in 2018 and 2019 were good to win over california but not to win over independent voters so she has to
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distance herself from herself. >> trace: here's the cnn analyst. >> the bottom line is this, if you have any idea if you are a kamala harris fan and you want to rip open the champagne bottle and pop that cork, do not do it. donald trump is very much in this race. >> trace: hard to tell the left that this raises a long way from being over. >> not just a long way from being over but a long way from getting started. kamala harris just entered into the race. we still don't know. i don't know if she knows yet what issue she's running on an where she stands. i don't think anyone can count the race over. the fact is we haven't had a debate yet, we haven't had a policy being listed, or website is still blank that's how new she is to the race. the american people are eagerly awaiting to see the race began, to see her go up against donald trump and it just on the debate stage but policy for policy. we directly have four years of donald trump to compare and
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unfortunately the facts show the american people are not happy with what we've seen from harris and biden. >> trace: great stuff, elizabeth pipko, brianna lyman, thank you. brand-new examples tonight of how the biden harris administration's open border policies have contributed again and again to the migrant crime crisis right here in the u.s. marianne rafferty is live. good evening. >> reporter: good evening. one of the consequences of the mass influx at the border is the criminal element that has managed to slip in. just today agents tracked down a 26-year-old haitian migrant named cory alvarez released on $500 bond after previously being charged with raping a child in massachusetts. alvarez had come to the u.s. in 2023 as part of biden's mass parole program and ended up at a hotel turned shelter where that alleged rape occurred. instead of with a sponsor. and ice detainer was issued by -- but ignored by authorities in the sanctuary state. just this past sunday in new york a woman was raped at
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knifepoint under a coney island boardwalk by a nicaraguan migrant who had been arrested earlier this year for a criminal sexual act at a migrant shelter. that victim describing the terrifying attack after being thrown to the ground while another man who was also charged watched. she says "he did not try to rape me, he tried to kill me." new york mayor eric adams condemning the violence but saying his hands are tied. >> they do not allow us to coordinate with ice. that's the law. >> reporter: also in new york a venezuelan migrant accused of assaulting two police officers in times square in january released and then arrested again for a series of robberies in manhattan. >> trace: crazy. thank you. let's bring in former fbi special agent fox news contributor nicole parker. great to see you as always. i wanted to put the picture up on the thing. this is corey alvarez. haitian migrant charged with child rape in massachusetts but here's the thing that is so
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annoying. he was released on $500 bail. the massachusetts governor said this... >> i think we have the right systems in place. unfortunately this is, you know, a terrible incident. you don't want to see anything like this happen. this is an individual who came in lawfully under the federal government under a federal program. it speaks somewhat to the issue that the states are having to deal with now in terms of the mass numbers coming across the border. >> trace: she's right. he came under the biden a ministration's expanded parole but the craziness is they are saying i think we have the right processes in place. really? 500-dollar bond? >> that's not the right process in place and to say that to someone who's been sexually assaulted or raped, a minor, a 15-year-old, is absolutely reprehensible. that is not right that i think the problem that we are all seeing over and over is that this administration's policies are reprehensible in that
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americans are getting hurt. how many more individuals, minors, women, you know, they claim to protect women's rights but you don't seem to care when women are raped or killed. and it's happening over and over and over. what is the definition of insanity? doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. the results continue to be the same. i've been on your program so many times discussing this. we have enough of our own violent crime problems in the united states, we don't need to welcome more issues and more problems. i was on the violent crime fugitive task force with the fbi in miami. violent crime is a serious problem and we are opening our borders, their policies are feeling and we are causing more problems and wreaking havoc on our own citizens. americans safety must come first. >> trace: i want to put these up quickly because these are two venezuelan migrants arrested for raping at knifepoint a woman and coney island. the new york mayor eric adams had this to say...
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>> i don't understand why our city is going through this. what this team is doing is managing a crisis that is not sustainable. it's not always pretty and it's not always perfect. >> trace: he does understand, he understands because it's his administration, his support administration that is putting these policies in place. >> that's right. and here we are again having the same discussion over and over. americans, if you feel that you are frustrated with what is going on, it is time for you to take a position and to make a difference. the most powerful impact you can have is in an election and to vote. that is it. this administration has been very unsuccessful across-the-board and violent crime, hurting american citizens, it must end and we need to put our safety first and protect our american people. >> trace: nicole parker, great to have you, thank you. breaking tonight, the u.s. military says it's destroyed two
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houthi vessels in the red sea as tensions escalate in the middle east. a live report on the ground in tel aviv, next. also tonight, actor dennis quaid will join us live in moments with his claim that facebook censored the promotion of his new movie reagan, including the recent sitdown interview that he did with me. and later in the nightcap, new reports raising eyebrows that a senior disney executive that manages abc news, a decades long friendship with kamala harris, donating to her political campaign since at least 2003. critics calling it a major conflict of interest ahead of next month abc presidential debate but abc says they do not weigh in on editorial decisions. what do you think? comp looked of interest? should abc still host the one and only debate? let us know x and instagram, we are coming right back.
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>> trace: the islamic republic said to be positioning missiles and drones for a potential strike and as israel braces for the assault, the u.s. is moving more firepower into the region. national correspondent is live on what is now early wednesday morning in tel aviv. >> reporter: iran has reportedly said the only thing holding it back from launching a major attack on israel is this possible new cease-fire deal in gaza. when asked about it president joe biden said he agreed and that was his expectation but with these new talks set to pick up in less than two days and hamas yet to fully commit, this region finds itself teetering towards a major escalation. it's a nearly daily occurrence
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along the israel lebanon border. a barrage of drones launched at northern israel with the iron dome intercepting most that pose a threat. the constant exchange of fire between hezbollah and israeli forces only adding to the growing tension in the middle east. [ speaking alternate language ] >> voice of interpreter: we are closely following what is happening also in beirut and tehran and in additional places. [ end of interpretation ] >> reporter: facing pressure from major world powers, iran's foreign ministry said calls for restraint against israel "a lack of political logic and contradict principles of international law." reportedly now holding tehran back, a potential cease-fire deal between israel and hamas. >> i really can't speak for what iran's endgame is but i can tell you what hours is and that is to prevent a wider regional war from spreading out within the middle east. >> reporter: as israeli forces continue to operate in an strike gaza, talks are set to resume thursday. >> everyone in the region should understand that further attacks
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only perpetuate conflict, instability and insecurity. >> reporter: the u.s. is adding to it's navy assets in the region, 14 warships plus one guided missile submarine equipped with over 150 cruise missiles in the anticipation of an attack this week. tomorrow, or today at local time, marks two weeks is it's iran started threatening israel with this major attack. while folks here in israel tried to go about their daily lives as normal as possible, it is in the back of their mind, but they do know the israeli military right now is at peak readiness. waiting and watching. >> trace: indeed, back to you as the news warrants, thank you. let's bring an army veteran derrick anderson, rabbi chaim mentz from los angeles and israeli special operations analyst aaron cohen. i want to put it this new york times, israel less flexible in recent gaza cease-fire talks going on to say mister netanyahu has added new conditions to
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israel's demands, additions his own negotiators fear have created extra obstacles to the deal. i'm always baffled as to why the new york times is going after israel at all times. hamas has been unwilling to concede one thing and they are constantly scolding israel. >> will here's where i met with this. i can't speak to the new york times, obviously they are biased and in somebody's pocket, pushing a narrative here along with another group of collective media conglomerates. here's where i met. netanyahu understands. [ speaking alternate language ] which means you need to understand the mentality and the language of the islamists. we are not dealing with traditional arab wars, this is different. these are people that even the saudi's, the jordanians, these are groups of militant extremists that have been causing noise and problems and bloodshed throughout the middle east since the late sixties and early seventies.
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when israel had to develop this apparatus for terrorism. what i believe and i believe bibi understands well, he lost his brother as a result of a hostage siege. hamas does not want to deal and they never have and the reason why is because the moment those cameras are not on gaza anymore, they become irrelevant and hamas knows it and iran knows it. >> trace: a general said the following, secretary often had boarded the uss abraham carrier strike group equipped with fighters to accelerate it's transit to u.s. central command adding to the capabilities provided by the uss theodore roosevelt. to you, derrick anderson, there has to be some intel saying the attack is imminent because there's clearly a sense of urgency. >> what i also think is interesting is that biden harris continuously talk about this de-escalation and cease-fire while all the meanwhile we see
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that we have hostages still being held, we see hezbollah attacking in the northern part of israel back piercing the iron dome. we see iran continuously threatening to attack. what i see is that this is coordinated. hamas is saying they wanted to come to the table for a cease-fire. all the meanwhile they are having their friends do their bidding, iran saying we will attack you, hezbollah in the north, it's kind of this push and pull we've seen over the course of several months that when hamas starts pushing up that iran and hezbollah start pushing back. so i see that that's why these forces are likely being deployed but again these are things that could have happened over the last few months. when you have weak leadership, our enemies will continue to be emboldened. >> trace: moving onto the free beacon now, who is elon goldenberg, kamala harris' new liaison. it goes on throughout his career in and out of government he served as public defender of the democratic party's criticism of
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israel, a critic of the gop's efforts to strengthen ties with the jewish state and a proponent of deepening diplomatic relations with iran. he appears to be anti-israel. >> yes. coming onto the show i had to do some research. he has an unbelievable interview in 2019 where he said straight up he's like -- he liked the obama plan. and the obama plan was to give iran money. let them sell oil but be careful on the nuclear bomb. and then the question of the terrorists. obama went and said, and this is part of the harris and biden plan, the bomb we are worried about, terrorism act it's okay, we can deal with it, as long as they don't get the bomb. that's why you've seen until today, the israelis are constantly under terrorist attack whereas under trump, he shut off the money, he made them have zero money to do anything, they cannot pay for anything and that's why trump was phenomenal for the jewish people in israel.
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>> trace: of got 30 seconds to go around, what's the normal tactic? do you attack at night, in the daytime or doesn't matter? >> as far as iran attacking israel, i believe iran is going to avoid doing what they did, they attacked at night last time and they also attacked during another jewish important day so i think they will switch it up. i think it will be more guerrilla style, more cyber warfare. i think it will be more directed at the u.s. upcoming election. >> trace: any chance that hezbollah in the north of israel and iran both attack simultaneously? >> trace, i think there could be a situation where that happens. but the idea that they will play chess right now, rate. right now iran is saying what they are saying, saying they will attack in the next 24 hours, but last week hezbollah was the one that was doing the attacks up in the north so i think they will do little attacks here in there. i think iran, i agree that it
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could be a cyber attack. if they are going to do anything connecticut would likely be at night. >> trace: lastly, rabbi, i want to put these pictures on. the busiest freeway in the country, shut down today but is really protesters. it starts all over again. >> this is a civil rights issue. they should not be allowed to do this. i don't know how anyone is able to shut down a free way. have been going to the hospital. this is not "free speech" this is civil disobedience. >> trace: rabbi, aaron cohen, derrick anderson, thank you. coming up a fox news exclusive with dennis quaid. he said my recent interview with him about his new movie reagan was censored on facebook. the story breaking tonight after marketers behind the film said their ability to promote it was restricted. facebook is also responding, dennis quaid joins us live on that next. at the alzheimer's association walk to end alzheimer's, this is why we walk. ♪ they're why we walk.
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>> mister gorbachev, tear down this wall! >> trace: do you think he change from the time he was the governor of california to the time he became the president? did his politics change, shift? >> i think's politics may have changed somewhat or he changed his mind on some issues. we all do that in life as we get older. we go through phases. or when something happens to us we have a different opinion about it. but his principles, those did not change. >> trace: actor dennis quaid and the producer bows of -- producers of his new movie accusing meta of censoring efforts to publicize the film on facebook, including the interview we did with dennis quaid that you just saw. let's bring in dennis quaid himself. great to have you on the show. i want to put up a quote that you said about this. you said "reagan said the freedoms we take for granted can
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be lost in a generation, censorship like this coupled with our silent ascent is a cautionary indication that we could be in danger of losing those freedoms." it seems to me that this is censorship plain and simple. >> it truly is. reagan did see that -- say that. i did not think i would live to see something like that. but lately things have been kind of kooky in the country. >> trace: they really have been. facebook's response to this i thought was kind of interesting. they said, they are not denying it, this happened because their automat -- automated systems determined that content about president reagan required previous authorization. this was a mistake and the restrictions on the add has been lifted. why is it these mistakes always only happen to conservatives? the algorithms only attach to conservative content and that's
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it. >> yeah. it seems to be automated that way for some reason. nobody is responsible for that. but this happened several times actually and we were suspended two days in a row. you and i got in trouble there, trace. was it something you said or i said? looking at our interview. the last time i heard, reagan hasn't been on the ballot in 40 years and not only that, he's not even eligible to run because he served two terms. >> trace: totally disqualified. it was totally something you said, dennis, but that's aside. the thing is that this happens on a regular basis, it's happened -- i mean this isn't the first thing. you go back in the production of this movie and the advertising, it's happened before. so doesn't make you angry or are you just baffled? >> i am baffled by it to tell
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you the truth because it was banned and they haven't even seen the film. so it seems like they don't want other people to see the film either, i guess. but, you know, we will set up a screening for them any time and they can see for themselves. the movie is about america and the eighties and ronald reagan, his life. it's about fighting communism. >> trace: i want to get some analysis from criminal defense attorney vikas bajaj if i can because he is very good at all that stuff. it seems to me like there are never any consequences for these types of actions that facebook takes. they go yeah, algorithms. >> well everything is okay, trace and dennis, until it's not. and what it takes is a deep pocket book and a real willingness to shelf out that enormous amount of effort and
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money and social attacks in order to right those wrongs. thankfully some people are in that position but most people are not. we have to think about those small independent films that portray the truth that never see the light of day, but at least this excellent film that is touted to be extraordinarily accurate, will see the light of day. but the answer to your question is yes, there's records, but that means hiring civil lawyers. while that's good for the civil lawyers, that's not good for the ticking time bomb of time passing by while the effects of censorship live on. >> trace: gets to me, you know, you look at this for a guy like you, dennis, you can ring the horn, you can bring issues like this to the forefront but there are a lot of people censored on facebook right now that have absolutely no way to fight this. it's like fighting city hall. you have a production team, you have a movie, you've got this. do you worry that this is going
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on, more prevalent than we know about? >> yeah, i really think it is. i fear what seems like tech oligarchs who are sitting at the top telling us what we should here and what we should see, and that does not go over well in america. it never has. i think we need to be really aware of it because by being silent about it, that's how we lose things, one little thing at a time. it adds up after a while. lose freedom of speech. >> trace: lastly, we've seen a lot of the stuff, it happens and people should be aware that it happens a lot and sometimes it's not to a big movie star. >> that's right. the question then becomes who will right the wrong? it takes an administration, an
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administration that controls the communication outlets and publications throughout the united states to say you know what, that's a constitutional violation, which then dovetails into who the chief and the head honcho is. who's the president? because if the president is all for censorship, everyone in the cabinet and the administration will toe the line and hopefully in the future we have a change in that perspective. >> trace: would not happen and ronald reagan's time, he would make sure of that. the movie opens in theaters nationwide on august 30th, it will be great, dennis quaid, vikas bajaj, thank you. meantime the reports disney's highest ranking television executive has a decades long friendship with vice president kamala harris. is that a conflict of interest ahead of the upcoming presidential debate? should abc pull out? what do you think? let us know x and instagram.
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but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886.
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should abc pull out, ashley strohmier? >> yeah i think no matter if you are dome a clap -- democrat or republican, if you donate to someone's campaign and have been a lifelong friend you need to bo out because it's a huge conflict of interest. >> trace: kevin corke. >> as long as george stephanopoulos has been there, and he literally came straight from the clinton white house to a prime position, i've never looked at their reporting the same as it relates to politics. >> trace: rabbi. >> the lines are blurred so i would tell donald trump no matter what question they asked, to say one thing, are you better off today than for years ago, every question same thing. >> trace: speaking of reagan, right? >> why not just let kamala pick the questions? [ laughter ] >> abc, all bias clearly. >> i agree with the panel. definitely going to be a little bit biased when it comes to the questioning. >> it's the least shocking love affair between the media and
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kamala harris so let's do it. any time, anywhere, any place. that means abc news even if they are in bed with them. >> trace: seams like a total conflict of interest to me. the polls say they should host 6%. as long as we all understand that abc executives and hosts are dnc fan girls there's no harm in donald trump entering the lions den. if harris can negotiate the terms of her debate, how can anyone expect her to negotiate on behalf of america? if that is the only way to get her on the debate stage, then yes, let's do it. doesn't matter on the issues, trump can't lose. jason says trump is not afraid, reiterates the differences, trump goes to places he's not liked. that's all we have time for because that is america's late news, "fox news @ night". i'm trace gallagher in los angeles, see you back here tomorrow night. watch me platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for you?
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