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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 14, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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his whole campaign. it's booming. and i think, you know, kamala is very public about had she is. she lies about her race. she lies about her policies. she lies about her promises to this country. >> todd: understood. >> trump is very open. we have already seen what he can do as president. kamala has been vice president. we haven't seen any action. so i think people can see trump's action vs. kamala's and trump is going to bring in the biggest, biggest presidential boom we have ever seen. >> todd: but, we got to go. thank you for your time. got to see if you and your buddy baron about be out on the campaign trail. >> carley: smart young person there. >> todd: young folks going to be key. >> carley: is he baron's friend. "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great day, everybody. ♪ ♪
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>> brian: all right, meanwhile back on the show. wednesday, august 14th, this is "fox & friends." now. this it's a fox news alert. the taliban is celebrating as you would figure third anniversary since seizing power in afghanistan after chaotic disastrous withdraw of the u.s. forces. reminder, kamala harris said she was proud to be part of that decision. >> were you the last person in the room? >> yes. >> and you feel comfortable? >> i do. >> brian: you can't change that benjamin hall is moments away. >> ainsley: plus, economy in focus, as prices soar under this administration, the biden and kamala harris administration. today trump will lay out his plan to try and fix it. >> steve: and get this: stuck in space. those two astronauts trapped for months now may not come home until february.
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>> lawrence: they are still smiling. >> steve: nasa is going to give an update today. can you imagine? >> ainsley: no. imagine your families, too. the two of them up there for what, six months total, maybe? >> steve: i hope they have cable. >> ainsley: i hope they get along. >> brian: maybe get another rocket and go to the moon. send another rocket and keep going? >> ainsley: enough food and air. >> brian: plenty of tang. >> lawrence: let's start the show "fox & friends" starts right now and remember mornings are better with friends. >> steve: start with this fox news alert. taliban authorities are commemorating the third anniversary of seizing power in afghanistan this morning after the disastrous withdrawal of american troops under the biden-harris administration. you remember that. >> ainsley: benjamin hall is live in london with all the details for us. benjamin? >> yeah, brian, steve, lawrence, ainsley good morning. the videos we see out of afghanistan remind us of that
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chaotic withdrawal we saw remind us of the lasting implications of that withdraw and remind us again of the americans who died, who gave their lives fighting in afghanistan for so many different years. today what we saw was the taliban celebrating their three years in control of that country. parading around bagram air base. hundreds of people, including chinese and iranian diplomats gathering at the base of helicopters bringing in senior taliban officials. amongst them we saw many u.s. weapons. and it is a reminder that during that chaotic withdrawal, 600,000 u.s. weapons were left. 75,000 u.s. vehicles were left as well. and the taliban forces seized control three years ago, just as the biden administration was carrying out that chaotic withdrawal. many of the people who were left behind are still there. many american allies are still trying to get out. we continue to speak to some of them. and since then the taliban implemented strict islamic laws
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restricting women to a second class life lived under the vale and often behind locked doors. today is the largest the u.s. is the largest donor to afghanistan. the u.s. has sent more than $3 billion to afghanistan since the taliban takeover. even though the u.s. watchdog admits there is no transparency as toe where that goes. and, again, most importantly we have to remember the 2459 american soldiers who died in afghanistan. the over 20,000 americans who were injured. and we see these videos today. we see the taliban celebrating what happened three years ago. and it is a harsh reminder of where afghanistan stands today. >> brian: benjamin, do the chinese have bagram air base? >> well, the chinese certainly have a large presence in afghanistan. and it's not just the chinese. we know that the afghan or taliban have a relationship with russia. with of course the iranians, frankly, w axis of evil as it stands today. and certainly we know how the chinese were supporting the taliban in advance.
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we now how pakistan was supporting taliban. it's interesting to see how the country continues to grow. >> brian: number one place to buy weapons. they sell our stuff we left behind and pretend it was no big deal. it's a huge deal a lot of these weapons have turned up in gaza. >> they have turned up in gaza. some of them we believe may have been used during that hamas attack as by the way were weapons from north korea as well. again, that's a reminder of the global trade in black weapons and black markets. the taliban are trying to make money wherever, however they can. these weapons have given them a fair amount of money and dollars to do just that. >> ainsley: did you say billions to the taliban? inspector general report came out the biden-harris administration 293 million to the taliban. joni ernst is pushing any money sent to the taliban needs to be disclosed it is tax money. >> $3 billion over the last three years. the watchdog admits it does not know where that money is going.
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there is no way they have been transparent. they admit most of it goes in taliban taxes and not to aid organizations. that money is providing the taliban with everything it needs, also. >> brian: it's crazy. it's insane. and it is still happening. that money was sent by mistake to the taliban, the $240 million. thank you, benjamin. >> ainsley: billboards and banners reading congratulations there ahead of this day of victory they are calling it. they have helicopters transporting the taliban and chinese officials. they have officials that are athletes that are there. they have poetry readings. this is a big deal for them. >> lawrence: hard to believe it was three years ago. seems like it was just yesterday. of course, we gave them the strategic advantage by giving them bagram. the weapons as you guys mentioned. they are on the move right now. i thought we had defeated isis they were running away from us. kamala harris was the last person in the room.
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>> ainsley: she was proud of it. >> lawrence: something she takes great pride. in watch. >> president biden always said that he wants you to be the last person in the room particularly for big decision just as he was for president obama. >> yes. >> he just made a really big decision, afghanistan. >> yes. >> were you the last person in the room? >> yes. >> and you feel comfortable? >> i do. inels ains how does she feel today. >> brian: she disappeared afterwards. press conference announced the disastrous decision pretend it would have happened regardless and donald trump would have done the same thing which we both know those things were not true. she went to california. when joe biden needed her the most to stand there and take the fire she disappeared. did not want to be part of it. i'm so grad that we have that soundbite. because she can't run from that. >> and it is such a dark day in american history. they may be celebrating over in afghanistan. >> brian: not here. >> steve: brutal reminder how far that area has spun toward
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hell. chad robo shell former recon marine said this to the washington examiner regarding kamala harris in that soundbite you just heard if she harris wasn't responsible as vice president speak up. apologized to the families of our 13. apologize to our afghanistan veterans. intervene on behalf our abandoned allies she won't because she was complicit and has blood on her hands. given the milestone today i wonder if kamala harris is going to say anything -- oh, i forgot. she'll doesn't stray from the stump speech. >> lawrence: can't forget about the families of the president of the united states when he was greeting these families was looking at his watch the entire time. >> ainsley: yes, three times. >> lawrence: ever since that withdrawal the veteran suicide rate increased tremendously. a lot of those veterans said they committed suicide in their notes they left because of what happened in afghanistan.
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that's on joe biden. and kamala. >> ainsley: the piece you were just reading kamala harris has blood on her hands. he led the effort to rescue people out of afghanistan. there were a lot of people interviewed about this with them celebrating in afghanistan. that she was the vice president. she has failed leadership. she had poor judgment in this. and this falls not just on joe biden, on her, too. the last woman in the room who said she was comfortable with this. >> steve: right. because she said when i'm vice president i'm going to be the last person in the room. when he decides something, i'm going to be the last person he says i have decided this and we're going to have a little talk about it. >> lawrence: glad that former president obama didn't listen to him when he was the last person in the room who was against the usama bin laden raid. it seems like every single time he was against the administration, any type of method of strength, the joint chiefs, did he not listen to any of their advice on this. unfortunately we got a vice president agree with the president. >> steve: and you are right. it's hard to believe that was
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three years ago. those images that we had live on this program where the people were hanging off the airplane three years ago this week. >> brian: new report accusing the harris campaign of rewriting news headlines in google ads. i don't know if you are hearing this for the first time. they did it to make it look like kamala's policies are getting glowing write up from major news organizations. >> lawrence: already getting favorable conch and they edit it more. mike joins us with more. >> mike: good morning. axios reports vice president harris' campaign has been editing news headlines and descriptions within google search ads according to axios it makes it look like news outlets like cbs, reuters and other major publishers are on her side. the guardian telling axios, quote: while we understand why an organization might wish to align itself with the guardian's trusted brand, we need to ensure it is being used appropriately and with our perms. we will be reaching touts google for more information about this practice. meanwhile a new poll out this
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morning from the "times" and the university of michigan's law school of business says 60% of voters want harris to abandon bidenomics. with 38% saying she should take a completely different approach from biden's economic policies. as former president trump and his running mate j.d. vance travel battleground states and harris and her running mate tim walz make their pitch to voters, there is no surprise the former president is emphasizing economic issues. >> the thing making them angry is what kamala and biden allowed to happen to the economy. it's a disaster with inflation. the inflation doesn't matter what you make. inflation is eating you live. today using all their money and borrowing money just to live. >> this morning, 8:30 eastern time the july consumer index is out, less than a week before democrats are expected to tout the economy at the dnc convention. back to you guys in new york.
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>> steve: we will have that number live. thank you very much. >> lawrence: thanks, mike. >> steve: what is interesting about this. they take part of an actual news story and somebody apparently at the campaign writes a little adjoining text to suggest even better. like it makes it sound like cbs or a.p. or npr or the telegraph is supporting whatever she is doing. what's interesting about it is apparently this does not violate google's rules when it comes to ads, because it says sponsored on it. at the same time, facebook used to do this. they got rid of it a couple of years ago because they said it spreads disinformation. and, in fact, you know, it might say sponsored up at the top, clearly, as google says, but it's confusing. >> ainsley: they do this to make it look glowing and in her favor. they will write a headline that says oh here is her wonderful economic record and attach a legitimate news article to it. and that's what is confusing. look for sponsored when you are
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googling what her policies are. it's right at the top. if it says sponsored. she paid for that or someone within her campaign favorable. >> lawrence: tech companies how they feel about. it is there any anger within the media organizations? you guys have given her everything. all the favorable conch. and that wasn't enough. she is misinterpreting your pieces. are you guys going to reach out to the campaign? are you all going send out ceae and desist saying this doesn't represent what our company has said. >> brian: big challenge is going to be for the administration for the trump team who wants to be the next administration it's just to point out the difference in the economic philosophies because she will not point out because she won't until friday anyway, lay out an economic plan. i would argue i have your economic plan. we have been living it for the last three and a half years. it's not up to you. we have already seen it. unless you want to disavow the president which would be inteaning too.
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these are the numbers they can't run from, inflation, squeezing americans, absolutely? how about gas being up 46%. groceries up significant. energy up 33%. car insurance, which is a sleeping giant up 53%, let alone home insurance, too. especially if you live in one of these high insurance states like florida. transportation up 36%. this is what trump should be talking about nonstop and then compare it to where they were. three and a half years ago. >> and say exactly what you will do, one of which is drill more. release the regulations that allow fracking. stop the subtle suppression of natural oil and gas which is denying leases, delaying leases. making it impossible to invest in drilling because there is too much complexity to it and too much risk. so then you see what is costing people on a daily basis. these are the numbers that trump wins with. and she can't run from. i don't care what ad it is. you can't run from. >> eggs are high 75 -- almost 76 higher than they used to be,
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cereal and baked goods up 25%. fruits and vegetables up 1%. i was listening to one of her campaign rally as few days autoing. she says i'm going to fight these high prices. on day one this is going to be my priority. day one was 1300 days ago. she has been our vice president for three years. so america, be smart about this. she has had her chance. those are the price what is we just showed you. >> brian: trump should be smart about it too, vance, rubio cotton when they go out these the numbers. don't hit anybody personally don't talk about incident electric or iq this is what happened what matters. >> lawrence: part of the criticism people have said when it comes to the former president they don't understand why he continues to say energy, energy, energy. if you look at all the prices that we just went through, all of it is impacted by energy. when you understand the market and transportation cost gets those goods, my dad is a truck driver. in order to get that stuff
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across the country a lot of energy for that to take place. that's why he is saying these electric stops got to stop. >> steve: electric trucks run on coal which just angers the greenies. we put together a little montage of kamala harris through the years talking about how those costs that are killing you, look at the eggs, 75%. they are killing you. trump has even mentioned the cost of bacon. those prices are killing you. here is what she has been saying. >> cost of groceries has gone up. the cost of gas has gone up. one of the highest priorities, actually, for the president and for me. >> fighting inflation is one of our administration's top economic priorities. >> for many americans prices are still too ohio we still have work to do to address that. >> prices for everything things like groceries are still too high. you know it and i know it. when i am president, it will be my day one priority to fight to bring down prices.
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>> brian: guess what they are going to do now -- day one priority. vilify people corporate greed. stop and shops going out of business though. he is people work so hard. i don't want to take the anger out of people with pocket protectors working 22 hours a day. working extremely hard not to make this huge profit. i know people owning supermarkets they are not. so reluctant to raise their prices because it walls off the customer who they got to know in many cases personally, i would like to add this. the who tips, no tax on tips, they are going to offer it as legislation now. >> steve: joe biden is behind it. >> brian: all the time. we just didn't ask him the question he knew this all the time. >> steve: here's the crazy thing about it. trump said no tax on tips and then kamala harris said no tax on tips. now joe biden says no tax on tips. >> ainsley: biden is taking it. >> steve: now people in washington. we have heard that it's going to be very costly where are they going to make up the money there are two problems with it. one is it doesn't address
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whether they would have to pay a payroll tax. if they don't, then when they want medicare and social security they don't qualify. ainsley, there is just one other point. >> ainsley: sorry. >> steve: that is the fact that if that were to become a law, no tax on tips, people would hedge funds and stuff like that are going to figure ways the worry is to reclassify their income so they would be exempt as well. >> lawrence: did you see that a part of the proposal is that they only want it for the middle class as well as the. >> ainsley: hate it. all the news outlets hated it when donald trump proposed it. this is going to cost so much money. how much is this going to cost our country? and where are we going to make up this money? and kamala likes it and all of a sudden it's a great idea. >> brian: same voice you use to imitate me. you got this other voice. >> ainsley: when i'm intimidating someone who is very
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annoying. >> brian: no kidding. how is the economy effecting your family? no spin, just tell me exactly what bothers you most what the greatest challenge or are the numbers overstating any strife you might be going through. one of the best interviews i have seen in the longest time. i have been always impressed with nikki haley governor, secretary, the ambassador to the united nations, and then when she ran, i thought she was really strong and she was going for the jugular on biden as well as trump. she came out of hiding since the rnc and came out and spoke to bret yesterday. i thought really sage advice saying stop complaining, get to work. donald trump, we need you to w win. >> steve: she said a lot of stuff given she has been out of the public eye with family and whatnot. you and donald trump were not on the same page there at the end. why are you making a case for him now? here is what she told bret last
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night. >> i am a voter, too. i have to make a choice. and when i look at the issues, and i look at the differences betweened two candidates we have been given, there's no question that i want to see donald trump win this election. because we can't have a kamala harris and tim walz. i mean, all you have to do is look at what kamala harris has said. she doesn't think illegal immigrants are illegal. she thinks that we should give them free education, free place to live. free healthcare. tim walz thinks socialism is neighborly and he has gone a step further and thinks we should give them free tuition. they want to raise taxes. you look at everything that has happened with our economy already. we can't afford that more than anything from a national security perspective, you can't go to kamala harris and tim walz who have not had the foreign policy experience and the experience they do have is that they want to expand the iran deal? and give more money toe a
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terrorist organization that says death to america. there is a lot of differences there. we are where we are. and right now for me, form my family, for those that i love and as a voter, i think we need to hope that donald trump wins this election. >> lawrence: her words were strong, ainsley. listen, political primaries are part of the political process. it was a strong primary between her and donald trump. words were said. it was a strong primary between barack obama and hillary clinton. they were able to work together. but i think her point is that we are faced with a binary choice. and if you are republican, if you are independent behinded person, if you are a moderate, you're faced with the economic policies of joe biden and kamala harris vs. donald trump. immigration policy. and she went through the list of everything. so, if you are a moderate, if you are someone that is independent or if you are a republican. i don't see how the ambassador was saying you could vote. >> donald trump was upset because she didn't drop out. she waited longer to drop out. and then we all saw the polls we knew she wasn't going to win in
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south carolina. which is a little frustrating because as a woman i really like her. prime south korea and i didn't want her to lose so south carol. i wanted her to run in the future i agree with brian she is so strong. she made excellent points. she said don't worry about kamala harris not having an interview. she said she is not going to do that they are going to hold out as long as they can. so she doesn't even need to be interviewed. we already know where she stands. she said take her at her word. and she went through everything. she wants to ban fracking. kill our jobs. thinks that illegals should be able to vote and given drivers licenses. she wants to raise taxes. kamala takes money from people who didn't go to college and give it to those who did. she said she would help-said she was going to help israel. now she is pulling back. afghanistan fell. she lifted sanctions on iran. and gave money to terrorist organizations? take her on her record. >> yeah. >> when nikki haley was on with us in iowa and new hampshire. that what she said every time was she said we are running
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against kamala harris. she was absolutely right. i got a text message from one of my frensz who is a democrat can you imagine if she would have been donald trump's running mate? >> ainsley: she might be running against someone in four years though. >> steve: for right now she said this person who text me said they would be ahead by 20 points. >> brian: i wish i had a text message from friends i have no friends. more on that later. kamala harris has not announced her policy platforms yet. we are trying to piece to together. team walking back far left distances like these. >> do you support the medicare for all bill? i think initially co-sponsored by senator bernie sanders and also a co-sponsor. >> yes. >> i believe it will totally eliminate private insurance. >> let's eliminate all of that let's move on. ♪ protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients.
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without power. you are noticing some pretty heavy showers moving through right now. this is truly just the beginning of heavy down powers we expect to continue throughout the late morning hours. today, of course, some of the concern will not only be what we see during this storm and that includes potential for significant flooding and storm surge just to name a few of the threats, but wind gusts in some areas like the islands are already reporting wind gusts over 70, even 80 miles per hour. but the fear will be truly how long the power outages last in the days following tropical storm ernesto. that is something that, of course, officials have warned puerto ricans of for the last few days, already we are seeing streetlights out across the capital city here. and that could definitely cause problems. but the good news is the hope is that the storm will move through the island very quickly. yanice? >> janice: thank you, nicole.
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good work out there. be safe. we are watching the profession of this storm. the actual center of circulation is north of puerto rico. but you can see this burst of convection over puerto rico right now. and flash flooding concerns as nicole pointed out for san juan. a lot of the counties here, east and south of the san juan area. that's going to be ongoing until this afternoon, this evenings. wind speeds still, you know, 15, 20 miles per hour. even though the center of circulation is well north of puerto rico. we still have hurricane watchers by the way for the british virgin islands and see the potential of upwards over a foot of rain. you heard over 300,000 people without power. and here's the latest track. we will get some new information at 8:00 a.m. we think it's going to become a major hurricane. bermuda needs to watch this. the east coast indirect impact of high surf as well as dangerous rip currents and eastern canada needs to pay attention to ernesto. all right, ainsley, toss it over to you. >> ainsley: okay. good deal. thank you so much, janice. vice president kamala harris has
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yet to reveal her 2024 healthcare platform. so, what can we expect? well, let's take a look at what she has said in the past about healthcare. and the last time that she was running for president. >> do you support the medicare for all bill? i think initially. >> correct. >> co-sponsored by bernie sanders you are also a co-sponsor. >> yes. >> i believe it will totally eliminate private insurance. >> let's eliminate all of that let's move on. >> how important is it to you're welcome healthcare plan to get rid of private insurance companies because there is some confusion about that. >> the bottom line and the most important is that everyone have access to healthcare. that is the goal. that is the purpose for me supporting the policy of medicare for all. >> if congress votes in a way that reflects the values and the desires of the american people, then congress would vote for a policy that gives everyone access to healthcare. >> who here would abolish their private health insurance in favor of a government run plan? [cheers] >> all right.
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weiner boo bernie and clam only one held up their hands. if we did medicare for all. accomplish your healthcare plan, what would that mean for unions who like their healthcare plan? what would it mean for us who work at fox or any corporation out there that likes the plan they have? >> that's the only important question here. and obviously people like bernie sanders and kamala harris are not ever going to tell you the answer to that the answer is it gets taken away from you it. gets destroyed. and moments of candor, they acknowledge that that's what they are doing. because what they think is that the government can do it better. and history shows the government never does it better. it's going to do it worse. but, if have you healthcare through a private insurer or if you have it through your union or anything like that. you will lose your healthcare if you have a medicare for all scheme. and it's kind of interesting to listen to her lie about it now and say that this isn't what she supports oh, by the way, also leaking it out to people.
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she won't even come out and explain it. she co-sponsored bernie sanders' medicare for all, which is government run healthcare, single pair healthcare she co-sponsored it in -- it's a 96-page bill. this wasn't some misunderstanding on a stage where she raised her hand and later claimed she misunderstood. it was a bill that was written. it's a 96 page bill. she co-sponsored it and it would destroy your healthcare. >> ainsley: timeline 2017 when she co-sponsored that bill. two years later, medicare for all, single pair health insurance, she said eliminating private healthcare insurance during her campaign. 2022 joined biden joining congress affordable care act. just this week, charlie, she has indicated she will not push single pair or medicare for all. so she is flip-flopping. which kamala harris do we believe?
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and if she goes back to her original plan, which seemingly she will. because that's the way she has always voted. what country can we compare this to? is this like canada? is this dental care for the u.k.? >> those are the perfect analogies. it is canada. it's waiting for healthcare. it is -- your post office running your healthcare. >> ainsley: they want more. >> i hate to demean my local most master. my local post marter is better than what you are going to get with healthcare run by the federal government. >> ainsley: more go. is what they want. >> yeah. >> great to see you, charlie. >> great to see you. >> haitian migrant charged with assaulting a child finally rearrested after walking free for more than a month. we will ask a former acting ice directors about the reality of the biden-harris border. ♪ i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, count me in. along with clearer skin, skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue.
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on chewy, save 35% off your first order with selection for any pet, with any diet, at prices you'll love. delivered fast, right to your door. for low prices and fast shipping. for life with pets, there's chewy with everything. >> brian: critical cease-fire talks with respected to continue
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tomorrow. resume, i should say as iran refuses to back down on its threats against israel. that's in the back drop. chief foreign correspondent trey yingst is in haifa right now. trey? >> yeah, brian, good morning. cease-fire talks are set to resume tomorrow amid hopes of avoiding larger regional war. conversations led by the qatari, egyptians and americans. at this point it's up clear if hamas will participate in the talks. the aim is finding an end to the war in gaza that will include the release of israeli hostages for palestinian prisoners, observers hope that a deal for gaza will prevent iran from launching a larger attack that has been expected for two weeks. and end to the conflict would help to stabilize a rapidly deteriorating security situation across the middle east, snuferg gaza continues with the civilian death toll rising. horrible stories of death and destruction plague the strip each day. one story pierced international headlines and the hearts of viewers. that of a young father whose
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twin babies were just days old. they along with his wife killed in israeli shelling. the latest victims of horrific war. just yesterday the united states approved around $20 billion in additional military funding for israel as the country braces for the possibility of that larger conflict. lawrence? >> lawrence: wow. trey. great job as usual. so, ice rearrest an illegal haitian migrant charged with assaulting a 15-year-old girl after he was allowed to walk free for over a month. because he was arrested in a sanctuary city. the judge refused to enforce the detainer back in june and let him go on a $500 bail. that means he only paid 50 bucks to get out. former acting ice director and u.s. border patrol chief ron vitiello joins us now. ron, what's the problem here? >> the problem is that these sanctuary jurisdictions put us all at risk. let's think about this particular individual. he came into the country
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illegally so he broke federal law by cominged into the country without being nmsd. he was not invited here. then he went to the boston area and committed crimes, was arrested by a local jurisdiction. his freedom was taken away. he was put in jail. and this jurisdiction refuses to notify ice that they are in the country illegally. that puts everybody in those jurisdictions at risk. and so this is an example of sanctuary cities -- how they harm the rest of us. >> lawrence: let's get to that, ron. you go to the point there. so the chief of patrol here nypd, this is what he said on x, talk about this. when will our sanctuary city laws be amended to allow to us notify federal authorities regarding the deportation of non-citizens convicted of violent crimes? failing to act enables individuals like daniel daveon bo nil i can't to continue victimizing women in our city. so he is saying that he can't even do it. even if he wanted to tell ice
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what was going on we all have an immigration story in our background. but people, a lot of people have come here. they come here to do harm to us. they have evil intent in their hearts. and, when they get arrested for crimes in a place like new york city, they should be -- they should be notifying ice. they should be we did ported after that. that puts us all at risk. if the sanctuary city has that policy, that puts us all at risk. it puts the people of new york and boston, massachusetts and the entire state of california. we're all at risk because these people just don't come here for a better life. not all of them come here for a better life. they come here to do harm. they come here with evil in their hearts. and when they get arrested for other crimes in the united states, why wouldn't the jurisdiction notify ice to find out why they are here illegally
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put them on the path to deportation and repatriation. steve. >> lawrence: what will we get if kamala harris is in office? this is what she had to say in the past about this issue. watch. >> what is your position on san francisco as a sanctuary city. >> i support our sanctuary law, and, um, i also recognize that we quote to a place that became highly publicized where we strayed from it. >> lawrence: ron, has she changed her position or should we take her at her word? >> there's no evidence of her changing her position. she prefers chaos at the border. and when she was, you know, the district attorney, the attorney general of california, you know, having california, the entire state as a sanctuary, she didn't dry to change that she was a senator. she didn't try to change that going to get more of the same chaos at the border and relief forever people who commit crimes by entering the country
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illegally and being in a jurisdiction that won't prosecute them or won't refer them to ice. they put us all at risk. >> lawrence: election of choice. just putting out the issues so can you see, voters, make your decision wisely. thanks so much, ron. >> thank you. >> lawrence: two astronauts trapped for months now, may not be able to come home until february? we'll give you the story, next. ♪ take this cowboy away ♪ somewhere far ♪ i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night.
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>> carley: we are back with friending headlines, actor dennis quaid says facebook is censoring the promotion of upcoming movie about president ronald reagan. >> baffled by it to tell you the truth because it was it was banned. they haven't even seen the film. so, it seems like they don't want other people to see the film either, i guess. >> ainsley: facebook is now addressing. this they say its automated system mistakenly restricted the ads and the restrictions are now lifted. reagan comes out in theaters on august 30th. be sure to see it. kansas city chiefs travis kelce
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rocking a new look growing out his hair for the upcoming season and quarterback patrick mahomes did it all for his girlfriend taylor swift. mahomes saying i have been trying to get him to grow his hair out all of a sudden tailor gets him to do it. interesting. and listen to this. one girl makes her wildest dreams come true by raising enough money to buy taylor swift concert tickets. her mom says she has been selling lemonade for weeks in a park near philadelphia raising over $3,000. >> tomorrow. [sobbing] >> oh my god. >> young swiftie and her family will be on their way to see swift perform in london later this week. the 8-year-old says she learned an important lesson from the experience don't give up and those are your trending headlines, guys. how great is that? >> lawrence: i was wondering how
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does she raise 3,000? you see that wholesale? that's real lemonade. >> ainsley: when you buy lemonade from a lemonade stand you don't give them just a dollar. you. >> carley: give them 20 and don't drink the lemonade. >> brian: got to declare taxes on that no tax on tips should be very aware of that you put 40% aside? >> ainsley: please do not put that in their head. >> this is a child. >> brian: children have got to grow up. >> teach them early. >> i don't care how old you are, you pay your taxes. >> steve: in the meantime, happening later today, 1:00 this afternoon eastern time. nasa plans to hold a briefing on two astronauts who may not return from the space station until the end of freb of next year. because of issues on boeing's starliner spacecraft, saying they are, quote: making progress, analyzing testing data as we evaluate the starliner return options. we are now planning on decisional meetings no later than next week.
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here with reaction, aerospace engineer aviation attorney and former pilot arthur rosenberg. arthur, good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. thank you for having me. >> steve: boeing is not good at space. >> yeah. well, boeing these days not good at anything. what we are hearing now is the problem with the capsule, the starliner, it flew up in early june. supposed to be an 8-day mission. they have been up there more than two months. they are talking now they may not be able to bring them back as early as next month and as late as february. the issue here really is was this starliner capsule ready for primetime and i say it probably was not. juxtapose that with spacex dragon capsule, that has been certified for flight now for a number of years. they brought it in under budget. it's a reliable robust platform.
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contrast it with starliner, which has thruster problems. a little bit like saying your steering wheel in your car may not work. i have a turn up there maybe you will be able to turn. maybe i won't be able to turn. the thruster on the starliner are defective. and boeing has been working night and day to try to work this out. while the capsule is docked at the international space station. >> steve: you know, the problem is these two astronauts were supposed to only go up for a couple of days. now it's over two months and they might not come back until february 2025 role briefly what are the options? what could happen right now? of course, we all know that ultimately, elon musk with spacex might actually save the day. >> what is happening now, they can't get the thruster issue worked out, they can't undock safely from the space station. if the thrusters malfunction while they are undocking, you
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could hit the space station and crash into it. they may not be able to penetrate that envelope and get back to earth safely. so my bet is that spacex will use its dragon capsule to come up to the international space station. it's a little bit of a mess, because there are only two parking spaces for american call suit the iss. so they have to undock one. they have to redock this one. there's room for four. they are only going to bring back 2 and make the other two american astronauts. it's a little bit of a helter skelter. it will be worked out but the bottom line here is boeing, quality control, engineering, just not up to snuff. we have heard this 737 max. it seems like it's a repeat -- >> steve: kind of rerun for gilligan's island went out for a three hour tour and years later they were still stuck on the island. let's hope, arthur, these astronauts are getting overtime. when they come back. they will be heroes and a little
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richer. thank you, sir. >> okay, thank you for having me. >> steve: you bet. speaking of space. he has boldly gone where no man has gone before. actor william shatner is going to join us live today on "fox & friends." ♪ or have to speak with its hands. but no matter what body you're born with, you only get one. let's fight like hell for it. (♪) why do couples choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. can i make my side softer?
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