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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  August 14, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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they gave them special access to the white house they gave them bigger access at the dnc it's a strategy to counter trump's mosque interview and social media play the other day. >> that makes sense that's what the democratic convention's tiktok site posted this week of a dance video i learned how to do that over the weekend with my daughter's friends. >> i will be looking for this at the dnc i expect you to re-create. >> i'm not going to release the video raymond i did it this weekend. >> posted to instagram. >> fine check me out on instagram raymond thank you make sure to follow me on social media thank you for watching. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> special edition of jesse watters primetime. it's only august and it's early been 1 of the craziest election cycles in american history trump got shot and biden dropped out and while it was stalled without getting a single vote still hasn't done a single interview while all of that information is important the media is ignoring 1 of the biggest stories of the year hundreds of thousands of illegals are breaking into the country and illegal alien criminals are murdering and raping her women and children and illegal from senegal was charged with raping a woman in the bronx the immigrant rest his arm around her throat and her down and raped her and in coney island, 2 illegals were arrested for raping a woman at knifepoint under the boardwalk. put a knife to her throat before raping her. the woman's boyfriend tried to
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stop the assault but the other illegal hit him with a pipe this isn't his first rape you was arrested in 2022 for raping another woman in a hotel in new york but was let out a year later and ice arrested a haitian illegal in massachusetts after a sanctuary city let him walk he is charged with raping a disabled child. what is her plan to stop this we don't know because she refuses to talk to the press so we can do is look at what she campaigned on the first time she ran for president. >> we won't treat people and documented across the border as criminals. >> you become president would you commit to close the immigration detention centres? >> on day 1 yet. >> you support giving universal healthcare to all people of this country who come here illegally. >> i will be very clear i am
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opposed to any policy that would in i and our country any human being from access to public safety, public education or public health. >> there's no question we need to critically examine ice and think about starting from stress scratch. >> no detention centres free healthcare for illegals and defaming ice that's her border plan in her own words but we do need to look at her actions as well as we are finding out the biden harris administration allowed 90% of illegals in a deportation program to stay in the country. she might start sounding more moderate as we get closer to the election but don't believe her. >> she's flip-flopped on everything to get elected after she gets elected it goes back to where they will were she wants to open borders she said it for 15 years she wants open borders only changed recently when she noticed it wasn't pulling well
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people don't want open borders where people can flow into the country. >> trump is a plan to end the insanity. >> if she wins you have mass amnesty and citizenship for all the biden harris illegals that pour into the country if i when you have the largest deportation operation in american history starting at noon on inauguration day 2025. >> trump wouldn't have to deploy this type of operation if democrats enforced the law and finished the wall but remember when nancy pelosi said it was too expensive. >> of the wall in my view is a moral, expensive, unwise and win the president says i promised wall during my campaign i don't think he said he would pass billions of dollars of cost of the wall on to the taxpayer. >> trump spent 15 billion on the border wall which is peanuts
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compared to what we are spending taking care of illegals who broke into the country. new york city spent 5 billion taking care of illegals that number are likely to to around 10 billion next year and that is just 1 city multiply that across every town in the country we could've paid for multiple border walls. are taxpayer dollars are being drained by totally unnecessary spending on people who shouldn't even be here it hurts those who are here legally the most. >> we will get rid of inflation insert the hispanic population badly and hurting everybody but the people you largely -- that you your listeners up and horribly hit with inflation. whether it's mexico or other places, inflation has been caused to a larger extent in terms of the region by the united states policy on energy she's never going to do anything
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about inflation doesn't know what it means what the word means. >> he's trying to offset attractive commonsense policy by juicing voter numbers the biden administration's granted citizenship requests at the fastest rate in a decade since biden took office more than 3 million immigrant to become citizenships in 80% said they would vote in 20242020 was decided by 40,000 votes and if you swing states now we have 3 million new voters we don't know where these new citizens live or where they leaned politically but 3 million new voters is huge and there is 9 million immigrants who are eligible for citizenship that explains why democrats and republicans are working around the clock to win over latinos who make 20% of the population and they are the keys to winning
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national elections. exit polls going back 50 years show that when a democratic presidential candidate gets less than 64% of that vote democrats lose and right now she's hovering around 55% not good for her. so they are dropping tens of millions of dollars in swing states the turnout latinos for kamala another democrat nonprofit funded by george soros was caught trying to pay latinos to say they don't like trump reporter uncovered a post on craigslist offering up to $1000 for latinos who voted for trump in 2020 but will now vote for harrison 2024 we reached out to a latina who said this craigslist ad was created by a third party vendor not submitted for review we ended our contract
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with them as soon as we found out in the post was taken down this wasn't the dnc or harris campaign offering cash for endorsements but it reminds me of when i talked to a venezuelan dissident 15 years ago i was at a graduation ceremony and he spoke about how in latin america it is common to pay off voters you could get a sack of rice, a washing machine or even a bag of cash for throwing your support behind a candidate with tears in his eyes he left us with an important message no matter what they try to give you, your freedom is not worth it. senator ted cruz joins me now senator it's great to have you on. clearly the democrats understand they understand their dissatisfied with the biden harris 4 years and are willing to for money around bring them back.
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>> exactly right and i will tell you we are seeing in texas and across the country hispanic voters moving right. it's a historic opportunity to earn the votes of hispanic voters my campaign my senate reelection campaign is announced a for a half-million dollar ad campaign specifically focused on hispanic voters in texas and as a latino our values are fundamentally conservative you look at the values which resonate in the latino community they are faith and family, patriotism a lot don't know the demographic with the highest rate of military enlistment in the united states is hispanics and the most powerful e foci believe in the hispanic community is the american dream coming here seeking freedom when my dad fled cuba and came to texas in 1957 he was imprisoned and tortured couldn't speak english and washed dishes making 50 cents an hour but was filled
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with hopes and dreams and i tell you the hispanic community is feeling the brunt of the failures of the harris disastrous policy agenda whether it's inflation hammering hispanic families or the devastation of her open borders we've seen historic numbers of hispanic voters moving right i think they vote for donald trump and vote for my reelection campaign in texas and it's a generational shift we are seeing right now. >> my father was a shoeshine boy as a child and i do notice when activist going to hispanic communities they hide who they are they don't talk about school choice they don't talk about the things hispanics care about they have to lie to you in order to get you to vote democrat and not sure who they really are. 3 million were naturalized, 3 million immigrants naturalized since joe biden was elected does
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that worry you what concerns do you have about a new wave and speed with which these citizens are being naturalized? >> it doesn't worry me significantly i see an enormous difference between illegal immigrants and illegal immigrants there's a right way the come to the country you follow the rules and stand in line you come here legally. ronald reagan referred to legal immigrants as americans by choice and republicans i think and do very well with people who follow the law and come here for the right reasons and i would tell you that this open borders under harris 11 and a half million people invaded the country when community left out in the cold by that are the legal immigrants who paid a lot of money they hired lawyers did it right and are looking at these people flagrantly violating the law given handouts by democrat politicians and in
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many instances these illegal immigrants are going into latino communities many tragically or violent criminals we are seeing every single day that americans are being murdered by illegal immigrants that commonly harris has released children being assaulted in women being raped by illegal immigrants released and that's front and centre the presidential race and in my race because the left-wing democrat running against me agrees with her on an open border and that's why millions of people are heading to my website ted supporting the campaign because we have to defend the nation. hurt campaign is making voters cry that's next. called td, tardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td,
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kamala harris has been running for president for about a month and as and sat down with the media elite been able to do is copy trump. >> raise the minimum wage. [ cheering and applause ] illuminating taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. >> when i get to office we will not charge of taxes on tips there will be no taxes on tips. >> no taxes on tips. >> it's called no tax on tips. no tax on tips. >> we are also doing no tax on tips. no tax on tips. >> remember biden he is extremely unpopular so her next move is to do whatever she can to distance herself in the president. they are reporting that harris
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wound say it bluntly in public but her advisers do so privately she wants to break with biden on issues where she's unpopular such as rising prices as part of a highly choreographed effort to define herself in some cases redefine herself as a different kind of democrat. on friday she will outline plans to to lower cost of healthcare housing and food for middle-class consumers and she will tell how she can take on corporate price gouging that plan sounds like joe's. if harris is just stealing his notes was taking her so long to release them? well her staffers say she suffers from paralysis by analysis. the knock on harris by former staffers is she over thinks things to the point of exhaustion and confusion not the only 1 confused her entire campaign is left americans confuse not so with trump 100%
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transparent and laying out his economic agenda for a decade and he did it once again today. >> 10-20% tariffs on foreign countries ripping us off for years charging them 10-20% to come in and take advantage of our country because that's what they've been doing for nothing we will charge them and bring back a millions millions of jobs by doing so and billions and billions of dollars. >> also taking shots at his opponents. >> she wants to be in charge of the u.s. economy but neither her or her running mate with a beauty is and he but they've never held a private sector and their entire professional careers it's no wonder they are both socialists they are asked he beyond socialists. when kamala lisa her feet week
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economic plan probably a copy of my plan because that's basically what she does. >> she can't solve the problem because she is the problem. kamala you are fired get out of here and go get out of here. >> that's the difference between a career businessman and a career politician. trump understands how price and availability of energy affects americans and he's ready to tear down joe and harris' green new deal. >> i'm announcing under my leadership the united states will commit to an ambitious goal of slashing energy and alec trista the prices by at least half. i will end at the biden harris electric vehicle mandate. >> democrats open waging a war in american energy for decades. >> i said we would put a cap and trade system in place which is aggressive if not more aggressive than anybody else out
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there so if somebody wants to build a coal power plant that can it just would bankrupt them because they will be charged a huge sum of money for the greenhouse gas emitted. >> i'm the only candidate which has a policy of how to bring economic opportunity using clean renewable energy because we will put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business she cares more but the green new scam then rising energy costs and that is why trump is resonating. 's plan is the same plan from 2016 that made it the number 1 energy producer in the world and harris' economic plan is just identity politics. >> are right now the economy is pretty bad and everything is expensive people can't even rent an apartment because it's way too expensive. >> do you think donald trump would manage of the economy better than harris?
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>> honestly yes. >> you say the economy is bad over the last 4 years but are voting for kamala? >> when he does somebody to represent us. >> he wants a buddy to represent something to you. >> the problem is you can't fill your tank up on good vibes and grievances. cohost of the bottom line and my husband sean duffy joins us now what you make of this? >> team suffers dish that she suffered by paralysis by analysis i don't think anybody think she over thinks anything here's the problem. inflation is a problem and so she wants to address it a problem though is her answers are more government and more spending and more regulation and i think what trump talks about which is why his 4 years or so great as its free enterprise get
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government out of the way and reduce regulation. if you want prices of food going down stop attacking farmers if you want gas prices going down it simple free enterprise that's always worked and it will work again and big government socialism always fails the american people you also mentioneo run away from joe biden. but she and joe put the policies together in unison and with that she went out and sold the policies to the american people. >> i'm glad you said that because i've a clip of that let's listen. >> it's a crap -- saying we're proud of because biden's economic plan is working. >> today's job numbers make clear it is working. >> biden economics are working. [ laughter ] it's working and their friends
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in places google the tried mind diesel clits but can't talk to how great the policies are in the american people when you run for president say i had nothing to do with that and she was 1 of the most radical left-wing senators in the united states senate more liberal than bernie sanders you will get those policies if she gets to the white house so i hope the american people don't look at identity or sex just who's gonna make the economy stronger who will be tough against china and russia and north korea and venezuela and i think everybody if you look at the politics for that lens it's donald trump for sure but you are correct. she will try to push all of those policies that make people's lives better and say but i'm an african-american or black woman so vote for me.
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>> those clubs are damning. thank you sean. 's every 4 years they vote with their wallet's and a majority of the country believes were in a recession as we see 1 of the highest inflation rates in the country and while they brag inflation is cool down the latest consumer report shows prices are still rising in fact they are going up double the rate compared to when she first took office as baby food up 30% groceries up 21%, eating out up 23% and gas for 50% nearly half of the country considers themselves broke and 2 thirds say they are living paycheck to paycheck its driving every day people to tears. >> how hard is inflation hit you? >> it's hitting me hard. >> could you blame for it?
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>> a plane the federal government at this point i'm a working-class mom who works as a paralegal and i can't buy a two-dollar bell pepper because it's now 5 imagine the mother living on food stamps imagine a mother making minimum wage trying to feed children. they are killing us without killing us. >> does that sound like somebody doing better than they were 4 years ago so why would you elect somebody to fix a problem they helped create? harris doesn't even know why inflation happens. >> what else and will you do to fix the problem with inflation? >> we start with this right prices of ghana and families and individuals are dealing with the realities the bread costs more
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and gas costs more and we need to understand what that means that's about the cost of living going up. >> if that's the plan we are all in trouble. americans face a stark choice a california socialist who failed economics won 01 or a former president and businessman who penned the art of the deal. were bringing in an economist and a former treasury secretary for public affairs i'll start a few stephen the last time i had you on fox and friends you gave me an a and economic so we start with that what are your thoughts? >> well, deserved by the way you talked earlier in the show about minority voters and how they will vote which is what i think it swing the election 1 way or another you look at what happened under trump 1 of the things people like monica and
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diane president trump are most proud of is we saw the lowest rate of poverty ever in history for hispanics or blacks the lowest unemployment rate ever for hispanics or blacks in the biggest income gains for hispanics or blacks under donald trump's presidency those trends have reversed course under harris and biden. she can't run away from his record and policies don't forget that she casted the 2 tie-breaking votes in the u.s. senate foot caused the inflation >> the media is trying to do that so heartbreaking woman is probably a fixed income out of the people on fixed incomes are hurting it's amazing she's probably thinking of all the other single moms may be imagining herself when she had
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little kids not being able to pay for anything with these kinds of prices i don't how you run away from this. >> it's heartbreaking and sad but entirely avoidable if the administration adjust retained the progrowth economic agenda president trump doing so free tax cuts, unleashing our great energy sector and striking fair trade deals to bring manufacturing back to the united states delivering robust economic growth with little to no inflation and historically low unemployment rates for any debt -- every demographic group in the united states it was a goldilocks economy if they kept of those policies would still be in that place but of course they threw everything into reverse and what you are hearing in that women's voices the fact she has been squeezed just like middle-class working families
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the working poor and all other economic groups are being squeezed and the irony here is that democrats including combo harris have always professed to champion the middle-class poor and those of the groups of people who have been crushed at the most this inflationary spiral that harris had a hand in remember it was joe biden and the democrats who started the inflationary spending but it was harris who is steve points out voted a tie-breaking vote for the orwellian titled american rescue plan and inflation reduction act which sent us into this quite crazy inflation which is crushing every american the choices stark when it comes to november between president trump and call harris. >> steve, they talked about the union vote right the poster and
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how much the republican party thanks to donald trump is considered a party of the working class take a listen i want your reaction on the other side. >> donald trump is doing better among average union member not teachers unions for government but every body else trades and people there he's doing better among them than any republican has done in decades is not a problem for him. the union leadership is more divided from their membership and the louder it gets the greater the divide will be every time i see a service worker or union member or electrician or carpenter somebody in a industrial job it's amazing how many of them ask them who we will you vote for g like donald trump they love donald trump because as monica said he's the candidate of working-class
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americans and they remember what trump did for them they remember the fact the average income of a working-class family rows by $5400 and trump was president that number for joe biden and com will harris was negative $1200 simple as that. >> monica? >> president trump spoken 2015 and 2016 of the forgotten men and women in this country those left behind by globalism and retreat of american manufacturing elsewhere and delivered as president for them and delivered a blue-collar boom and they are going to come out in droves to vote for president trump. >> we opened the show talking about the latino vote that's really not a racial thing they are firmly part of the working class and that's why they are moving towards donald trump he's not pandering. great to have you.
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. the beta white dudes for harassment must be so bummed out because the host of the latest zoom call hates their guts is being hosted by an activist who has a long history of vilifying whiteness and calling for the destruction of police departments. she describes herself as a reparations activist whose work spans the globe and hasn't been shy about her hateful racist views. >> gift understand something whiteness is wicked it always is rooted in violence and for to and plunder and power and
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privilege. >> not just people she hates she wants to burn the whole system down here's what she would change about america's police department so she had her way. >> 50% of the police budget honestly 80% of the budget taken out and used for different services that's across the board around the country i would like to see the police departments destroyed and rebuilt in phases and completely reimagining what it is i'm even down to changing the name. public safety guardians or something you don't of access to guns is easily. >> as radical as they come so why did harris choose her to represent evangelical voters my next guest might have the answer.
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she's the offer of shefford their shepherds for the sale how they treated the truth for a leftist agenda and she joins me now great to have you on said this woman doesn't espouse christian views how is she a invalid -- evangelical leader how did it happen? >> what you need to know her view sounded extreme she's brought into conservative churches and ministries and they are promoting women like this in order to sway the all-important evangelical vote it's important for viewers to know evangelicals are 30% of the electorate and they are the firewall against the left side agenda but in 2008 and 2012 20% went to obama and he got a victory in 2016 very few voted for hillary and she lost but in 2020 once again 20% went to biden and he won so what we have seen is an all-out
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effort to infiltrate and capture the evangelical vote from the secular left and what they do pump money into evangelical organizations you've evangelical leaders helping them do this to create an astroturf campaign to convince evangelicals to vote for joe biden now to vote for common light harris even though her platform is diametrically opposed to biblical ethics on things like what a man is what a woman is an sanctity of life. >> who is funding this? >> 1 of the key speakers of evangelicals for her harrises clod alexander chairman of the board of christianity today that's a really trusted brand and magazine founded by billy graham in 1956 so christians know and trust it but it's gone very far left and a lot of
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people don't know that so the editor-in-chief of christianity today and david french the new york times columnist and harris voter developed a political bible study funded exclusively by those like the rockefeller foundation and organizations that promote abortion and transgender treatments on kids they helped to create and fund this bible study going to conservative searcher -- churches and college campuses. >> quickly because i don't know much time how can people there recognize this if these groups have infiltrated their churches how do they confront their pastors to make sure their pastors haven't been used in this way or are trying to use them in that way. >> quickly i will tell you the name of the bible study it's called the after party 1 way you do it is if it's telling you
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politics are complex we don't really know how you should vote on issues like abortion but are saying you should vote to oppose systemic racism that's a clue somebody is infiltrating your church. >> yep i want to thank you for writing a book and letting people know they aren't crazy as is being treated by a bunch of secularists congratulations on the book. breaking news on hunter biden tonight when we come back.
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and find total beets. [ ♪♪ ] for years biden said he had nothing to do if his son's business deals and when we discovered something new from his past his laptop or e-mails, whistleblower testimonies we find out just how intertwined it joe actually was with the shady biden family business in a neutron trove records released by the biden administration we have more proof that hunter was trying to profit by using his dad's name when his dad was vice president. as 1 congressman said before
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this could potentially be the biggest political scandal in my adult lifetime. christina coleman is here with the latest. christina? >> the new york times is reporting hunter biden sought assistance from the government for an energy project in italy while his dad was vice president based on released records and interviews the article states that the records which the biden administration withheld for years indicate hunter biden wrote at least 1 letter to the u.s. ambassador to italy in 2016 seeking assistance for ukrainian gas company where he was a board member. the request was reportedly from the sun of a sitting vice president on behalf of a foreign company according to the new york times a official based in the u.s. embassy responded to the request with caution a rating this is a ukrainian company and to purely protect ourselves the government should not be actively advocating with the government of italy without
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the company going through the department of commerce advocacy centre president biden said on multiple occasions he wasn't aware of his sons business dealings fox reached out to the attorney who told the new york times no meeting occurred no request was ever saw and only an introduction in italy was requested that timing here is also notable after biden dropped out of the presidential race the administration released records showing his son solicited u.s. government assistance while joe biden was vice president new york times reports the biden administration withheld the records for years. rachel? >> thank you so much. aliens and william shatner next. i asked my doctor about treating my td,
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>> are aliens among us? that's the subject of a new fox
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nation special hosted by william shatner. it asks questions like are aliens out there or are already here. i spent decades pretending to explore space and then i got the chance to go there. >> i am william shatner and i'm back and i want to know is anybody out there. >> aliens among us streaming on fox nation william shatner is here it's great to have you on i'm asking the question are there aliens out there can you give us an answer. >> i'm asking the question if there were any aliens out there but even more broad question are there aliens anywhere is there
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life and other planets that could communicate with us those are questions which haven't been answered. mathematically there has to be life elsewhere. mathematically the universe 14 billion years old and we are 4 billion years old what happened before, are those entities on the other planets looking to search the universe to see if they can make contact we are overwhelmed by that desire to explore and find strange new worlds what are we doing a what's happening it's a complete mystery and its unexplained. >> is fascinating and i can't wait to watch this there's a sanford study that looks at the brains of people who come in the contact with unidentified phenomenon and that researchers says they have brain damage,
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hearing loss their bounces off what you make of that. >> i don't know he's the expert why doesn't he provide an explanation i don't know you see a spot in the sky burns your brain now i don't know about that what are those spots in the sky is the government to reverse engineering debris from spacious ships we don't know the whole thing is a mystery and it's difficult to not look for an answer the mystery of obsessive is us and that's what the show is about. >> part of the mystery is a lot of things are classified as a time for the government to just a declassify at all and take the mystery away? >> is a classified we don't know if it's classified only a few people know the answers so we
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are surrounded by mystery is there life after death, agents among us why won't they say they are here and say hello or are you so far ahead of us. it's mysterious we have to accept that mystery and go with it. there will be answers. >> it's a deep tease and i'm into it and i'm i hope everyone else catches it a treat to have you on you or an icon thank you for joining us. that's all for us tonight and check out the kitchen table podcast rebreak down everything from politics culture parenting and relationships god bless you and god bless america, sean is next. [ ♪♪ ] >> wel


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