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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  August 14, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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they're taken to come up short of a goal of a dream. it's not fun. it's life, man. life stuff. >> it's all about how you respond. we have a dog in the fight, brock 30, and the 49 of us begin their road back. oh, my goodness. against alvin kamara and the saints to the end zone. touchdown saints preseason football sunday at eight eastern on fox when critical news hits. >> here is what we know at this hour. john roberts and sandra smith cover every development live on america reports. then with trusted insight and analysis. there is a lot at stake. martha maccallum breaks down the big headlines live on the story weekdays on fox news channel. >> all right. please say dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. episo "hannit greg gutfeld, pute on your face. have a great night
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. >> welcome to a special edition of jesse watters. cial edie. gust >> i'm rachel campos-duffy. it's only august and this has already been one of the craziest election cycles in america f thn history.en >> trump was shot and biden dropped out. kamala was installed without getting a single vote and still done a single interview. while all of that is importantmi 1 he media is ignoring one of the biggest stories of the year. >> hundreds of thousands of illegals are still breaking into our country and illegal brn alien criminals are and murdering our women and children. >> and illegal from senegae murs charged with a woman in the bronx. >> the woman was on a bench whening the illegal came up to her. >> whispered in her ear, then wrapped his art restm around her throat, pinned down and her. and in coney island, new york,ne two illegals were arrested forer a woman at knifepoint undert the boardwalk. epointone illegal threw the womf
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to the ground and put a knife to her throat before her. throathe woman's boyfriend trid to stop the assault, but the other illegal hit him with a pipe. this isn't his first. he was arrested in 2022 for rapn another woman in a hotel in newt york, but was let out a year y later. and icear e just arrested a haitian illegal in massachusetts afterti a sanctuary city let him walk. he's charged with a disable hie child. what's kamala's plan to stop this? r pls wewell, we don't know bece refuses to talk to the press. >> so all we can do is looklook at what she campaigned she on the first time that she ran for president. we're noran foident going to trt people who are undocumented across the board as criminals. >> when you becomepeople presid, would you be committing to close us immigration t detention centers? >> absolutelo closy. >> on day one. on day one. you support giving universalg health care a medicare for all to people who are in this country illegallycare t.
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let me just be very clear about this. i am opposed to any policy any that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safetesy, public educatin or public health. >> tod healt. and i think there's no question that we've got to critically reexamine e ice.scratc >> and we need to probably think about starting from scratch. no detention centers, free health care for illegals and defending ice. that's kamala's border plan in her own wordss . need t but we also need to look at her actions. now we're findinr actiong out te biden-harris administration allowed 90% of illegals who are put into a deportation program to stay in the country. >> now, kamala mightgh start sounding more moderatet as we get closer to the election, but do not believeelen her. >> she's flip flopping on everything to get elected >> flip-fl elected, it all goes right back to where it was. they actually want open border s and kamala wants open borders, as she said it for 50 s
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>> she wants open borders. shhen bordere only changed recen she noticed in a poll that wasn't polling too well. people don't want open borders where people can flow into our countrere peopw intoy. >> trump has a clear plan to end this insanity. >> if kamala wins, you will have mass amnesty in citizenship for all of the biden-harris illegals that poured into our country. >> if i win, you will have the largest deportation operationget in american history starting opn dayinauguauguratio 2025. >>ra trump wouldn't have toould' deploy a mass deportation operation if democrats just this the law and finished the wall. >> but remember when nancy tolosi said it was too expensive? >> the walo expensl is, in my vy immoral, expensive, unwise. w and when the president says, the k he saiised a wall during my campaign, i don't think he said he was going to pass a billions of dollars of costs of of the wall onto the taxpayer. n
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>> trump spent about 15 billion on the border wall. that's peanubordert compared to we're spending on taking care of illegals who broke into our countrnge y. >> new york city has spent $5 billion taking care of illegals. 10 b number is likely to double to 10 billion next year. that's just one multiply that across every town in the countr city and wedo could have paid for multiple border walls. >>rder wal our taxpayer dollars are being drained by totally unnecessar arey spending on peoe who shouldn't even be here. it hurts o those who are here illegally the most. >> we're going to get rid >>, and inflation has hurt the hispanic population. so badly, but it's hurt everybody. but the people that you largely your listeners have been horribly hurt with inflation that it's caused in countries where they come from. also, whether it's mexico or other places, inflation has been caused to a large extent in terms of the region by the te united states policy on energy.
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she's never going to do anything about inflation. she has no idea. word >> she even know what it means. the word means. kamala's hoping to offset trump's very attractive, commonsense policies by juicing the voter numbers. the biden administration has ju granting citizenship requests at the fastest rate in a decadrantedquests ae sincek office. >> more than 3 million immigrants have become citizens ,and 80% of them said they will definitely vote in 2024. 2020 was decided by 40,000 votes in a few swing states.ow >> now we have 3 million new voters. 3 milliowe don't know where alle new citizens live or where vote lean politicallr where y. but 3 million new voters is huge, and there's 9 million more immigrants who are eligible for citizenshipimmigra this explains why both democrats and republicans win are working around the clock to win over latinos. latinos make up 20% of the
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population. >> they are the key to winningnn national elections. axios looked at exit pollslectis going back 50 years and found that when a democratic presidential candidate gets less than 64% of the latin4% ooa vote, democrats lose. right now, kamala is hovering around 55%. it's not good for her. so liberal pacs are dropping tens of millions of dollarsdollr in swing states to turn out latinos for kamala and another democrat. nonprofit voto latino, funded by george soros, was caught trying to pay latinos to say that they don't like trump. reporter savannah hernandez uncovered a post on craigslist offering up to $1,000 for latinos who voted for trump in 2020 but will now vote for kamala in 2024. we reached out to voto latino and they said, quote, this craigslist ad was created a by a third party vendor and it was not submitted to voto
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latino athird for review. w we ended our contract with themt as soon as we founractd out, and the post has been taken down. this wasn't the dnc or the harris campaign offeringts cash for endorsements, but it reminds me of the time i talked to a venezuela in dissidentdissd about 15 years ago. i was at a graduatioenn ceremon. he was at a language graduation for english. ameri and he spoke about how in latina america, it's common to pay off voters. you could get a sack of rice. u coulyou could get a washing me or even a bag of cash forn throwing your support behind a candidate with tears in his eyess in. a he left us with a very important message. no matteimportanssagr what theye you, your freedom isn't worth it. uz senator ted cruz joins me now. senator, it's great to havecleal you on. clearly, the democrats understand that hispanics are very dissatisfied with the biden harris four years and they're willing to throw
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a lot of money to win them bae bide back. well, that's exactlyck right. ae but i'll tell you, we're seeing in texas and we're seeing all across the countryas hispanc voters moving right. eathink we have an historic opportunity to earn the votes of hispanic voters. of hispanmy campaign, my senata reelection campaign, we've announced a four and a half million dollar ad campaign focused on hispaniadc voters in texas. and i got to say, as a latino, our value issuesamentall are fundamentally conservative. you look at the values that resonatnservatie in the lao community. they are faith. they are famil faithy, they are patriotism. a lot of people don't know the demographi knoc with the highest rate of military enlistment in the united states is hispanics and the most powerful ethos i believe, in the hispanic community is the american dream coming co and seeking your freedom. i think about what my dad fled cuba and came to texas in 1957.w he'd been in prison. he'd beenedn tortured.
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he came here with nothing. he couldn't speak english and he wash dishes making $0.50 an hour. but he was filled with hopesyo and dreams. and i'll tell you, the hispanic community is feeling the brunt of the failures of kamala harris' disastrous policy agenda, whether it is inflation that is hammering hispanic wheth families or whether it is the devastation of kamala harris is open borders. we are seeing historic numbers of hispanic voters moving right. i think they're going to vote for donald trump. i thin think the fo trumpk they're goim for my reelection campaign in texas. and i think this is a generationaltion shift that we're seeing right now. >> yeah, i can relate to that story. my father was a shoeshine boy i when he was a child. you know, and i do notice comm when democrat activists go into hispanic communities, they hide who they are. they don't talk about abortion. e wh talthey don't talk about school choice. they don't talk about any of the things that hispanicsn' care about. they literally have to lie to you in order to get you tond vote democrat and not show who they really are. now, ho t 3 million have been naturalized, 3 million
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immigrants have been naturalized since joe biden wasa elected. er does that worry you? what kind of concerns do you havens about this new wave of of of and the speeditizen with which they're naturalizing these citizensare bein? it does you know, it doesn't worry me significantly because i see an enormousgnifican difference betn legal immigrants and illegal the grants. there's a right way to come to this country. you follow the rules. o the tryou stand in you come here legally. ronald reagan referred to legal immigrants as americans by choice. and i think republicans foe going to do very welcansl with the people who followed the law and come here for the right reasons. and i'llre tell you this,n this open borders under kamala 1 harris, the borders are 11 and a half million people have invaded this countryd . one community that gets just left out in the cold by that com are the legal immigrants. they paid a lot of money. they've hired lawyers. they'vho e done it right. and they're looking at these people just flagrantly violatinookingtg the law, beingn
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handouts by democrat politicians. and i'll tell you, in many instances, these illegal immigrants are going in to latino i communities.s many many of them, tragically are violent criminals. we are seeing every single daymd americans being murdered by illegal immigrants that kamala harris hasy illegams released, children being assaulted, women being raped by illegalleased immigrants that they've released. and i think that's front and center in thand th fronte presidential race. it's front and center in my race because calling all red, the left wing democrat running against me agrees with border czar kamala harris on an open border. and that's why millions of people are going to my whf peope, ted cruz .org and supporting my campaign because we've got to defendon our nation. >> senator cruz, thanks for joining us tonight. >> kamala's economy is making ho that's next. ah, ne that's next. ah, ne >> i'm outtf here telling people howth they can save moneo with experience. you've got subscriptions you've got subscriptions to netflixld you on
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your high quality american made flag today that's show allegiance .com come has been running for president for almost a month and she stillen hasn't sat down with the media. presidenthe only thing she's beo to do is copy trump raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service. alit >> hospitality worker when i get to office, we are goinwog to not charge taxes on tips. >> theref ta will be no taxes on tips. so taxes on tips, it's called no tax on tipss.. no tax or no on tips.. >> i'm also doing no tax on tips. >> no tax on tips. exmember joe biden, he's extremely unpopular. >> so kamala'spula next move iso do everything she can to distance herself fromo what a
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the president. axios reporting, quote, harris won't say this bluntly in public, but her advisers do so privately. she wants to break with biden on issues on which she's unpopular. >> first up, rising prices. this is part of a highly choreographed effort to define herself, in some cases redefine herself as a different kindon fi of democrat. on friday and rallday, she'll outline plans to lower costs of health care, housino loweg and food for middle class consumers. and she'll tell how she's going to take on corporate o price gouging. that pla n sounds exactly like shows it. kamala is just stealing his note harris. what's taking her so long to release them? well, kamalaoem?well staffers se suffers from paralysis by analysis. quote, the knock on harris the r staffersme is she can overthink things to the point of exhaustione and confusion. >> while kamala isn't the only one confused, her entire campaign has left americans confused.
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>> not so with trump. he's been 100% transparent and he's been laying out his economic agenda for a decade. and he did it again todat oncey >> we're going to have 10 to 20% tariffs on foreign countries that have been ripping us offs rippin for year. >> we're going to charge them 10 to 20% to come in and take a advantage of our country, because that's what they've beenr coun doing for nothing to our jobs. we're going to chargcharge te tm and bring back millions and millions of jobsback a by dn so and billions and billions of dollars. >> he also took some shots at his opponents. kamala harris wants to be in charge of the entire u.s. economo y, but neither she her nor her running mate said they're the beauty, isn't he? >> but they've never held a private sector job in their entire ther held professional c. and it's no wonder they're botha socialists. they're actually beyond socialist. i think they skipped over
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socialistsre a . >> when kamala lays outsa her fake economic plan this week. cop >> probably will be a copymy p of my plan becausela basically that's what she does. she can't solve the problem because she is the problem. >> she really is. kamala. you're fired. >> get out of here. go! get out of here. that'so ge the difference betwer a career businessman and a career politicia bn. n. trump understands how the price and availability of energy affects americans, and he's ready to tear down joe and kamala'san green new deal. >> i'm announcing today that under my leadership the united states will commit to the ambitious goal of slashing energyce and electricity prices by half at least half. >> i will end the biden-harris e electricnd vehicle mandate one day when the democrats have been waging a war on american energy for decades. >>n es what i've said is that we would put a cap and trade put system in place that ise wh
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more that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive than anybody else's out so if somebody wants to build a coal power plant, they can wa it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted. >> i'm the only candidate which has a policyhe onl about how too economic opportunity using clean, renewable bri energy, because we're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companie becausee wills out of . >> kamala cares more about the greenhouse scam thancost your rising energy costs, and that's why trump's resonating. >> trump's plan is the16 same plan from 2016 that made us the number one energy producer in the world and kamala's economi tc plan is just identity politics. >> well, right now and the economy's really bad because everything is expensive. gas pricesthin expens are up and people eve cannot even rent an apartment because it's way too expensive. how are we going to be ablee. to provide? do you think that donaldf th
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trump would manage the economy better than kamala harris? well, let me guess. and you say the economy's bad4 r over the last four years. but you're still going to vote for kamalara. yeah. i don't know if just like i feel like we as a as the state that we need to gorepres have somebody that we that we have. so you're looking for a represent somebody to represent something to you? yeahnts . the problem is you can't fill your tank up on good vibesnd and grievances. co-hos grievat of the bottom line. and my husband, sean duffy joind mysband ses us now. >> sean, what do you make of all the stuff you said that kamala's team says she suffers from paralysis by analysis. she seems to overthink things. yeah, i don't think anybodybody in america thinks that kamala harris over thinks anythin g, right. what a what a joke. but here's the problem. she understands that with the economy, people are suffering, right? prices are going up, inflation's a problem. and so she.n is a probl wants tr the problem, though, is that her answers are more governmenti ,more spending, more regulation. and i think what trump talkse ry
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about, which is why his four years were so great, is it's free enterprise. r get government out of the waya we do regulation. if you want pricesd, food to gor down, stop attacking farmers. if you want your gas prices to g gaso down, open up american energy. it's simple free enterpriseil that has always worked and worked under trump for years and will work agai n and government socialism always fails the american people. you mentioned also that kamala is trying to run away from the joe biden record fro. >> yes. the problem with that is she e pujoe put those policies together in unison. and with that, she went out and actually sold the policies to the american people. >> i'm so gladelicies tth you s, because i actually have a clip of that. >> listep t n. . >> it's a term we're very proud of. prmust tell you, because biodynamics is working. it's workingouecause. today's jobs numbers make clear biodynamics is working. i do dynamic and biodynamicsno is working. mics aorkingbut it omics and bis
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is working. >> how can she run away from this? i mean, these clips, by the way, aren't like for me. this is just a few months ago. well, i think she has friends in places like google that try to memory whole these old clip s . but again, you can't have clips like that and talk about how great the policies can't are and how they're working for the american people and then see the polling when you run foour president, go, i had nothing to do with it. and by the way, i agree, it's not working. let's try a different path. she was one of the most radical left-wing senators in thera us senate, more liberal than bernie sanders. you are going tol sander get thoseth policies if she gets to the white house. and again, i hope the american people don't look at identite s they don't look at sacks, they just look at who's going to make the economyge stronger, who's going to be tough against china and russia and north h ag koreaela and and venezuela. and i think everyone, if you look at the politicstrum through those lens, it's donald trump for sure. but again, you're right. she's goinut y ag to try to push all of the policies that make people's lives better, putsy
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those on the side and go, but i'm an african american, i'm but i'ican-amea black woman >> so what for me? well, we'll see if it works. those clips are . >> yes, they are fiction. all right. so every four years,y americans vote with their wallets and theyvote all ask the same question, am i better off than i was four years ago? >> a new survey finds a majority of the country believes m we're in a recession. it's easy to see why under biden, harris we saw one of the highest inflation rates in my lifetime. and in the last 40 and while they brag that inflation has cooled down, the latest consumer report shows that prices are still rising. >> in fact, they're gointill rie up double the rate compared to when paris first took office. check this out, baby food up 30%. groceries up 21%. groc 30 >> gas 50%. nearly half of the country considers themselves broke and two thirds say they're living paycheck to paycheck. say threit's driving everyday po tears.
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how hard has inflation hit you? >> it hit me hard. it's hitting me hard. who do you blame for it? i blame the federal government at this point. wo a workingederalgovern at th m who works as a paralegal cannot buy a $2 bill pepper because it's now five, imagine her mother living on food stampsne. g mini imagine a mother who's making minimum wage, trying to feed childrenmuo fe children. >> they're killing us withoutrek killinilg us. does that sound like someone who's doing better than they wer>> does e four years ag? so why would you elect someonely to fix a problem that they helped to create? lped creplus, kamala doesn't evw >>y inflation happens. >> what else are you going to do to fix this problem w wil wi? inflation. thank you. well, let's start with>> we th. prices have gone up and families and individuals are dealing with the realities
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of of that.s cost bread costs more, that gas costs more. and we have to understand what that means. that's about the cost of living going up. >> well, if that's the plan, s e we're all in trouble. americans face a stark choic sts a california socialistoc who failed economics one onn 01 one or a former president and a businessmaa formn who pennedf the art of the deal. we let's bring economist stephen moore in and former assistant treasury secretary for public affairs. monica crowley, i'm going to start with you, stephen moore, becausel stt tht time i had you on "fox and friends", you gave me an a an economics. o >> so we'll start with that. we what are your thoughts? well-deserved. it was a well-deserved grade. he wayyou were talking earlier e show about minority voters and how they're going to vote. and i think that's going to swing this election one way or1a the other. and, you know, if you look at what happenedy you lo under ,
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one of the things that people like monica and i and i knowp ar president trump are most proud of is that we saw the lowest rate of poverty ever in history for hispanics and blacks. we saw the lowest unemployment rate eveyment rar in history for hispanics and blacks. we saw the biggest income gainsk for hispanics and blacks under donald trump's presidency. thosldump's pre all of those sts have reversed course under kamala harris and joe biden. she cannot run away fromthat his record and his policies. don't forget rachel. she cast the two tie breaking votes in the united states ti for those multitrilliont dollar spending bills that caused the inflatiocationn the first place. >> yeah. monica, i mean, there's no doubt about it. the media is going to try and help people forget about it. but when you look at that video,o dothat it's just so heartbreaking. i mean, this is a woman who's pr. ably on a fixed incomeg wo we're hearing all the time that elderly people on fixed the g. are hurtint of >> but what's amazing is she's not even thinking of herself. she's probably thinkin'sg of all
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the other single moms, maybe even imagining herself back when shs mae had little kis not being able to pay for anything with these kindos of prices. >> i mean, it is i don't knowi ' how you run away from this. yeah. you know, it was it is heartbreaking and very sad, but it was entirely avoidable if this administration had just retained the pro-growth economic agenda of president trump. rowtonomic ahe did it through t, regulatory relief, unleashing our great energy sector and striking fair trade deals to onshore jobs and bring manufacturing back to thtoe united that delivered robust economic growth with littlwte to no inflation and historically low unemployment rates for every demographic group in the united states. it really was a goldilocks economy. so if they had kept those policiesgoldiloc, we'd still ben that place. but of course they threw everything inte buo. and what you're hearing in in that woman's voice is the factha
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that she is being squeezed just bes workinging s families, just like the working poorpoor and the all other econc groups are really being squeezed. and the irony here, rachel and steve, is that the democrats, th harris,kamala have always professed to want to champion the middle class the working class and the poor. and yet those are the groups of people who have been crusheda the most by this inflationary spirale most that kamala harrisd the main hand in. remember, it was joe bidencrat and the democrats that started this inflationary spendings , but it was kamala harris who, as steve points out, votede tiea the tie breaking vote for the orwellian titledrn american rescue plan and inflation reduction act, whicscue plaatioh sent us into y inflation that really is crushin g every american. i think the choice is very stark when it comes to novemberp between president trump and kamala harris. recall haryes, she once has beeg
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about the union vote. >> frank luntz, the the pollster and how much the republican party, thanks to donald trump, is nowconsid considered the party of the working class. take a listen. wot your reaction on the other side. >> donald trump is doing betterv among the average union member, not teachers unionerots and note the unions for government, but everybody else trades. people worrnt ever elsk their h. he's doing better among them than any republican has done in decades. this is not going to be a problem for him. the union leadership is more divided from their membership, and the louder that it gets, the greater the divides greag to come. >> stephen, your reaction quick, and then i'll go to monica. every time i see a service worker, every time i see o a union member, whether it's an electrician oror a carpenter orsomebo something, you know, someone in a in an industrial jodyb, t it's amazing how many of them i ask them, who are you going to vote for? heo wewill youdo you like donal?
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they love donald trump because he, as monica saida sa, he is the candidate of working class americans. >> and they remember what trump did for them. they remember the fact that the average income of a pair of a working class family rose by $5,500 when trump was president. was presthat number for joe bidn and kamala harris, -$2,100.$120 >> it's as simple as that. monicasi yeah. >> you know, president trump's spoken 2015 and 2016 about the forgotten men and womenft beh in country, those left behind by globalism and the retreatinrr of american manufacturing to places like china and elsewherean e. for t and he delivered as president for them. he delivered a bluhee collar boom. and those people have not forgotten that. and they're going to come out vt in droves to vote for president trump. r prentyou know, stephen, monica opened the show talking about the latino vote with the latino theing vote. it's really not a racial thing. they are firmly part of the working class and i believe towr that's why they're moving
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towards donald trump. it's about that. ds' not pandering. >> stephen monica, great having you. an anti-coanp activist is headlining a major kamala fund raiser. that's next. >> copd isn't pretty and outan i of breath and often out of thell pictbeca but this is my story. >> and with one staley trilogy,l >> and with one staley trilogy,l it can still 24 be beautiful because with three medicines because with three medicines and one inhaler trilog s. my airways open for a full m 24 hours and prevents future flare ups. flare ups. trilogy also improve so i can breathe more freely all day and knight trilogy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. for sudden breathing problems. >> tel a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trilogosis call yy n prescribed trilogy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia and osteopathy. assist call your doctor if worsened, breathing chest pain,
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,it's rooted in plunder. it's rooted in power and privilege. >> it's not just people she hates. it can mean she wants to burn the whole system she bur down. >> here's what she'd change about america's police departmentat shes if she had he. >> i would like to see at least 50% of the police budget. honestly, i'd like to see 80% of the budget taken outd and usedus for different services. >> that's across the board, around the countrys acro. then i'd like to see the policed departments destroyed and rebuilt in phases. it has to happen in phases and i mean completely reimagining what it is. publan, downng wt to changing the name so it's no longer policing our public safety guardians. okay. and so and you do not have access to guns so easily, nilly. >> this marxist lady is asy radical as they come. so why did kamal sa choose her o represent evangelical voters? >> my nextrepres guest might hae
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answer. megan basham is the authorr of shepherds for sale how evangelical leaders treated the truth for a leftist agenda. and she joins me now. megan, it's great to have you on. so this woman does not seem to espouse christian views. >> how is she an evangelical leader? how does this happen? >> well, i think what you need to know, rachel, is that >> wd extreme, but she has been brought into conservative churches, conservative ministries, and they are promoting women like this in order to swayy th that all important evangelical vote. tevangeit's really important for your viewers to know that evangelicals are roughly 30% of the electorate and they are the firewall against sid the left's agenda. but in 28 an but id 28 and 2012r 20% of them went to obama a and he won in 2016. very few of them voted ford sh hillary clinton and she lost. loste sawan, once again, w over 20% of them go to
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biden and he won. so what we have seen is an all out effort to infiltrate and capture that evangelicalte vote from the secular left. and what they're doing is theyha are pumping money into evangelical organizationss help and you have evangelical leaders helping them do this in ordethemr to create an astroturo campaign to convince evangelicalsince to vote for joe biden. now to vote for kamala harris, even though her platform is diametrically opposed to biblical ethics on thingse like what a man is, what as woman is, and the sanctity. of life. >> so who's funding this? this co op ed so i can give you. right. so i can give you a great example. so one of the key speakers of evangelicals fo?r harris is claude alexander. he is the chairman of the board of christianity obviously, that is a really trusted brand. it's a magazine that wasy bill founded by billy graham back in 1956. so a lot of christians know it and they trust
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very but in fact, it has gone very far left. and a lot of people don't knowoh that. so russell moore, who is the editor in chieief of christianity today, and david french, the new york i times columnist and kamala harris voter, they developed a political bible study funded exclusively by secular exce th left funders like the rockefeller foundation and the hewletckefelleundationt and we're talking about organizations that promote abortion and theynn promote transgender treatments on kidsgender s. they promoted, they helped create and fund this bible coudy. it's going in conservative churches and on to conservative college campusesr -- and col. so really quick, because i don't have a lot of time, but i think it's really important. how can people who are in muchpeople there i k this co-option, recognize that these groups have infiltrated their churches? >> how canoups confront their pastors to make sure their pastors haven't been used in this or trying to use them in that way? >> well, really quickly, i wante to tell you the name of that bible study, if it comes into your church, is called
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oe bithe after party. do it and one way you can do it is if it's telling you that, gosh, politics are really complex.n' we don't really know how you should vote on issues like abortionnow ho vot, but they're saying that you should vote to oppose systemic racism. that's a clue that somee of these infiltrating your church. that's a red fla somebodyg. and i want to thank you for writing the book and letting people know they're not craz yy for thinking that their churches have been infiltrated by a bunch of secularists, larit anti christians, frankly. so, meghan, congratulations on the book. >> thank you very much. thanks for having me. breaking news on, huntert here biden tonight. >> when we come right back tellr >> when we come right back tellr i'm out here telling how theyre. can save money with experience. do you have a lot of subscriptions likeubscri the streaming services, music, the streaming services, music, fitness and probablyptel the six or seven around there? >> i do. i have a lot. an has twhat if there was a plae you could see your subscriptions and cancel subscriptions and cancel the ones you don't lik i needt. one place. experian has that. ad, wow. i love it. i need that.
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that's b 82 215215. >> for years, joe biden said he had nothing to do with hunter's foreign business dealings. and every time we discoverdisc something new from hunter's past, his laptopover new fro is, whistleblower testimonies. we find out justtleblowene how intertwined joe actually was with the shady biden family business. turns out in a new tranche of records released by the admin biden administration, we have more proof that hunter was trying to profit by using his dad's name when his dad was
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vice president. and as congressman komar has said before, this could potentially be the biggest political scandal in my adult lifetime. >> christina coleman is here with the lates.t. >> christina? rachel, the new york times is reporting that hunter biden saw assistance from the u.s. government for an energynter bid project in italye his dad was vice president. based on newly released recordsv and interviews, the new york times article states, quote,ie w the records which the biden administration had withheld fo r years indicate that hunter biden wrote at least one letter to the us ambassadorte to italy in 2016 seeking assistance for the ukrainian gas companykraini burisma, where he was a board member. agaians company whern. est this request is reportedly from the son of a sitting vicly froen president on behalf of a foreign company. according to the "new york times"g , a commerce department official based in the us embassy in rome responde offd d to the request with caution, writing, this is a ukrainian company and purely to protect ourselves, the united states government should
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notvocating be actively advocating with the government of italy withoutt the going through. the department of commerce advocacy centecompanh r. now, president biden has said on multiple occasions that he was not aware of his bia son's business dealings. fox has reached out to hunter's attorney, abbe lowell. lowell told the new york times, quote, no meeting occurred, no project materialized, no request for anything in the us was ever sought and only anti introduction in italy was requested. also, the timingy was here is notable. after biden dropped out of thele presidential race, his administration released the records showing his son soliciteadminid the u.s. governi assistance while joe biden was vice president. te istance the new york times repow that the biden administration has withheld these records for years. rachel, thank you so much. >> all right, aliens and william shatner next. let's secrets lie hidden in the shadows of our world to guys
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that's the subject of a new fox nation special hosted by the h william shatneosr. the show asks questions like, are aliens out there or are theyit ask are here? >> here's a sneak peek. there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in our universe, untold planets beyond our solar system. and i spent decade.s pretending to explore space and then i got the chance to go there for real . no description. you. >> i'm william shatner, and i'm back. >> and i want to know, is anybody out there, the host of aliens among us streaming n? fox natio now william shatner is here. william, it's so great shatn toe you on. i'm asking the same question.s n >> are there aliens out there? are you going to give us an answer? i'm i'm asking i'm askingg th the same questions. >> are there aliens out there e
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>> but even broaden the question, are there alienses anywhere? is there life on other planets? is there lif therefe ande they d communicate with us. those are questions that have not been answered mathematically. there has to be life elsewhere. mathematically, if the universed is almost 14 billion years old and we're three, 4 billion years old, what's happened habefore? what are those people? are those entities on the other planets looking to search t the universe to see if they can make contact unive? we're overwhelmed by the desire to exploret and find strange new worlds. strag? e we doin what's happening? what are the questions? that's just a complete mystery . >> it's unexplained. yeah. it's so fascinating. i can't wait to watch it. t now. there's a stanford professor who actually studieshe a studyia the brains of people who come br, comephenho say in contact with unidentified anomalous phenomenoma.
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>> and that researcher says that they have brain damage. they have hearinssays tg loss, m they their balance is off. what do you make of thatak? well, i don't know. he's the expert. why does it he provided it, provide an explanationwh a i dot know. but here you see a spot in the u sky and it burns your brainur out. i don't know. i don't know about thaain not. but what are those spots in the sky or what is the government reverse engineering debris from from spaceships. we don't fro know the whole this is a mystery and it's difficult to to not can try and find an answer or not to know t the answer. the mystery obsesses us, and that'se what this show is about. >> so part of the mystery, william, is that a lot of stuff is still classified. is it time for the government to just declare classi e ossify?d ta >> it'll take the mystery away w . >> is it classified? we don't know. it's classifiee don'd. onl that means only a few
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people know the answer. so we're was surrounded by mystery. is there life after death? e lie are there agents among us? wh aeny wouldn'tts say we're he and. and hello and you're ahe a little behind the times, are you so far ahead of us? i meanadusit's m, it's just myss itd we have to accept that mystery and go with it. there will be answers. s. >> well, this show, it's a deep tease. i'm into it. it's a deep andi'm watching. i hope everyone else catches it. william, such a trea eelse catcu on you are an icon. thanks for joining o us. >> all right. well, that's all for us tonight. and check out the kitchen tableh podcast where sean and i break down everything from politicinsu culture, parentinglt and relationships. >> god blessg you. god bless america. sean is next sea


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