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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 15, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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strategy in this whole influencer summit, they gave them special access to thethey white house. they are giving bigger access tn the dnc. this is a strategy to encountery trump's elon musk interview and the campaign. >> laura: that make sense. this is what the democratic convention tiktok site posted this week, a dance video.w to well i actually learned how to w do that over the weekend with my daughters friends. >> i'm going to be looking fors atthis, laura come at the dnc. i'd expect you to recreate thisg >> laura: i'm not going to release the video. i did that thid. name. saturday night. i won't tell. check me out on instagram. raymond, thank you peerage follow me >> carley: 82 days until the election, we're getting a new
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look at top issues for voters and candidate they think is best person to handle them. both candidates layout their economic policy this week. kamala harris trying to distance herself from bidenomics. live report from washington. we are live at iowa state fair all morning long. todd is in des moines talking to voters about the election and having fun and food while he's there. that funnel cake, like a champion. you are watching "fox and friends first" on thursday morning, i'm carley shimkus. todd, how are you on iowa state fair grounds. it is 4:00 there, up before the animals. >> todd: i am up before the animals, some are up. what is first question i ask when you travel? how was the food? food was great, we had a lot. the shirt is tighter than i want. we talked politics.
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interesting stuff, carley. >> carley: i was looking at the video, you were having fair food with the governor. food, fair and politics, nice. we have election news to get to. vice president kamala harris will make a joint trip to maryland with president biden for first time since he dropped out of the race. new report says she wants to break from his policy. griff jenkins is in washington with more. hi. >> griff: they are back together again, first time since biden dropped out 25 days ago. axios says harris wants to distance herself from her boss, writing, she wants to break with biden on issues on which he is unpopular. first up is high prices, defining herself in some cases, or redefine herself as different
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kind of democrat. she will be in the tar heel state tomorrow, where trump campaigned yesterday. >> explain is the present suffering she's caused along with joe biden. by the way, they're a team, you are paying the price for kamala's liberal extremism at gas pump, at the grocery counter and your mortgage bill. not going to let this socialist lunatic keep breaking our economy for four more years, it will destroy our country. [cheering] >> on election day, we're going to tell her that we've had en enough, that we can't take anymore. kamala, you're fired. >> griff: trump hit harris on one of her biggest vulnerabilities, the border. >> just this week in coney island, kamala had two, think of this one, migrants came in, we call them the kamala migrants.
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they were arrested for rape of a 46- year-old woman. it was a rough situation. four or five other situations over last couple days, rape and mu murder, rape and beating, rape and something else. >> griff: fox leads harris by a single point nationally, eight points among independents. break it down by issue. the border is the top issue, where trump is holding nearly 20-point lead and trump leading on the economy, foreign policy and crime. carley, we'll hear from trump later today at press conference in bedminster, new jersey. harris has not held a press conference for 25 days and counting. >> carley: thank you. steam boat institute fellow and editor at washington examiner,
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kaylee mcghee white. >> peter: axios is reporting she is hope iing to distance hersel from president biden's unpopularity on the border, do you blame her? >> are you aware this is the biden-harris administration? >> carley: looks like she wants to distance herself. according to white house joe and kamala are partners on everything and there is no daylight between them. how will that work? >> >> kaylee: it is not going to work. i'm sure harris would like to run away. she was tie-breaking vote on the act. she is trying to distance herself from the incumbent's policies and she has no policy
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to offer. we have not heard from kamala harris since she launched her campaign. how she's going to convince voters she is different from joe biden when she's attached to the hip will be interesting to see. >> carley: new poll results show donald trump and kamala harris are neck and neck, trump 50 and kamala harris 49. independent voters favor trump by eight points. economy is the top issue, followed by the border and more people trust trump when it comes to handling of both things. those results indicate despite positive momentum kamala harris is getting, she has a lot of work to do. where do you see the race right now? >> polls are great reminder that kamala harris' honeymoon period is result of media hype.
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anyone would know this if they talked to swing state voters on the ground. issues have not changed for them. trump was leading joe biden before the debate because voters favored him on issues like economy, like immigration. that is true today with kamala harris, they favor trump. that is why you have independents favoring trump by eight points even with joe biden out of the race. this election is going to come down to policy and whether trump or kamala is able to convince voters they are best on the issues, it will determine who wins the white house in november. >> carley: a rally for kamala harris in new york city, she did not attend, eric adams and kathy hochul did. it was taken over by pro-palestinian protesters, that fired off smoke bombs, clashed with police, chant said, you set
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on fire and normalize intifada. if she becomes president, this group of people could be major issue for direction of our country, what do you think about that? >> kaylee: absolutely, i'ming sure we are expecting more of that next week at the democratic national convention. they have had protests approved. this is massive problem for democratic people, same people kamala harris has tried to court throughout her nomination process. that is a serious problem and troubling indication of where the democratic party is headed and where it wants to take our country. >> carley: 82 more days to go until election day, thank you for waking up early, we appreciate your insight. have a great day. >> thank you. >> carley: i want todd to magically appear on the screen,
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live at ohio state fair. what are they telling you? >> todd: when you are at a state fair, everybody is here for food, fun, 4fried butter. politics are top of mind in an election year. here is what voters had to say. >> are you going to vote >> yes, trump. >> do you have a preferred candidate? >> strong republican. >> it is not kamala. >> why isn't it kamala? >> just look at her policies. >> what policies? >> exactly. >> you are not for trump, are you for kamala? >> well, yeah. >> what do you like about kamala's policies? >> i have not heard them yet much, i might change my mind. >> c >> todd: what issues are important to you? >> same issues we see everyday, economy and border. >> inflation is up, taxes are up. things were great when trump was
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in office. look what's happened and now vice president running for president, we have no clear agenda of any of her policies. >> todd: carley, my main take away was that voters need to hear from kamala. it is what we've been saying for 25 plus days. where is the media interview, policy position, any of that? not just democrats and republicans, all voters need to hear from her. republicans across the spectrum need to press kamala and democrats to hear from her. as you know, there are a bunch of democrats who are caught up in this kamala honeymoon. a bunch of independents and undecided that say we're going to vote for her, but we don't know where she stands. that is not how america works, you are supposed to choose them
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based upon their answers, not based on media naming her -- queen. >> carley: a number one priority, if you are running for president. the guy with the desantis airline t-shirt on. thank you for that, interesting, go have more fried butter and we'll talk to you in a lgs bit. >> carley: a disturbing attack on a brooklyn police officer. brooke singman is here next with a live report.
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>> carley: disturbing new video shows moment a fergusson police officer is violent ly attacked
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right outside a police station. brooke singman is here. >> brooke: he is in critical condition, suffering from severe brain injury after being knocked to the ground for a protest for a teen killed 10 years ago. this footage shows the suspect running at officer brown and shoving him down on to the sidewalk, he lays unconscious as officers rushed to help him. officer brown was trying to stop the protesters from tearing down a fen outside the police station. the suspect was already charged for assault. he is being held on $500,000 cash only bond the. the officer is father to twin daughters. he is fighting for his life. his family says, travis is more
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than a police officer, devoted father, son, godfather and a man of strong faith. his positive energy is truly contagious. dnc delegate with deteriorate drawn from convention after being arrested in connection to the attack. facing charges unrelated to officer brown's injury. he is facing first-degree property damage charges. go fund me is set up to support officer brown, it has raised $70,000. >> carley: thank you. disney trying to have a widower's wrongful death lawsuit withdrawn. the company is citing his disney + account. man gave up his right to litigate before a judge and jury
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when agreeing to terms and conditions of disney + and my di disney app. the widower says they told the waiter about his wife's allergies several times. he's seeking $50,000. hurricane ernesto blaring toward -- half of puerto rico and 28,000 customers in virgin islands are without power. could become category 3 by time it reaches bermuda in next few days. this could be a big storm. >> janice: absolutely, it is already quite big when you look at clouds from center of c circu circulation. 85 mile per hour winds. pressure is same and wind is the
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same. wind gusts in excess of 80 mile per hour. hurricane-force for u.s. virgin islands and here is the track. we think it could become category 3 hurricane and comes close to bermuda and atlanta canada. coming close to bermuda, be on alert if we're talking about a major hurricane. canada, watch the trajectory of the storm, as well. center of circ lagsz coming close with worst of the wind and rain and storm surge going over top of bermuda. we'll watch that and bring the latest. along the east coast, high surf and dangerous rip currents. could see severe storms over ohio river valley, scattered storms for midwest, gulf coast and southwest.
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over to you. >> carley: thank you so much. todd, over to you. >> todd: it is not just food and fun at the fair, farming is an essential part of the iowa state fair. farming and agriculture is perfect excuse to show you guys some beautiful, cute little baby pigs, suckeling at mom. who doesn't love baby pigs? it is not all cute over last 3-1/2 years under the biden and harris administration, it has been tough. here is what they want to say. what do you want to hear on farming? >> control of cost, selling overseas, help farmers here with grain market prices. it has been tough for farmers, definitely has been. not as strong as we had been in the past. >> nobody is buying our product, we don't have good stage
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presence in the world market, it impacts bottom line. in the trump era, farming was grand. it has not been real good in the biden administration. >> todd: from current farmers to future farmers of america, joined by high schoolers. we have keegan and clara. where did you decide to join future farmers? >> from junior high, my parents had friends that were ffa advisers and i learned about the time ffa ran the limited partershiping learning center at the iowa state fair. i asked how to join ffa, they said take agclasses in high school. >> i wanted to be a vete veterinarian, my plans have changed.
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ffa has taught me so many things. >> todd: you want to -- not necessarily become farmers, use as a stepping stone to do something else. >> of course. >> something in agriculture field. >> todd: what is your favorite part? >> every year ffa members participate in leadership development, ag broadcasting, you have a mock radio interview, stuff like parliament procedure, you learn to run board meetings. >> i like meeting new people, that is a big thing, i've made friends from all over the country. >> todd: not just people, animals, as well. ab abundance of cuteness. >> carley: you add to that, don't let anybody tell you anything different.
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families in israel pleading for release of their loved ones as ceasefire talks are set to resume any moment now. trey yingst is live in israel n next. swiffer powermop. ♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool that gives you a mop and bucket clean in half the time ♪ our cleaning pad has hundreds of scrubbing strips that absorb and lock dirt away, ♪ and it has a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. so, you can clean your home, faster than ever. ♪ don't mop harder, mop smarter, with the swiffer powermop.
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>> carley: back with a fox news alert. families of israeli hostages in gaza are taking to the streets and demanding a ceasefire. trey yingst is in haifa, israel with details. this could be make or break if a hamas delegation shows up. >> trey: absolutely, ceasefire talks will resume in qatar as middle east waits for an agreement to reach a deal and end the war in gaza. overnight, prime minister netanyahu gave his negotiating team wider mandate to bring to the table.
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from israel, head of intelligence agencies will be part of the team. it is unknown if hamas will participate. william burns will be in at attendance. first phase could see hostages released, ending reconstruction phase in gaza and look forevered to support vulnerable population affected by the war. if you can tas are successful, it would give the region opportunity to deescalate rising tension. >> carley: trey yingst live in haifa. thank you. bring in benghazi team member mark geiss. so much is going on in middle east. it has been a week now since that iranian-backed group launched an assault injuring
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seven of our u.s. personnel. we have yet to respond to that attack. why not? what message does that send? >> you know, i think the reason for it, current administration, biden-harris administration is trying to play middle of the road and appease both sides and not be decisive there action, we have seen for history of the biden administration. that does not play well in the middle east. the middle east, hamas, israel, also iran, they respect firm, strong leadership and we don't have that and that is one problem. >> carley: on that front, it has been three years, if you can imagine, since our withdrawal from afghanistan when taliban took over. they marked the anniversary, by
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h holding a celebration at bagram air force base. they paraded military vehicles down the street that we left behind. this is a slap in the face, in particular those who served in this. what do you think? >> i think it is a abhorrent disrespect to americans that served there. fact we left all this equipment back there is ridiculous and three years laters, we're seeing them parade it in front of us, slapping us in the face, look what we have here now. from 2001 to 2023, basically we fought that war to get the taliban out and now we just left in way that allowed them to take everything over and set that
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country back to what it was in 2001 with their anti-women approach and all that and those distinct policies they have and now do this in front of us is just ridiculous and should have never happened. >> carley: it should not have. major foreign policy moments over 3-1/2 years and none good. from 2021 abby gate bombing that occurred in 2022, russia invaded ukraine, last year the u.s. shot down that chinese spy balloon after it traversed entire country and october of last year, hamas attacks israel, their personal 9/11. there is report in politico that act vifrts created list of people for kamala harris to hire in department of defense. can you imagine that? what would that look like?
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what would kamala harris as commander-in-chief of our military look like? >> i mean, we saw part of it with biden, with general milley, it got pushed back by majority of media other than fox he was being recruited by ukraine to be their secretary of defense and he was in leadership of military with biden administration. we look at all the people in the woke dei policies that the military had, it is again, just going to tear down our military. we have recruiting goals not being met because of current administration and that needs to change. >> carley: now isis is on the rise in middle east, we have no oversight there, we are no
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longer in afghanistan and have wide-open southern border, which is a concern. thank you for your service. >> thank you so much. >> carley: you are welcome, listen to this. anti-israel group planning protest dnc and will hold a pres conference today. they were granted a permit to rally. the group will not be allowed to use stages, tents or sound equipment and the group says that violents their right. a pro-israel gruoup denied permits all together. they wanted to rent a digital billboard of americans captured by hamas. there are guidelines against profanity and violence, how is that profane? columbia university president
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has resigned following months of turmoil over anti-israel protest. she says it has been a period of turmoil and been difficult to overcome divergent views across our community, we must resist forces of polarization in our community. and a judge ruled ucla cannot allow protesters to block jewish students. jewish students say there is a jew exclusion zone. ucla said it had no legal responsibility over the issue because protesters, not the university blocked jewish students access to the school. so much wrong with that aside from the ruling. we are checking back in with todd, live at iowa state fair this morning and talking to iowa state's zach nunn, right after this. hi, guys.
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diego. ashley moody is deknow manding answers. biden-harris administration released people on the terrorist watch list into the united states. dhs has released into american communities at least 99, with 34 others in dhs custody, not yet removed from the us. florida attorney general ashley moody joins me now. thank you for digging in, trying to get answers on this concerning topic. what have you learned so far about why dhs is allowing these people to enter our country? people who are -- have suspected ties to terrorism. >> i know as news is focusing on
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whether or not kamala harris shrugged off the assign mment fm biden about migration over our border. as back and forth is going on, i'm astounded with the admission by biden administration, there are almost 400 on terrorist watch list because of failed stemming of that tide by kamala harris. compared to 11 under trump administration. most terrifying news that we have admission from them, they have released, after coming in contact with these people, 100, 99, almost 100, could be more now, to roam our interior.
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most frustrating part in a state where we know suspected terrorists have been before, they are not communicating. they realize they have released 100 terrorists, they are not telling law enforcement they have done so. there is no communication. i've confirmed that with our law enforcement and americans need to know, whether you title yourself as border czar or not, they have released into our interior and they are roaming. >> carley: they are released, which is worst part, local communities were not given a heads up. house judiciary committee released report that found eight t tajik nationals were released into the country via cbp one
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phone app. they are not gotaways, they are on their cell phones signing up to enter the country and being welcomed in. >> yeah, so these people on the susp suspec suspected terror watch list were encountered and hand a paper saying to report, that date could be eight or 10 years out from now. they are signing up on what i call this illegal app and not being vetted and stopped there. greatest fraud of all time. you have somebody that wants to be commander-in-chief, kamala harris, wants to be in charge of national security and having to admit, yeah, we released people on the terror watch list into your country. we have no idea whether they are and we have not even told law
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enforcement. trust me, i want to be your commander-in-chief and protect you and your security. biggest illusion, move over david copperfield, biggest illusionist wants to be your president. >> carley: she says she is the candidate tough on border, prosecutor for prosecuting. biden administration releaseden it0 people on the terror watch list into our country. >> great to be with you. >> carley: now over to todd live at iowa state fair to talk to a con congressman from iowa, right? >> todd: that is right, carley. donald trump was just in north carolina and he grilled, called out kamala harris on the economy, take a listen. >> i gave harris and biden an economic miracle and they turned
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it into an economic nightmare. kamala declared tackling inflation will be day one priority. think of it, for her, day one for kamala was 3-1/2 years ago. why hasn't she done it? >> todd: new fox news poll shows majority of voters trust trump over harris on the issue. joining me is zach nunn. good to be on your turf. how crucial is it for republicans, not just donald trump, all republicans to call out kamala harris and say look, because you were anointed the candidate, you do not get a clean slate on the issues, you are tied to the biden-harris economy over the last 3-1/2 years. >> iowans identify the fact we have eight million in this
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country, it made every state a border state. we see failure coming out of the kamala leadership team when she was so-called czar. as veteran of afghanistan war, we saved americans who got left behind. only person who had a chance to make a change in the pullouter,s kamala when she was last woman in the room, she reminds everybody of this. her failure has mounted up. these are things republicans up and down the ballot are able to run against. whether farmers here or suburbanite families, these are things people are frustrated about. >> todd: heartland, undecided midwest voters could decide who next commander-in-chief is in.
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we spoke to your governor reynolds about that. >> todd: ability to change your mind. >> if you want to continue to see inflation, take a look at recession, continue to see weakness on the world stage, that is biden-harris or harris-walz administration. if you want america that we know and love, saw job growth for women, african americans, asians, economy rocking, gas under $2, energy independent, that is the america we know and love and that is where we want to get back to. >> todd: congressman, how do republicans win back that undecided voter that is caught up in the kamala honeymoon despite fact they do not know what she stands for? >> the governor highlighted impact to families. we are both dads, look at cost
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of filling up, in iowa it was buck 63 and it is double that. iowa number one egg producing state, eggs are up. government spending came out of what kamala did and will do going forward. independents are looking at this post-labor day, who is going to be a leader and has a vision and who has a track record? look at what biden-harris has done and what president tlurump did four years prior. this is where independents come home to roost, meaning security for our country, putting america first. we have delivered before, this administration is a result of failed policy, they are driving up cost for everybody. >> todd: what better place to bring a family than iowa state fair. what is your favorite part? what is your kid's favorite
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part? >> i have six kiddos, two adopted. main attraction are farm animals and food. it is full circle of life, start in egg barn with hogs and finish off with omelet and pork on a stick wrapped in bacon. >> todd: you are obsessed with pork on a stick, i did not realize iowa is number one pork producer in the nation. how important, pigies that we showed, how important are the pigies? >> it is fun to watch 4h kids show them, we will dine on pork chop on a stick. north carolina, we love having you number two, iowa is number one when it comes to pork product in the world and it is tasty. >> todd: i hope pigies did not hear that. congressman zach nunn, thank you for your time. carley, back to you. >> carley: there is a food fair
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contest at iowa state fair, last year deep fried bacon fried grilled cheese won last year. >> todd: wait until you see what we have coming up on "fox and friends," new foods that have never been at the fair, i will eat them all. >> carley: your own personal heaven. check in with will cain, what is coming up on "fox and friends"? >> will: todd trying new food live on "fox and friends." coming up, trump will hold a press conference, something harris has not done for 25 days and counting, this after his rally in north carolina. and kamala harris and biden making a trip together. harris seems to be trying to distance herself from administration policies, can she
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have it both ways? another ivy league president is out, months after anti-israel protest took over columbia campus, one plea to new leadership coming up. still stranded, nasa delaying decision on return of the astronauts stuck in space. a former astronaut will outline a safe return. join us at the top of the hour. moving piles of earth, just by moving a lever. towing up to 4,000 lbs with a machine that weighs less than half that. cutting grass, clearing the way, and perfecting every inch of your land. we could keep trying to put it into words. but nothing compares to experiencing it for yourself. you just have to get in the seat. learn more at
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♪ >> carley: check out this video here of an out-of-control migrant encampment taking over a new york city park. more than 50 tents and about 100 migrants are camped along the park's bike path. the migrants have reportedly set up illicit drug market as well. nypd is trying to clear it out, but one officer says the situation is, quote, out of hand. the migrants have been taking power from city utility poles. how do you even do that. they are also using water fountains to cook and bathe. meanwhile portable toilets in the park are overflowing. even if it is cleared out, there's a chance it may be rebuilt since a similar camp there returned after being busted last year and it comes one year after the migrant shelter was opened. so, todd, we are going to see a bit of a split screen today because donald trump, he in bedminster, new jersey, is he holding a press conference where i'm sure the border issue is
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going to come up. and then you have joe biden and kamala harris. they are going to be it together today. they will be in maryland talking about how they plan to lower prescription drug prices, but the big question remains is if kamala harris is going to take any questions. it's been 25 days since she has. will today be the day that she finally holds some sort of long form press conference. hope springs eternal that she will. >> todd: yeah. i'm not pretty confident that she will because this basement, 2.0 strategy does seem to be working for her so far if you believe the mainstream media polls. i will just add, when it comes to the border, when you talk to the voters whether it's here at the iowa state fair or anywhere in our country, there's two parts of the frustration that they have. one, why are my hard earned tax dollars that i have to pay getting up to go to work every day paying for these individuals and, two, these individuals should not be here. so, when you see the crime, yes, crime is going to happen.
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crime has happened since the dawn of time. but this crime does not have to happen because she's individuals shouldn't be here in the first place. and it's that duel frustration that so many voters have. will it translate. >> carley: great point, brand new fox news polling shows that donald trump and kamala harris are neck and neck 50 to 49. 8% of voters though 8 points in favor of donald trump when it comes to independent voters, which is really important. the top issue by far is the economy followed by immigration and then abortion and voters trust donald trump to handle both the economy and immigration more. so, this new fox news polling does show that kamala harris has some ground to make up when it comes to how voters feel about her when it comes to the issues but todd, of course, you will be at the iowa state fair all morning long. >> todd: yes, ma'am. >> carley: talking food, fun and politics as well. have a great day everybody. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪


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