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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 15, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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1 had you we get -- will gets what do you use scissors for you? >> will: scissors on my hair, lawrence. >> lawrence: we are a big happy family at "fox & friends" all blended and all. 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. thursday, august the 15th. this is "fox & friends." breaking with the boss, president biden and vp kamala harris back together today but an upcoming speech might show a major shift. we will tell you what we are expecting from her economic platform. >> will: plus, yet another ivy league president is out. columbia's president finally stepping down months after these anti-israel protests took over her campus. >> ainsley: and, houston, we have a problem. nasa delaying a decision on a return flight for those two astronauts stuck in space. but, could it be elon musk who comes to their rescue?
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we'll tell you. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now, and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ vice president harris and president biden are making their first joint trip together since biden ended his re-election bid. >> lawrence: mark meredith is live in prince george's county, maryland. i was expecting you to be at the white house. but, how is it there, mark? >> mark: lawrence, will and ainsley good morning to you. i go wherever the news is and good morning, friends. today we are not going to have a democratic campaign event. but make no mistake about it. this is all about politics. the wows wants to put vice president harris front and center as the administration tries to remind people what they're doing to lower cost amid inflation with a specific focus today on the drug cost. however, vice president harris is going to be back on the trail tomorrow, unveiling her own economic policies at an event in north carolina. but it's clear she is also ready
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to distance herself at least when it comes to messaging from the biden campaign and from the president himself. they are going to say this is from axios, harris won't say this bluntly in public. but her advisers do so privately. she wants to break with biden on issues which she is unpopular. first up, rising prices. this is part of a highly choreographed effort to define herself. something that fox asked about on wednesday. >> axios is now reporting that she is hoping to distance herself from president biden's unpopularity on the economy. can you blame her? >> do you know this is the biden-harris administration? are you aware that this is the biden-harris administration? and she is, indeed, the vice president. >> president biden will be back in the spotlight for next week's democratic convention in chicago. but is he only expected to speak on the first night and then the attention is going to shift to the harris-walz campaign. they are yesterday to spend some money. announcing spend $90 million on ads just for this month of august. certainly ready to reintroduce
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harris to the public. whether or not we will see a shift in the polls, lawrence and ainsley as well, that's the big question at this point. back to you. >> ainsley: thank you so much, mark. so a year ago kamala harris had the most socialist, most progressive platform of anyone else. >> lawrence: medicare for all. >> ainsley: absolutely. she banned fracking, take your guns, abolish ice, take illegals schoolhousing and healthcare. medicare for all. the withdrawal from afghanistan was a success. we saw yesterday now the taliban is celebrating because now they are in control. so a year ago she was -- that was her platform. and now she is flip-flopping on a lot of this. a year ago she said the economy was great. but one year later, just a few days ago, she says it's not. here's kamala vs. kamala. >> that is called bidenomics and we are very proud of bidenomics. and as today's jobs numbers made clear, bidenomics is working. >> it will be my day one
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priority to fight to bring down prices, to take on the big corporations that engage in illegal price gouging. >> you know what is fascinating? she is like a deep fake candidate. she is like an ai candidate. all been booze booted in the past three weeks and no memory of what existed before in previous version 1.0. she is distancing herself from oh bidenomics is working to now admitting that inflation is a problem and it's going to be her day one priority. the other part and it's actually the original part, i guess, for her. is what she says is the problem with inflation. she is gonna -- what did she say there? we are going to go after price gouging from corporations? but -- so what that's doing. first of all, it's false. most of those businesses. >> lawrence: make the problem worse, too. >> will: most businesses seeing inflation pretty thin margins, but, also that is offloading responsibility.
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she is saying it's not bidenomics. it's not any of our fault, it's not -- it's not the fact we printed money or spent money or the inflation reduction act. it's not that it's these greedy corporations. so, if you think that's the problem why we have inflation? there did you go, there is your candidate. >> lawrence: that's a policy thing that you are discussing. you are discussing the nitty gritty of okay, who is responsible for this? why did the market become this way? why -- they pumped a lot -- why is inflation impacting us? i just want the real kamala harris to stand up. like, it's not even a matter disagreeing with her boss, being a part of the administration. she is disagreeing with the positions that she once held. so who is she? what does she stand for? what was t evolution? why did you change? if it's the vice presidency that changed your policy position. what did you go through to make this jump? so, donald trump tried to lay it out and say why she is
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distancing herself. this is him yesterday. watch. >> what she needs to explain is the present suffering that she has caused along with joe biden. by the way, they are a team. she is trying to throw him overboard. she doesn't want to know who he is anymore. does anyone here feel richer under kamala harris and crooked joe than you were. [no] >> during the trump administration? is anything less expensive under kamala harris and crooked joe? >> audience: no. >> lawrence: ainsley, real quick, i wouldn't call it the biden administration anymore. i would say it's the kamala harris administration. joe biden clearly not there. >> will: they don't call it the biden administration. they call it the biden-harris. >> lawrence: i wouldn't do that. we have a president that we rarely see after the debate performance i think it's pretty clear to everybody he is not all there from a cognitive standpoint, just call it the kamala harris administration at this point. >> ainsley: did you see on trump's background it said no
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tax on tips, no tax on social security? he said she already took no tax on tips, probably someone in this audience is watching joking saying is there a spy in the audience? they are going to tell her no tax on social security and then she is going to change her policies on that. but i liked his line do you feel richer under kamala harris? no, no, we don't. if you look at these polls, when it comes to the economic condition, as far as the nation is concerned, only 28% think our nation is in the right direction when it comes to our economy. 73% have a negative outlook on how our country is right now when it comes to our economy. you personally, only personal 23% say doing well positively. and 57% negatively. >> will: here is andrew in arkansas. he says my family and i are literally on the brink of homelessness with two children. even though both parents work full time, two full-time jobs. a few years ago we were considered well off, middle class, now because of
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bidenomics, we are considered in poverty. >> lawrence: unbelievable. we have heard that same story so many times. this is becky. she goes i am 77 years old and my husband is 80. we both have to work part time jobs just to help buy groceries. and gas and pay our bills. these are people that are supposed to be retired but they are back in the workforce. >> ainsley: donald trump is not going to tax your social security, he says. so that helps people who have retired. christine says we have cut back on breakfast in the morning and a peanut butter in the late afternoon. my rent went up $400 this year. can't afford gas and groceries. and i only go to work and home. i'm afraid four more years of the biden-harris economics and we might be homeless. we will be homeless, she says. >> lawrence: you know, it's interesting, because what happened in the biden administration, we knew was going to happen. they made it very clear, although he tried to campaign as a moderate, her progressive
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tendencies were always there. but, people were told in the last election that it was their moral duty to get rid of donald trump. even though he was better for the economy. people knew that people even that disagree with donald trump and his personality have always said, you know what? things were better under him. now they want you to do it all over again. you have seen the emails. and these aren't just republicans. i have run into people in the gas station, airport, all the time. they tell me the same story. got family members. they are not bumps. they are people that work hard every single day. but i hear it every month just not making it. not making enough. after doing everything right, and i just find it reprehensible that when you turn on all the other networks that they are telling voters, you know what? for the sake of the country, you have to vote for kamala. you got to double down on it. as if they don't care about your current state. you can't survive another election right now.
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>> will: they tell you the economy is fine by the way. dump and elon musk had that two hour conversation the other night on twitter spaces. they addressed inflation and broke it down quickly within 60 seconds. it's a matter inflation is a product of the government placing too much money in the economy for the number of goods available in the economy. they do that primarily through spending too much. spending in debt and deficit and putting too much out there. and we're not -- we're going to continue to have inflationary problems. we will continue to have inflationary problems as long as we have politicians that spend so much money in order to enhance their own power or buy your vote. so when you hear kamala harris say and it is policy. and i do think it's important that we find the real kamala harris and not the phony kamala harris. but when we get to the real part, then you have to analyze that policy. and if their policy is i'm going to go after corporations, i'm going to continue to spend money. what that should be translated to is you are going to continue to have inflation. >> ainsley: let's say they go after your favorite grocery
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store guess what they're going to do? they are going to cut jobs. that's going to effect the economy and effect people's livelihoods even more. they are not going to have a paycheck. they are going to raise our prices. we have already seen that at grocery stores. donald trump says he pledges to cut our energy prices by 450% within the first year of being in office and raise the standard of living to make americans have more affordable lives within the first 100 days, if not sooner. >> lawrence: i just think their whole argument about these record profits with these businesses that literally have to shut down during covid is such nonsense, as if all these businesses weren't already in the hole. you shut them down for over two years and then you decided to open up and then had all these new safety measures which we found out that really didn't even work. and then they start to make a little money, start to pay off that debt. we already know credit card debt is out of the roof. then you say you are making a profit when they were already in the hole? that makes no economic sense. but apparently they are getting
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away with it right now because there is no media pushing back on it. brian. >> will: check in with reaction from voters this time in iowa where todd piro is live at the iowa state fair. and he talked about the economy. good morning, todd. >> ainsley: hey,, todd. >> todd: two issues stood out one border and one economy. they are basically tied. what is interesting about the economy, the voters here in iowa view the economy through the lens of their major industries like farming, like agriculture. and one of the most fascinating aspects of their answer came not when it comes to inflation, because all small businesses are experiencing inflation. farmers are no different. farmers have to pay a lot more for fuel, for tractors and the like. but it was how the biden-harris foreign policy and our standing on the world stage has really hurt farmer's bottom line. basically they said our lack of standing and our inability to
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compete on the world stage, the lack of respect that other countries have for us right now over the course of the last three and a half years has made it really really difficult to have any leverage when you try to sell and, the biden-harris policies have made it difficult in and of themselves to sell goods overseas compared to when donald trump was in office. it was an answer that i wasn't expecting. but it really makes sense when you are in a community here like in iowa. stood out to me. i can't wait to bring you more of that or, also, we are going to bring you food. this is a lobster milky from the fine folks at the destination. bacon, lobster a lot of good stuff. sources say i made have had this as my dinner last night and sources say i may have it as my breakfast again. brian kilmeade always says we are looking for a second source. >> will: you haven't eaten yet that was the big tease of the morning you were going to eat on camera. >> todd: that's coming up in
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about 20 minutes so get ready. >> ainsley: i have never been to a fair lobster smoky. that is incredible. they have really ramped up the fair food. >> lawrence: that's bougie. thanks, todd. >> will: thank you, todd. >> lawrence: so the two astronauts stuck at the international space station could be up there even longer, ainsley. >> ainsley: as nasa is delaying the boeing starliner's return flight again in order to have a major discussion, they say, about astronaut safety. >> will: brooke singman is here with more. >> brooke: nasa expected to make a final decision end of the month how to bring the astronauts home. they have been stuck in space since taking off on june 5th. their mission was supposed to last 8 days but multiple helium leaks and other technical issues have caused numerous delays. the associate administrator of nasa space operations gave us an update yesterday. listen. >> starliner is still the
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contingency vehicle for butch and sunny. we don't have a sharp cut off. we can juggle things and make things work if we need to extend. it's getting a lot harder that last week in august we should really be making a call if not sooner. >> nasa officials say their engineers and technical experts are examining data from weeks of test to decide the best way to proceed. one option that they're considering is using one of the spacex's dragon capsules if they decide to ask spacex for help it would cause them to remain in space for six more months which means they wouldn't return until february of 2025. despite those issues, starliner is facing. nasa says the astronauts are safe and comfortable, guys. >> lawrence: that's a good question, ainsley. >> ainsley: i'm wondering if they can shower up there that's a long time to go without a shower. thank you, brooke. and do they have enough food? i'm worried about them. >> will: honestly so many
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questions. >> ainsley: i don't understand why it's going to take so long. >> will: i don't either. >> lawrence: they did say that, of course, boeing doesn't want to, but elon musk has the technology to go up there and rescue them. >> ainsley: i think at that point now then they were worried about their safety putting them on starliner. >> will: i'm with you. i can't believe they are stuck for so long. >> lawrence: i can't imagine going back after that. >> ainsley: still smiling. wouldn't you be mad? >> will: they are troopers. >> carley: it's a crazy story, right? they are going to be such celebrities when they finally make it here i hope we can interview them. >> lawrence: the stories. >> ainsley: what's the first thing they will do. >> carley: probably hug their family members and eat a big meal that isn't freeze dried. hopefully there is that or out of a bag. all right, guys, more news to get, to starting with america's crime crisis. florida deputies are searching for two men caught trying to rob a jewelry store at a mall near tampa yesterday.
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investigators say one went up to a worker and fired shots towards the back of the store. a store clerk shot back but missed the robbers. detectives say the would be thieves didn't manage to take anything before running away. nobody was hurt. the justice department is defending its plea deal with boeing relating to two plane crashes that killed hundreds of people. boeing pleaded guilty to a single felony charge of conspiracy to commit fraud. which would require the company to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in fines. plus three years of probation. families of victims say it's too light, but the doj says there isn't enough evidence to prosecute for more serious crimes. the new york yankees beating the chicago white sox 10-2 thanks to aaron judge's 300th home run. [cheers] long way away.
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aaron judge now career number 300 home runs. >> carley: it took him just 955 games to hit the 300 home run mark. which i'm being told is impressive. those are your headlines, guys. >> will: all right. thank you, carley. >> carley: you're welcome. >> ainsley: sports aficionado. >> lawrence: will more so than me. >> will: i was ordering coffee. listening to everything carley was saying wrapped attention but lawrence is a little particular with his coffee a pump of this and foam. >> ainsley: so true. >> will: before you know it i'm like what did carley say. frappuccino. >> lawrence: today i just got the same thing as you. >> will: i know. fake news. wasn't it. >> ainsley: what did you get? >> will: iced coffee. >> ainsley: we have a fox news alert to tell you about. another ivy league president is now out. months after anti-israel protests took over columbia's
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campus, one jewish student's plea for new leadership. that's next. ♪ i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at raising twins and as a single mother, oh my gosh, how am i going to provide for my family. i■m going to have to get two jobs. in 2012, tom was deployed to afghanistan. tom was killed by a suicide bomber. the morning i found out. our world has just been upended. in 2018 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. kind of threw a wrench in our daily life. my mother-in-law had told me about tunnel to towers. and when i found out that i was selected to have my mortgage paid off, it seemed like i had won the lottery. today, we welcome the kennedy family into their mortgage free home. having our biggest bill being taken care of
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu gave his negotiating team a wider mandate to bring to the table though analysts remain pessimistic about the possibility of success. from israel, the heads of the intelligence agencies the shin bet and my sad will be part of the team along with a top adviser to the prime minister. while the americans egyptians and qataris will be there. it's unknown how hamas will participate. cia director william burns will be in attendance. we are still looking at the possibility of a three phase agreement the first phase could see up to 33 living hostages released. the deal would end with the reconstruction project for gaza
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and support for vulnerable palestinians affected by the war. now, if these talks are successful, it could give the entire region an opportunity to deescalate rising tension. lawrence? >> lawrence: unbelievable what's happening. trey, katie reporting as always. so a fox news alert. columbia university's president has resigned finally. month after anti-israeli protesters took over the campus. shy notes in a letter of her tenure has quote been a period of turmoil where it has been difficult to overcome divergent views across our community. adding that her moving on at this point would best enable columbia to transverse the challenges ahead. here to react is columbia student elisha baker. aisalicia great to see you agai, and why now and was this the right move? >> yeah, great to see you, lawrence.
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i have been saying all year never been about president shafik or one person. leadership and governance at columbia. all i can think about is what happens next? will our next president be willing to, you know, put heir foot down and lead strongly in a way in a will shut down what you are seeing on your screen right now. and make sure that it can be a safe and productive learning environment for everyone. >> lawrence: that is the entire point. the next question is has there been any meetings? because this semester is getting ready to start and a new school year is going to start. has there been any conversation meetings on how they intend on protecting the jewish popu population? >> so this is something we're working on, of course. we are, you know, amplifying our concerns. you know, i believe that implementing a mask ban on protests will be a very good start to make sure that, you know, students and faculty who break rules and harass other students, especially jewish
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students, are actually able to be held accountable. and, you know, we go from there. and, again, i'm looking forward to getting to work and hopefully -- hopefully we will be able to implement some of these things and kind of -- and have a strong, strong start to this new president's tenure. >> lawrence: elisha still students on campus still chant from the river to the sea. there is the physical safety of the student, obviously. you have people that took over an entire building. but they still welcome anti-jewish views on the campus. they are not just saying hey we support the palestinian -- cause, but they are saying they want to eliminate you and your fellow jewish students on the campus. >> yeah. that is unacceptable. that's the kind of -- that's the kind of speech that creates a hostile learning environment.
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hostility against jewish students and like we saw over the course of all of last year, dangerous rhetoric turns into actual danger. dangerous rhetoric and violent rhetoric turns into actual violence. those needs to be shut down immediately. that's why i think this is so much deeper than who is the president of columbia university, right? we have professors that are joining chants for me to get off of campus. >> lawrence: that's right. >> we have professors that are basically teaching as scholar activists in their classrooms and allowing their political agendas to turn into their classroom agendas. and that's actually educational malpractice and it needs to be called out. >> lawrence: so, elisha, two questions refresh your recollection afraid to go back on campus? and, if you are not afraid have you received any type of from the university if it occurs again they are going to shut it
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down? >> so, so far it's definitely been a little bit unclear. i'm looking for more communication and clarity on what exactly the policies are, what are the policies they have been discussing all summer. and how will those be implemented, right? we can't forget about the last part. how will those be implemented? how will accountability actually happen? if there is no accountability, then, yeah, i am actually a little bit scared to go back on to campus because we saw what happened last spring. but, again, i'm looking toward the future. i'm hoping we can start strong this fall. obviously the protesters are saying they are not going to let up. and that is a scary thing. but if we can have strong leadership and put a foot down and hold these people accountable right away, then we may have a chance. >> lawrence: you know, elisha, i have a lot of admiration for you because you are standing strong. you could be like some people, which is i totally get it as well that said i'm just going to
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leave the campus. you are choosing to stay and fight. i think that's admirable. thank you so much for joining our program again. >> thank you, nice to see you. >> lawrence: likewise, brother. so harris and walz trying to change their soft on crime narrative. next guest says law and order isn't possible under their leadership after comments like these. >> to believe that by putting more police on the street you're going to have more safety, and that's just wrong. ♪ the future is not just going to happen.
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she grew up in a middle class home. she was the daughter of a working mom. and she worked at mcdonald's while she got her degree. kamala harris knows what it's like to be middle class. it's why she's determined to lower health care costs and make housing more affordable. donald trump has no plan to help the middle class, just more tax cuts for billionaires. being president is about who you fight for. and she's fighting for people like you. i'm kamala harris and i approve this message.
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. it is a beautiful, beautiful day here in new york city. hardly any humidity, it's just been spectacular. let's take a look at the maps though because we are still watching ernesto out of the way of puerto rico. we had a lot of heavy rainfall and half the island is still
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without power. it is moving northward and bermuda needs to watch for this. here is some of the tracking models that shows the hurricane winds and gusts coming very close to bermuda, maybe on top of bermuda, and this means, you know, people are going to batten down the hafns. this could be a category 3 by the way. the east coast is going to deal with a high surf and deadly rip currents, potentially. and then we could also see a brush of atlantic canada. so that's the timing saturday through monday. great news it's not going to make landfall across the lower 48. here is the forecast. showers, thunderstorms even severe weather for parts of the midwest, large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes, heavy rainfall as well. flooding is going to be the biggest concern here that's the severe storm threat today and going throughout the weekend. keep that in mind. there is the flash flood threat for the midwest. that's today through friday and then through the weekend. some of that is going to come our way towards the northeast. it's not going to be a washout. but we potentially could see
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some rain as we go through the weekend late this weekend into early next week and we will watch the tracking of ernesto for all of your latest details you can go to fox all right, will, it is such a gorgeous day here in new york. usually we are talking about dog days of summer. i will take it. >> will: beautiful. as soon as i get out of this studio i will go see what you are talking about. >> janice: very nice. thank you janice. the kamala harris looking to change the narrative democrats are soft on crime. go back to tenure as san francisco's district attorney when she declined to pursue the death penalty against a confessed gang member who murdered san francisco police officer isaac espinosa. then, 15 years later, when she was running for president for the first time she laid out a progressive platform to overall criminal justice. the criminal justice system that would then eliminate cash bail. fast-forward to 2020 during the blm protest and riots and she asked for funding for the minnesota freedom fund to bail
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out rioters. and said this about the defund the police movement just days later. >> it really, i believe, is about reimagining public safety and how we achieve it. for far too long the status quo thinking has been to belief that by putting more police on the street you're going to have more safety. and that's just wrong. >> will: so, meanwhile, her running mate, tim walz no different. he governed during the george floyd riots and admitted the city's response was, quote. an abject failure. last year he signed legislation to lessen criminal penalties, expunge convictions and reopen felony numbered sentences. overall during his tenure, violent crime surged 30%. and the minneapolis police force shrunk by nearly 40%. so to help us break it all down bring in manhattan institute fellow heather mcdonald. heather, great to see you here on "fox & friends" this morning. you know, there has been this
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who is kamala harris, who is she not? what's real? what's phony? when it comes to criminal justice. when it comes to crime, what should we expect from a president harris? >> you should expect a law enforcement system that is driven by a lie, will. both kamala harris and tim walz believe that police something fundamentally systemically racist. and it is that world view that drives everything that they do within the criminal justice system. it is why tim walz waited nearly 18 hours after being asked to call in the national guard to protect minneapolis to do so meanwhile the third precinct was under attack and eventually fell. $500 million of damages, small business owners, mostly minority, their livelihoods absolutely destroyed. why? because walz thought that the police were racist and therefore to call in the national guard would only exacerbate the alleged pain from the george floyd death, which mr. walz
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prematurely, without evidence, of course, called it racist and wrongful police death. there's no evidence that race had anything to do with it. kamala harris is the same way. it's very fitting, will, that they are meeting in chicago. if conventioners really want to get a sense or if the press wants to have any sense of what a walz-harris regime would look like. they should go to the west is side and south side of chicago. kamala harris was on the sharing an advisory team to the district attorney there, kim foxx, when she came in the start of her tenure and that advisory team basically said fight systemic racism. and that's why we have the deinsofar as ration going on. why we have decriminalization. it's why progressive prosecutors across the country are not prosecuting theft, turnstile jumping, resisting arrest. this is a world view that leads to anarchy.
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>> will: kamala harris said when you bring up the 2020 george floyd riots, she said as well the riots have to keep going. they will keep going. she said that on a late night television show as we pointed out she helped raise money for the minnesota freedom fund to get those rioters out of jail. let's focus in for a moment, heather, on who she was in california, district attorney, senator, what do we know about her then? is it the same story whether it comes to crime? >> she was more cagey. she did not take a position publicly on the profoundly dramatic and destructive voter initiatives that were getting rid of felony theft and basically emptying out the prisons. but she certainly didn't oppose them and she was still in her individual prosecutorial decisions occasionally driven by the race issue.
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i think that it's -- since then that her record and her world view has become more manifest. and that is, again, a very dangerous one. this idea that the police are the problem and not criminals is simply insane. in minneapolis in 2021, over 300 blacks were shot. one was shot by the police and he was shooting at the police first. that means that .3% of all blacks shot in minneapolis were shot by the police. the criminals are the problem. not the police. and when you have a law enforcement leader, whether it's the executive of the country like joe biden or kamala harris or a governor, that believes the police are the problem, we are all going to suffer. >> will: it's worth really digging in and worth any journalist asking her about her views espoused views on crime. because she is -- she is bragging about her role in the past as a prosecutor. and using that to say she would, a, go after donald trump and, b, it would help her enforce what
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is going on at the border. not her title as border czar but somehow her title from years ago as prosecutor. so it might be worth digging into exactly kamala harris and how she approaches crime. heather mcdonald's i hope we started that this morning and continue that in the future. thank you so much. >> thank you, will. >> will: the kids are heading back to school. if you are a parent, you might be checking your bank account. how can you budget for the big year ahead? plus the iowa state fair isn't complete abo without a feast fir a king. todd is trying all the favorites, next. ♪ ♪ 1st #
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♪ >> todd: welcome to the iowa state fair. what's your favorite food? >> oh probably corn dog. >> todd: the rib shack smash burger. >> the rib shack macaroni whatever that was. >> i will say a peachy's doughnut. >> get the fried crabs. >> todd: i have two dreams in life the new york giants winning the super bowl and cinnamon roll funnel cake. ♪ what have we got here governor. >> iowa's pork chop on a stick. must try at the iowa state fair. i have them quite often while
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i'm here. doesn't get any better than this. cheers. >> todd: that's good. >> politicians it's a must do when you come to the iowa state fair to stand around the grill. >> todd: oh. >> ainsley: as you can see "fox & friends first" co-host todd piro eating his way through the iowa state fair and if that wasn't enough food for you he joins us now with a sample of some of the most popular new foods there hey, todd. >> hey, answersly, that was dinner. this is breakfast. we start off with my man wynn, fun fact, wynn gets up 4:00 a.m. every morning to watch carley and i on "fox & friends first." we have the bacon cheeseburger egg roll talk about it? >> we have the restaurant for so many year and we put my wife make very good egg roll and we have very good cheeseburgers so we put those two combined together and american and asian
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tradition. >> todd: that works. wynn, thank you so much. we have mark from destination grill. carley warns me about taking tv bites. i failed right there. right there we have the lobster corn dog. tell me about it? >> lobster corn dog 6-ounce north atlantic full tail that's lightly battered and then friday. we have lemon a ollie on it with parmesan on top of it. it's a great seafood dish on a stick. >> todd: that is not your standard fair food. neither is this paul from what you smoking barbecue? we have the iowa smoked roll. >> it's tenderloin filled with rice. >> hall panio creamed corn and queso in barbecue sauce. smoke it and top it with smoked sesame seeds, green onion and barbecue sauce. >> todd: when you think sushi you think sea wood. that ain't sea wood that's suey. pig suey. ainsley back to you.
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>> ainsley: they have stepped it up. that was not the fair food we ate. what was it the cinnamon-what do you call them. >> will: cinnamon roll funnel cake. >> ainsley: that looks good. next year we are all going to the iowa state fair. thank you so much, todd. >> todd: no problem. >> ainsley: back to school week continues right here on "fox & friends." a shocking study reveals that 50% of parents are sacrificing necessities like groceries and bills to ensure their kids have what they need for the school year. our next guest is here to share her best budgeting tips to prepare parents for that expensive supply list. personal finance expert rachel cruze joins us now with the latest. hey, rachel. >> hi, ainsley good to see you. >> ainsley: good see you, too. what are some of your tips. i know you want to start with a budget. what do you recommend? >> doing a budget is really key and being intentional with where your money is going. especially during this time. i have three kids so going back to will school, it's expensive to figure out how much money you have to spend for your kids.
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list out everything you have to buy. so get that school supply list out. back-to-school clothes, anything that you want to buy put a dollar amount next to those categories and the goal that you spend what you have. if you go to every you can actually create a budget for free and that can help you while you are shopping. >> ainsley: we like the word free. your second tip is to know where to buy and what to buy. what do you recommend here? >> yes. so, where you buy is really key and even with groceries, this is true, right? there is an expensive organic grocery store or go to the cheap generic grocery store and the same is true with school supplies. think about dollar tree or dollar general. think about places really inexpensive to buy your basics, some of is just pencils and folders, you don't have to go somewhere expensive. if you go to a place like target, look in the bullseye section. look in the score where to shop, too, because there are sales going on. >> ainsley: make it a family experience? you mean get the children involved? >> yes.
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i know some parents may cringe at that advice to bring the kids with you to the store. but this is a really great learning opportunity. and it's kind of inconvenient, i would even suggest cashing out the money you have to spend and let them see the money and actually go shopping with you. because they are going to be able to compare prices and really understand hey, things cost different different price points. and to be able to teach them in that and i know for me going back to school shopping taps fun memory. make it fun and enjoyable. teach your kids about money in the process. >> ainsley: maybe take them along to buy their lunch box or backpack. let them pick that out. the other supplies go to the dollar tree they won't know the difference, right? >> yep. they will not know. and that's what is important, too. i think you have to do what is best for you and your family. so this year if that means cutting some corners when it comes to these prices, that's okay. your kids are going to be okay. >> ainsley: we have seen more schools doing school uniforms a lot of parents like that because it's not as expensive. you buy two or three uniforms and they wear it every day. >> sure, different districts or
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different schools systems will do different things. ours doesn't have that unfortunately i did pass the target aisle with all the red collared shirts that would be a easy way to do it. again, it's just being intentional and thinking through. i went to t.j. maxx yesterday with my 6-year-old and looked around. all the stuff is half off. so, again, just be smart when you are shopping. >> ainsley: buy so many cute things there. we did a back-to-school segment and we shopped at walmart and marshals, at marshals buy ralph lauren very inexpensive and the little boy looked so cute. thank you so much, rachel. wish you all the best. you are down in the nashville area. have you already started. >> we did week two. some are in school some are starting. again, they still want things even when they are in school. >> ainsley: what was the most expensive thing you had to buy for your children? >> i would say the back-to-school clothes. i think when we were looking some of my girls wanted new shoes they wanted the high tops.
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okay let's go dsw vs. nike. it's the store selections. amazing what you can save and still get them some things they want. >> ainsley: thank you, rachel, >> ainsley: thank you, rachel, we appreciate itvery. more "fox & friends" coming up. at here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie
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