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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 15, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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matchmaker. our purchase was aligned before me we met. we have mutual love for people, tim and tim tebow foundation has been serving people with disabilities for probably over a decade at this point. they have night to shine. >> ainsley: we've covered it. >> our favorite night of the year. my little sitter got invited due to her physical well being, she was not able to physically be there. that got tim and i talking and we've never stopped talking. thankful for siszy introducing my to husband. >> ainsley: i know you lost your sister, her legacy lives on through this book. thank you for watching. >> bill: thanks, sweet story. breaking from bidenomics, how do
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you do that? kamala harris says she wants to distance herself from the president, especially on issues like the economy. what does she believe? how would she governor? are voters going to buy it? that is where we start, i'm bill hemmer. good morning. >> dana: good morning, i am dana perino, this is "america's newsroom." in all that, people around at the white house are like, not so fast. kamala harris and biden are like this. >> bill: out the door. >> dana: you could call it change of heart. axios reporting the vice president does not want to be defined by the biden-harris administration. tomorrow she is giving first major policy speech focused on the economy, ahead of the dnc, which kicks off next week in chicago. >> bill: harris expected to layout plans to lower prices, a top issue for voters who say they are struggling to feed
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their families. >> i buy for the grandsons, prices are up. we are in a crisis and seeing prices going up. learning to budget better has been a challenge. >> inflation is hurting everyone. >> imagine a mother making minimum wage trying to feed children. they are killing us without killing us. >> dana: new fox polling shows slight majority of voters trust harris on the economy, here is what he said during app appeara in north carolina? >> are you better off now with biden and harris than with a person named donald j trump? nice gentleman, four more years of harris, your finances will never recover. our country will never recover. >> dana: kayleigh mcenany is
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here with reaction, we are glad for that. mark mered ith is with us. we'll see what body language is like today, mark. >> dana, you are right, read the tealeaves, we will see them both this afternoon. she is tied to biden-harris administration. the white house will put she and the president front and center. the event today in d.c. suburbs is not a campaign event. tomorrow harris will be in battleground, north carolina, giving her first major economic policy speech. campaigns it is there, she will call for a federal ban on corporate price gouging. what about bidenomics? will that be embraced on the campaign trail? axios reports, harris does not
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want to be defined by the biden-harris record. gallup polls shows americans are unhappy with the economic direction. the president says he should be getting some credit. >> the inflation, mr. president. >> yes, yes, yes, i told you we were going to have a soft l landing. my policies are working, start writing that way. >> americans are still overpaying on gas and groceries, and former president trump was in asheville and says harris cannot escape last four years. >> the suffering she caused looj with joe biden. they're a team, she is trying to throw him over board. >> today we'll see biden and
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harris together and on monday, first night of the democratic convention and then he will hand over to harris and walz ticket. >> dana: won't be easy to walk away, we'll cover that live. >> bill: kayleigh mcenany is in the studio. good morning. on the economy, rise in prices year over year, eggs up, auto insurance, 18 and a half, shelter and day care 5%, baby food just under 5%. top issue, economy is it. by two times, at least, over immigration and then abortion. susan rice said something on msnbc yesterday. it is hard to escape the biden-harris combination and she laid that out quite clear. >> it is important to remember that this has been the biden-harris agenda.
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kamala harris has been an integral architect and executor of the policies of the biden-harris administration. >> bill: was that on message, kayleigh? >> kayleigh: for team biden, yes. if i were kamala harris, i would be cringing. she can't escape her vote for inflation act. american rescue plan it spikes to 4%. she can't escape this. >> bill: fracking, illegals, medicare for all, that is just what i remember off the top of my head. >> dana: that happens, al gore tried to distance from bill clinton and mccain from bush and hillary clinton tried with obama, she needed those voters. it is what you do, they don't
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have time to do that. there is also this. we keep seeing that clip of the woman who did interview on nbc reminding everybody, maybe your life is okay, a lot of people go to work everyday and are having a hard time. prices rising under biden-harris 2.9%, eggs are up 19%. auto insurance, big killer, 18.6%, day care 5% and baby food 4.6%. those stood out to us. >> kayleigh: that stands out a lot, i'm confounded by the choice to stand next to biden today. if you want to separate yourself, you are standing next to someone who said yes, yes, yes, inflation is gone because of me. kamala harris' message has been here is my new and shiny plan.
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guy less trust on the economy than i am, i don't understand it. >> bill: here is axios reporting today. big part of the harris plan is to change more liberal positions and claim her white house experience helped change her mind. in other words, i'm a new person, everything i said about fracking and medicare for all, don't believe it, new experience coming after past four years. >> kayleigh: it is total 180. press will let her get away with it. debut past statement on medicare for all, on banning fracking. press conference today 4:30 p.m., read past comments from kamala harris. start out by reading her statements. >> dana: here is one about private health insurance. we talked to jame teper in 2019.
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>> you support medicare for all bill, cosponsored by bernie sanders. >> yes. >> i believe it will eliminate private insurance. for people who like their insurance, they don't get to keep it? >> listen, the idea is that everyone gets access to medical care, you don't have to go through process of insurance company. eliminate all that and move on. >> dana: almost sounds like somebody who has a private doctor at her disposal. >> kayleigh: that is what is interesting, trump's coincidencil of economic advisers found it would decrease household income by 17,000. in bernie sanders's home state of vermont, they thought about bringing a similar program, it was popular until voters realized 10% surcharge on income. with no better quality. sgls see you on "outnumbered"
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and chicago. >> thank you so much. >> dana: massive crowd of anti-israel protesters d disrupting rally for harris. they infiltrated an after-party event and chaos ensued. [chanting] >> how many kids have you killed today? [whistleblowing] [screaming]
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>> dana: protesters clashing with police outside the event, leading fo 14 arrests. nate foy is live. they were arrested. will they face charges? >> yeah, two of them will face charges, dana. what a different scene we see this morning at this strestaura in harlem, where they rioted last night. several democrats came to this restaurant after unofficial rally for vice president kamala harris and protesters followed them and went inside the restaurant. take a look at what happened. [screaming] >> pays for genocide. we all have a responsibility to say no. there are children dying. [screaming] >> how dare you.
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>> bill: dana, after police removed demonstrators from inside the restaurant, protesters surrounded nypd outside. one protesters is accused of assaulting an officer. in total, nypd took 14 people into custody and at one point, someone set off a smoke bomb. take a look at this. [screaming] [horn sounding] >> so those arrested face charges of attempted assault, disorderly conduct and rioting. earlier last night new york governor kathy hochul and mayor eric adams attended the rally. protesters showed up and interrupted mayor adams during a
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speech. he had this message for him. make sure you vote. >> make sure you vote. make sure you vote. make sure you vote. make sure you vote. make sure you vote. >> dana, take a look at this. outside that event, led truck circled with screen reading kamala harris genocide supporter, she only cares for israel. clean up process begins at this restaurant in past five minutes. owner telling "new york post" he expects damage to be in thousands of dollars. dana. >> dana: thank you. more to come. >> bill: desperate for ceasefire. anti-israel protest like those taking down another ivy league president, head of columbia.
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and the nypd officers went inside and arrested hundreds. columbia president steps down a year after taking the position. three other ivy league presidents have stepped down a amid allegations of mishandling campus protest. there are -- you cannot block a jewish student walking across campus at places like ucla. >> dana: did not need a court to tell us that, but we did. >> bill: monday and tuesday, very interesting, see how it goes. here we go. fergusson, missouri, video is out. watch. >> get out of the way. >> move, move, move. >> bill: if you have not been following this story, protesters in ferg usson say a police
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officer now fighting for his life had fallen. body cam footage of a horrific assault rips that accusation to shreds, we'll update you on that story. dana. >> dana: make or break in middle east, crucial talks are underway, without terror group hamas bothering to show up. is a deal possible? >> bill: and kensington, pennsylvania, j.d. vance is there, we'll watch that for headlines and more. do not move.
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graphic new video shows moment a ferguson police officer knocked to the ground during a clash with protesters on friday night. watch this.
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>> get that away. get that away. >> move, move. >> bill: that officer still in critical condition fighting for his life. the group is marking tenth anniversary of shooting death of michael brown, which launched black lives matter movement. today garrett tinney follows up on that story. >> that officer, travis brown, joined the police department earlier this year, because he wanted to make a difference from the inside. he is fighting for his life. on friday night, a small group started shaking the fence. officers moved in to make arrests. the moment gant knocked the officer down with his head
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hitting the ground. the 36-year-old officer laid there as other officers took gants into custody. brown is in critical condition. here is ferguson's police chief. >> he wanted to make a change, he is type of officer we want in our community and what happens? he gets assaulted. >> several other people were arrested, including a man slated to serve as alternate delegate at democratic national convention next week. you see keith rose outside ferguson police department, rose was appointed to a board earlier this year, agriculturedly broke part of the fence. state parties he's withdrawn as state delegate and will not come to chicago next week as part of
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the delegation. >> bill: more with dana on this. >> dana: our next guest is somebody you be well, bring in ted williams, fox news contributor. ted, what do you make of this situation, especially when init initially the report he just fell down. officers are trying to make clear and his chief, that is not what happened. >> hi, dana. that video does not tell a lie. you know, it was 10 years ago this month that i was on the ground in ferguson, missouri, on behalf of fox news. we were covering the riots. and darren wilson was found justified in his aksz.
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fast-forward to now. you have a black police officer, officer travis brown, no relation to michael brown. officer travis brown, former st. louis police officer, father of twins and you see one guy gant charge into him and knock him to the ground. his head is hit and he's suffering from catastrophic injuries. as i look at all this, there was a common thread then and now. they were outside instigators who came in and created a lot of trouble in ferguson, missouri. we have gant, who knocked officer brown to the ground, he's from east st. louis. another individual, keith rose,
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is an act vist himself and keith rose was going to be a delegate to the dnc. he's no longer going to be a delegate. he's now charged with actions there in ferguson, missouri. >> dana: what do you know about keith rose, the person garrett reported on was going to be a delegate and that is no longer the case. he was part of this protest and damaging the fence at the police department. >> not only damaged the fence, keith rose has been appointed to a police board there in st. louis, and you have to wonder, guy that goes to ferguson, missouri, alleged to have caused havoc he caused there, why was
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he on a police board overseeing law enforcement in st. louis? this is an embarrassment, he should have never been on the board. >> dana: ted williams, thank you for coming on the show. we pray officer brown recovers and the twins will have their dad and all of his glory. >> bill: migrant crime wave highli highlighting border again. tulsi gabbard debated harris, we'll show you highlights from their debate several years ago. did search engine block results of a shooting? manufact uring back to america. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product.
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ambassador about burisma? >> dana: hunter president biden staying away from that one. it has been confirmed that he did while his dad was vice president, it focused on arranging a meeting with burisma. white house reacting to it yesterday. >> i will report what i said before, the president has never done business with his son and was not aware of this. >> american citizens of varying backgrounds and varying from varying sectors of the world reach out to our embassies to staff or directly to ambassadors or officers. >> dana: hunter is fighting his convictions that rolls on. >> bill: guatemalan immigrant
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arrested. look at the map. placing spotlight on vice president harris reputation on the border. tulsi gabbard, former hawaii congresswoman sat on house homeland security committee and deb debated harris, as well. before we get into border policy thing, play this clip of you on stage with kamala harris from four or five years ago now and ask specific question about this exchange. roll it here. >> senator harrises she's proud of her record as prosecutor, she put 1500 people in jail for marijuana violation and laughed when asked if she smoked marijuana. >> i am proud of that, i am not giving fancy speeches but doing the work. >> bottom line, senator harris,
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when in a position to make difference and impact in people's lives, you did not. people who suffered in your reign, you owe an apology. >> bill: july of 2019. you gave an interview to the ap, saying all you had to do was google that information and you were surprised her comeback was not more effective. what do you mean by that? >> she did not have a comeback. she revealed same thing her campaign handlers are worried about right now. kamala harris is an empty suit, they are trying to create new version of kamala harris to match what pollsters are telling h her. they think we are so stupid to forget what her record actually is. in 2019, very simply, i
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confronted her with her hypocrisy, what she said was different than what she did. she had no answer or explanation and did not try to own or justify what her akctions were. that is key for voters heading into this election. kamala harris will say whatever she needs to say. pay attention to her actions, on every single major issue, you will see that same hypocrisy i pointed out in 2019. she will say one thing, her record tells a different story. >> bill: she has 3-1/2 weeks until the debate. axios. she was running for president in 2019, she was for decriminalizing illegal border crossings, no more, she's backed off. here is harris in her own word on border policy. >> i am not in favor of not
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having consequence. be clear, we have to secure border, i'm in favor of saying we'll not treat people who are undocumented boarder crossers criminal. >> ice and way it is being administered, we need to think about starting from scratch. >> i want to know, when you become president, would you be committing to close the immigration detention centers? >> absolutely on day one. on day one. >> bill: you need to do 180 on all this, tulsi. only way is if you have media in your back pocket. sgll which she does, main-stream p propaganda media is collaborating with her and should be reported because they are doing her work for her, trying to claim she was not the border czar, even though many
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clips of them saying she was the border czar. so many clips she may try to say that was back in 2019, her actions and positions and lack of action and failure for that matter as vice president match directly with what she was saying in 2019. she really does believe in open borders, they realm do believe in allowing millions of illegal immigrants to flood our communities. they do believe in making sure they have 10 million new future voters. actions speak louder than words. kamala harris is fake. she is a politician, pay attention to her record as vice president. >> bill: we'll watch together. tulsi gabbard, thank you for coming on today. >> dana: great to see her.
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>> dana: grim chapter in biden-harris foreign policy record on full display. the taliban hold ing a celebration marking the withdrawal from afghanistan. and crime policy of leaving mark on california, and it is still a big problem. >> she's failed to lead on supposedly the area that is her expertise and worse, she has failed to protect california. can be unpredictable. one day, your joints hurt. next, it's on your skin. i got cosentyx. feels good to move. feel less joint pain swelling and tenderness back pain and clearer skin and help stop further joint damage with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and a lowered ability to fight them may occur; some were fatal. tell your doctor if you have an infection
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>> bill: executives at google facing new calls to testify on capitol hill. all this stemming over search
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issues with assassination attempt of the former president. googles it moved to block some search result was part of effort to bar prediction for hypothetical political violence. whatever that means. hillary vaughn has more. >> that comment from google about hypothetical political violence not sitting well with senators on capitol hill. we could see executives from google in the hot seat. lawmakers want them to answer questions about the way google operates and why in aftermath of trump's assassination attempt, the search feature did not mention former president trump's assassination attempt when prompted. there is an investigation. google executive explaining to the senator, our systems are
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designed to prohibit auto complete for political vielsz against current figures. it would have been inappropriate for our system to offer information in the immediate aftermath of the horrific events. the systems were in place and predictions related to assassination attempt failed to appear. the senator says it was matter of weeks until auto feature included it in the results saying it was still oshg miting it on july 28th. google top executives must come before the senate homeland security committee. there are litany of failures, time for accountability and top down subpoenas. congress is out until september, if there is a public hearing, it
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will be this fall. bill. >> bill: you did well on that. thank you. >> thank you. >> bill: hillary vaughn, thanks. >> dana: talks resuming trying to bring an end to the war in gaza. not everyone is at the table. hamas, the terror group that started the war on october 17th, is not at the talks. so at this point, if hamas says they will not come, does the united states continue to intn benjamin netanyahu to make more concessions? >> i think our hope for obta obtaining ceasefire are evaporating. u.s. has been applying pressure. if it result in survival of hamas, and complete withdrawal of israeli forces that cross
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israeli red linsey lines. >> dana: who would you trust to do a better job on foreign policy, trump 52%. i listened to hr mcmaster yesterday. you were there. do you think america has that right, 52-45? >> i think the 52 part makes sense, not sure about the 45. i think it should be higher. president trump in my experience guided by common sense and placing united states interest first. d disruption to trade in middle east impacts american consumers and inflation for every american. the policies of trump
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administration are in contrast. we had success with abraham accord at same time high profile deaths were occurring in iran without threat of a response. >> dana: three years ago today or yesterday, the withdrawal from afghanistan happened. yesterday taliban held a parade featuring u.s. military equipment. take a look at that here and get your thoughts about what we're seeing. >> yeah, as someone who was part of the initial response in afghanistan to attacks on 9/11, i can say, this was utter disgrace to look at us returning and averting after years 2500 americans killed. 83 billion of equipment and infrastructure providing sanctuary to al qaeda and open
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reports are the taliban are still on the u.s. payroll getting 30 to 40 million a week. it is unconscionable. six months after that, putin invaded ukraine. w weakness and aggression is what this is. >> dana: there is a lot having done past interviews. here is vice president harris about the decision to withdraw. >> president biden always said he wanted to be last person in the room, particularly for big decisions just as he was for president obama, he made a big decision, afghanistan. were you the last person in the room? >> yes. >> you feel comfortable? >> i do. >> dana: at that point, she was going to have to say that. going forward, i will give you final word what we can expect under kamala harris foreign policy. >> i think only people comfortable with that decision are the taliban, isis and al
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qaeda, and now one of the best armed terrorist states in the history of mankind and a threat to us as resurging capabilities start to face itself. we see result of this weakness and have to soc vice president harris with decisions of last four years and it's been a disaster worldwide. >> dana: i met casey evans, small connection we have. i'll touch base with you offline about that. >> he's a good man. thanks for having me. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: new york yankee aaron judge bashing into the record books, watch here. >> long, long, long. aaron judge, now career number 300 home run.
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>> dana: judge becomes fastest player to hit 300 home run, fuelling the victory over white sox. sometimes i forget baseball is happening. >> bill: have you ever seen him in person? when you see the baseball team on the field and you see aaron judge, you say this guy should not be playing baseball, this guy is tight end. six seven, built like a tree out there. pretty good baseball player. >> dana: i would say. congratulations. >> bill: the judge has ruled. j.d. vance set to deliver remarks in pennsylvania. there might be news on the debate, stay tuned for that. he will address veterans in new ken kensington. there is this, too, chicago. >> i mean, sometimes count to
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10. a woman's verbal altercation turned violent in chicago, what triggered this tirade. [screaming] >> you want to touch this? zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours
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>> bill: new fox polling,s to a coin to determine who is going to win 80 days from now. fox polling, month ago, trump by point over biden, yesterday trump by a point over harris. i think you can find good news for harris team and trump team. make an argument for either candidate as of today. democrats are locked in with her. republicans are locked in with him. look at this number here, among independents, he has an eight-point lead, matches the number in michigan last month among independents. clear that and advance it here.
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not much difference between who support biden and harris, up three points on women and blacks. if i'm harris team, americans under 30, jumps seven points, as of yesterday. if they vote next month. for harris team, for her, among categories, honest and trustworthy, up seven, cares about you, up five, mental s soundness, up eight. for trump team, this is what you hang your hat on. shift, this number on the economy, has not changed, been stagnant all summer. 73%, three quarters of americans think condition of economy is fair or poor and that goes well with a lot of what we're seeing on the issues when the economy is twice as important as immigration and abortion. why is that number so critical
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perhaps come november 5? if i ago back to this number, independents vote on economy and right now trump has eight-point advantage according to our polling. as we slice and dice, harris camp, hang your hat on one thing and trump camp hang your hat on another thing and both campaigns can make an argument. >> dana: and we have jim sena coming up. i want to ask about that, republicans are set, democrats are set. one thing harris has done is close enthusiasm gap. you got joy and all that, that is a little bit more neck and neck. >> bill: nate silver was on with bret last night and he concluded this. >> fox news poll is good for trump, that will update the
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model tomorrow. you rather be harris today, we have three months to go and there will be surprises and polls have been wrong before. polls underestimate trump. >> bill: there are those that believe she need to be 2.5 to 3.5 points ahead nationally to have a shot at winning this thing. >> dana: and the quinnipiac survey that came out, presidential match up, 48-45. look at r.f.k. jr., 4%. someone said when they are looking at that, r.f.k. jr. is mainly only taking away from trump. so we shall see. >> bill: that is what we see at the moment. >> dana: always interesting. >> bill: crunch numbers and find stories that could be telling november 5. >> dana: or not. >> bill: right. asheville, north carolina, w


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