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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 15, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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allows these jew haters to rule campus. >> bill: good luck to you. you're out. your brother is out. it will be something to watch. >> i hope this new president is strong enough. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: before we check out, bring you this. it's breaking right now. lawyers for the former president, donald trump, have sent a letter to judge merchan to delay the sentencing in the new york criminal case until after the election. right now it's on the docket for five weeks from yesterday, september 18. it's a wednesday. trump's team argues election interference objectives. seems every time they challenged everything with this judge they have lost. we'll see where it goes. >> dana: the sentencing got delayed.we'll see. harris faulkner will take you through the next hour.
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here she is. >> harris: this fox news alert. it's always the economy, stupid. former president trump sharpening his attacks to focus on voters number 1 issue. democrat nominee kamala harris will also focus on that issue in her first policy speech since announcing her campaign. it all comes as a new report says the v.p. is set to break from her boss on the economy. this is the "faulkner focus." i'm dagen mcdowell in for harris. kamala harris will speak in north carolina. today she's in maryland with president biden and her official capacity. it's their first event together since he dropped out of the race 25 days ago. they'll talk about their push to lower prices on drugs in medicare. but there seems to be an overall disconnect. >> yes, yes, yes. i told you we'll have a soft
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landing. my policies are working. start writing that way. >> when i'm president, it will be a day one priority to fight to bring down prices. >> prices on everything have exploded since biden and harris took office. food, gas, housing and insurance and energy, child care. i could go on. all up by double digits. former president trump was in north carolina last night presenting his own economic message. he says harris cannot escape the last 3 1/2 years. >> you watch, he needs to explain his -- the present suffering that she's caused along with joe biden. by the way, they're a team. she's trying to throw him overboard. she doesn't want to know who he is anymore. she doesn't want to talk about him anymore. >> florida congressman byron donalds hammering that point home. >> it was joe biden and kamala
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harris. this is their economic record that has been destroying million income families and poor families and seniors on fixed incomes. this is about political power, not about economic policy for the american people. it's important for everybody to understand, kamala harris is going to try to distance herself from joe biden's economic record. she was right there crafting the economic policy of the biden administration that now she's trying to walk away from. >> mark meredith in prince georges county, maryland where the. and vice president are set to arrive in just a few hours. hi, mark. >> dagen, good morning to you. when. biden dropped out of the 2024 race, he made it clear he believed that vice president harris would carry on his legacy. now the campaign inching closer, it's clear that catherine herridge -- harris is driving to distance herself from him.
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now the event is focused on lowering drug costs tied to medicare. tomorrow harris will be out in north carolina. it's her first formal policy speech and she's going to be talking about the economy. she believes that there should be a federal ban on rise gouging. she wants to give the federal trade commission more power to reign that in. it's a little unclear how that would work. there's a reason though we're hearing so much talk about the economy. that's because polling shows people are just not happy with where things stand. 28% of registered voters say the economy is excellent or in good shape. despite those numbers, the white house insists overall bidenomics is working. >> what i will tell you, bidenomics has been something that both the president and the vice president has worked on. you guys have called it bidenomics. we talk about how the president is trying to put forward an economic policy building the economy from the bottom up, middle up that does not leave behind the middle class and make
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sure they have equity at the center of it. >> former president trump he too is talking about bidenomics. he's trying to rebrand it as kamalaonics. he says it's harris who he believes deserves credit for today's economic climate. >> the harris price hikes have cost the typical household 28,000. congratulations. hope everyone is happy. >> the former president certainly seeming to fire up the crowd based on that. he will have a news conference this afternoon in new jersey. i bet the economy comes back up. we'll see whether or not the president or the vice president take any shots at him while they have their event this afternoon. it's an official white house event. dagen? >> thanks, mark. what exactly can we expect to hear from kamala harris and her speech tomorrow? "the new york times" reports the highly anticipated economic message will be light on detail.
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harris' team and many of the liberal policy groups that support her have championed the idea that her best bet is to hammer poll-tested overarching economic themes that reflect core values and reinforce her political biography. mostly leave the white papers until after the election. sean duffy, former republican congressman and my co host on "the bottom line." the headline of that "new york times" story in the actual paper, on the front page reads, vagueness is a strategy. that is the beginning of the headline. "vagueness." does vagueness resonate with people that are saddled with sky high prices that are not falling under kamalaonics? >> first of all, vagueness is being used because if you gave us clear policy about what you
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wanted to do, the american people would hate it, dagen. so she has to be vague. if she's clear, they'll go like i don't want this set of commie policies. they want to go old school socialism, fix prices. you know this, our viewers know this. where it's tried, it always fails. you can't price fix your way out of inflation. you need clear bold policies like donald trump laid out to go this is the problem we're in and this is how we're going to fix it. being vague is not going to work. >> price gouge, price caps causes shortages. what you're going to tell an orange juice manufacturer, if the cost of their raw goods, the cost of fertilizer is going up, the cost of shipping is going up, this they have to sell their orange juice for $5 when it cost
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them $7 to make it, i'm just coming up with these figures, you will have bare shelves. make america the soviet union should be the slogan there. moving on to this, sean. former prosecutor -- this is breaking news. we learned news that attorneys for former president trump sent a letter to judge merchan asking him to delay his criminal sentencing until after the election. judge merchan denied another rest quest for himself to recuse himself from the cause. trump's team argues that the judge's daughter works with the democratic party is a conflict of interest. trump's sentence on 34 felony counts is scheduled for september 18. andy mccarthy said it's all part of a much bigger play. he writes in a new opinion piece
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"the objective here is to enable vice president harris and the media, democrat complex, to label trump a convicted felon sentenced to prison at a time when many americans have already voted in many states. so this matters for the election. juan merchan has such hatred for
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trump. if you're kamala harris, you're saying i'm moving up in the polls, doing well. i don't want juan merchan to inflame the base to underscore the law fare that we've engaged with president trump. there's been an attempt on thinks life. if kamala harris could tell merchan, let's this case go. i don't want it in the minds of the american people. again, you could inflame them and donald trump could rise again in the polls. every time we used law fare against him, he's done better in the polling. more americans like him when we attack him. let's not do it. judge merchan will sentence him to house arrest or jail >> dagen: one thing the
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president's attorneys noted is that they claim that the lucrative political work that merchan's daughter has done for vice president kamala harris should be seen as more significant now that harris has replaced joe biden as trump's opponent in the upcoming election. that has to be taken into account, which will surely be ignored by the judge. >> dagen, real quick. you have a conflict or you have the appearance of a conflict. that's when judges should get off. because of the work of merchan's daughter, at least there's the appearance of a conflict here. he should remove himself from the case. again, if that happens, you might get a fair and impartial judge. merchan can't let that happen. he has a political vendetta against donald trump. he wants to keep this case so he can extract some pain from president trump, not because of the law, not because of what donald trump did, but because of
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politics. that's what this is about. >> dagen: as andy said, politics. not justice. sean, see you later. what time is our show? 6:00 p.m.? >> 6:00. >> dagen: fox business. thanks so much. breaking last hour, bomb shell reporting on the death of "friends" actor matthew perry. law enforcement making multiple arrests in their investigation in to who supplied perry with the drugs that led to his fatal overdose. and anti-israel protesters causing chaos in the streets of new york. [chanting]. the violent clash with police happened after a rally for vice president kamala harris. some fear we could see this play out on a much larger scale at the democratic national convention next week.
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>> dagen: this fox news alert. tmz reporting that law enforcement has arrested multiple people in connection to actor matthew perry's death. perry, who long struggled with addiction was found dead in october with ketamine in his system. matt finn is here with much more on this developing story. hi, matt. >> hi, dagen. television super start matthew perry tragically died in his hot tub here in southern california last fall. his death was credited to autopsy results that detected trace amounts of ketamine in his stomach. law enforcement says ketamine
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was not legally prescribed. prompting a month long state and criminal investigation reporting in resulting one arrest including a doctor. law enforcement agencies executed search warranting seizing computers, phones and electronic equipment all to determine who supplied perry with that lethal ketamine. tmz reports a text message revealed that perry was texting with someone about how to deliver the ketamine to him and the price the actor was going to pay for that drug. perry had been getting ketamine infusions for anxiety and depression, but his last session was 1 1/2 weeks before his death. so the ketamine in his system when he died was not doctor prescribed. dr. marc siegel says he himself questioned how and where perry got the level of ketamine found in his body when he passed away. more details are coming out. we're working the phones and keep you updated on this breaking news.
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dagen? >> dagen: thanks, matt. [crowd noise]. >> dagen: anti-semitism front and center in new york city last night. protesters sparking chaos after a rally for vice president kamala harris. she was not in attendance. also connected to anti-semitic protest. another ivy league president is out. columbia university's president stepping down months after anti-israel protesters took over the campus for weeks. at the same time, there's large scale demonstrations scheduled
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next week after the democratic national convention in chicago. more than 150 groups from across the country plan to be there. nate foy is live in new york city on what we saw yesterday. hi, nate. >> hi, dagen. the nypd took 14 people in custody. you just saw some of the riot that developed here last night after a protest inside the restaurant. this happened after an unofficial campaign rally for vice president kamala harris. it was 11 blocks south of here and some new york democrats came to this restaurant for a post rally dinner. the protesters had this message for kathy hochul and eric adams. take a look. [chanting].
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>> dagen, take a look at this. someone set off a smoke bomb outside the restaurant. two protesters face charges. one person is accused of as assaulting a police officer. [crowd noise]. >> so dagen, before all that chaos, before the riot, both mayor adams and governor hochul spoke at the unofficial harris campaign rally. adams got interrupted by protesters. take a look at this exchange. >> make sure you vote. make sure you vote. tell them to vote. make sure you vote. make sure you vote. make sure you vote, make sure you vote.
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make sure you vote. >> dagen, after weeks of anti-israeli protests at columbia this spring, the school's president resigned last night. she's now the fourth ivy league president to resign in less than a year. she put out a statement that reads in parts "we have made progress in a number of important areas. however, it's also been a period of turmoil where it's been difficult to overcome divergent views across our community." this comes a week after the resignation of three university deans after the discovery of anti-semitic texts. >> dagen: thanks, nate. vice president harris has seen a bump in the poll numbers but it will fade. voters still trust trump on the issues that matter most to them. plus harris is running away from several liberal policies that she and president biden used to
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stand on together. a new report says that the economy is one of them. republicans, it's not that easy. >> her failures have mounted up. you don't get to walk away from that because you'll be at the dnc in chicago talking about how great you are. my little miracle is beckett. ♪ ("a thousand years" by christina perri) ♪ ♪ i have died every day waiting for you ♪ we wouldn't be where we are without saint jude. and in turn, we wouldn't be where we are without those people that have donated. (♪) why do couples choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that.
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(tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. >> dagen: vice president kamala harris is reportedly trying to distance herself from biden on the economy. she's working to redefine herself as a candidate. we've seen her reverse her positions on several other policies since biden dropped out. here's what she used to say about fracking. >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning fraction. >> would you ban offshore drill something. >> yes. >> i'm committed to passing a green new deal creating clean new jobs and putting an end to fracking once and for all. >> dagen: fast forward to 2024.
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her campaign co chair says she doesn't support a fracking ban. now listen to her past comments on illegal immigration. >> i am in favor of saying that we're not going to treat people who are undocumented cross borders as criminals. >> dagen: at a recent rally, she called for strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship. she didn't hold back her far left stance on healthcare either. >> you support the medicare for all bill. i believe it will eliminate private insurance. so for people out there that like their insurance, they don't get to keep it? >> well, listen, the idea is that everyone gets access to medical care. you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company. let's eliminate that. let's move on. >> dagen: now harris' campaign tells fox that she will not push single-payer or medicare for all. axios sums it up with the
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headline behind the curtain, the harris plan to redefine herself, they ask a big and fair question, what does harris really believe? fox news contributor katie pavlich with this. >> if you look at her record of running in 2019 and 2020, if those policies were popular, they would'be running away from them. shed be embracing her principled stan. instead, they're running far away from them because they don't sit well with the american people, especially the voters that she needs. >> dagen: power panel, jessica patterson, california gop chair women and fred hicks. great to see both of you. fred, the only strategy that i can see is for her to not actually say that i don't -- i no longer stand for medicare for all. i no longer stand for a ban on fracking in to a microphone on a
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camera because they're worried about the trump campaign putting ads together of her disavowing these far, far left policies that would decimate the united states. >> so i understand why you would say that and why your viewers might be tempted to believe that. there was a little thing between 2019 and 2024 called covid and inflation and a lot of economic concerns. we know right now inflation is at the lowest point since three months after they took office, a lot of things have changed. a lot of people in the trump campaign want to call it flip-flopping. the reality is she's adjusted to where we are today. that's the things about politics. you have to reflect to where you are today. i'm not worried about their policies. she's wiped away in the swing states and national polling the deficit that biden had when she
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became the nominee july 21. when it's time, she will do that. we have the convention next week and we'll hear more. >> dagen: we'll get to the swing state polls in a second. jessica, listen to this and i'll get your reaction of joe rogan saying that kamala harris could win because of the treatment she's getting from the liberal media. >> people out there he's old, she's young. have you [bleep] seen her mistakes? this is crazy. the gas lighting is nuts. it's the same gas lighting that they did to turn trump into a monster. now they're doing the same thing to turn her into our future, our hope. it's working. it's crazy to watch. >> dagen: it's the gas lighting also, jessica, that inflation has been beaten. that was straight out of joe biden's mouth when in fact this is the permanently new high level of prices in this country. that's not anything to celebrate
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because the prices are continuing to go higher. mortgage rates, the cost -- the monthly payment on a home in this country are more than double they were 3 1/2 years ago. this is, again, no daylight between joe biden and kamala harris. >> it's absolutely wild that we're a few days out from the dnc and we still don't know where they are on any of these issues. the reason why it's been allowed is because the mainstream media has allowed it. authenticity matters. defending your record absolutely matters. she's going to have to go out there and do press conferences, answer questions from the media. she's going to have to defend her record of 20 years. it's not just the last 3 1/2 years. it's a 20-year record where she's been in elected office. it's absolutely foolish to think that when she's elected president, she's suddenly going to be different than the person she's shown us she is over the
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last 20 years. >> dagen: we'll pick this up. fred, you mentioned this. the latest cook report shows that vice president harris is up or tied in every battleground state except nevada. many say harris' good numbers won't last. listen. >> so you'll have this 30-day honeymoon period. it will settle. >> the honeymoon period is the respect of media hype. >> they get a bump up in this case, a honeymoon with a new person at the top of the ticket. >> the honeymoon will come and go and donald trump will beat kamala harris and be the 47th president of the united states. >> dagen: a new fox news poll shows that former president trump and vice president harris are in a dead heat nationally. up from leads harris by one point. cnn's data analyst with this warning for vice president harris. >> if you have been following the campaigns of donald trump
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through the years, you know that he's won our came close to winning despite the fact that he was not a popular individual. he's more popular now than at the same point in either the 2020 or 2016 campaign. the question for the harris campaign is, wait a minute. maybe we shouldn't take things for granted. trump has won when he's been so unpopular in the past and now he's more popular than he has ever been. maybe this guy will be tough to put away. >> dagen: fox polling finds that voters trust trump more on issues that they say are the biggest concerns. the border and immigration, foreign policy, the economy and crime. fred, from a democratic perspective, how does she hang on to this lead? the honeymoon is the word that gets used over and over again. >> yeah, i don't think this is a honeymoon. i don't think it's a moment. >> it's a movement. i think in order to understand the numbers, you have to
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understand what she was facing on july 21. as i just mentioned, democrats were down 3 to 5 points depending on the national poll on july 21. democrats were down in every swing state. so to go and just a four-week time period from being down 3 to 5 points to a tie nationally and a tie or ahead in the swing states is tremendous. we're talking about 1, 1 1/2 points every week improvement for the vice president on top of the hundreds of millions of dollars she's raising. so i think that if history holds coming out of the convention, we should see her pick up another two to three points. so when we come back, she be 51, 52% and donald trump holding fast where he has all the time. the one big thing for donald trump, he's a very consistent performer whether you're talking about 2016, 2020 or even now. so democrats, we understand the mountain that we must climb there. we had to go from the deficit to this point of being even before you can go ahead.
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this is still a long way to go with 80 plus days. there's a lot of movement left to happen out there. the fact that she's been able to do this in this short period of time indicates there's something really big out there. at least part of that is people are dissatisfied with donald trump who would be the oldest. ever if elected. >> dagen: jessica, at least initially -- i'm not the first person to say this and won't be the last -- it's a reaction to just getting rid of joe biden off of the ticket. it was their hatred of him as a candidate that has led to this kind of surge of relief. we're talking about relief rallies on wall street. this is a relief lift in the polls for harris. >> it's going to take a lot more than just relieving the american people that you are not joe biden. in fact, you're part of the biden-harris administration. every single one of these decisions you have been the last person in the room.
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every failure from foreign policy to the economy to our border to public safety. she's note only going to have to defend the last 3 1/2 years but the last 20 years of her record. she's shown us who she is and that will be when the american people start seeing all of her policies, when she has to do those press conferences, when she has to debate, when she has to defend her record, that is when you're doing to see the honeymoon is over. >> dagen: we've got to run. i'll just finish with when an anvil or two anvils have been tied around the necks of the american people with inflation and sky high interest rates, where they had to run up their credit card debt just to cope with the inflation and americans are paying a quarter of a trillion dollars just in credit card payments every single year, when americans are suffering carrying around those twin anvils, i think vice president harris might have to say, i got you mosh than just i got you,
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trust me. i'm on top of this. to re-assure people about the direction of the country in terms of the economy. jessica patterson and fred hicks, thanks so much. great to see you. >> thank you. >> dagen: backlash pouring in over the harris campaign's deceptive ads. they rewrote headlines in google search results. a former clinton adviser praises harris for avoiding the press. >> just one question. who cares? come on, guys. >> dagen: 25 days since she announced her campaign. when will voters get a real interview or news conference? soon? never? joe concha has all of the answers next.
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>> would it kill you guys to have a press conference? why hasn't she had a press conference? >> listen, the vice president, governor walz have been busy crisscrossing the country since the launch of this campaign and adding governor walz to the ticket -- >> you know a campaign rally is not a press conference. why not do it? >> we absolutely are going to do it. you hear her take questions. she's out on the stump -- >> can you commit to a press conference before the end of the month? >> we will commit to directly engage with the voters that will decide this election. >> dagen: vice president harris' campaign laughing off questions about the candidate's media avoidance. the pressure is mounting for harris to answer questions, tough questions. harris took the reins from president biden 25 days ago. she still hasn't held a news
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conference or sat down for a formal interview. peter doocy wants again pressed white house press secretary on the issue. >> you are left to and everything for the vice president even though you're not the vice president's press secretary. is that getting old? >> no. let me tell you something, i'm the white house press secretary as you know, obviously, for the president, for this administration, for the biden-harris administration. i'm proud to be standing here on behalf of the biden-harris administration. >> dagen: voters are not feeling very patient. >> she's going to hide in the basement until she's forced out. >> she said, you know, do some more interviews. >> it's cowardly of her. she needs to. >> she should. since she's running for president. >> she should make her policies
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known and come forth with what she plans to do for the future. >> dagen: the latest headlines are this, houdini harris escapes media scrutiny. can it last? joe concha, fox news contributor is here. when the media is in this bag, in the tank for you, it can. joe? what say you? >> we may be at 25 days and counting, but let's face it's, kamala harris won't be taking any questions of any real substance from anybody until after labor day. in september and after early voting begins in states like pennsylvania. remember, she's never held a press conference even when she ran for president back there 2019 for 11 months. not one then, not one as vice president. remember, mike pence held plenty of press conferences. throw that out the window. so obviously for these 25 days, we're probably off to six weeks before we see an interview.
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fortunately the debates, hopefully the they're moderated correctly and have right questions asked with inflation and the economy and crime and foreign policy and immigration and trade and energy and education. if we stick to the issues, that's where she will be exposed. she can only run so long without taking questions. by the way, this utterly laughable excuse that you just played in this montage, because kamala harris and tim walz have been speaking to people at rallies with prewritten remarks, that doesn't count as credibility. this is truly the all foam and no beer campaign to take an old texas saying, this is the ticket that men and women they believe should compete against each other in sports. are we hearing any questions about that? the same ticket that wants to keep tampons in elementary schools boys rooms? are we going to hear questions about that? i'd love to hear them answer about that instead of reading from a script. the american people deserve so
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much better. they need to hear why she was against fracking and now being for it. why kamala harris wanted to abolish ice, why tim walz wants to invest in a ladder company to help millions of migrants get over the wall illegally. we want to hear about free health insurance to anybody here illegally. that's a couple of questions we'd like to hear about instead of hearing speeches, right? >> dagen: i would ask her what is your -- can you define what your fiscal policy will be and how it will be dramatically different from the last 3 1/2 years since you were the tie-breaking vote for not only the inflation reduction act but the american rescue plan. 7 1/2 trillion added to the national debt, $2 trillion deficit spending this year. $2 trillion deficit at a time the economy is growing. that's the kind of deficit you
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run when the economy is tanking. that's why we still have inflation, why prices are still going up at the clip that they are. i want to get this. "time" magazine getting backlash for this triumphant cover, the reintroduction of kamala harris. it's a big contrast to the many legacy media headlines that we've seen since her failed presidential campaign. in 2021, cnn calling out reported dissent in her office with the headline exasperation and the dysfunction inside kamala harris' frustrating start as vice president. 2022, politco with the new book says biden called harris a work in progress. last year slate and new york magazine were calling on biden to drop kamala harris as v.p. if he ran for a second term. joe? >> wow. 93% i think turnover rate. working for kamala harris. not exactly the high pressure office. it's the vice presidency.
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a vice president that we rarely heard from or saw all that much until she became the candidate. so it's amazing that people can work for not the highest of pressure situations. but yeah, i saw a cnn panel that was held just a couple months ago, i believe in late april, where they were talking about how joe biden really had to let go of kamala harris as far as being the vice president on his ticket because she was dragging down the party, dragging down the ticket. now boy, this media coverage, that "time" magazine cover, you know, might as well have been avita on that cover. you compare it to past "time" magazine covers of donald trump, by the way, an orange goo that melts down when they said he had no chance winning or a young child looking up at donald trump crying because she was being locked up in a cage by trump, which no. that's the whole thing here. we're going to continue to see this, but i guess you have to have integrity to say maybe we're over the top on this one. instead they want to get rid of donald trump.
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integrity, honesty, journalistic integrity be damned, dagen. >> dagen: it's close to having a halo over her head. maybe a tiara. moving on to this. big backlash. after we learned that harris' team had been rewriting news headlines in google search results. axios shows numerous examples of the campaign changing article titles to make them look more favorable to harris. one media analyst calling the practice troubling and explo exploitative. journalist miking shellenberger with me yesterday. >> let's call it what it is. this is a disinformation effort by the kamala harris campaign by disinformation, we mean it's misinformation, it's erroneous information. these are fake headlines falsely attributed to news outlets.
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it's deliberate. >> dagen: a daily caller said that democrats manage add new level of distaupian. it's not i'll help, it's not ago google's policies. few if anything meets the criteria for misinformation, this does. note ably the trump campaign is not engaged in the practice. tells you more about those that fight misinformation. they deflect. they accuse the other side of doing what they're doing. >> dagen: dagen, i'm glad you spoke to michael. he's a true journalist. they're going extinct. i'm glad to hear what he had to say. you're right. this is the party that warned us over and over again about the dangers of misinformation, disinformation. the party that says they can save us from democracy. they're all about truth and joy. the funny thing, it's hard to
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tell what headlines have been minu manipulated. it's embarrassing how over the top they're in harris' direction. we saw the cbs news headlines where they warned of trump's idea to not put any tax on tips anymore. that would cost the federal government $250 billion. horrible idea. cbs news, same headline for kamala harris. nothing but praise for it. now we're hearing there could be some action by state attorney general's. it's illegal and should be called out on it. >> dagen: thanks, joe concha. great seeing you. thanks for watching "faulkner focus." i'll see you tomorrow as well. "outnumbered" is right after the break.
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