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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  August 15, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i am kayleigh mcenany with emily compagno, also joining us carley shimkus, fox news contributor and president of american spirit enterprises and author of "fear itself," tammy bruce. it's his first time on the couch. we welcome former u.s. attorney and former counsel for the senate judiciary committee, raising the roof, brett tolman. we start with this, former president trump going on offense with blistering attacks on vice president harris. he's calling her out for her stunning reversals on her own policy positions. >> for every position the fake new kamala takes down and all these positions, three weeks ago, the real kamala's of the exact opposite, the exact opposite. "with me, you will always have a president who tells it like it is, you always have somebody why let you know where i stand, and
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you can vote for me or not. the kamala migrant in beijing is a major factor in crushing your wages i'm driving up the cost of health care and the cost of all of your goods. she's flooding our country with millions and millions of low-wage migrants and giving them welfare, free health care, food stamps, public benefits. she is giving them what our military vets don't get it. kamala harris wants to eliminate private health insurance. does anybody have private health insurance here? a lot of people. she destroyed san francisco! she's not going to destroy our country. so get your friends. get your family. register, volunteer, and get the hell out and vote. you've got to vote. on november 5th, we will save our economy. we will rescue our middle class we will put america first and we
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will make america great again. thank you very much, north carolina. god bless you. god bless you all. thank you very much. >> kayleigh: harris' team has basically admitted she was dead wrong on some of the most significant issues for voters and is now just going to change just like that. according to axios "a big part of the harris plan is to unapologetically change some of her more liberal positions and claim her white house experience helped change her mind." yes, when she was running for president in 2019, she was against fracking, for decriminalizing illegal border crossings, and for single-payer health care. all that is gone despite her record showing she was actually for all of that. >> your consider the most liberal united states senator. >> somebody said that. it was mike pence on the debate
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stage. [laughs] >> nonpartisan grove track has rated you as the most liberal senator. you supported the green new deal, medicare for all, you supported legalizing marijuana. >> kayleigh: the trump campaign, if i am sitting there pulling my hair out because the press will not cover her radical changes in policies, the two-faced, kamala. we would oftentimes bring images to the podium on the video screen. nancy pelosi when she got her hair done during covid, we played the video on loop. during the riots when the press wasn't covering the violence, we put it on loop. trump today at his press conference at 4:30 p.m. put up a video screen, start the press conference, everyone will be taking it. play the video of kamala in her own words. step back and let it rip. >> carley: absolutely. he does say this a lot. say that the republican party is the party of common sense.
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the other side is chaos. also don't believe what kamala harris is saying from now until the election in 82 days. remember her past record because that, after you enter office, you always go back to your core beliefs. as ida, ag, as a senator, we know what her core beliefs are. i'm so fascinated by what's going on in the white house. it's like we are watching a very public and polite divorce play out also. or you have, harris, joe biden, they are breaking up after a three and half your partnership. she's saying i want nothing to do with the past but at every turn, karine jean-pierre is saying "oh, no. she was very much part of this." you have the harris campaign saying that kamala harris is the future and then the white house saying she was part of the sinking ship for the past three and half years. the american people are left wondering, what is she believing?
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you have the media saying don't worry what she believes in. she's not donald trump. sometimes she wears converse. there is a round of polls released and the most important statistic was that by eight points, independent voters trust trump. they favor trump over kamala harris. all of this chaos, the word i mention, that's going on, people remember that and they also remember past five weeks when she was still a very unpopular vice president. >> kayleigh: and they remember this. this is footage of kamala. she says she wants to divorce yourself from the biden policies, that's what was reported. your standing with biden today. confounding choice. here are the tie-breaking votes. her casting about for the american rescue plan. casting vote for the inflation reduction act which added trillions of government spending and led to inflation. >> emily: here's why it's so important to disseminate that information. as we know, the media is comfortable in its role
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protecting her and frankly being complicit saying here she is, the fresh new candidate you've never heard of! remember, they are only taking the boxes. she was d.a. and senator and attorney general and vice president. there's nothing to show for that and they will continue to skip over that unless we remind them. it's incumbent upon trump's campaign to do because it seems like we are the only media outlet doing it, to show the receipts. here now all all of a sudden she's for xyz but here's her record and it shows for itself so let's talk about her campaign promises. the end of the day, voters are deciding whether she's deaf to what she's promising right now, will she stick to it? she ran on in her failed presidency, she ran on fixing the immigration, fixing the border. she was then deemed czar and nothing happened. i point to the single issue point about the economy. i love that you brought the independent delta numbers but also the economy.
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the economy is favored 38% of voters prioritize the economy and the next two issues which is abortion, number three and crime, those are at 14%, almost three times. it's important i feel to dig in the details and say let's talk about the economy. not just those big ticket items, inflation, state exactly how kamala's vote impacted the american people terribly and why her policies have impacted them terribly. specifically the underrepresented individual she purports to represent. >> kayleigh: to the point of the economy, voters trust trump around the economy over kamala. by six points. i do not understand, unless kamala is a hostage to the biden white house, why do you stand next to the face of bidenomics today, talk about the issue of inflation, stand next to someone less popular than you on the top issue to voters. why is she doing this? >> brett: in america were used to politicians flip-flopping here we are used to them being
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inconsistent. harrison is taking this to the next level, she's an artist. but it's a picasso. we can't tell what she's painting. it's something you can't understand. she's not afraid to be challenged. she can do what she wants and see what she wants thinking she is rebranding herself. at some point like you said, it's going to get exposed and she's going to have to answer questions. when she does, she comes across defensive. she comes across as lacking understanding of the principles that she's trying to portray. so i wait for that day, and that we will see this bubble burst and then we'll get down to the real policies that will be fighting over. >> kayleigh: tammy, biden says he beat inflation. yes, yes. tomorrow she goes out and puts out her plan for inflation. >> tammy: in the meantime, everyone still goes to the grocery store. they know that's not true. we've been hearing this kind of lie about the border being close. inflation is transitory.
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everything is fine, rent goes up, mortgages, food, energy, gas, et cetera. americans have that experience on a day-to-day basis but with kamala harris, notice its anonymous staff or sometimes known staff who are walking her back. she herself has not said one thing that she rejects woody did she used to say and i think the american people have to realize, why is it that speaking honestly about the issues is dangerous for her? why is she not rushing to want to give her point of view. that's the key. that's the tell and that's with the american people have to recognize. >> kayleigh: we will keep you updated with all of these live events today. breaking new details: multiple people reportedly arrested, including a doctor, and the overdose death of "friends" are matthew perry. that's next. functional
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>> emily: we are learningauthory schedule a news conference later today on the investigation into matthew perry's death. the associated press is reporting at least one arrest has been made. matt finn's live in los angeles with more on this developing story. matt. >> emily, matthew perry tragically died in his hot tub here in southern california last october. his death was credited to trace amounts of ketamine in his stomach and now tmz is reporting law enforcement sources say that ketamine in the actor's body was not legally prescribed. prompting a months long federal and state criminal investigation reportedly resulting in at least one arrest, including a doctor. law-enforcement agencies executed search warrants, seizing computers, phones, and electronic equipment all to
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determine who supplied perry without lethal ketamine. tmz reports text message revealed that perry was texting with someone about how to deliver the ketamine to him and the price the actor was going to pay for the drug. perry have been getting ketamine infusions for anxiety and depression, but his last session was a week and a half before his death, so the ketamine in his system when he died was not doctor prescribed. here is perry talking about his battle with addiction. speak of the best thing about meat bar none is if somebody comes up to me and says "i can't stop drinking. can you help me question michael's good i can say yes and follow up and do it. when i die, i don't want "friends" to be the first thing that's mentioned. i want that to be the first thing that's mentioned. >> matthew perry was 54 years old when he passed away. >> emily: thank you. brett, you had an expense prosecuting similar situations. tell us about it.
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>> brett: there are doctors willing to compromise their ethics and there are doctors the ticket to the next level which is they make more money disturbing drugs. they know how to do it. oftentimes they utilize dealers to assist them. in this instance it said federal and state investigation. if this goes federally, there's an enhancement where death results from the drug distribution of a minimum 15 years in federal prison. very serious consequences. it's not surprising they are running an investigation. i wouldn't be surprised if there aren't more that will be indicted. >> emily: we all watched after michael jackson's doctor, conrad murray, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. just recently four men arrested after the death of michael k. williams, another actor. seems like, is there a recent emphasis on cracking down on these candy doctors and we see something similar here? >> brett: i think the nation is tired of it.
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they have seen fentanyl coming across and they are seeing deaths happen at an alarming rate. as a result there is pressure being applied to government agencies and prosecutors to do something about it. the problem is you can't prosecute your way out of the drug problem. there are real, the reality is we have to know how to treat the mental health side of it and the addiction side of it. >> emily: tammy, what we've learned is that the amount of ketamine in matthew perry's system was the equivalent of what someone undergoes for general anesthesia for surgery. massive amount. >> tammy: this is the problem with any addiction, you need more and more for the same impact. this was marilyn monroe's problem allegedly. taking sedatives to the point where you forget and it's an accidental overdose. that happens. then we are dealing with hollywood and i grew up in southern california. the president of los angeles now, it's a mining town. hollywood, los angeles. the one industry. it surrounds that. my own experience, many people
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in los angeles and other towns, i went in for a mundane vitamin b12 shot, all the rage at the time. the doctor took out, a new doctor, he took out his perception pad and said what else do you need? it was an open invitation to her he would just civilly write prescriptions. when you've got this kind of -- it's not unusual. ranging from judy garland, who was a child, now the stories are, the biographies are she was addicted to drugs as a child on the set, to be able to keep her working. obviously marilyn monroe. so this is a long time dynamic. there's so much money, so much availability. it's a mining town. there's very little repercussions. now there might be. hopefully there will be. because you're right, we can't prosecute people out of this. we've got to deal with it somehow. >> emily: the nexus between the physicians and the dealers is frightening. >> carley: matthew perry might not have known that the amount of ketamine he was taking was a
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lethal dose. that immediately reminds me of the parents across the country who, child takes a percocet, they find them dead in their bedroom. the percocet was laced with fentanyl and there's a major push to prosecute these drug dealers. a lot of times the drug dealers do not, they don't know who they are. there's no motivation to find out who they are and they get away with it. i think we should be a country that starts do that more. really prosecute these drug dealers. in this cases that might be what has happened. hopefully that can be a way to fight back against this as well. >> kayleigh: there are 1 million americans who have died of drug overdoses going back to the 1990s and that number has increased about 100,000 per year. matthew perry and then 100,000 per year who perished. we've got to get these guys. >> emily: we do, by signing as well the southern border, these drugs flowing. our vice president will address that. up next, video of the taliban
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holding a parade with american military equipment. celebrating three years after biden's disastrous and deadly withdrawal in afghanistan. stay with us. my name's trevor. i've tried other diets in the past never lasted before too long my cravings came back especially my sugar cravings and i fell off the wagon. release worked fast. my sweet tooth is gone. i'm so happy with my progress and now i love myself.
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allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. >> emily: that was the scene in kabul, afghanistan, nearly three years ago. president biden's disastrous withdrawal, allow the taliban to retake afghanistan within a matter of days. now, the taliban are celebrating their third year in power. this new video shows taliban forces holding a military parade at bagram air force base, a former american stronghold.
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a vast majority of that equipment is american. the planes, tanks, trucks, all-american. over $7 billion worth of u.s. military assets were just left behind by the biden-harris administration. as you can see on your screen, those weapons fell right into the lap of our enemies. just watch. these soldiers shouting with pride as they march alongside that stolen american equipment. [shouting] meanwhile, a new documentary film is giving us an inside look at the taliban just days after that deadly withdrawal. watch. [speaking another language]
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[speaking another language]
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>> i came to see. how this country was left. >> emily: brett, the united states indeed left enormous treasure. on most $8 billion with of assets and equipment in the lives of 13 servicemen and women under the biden-harris administration's watch. >> brett: i work on national security issues. i got to observe interrogations in guantanamo bay. i helped draft the patriot act and i was in top-secret
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briefings on our national security threats coming from the taliban and others. i'll tell you what i thought when i saw them parading all of our, you know, all of our military equipment that we left behind. i saw into the eyes of many of our enemies. i know their determination. i know their hatred. i know they have cells here. that parade was for them to gain strength and confidence to act in the united states. so biden and harris, if i had to sum them up, their administration has been weakness. once that weakness has been displayed to the rest of the world, it's the internal cells that are here that are going to gain confidence and that are to come after our public safety and national security. >> emily: what a frightening portent. it's the biden-harris administration. let's talk about responsibility. lou remember when president biden said he had "no regrets" about his handling of the withdrawal.
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let's watch how vice president harris claimed her responsibility. >> president biden always said he wants you to be the last person in the room particularly for big decisions, just as he was for president obama. he just made a really big decision, afghanistan. were you the last person in the room? >> yes. >> you feel comfortable? >> i do. >> kayleigh: recovered the fall of afghanistan together. i will never forget being in my house and hearing about a bombing at the abbey gates. at the time we are broadcasting out of studio vans and coming out and hearing a marine had died and then you hear another and then you hear another and then you hear 13 marines lost their lives at the abbey gate of what i believe was totally preventable. this was a tragic day, a tragic, defining moment of the biden presidency. he never recovered in the polls thereafter. kamala harris was the last person in the room. she felt comfortable. she owns, what you're watching on the screen, the most
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important story of the week if not for this entire election cycle is that there's a listing being formed of progressive to come into the kamala harris the kamala harris department of defense and national security council. away with the biden guys, the obama guys. who are they bringing in? ilhan omar? progressives take over and iran gets nuclear weapons in china invades taiwan. world war iii. >> emily: at the same time we have emboldened our enemies.we >> carley: without question. when i read that rep report of e progressive national security experts, it felt like an oxymoron to me. are there really progressive national security efforts? seems like that shouldn't be a thing. i'm so glad we are showing this footage in remembering this moment. how quickly we forget, america, the rest of the western world wasn't shell-shocked for months over this but right now it feels like it was a lifetime ago. if we don't continue to talk
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about it, this may not have an impact on the presidential election one decision-making like this absolutely should. >> emily: by the way, the biden-harris administration said no, most of those assets left behind, it wasn't working. we got the classified stuff out. seems like they are working to me. >> tammy: we know that they live. they lie. what's important is the nature of the decision-making even with reports at the time that the pentagon said we need to leave a few thousand troops there. we can't leave bagram. they had advice to stop this obscenity which tipped the world over, knowing no one's home in the united states. this is what provoked putin. the rest of it as you've noted is probably going to happen here at home.
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>> emily: this is the campaign ad for harris walls. chilling new video shows the moment that a ferguson, missouri, police officer is critically injured during a michael brown protest. that's thanks. wanna know a secret? with new secret outlast, you can almost miss the bus... but smell like you didn't. secret fights 99% of odor-causing bacteria. smell fresh for up to 72 hours. secret works! it's a crime to smell that good. our clients love these. you have got to read the testimonials. listen. the proper annuity used correctly can be a tremendous tool to help you achieve financial security. here are the benefits. stock market growth, protection against market losses, compound interest and no annual fees. sound too good to be true?
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>> emily: two shocking new video show a ferguson police officer violently slammed to the ground during a protest marking ten years since michael brown's death. the officer is travis brown. he's 36 years old. he's a father of two young girls. he suffered a severe brain injury and is now fighting for his life. this video can be hard to watch. in the cctv footage, you can see officer brown as he is tackled
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to the ground, trying to cut off a group of scattering protesters come his body appearing to go believed immediately. this is video from brown's body camera that shows just how hard he was hit, going from upright on his back in a split second. here's the ferguson police chief. watch. >> if you look at the video, the officer is standing there waiting to try to catch this guy. there wasn't a collision. he is standing there. this guy tackled my guy like he was a football player. >> emily: did violent demonstration came ten days out of the democratic national convention. among those arrested was this man, keith rose, who was supposed to be an alternate delegate to the dnc. the missouri democratic party says he has since withdrawn voluntarily. the police chief called out those who have remained silent. >> if you haven't condemned this act or condemned what happened to my officer, then you're part
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of the problem. >> emily: he's right, tammy. if you have not condemned this, you are indeed part of the problem. >> tammy: it's a reflection of what happens after years of casting police as the enemy, watching people who attacked police in one fashion or another being released. that's a statement from the system, from society, that this is appropriate. you can do this. obviously we have seen that throughout the country. this is not surprising. the problem is besides the life of the officer being changed irreparably. the lives of the people engaging in this, the young people doing this have no real sense that there are repercussions to be had. so they do it. then there's escalation. so it's the people supposedly that the democrats, but the left talk about. we are saving your life, somehow allowing crime in this kind of dynamic to run rampant is somehow saving communities of color. those of the first victims of this. it is the ultimate racism, whether you are a
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first responder or young person who is doing this or not a young person which is people who are moving into the anarchy, and every community deserves better certainly the ones in blue cities, especially. is your life better because of these kinds of policies? the answer is obviously no. >> emily: brett, that's the point the police chief said. he was like, we went through our training. we changed our uniforms. we did everything you were protesting about ten years ago. so why the violence now? why are you protesting and why are you attacking our cops? ambushes spike 300 plus percent in the wake of the michael brown hoax and other terrible narratives. >> brett: this is the community that responded with changing their policing. even to the point of increasing the african american officers from less than 15% to over 50% of their police force. they listened to their community. they agreed they would change the way they pleased. we are a decade from when this
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occurred. it's really close to home to me. i have a son-in-law that was on swat at the time during the george floyd riots. there was a riot that occurred in his city and he watched his fellow officers get hit and injured. you wouldn't believe the fear among all of us and the family. and my daughter. we didn't know if he was coming home. and so i feel for this community because this police chief is asking, when is enough? when do you continue to sacrifice officers at the hands of this kind of violence? when will we stop it? >> emily: arguably, kayleigh, those in the white house or in higher positions have the power and procedure to quell the fear or stoke it. let's remind viewers what vice president harris did after michael brown's death which was collect a murder, even though the obama justice department ruled it was self-defense.
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>> kayleigh: these are facts, right? i am struck by kamala's statement and struck by this alternate delegate to the dnc. i wanted to do some research on this guy. he was a member of the city of st. louis' civilian oversight board which reviews allegations of police misconduct. okay, so if part of your livelihood is reviewing police misconduct, you didn't have over a 10-year period, chance to read someone from your own party, obama's doj, which said it was not unreasonable for wilson to assume michael brown was going to commit physical harm, not unreasonable to fire upon michael brown. totally legally justified. your job is to review police misconduct. you had ten years. you didn't review this one in your protesting. either you are a fraud or you're not doing her job in reading what the doj said. >> carley: michael brown's death is a tragedy. anybody who dies, it's a horrible thing. but there's been misplaced anger
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for years over the fact that this was a murderer and not a death in self-defense of a police officer. they spent so much devastation to come out as a result and still to this day and even the media plays such a big role in this. during a press conference with his police chief one of the reporters suggested maybe the suspect just collided into officer brown. it was a collision. no, it wasn't. you heard the officer say that he was body checked like a football player. the last thing i'll say is it does prove that police officers, not just the officer who serves. if the family as well. these pictures of him being such a handsome young guy, 36 years old with two young twin girls. imagine what they are going through. there's a gofundme for him. it's $77,000 raise right now. i hope they raise thousands and thousands more. you think about a traumatic brain injury, can you ever fully recover?
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i pray he does. but that's a really, really scary, scary injury to have. >> you're right. officer travis brown, we are praying for him.ya h more "outnumbered" next. ya know, that's backed by j.p. morgan's leading strategists like us. when you want to invest with more confidence... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management can you do this? as early as your 40s you may lose muscle and strength. protein supports muscle health. ensure max protein has a 30 gram blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy. psoriatic arthritis symptoms can be unpredictable. one day, your joints hurt. next, it's on your skin. i got cosentyx. feels good to move. feel less joint pain swelling and tenderness back pain and clearer skin and help stop further joint damage with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and a lowered ability to fight them
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>> kayleigh: former president trump is set to hold a press conference this afternoon from bedminster, new jersey. this is the second time taking questions from the press in the past 24 hours. meanwhile, we are still waiting on a news conference or even an interview from vice president vice president kamala harris and her running mate, tim walz. wait, we may have the first to town interview with kamala confirmed. look who it's with. speak of the most important call of my life. it popped up and we didn't connect the caller i.d. and it went to voice mail. this is tim. i'm not able to answer your call. [laughter] >> carley: her first sitdown universe with her running mate. >> doesn't count as an interview when they are interviewing each other. the harris campaign, they are so smart. they know that, harrises weaknesses are her communication and her record. they are limiting it as much as
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possible but it's totally deceptive. they were asked about this and the fact that they aren't talking to the media, not giving press conferences, when she's been the candidate for 25 days now. they said we may not be doing any traditional interest but we are meeting voters where they are, like on tiktok and youtube now. i don't think that qualifies. >> kayleigh: i don't thick it does either. i want to read the description. kamala harris and tim walz, the official title of the video, going to talk about tacos, music, and the future of america. they go on to build the sit down conversation as talking about taco recipes, hot peppers, their childhoods, careers and the right of freedoms they want to protect. >> tammy: i don't know if they checked with joe biden about breakfast tacos. >> oh! >> tammy: lack of respect for the american people and the voters. they think they are just to buy this.
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the reviews are that it was creedon g and scripted and fake. she did a video with kids regarding outer space and nassau. that was weird and cre cringey d we found out the kids were actors. it was literally scripted. we found out it was -- when he said he didn't recognize the phone number, i believe he was the last man standing, that all these other candidates, including governor shapiro, had dropped out and that he was it which is possibly also why he wasn't vetted. they were going to make an announcement. he had never been called by her before so it went to voice mail because he just simply wasn't expecting it. this is what we've got. it's literally theater. >> kayleigh: credit where credit is due. you predicted shapiro maybe didn't want the job. brett, problem with this is yes,
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it is a normal thing in a campaign to try to be likable to voters, talk about your hobbies, interests. nothing wrong with that. it's when you do it in lieu of a sitdown interview with a serious journalist. >> brett: someone made a calculation that she's better when it's light and airy. and it's not really difficult. because she gets defensive. what i would like to see, where is the hour long discussion? call for it. do it as long as donald trump didn't stay engaged on the issues and be challenged. that's what we should be calling for, parity. let's see that you candidates have to address the same issues all the time. enough with all of this. america is tired of it. the rest of the country is saying when are you going to engage substantively? >> kayleigh: every time donald trump is a press conference commit puts more pressure on her. her campaign said she would do a sitdown interview labor day. trumps first press conference, she did a gaggle so i want to do
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it before the end of the month. forcing her to move the goalpost every time he takes questions. >> emily: it's a baseball to a wiffle ball. what kills me is this is a sitting vice president who likes to remind us she was senator, ag, and d.a. this is not what we deserve. it's not we should be expecting or settling for. this is a "hey, guys, you don't know billy smith so we are going to introduce you to him." we do not need to be introduced to the personality of our sitting vice president. what we need to do is be reacquainted with her policies and please enlighten us to your accomplishments. the point is the contrast needs to be drawn. the hard-hitting journalism somehow needs to be resurrected because when they say they are meeting americans where they are, we all know that's been a lie the whole time. they said that about the super bowl. record-breaking. 124 million. that was declined also. the biden-harris administration is always hidden from the tough questions or any questions at all.
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>> brett: aba i americans. >> kayleigh: first sitdown interview, kamala harris, tim walz. i'm sure it will be hard-hitting and we will show it to you. more "outnumbered" expert getting a fresh deal at subway has never been easier. just buy any footlong in the app, get another free. the only hard part is, telling travis he doesn't get the second footlong. wait, seriously? i got you next time, buddy! order now in the subway app. i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country
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>> we have some breaking news this hour as president biden spoke moments ago at the white house on his way to marine one taking questions from reporters. listen. [inaudible] >> how much is a father that vice president harris might soon for political reasons at distance herself from your
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economic? you don't think she's going to? >> mr. president! >> it's representative. the negotiating is going on. i just got off the phone. >> mr. trump says he wants to make america affordable again. your response? >> that he ought to get a job at. >> when will the vice president hold a news conference? >> ask her. >> do you have any regrets? >> talking to you guys. >> are you going to name a new ambassador? >> there you heard it. axios reported that kamala harris wants to distance yourself from biden and his
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economic policy but biden saying that is not happening. the news continues. the kamala harris campaign has put out a statement about debates. remember donald trump proposed three presidential debates. this morning his running mate j.d. vance proposed to vice presidential debates. here is kamala harris' response. the debate about debates is over she said. she says she proposes three debates, one that was already committed to on nbc, one vice presidential debate and tbd on a debate in october. noticeably there were five debates and total trump advance proposed and we are now down to three. it is getting smaller and one of those is to be determined. >> and that's the problem. normally we would have an entire primary season to get to know people. that is over. and that seems to be fine for harris walz because they don't want to have to talk to the american people. they are hiding. they still feel it is dangerous to be transparent with the american people. we have to ask why.
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of course for j.d. vance and donald trump they keep doing it. their strength is in conveying their ideas to the american people and that's what they want. the american people deserve that. >> a notable moment in that clip was when joe biden says that kamala harris is not going to try to distance yourself from his economic policies from bidenomics. i genuinely think she's going to try to do that and she will try to do that very soon which means that the dnc next week is going to be a very interesting we can do you do. >> assuming donald trump actually shows up as what, les says on september 10th. they will then do the vice presidential debate good i think it is pretty certain he will show up. he said so. >> i just want to point out. if the president just got off the phone with hostage negotiation, that a significant. >> we can't wait to have you back. what a wonderful first appearance on outnumbered. thanks to everyone. "america reports." >> any moment now los angeles author


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