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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 16, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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>> well, good morning to you at 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. it is friday, august 16th, and this is "fox & friends." >> loud. >> it's friday. >> just moments ago, a and nearly a month after taking over the democratic ticket kamala
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harris finally released economic agenda. break it all down to you, and the alternative trump is offering. >> brian really like what is she is doing with her hand. will and talladega nights. five people charged in the death of matthew perry two doctors and woman named the ketamine queen. personal assistant injected him with the drug on the day of his death. >> check this grand new polling showing the vast majority of americans see the border as a major problem with almost as many see i saying the blame lies with biden and harris. >> all right. second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. watch. >> vice president harris is finally revealed her plan for the economy. just ahead of her trip to north carolina today. >> mark meredith is live with the details. hey, mark. >> lawrence, brian, will and ainsley. friends, we have herd so much about the economy the last
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couple months the haste campaign going to try to keep front and center. issue republicans have been pull polls better on. haste is hoping to change the momentum as she gives the first economic policy speech in north carolina. it could be the most pivotal issue for voters. under the plan being announced this afternoon. harris says she is going to work on providing down payment assistance for first time home buyers. expand tax credits for middle class families. offer a larger tax credit for those who are having children and cut taxes for those who may be having trouble i paying health insurance. a lot of these would require congress its approval and given the odds of a divided washington in 2025, this is no guarantee even if elected she would get her way. while she is not calling this plan bidenomics, president biden insists there is no distance between her and the administration.
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>> in case you haven't noticed it's working. >> the trump team insists democrats are gas lighting the american people with trump remind at the news conference in new jersey that prices on everything from gas to groceries have gone up the last few years, even meat producers who are expected to be called out today during the harris speech are pushing back a little bit. they are saying their costs have gone up gas to labor. that's why they have had to raise prices as well. there is a big debate about why prices are up. harris is going to talk a lot about what she says is price gouging. but you also have companies that say their input costs are a lot higher. will, ainsley brian and lawrence. back to you. >> brian: you can't have it both ways. bidenomics is working? well, the stats say a different story. she would say very simply i'm going to keep on doing what we're doing. if mike pence was to run after the last four years with donald trump in 2020, he would have probably said i'm going to stay on the economic course that donald trump's on. why doesn't she just say it
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search waiting for the interview and policies. this is where you begin to cleave joe biden from kamala harris. and harris say i have no track record can't hold me to it. republicans say yes you do the biden track record. at that point she has got to say i was there against my will. i had to sign off on it. i never believed it. when i did those speeches. i wasn't being sincere. >> ainsley: look at her voting record when she was a senator, brian. the most progressive, even more than bernie sanders. we know where she stands on these issues. but all of a sudden she is trying to say oh, it's not my fault. it's the grocery store's fault for price gouging, it's not my faulted, even though i jewels praised bidenomics a few months ago, even though i praised bidenomics over the last year, two years. yeah, i do want to ban fracking, actually, i don't. i have changed my mind, yeah, i want to decriminalize illegals, no, i have actually changed my mind on that. medicare for all, well, you know what i have been thinking? i don't want medicare for all
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anymore. lawyer. >> will: i don't know that she will ever have to come for account. it's all laid out like you just did. axios is reporting this right now. she only has to hold out for three months. she plans to totally redefine herself in those three months. if it comes as well some type of contrast who she was in the so what? so what? this is what axios is saying. a big part of harris' plan is to unapologetically change some of the more liberal positions and claim her white house experience helped change her mind. yes, when she was running for president in 2019, she was against fracking as you point out for the decriminalization of illegal border crossings, for single payer healthcare no. more, she has packed off all three. >> lawrence: i think everything is going to come down to the debate, which scares the hell out of me. you know, i think dana and jake did a great job and they didn't try to put their hand on the scale in that last presidential debate. they just asked the questions and let them duke it out as
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everyone saw joe biden just inflamed out immediately when he hit the stage. the problem is, after that debate, there was criticism from all the mainstream media networks to fact-check in the middle of the debate. and so i hope that the next debated doesn't become this fact-checking back and forth because i think that's the only time truly going to hear from kamala harris is that debate. >> brian: it's not up to us. it's up to vance and trump to point out do we believe you then or do we believe you now? and why have you stolen all my positions? why don't you just run as a republican? because, basically, you are flipping to leaving the neil, i green new deal. infrastructure. only 38% of the money spent on it. i now want to enforce the border like donald trump. >> will: none of that is real. to your point she can't run as a republican everyone knows it's phony prototype brian up to opponents to point out. >> lawrence: is it enough to just hear from the other side, your opponent to say hey, they flip flopped on this issue? when you don't hear from the
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candidate because right now, her numbers are growing. i think trump has said. this i think he has said, look, this is where she stands. she'd is a radical. >> brian: not a enough she hasn't made the statement yet. >> ainsley: moderators need to ask the question those. you were against fracking entire political career why are you changing now you? wanted medicare for all. your entire political career, what changed now? have you always said illegals can come across the border, you'll pay for their healthcare, you will pay for their house. you will pail for their food. you will pay for people's college and ask people to couldn't afford college to pay for it. why are you changing now? >> brian: did we tape any of that? >> ainsley: actually, funny you should ask. i have been putting together a montage this morning. >> brian: is it ready for air? >> ainsley: i was upstairs. >> brian: will was no help at all. >> ainsley: watch what we found for you. >> raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross the
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border without documentation? can a k. we keep the hands up so we can see them? >> who here would abolish their private health insurance in favor of a government run plan? [cheers] >> raise your hand in your government plan would provide coverage to for undocumented immigrants? [applause] >> lawrence: if you look at the candidates. and this is how you know that is the real kamala harris. if you look at the other candidates, typical politicians they look to see what the other people are going to do. she looks straight ahead at the moderators and raised her hand. she knows exactly where she stands on the issue. what they are saying all the pundits and people though are her surrogates is that the vice presidency has made her more moderate. >> brian: more moderate than the president. >> lawrence: how government works works. except any time they wanted to get progressive agenda and 50/50 in the senate. she voted for it. so i'm not sure there was a change in kamala harris. >> will: she scheduled to put out economic policy plan today, lawrence.
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>> lawrence: correct. >> will: doesn't raise some far left ideas like price controls. >> lawrence: right. >> will: this is the trump economic agenda. cut costs by eliminating regulation, boosting energy independence, end tax on tips and social security of. extend 2017 tax cuts and jobs. lower the corporate tax rate from 21 to 15. and then increase tariffs up to 20%. but most importantly, focus on china there at 60%. >> lawrence: what is kamala harris' tax plan in we still haven't heard anything about what they plan. >> ainsley: she agreed with a oc when aoc says we should tax people 70 to 90%. you live on 10ers '. you go to work and give 90% to the government. >> brian: absolutely. >> ainsley: she said yeah, let's talk about that. >> brian: do something that normally will would point out. on that sound bite when they put up their hands, what happened after? the crowd cheered. this is her risk. if she actually runs on what is
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a trump agenda, border, reservations about fracking and drilling. she could alienate those people. or keep them at home. or the they are going to go or doing wink and a nod, don't worry about it when i get in there with you those are good people, too. who sincerely believe what they believe. they going to vote for someone that's telling everyone they are not going to do anything. >> ainsley: the left is going to vote for her. because they not stand donald trump. the right and all the maga. >> brian: might stay home. >> ainsley: that's true. vote for donald trump. yesterday the fox news poll showed independents and he was ahead by 8 points. >> lawrence: that was big. >> brian: and hispanics. the fox poll much more upon than the quinnipiac poll. as donald trump pointed out yesterday. the fox polls aren't great to me. and even critics would say donald trump under polls all the time. 2016 and 2020. >> lawrence: i guess my fear, real quickly is there has been an overi guess criticism on when it comes to the popular vote. but, when you look at the
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states, it still looks like donald trump is winning within the states. when you look at the rcp average of all of the polls, everybody keeps saying oh is he going to change -- something has to change. something has to change. i'm not sure that's true. he still is winning when it comes to the electoral college. that's how you win elections. everybody always knew it was going to be a tight race. >> will: speaking of various states. j.d. vance is going to be in wisconsin. is he going to deliver remarks to the milwaukee police association. >> brian: kamala harris and tim walz planning their own rally in milwaukee dnc. >> lawrence: alexis mcadams has he the story on that. >> shaping up tore a busy few days for the candidates as they hit the trail in wisconsin and other places before they head to the dnc. that's going to be the case throughout the weekend. but just yesterday, former president donald trump taking questions yesterday again. something we have been used to seeing here in the past several weeks as he continues to have these news conferences. he talked about inflation, national security, and says he will hammer kamala harris on her broken policies, and says he
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even plans to continue those personal attacks, that's when he was speaking at bedminster yesterday. trump also said he would consider hitting the trail with his former rival nikki haley. watch. >> would you consider having nikki haley on the campaign trail with you? >> i appreciate her advice, i think she is good woman, i would love to have her support, yeah. she gave me support. but, i would love to have her go around and campaign. >> have to see if nikki haley hits the trail with trump but later today trump's running mate senator j.d. vance will head to wisconsin. is he going to talk to the milwaukee police association where he is expected to continue to call out the haste-walz ticket for not doing media interviews. >> maybe i'm old fashioned, but, as the person who is asking the american people for the awesome honor and responsibility of being their haven't. i think i ought to have to go before the american people and make the case for why i deserve to have that job. and i think it's disgraceful that tim walz are running for every media interview and
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reporter. >> j.d. vance has sat down with some outlets. he is on the trail and answers reporters questions all the time. harris giving first policy speech today in north carolina. we will have to listen to that to see what she says about her plans for the economy. we know the harris campaign says trump's folks focus is cutting taxes for the rich and doing everything she can do close the border. we have to see what voters think about that. the harris campaign will head to the dnc in chicago. so we will have to keep a close eye on that, too. trump is going to appear at a rally in pennsylvania on saturday. i will be there. see what he has to say. >> brian: what time is that rally? >> like 4:00. people will get there at like 6:00 a.m. >> brian: outdoor rallies put him in bullet proof glass. >> lawrence: at that rally in pennsylvania when everything hit the fan. >> we will have to make changes for. he likes the outdoor rallies and gates big crowd. we will see. >> will: thank you, alexis. so that economic message that he is going to try to sell to the voters in those swing states to your point, lawrence, in the end
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we can talk about polling everywhere we want. national polls don't mean anything. how it polls in pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan. >> ainsley: you made a good point, lawrence, you said she is going to try to paint herself as a moderate? that's what joe biden did. and if you look at his voting record, he was much more of a moderate. you look at hers. and she was so far to the left of him. so, it's just astonishing that she thinks she can do this. and the american people won't realize it. >> will: axios report real quick? she knows something. she is not -- if we are being real. she is not making mistakes right now. she is limiting her appeal. >> ainsley: she is not talking. >> will: no that it's the right thing to do. it's the way to win. her name recognition and what people know about her voting history is very low. not everybody watching right now but out there in america, so she gets to create -- i said this the other day she is an ai candidate. she is absolutely a deep fake created three weeks ago.
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>> ainsley: correct. >> will: nothing existed before and gets to create whatever she wants. and that will effect the average casual nonneutral. >> ainsley: we might sound repetitive talking about her record but it's important for the american people to know. we eat breathe and sleep. this we talk about it all the time. the average american doesn't know. >> lawrence: they don't. >> ainsley: my sister is a teacher. she is working all day and comes home and might catch a few shows on fox. >> brian: most ingenious thing ever inflation reduction act does not touch inflation. joe biden said that afterwards. they already showing that the deceptive. number two is the reason why it's so dangerous for the trump team, is that normally, kamala harris comes out like she did in 2019. states her statements and other democrats tore her up. and then she gets blown up by tulsi gabbard and others on that stage. >> ainsley: first to drop out wasn't she in december. >> brian: she couldn't run an organization. couldn't handle the money. no leadership. one of the quotes was, in the book the amateur by charlie spiering. one of the quotes was as one of
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these women's resinsdz worked on three campaigns. this campaign had no direction. had no leadership, and no -- there was no team work aspect to it. and that's, remember, instead of the democrats vetting each other. she has 25 days to be anyone she wants to be. and is up to the voter out there to say that's not good enough for me. i'm going to -- until further notice, i'm going to judge her on what she did with joe biden and what she said she was going to do if she won the presidency. >> lawrence: one way you further that narrative is i thought the press conference from the former president was great. he talked about policy. i loved him bringing out the element so people could see price of goods going down. the lipps of that but i think it's only so many of those that you can do. how i would further it is, when you look at the fox polling, everyone is talking about their desperation, how bad things are. but, when you look at how they view the country, they feel like maybe, perhaps, people may be doing better than they are. if you are going to do these town hall things like or a press
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conferences, you need to have the american people ask you questions. how are you going to fix these things? go back and forth with it. you need to highlight fat people that are feeling pain, they are not the only ones that are feeling it. >> ainsley: look, if you are a mom and doing the grocery shopping, which i do for my family, and i -- and i look at inflation and i look at the prices in the grocery store and i ask her what are you going to do about my grocery prices, and she says i'm going to go to your grocery store and get mad at them for price gouging, you ask donald trump he says i'm going to lower inflation. >> lawrence: that's right. >> ainsley: prices across the board no matter where you are shopping. >> lawrence: go after energy. >> ainsley: her energy prices when she was vice president. energy is up 33%. donald trump is was much lower. that's up 33% from donald trump. >> brian: in pennsylvania, there is a pause on new leasesment and drilling in pennsylvania: right now. if it means so much to the people of pennsylvania. just ask. >> ainsley: exactly. >> brian: who did that? joe biden did that. kamala harris signed off on it.
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that that's more 2 point margin in that state. >> lawrence: yep. >> will: more on the investigation of matthew perry's death. five people including two doctors killed in the deadly ketamine overdose happened nearly one year ago. >> ainsley: chanley painter is here with the details. >> two doctors and three others now being held responsible for their parts in the actor's fatal overdose 10 months ago. three of the five defendants have already agreed to plead guilty to various drug conspiracy and distribution counts, including perry's long time personal assistant who injected perry with the lethal dose causing his death in october of last year. well, according to the indictment. kenneth iiwamasa purchased the drugs master chef on the late star admitted to injecting perry ketamine without medical training including 27 shots during the last five days of perry's life. iwamasa faces 15 years behind bars. authorities say one of the doctors arrested yesterday
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helped distribute 20 violates of ketamine worth $55,000 to perry. and wrote in text messages, quote: i wonder how much this moron will pay. the source of those deadly drug supplies, gentlem ja svenn sang. >> thee took advantage of mr. perry's addiction issues to enrich themselves. >> as perry's addiction grew, he wanted more, and he wanted it faster and cheaper. that is how he ended up buying from street dealers who sold the ketamine that ultimately led to hishis death. >> keith morrison released this statement we were and still are heart broken by matthew's death but it has helped to know law enforcement has taken his case very seriously. we look forward to justice taking its course. and yesterday the ketamine queen
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pleaded not guilty in court. and is being held without bail if she is convicted of all of those felony charges, she faces a maximum of life behind bars. guys? >> ainsley: all right, chanley, thank you so much. let's hand it over to carley for more headlines. >> carley: new overnight, north carolina authorities have arrested a escaped murderers ramon austin after nearly three day long manhunt. austin will now be charged with felony escape from prison and placed in a high security state prison. he escaped police custody on tuesday as he arrived at a hospital for an appointment. he was convicted in 2018 for killing a 1-year-old girl on christmas in 2015. mayor eric adams hit with another round of subpoenas part of a corruption crob 2021 campaign finances. back in july investigators requested text messages and other communications. the probe is also looking into his travel arrangements for a trip to china and campaign
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fundraising. city hall and adams' 2021 mayoral campaign committee also received subpoenas. adams office told fox news digital he is fully cooperating with this investigation. and oh boy, more drama in dal tan, illinois. as mayor tiffany henyard reappointed the fired deputy police chief whose name is lewis lacey after he was placed on leave for federal bankruptcy fraud charges. lacy also allegedly made $200,000 in overtime pay despite not being eligible to receive it. average american citizen $304,000 on degree, rent, groceries and materials like books. it also finds the costliest place to go to the college is in columbia university, new york city, of course, which costs $514,000 for four years. on the on the other hand, utah's
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bringham young university is less expensive at least $140,000. and those are your headlines. half a mil columbia. >> ainsley: i was focused on how much columbia was. put the graphic back up. >> >> carley: i don't have a screen. >> ainsley: nyu, georgetown and hard makes that sense. >> brian: charging that much with endowment. don't have to get one dollar from anybody. he most people going to harvard are loaded. >> ainsley: most people who get into harvard are loaded? >> brian: aren't they? come on, let's be honest. >> jordan peterson starting his own institute $2,000 a year. and university of austin. you see what they are doing out there. >> lawrence: conservative tech companies. >> brian: coming together and charge unbelievably low and get the whole woke attitude out of it. the anti-woke university. >> ainsley: some of these states are doing it. i don't know if they do it up
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north but in the south they do life scholarship if you make a's and b's you don't pay tuition. >> lawrence: some colleges do that in texas. >> brian: weird thing is i think there are so many colleges they are upping their tuition to stay alive or the ones like harvard, yale and nyu are charging whatever because they know they gotgot -- >> lawrence: a lot of pro-hamas. >> will: a lot of money to be surrounded by fire. >> brian: a lot of money why would you go to those schools? >> will: cease-fire talks are set to resume today without hamas. >> brian: general jack keane joins us on the negotiations at u.s. warns iran that they could attack israel in the coming days and they will have a response. ♪ protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those
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representative from hamas and egypt representing hamas and then bringing back those messages to the militant group. but here last night in israel, this was the scene in some of the streets in tel aviv. families of the hostages gather protesting and demanding that israeli government agree to this deal on the table. 115 hostages remain in gaza, including at least five americans who are potentially still believed to be alive. families of the hostages argue that this could be their final hope to get them home. >> otherwise, it might be very, very hard to bring them back. and in the middle east, war with iran and lebanon and hezbollah. hostages might be negligented. >> hamas last night released a statement saying that any deal would need to be a complete cease-fire, a withdrawal from gaza. return of the hostages. a return of displaced people and a hostage exchange so there is still a lot to work out. until then, the idf says it's
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ordering new evacuations in the southern city of khan younis and also new violence in the west bank masked israeli settlers stormed the village in the northern part of the west bank setting homes and vehicles on fire. at least one palestinian is dead. the israeli military says it has arrested one person, the white house and the israeli government condemned this attack but it also comes as the u.s. and other european countries have called on israel to do more in this region and to prevent further violence. now, as far as these ongoing cease-fire talks, there is a lot of attention and scrutiny that will be on these conversations. we have hear have heard from u.. officials there has been some progress no. breakthrough just yet. other diplomatic efforts currently underway. right now there is the french and the u.k. foreign ministers here in israel. there is also the ejinx foreign minister currently in lebanon. brian? >> brian: all right, alex, thanks so much. so much going on. and you kept your concentration with the raging sirens in the background. appreciate it. i guess you get used to it.
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30 minutes before the top of the hour. let's expand on this and bring in general jack keane retired four star fox news senior strategic analyst chairman for the institute of the study of war. general, these talks, where do you think they are heading? do you think both sides are ready? >> well, i certainly know that hamas is not ready, they actually flagged that. you know, they don't have the negotiator there participating. they were participating, you know, through third parties which i think gives you a sense of where they are coming from. i mean, netanyahu has had a deal on the table going all the way back since last november, you know, when we actually had a hostage prisoner exchange. and the obstacle to that has been sinwar. the head of hamas inside of gaza. and because you just heard it right now. i mean, he wants a complete withdrawal from gaza. answered wants a permanent cease-fire. there's no way that the israelis
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can agree to something like that. given the fact that there is thousands of hamas fighters that are still alive and still effective as a force inside gaza, despite the 10 months that of war that's taken place. people may be exhausted by the whole idea of the war. but the reality is if israel gave into that. and let hamas survive. they will declare victory and what happens going to happen? they are going to reattack in a earth math months at their convenience, when they rearmed and regrouped. that's the reality of what netanyahu is facing. and that kind of a deal. he is not going to take it. >> brian: he wants permanent forces we understand and the philadelphia corridor and that celebrates gaza from egypt. that's where all the arms come in. that's where a lot of terrorists come in through those tunnels that have since been busted up. what do you believe, general, the iff says they have killed 56% of hamas fighters. that's about 30,000. the u.s. intelligence says we only -- they only killed between
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20 and 30%. where's the truth? >> well, i don't know for sure. but i will put my money on the israelis who are doing the fighting and obviously dealing with bodies on the regular basis. so, i will go with where they are. and, most of what we have seen, you know, so far in reporting i believe they are more accurate than not. and that's where my judgment is. >> let's go ukraine if we can and now one of the most significant things that's happened since russia started this whole invasion was it looks like the ukrainians are inside russia territory in the kursk region. taken 38 towns we understand. at least 100 prisoners, a lot of them just giving themselves up, and they are not moving. they are staying there. this is the first breech of russian territory since world war ii. what's the risk? was this move worth the risk? >> you know, i definitely think. so i think strategically what is
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going on with zelenskyy and his military leaders is they believe that the world thinks that this -- the war is a stalemate. and, you know, i published an war isw people in the "new york post" recently. you know, two-page article describing the fact that it's not a stalemate and why. but, i think what this is all about strategically setting the stage that this war is really very much going on. they were in a defense, certainly, the ukrainians, but actually pushing back russia successfully in terms of what their operational objectives have been. despite the fact that they don't have all the munitions and weapons they need. russia has tried to crush the ukrainian people with a massive air campaign because we don't -- the ukrainians don't have all the interceptors that they need because of the political delay in the united states. but they have not crushed the ukrainian people. the other thing that's happened is ukraine, without a navy, has
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pushed russia's nea out of the black sea. so they can export their grain. really something quite remarkable. and that will be a chapter in the history of this war to be sure. in terms of their accomplishment. so, here what they're saying, they need support continued, by the united states and the europeans. and i think strategically, this sets the stage and tells everybody, look it, this war is not over by a long shot. and look what the ukrainians are doing here. they are taking advantage of russia's weakness and their long border because they are, what? they're bold, they are imaginative, and they are very determined. that's, i think, is the strategic objective. militarily, they are forcing the ukrainians to reposition from the offensive they are taking to stop the bleeding here inside of russia. and then i think it's a huge boost of morale, brian. you know, for ukrainian forces. and it pokes russia and putin in the eye here psychologically and emotionally. because they are sitting inside
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of russia with a fair amount of forces. that is undermining putin. >> brian: yeah, general, thanks so much. did i watcher video on international news program. the ukrainians are so happy to be on the offensive. no doubt about it. thanks so much, general, have a great weekend. appreciate it. just meanwhile. >> yeah, you too, and the fox team. >> brian: you got it, thank you, sir. meanwhile coming up on one nation, i hope everyone watches 9:00 on saturday night. dr. jordan peterson lead me off. ms. universe married to tim tebow. great message. book on aaron rodgers phenomenal. and great carley shimkus will break down how the media went wrong this week. don't miss a minute. meanwhile on this show still to come. see problem with the border. saying the blame lies with biden and harris. we'll explain. ♪
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>> adam: hurricane ernesto category 2. winds barreling down on the island of bermuda. likely seeing impacts over tonight into heller early tomorrow morning. not necessarily a landfall but that's still a potential. you are looking at hurricane warning as we are going to see that storm pass over the island. otherwise, how are we going to impact the united states. this stays well offshore but we are expecting some extremely choppy waters, dangerous rip currents at the east coach beaches the next couple days. those are your headlines. forever now tossing it over to you lawrence and ainsley. >> ainsley: thank you, adam. >> lawrence: ainsley, new fox news polls are out trump has sizeable lead over harris immigration and the border. 87% of say border is emergency and major problem. >> ainsley: that's right. 71% of voters say the biden-harris administration is responsible for the border
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crisis. fox news national correspondent griff jenkins is here to react. griff, if this is true. the number one issue is economy, inflation, number two what we are hearing or seeing in polls is the border, trump looks like he would do really well in this election. >> good morning, lawrence and ainsley connect dots, not surprising that 9 in 10 americans are deeply concerned about the border because of the deluge of daily incidents of migrant crime that we are seeing. look, the officials knew, this administration knew three and a half years ago when they started mass releasing people it included single adult males that this would be the result. a public safety issue and a national security issue. just look at yesterday, we learned on wednesday, ice arrested a peruvian gang member wanted for 23 murders. he is the head of loss killers the most dangerous gang in peru. illegally crossed in may in texas. two months later they realized after he had been released on a
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notice to appear that they needed to bring him into custody. when they took him into custody, ice did what they had to do to secure the community from that threat. and, remember, harris back in 2020 in an interview said that she wanted to start from scratch. essentially eliminating ice. but don't stop there, this week alone we have seen the haitian migrant that raped a pregnant woman, another haitian migrant that raped a teenage girl in a massachusetts hotel. he came through the legal pathway that chnv. you got the senegalese migrant raped a woman on a park bench. american people aren't blind and seeing, ainsley, the results, the consequences in some cases horrific, tragic and deadly consequences of the policies with respect to the border that this administration has applied. >> lawrence: griff, obviously you just talked about the criminal element of this issue. but another part of that is when it comes to the drugs that are coming across the border. and that's effecting every major
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american city. and you got a new fox nation special about that. >> griff: that's right. thanks, lawrence. it's called fentanyl, america's quiet killer. look, fentanyl is the deadliest drug threat the u.s. has ever faced. it's been years in the making. it touches every single town in every state in this nation. here's a little sample of our special that's live now on fox nation. >> griff: it's cheap, potent, and addictive, and it's silently rips our nation apart. >> in that moment had i known, i wouldn't have let go. >> griff: this is fentanyl, america's quiet killer. >> griff: that's andrea thomas, a grieving mother. we also interviewed the dea administrator ann in an exclusive interview. along with the head of the cbp troy miller that walks us through the battle against the cartels in mexico and trying to stop that supply chain that starts in china. >> ainsley: gosh, those stories break my heart.
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all it takes is one mistake. one child who orders it on social media. >> lawrence: the back of an eraser of a pencil can kill you that's all it takes. >> griff: just 2 milligrams of fentanyl powder could kill you. that's about the weight of a miss ceeted toe, guys. >> ainsley: you have to talk to your kids but, i mean, we all did stupid things. >> lawrence: don't experiment. >> ainsley: you cannot do drugs at all. you don't know where it came from. exactly. >> griff: i will just add. this on a personal noted, i just this week dropped off my 18-year-old daughter at college. and i told her, i said, listen, i want you to have fun. do what all the kids are doing, don't do drugs. but, most importantly, don't take a pill. because the cartels are making pills that look like adderall or xanax or anything that kids might experiment with they make these fentanyl pills. and in a moment's notice, you're dead. >> ainsley: don't take a drink from someone unless it's a bartender. do not take a drink from a guy. >> lawrence: if you get a drink
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don't pick it back up. >> ainsley: you don't know what they put in it. >> lawrence: griff, catch your special on fox nation. fentanyl, america's quiet killer. available now on fox nation. >> ainsley: all right, the all-american summer concert series continues with warren zeiders and he joins us next. come on over, warren. ♪ with the cards i have been dealt ♪ ♪ ♪ the cards i've been dealt. ♪es w esn't spy on your searches and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. (♪)
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>> will: is he a country music star who is topping the charts and taking social media by storm. >> brian: is he coming to a city right near you on upcoming relapse tour 2025. >> lawrence: all on the heels of new album. >> brian: look at that schedule have you signed off on this. >> ainsley: night after that. >> april 3rd, 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th, 12th. great warren zeiders joins us now. great to see you. >> great catch. appreciate that. >> ainsley: sorry. i'm sure it happens a lot. we love you. we love your music. >> brian: she walked in playing it today. >> ainsley: did i this morning. and brian is now a country music fan, and he's like y'all are going to love him. you are going to love him. he is the greatest guy. >> brian: you are excited not
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only what you are doing with yourself on with jelly roll the relapse tour. >> jelly roll tour beautifully broken tour. shout out to jelly roll for bringing me out. since i have been touring headlining dates since i started. new experience for me for being a direct support for jelly roll, but, great exposure, great experience. going to be a lot of crossover of fans. so i'm really excited for stepping into some big arenas. >> will: i think it's fair to say biggest country music fan on the couch. you had rocket boosters on your career here the last couple of years. when i first found you on social media and now your pretty little poison this tour. is it fair to say you broke through on social media and now you have become a country music star. >> i would definitely say social media and also say god is good. >> ainsley: all the time. >> all the time. i think for me, it started on social media during covid. and, honestly, in the music industry, there is the, you know, tiktok artist kind of
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thing stigma going around. and i definitely had that on my back for some time. but i think now more than ever wake up and realize no i'm an actual artist doing this thing. i just happened to get broke in on social media. >> lawrence: got a new album getting ready to come out? >> yeah. the relapse -- actually want to say this live on air relapse the project coming out in august. for people watching there is a lot more music coming. i'm calling it the project. not the official album. >> brian: are you writing most of it. >> yes, yes. on this -- on the songs coming out here in august. i think there is maybe one i didn't write. everybody knows chris stapleton. it's one of his songs that he wrote 13 years ago. >> will: nice. >> ainsley: lawrence was asking you about your cowboy hat and the toothpicks. >> yep. >> ainsley: tell us what you were saying during the commercial break. >> toothpicks represent each generation of the cowboy hat through my phases of putting out music and album cycles and whatever phase i am. in i have had a red hat and green hat for the poison area.
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for the color of the rose. i think a lot in-depth when it comes to marketing. that's my background is that. that definitely has helped. >> ainsley: one toothpick for season. >> every kind of cowboy hat. fifth one i had had a brown one, colored one so yeah. >> brian: grew up in pennsylvania and have that cowboy instinct in you. >> i think. so what is funny people here up north and whatever, or like when i was whether i'm in nashville where did you find a country boy from pennsylvania? i'm like you guys do realize that country doesn't just exist in the south, right? so, for me, growing up i grew up behind my grandparent's house. i was always in the garage with my grandfather riding dirt bikes, go carts, hunting. i definitely think it was instilled. >> brian: you qualify. >> thanks, man. i got your approval. i appreciate that. >> will: relapse tour go to war wen there is how you spell his last name at the bottom of the screen. put in his name warren
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