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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 16, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> bill: see you, brian. >> dana: before we go, the tsa is sending off one of its most dedicated members in style, bomb sniffing dog. retiring after a career spent keeping people safe at chicago o'hare airport, sharing her with tennis balls and other toys as she will live at home with her handler, congratulations and thank you to her. what a good girl she is. percy would be so excited with all of the tennis balls. >> bill: i will be landing at o'hara later today. >> dana: will you go dancing for me? >> bill: i will see you a week from now in chicago. >> dana: brit hume is going to join us on sunday, so that's something for us to look forward to you. michael whatley from the rnc with a little counter programming. >> bill: who knows what we will get. >> dana: good luck to the bangles though. here is harris. >> harris: this fox news
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alert, we are just hours away from hearing vice president kamala harris' economic pitch. it's her first major policy speech since landing at the top of the democrat ticket 26 days ago. critics are not impressed to say the least. this is "the faulkner focus," i am dagen mcdowell and for harris, we are hearing it over and over and over again, americans are hurting. >> groceries are terrible. i mean, i can't watch out of there with $200. i get nothing. >> trying to keep going, it's been rough. >> child care is one. mortgages another, and then honestly groceries. >> sometimes it's paycheck to paycheck. >> the cost of everything is up. >> dagen: harris' team released her plan to tackle painful process ahead of her speech later. the main push is "to advance the first-ever federal band on price
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gouging on food and groceries, analysts, lawmakers, economists all say this would spell disaster. can you say price controls? one opinion headline calls the plan dangerous. a farce, some other takes, a soviet union approach to inflation. should terrify every american, big government on steroids, economic lunacy, marxists, and this from the former president donald trump. >> she is running on the maduro plan, we call it the madero plan like something straight out of venezuela or the soviet union. this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country. and beyond that, a catastrophe in the world. >> dagen: senior white house correspondent jacqui heinrich is in raleigh, north carolina, ahead of the speech.
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hey! >> hey, dagen. addressing a top voter concern, inflation and the economy goes through what president biden has called for with the housing supply and health costs, but excessive grocery prices by expanding the authority of the ftc is getting mixed reviews. her campaign says the first-ever federal ban on grocery price gouging will protect consumers from corporate greed. but a "washington post" opinion columnist rights at best this would lead to shortages, black markets and hoarding among other distortions seen in previous times they tried to limit price growth and it might accidentally raise prices. and critics say it is a poor solution to a problem that she helped because their unbridled government spending and excessive industry regulation. house budget chair jodi aaron says government is not the solution here. government is the problem. >> they have been squeezing the
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supply side which is really the problem, right? it is the energy costs, it is the labor shortage. we have a lower job participation rate today than we did pretty covid to because this administration unilaterally, by the way along with the "inflation reduction act expanded welfare and waived work requirements. >> there are reports that she would distance herself from the economic policies but released a statement last hour celebrating their anniversary of the inflation reduction act for which he passed the tie-breaking senate votes and joe biden says there is no daylight between them now or in the future. >> how much would it bother you that vice president harris might go for political fees and start to distance herself from your economic -- >> she is not going to. >> president trump says looser regulations on energy and corporate tax cuts will help
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bring down costs for americans, and that got a nod from america's largest meat trade organization which said in a statement this morning that there is a direct correlation between the energy and regulation policies under the current administration and high consumer prices. we do expect harris to probably lean into this contrast when she speaks this afternoon. but she will frame it differently, dagen. >> dagen: jacqui heinrich, thank you so much for that. a loads of criticism for the vice presidents price capping control plan as this is coming from the right, left, and the center. that left leaning "washington post" columnist that jackie mentioned with this when your opponent calls you communist, maybe you don't propose price controls. it is hard to exaggerate how bad kamala harris is price gouging proposal is. an opinion piece in "the new york post" titled "the economic choice in this election
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is stark, bigger opportunity or bigger state. a new fox polling shows a majority of voters trust former president trump more than vice president harris to handle the economy. ari fleischer, fox news contributor a former house press secretary is here. i understand being intoxicated by all of the cheering crowds that she has faced, but is she so overcome with her own sense of awesomeness that she thinks she can sell food shortages and bear store shelves to the american voter? >> you know, dagen when people label her dangerously liberal, this is exactly why. this is what they think they should do is use the power of the government to set prices in america as opposed to you, me, the private sector setting the price for something we want to buy. if it's too high we don't buy it, if it's too low, there's too much demand, inflation. she wants the government to do it. that's never worked anywhere. but it does work in showing you
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who kamala harris is. and she is exactly who she said she was in 2019 when she ran for president. the most left-wing liberal candidate you can imagine and it will ooze out of her during this campaign even though she tries to run from it and hide it is coming out today and the price gouging speech. >> dagen: wall street editorial board and a piece titled how it left most americans behind says harrises promised the same economic policies with a shinier countenance. don't expect better results. based on just a single proposal and jumping off of what you said, she is further left and more dangerous fiscally and economically and financially to americans who have -- whose wages have declined 4 percent under joe biden and kamala harris than joe biden himself was.
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>> you know, we have all heard the expression you get what you pay for and of course that makes sense, it's called life. what joe biden and kamala harris now on steroids want to do is get what you don't pay for. she's going to forgive them a more student loan debt today. she's going to announce a $25,000 credit for home buying. she is going to just give away money that the government does not have in an attempt to win boats. but it backfires, that's a problem with it. this is a definitional issue of who she has. it reinforces everything about her being on the far left side of the spectrum, away from free markets and more for government control of the spending decisions we make while giving people things for free and we all know that there is no such thing as for free. but the proposal she will announce today about even more student loan debt, all that does is make blue-collar workers who did not go to college pay the bills for people who do go to college and don't want to pay their own bills.
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it is just wrong. who would raise a child to think that that's how you are supposed to live in life? this is what liberals do when big government people do. this is who kamala harris is showing herself to be. >> dagen: and it is -- and pardon the expression, it is a middle finger to the roughly 85% of americans who have no student loan debt. no college debt at all. and that's what so -- it's a hand out to the people who don't need it, and you are burdening people who did not get that opportunity or pay their own way. i want to get to this, this is one headline, kamala harris seeks to unburden herself of the biden record, kevin o'leary says that would be in her best interest. listen to this. >> the strategy is bash big business, bash energy, bash farm, bash agate, bash everything, then she has a left us again and can't win the
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election. so my prediction is and we will know more next week after the convention, she has to get rid of biden. i understand that heritage thing and everything, but she has to distance herself from biden->> narrator: 's. that's radio waste for voters. if she does not bring some daylight in and go to the center, she will just lose. >> dagen: there is no indication that she will do that, and she can't do that because she is jumping off point is biden-nymex. >> i thought it was interesting that president biden said she won't do that, but here's what we know about kamala harris, she has distance herself from herself, she has distance herself from all of the positions in 2019 and 2020 about having single-payer medical care for all, confiscate your guns, no fracking. every position she has taken she has distance herself from herself, and also from her boss. so what does it tell you about the character of somebody who distances themselves from their
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boss and themselves. you can tell when kamala harris is announcing the policy that she will quickly abandon when she says day one -- or she says, no question. when she answers with those words, she is about to abandon the policy she was just four. and because other than being such a left-wing progressive when she can get away with it, the only thing she is interested in is winning. and so was the democratic base, they will forgive her for not having any firm stance. but i'm not sure it works with independents or at the trump campaign. they have to illustrate all of these changes in position of flip-flop center lack of character to be able to distance herself from her boss and herself. >> dagen: moving on to this, right now judge juan mershon is weighing president trump's legal team request that he delay sentencing for the 34 guilty counts until after the election.
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they say that september 18th today shows "naked election interference" judge mershon is also expected to decide by december 16th whether or not to cross the guilty verdict after the supreme court's decision for the president have some immunity for official acts. trump yesterday tore into the law for or against him. >> they want to put me in prison, just so you understand, they tell me i should be nice, they want to put me in prison. it has never happened before in the history of our country, i did nothing wrong. i have crooked judges. i have cricket prosecutors. and they are all democrats. >> dagen: merchan has denied three request from trump's lawyers to recruit himself over the government party. sean duffy with me yesterday. >> he should remove himself from the case, but if that happens, dagen, we might get a fair and
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impartial judge. he can't let that happen. he has a political and vendetta against donald trump so he wants to keep this case so he can extract some pain from president trump. not because of the law. not because of what donald trump did, but because of politics. that's what this is all about. so be on the three other criminal cases against president trump are all stalled right now with almost no chance of significant progress before the election. ari, how do you see this playing out with judge merchan? >> yes, dagen, it's fascinating because a lot of americans thought this had come and gone, that these legal cases peaked in the summer and now we are going to go back to what american democracy is supposed to be witches two candidates duking it out and leaving it to the people. and all of a sudden we are reminded, oh, yeah, possible sentencing. i've always brace myself for donald trump going to prison. i've always thought that's what judge merchan would do and they should not rule that out, whether he they will do it given
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the supreme court case is a big f here, but if he has his way and disregards the supreme court's ruling, he is going to sentence donald trump or prison. i don't think there's any doubt about that. and it will backfire. this is where the democrats have been wrong all year ever since they started to indict him a couple of years ago. they thought this would get rid of donald trump and it only made him stronger. that's the political back fire that results from when one party interferes with an election by trying to use legal means to get the other guy off the ballot. you don't do that at the presidential level. you leave it up to the people. that's where this needs to be settled in a free and fair election this november. but i don't know what judge merchan will do, but i know who he is and he wants to put donald trump in prison. >> dagen: legal warfare, calling it law fair does not hit it hard enough. ari fleischer, thank you so much, sir. terrific to see you. >> thank you, dagen. it's been on our border and who exactly is coming across it.
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as a top issue for voters this november. authorities arrested at least six more illegal migrants accused of horrific violent crimes in our cities. plus five people including two doctors arrested in connection to a friend's actor matthew perry's overdose death last year. the department laying out the shocking cruelty uncovered. >> we are not talking about legitimate had a mean treatment. we are talking about two doctors who abuse the trust they had. abuse their licenses to put another person's life life at risk. no one should have to choose between good vision and great value. that's why america's best is slashing their prices. during the wise buys sales event, get two progressives and a comprehensive eye exam for just $129.95.
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>> dagen: new information showing the shocking cruelty surrounding after matthew perry's death. nearly a year later. authority is arresting five
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people in connection to it including two doctors in his personal assistant. prosecutors charging them with suppressing the dash supplying the ketamine that led to the overdose. the personal assistant and two others have artie pled guilty te drugs. department of justice officials speaking on that case yesterday. >> these defendants took advantage of mr. perry's addiction issues to enrich themselves. they knew what they were doing was wrong, they knew what they were doing was risking great danger to mr. perry, but they did it anyways. in the end, these defendants were more interested in profiting off of mr. perry then caring for his well-being. >> dagen: matt finn is in los angeles with much more, i read the entire indictment and it really is horrifying. >> so did i, dagen and when the tragic news broke last year that matthew perry died here in
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southern california with ketamine in his system, all questions rose, and now law enforcement says that the death can be blamed on a diabolical criminal ring including two doctors who sold academy into the actor for outrageous prices and ended up killing him. >> matthew perry sought treatment for depression and anxiety, and went to a local clinic where he became addicted to intravenous ketamine. when clinic doctors refused to increase his dosage, he turned to unscrupulous doctors who saw perry as a way to make quick money. >> so how much money law enforcement says bought $55,000 worth of ketamine from this drug ring in just two months. the street dealers were charging. $2,000 for a vial that cost a doctor 12 bucks. five suspects were charged with a list of federal crimes, each facing up to 120 years in prison
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if convicted. now two of the defendants are doctors. one of them appeared in court thursday and pleaded not guilty, and other san diego physician dr. mark chavez has agreed to plead guilty. >> saw this as an opportunity to profit off of mr. peery. he wrote in a text message in september of 2023 "i wonder how much this will pay." >> the drug ring involve the ketamine queen, jazzman sangha who pleaded not guilty accused of previously sellable selling ketamine to someone who died from taking it. authorities say his live in assistant injected the actor with ketamine several times till the day he died last october. that assistant has pled guilty. matthew perry was just 54 years old when he passed away. dagen. >> dagen: matt finn, thank you so much. a harsh spotlight on migrant crime as immigration is a top
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issue for voters. authorities arrested at least six illegal migrants accused of heinous and violent crimes just this week. one of them a peruvian gang leader want to for 23 murders also a haitian migrant who allegedly raped a pregnant woman. fox news polling showing 40% of voters think the situation at the southern border is an emergency. 43% say it's a major problem. in 2021, president biden assigned kamala harris to lead white house efforts to address migration challenges, g.o.p. lawmakers say she did the opposite. >> kamala harris has her fingerprints on all of the destruction we see and voted against title 42 when she was in the senate and has done nothing to quell the invasion of the southern border. >> dagen: peter doocy is at the white house with much more. hey, peter. >> the vice president is still
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in charge of the root causes of migration to the southern border. so she does on paper still have some skin in the game when a peruvian guy wanted for 23 murders back home crosses the southern border gets arrested, but then released for more than three months. i.c.e. just pick this man from a gang in peru called blow scalars up in upstate new york. >> where has she been? and why has she not done it? why hasn't she done it? i hear her complaining all the time. she was the borders are, but she did not do anything. the worst borders are in history. >> white house officials are not breaking through very effectively with their argument that the border is just a problem, because donald trump tanked a border deal at 71% of voters in the new fox poll sais joe biden's lack of enforcement is to blame for the southern border's problems and expect avp
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to highlight her time before she was in charge of the root causes on the trail. >> so i was attorney general of the border state, i went after the transnational gangs, the drug cartels, and human traffickers. i prosecuted them in case after case, and i won. >> that was then, this is now. she will be in battleground north carolina later. president biden is going to be in battleground pennsylvania later on this afternoon, but officials have not told us what exactly he will be doing in philadelphia before heading to camp david for the week. dagen. speed on what's going on? what are you in philadelphia for other than cheesesteaks, made to be. peter doocy, thank you so much. great to see you. democrat voters could be more excited over president biden not being the candidates than they are about the vice president now being at the top of the ticket. polling experts say that could be behind her bump in the polls.
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plus vp harris and her running mate released a video chat chat, and critics say it was beyond cringe. ♪ ♪ >> i think i have white guy tacos. >> what's that like mayonnaise and tuna? >> ground beef and cheese. >> that's okay, do you put any flavoring in it? >> no. >> here's the deal. >> dagen: so they will talk to each other on camera, but it's 26 days and still no formal interview from vice president harris. power panel next. i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs,
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i mean it. >> dagen: president biden appearing with vice president harris yesterday for the first time since he dropped out of the white house race. he made it clear that he is staying in office amid some pressure for him to resign. a new fox poll shows that about two-thirds of voters preferred that biden finished his term. another found that many don't feel that he is in control even 29% of democrats say biden is somewhat or not involved in critical decision-making. that lack of enthusiasm for the president among his own party on full display yesterday with dozens of attendees got up and left that event yesterday after vice president harris handed the podium over to president biden. cnn political director with t this. >> i think that one display we saw why democrats are so thrilled that joe biden is not
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their candidate anymore, just from his performance and his ability to complete thoughts and it was a fine -- i'm not suggesting he had a meltdown. i'm just saying you see the 81-year-old man they are relieved that it is longer there standard-bearer for the future. >> dagen: that could be fueling the honeymoon we have seen in the polls, one veteran democratic strategist warning about the momentum saying "anyone who is measuring the drapes at the white house needs a serious reality check. power panel lisa boothe and richard fowler both fox news contributor's. lisa, you have said this that that is why you see this urge for kamala harris just simply because the democrat voters are excited that joe biden is out of the way. so to you first on this with credit. >> thank you, i mean it makes sense, if you switch at the top of the ticket or a switch on the presidential ticket the polling will reflect changes to that dynamic. but beyond that, the reason why
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joe biden won't step down is because kamala harris does not want to have to fully owned dumpster fire that we have seen for the past four years. but the problem for her is that she has cosigned on all of it. she has cosigned on three biggest failures of the biden/harris administration and cosigned as the border czar, the border allowing at least 100 illegal aliens on the terror watch list to be released to the united states. 10 million illegal aliens come into the country. she cosigned on inflation. she was a tie-breaking vote on the inflation reduction act. the american rescue plan as well, she has 33 times she has been the tie-breaking votes. and she also owns the chaos we have seen around the world. she said she was the last person in the room with afghanistan as well, which led to the deaths of 13 service members and the rest of the world not respecting us as well, so she has cosigned on this disastrous pass for years but joe biden does not want to step down because he does not
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want her to fully have to embrace and share full responsibility for this dumpster fire. >> dagen: richard, i want to pick up though on the -- is the excitement and the honeymoon related to the voters just being happy that joe biden stepped back and got off the ticket? and does that mean that kamala harris and walz need to be concerned about the surging polls being fleeting if you will? >> thank you for having me, dagen. i think it's a both and here. i think that democratic voters are excited there is energy at the bottom of the ticket and a younger candidate, both kamala harris and governor walz are age 60 which is a demonstrative difference from someone in their 80s or late 70s. i think that's thing one, and think two because we are in a country that is looking for change, what the sort of split screen looks like is you know, donald trump and j.d. vance running to give you the same and
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kamala harris and governor walz looking to give you something new, something different are transformative. and i think that's why you see voters flocking to the ticket. don't get me wrong, i think there will be bumps and lumps over the next 70 saw them odd days. but the enthusiasm at the beginning of august which is three weeks into this kamala/walz tickets, i think tells you there is no momentum on their side and the potential to bring voters who aren't likely to vote in the 2024 election out to the polls to vote in record number. >> dagen: 26 days. go ahead, lisa and i will move on. >> what you just said makes no sense. she is the vice president. you are not voting for change, you're doubling down. i am not finished, richard, she is directly responsible. she is directly responsible for the disaster that we have seen for the past four years.
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according to gallup, 80% of americans believe that our country is on the wrong track. she bares that responsibility. donald trump has changed before the administration things were good. we do not have this inflation, the border was controlled. we do not have world wars. everything was under control because of her, so she has not changed, she is doubling down. >> dagen: responded that and i want to move on. >> with all due respect i think that folks on the donald trump team want you to talk about the first two years and not the last two years where we saw a country in decline. we saw a country where there were not enough ventilators where we saw hospital system stretched to the limit. where we saw a president telling you to ingest bleach as a way to solve her covid-19 and thousands upon thousands, that was -- no, he actually said that. >> dagen: i saw -- >> so he is responsible for covid? >> no, i'm not saying that. >> dagen: we have to move on.
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to another topic. but i watch him in the briefing room when all that went down, and that's not what you said about bleach. and let's talk about covid and the recovery that this economy was in at the end of 2020 when the economy was growing up 4 percent at the end of 2020 and we did not need seven and a half trillion dollars in new debt spending. 26 days since vice president harris jumped into the white house race and we are still waiting for a formal interview or a news conference while harris and governor tim walz have been avoiding the press, they did find time to sit down and sort of interview each other. >> like i have white guy tacos. >> what does that mean, like mayonnaise and tuna? >> ground beef and cheese. >> that's okay, do you put any flavor or not? >> no -- >> they said to be careful and let her know that black pepper is the top of the spice level in minnesota. >> this is the first vice president who has ever
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grown chili peppers. >> i'm trying to expand my food knowledge. >> dagen: critics popping off, fox news columnist dave marcus posted this isn't cute, walz is being used as a clown to mock white people. another guy said white guys taco may be the weirdest thing you can sneak into a conversation. richard, what was the purpose of this? it was like watching somebody his first date and that's not something that i think anybody wants to watch. >> i think the idea was to show that they are real people and having real conversations, also hearkens back to a video during the pandemic where the senator from california, she was teaching senator michael warner about a tuna melt, there was an internet joke she was continuing there. and i think was rather funny. >> dagen: lease. >> i think they are both weird and very strange people, but i find it even more strange that
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walz continues to lie about his record, stolen valor also lying about being head coach the fact he has visited china 30 times. and turned his state into a sanctuary state for title mutilation in the name of transgender is on. or the fact that he thinks that boys men straight is also very, very strange and very weird. >> i'm just laughing because this laundry list of talking points sounds insane. that sounds weird. >> those are truthful things. speak on glad that we agree that tim walz is a very strange man. >> everything i just said is factual. >> a 2.9% unemployment rate and have expanded early childhood. >> i'm glad we both think he is weird. >> dagen: we have to gent. >> at least we can agree that he is weird. >> dagen: they have to win more than just minnesota. lisa boothe, richard fowler, thank you both. campuses across the nation bracing for a new nation costs
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set to resume. students at columbia university are worried. >> dangerous rhetoric turns into actual danger, right? if there is no accountability, then yeah, i am actually a little bit scared to go back onto campus, because we saw what happened last spring. >> dagen: more than 3100 protesters were arrested on 70 plus campuses in the spring. most of the charges dropped. how are universities planning to address the issue as fall term approaches? and will it work?
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>> colleges and universities there, going loco, they have gone loco. something is wrong with them. never seen us. i never thought this could happen. i will put every single college president on notice and we just lost another one today from columbia. how weak, how pathetic are these people? can you imagine these people running these colleges? they are afraid to say anything even slightly negative to these groups. colleges will end the anti-semitic propaganda or they will lose their accreditation and every single last penny of federal support. >> dagen: president trump on how college officials handled
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the anti-semitic chaos, sometimes violence that erupted in college campuses last spring. he also says that trump administration would not stand for it. we saw a months of violence in anti-jewish hate. many fear it could return as students head back to school. forcing the resignations of four ivy league residue presidents. to the latest, columbia's president just this week. they lead their universities swallowed these surreal scenes played out. [chanting] [chanting "palestine will be free"] >> hamas has challenged the monopoly of violence. you don't have to be a hamas supporter to recognize it. it was exhilarating, it was
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energizing. >> dagen: three of those presidents facing brutal questioning on capitol hill. >> the mobs shouting from the river to the sea palestine will be free or long live the infant toddler? are those anti-semitic statements? yes or no? >> i hear them as such, some people don't. >> at harvard, calling for the of bullying and harassment, yes or no? >> it can be depending on the context. >> why did pan professor lead students in chanting there is only one solution and to vada, revolution. >> our approach to speech is as identified follows and is guided by the united states constitution, which allows for robust perspectives. >> dagen: there is still serious questions about whether administrators are ready or even willing to do what it takes to
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protect jewish students. senior correspondent william la jeunesse is live at ucla where a federal judge ruled that the school cannot exclude jewish people from any areas of the campus. william. >> well, dagen, you are right, ucla is on notice that they can allow these protesters to harass students or stop them from going to class. and because this is a federal judge, other universities know that there are legal consequences as well, right? if they let these protests get out of control, and remember, taxpayers are also on the hook. get this, you see schools, berkeley, ucla, san diego irvine spending $28 million trying to put down these "peaceful protest." ucla alone spend $400,000 to clean up the graffiti and the damage done. we spoke to one jewish student who believes because of this judges ruling who said that the
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university knowingly and forced a jewish exclusion zone, this year things will improve. >> i feel more comfortable going into this next quarter with the ruling. >> every school in the country knows that if you allow this to happen to the on your campus you are violating civil rights laws. >> so that's where we are today, two weeks before the fall semester, colleges are bracing for more of these anti-israel protests who say that they are not letting up. what will colleges do differently? here is an example. harvard says they are probably going to be an overnight camping and unapproved signs, the university of indiana stating 25 people away from the campus of any building, columbia closing the campus to students only, and others may be intense, amplified music, banners, and projected lights and bullhorns. so the take away is what they are trying to do is to take away the tools and the tactics if you will, limits where these people can do their protests. that may help.
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south florida may actually require students to get 30 days prior a permit for their protest. texas governor abbott said he will require universities to discipline students who demonstrate anti-semitic behavior. >> it is unacceptable for example for universities to create so-called free speech zones that are 2 miles away from campus that would be unacceptable, but conversely, it would be equally unacceptable to allow demonstrations throughout the night, and encampments blocking access to key classes. >> so dagen, the bottom line is this and i think you mention it. students arrested for trespassing, most of them got away with a slap on the wrist, may be probation, but no expulsion and no suspension, if you will. and that's where a lot of -- and i talked to dean of students who said that she said to
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student groups, listen, here are the rules of the road. this is protected speech, this is not. but you and i know that things can happen differently when these things start. back to you. >> dagen: william la jeunesse, thank you so much. adam lehman is joining me. president and ceo of all international, student at university of san diego where we saw protests like this and also the chair of the leadership network, showing protests on your campus from the spring, good to see you both. what do you expect to see this fall? will this ruling, this court ruling have an impact? because these individuals were not punished. >> yes, absolutely, i think that the university is a little bit more prepared for this coming year, and -- but i think that the real problem is within the classroom. we see this on library walk in
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public spaces, but i think that there is not enough done within the classroom. there is a lot of anti-israel propaganda happening in arts and humanities classes, which is really important to address and they have not yet. >> dagen: and adam come on that note it was not just the dean of columbia. there were three columbia additional dean's who had to resign after a text thread was exposed where they were mocking panelists on a campus antisemitism panel. it's disgusting the way that these schools have knowingly indoctrinated students into hating the jewish people and hating israel. >> yeah, i mean, there is absolutely an issue of pervasive ideology as you said, dagen, that demonizes israel in ways that no other country on earth is demonized and perpetuates the
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idea that jewish students, just by virtue of their identity are somehow guilty of crimes. but i want to reinforce what we heard from the students at ucla and who is doing a wonderful job as our share of israel network. we do expect fewer issues this fall and we expect that number one because as your report demonstrated, many responsible universities have taken affirmative steps to actually strengthen and improve policies. the rubble hit the road in terms of enforcement of policies, but i was on a zoom yesterday where we were talking through with 100 administrators what they can do to effectively enforce policy and just number two -- >> dagen: adam, we have to jump. i apologize. we will bring you both back it, thank you so much. "outnumbered" after the break.
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