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tv   America Reports  FOX News  August 16, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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gun, that isn't what makes you masculine unless it is tim walz holding a rifle, then masculinity is back. that's what gets me and i find so condescending. i'm from west virginia. it was a democratic stronghold for the longest time, now it is turning red and not because people are masculine are not. it has nothing to do with it and it cracks me up and i find it all kind of silly. >> well, i don't look at tim walz and think the picture of masculinity, but i will say, the campaign is smart and strategic enough to realize they do have a spot they need to fill in that is with young men peered i don't think this is going to fill it, but they recognize that. again, the trump campaign needs to realize their vulnerability with women at if they do that they will have young men and young women and that's the best we can hope for. >> to all of you young men and women watching us, thank you. don't forget to ddr the show and now here is "america reports." mesic musical >> we are awaiting vice president harris. she is set to deliver economic
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remarks. she has just arrived in north carolina. going to outliner economic agenda at a campaign event and just moments. as we wait to hear from her, republicans are hammering her proposals released this morning is unrealistic and socialist. hi, everybody at home. i'm gillian turner in washington. trace, it is great to be with you today. >> trace: gillian, great to be with you. trace gallagher in los angeles. john and sandra have the day off. this is "america reports." harris is expected to lay out proposals aimed at cutting taxes and prices in her first formal policy speech with a major focus on so-called corporate price gouging that she blames for making groceries and food too expensive. but critics say it is all a smoke screen to distract from the biden-harris administration's handling of the economy. prices have crime nearly 20% the last 3.5 years with the cost of everyday goods going up. doug collins and matt bennett will join us in moments with more on all of this.
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>> gillian: we begin with fox news team coverage, alexis mcadams reports on former president trump who is claiming the harris plant is just more bidenomics. first we go to mark meredith for a preview of the harris plan. so mark, is she going to embrace bidenomics or distance herself even more? >> gillian, good afternoon to you p or i imagine this is more like bidenomics plus, the harris campaign excited to unveil proposals and talk about efforts to boost the middle class and save more money and buy a home but polls already show americans are not happy with what they have been seeing or the status quo. the number one issue per the polls this cycle is the economy with 38% of registered voters claiming it is the top issue and harris circuits know they have to address it. >> the economy really matters. hearing people, recognizing and respecting that although our economy is very strong, voters aren't feeling it yet. she's going to be putting on the table in north carolina concrete and specific proposals, based on things we have done in congress as democrats.
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>> the harris plan being unveiled within the next hour will include going to help americans buy a home by offering down payment assistance for first-time home buyers, tax credits to encourage builders to generate more starters homes, and expanding the authority of the federal trade commission to regulate grocery prices. if the idea of government regulated pricing has some republicans including former president trump just outraged over this, insisting it could backfire. >> this is the cost of food, this is the cost of your basics. every single thing's up, eggs up 48%, cookies up 27%. look at what is going on. but are up 31%. and this is just the beginning. it's a disaster. >> so of course the question will be how much will we see president biden on the campaign trail with vice president harris going forward? it was interesting, yesterday biden was asked whether harris is trying to distance herself from the president and he said no, that they remain basically
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one and one together. gillian? >> gillian: mark meredith at 1600 pennsylvania avenue for us, thank you. trace? >> trace: well, meantime, the trump-vance campaign is mining up speaking events. former president trump spoke for more than an hour yesterday from bedminster and took questions from the press, and today vice presidential nominee j.d. vance heads to milwaukee to address the police association there. alexis mcadams is live in new york with campaigns. alexis? >> hey, trace. we know j.d. vance was just on the stage moments ago in the walkie wisconsin talking to that crowd about a variety of topics, saying kamala harris and walz just have to do more interviews. we have seen a very different campaign strategy from former president trump who has been talking to the press a lot. some are pushing for the former president to be more disciplined, telling him to stick to policy, but hey, trump has its own plan. watch. >> harris has does to declared tackling inflation oba day one priority. it will be day one. the day one really for kamala
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was through .5 years ago. where has she been? and why hasn't she done it? why hasn't she done it? >> we will have to see what she says today about her plan for the economy. trump hit on inflation some more appeared national security and border security, just to name aw topics, saying he is open to campaign it with his former rival nikki haley with more on "special report" of bret baier, who says republicans need to stop whining about kamala harris. >> what do you think of that strategy and would you consider having nikki haley on the campaign trail with you? >> i get along with her and appreciate that she endorsed me. no, i think -- i think relatively to what they are doing, how radical they are and in many ways how sick they are come i think i'm doing a very home campaign. >> today vice president kamala harris is laying out economic plans as americans wait to war learn more about it, trump says it will be the same . >> if she wins, your finances and your country will never
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recover, you're never going to recover. the radical left person wants to put price controls all over the place which will end up driving up your prices, not down your prices. >> kamala harris says that is not what she is going to do and also says she is going to close the border so we will have to see what happens. monday kicks off with the dnc and president biden speech first and then kamala harris and tim walz who will go to milwaukee for a rally during the dnc. former president trump will be in pennsylvania tomorrow, i will be there and see if we can talk to him, trace. >> trace: alexis mcadams live for us, thank you. jillian? >> gillian: our panel to react to all of this, doug collins, former georgia congressman and ranking member of the house judiciary committee, also joined today by matt bennett, a former clinton white house deputy special assistant and cofounder of third way. gentlemen, thanks for being with us this afternoon. matt, let's start with you. all of the attention -- or the major attention when it comes to harris' economic plan just out this morning is really on her
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federal regulation to try and fix costs, inflated costs, sticking around despite the president's efforts to bring it down. i want to make sure i have this right. there are economists warning this morning that the harris plan could have disastrous outcomes, side effects including shortages, food shortages. arbitrary rationing. even potentially oil and gas shortages. is there a fix and plan for those potential outcomes, as well? >> there doesn't need to be a fix because they are wrong about what the plan does and says p or g hasn't rolled it out yet formally, she will do that later today, and they are commenting e republicans like trump were saying about it which is just not true. what the big issue that trump focused on was around grocery prices, which remain too high. the rest of the economy is really humming along but prices
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are too high and people feel it, especially at the grocery store. in one of the reasons is because of consolidation in the grocery industry. and this is a market distortion. so what she is proposing is a capitalist solution to a market distortion. there is a long history of this dating back to teddy roosevelt. what we have seen, for example, in the beef industry, there are now only four big companies that produce beef in the united states. that's one reason that beef prices have gone up five times faster than other grocery prices. because consolidation allows companies to just, you know, gouge consumers and charge more money. she is not proposing to cap prices, none of that is true. to use the laws we already have to ensure these kinds of consolidations and mergers are g consumers, which is very evident some of them are. >> gillian: doug come i want to get your response and if we could get control to put up, we have something laying out some
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of matt's points. the problem with the grocery store consolidation is there not seeing net profits that are trending in a good overall direction. so it seems there is going to be kamala harris is proposing a federal regulatory fix for this problem. i know your republican colleagues don't think this is the way to go. what do you think? >> i agree. i thing the bigger problem here is when it goes back to a basic misunderstanding or mistrust of the corporate and capitalism, especially big corporations has been a buzzword for democrats for years and especially when it comes to things they don't like when they have policies that have caused this. i used to work in the grocery industry years ago. it is one of those smaller profit margin sizes you have enby packaging and others, issues that need to be dealt with but also missing the basic facts. the basic facts, i was on with another democratic colleague the other day who basically talked about the price of bell pepper and vegetables, but yet took out the fact that gas prices, diesel
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prices, my farms here in georgia come up to .5 dollars a gallon, looking at energy prices, chicken prices, electrical prics that have been skyrocketing. these are all things that pay into the cost of producing what we eat. they are issues you can play with and you can try and lame corporations all you want or consolidation of grocery stores but at the end of the day it's about the influence and how you actually get there and when you have inflation rising like we have had for 20% over the years and you have no cost-containment, that is the problem you are dealing with. and then you throw in the housing stuff, which was briefly mention on your graph, if you are starting to put when he $5,000 in just giving away money, did they not learn anything from their first six months when they poured all the money into the economy and inflation skyrocketed, what all liberal economists that it wouldn't. i don't know if you can be taught if you can't learn.
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>> gillian: the first thing harris lays out in her economic proposal as a whole lot of regulatory fixes, government fixes housing costs, right, including things like building 3 million new starter homes across the country. it struck me, i'm sure you're going to disagree, it strikes me while reading through the proposals themselves that none of these are actually things she would be able to enact at the executive level. all would require selling the plan to congress and getting them to push it through. >> i don't disagree. most of the things the president has proposed to do, presidential candidates proposed to do come are things that require congress. that is true for both sides p or the idea that presidents can wave a wand and make huge changes is simply wrong. under our system, it just doesn't work like that. it is certainly true that harris would need support in congress to do a bunch of these things and i think her view is of voters like what they are
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hearing from her she can get that support, democrats and republicans. one other quick point. if you are worried about inflation, you better take a hard look at what donald trump is proposing to do. yesterday he had proposed across-the-board tariffs of 10%, which is a terrible idea. yesterday he made it doubly bad. he said it is going to be 20%. that is a tax on consumers of 20%, and it's even worse for chinese-made goods which is 60%. there is all kinds of inflationary stuff -- >> gillian: got it, got it. doug, need to ensure we get dug in here. i want to give your last chance to respond real quick. >> i think the interesting thing, it's amazing, executive power, matt is right, there has been too much of a dependence on executive power, but here is the biggest problem. for an administration was gotten lulled into thinking they can do things by executive power like open up the border and reduce executive orders, they say they can't fix it or give away student loan debt to others who don't have it because they are
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doing at their executive power, they become fixated on doing it only through the executive branches and low information voters, people who don't understand that, they listen to what is being said and say hey, they are giving me something, it must be good, it is not giving you anything, it is taking it out of your back pocket appeared. >> gillian: gentlemen, thank for taking time with us, we appreciate it. >> thanks much. >> gillian: trace, we have to see obviously with the vice president is going to say and just about 40 -- i can't do math, 45 minutes from now. these changes, these fixes she is proposing, at least on paper, what we have seen so far, puts them forward as her fixes that she is going to enact. i mean, nowhere in the plan does she acknowledge she is going to need a lot of help from con congress. >> they are talking about the power of executive order and doug collins makes a fair point, look at the stuff joe biden did on his first few days in office, just using executive authority, and the damage that did.
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there is a lot of things that can be done around congress nowadays, and the presidency, that can be very effective or detrimental depending on your perspective. >> gillian: we will have to see if she puts any of those forward later this afternoon. >> trace: yeah. ♪ ♪ >> they are going to look at the individual conduct of each person and hold them accountable. you've got one person whose street name apparently is the queen of ketamine. not a great name to have any case like this. >> trace: prosecutors now seeking seeking harsh penalties for the people linked to matthew perry's death, including the infamous ketamine queen. tmz founder and host harvey levin joins us with a new insight about the stars final days. >> gillian: there is also this. the pentagon promising to come to israel's defense should iran attack but what is no biden national security team doing to prevent the regime from trying in the first place? >> that's the fundamental
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mistake of the biden administration. they having refused to impose costs on the iranian regime in order to deter this terror against the nation of israel, the middle east, and friendly the united states, as well
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♪ ♪ >> trace: new information coming to light after five people were charged with connection to matthew perry's death. a friend of perry's from rehab helped investigators link his death to the infamous ketamine queen, founder and host of tmz y levin joins us now live. harvey, great to have you on, as old as pure you guys broke this on tmz about charlie sheen's ex-wife. the reporting is the following, quoting here, "broke miller's deep connection to matthe matthew perry's ketamine death case, some deep connections, brooke has not been arrested and
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one well-placed sorest insist she did not testify before a grand jury and did notg to authorities but talks to authorities and help their investigation which ultimately that do her best he, fleming, erik fleming, the alleged drug dealer, being indicted." is she next in this, harvey? >> i don't think she is, trace. there is something very confusing about this but let me explain the connection. brooke mueller was very close to matthew perry. brooke met charlie sheen at a party at matthews house. they were very close. brooke was in rehab with matthew perry, along with the ketamine queen, the woman who has now been indicted and also copped a plea. there was a real close connection there, and brooke is also best friends with the guy who was also charged as the
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broker in this drug deal where ketamine was going back and forth. what's confusing to me is i spoke with somebody who was certainly in a position to no end in a position of authority to know, who insisted that she didn't testify before the grand jury, did not get immunity, as you just read. it is weird to me because that word can be used a lot these days -- weird to me -- that she would talk to authorities without getting that kind of guarantee of immunity. but what we are told is she is not in any way on the radar in terms of getting indicted. but this just shows these deep connections in hollywood because matthew perry is not a one-off. when you look at the ketamine queen and what was in her home, as a matter of fact, we just posted a story, she was charged with another drug offense just a few months ago. it can't just be matthew perry.
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there were thousands of pills, ecstasy, mdma, ketamine, coke, xanax, all sorts of drugs that they found in her home. this goes way beyond matthew perry. >> trace: you talk about hollywood, harvey. i'm just wondering, did you have any indication, i know ketamine is a big industry, did you realize it was that big in the entertainment industry in hollywood? >> yeah, i mean, we had heard about this. look, we've done a bunch of documentaries that kind of touch on this, notably michael jackson, where it wasn't ketamine, but he was getting demerol from a dozen doctors and there was almost a ring of people who were basically fueling michael jackson's addiction. we have seen this over and over with celebrities who have a lot of money, who have certainly the means and access to get these drugs, and there are plenty of people who will facilitate that
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in this town. >> trace: i wonder, harvey, i've been talking to some lawyers, does the fact that matthew perry had a heart condition, that he had diabetes, that he drowned, does that complicate the prosecution of this case? and the ketamine queen, et cetera? >> well, you know, i suppose that's going to be part of the defense, that he didn't die from ketamine. the reality is what he died from his he had enough ketamine and him for general anesthesia. and the day that he died, his assistant shot him up with ketamine at 8:30 in the morning, and then later in the morning, maffei was watching a movie and he said to the assistant, shoot me up with a big one, and he shot him up a second time, and then prepared the hot tub, so when you engage in reckless conduct that would then lead to somebody's death, the argument, i suppose you could make, is its
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manslaughter, not murder because there was no intent to kill, but either way, they are in trouble. >> trace: they are in big trouble. founder and host of tmz harvey levin. harvey, great to have you on. thank you. >> good talking to you, trace. >> gillian: the justice department just announced a missouri woman has been arrested for allegedly trying to defraud elvis presley's family. the suspect a 53-year-old woman named lisa jeanine finley. she claims she owns the rights to the iconic graceland estate. she tried to put it up for sale. finley said elvis' daughter lisa marie had used the estate as collateral for a loan she failed to pay off before she passed away last year. findley herself has been charged with mail fraud and identity theft and faces 20 years in prison if convicted. >> trace: lawyers for former president trump now are questioning his sentencing in new york be delayed until after the election. kerri urbahn says it is being done for hunter biden. we will ask her what makes the
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former presidents case different. plus... [indistinct shouting] >> gillian: anti-israel protests like the one on your screen expected to return to college campuses come along with students this semester. our administrators prepared to handle what is about to descend on their campuses? senior national correspondent william la jeunesse is live at the university of california in l.a. hey, william. >> about two weeks before college students returned to campus, but the protesters are promising to come back, as well. let's rewind just five months. guess how much it cost california taxpayers to return the damage caused by these peaceful protests and protect other students? coming up after the break. and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds.
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antony blinken will travel to israel tomorrow to continue diplomacy there. that the administration hopes will produce a cease-fire deal next week. international mediators just wrapped up two days of talks in doha. they did not produce a dealer free hostages in gaza. the u.s., egypt, and qatar say they will reconvene in cairo before the end of next week. this of course as u.s. troops standby in the middle east ready to support israel against an expected attack from iran. lucas thomas is at the pentagon with the details. hi lucas. >> hi, gillian. the concern at the pentagon is these cease-fire talks aren't successful, that could pave the way for iran to launch as much anticipated nature attack on israel. we have seen a lot of firepower. they did the same thing back in april and that did not stop iran from launching that major attack on israel, some 300 drones and missiles. 90% of them were shot down. that appears the strategy here again now. >> just to be clear, the message
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to iran right now is if we launch another major attack, the u.s. and its allies will shoot down these missiles and drones? that's the message? >> i don't think we have actually been delicate in our messaging to iran. we have been very clear that if israel is attacked, we will come to the defense of israel. >> so gillian, there are no signs u.s. forces would be striking inside iran, no matter what happens, the abraham lincoln strike groups remains about a week away from arriving in the middle east. super hornets and f-35 stealth fighter jets onboard if needed. 30,000 u.s. troops scattered on the middle east come about 6,000 more than usual, most aboard those warships, and the tr strike group on station in the gulf of oman. guided missile destroyers. moving into position to launch interceptor missiles and tomahawk's if needed. six fleet now has three destroyers in the med in case hezbollah launches missiles, very short flight time from
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lebanon to israel. the uss cole remains in the red sea serving as a pickup ship on the houthis in yemen. defense secretary lloyd austin spoke this morning to his israeli counterpart, his second conversation with him since sunday. gillian? >> gillian: lucas tomlinson at the pentagon for us this afternoon, thank you. trace? >> trace: college kids gearing up to return to campus in a few weeks, but so are anti-israel protesters. many groups are promised to rebuild their encampments and reissue their demands beard william la jeunesse live at the university of california los angeles which is pushing back against a court ruling ordering the school to keep the campus accessible to everyone. william, lay this out for us, what is the university afraid of exactly? >> well, this is the protesters stage and the students are the recruits. university is afraid it will not be able to control these anti-israel protests and protect
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jewish students from harassment. and remember, this is a federal judge, so other universities are on notice, but they also could face legal consequences and taxpayer exposure if we see a repeat of what happened last spring. >> if they do, it is no longer a matter of the ucla code of conduct commits a legal matter beard. >> i'm a ucla student. i deserve to go here. we paid tuition. it's our school beards. >> every school in the country knows if you allow this to happen to the jews on your campus you are violating civil rights laws. >> ucla also spent $400,000 to clean up graffiti, damage from those peaceful protests. the uc system at large, berkeley, l.a., san diego, irvine, spent $29 million, mostly on police and extra security. so here we are appeared two weeks before the fall semester, roughly. protesters say they are coming back demand universities divest
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of companies doing business in israel. what are universities going to do differently? harvard says it will put a ban on overnight camping and unapproved signs. indiana says you have to stay 2y entry or doorway. columbia says only students on campus. others, a sampling, no tense, no and provide music, banners, projected lights or bullhorns after 5:00 p.m. permits for protests appeared and dedicated free speech zones. >> it is on acceptable, for example, for universities to create so-called free speech zones that are 2 miles away from campus. that would be unacceptable. but conversely, it would be equally unacceptable to allow demonstrations throughout the night, encampments blocking access to classes. >> so, you know, trace, you can have all the rules you want, right, but if they are not enforced, they are not going to
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have any kind of meeting or deterrence. we are waiting to see how the universities behavior will change and potentially the protesters. back to you. >> trace: william la jeunesse live for us at ucla. william, thank you. >> you have to deal with crooked judges that are after you and crooked prosecutors and these new york, the new york court system is vicious and totally biased, and frankly totally crooked. why would you put yourself through it? because we are going to make america great again. that is what we are going to do. >> gillian: former president trump once again slamming the judge in his new york criminal case, calling him crooked, as you just heard there. his legal team just ask judge juan merchan to delay sentencing until after the presidential election. our next guest says judges have wide discretion over these matters and asks if it was done in the hunter biden gun case, why should it not be done for the former president? let's bring in fox news legal editor kerri urbahn. kerri, we have is from the filing from trump's team.
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setting aside making election interference objective, there is no basis for continuing to rush. do you agree with that? are they rushing? >> unless you are a political opponent of donald trump and want to be able to say you are a "conductor val and" who has nowo prison, which a lot of people think there has been a lot of speed in which this case has ben prosecuted and the conviction and all of that. judges do have wide discretion as to when they set sentencings dates. we saw then the hunter biden juguns case. appointed by donald trump. his sentencing would be after the election. i think that is wise. it eliminates the ability for others to use the sentencing as a political tool in campaigns and even language around it and i think judge merchan would be wise to do the same. as we have seen thus far, gillian, doesn't seem to me that he cares that much about the
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appearance of fairness and that is concerning come as a judge. >> gillian: if he does go along with this proposal from the trump camp, what would that look like? not sentenced at all through election day. are they proposing he could still be sentenced during the presidential transition or they would then wait until after he served another term in office? >> my assumption is they work out a date for after the election and at that point we would be living in a different world, but the way this judge has operated, i don't know if he is going to agree with that, i think he would do himself a huge favor and also it would help to ease the political tensions in the climate by just waiting to do that, especially since he has discretion to do so but this is also a judge who donated to stop republicans group, joe biden's campaign, when he was sitting on a bench, when he had trump cases percolating before him, which is really quite something for a judge to do when judges
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typically run away from that. not wanting to cast doubt on the credibility of their decisions. merchan has not cared to do that. >> gillian: not wanting to raise questions. andy mccarthy come our great colleague, rode this the other day that caught my eye. he said prepare for trump to be sentenced to prison on septembe. he says new york prosecution of trump was politics, not justice, we have heard him say that before, that's why we call it lawfare. the prosecutors and judge are not concerned about whether convictions ultimately get thrown out on appeal. haven't heard a lot of people say that. prepare for him to be sentenced and sent to prison on sept september 18th. >> i think, i understand where andy is coming from on this because andy and i sat together in that courtroom watching this trial play out day after day and it was just stunning really what a travesty it was. i think the thing that stuck out to me the most come andy and i talked about it that day in between going on air and getting our commentary there, was just the idea you could give a verdict sheet, here being
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donald trump comment on that verdict sheet, there was no indication of the underlying crimes he alleged to have committed. that's crazy. we live in america. you are supposed to know what you are convicted of. and the fact that you would have no idea. i looked at the sheet myself. >> gillian: if i remember listening to you guys correctly, it was like you just have to agree that one of several crimes was committed. no consensus. >> that's right, in order to make what were originally misdemeanors, business record disputes come into felonies, convert them, trump would have had to committed some other crimes. what we learned and what we did not learn or what those other crimes he committed, and that is unbelievable. in terms of a free and fair justice system. because of the way judge merchan managed this case and what we saw day after day, i think that andy has a pretty good point that we may in fact see him sentenced and wanting to enforce
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that sentence. >> gillian: it will be an interesting transition. period either way. all right, trace? >> trace: as we await vice president harris first policy speech, questions linger over how she plans to pay for her housing plan. will it be you, the taxpayers? plus this. >> so when i win i will immediately bring prices down starting on day one we will end kamala's war on american energy and we will drill, baby, drill. we are going to drill, baby, drill. >> gillian: well, former president trump vowing to bring energy prices down if he is reelected. vice president harris though has remained silent on the issue. what position can we expect her to take? going to tell us what he thinks coming up next.
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>> trace: in just minutes, vice president harris will reveal for the very first time her plans for the economy when she takes the stage in raleigh, north carolina, but when it comes to energy, a major player in the nation's economic health, crickets. so where does she really stand on issues like oil production in fracking? well, here's a clue, in her own words. watch. >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. [applause] yes. and starting -- and starting with what we can do on day one around public lands. and then there has to be legislation, but yes, and this is something i have taken on in california, i have a history of working on this is issue. >> trace: a senior fellow at the hoover institution, great to have you on. you wrote this op-ed in "the new york post," quoting here, we are wasting $2 trillion a year chasing green fantasies and goes on to say despite hype and much vaunted green energy transition away from fossil fuels isn't happening at achieving a meaningful shift
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with current policies turns out to be unaffordable. we need to drastically change policy direction. what do you think? >> well, fundamentally, we need to recognize one important thing, that what we have been trying to do for decades or more in the west is really trying to say we are going to support all of these green energy sources that are still not cost-effective, and what we end up doing, a rich country producing a little bit, but poor countries want to get out of poverty. and so what we are really seeing is increased emissions and people use more and more reliable, mostly fossil fuels. what we need is not talk about we are going to do a wonderful green transition. it is say we need to focus on innovation.
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>> trace: it's interesting because she talks a lot and we are going to talk about the price controls that she may or may not pitch in her moment coming up in about an hour, but what is pushing these food prices up, bjorn, is energy, energy costs. and the headline here from reuters, harris energy policy is strategically ambiguous. her aides say the harris campaign defined to answer detailed questions about her energy policy and how her past statements online with our current approach but suggested she would adhere more closely to the policies of the biden administration than some of her policies in california or when she first sought the presidency in 2019. meaning she is trying to move to the center because her policies in california were far left. we are in california. we know those policies. we are living those policies. she is making a move to the middle, but for how long? >> well, it makes sense to move to the middle comment also remember she promised to spend
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$10 trillion on climate back in 2019. now the biden administration is only talking about a couple trillion dollars. so at least that's better. but what you need to recognize is this is not going to solve climate change. what you solve climate change with is innovation. you need to find cheap, green, reliable energy that is so cheap that everyone including china and india and africa will want to do it. mrs. about what the rest of the world doesn't the next 80 years. the reality is that doesn't come from kamala or anyone else have been proposing on the democrat side policy. what we need is to focus on smarter policy. >> trace: i think that's fair. bjorn lomborg, thank you, we appreciate your time, sir. >> gillian: well, a new lawsuit is targeting planned parenthood come accusing the group of medical malpractice
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>> trace: planned parenthood now facing a lawsuit from a patient who was given gender changing hormones. the 20-year-old claiming medical malpractice, negligence, and failure to obtain informed consent. cb cotton has the details on
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this. when did this happen? >> christina heineman now goes by she her pronouns but when she was 18 years old she says she began identifying as a transgender male. she says she went to a planned parenthood clinic in new york and left with a prescription for testosterone. after an appointment that lasted less than 30 minutes. christina eventually got a double mastectomy but shortly after that procedure she says she had a new realization. >> my mom and i told my girlfriend. i felt horrible about ever everything. it was six weeks and two days after i had gotten surgery. when i started d transitioning. >> christina says some of the changes she underwent are irreversible and now she is suing planned parenthood. her therapist and surgeon for medical malpractice and negligence. the lawsuit claims the planned parenthood clinic and informed consent document and not detail
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all of the risk and clinic providers did not ask about her mental health struggles. christina says when she returned to the clinic, no one could tell her what would happen to her body if she stopped taking the hormones. planned parenthood claims to be the second-largest provider of hormone therapy in the country. some clinics offer feminizing or masculinized and hormones starting at 16 with parental approval. and a planned parenthood patient handbook you can read "you do not need a diagnosis or therapist referral to receive care. we will inform you about the effects and discuss risk. you decide what's best for you and your body." and court filings, planned parenthood denied the allegations made by christina. we reach out to planned parenthood multiple times for more details or comments and have not heard back. trace? >> trace: cb cotton live for us in new york paid cb, thank you. >> gillian: vice president harris is in north carolina to picture economic vision to voters. just moments from now she is going to outline her plan to
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>> trace: vice president harris about to take the stage in raleigh, north carolina, to make her economic pitch to voters in the first major policy speech of her campaign appeared welcome back to "america reports." i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. gillian, great to be with you. >> gillian: next time we should switch, i would like to go to l.a. and you can come to washington. you'll love it. it's amazing here appeared i'm gillian turner in washington. john and sandor are off today. vice president harris expected to talk about how she will cut drug and grocery prices. her critics already asking of her agenda is actually going to cost american taxpayers a whole lot more and how it will differ from the last 3 1/2 years.
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>> trace: "the washington post" calling the harris plan and aggre aggressively -- agenda. government spending and shinier wrapping and points out big government spending landed americans in the highest inflation period in decades. >> gillian: a big hour ahead counting down to the vice president setting the fox news team coverage, shannon bream will join us just a moment but we begin with jacqui heinrich. she is traveling with harris today and battleground north carolina. hey jacqui. >> hey, gillian. the vp's two biggest pieces of her economic agenda are getting pretty mixed reviews. the most controversial one is expanding the authority of the ftc to create a ban on price gouging for groceries and food. a "washington post" opinion columnist has this headline: "when your opponent calls you communist, maybe don't propose price controls." the writer goes on to say could lead to shortages, black-market,


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