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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  August 16, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. >> trace: good evening i am trace gallagher 11:00 pm on the east coast 8:00 pm on -- tonight
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kamala harris on really could first major economic policy. a federal ban on price gouging on food. in other words good old business with and price controls. she claims that greedy corporations are making your grocery bill higher. >> i know most businesses are making jobs, contributing to our economy, playing by the rules. but some are not. we need to take action win that is the case. >> trace: she did not say what type of action are how her plan would actually work. her big mystery even has the mainstream media baffled. >> a ban on price gouging. i think reasonable people would ask what does that mean? what does that really mean? how was the government going to be involved. is this just a ploy peak. it sounds like it. >> trace: plus, what is the democratic nominee for president keep stealing ideas from the
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republican nominee for president? >> president trump and i believe to expand the credit -- child tax credit. i would like to sit expand towards $5000 per child. >> we will expand the child tax credit to $6000 per child in the first year of life. >> unlimited taxes on tips. >> eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. >> trace: we begin with senior -- senior national correspondent live in dc. >> imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. in a word it was ambitious. critics might argue it was foolhardy. by any definition the vps unveiled economic plans today read much like a well-worn democratic playbook. like any good playbook there were a few new elements in it. among care proposals boosting the child tax credit. a 6000-dollar tax cut for
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families with children. price gouging would be the first-ever on the federal level. it would involve food and groceries. expanding food and groceries and the construction of 3 million new units over years. helping first holt -- time homebuyers getting a 20,000 other down payment assistant. and limiting taxes on tips. where have i heard that before? a plan similar to former president trump which he wrote out earlier this summer. for all of the smiles, promises, and proclamations. a stinging rebuke the committee for the federal budget which noted that the topline of harris' proposals without a whopping $1.7 trillion to the deficit over 10 years. to be fair, in most instances, trace, these sorts of rollouts are an attempt to inspire the election. it can also force a candidate to explain and defend the details. something that we have yet to see the vp do. trace?
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kevin corke ally for us in dc. >> trace: reaction to the unveiling of kamala harris is grand economic thought has been swift and severe from businesses and voters alike. live from new york with that side of the story. >> that swift reaction also coming from former president trump posted on truth social quote, "if you would think things are expensive now they will get 100 times worse if kamala gets 10 time -- elected as president. she will implement price controls," republican lawmakers like tim scott also stamped the proposal. watch. >> the american people and the price gouging they have experienced has come at the hands of kamala harris and joe biden. >> for many voters like this one in iowa economic policy is ranked as a top concern. watch. >> you start squeezing prices on us and we have no control over the cost of input, the seed, the
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fertilizer, if you will. will have havoc on the economy. >> washington post columnist slump of the proposal writing at best, this would lead to shortages, black markets, and hoarding among other distortions. but allies like senator... our supporting say quote, "this is an economic decision that begins to speak to the needs of working families and it takes on the unprecedented corporate greed that is taking place throughout america". also supporting the plan's billionaire shark tank star mark cuban call and get a pro-business a plan on social media today. >> trace: thank you. we bring in former senior adviser and communications director tricia mclachlan along with steamboat institute fellow kaylee mcghee white. thank you for coming on. here is ajay and tony from the heritage foundation. he writes the following. , "we had gas lines back in the 1970s and now she is talking about not only regulating the
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price if you will but regulating the price of people -- food. instead of gas lines we will have breadlines. this is absolutely insane". why economists in the right, the centre, and on the left are all coming out against this. they do not really like this. >> what is remarkable about this plan from kamala harris as it is coming from the ticket that has made its unofficial campaign slogan lodge own business. if you take a look at what she is proposing here she wants government intervention and housing policies. she wants government intervention in food prices. she wants government intervention in student loans. she wants government intervention in drug prices. the list goes on and on and on. it is very clear to get together from these policies that kamala harris has no intention of finding her own business. she wants to control your business. she wants to regulate your business. if she is elected that is exactly what the government will do. >> trace: nothing like nationalized grocery stores. tricia mclachlan, the inflation
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under biden and here is from january 2021 and 202422 % groceries, 21 % electricity, 28 % auto insurance which is a killer at 54 %. even democrats trying to go with this whole joy and vibe of thing are acknowledging that this is a problem. >> joy campaigns only work if the electorate is feeling joyful. with those kind of numbers they simply are not. what i think it is important to address is what she is trying to sell with the price gouging is focused. i have not seen any politicians actually able to define what that means. what is excessive profits? grocery store profits are at 1.4 %. that is not exactly excessive to be. she is pouring from the blueprint of elizabeth -- elizabeth warren's bill which has the federal state commission, that agency has full autonomy to have unelected bureaucrats tell... in harrisburg, pennsylvania that
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they can only have certain profit margins on eggs or bacon. that is un-american. it is anti- competitive. >> trace: no sign anywhere or evidence of grocery store greed. here is kamala harris again copying another troubled policy. watcher. >> we will do this by restoring to go tax cuts designed to help middle-class and working americans. the earned income tax credit. the child tax credit. >> president trump believes in expanding the child tax credit. getting this thing then. i would like to see a child tax credit that is $5000 per child. >> trace: why is she doing this? >> this is the kamala harris we know and love, trace. she has no idea what she's talking about so she is copying with everybody else is doing. she has stolen an idea from donald trump. she has stolen an idea from jd
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vance. she has stolen an idea from joseph stalin with their price control. this is ridiculous and means one of two things. either she's really that incompetent or she thinks the american voters of that incompetent. >> trace: a great line by the way. i will give you that. hear are the numbers by cnn talking about the gender gap. >> it is the gender gap. something we have spoken about on politics for a long period of time. women voters are flocking to the democratic ticket. that is the reason that kamala harris has turned this race around. i do not believe women are monolithic. they vote on a series of issues. >> trace: are the voting issues. are they voting issues? boating personality? what our women voting? >> more issues right now. kamala harris is running a morality campaign. i do not think it will work as long as donald trump stays on message stays on policy and personal attacks. this goes back to the think that americans are sick with her.
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she says she would be tougher on the borders then donna trump was. she knows she has that 10-50 million illegal of the goods into this country. she is advocated for healthcare for illegal immigrants it. americans are smarter than she thinks. >> trace: kind of baloney. thank you. >> she talked about the profits of grocery stores. margins are incredibly thin for every dollar sale. they make profits of 1-3 cents. just to try to improve that the price gouging will be incredible difficult beyond anything else. >> some of these different on price gouging this identifies what causes inflation. inflation caused by supply chain disruptions. what about the covid-19 crisis? >> trace: even some members of the liberal media are wondering what harris is thinking with the new economic fine. we bring in the author of, "what is killing america," host jason... along with a host of...
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a podcast. one of the former great tv news anchors. thank you for coming on. even the far left media is having trouble trying to rationalize this kamala harris plan for price controls. listen to some of the sound and i will get your reaction. >> first of all, nobody can explain what price gouging means. we have seen this kind of thing tried in lots of other things like countries before. venezuela, argentina, soviet union, it leads to shortages. it leads to black markets. the way that this bill was written might actually increase prices. >> reasonable people would ask what does that mean? what is it really mean? how was the government going to be involved. is this just a ploy? it sounds like it. >> trace: i have a theory, if you cannot sell your plan to see and and and you are kamala harris maybe it is not a great plan. >> it comes down to this. there is not a right way to do a wrong thing. i wish i knew who said that
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first because i love that quote. it is so true in the situation. all you have to do is look at history. i was in high school in 1971 when president nixon at the time decided to try a 90 day price freeze because of inflation. it didn't work. it was miserable. i decided to brush up on my history today. it was even more visible than i remembered because they kept extending a changing. more bureaucracy, more complication. it was a mess. trying to take simple terms himself a very complex problem. >> trace: was a mess in russia and venezuela. jason, you hear some cnbc analysis. watch this. >> what was interesting to be seeing this plant as it is clearly very progressive regardless of what she is saying to donors behind closed doors she is putting a progressive vent to her campaign at this point. that is not what a lot of people expected or hoped to see. i have been talking to moderate democrats. she could run a bias campaign. she did not have to get it to policy details at all.
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>> trace: and that's a democrat saying i like vibes are like the joy i do not need any policies. >> i love that. we are now running a campaign where we do not actually know what she stands for. just getting the vibes. when you have an economic plan that is favoured by elizabeth warren, bernie sanders, that is a problem. that suggest to our very far to the left. this idea that she was not going to be the candidate that she was when she originally ran for president. we obviously do that was nonsense because you that with governor tim walz who is extremely to the left. i think it is very clear where they are headed. and fairness on this economic policy it is not to impress people on tv. it is to confuse people at home. they're going to the grocery stores they know it is too expensive. they are going to be told over and over again corporate greed. corporate greed. she will get in front of it. the truth is that it is so high because inflationary prices this administration created. >> trace: like the border.
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>> you created that is not the of the world. nancy mace was arguing today on cnn about how to pronounce kamala harris' name. >> kamala. kamala. >> get it right. >> i will say it how i want to. >> you mispronounce it you can't judge. what if i mispronounce her name. >> trace: picked fights hoping somebody is going to bite. that is the game. >> i was watching that and i was sick to my stomach. would you bite on something like that you get bit. it reminded me of how important it is. republicans. i know how hard it is just as a person who likes two on a lot of different rabbit trails it is dangerous especially when time is short. there is not much time to get the message out so they have an argument over how to pronounce kamala's name. that took a lot of time and it took away from the time that republicans have to sees and get their message across and
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convince those viewers on cnn that the message is valid and that is what they have to try to understand. i was disappointed that trap was laid. >> trace: it did. lastly, jason, does it feel like the olympics are over? maybe this whole kamala joy five thing is toning down a little bit or am i missing something? >> you are mystic it for at least the next week. would get to the convicted that is all we will get. more celebration, more joy as people are suffering when they go to the grocery store. i suspect at some point average americans are going to say cool, we are excited a new person running. we did not like joe biden but can you maybe talk to us a little bit outside of teleprompter? can you explain some of these policies. i think it is pretty clear if you were to ask her to define just to find her position she is not going to be able to do it. >> trace: jason, dean, thank you both. biden's has a cease-fire and hostage deal between israel and hamas is closer than ever.
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despite the absence of hamas negotiators talks are expected to resume next week as hostages and friends of hostages are making their feelings known in israel. national correspondent jeff paul is in tel aviv on what is now early saturday morning. >> they march in the streets of tel aviv. a family of hostages knowing that this latest round of negotiations might be their last chance. >> if it will not happen now i believe that none of the hostages will be alive. >> trace: as the conflict between israeli forces and thomas continues, we are learning that there were negotiations to bring the war to an end. after two days of talks described by officials as both positive and constructive, another round starts next week in cairo. in a joint statement, the u.s., egypt, and qatar said in part this proposal builds on areas of agreement over the past week. it bridges remaining gaps in the batter that allows for a swift
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implementation of the deal. that deal. the work of president joe biden. >> we are closer than we have ever been i do not want to jinx this. close that i was two days ago. keep hopeful. >> without providing specifics hamas is reportedly accused israel of not sticking to the original deal. israeli. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel appreciates the efforts of the u.s. and the mediators to dissuade hamas from its refusal to a hostage release deal. adding to the tension, and attacked by israeli settlers on a palestinian village in the west bank that killed at least one. the latest of a series of attacks condemned by both the white house and the israeli military. witnesses say the settlers were in cars and at least one was heard by gunfire. secretary of state antony blinken is such as travel towards israel tomorrow to continue ongoing diplomatic efforts with the negotiations. white house officials say they are working to close the remaining gaps next week in
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cairo and hope to solidify a cease-fire deal once and for all. trace? >> trace: jeff paul in tel aviv. thank you. we bring in hudson institute senior fellow rebecca. good to have you on the show. here is kamala harris. messaging from back in march. that again last week and. watch. >> president joe biden and i are unwavering get our commitment to israel security. people in gaza are starving. the conditions are inhumane it. our common humanity compels us to act. >> israel has a right two after the terrorist that is hamas. as i have said many times they also have i believe an important responsibility to avoid civilian casualties. >> trace: it is always yes, we support israel but then it
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trails off. rebecca? >> yes, she is doing the whole both sides find people on both sides. hamas on one side, a terrorist organization. all of those comments where she was saying that hamas you know israel has a right to do friend itself she should be saying that the leader of hamas that is in gaza needs to surrender himself. he needs to surrender himself and surrender the hostages that are still in gaza and still being imprisoned. >> trace: what do you think about the cease-fire deal. even with hamas at the table with qatar do you believe this thing is actually getting closer like the president said that a? >> i do not have any confidence it is getting closer. it does not concern me so much that hamas is part of it because it is just a puppet of the real puppet master which the iranian regime. the iran regime is the one who the bonded administration trying to hold off. a few weeks ago israel successfully took out the hamas leader and around exposing that iran was nate able to provide
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protection to its proxies inside iran. now the biden administration is hopeful they are going to come up with some sort of cease-fire that can be the end of this thing to try to hold off iran from conducting reprisal attack against israel. >> trace: how long i am wondering. how long can they hold off a run. if this thing goes on they say we are close they can drink it one week, maybe two weeks. how long do you think iran will wait or will they go when it all, do you think? >> the best thing the biden administration is doing to the great credit is they did flow forces, military forces into the region. floating on the uss abe lincoln with some f. 35, some f-22 fighter jets. all of that is to provide a backstop to force negotiation. unfortunately you have officials doing the both sides of thing. israel can't try to come up with a perfect deal. israel does not want perfect to. he wants his people back on that once hamas destroyed. it does not want the tunnels
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that still exist between gaza and egypt to continue to exist. they still have that strip of land called the philadelphia corridor that has to be sorted out. i would say israel still want some control over that. >> trace: i would as well. great to see was always thank you. kamala harris was trying to look forward. she presented her progressive economic plan for the nation today. up next, a few people familiar with her economic legacy of overregulation here in california. we will talk about what that means for the rest of the country. coming up, kamala harris appears to be copying yet another economic policy supported by the trump event ticket. why is kamala harris to think for policies? is it unusual? is it expected? tell us why. led us no on x. and instagram @tracegallagher we will red your responses in the friday night nightcap.
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>> trace: after leaving a legacy of extreme regulation in california the vice president's white house legacy is one massive spending. >> good evening, trace. kamala harris enter economic plans sounds a lot like economic plans even though it is more massive. in an effort to fight inflation she has targeted, its a prices that have skyrocketed 20 % during the abided administration. as tight regulations and price controls on everyday essentials. many republicans say that she will be culpable towards government spending. >> on this boat the yes is 50
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the nay is 50. the senate being equally divided the vice president both in the affirmative and the bill as amended is passed. >> by casting that tie-breaking vote in the senate to pass huge bills like the 500 trillion-dollar inflation reduction act back in 2022. harris also freed up a deadlock in the senate to open debate on the one point a trillion dollar covid-19 packaging 2021. >> she was a tie-breaking vote for that as well. supercharged the inflation crisis that we have right now. >> fox news poll showing the economy is the most important issue to voters this year. doubling up on the next most pressing issues, immigration, and abortion. harris freed up ties in the senate. republicans say that her actions have drained the wallets of americans. >> the q. live price increases on everything from groceries to gas to rent it to mortgage has been skyhigh.
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>> the white house is touting falling inflation numbers. >> we learned that inflation fell 30 %. wages have risen faster than prices for 17 months now. >> the momentum is certainly in the right direction. inflation is reliably coming down. >> during her time as california attorney general some businesses criticize her approach to regulation and enforcement. our curing it created a challenging environment and discouraged economic growth in california. trace? >> trace: challenging to say the least. thank you. we bring in los angeles county gop vice chair and gop delicate roxanne... thank you both for coming on. i think that... is not quite up to speed on the inflation speed and how the whole thing works but she is catching on. kamala harris now says that she supports fracking. but she will not talk about it. she is anti- oil and that were
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with oil companies throughout the california today. today california does not allow a new oil refinery to be built in decades. this reports about 75 % of the oil that we consume. in 1982 here is the big number. california had 43 operational oil refineries and a population of 25 million. today we have 11 operational oil refineries. a population of nearly 40 million. nothing makes newsom and kamala happier than getting rid of bring -- big oil and ricky can others. >> they are not getting rid of big oil they getting somebody else to do the dirty work. havoc other places do it like saudi arabia, places that do not honour human rights. california is sitting on enough reserves of natural oil to give themselves a check every day. i do not understand what they are doing. >> trace: so... writes this. the last denny's restaurant in san francisco has closed its doors. the cost of doing business is tremendous.
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vandalism, people come and eat and walk away and there is nobody to stop them. this is kevin newson and san francisco. this is kamala harris her san francisco. the state of california is experiencing what denny's is. vandalism, thereafter, diane, and death. a fare assessment. denny has now pulled out and that is amazing because it has been here for 1000 years. >> this is all but a part of their plan for a long time. we see the new economic plan which is price gouging. when you sit there and forced people out force businesses to move up to the minimum wage of $20 when the overhead police business is especially businesses may be around one %. now you are forcing them to 99 cents are gone. that helped a lot of people like the struggling actor that somebody was at one point that i was at one point. people can't get affordable food. they want to move forward. all at the end of the day it is about control. they want ultimate control of
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our lives. even now to what we eat. if we will eat meat are not. it is wild to watch them do this. and then they turn around and scream i have the answer. you were there. you wrote those votes. that is on you. we do not have to wait until you are president. >> trace: even today when she was going through this whole idea of price culture good so forth she says that we want to lift wages. we want to push down prices. every economist is like you cannot do both. and california are lets lift a minimum wage and they cut the hours. they raised the prices because that is the only way to survive. same thing you cannot lower prices and lift wages and expect people to fill in the blanks. >> word of the day is numeric. it is like being illiterate but with numbers. that is what the democrats are and that is what kamala harris of all people is. and it's incredible. and... says in the last 17 months that is like think we outscored them in the fourth quarter but we lost.
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>> trace: it really is and that is the whole thing. i do not think that these are not these are not one of those things where they are saying this will happen tomorrow. they are just pandering trying to tell people that they will give us money here. give us money here. save us money here. look they are saving us all this money. >> what is happening is they want us to before it is i do not believe your lying and guys. do not believe your laying guys. we have to move home from there. we have to go on from this highlight culture. making a splash on a nice statement. we have to look beyond. i always say the devil is in the details. their detail has been very clear. we want to see a high control society. i say no. i say they want to feature for your kids. they want to be able to buy a home in 20 years, 30 years. you have to step up and say no today. you have to sit back and hope that people in the media the mainstream media who is actually running care campaign now that is what the numbers are. as soon as she started speaking. >> trace: like what?
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>> cnn. cnn. >> trace: every time we see her like it is like scooby doo. like... no idea. >> she will come take your patent. >> hard to sell soft it is hard to sell hard communism it is easy to sell soft communism. >> trace: yes. trump, vance, andrew stoltmann. she has stolen. we have tackled kamala's legacy in california but what do people running in her running mate's home state think of tim walz record? just ahead we will break it down with a few minnesotans. fox news at night a look at honolulu and to why ye. did you know it means shelter harper in hawaii? and the i/o known to some as... usa home town famous country singer jason out teen. joining us live. do not forget to set your dvr
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: the fox news at night commonsense department would like you to meet lisa hansen and minnesota mother of eight, grandmother of 18. god-fearing, kind, and caring. for governor tim walz she may as will be... parker. a threat to society. during covid-19 the government declared her coffee and wine bistro nonessential. as opposed to essential businesses like liquor stores and strip clubs. apparently pull dancers have higher immunity. but she opened her doors. she got shut down and thrown in jail. 60 days for peddling joe. all around the same time others and minnesota were peddling racial justice. burning a damaging more than thousands of buildings costing hundreds of millions. the governor not only that the
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buildings burn he gave the burners fail. of the 600 misdemeanour charges and 100 felonies, the vast majority walked. turns out arson, robbery, in riding is not nearly as offensive as a prepping, and serving. civil liberties advocate says dropping the charges against her was quote, "the right move to protect the rights of demonstrators". what about the rights of business owners? businesses of all the burnt out buildings? commonsense things that governor walz is a big supporter of rights. at least for those on the left. we bring in former minnesota business owner lisa hansen,... kurt... and gop county... smith. thank you for coming on. lisa first. you were put in car -- jail for defining governor walz order. 60 days. we looked. the people who were writing very few of them spent time in jail.
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>> that is correct. we have a governor who is a tyrant. i say he is a tyrant of tyrants. he is not concerned about the rights of the people. he absolutely trampled our rights in every way that he could. so yes. i am sentenced to 90 days and i spent 60 days in jail. i got out one third early on good behaviour. here we are. my business was destroyed by governor walz. keith walton, attorney general. not only my business was destroyed with the livelihood of my employees was also take it away. >> trace: it is very sad it. here is one of your fellow minnesota business owners. >> we were number 4 the fourth best estate to live in.
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and to work and. have a business and. it was great. especially small businesses. now we are number 4 from the bottom since walz has been in here for eight years. >> trace: kurt, top four and the bottom for what do you think? >> i would agree. when we came to minnesota and started businesses we thought things were going to be a great. plan to retire here. it has turned into a struggle day in and day out. it is just outrageous what he did it during covid-19. the abuse of his constitutional oversight. >> trace: there is a business owner who worries more about the lives than anything. watch him. okay. well he says quoting here i will put this up on the screen if you would. , "how can we have somebody who
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was going to lie about literally anything with that his military service, or how he handles the riots, closing down small businesses, allowing big-box stores to stay open. how could you have that in the white house? " what do you say? >> i said this pattern of not telling people truth or lying started when he was running for governor. we had $19 billion surplus interstate budget. he ran on giving that back. the trifecta of democratic controls in the state spent it all. including now 10 billion in the whole. taxpayers on the home floor. this is just a continued pattern. saying one thing to get elected but as soon as you are elected to the completely liberal opposite. >> trace: you know what i was kind of shocked that, lisa? back to you. not just putting you back in jail which was shocking. talked about running your business trying to keep the livelihood going to put you in jail for that. really you should take them to
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the courts for that. i was shocked that he was ordering riot police to fire paintballs and people during the riots who came out on their porch. what do you think about that. >> i will be honest with you i did not see that video until just a little while ago for the very first time. i was shocked to see that happening. like them up, boys. like them up whatever the author was saying. they start shooting paintballs. paintballs at these people on their porch. what are we? this does not look like america so much anymore. you have a governor who is absolutely usurping his authority. what about the oath of office that governor walz took to support the constitutional rights? a constitutionally protected
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rights, excuse me. the god-given constitutionally protected rights is what i need to be saying. >> trace: yes. >> what is happening to our minnesota. >> trace: you are exactly right. kurt, when you hear about this harris, walz, vibe, the joy what do you think? >> i think it is about of artificial jokes. i do not know anybody that is joyful about this ticket. quite frankly, the thing that is amazing about what you were just talking about is in all of these executive orders that he issued throughout covid-19 there was always this little hidden joke in there that says that nothing in this order is to allow law enforcement to transgress individual constitutional rights. if you do not think that shooting people on their porch with paintballs is not a violation of their individual rights go ahead and vote these guys an office. we will talk about it in a couple years.
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>> trace: we have run that video three nights in a row. the reason that is because the first time i saw it i was with lisa. i was astonished. local police say light them up. start firing and saying ouch hit one person in the. i was shocked. if somebody was walking into the voting booth and they want to vote for walz what is your advice to them? >> really they have to know that he is bamboozled thank you. he is lying to you, he is hoodwinking you. do not fall for it. most of the republicans -- minnesotans are republic. he may come off as a cold old boy, old country coach. he is not. he makes tim houston look like ronald reagan. he is a liberal in pharma. >> trace: kurt? lisa? best of luck to you all be appreciated. >> thank you.
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>> thank you. >> bless you. >> trace: kamala harris copy and get other economic policy supported by the trump advance ticket. and expanded tax credit. why is kamala harris dealing terms policies? is it unusual or is it expected? and why. let us know instagram and ask an gallagher. we will read your responses.x. we will read your responses.x. friday night night
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: we're back with the "night cap" crew. tonight call pick -- topic is copycat kamala. she appears to be copying another economic policy supported by the trumpet jd vance ticket. why is she stealing terms policies? is it unusual? is it expected? and why? >> they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. >> trace: that is how kevin started the show. i love it. >> maybe it should be taken as a compliment or maybe we have more in common than we thought. trying to spin it positively. >> trace: you repeat what she said at the top of the show. >> i love it. i think it goes to the eve those now of the way that they run their party. say anything it does not matter
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if it is true it does not matter if you do it. just saying it because that will get the headline and that is enough to trick just enough voters. >> trace: say that i am going to get bored or secured. >> exactly. >> they have been stealing money from the american people so much for the last decade plus this is not really surprising. par for the course. >> what is she supposed to do. is she going to say i am going to implement our border plan that we have done for the last three and a half years? really invest in our economic policies? there is nothing really left for her to do when you run in from an administration with the policies are to blame for the situation that we are in. still from the other side you will get the same media coverage. pretend it is her policies. >> trace: roxanne? >> kamala harris is no stranger to taking things that do not belong to her. >> trace: there it is. >> definitely not unexpected.
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i think it took them so long to come up with anything that they were kind of grasping at straws. they said also this. >> trace: i like this i like this. is it unusual or expected? unusual 26 %. 18 % on instagram, 74 % for the expected. marks is unusual stealing his fire will cause somebody to miss the differences between policies during the election a popularity contest. nick, all of the policies of the same field wide and policies we are living in now. she has to still good ones. unusual she is trying to balance her far left policies with a couple of term policies so she appears in the middle. biden economics is not working so she needs new ideas to come up with it on her own. you can tell that her boss taught her well when it comes to thank yo u all for watching americans late fox news. trace gallagher, los angeles. arere you back
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