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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 16, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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[ ♪♪ ]llin called her kamala thepl comrade asan she rolls out an economic plan to make stalin smile pushing price controlsa masking it as a corporate price gouging. we've seen the movie before it always the same disaster just ask the soviet union. price controls led to massive shortages of food and essentials here's the vice president. >> our country has come a long way since president biden and i took office many americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives. costs are still too high. i will take on the high cost that matters most to most americans such as the cost of
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food.% mo a loaf of bread costs 50% more today than it did prior to the pandemic. ground beef is up almost 50%. p i willas also work to pass the o first-ever federal then on prico gouging on food. >> if that didn't satisfy her communist cravings she's proposing giving first-time homebuyers up to 25 grand a.k.a. your hard-earned money so they can buy a house. >> while we work on the housing shortage my administration wille provide first-time homebuyers with $25,000 to help with thewn down payment on a new home. we can do this. all of this to help more
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americans experience the pridemw of homeownership financial security it represents and brings. that's my plan.ed >> but you kno tw you've crossed the line when the liberal washington post calls you at communist check outht thist headline that says when your opponent because you communist maybe don't propose price controls and even cnn is calling it a gimmick. >> first of all nobody cane se explain what price gouging means we've seen this thing tried in other countries before with venezuela and argentina and thee soviet uniont it leads to shortages and black markets. the way the bill is written may actually increase >> reasonable people would ask what does that really mean and how was the government involved in it. is this a ploy it sounds like ii
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>> joey i will start with you. price gouging, some say and i ds it's a socialist attempt to put a cap or reduce prices when in i the end it really is just abouta supply and demanndd and it's ner worked in history. >> it's funny how they like to use before the pandemic so they can encompascas the trump years into where prices and interest rates are going but trump can't say that in a regular world daya did wellnd for 2 and a half yeas than the pandemic screwed up some things he can't say that but they can because it puts distance between them and their bad policies the result of the root cause as she's not the borders are but she root cause are she's trying to pick -- fix housing and affordability of grocerie shes on the backend one purchasing and rather thangi what's causing these things to be expensive to begin with her of all people who should have an
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doctorate in what root causes are she's travelled everywherehe but the border to find out what the root causes of immigrationd you think she would try to fixot the root cause of the price of groceries and i'll tell you what it is it's energy marcos and people's neighbours it's either growing food or growing animals to become food these cost so much they can't do it i can'tca give off the the hay because the cost too much money to bail and take it where they wanted to gow asan the price of food is upd is because the price of creating c food ires up and that starts wih energy if you want to root cause look at energy. >> the interesting thing when she talks about $25,000 wouldn't that be great.t forget about the fact it will cost $25,000 more but she is part of the economy whichio created the inflation n and wans you to believe she's the 1 who can solve it. >> after the pandemic there were 2 and a half trillion dollars
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jammed into the u.s. economy an money was flooding everywheredo and don't forgetn' about thens t billions wasted. billion sent to companies in some cases that didn't exist we don't hear anything of how to work down excesses of the moneyo which flooded intone the econom that's where you got 20% increases in everything from bread to milk the cars to energy that's why we have such a huge inflationary force in the country it isn't because there are big corporations who she doesn't want them to fairly exploit consumers and run epics excessive profits of the foodro companies have afi 1 point 9% profit margin is also pressure them not to raise prices as they don't want to get cut up by the competitor or price themselves out of what people can buy at the grocery store as their suppliere s creep up their pric
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and eventually thepry have togh raise themly but it's not highly profitable companies they want the ftc to penalize those with j those, as of the sharon case that saidi don't allocaw these agencies wih that socialist government and they are saying why don't you taket me -- why did you make soh money this year inherited tell yoeru that's going to cause americans to not want to be in business are open new businesses are at new locations not wanting to expand and that's what we heard about today. >> some of the so-called price gouging as the crazy part of it is it's about supply and demand and republican and democratic columnists agree price gouging
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is something generally doesn'ttn end up very well but she wasn't talked about her being attorney genera kaml they prosecuted thee caseuteds the reason she is allg she wants a federal ban is because it's all prosecuted by the states why didn't she callna the individual attorneys general together and say she's been2 there ye3 and a half years let's get together and deal with this price gouging all of you for each of your states the white house will help you price gouge and find who should be prosecuted b but no, she waits until now. jes >> i think that's a great idea.e we have reada she likes the sht the hopeak she takes that advic1 of the reasons it's coming nowrh is twofold 1 it's the kamala som harris top of the ticket it something a priority for her hao a very different tone in discussing these issues thanesid biden did and president biden acknowledged bread was up 15% she's fashioning herselfdiff differently in that way the
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second part it was in march the ftc report at a time of crisis come out. out, and they actually identified that companies like walmart, like kroger, like tyson, were reaping benefits, profits so far above the supply chain problems that they had to call it out and that is what led to this policy coming into being. that is where she is from here i would also say you could look at this is antitrust enforcement rather than price controls and she hasn't been specific about that difference. if it is antitrust enforcement, that is something very in-line with who kamala harris is and who she has been throughout her career. i think that this was an incredibly good day for kamala. she was able to introduce herself to the american public in a way she hadn't before, and you take the contrast of yesterday, so you had president trump, someone who grew up a millionaire, became a billionaire, standing in front of his golf club, ranting and raving about everything, lying about everything from gdp rates
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to poverty rates to energy production, et cetera, and then you have kamala harris, someone talking about her middle-class upbringing, the fact her family rented throughout their lives so she knows what it means for people out there who can't get on the property ladder, someone who worked at mcdonald's grew college. you couldn't have a starker juxtaposition between these two candidates. and then on top of that she is saying to people, i feel your pain. i know how much things cost. you know what i want to do? i want to build 3 million new housing use and it speared i want to capric prescription drug prices, not just for medicare recipients but everyone. we didn't get to talk yesterday because of the trump press conference but because medicare is negotiate in drug prices seniors will get to keep 6 billion of their dollars, 1.5 billion in out-of-pocket costs that will be saved because of policies from the biden-harris administration, and that is what today is about, regular people getting to keep more of their money. >> judge jeanine: greg, antitrust enforcement that jessica talks about is really not the issue if we are talking about many different supermarkets, many different
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meat markets, you know, competition is the essence of capitalism. we are not dealing with a monopoly. >> greg: well, first i want to point out jessica said that trump began as a millionaire and now he is a billionaire. i think that makes him an expert in this spirit i would rather listen to somebody who began as a millionaire and is now a billionaire than somebody who doesn't have a damn clue about economics. i never heard a candidate today more unsure about themselves on a topic than kamala harris. i think she has been burdened by the weight of expectations put on her by the media. i've never seen a better campaign ad for trump. she is campaigning better for trump then trump is. first let's talk about down payment on the house, it is infuriating because they are treating the american public like idiots. she makes a proposal that is only half an equation. the first half is here is a nice thing for you. the second half is missing, who pays for it? you saw this with student loan
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theft. describe that forgiveness p or who paid for it? you pay for it. who is footing the footing the billions in all of that free stuff you are paying for it. nothing is free. nothing is free. the sooner a later you figure that out the better off you're going to be and that is directed at democrats who don't understand that these policies are going to sink this country. you know, if you cap prices, you increase scarcity by diminishing competition. people can call her a communist but you've got to explain this because the media won't ask the follow-up questions. how do you plan on doing this? please give me an example. give me an example where industries got together in a room and decided to drastically increase prices. that doesn't exist. the only example they will have is, you know, a bodega raised prices on umbrellas when it rained. that's all they got. there is no payoff for
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industries to increase, artificially inflate their prices, because the people who drive the prices are the consumers. if you want to understand supply and demand, it's the consumers who drive the prices. there is absolutely no debate on this. there is not a single economist who would agree that this is the right thing to do. we can go and talk about eastern bloc countries, look at the cheap, terrible cars they made at appliances, but you already know that story. how do you keep a debate alive if we know this is a fraudulent idea? you don't talk to economists. you listen to politicians. our talking heads like me who have to do the research because i'm sick and tired of hearing people pretend like they know what they are talking about on tv but they don't. so you won't see economists on other shows, other networks, asking these questions.
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like can you give me an example of how this is done? what are the major industries? what is the right price? what is too high? what is too low? can the government set prices based on not having a knowledge of an industry? what do you mean exactly by price gouging? how is that done? beyond unique exceptions? price gouging is a weak phrase directed at weaker mines. >> jessica: can i just add -- >> judge jeanine: bravo. ahead, kamala has no time to answer pesky questions about her radical record because she is too busy grilling tim walz about his white guy tacos. ♪ ♪
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>> martha: it's like a perfect album, right? greg and i were just talking about stephen miller. we are now on day 26 of kamala harris dodging the media. the vice president has not given a single interview, like a real sit down back and forth or an open press conference where she takes 15 or 20 questions, she's done a couple of things on the tarmac. but it is a new day and she is at the top of the ticket. she did do a sitdown chat with her running mate where they grilled each other on some really tough questions. watch this. >> white guy tacos -- >> like mayonnaise and tuna? >> pretty much, ground beef and cheese. >> that's okay, do you put any flavor in it? >> no. here's the deal -- [laughter] they said to be careful and let her know that black pepper is the top of the spice level in minnesota. >> so tim, what's your relationship to music? >> for me, a transformational piece of music,
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bruce springsteen's "the river," which is a journey. >> i am more of a hip-hop girl. i called you, tim. you didn't answer, to them. >> it popped up and we didn't recognize the caller i.d. it went to voice mail. >> martha: never answer the phone if you don't know who is on come i don't. governor walz is white guy tocco mind is cooking up online drama because folks discovered an old suite of his that show he won an award over his turkey tocco hot dish, which contains n chilis, taco sauce, all hotter than the black pepper he says he can't handle the spice level of and get this, tim walz's dog has no granted more interviews than kamala harris. "vogue" magazine putting a spotlight on walz's rescue dog, scout, which happens to be the same name of my dog. they did an interview where the ask the pooch "what is your human's worst," and he said the guy loves diet mountain dew. so, i mean it kind of reminds me of what is your favorite
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ice cream flavor questions for joe biden. they feel cute and interesting if we weren't dealing with a lot of serious things we haven't had any answers to quite yet. >> judge jeanine: clearly her team believes there is a risk to scenting her out there and having her answer questions. that the downside is too great. that is why they think probably the less you see of kamala, the more you are going to like her. but in the end, we've only got 81 days left. and next week is all scripted. she may sit down and give an interview after that, and then there is the debate, and my concern is she's not confident enough, her team is not confident enough to answer any questions. the woman is vice president of the united states of america. what is she afraid of? what is her team afraid of? this is like joe biden number two, not only is she his copilot, but they are
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bubble wrap in her. they may not be keeping her in the basement, but it is the same thing. they are interviewing each other instead of talking to the american people about things we are worried about. he is talking about his favorite spices. americans are trying to afford those spices. you know, the absurdity of it all is so disappointing, but at the same time, it speaks to where we are. i think a lot of young people now are not even concerned with long form interview. they take their phone and scroll and look for the meme or the whatever it is on instagram, and that's all they get their news. they are not going to sit down for the long form anyway. >> martha: some of her supporters are arguing, jessica, it doesn't really matter. don't have to talk to anyone, don't have to answer any questions. you know, what are they -- trump goes out and talks to cbs, abc, nbc, goes on all of these different things. he doesn't care when people throw questions at him and he is willing to face them. i don't understand, as the judge
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says, she is the vice president of the united states. she is a smart woman. answer the questions. what is so hard? >> jessica: well, trump doesn't actually dial up with anyone in a that exposes any details of his plans. he says i'm going to deport them all. and no one follows up and says how are you actually going to round up as millions of people -- >> martha: he's done all kinds -- pretty much any -- >> jessica: he calls these press conferences, and he rants for upwards of an hour, and then -- but he doesn't answer them in any sort -- >> judge jeanine: that's up to the american people. >> martha: or the press. >> jessica: the point about what kamala is doing is that we have 81 days left. she will absolutely be sitting down. but she doesn't need to do it right now. her supporters are not upset about it. people in the middle are not upset about it. she is giving speeches. she is telling people what she stands for.
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and that video with governo governor walz was charming. they were getting -- well come in might not be to you, but 2 million people, because we wouldn't have this kind of election where kamala harris is trending this way and donald trump is trending this way if what they were doing wasn't working pure wherever you get your polls, fivethirtyeight, real clear, the economist, the l report, any of it, kamala harris is trending in the right direction and that is because her approach to this. >> martha: if it's not broke, don't fix it. but joey, what i am more worried about his with the judge said, that people don't really care, that they are happy with tiktok meme version of someone, going to go and vote. >> joey: i don't know where people are on issues. kamala harris has to run against donald trump and joe biden. hard to do and more questions she answers the harder gets to do that because she has been is vice president. you embrace trump's ideas like child tax credit, no tax on
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tips, do it by ignoring your own progressive legacy, and do it by continuing to court the far left progressives would ever you can put out there. one of those pieces of red meat a someone like tim walz, who cloaks himself in this fake midwestern conservative personality while putting tampons and boys bathroom, calling the sensor of the first amendment, allowing riots but jailing business owners, a few months later during covid. i was going to really make fun of him because i think about that movie, the campaign, where zach galifianakis gets turned into the perfect candidate, but as soon as you take a look, even take his dogs away and give him better dogs. very engineered, scout name, but you said that was your dog's name, but that is what he is. they are trying to paint him as this perfect midwesterner when he is nothing less then a liar. and you know what, i save my words on him for weeks until i saw a video of him on the house affairs committee, which i served on with him as a staffer, looking at gold star families
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and saying when they come back from war like i came back, without the mental health assets or resources they need -- bro, you were on a deployment in southern italy. put me on that deployment. what are you talking about? what was your mental health needs coming back from southern italy? i'm not saying there weren't any, but maybe answer some questions on that because you looked at a gold star family and tried to put yourself and know mike in their sons and daughters shoes, that's what kind of person you are? that's who she picked to go with her? not because of any -- jessica and i were talking with us in the green room. president trump is not going to say things that make you feel good. he's not going to make you feel heard and seen, but he might not send your son to war for no good reason. he might not bankrupt your business for no good reason. he might be the cost of energy down p or he might not need to give you a fake funny $5,000 to go buy a house so that everybody else can
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help and now the cost of housing goes down. the only way to bring down the ghost cost of groceries to taker the food industry. $2 diesel does a lot to take care of the price of groceries. so i don't care what he says about the medal of freedom or the medal of honor. i don't care what words are taken out of context or even left in context p or he can be a rotten human being for all i care. do the policies that work that you did the first time around and you have my vote. i have no idea if the rest of america is on board with me. >> jessica: but you do know that their plans have been evaluated and trump's is more inflationary. moody's did that. >> joey: trump -- might criticize him -- >> martha: $1500 back in every middle class families pocket. it would put tax cuts. greg, we want to make sure we get you in. >> greg: sure. just remember the same people who told america that joe was sharp as a tack are now telling you that kamala is sharp as a tack.
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so remember that. her approach, kamala's approach right now is a calculated retreat because she prefers, and her campaign prefers that she lived in the world of the first impression. because the basket case theory. the more you know about her, the less you want to know about her. and i'm telling you, watch that again. she is not a confident candidate. it's true. and you are right, walz is a -- he -- the more you know about him, you realize they did not vet this guy. i mean, his campaign cover up of these horrible dei -- -- >> judge jeanine: dui. >> greg: what did i say? >> jessica: dei come a little obsessed. >> greg: if that is not disqualifying come i don't know what is p or he actually exploited his military background to cover up his crime. he said it was related to his service and that he actually wasn't drunk, he just misheard the instructions in the drunk
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test. he blew a super high level, like .2, driving hundred miles per hour, and then he is running for office, he said he wasn't drunk. i mean, this guy has creep written all over him. he created a snitch line but lies about his own -- his personal infractions. he doesn't even own up to it, you know, this is a guy who pushes a hoax about sex on a couch and then the closer you look at him, he's a creepy -- >> judge jeanine: what? >> greg: that's it. >> martha: a break. coming up next, the pro-hamas agitators seem to be getting a dry run for the dnc and president biden and kamala harris get heckled at their event. by then. we are going to see a lot more of them probably next week. we will be right back. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> what do you say! >> how many kids have you killed today! [indistinct shouting] >> joey: anti-israel agitators giving us a sneak peek of the chaos coming to the dnc. the hamas-loving freaks crashing a new york democrat rally for vp harassed sprawling with cops, storming after party in harlem. they also infiltrated a biden-harris event yesterday at heckled joe biden when he was speaking. watch this. speak our democracy -- [indistinct] >> self-evident, that all are created equal -- [indistinct indistinct] >> joey: this is like the itch you just can't scratch.
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you are going to be at the dnc. how do you think this will impact him? >> martha: you know, unless i can get inside and have credentials, it is very hard to get interviews. the republican convention they did the same thing in milwaukee, figured out a way to keep them at a very huge distance, essentially, saying it was going to be a safety hazard in the city and they managed to keep them really far away, and the battle is going on right now because these protest groups are going before the city and saying they are stepping on their first amendment, that they have a right to be heard by the people coming and going, from the convention. so that's a battle that the city has to sort of wage. obviously the people of chicago have had successful conventions. they also have the memory of 1968 in their memory well, as well. my guess is there going to keep them at a distance but what will be really interesting is if somebody gets inside. if they get inside the building and they start to cause havoc,
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it could be an issue. i think it is at the voting booth that it is going to be something they have to contend with anymore meaningful way. obviously kamala harris is trying to walk this fence very carefully, and i don't how successful at this point. >> joey: jessica, that's really the question. also showed up for republicans. they are rebuking biden-harris but biden-harris rebuking them, is there a place for these people at the dnc? >> jessica: yeah, half a mile away. that is where they have been relegated to. they have showed themselves to be unsafe. this doesn't qualify as peaceful protest, what we have seen in the past, some of the campus protests they said were so peaceful, kids were beaten up, jewish kids were for prevented from going to libraries or classrooms or their dorm rooms. these people say we want to be heard. we have heard you and the administration with the rest of the free world is working as hard as they can point a cease-fire that also returns the hostages. none of this would have happened if they hadn't shown up and
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killed over a thousand people and taken hundreds of people hostage. and now they are starting fights online with black and latino voters demeaning what issues are the most important to them, saying to young black women, oh, this is more important than anyone's right every productive health care, this is more important than climate change, this is more important than gun reform, just denigrating people, and people are on their last nerve. i was on the jewish women for kamala call last night and this was a major theme, that they feel as though they democratic party, the perception of it has been co-opted from such a small fringe minority that has nothing to do with how our leadership feels, how jewish liberals feel, about our country and how they feel about israel and netanyahu -- >> martha: she hasn't shut them down. >> jessica: she did. they showed up -- >> martha: she didn't say we support israel in this country pirro october 7th -- >> joey: so two squad members have already been defeated come i don't how many others will.
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is this a moment where republicans take a step back and let the left eat itself? >> judge jeanine: yeah, let them go at it. here's the problem. first of all as it relates to chicago, chicago has the largest palestinian population in the country. most of us think it is in michigan or minnesota. no, it is in cook county. so right there you've got 100,000 planned to come from 150 different organizations. my understanding is that permits have been granted but that there are restrictions on the permits. and i think, you know, that's where the problem is going to come. hopefully they are, as jessica says, half a mile away, but at the same time they have a first amendment right, but it's got to be balanced against safety and security for everybody else. for me, the most curious part of this issue is how they see kamala and biden. on the one hand, they know that joe biden is the guy who freed up or opened up $80 million in oil sales so iran can fund hamas and all of these other
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organizations, and then iran was broke under trump, so on the one hand, i mean, if they've got any smarts, they know that they are on their side. but on the other hand, you know, they've got this other issue is to joe biden and kamala, and this is where she's got to do that dance separated herself from biden, which i don't how she's going to do. joe biden ascending armaments to israel. she said if you want donald trump to win, then keep talking, and she shut them up. so i'm not quite sure how they see her. and that's what's going to come out at this convention. >> joey: greg, the squad only existed -- we know the squad, five or six matters of congress, this is a group they pander to people the idea democrats can wash their hands of these people. >> greg: i'm not sure that there's not much daylight between these protesters and some of the people in the room. just ask josh shapiro. he is not in the room.
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not in the squad. the protesters are probably happy they ditched him because he is a jew. when you split people into groups, you end up ultimately pitting them against each other. because you sacrifice the uniqueness of an individual, here's a person named steve, but then you turn him into steve, a member of lgbtq, and all of a sudden, you have the demands of a group, and a group that tells people that they are special, as opposed to unique. when you were talking about what is happening on these, these groups are turning on each other because that's the natural evolution of these things. if you tell a group that they are special, then they are going to be more special than the other group. patriotism of religion. they said you were unique. they didn't say you were special. right? that is what you are seeing right now. i think it might be ugly there. it might be ugly there. i'm glad i'm not going p or one benefit of being a republican, those aren't your brats.
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you know, we cracked the whip's. we know how to be an adult. it's like being at a restaurant and your kids are well behaved and you look over and you see their kids and they are screaming and yelling and you go my god, it's not the kids, it's the parents. democrats have to discover their inner adult. jessica. >> jessica: without those ipads. that's what i do. >> judge jeanine: jessica, do you think it matters that her husband's jewish? >> jessica: i think it does matter a lot. we do have to go. >> judge jeanine: that's an interesting piece. ♪ ♪
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you know what, never mind. just be on your phones. she grew up in a middle class home. she was the daughter of a working mom. and she worked at mcdonald's while she got her degree. kamala harris knows what it's like to be middle class. it's why she's determined to lower health care costs and make housing more affordable. donald trump has no plan to help the middle class, just more tax cuts for billionaires. being president is about who you fight for. and she's fighting for people like you. i'm kamala harris and i approve this message. ♪ ♪ >> jessica: meta ceo mark zuckerberg is putting husbands to shame after unveiling a gigantic statue of his wife, priscilla. he is bringing back the roman tradition of making sculptures for his wife.
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greg. >> greg: all right. he is bringing back a tradition. no, he's not. this just raises one question and one question only: what did he do? >> judge jeanine: that's it. that was my -- >> greg: this picture that was taken with her standing in front of it, i can't see that far, okay, does she look like somebody was really excited and thrilled by this gift? she is drinking a cup of coffee in the bathrobe like this is not going to erase whatever he did. he didn't buy her a bracelet. he didn't buy her a car. whatever he did is awful. he created the metaverse. my theory is she walked in on him during a virtual reality orgy. come on p or why would your husband do this? >> martha: to thoughts. one it came with the coffee mug, same color as the statue. i'm wondering what he did come i'm thinking back to when he
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was praising trump for yelling "fight fight fight" and saying it was a badass move and made them feel patriotic, maybe h sht pure. >> jessica: just what a million -- >> joey: not going to clown on this dude. if you're going to bring back roman traditions come i think chariot races go to the very t top, got the money to do it. >> judge jeanine: there isn't anything she can't buy for herself, and this is something, points to something he did that was pretty awful. having been married for many years, got many gifts. this isn't a good sign. >> jessica: all right, "fan mail friday" is up next. ♪ ♪ ok limu! you set it, and as i spike it, i'll tell them how liberty mutual customizes car insurance, so they only pay for what they need. got it? [squawks]
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>> greg: no superstitions? >> judge jeanine: no. >> greg: interesting. >> judge jeanine: i walk under ladders. i don't care if a black cat crosses me or him. >> greg: black cats are worried about you crossing them pure jessica, any superstitions? >> jessica: not a lot. i dabbled with not putting together -- thank you. just waiting until the baby comes -- >> judge jeanine: interesting. >> jessica: i dabbled with it. ended up picking out everything i wanted but a lot of my friends dabbled with that. >> judge jeanine: i understand that beards be one don't take a u-turn, never come back from whu came and don't jinx yourself, don't count your chickens. >> martha: i don't know why, when my kids were little, got on a plane, tapped the side of the door of the plane when we get on and for some reason it is supposed to keep us safe but i will always tap tap every time i
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get on a plane and when my kids, don't forget to tap tap. >> jessica: that's cute. >> judge jeanine: that is cute. >> jessica: nice family thing. >> martha: it's a little tradition. >> judge jeanine: meanwhile the kids are petrified. what's yours? >> greg: i would say the chickens hatching thing. every time you ever assume something, it's never -- it never happens. >> judge jeanine: yep. >> greg: drives you crazy. no more time. omt up next. ♪ ♪
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some of us some of us are not going to. but i will see you there live on the story from the 18thay and to the 20 seconds starting on sunday, going all the way through thursday. then we'reback in back in new n friday. and the five except for greg. yes. and why are you back? but i'm doing my show live at 11. i'm no t going. you wanted to you wanted to.suie yeah. i love chicago. come in my suitcase. >> ga dollarif i had a dollar fe time, had that tonight. dagen mcdowell, ricky cobb, kat timpf, tyrus. and then a reminder, starting monday, live at 11 p.m.. >> for that week, dnc. let's do this. >> adam. we haven't done this i.n animal s are great months. i tell you>> gre, three months and months. >> let's go look at aa huh? baby sloth eaten with chopsticks. why isn't this amuset thisd thi? it's a baby slot. gething cuter than a baby slot .
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you know what?icks you like to eat sweet potatoes. and he loves getting in fromtha chopsticks. that's cultural appropriation, jessica. just so you know. , this sloth is a luna, lives at the san antonio zoo in texas.ey say joey and they say that she loves nothing more than sweet potatoesat's her. >> that's her favorite snack. and better be easy to hide. you're a terribl e person. ge jeani you are a terrible person. all right, my turn. >> it's time for that. yeah. take a look at frickin track here. onll, attempting to burglarize and burn down a hair salon, one clumsy pyromaniac actually set himself on fire. the verb then proceeded to stop, drop and roll s on the pavement outside to put out the flames befortop stope fg the scene with his accomplice. talk about a bad haig our day. they must have gotten one bad haircut that came to thirs. >> anyway, i am also on "hannity" tonight, joey.ed t
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>> yes. i'm about setting the place on fire. i need you to saveyo the datearh because the fox nation's annual patriot awards hasas been announced. it will be held this year on december 5th in new york. you can get your tickets at derby. derby derby at fox nation .comwl slash patriot awards. see us there. l have awe'll have a good time. >> yes. and jessica. okay. so year afte a year after partng with hellmann's titan's quarterback, it's well, levi tio right, is releasing a mayo scented cologne. it's just $8 a bottle, which honestly seems like a lot for something like that. but you can smel l like the athlete's favorite condiment. in addition to mayo, the fragrance also has notess oe of lemon, parsley, vanilla and coffee. he has a lifetime's supply nowll coming to him of mayo, and it's already sold out, but it'll be restocked. greg oh, wait a minute. he's in his coffee forhi just you can smell like. so what is it? mayo scentedr wa . e watter >> all right, i got to go. that's it for us.s. have a great night. >> welcome t


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