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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  August 17, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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arthel: former president trump is about to take the stage in battleground pennsylvania any moment now. he is expected to attack his democratic rival vice president kamala harris was also making a play for pennsylvania as we can but welcome to a new hours of "fox news live" ever felt neville. hi eric. super hello everyone thank you for joining us i'm eric shawn for the former president is expected to attack harris over economic policy that she rolled out yesterday. the former president ramping up his campaign as polls show a heresy gainharris gaining momeny swing states. president biden nearly one pennsylvania in 2020. also considered a must win state for both former president trump vice president harris in the upcoming election that is 80 days from today. meanwhile the v vice president d her running mate minnesota governor tim at walls where they are kicking off a bus to her and pennsylvania that a starting tomorrow put all leading up to the democratic national convention that starts on monday in chicago.
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alexis mcadams is live in northeastern pennsylvania where former president trump is about to speak at that rally. hey alexis. rex so, like a typical trump rally in pennsylvania we are seeing pretty big crowds. inside this arena you can fit up to 10000 people we have been in here for a few hours at the median earlier. it was kind of a slow trickle i was wearing for the seats to fill up. i can play their pretty much all full now. that shows you how much support the former president has no the swing state of pennsylvania. there's also people on the floor waiting for the former president to speak he will be either in 20 minutes or so he'll talk about a wide range of topics one of those? the border, the economy and crime this time is really going to focus in on the economy. something every single person i talked to her to her on the grot the rally says is top of mind for them. with a head to the gas pump you name it they think about their pocketbook and their pocketbook
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to with head to the polls. we arest of trump should stay op not personal attacks, watch. >> going back to that to everyone talks about is the specific policies that want to hear about inflation for the one here about the border and other topics. what is your advice and should given it to them before. to stay on top of the policies and cited personal tax some people say they are turned off by that. what is your advice to the president on that? works i w out sales president tp has been extremely focused on making sure he is hitting his marks pretty think back to the debate he had with joe biden. he did not did not just knock joe biden off the debate stage but knocked him off the ticket. talking about what he did during his four years in office but what he is going to do during his next four years. >> he also said the doing everything they can to win over voters in the swing state of pennsylvania.
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it's not just trump working hard here in pennsylvania it's also kamala harris and her vp pick civil walls are going to be out in the area again tomorrow for a bus tour before they head to the dnc. to try to gain leverage tried to gain voters but trump is doing pretty well according to this crowd. so let's see what happens. >> good to see you and of course will bring our viewers the former president's remarks as soon as he starts speaking. thank you. arthel: former president trump rallies his supporters in pennsylvania his democratic rival vice president harris is trying to get voters on board with her economic vision for the u.s. she released her agenda yesterday vowing to create an opportunity economy for all americans paid the major policy announcement comes just days before the start of the dnc convention in chicago. that is where we find mike tobin. >> here we go over the big
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convention is coming to town as as you mentioned vice president kamala harris has been out front trying to sell her economic agenda. speaking in north carolina but she was the phrase opportunity economy stressing a middle-class salary should be good enough $25000 she promised to restore the child checks credit and add a $6000 for new she wants to place limits on drug expenses and create a federal ban on groceries. exploit crises and break the rules. and we will support smaller food businesses that are trying to play by the rules and get ahead. >> pro- palestinian demonstrators they were with joe biden for supporting israel militarily. they call president biden genocide to joe the vice president killer kamala.
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the pulsing to march on the dnc's es is estimate the numbere in chicago will be in the tens of thousands the coalition chalked up wins with the city. they secure the right to march with the sight and sound at the convention at yesterday the city gave them permission to set up loudspeakers, a state even porta ported jobs for anti- israel rally. the security force headed by the secret service, chicago police have eliminated time off for their officers. they've got 12 hours in each officer were specialized training or crowd control, for this event for they will be supplemented by officers from all over the estate. even officers from milwaukee, wisconsin. arthel: all hands on deck. mike tobin thank you. eric: they will need all hands on deck because chicago business owners and residents are on edge and pricing for the possibility of chaos next week thousands of them and serves descent of the windy city for the convention read some business oak taking matters into their own hands. >> well, we decided to board up
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just because we have experience with this. and the city does not have a great track record with the protecting their businesses or their citizens property. >> is cheaper to boarded up then to boarded up and replace the glass later. so i believe they are just being more preventive this time. they want that security. eric: growing fears of violence could overshadow the dnc and scenes reminiscent of what were looking at right now member of the 1968 convention. all the anger over the vietnam war spilled onto the streets of chicago, grant park with antiwar protests as well as inside the convention hall. mayor daley's chicago police at the time, well could we see a radio? richard fowler fox news contributor joins us now. remember what happened in 1968 question work that led to the election what do you expect will happen starting next week there?
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>> thank you for having me. i got a chance to drive through some of the perimeters had the chance to talk to the mayor of chicago this morning. the sensor getting from them on the ground as they are prepared for this. they are ready for this convention and are excited to see 50000 folks come to chicago and hopefully spend a lot of money so they can make money in the process. this convention is a page turner. more than bore a couple lisa go for the presidential debate of joe biden's folks are really excited about vice president kamala harris coming to the city of chicago delegates are really excited to make her the official nominee on thursday night. eric: what type of reaction do you think you will see to both the vice president and the current president? knowing that he bowed out the way he did. >> and think that is a great question. we know president joe biden will speak on a monday here in chicago. i think what you'll get from the democratic party is a thank you, joe. thank you for all you did this first presidency. and thank you for creating a history making moments in the
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nomination of kamala harris the second woman to bend the democratic person the first black and asian woman to be on that ticket. there will be a lot of excitement in the crowd. the sensor in chicago from all the folks i have talked to jess today and the there more folks coming into town is absolute excitement. from the airport, to the highway, it's even back-to-school event i went to earlier with the mayor was getting from the folks in chicago is excitement about the convention being here and i think delegates are doing the same thing. >> at the same time pro- palestinian protesters especially. they have done things other protesters have entered that infiltrated meetings they have evacuated some members of congress in november. when they vandalize congressional offices listen to what one of the protesters talked about in terms of agreement with the city to set up special areas for the protests. they felt that was not enough. take a listen. >> we set it from day one, we
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will say it forever. they cannot restrict the people's movement. they cannot repress the people's movement. we won't be there. we will chant free palestine. will say stop usa to israel. eric: do you think there could be that type of trouble? or do you think they will be in their areas and we will see smoother convention? >> i think it will be a smoother convention. my sense is the city is being very, very prepared for these protesters. what we know to be true as a democratic party they are a party that welcomes this type of debate in this type of discussion. and that platform still reflects that. it's also worth putting out in this moment as we are having this conversation, we know the biden state department and the biden white house is doing everything in their power to actually try to secure a cease-fire between hamas and israel put hopefully and i am sure what he wants this moment
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succumbed to the convention on monday note the cease-fire in hand. is that possible? we will not know that. i do think the white house had heard from those voices in her from the voices on the other side saying we want hostages returned. they are trying to find a balanced approach to get that done. i'm sure the president will talk about that. eric: finally was how the scenes of protest. could this backfire? could it actually backfire on their cause? people getting sick of seeing these scenes it. people tire of the disruptions in the sort of thing. do you think it could backfire on them? >> it's a really good question. i do think we sit at an interesting moment in american history. if we look at the two candidates the trump campaign versus the hair/walls campaign there is no clear contrast when it comes to how we are dealing with the israel palestine conflict. we have from here is the current biden administration is an actual push to try to get a real cease-fire that concludes all the partners in the middle east
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sitting at the table resolving it. the other side there seems to be were only going to back israel no matter what. as a solution the truth of the matter is if we want peace affluent real peace in the middle east. what real peace in israel and hamas it's all the sides coming to the table and coming up with some sort of deal for the biden administration is actively working on. eric: the cease-fire talks supposedly resuming. we'll see what happens later this week. you say it would be quite a moment if it is announced during the democratic convention. >> i think that is with the president wants. forget it will have to wait and see be good to see it would have some great chicago hotdogs two. good to see you. >> all have one just for you. eric: and pizza, deep dish. take care. [laughter] >> take care. arthel: deep dish indeed. next city mayor eric adams renewed his support for a facemask band on lawful protesters who hide their faces. this bec comes the same week sir ban went into effect and nasa
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county on long island. with more on this proposal. >> new york city mayor eric adams really did not mince words on this. on a radio show this week he called himself a believer when it comes to banning masks for nonhealth reasons. violent crime and violent protests have become a problem pretty added in part quote if you are at a protest yelling and screaming you are not concerned about your health reason. adam's comments come just two days after a facemask band became law in a suburban new york county redoing the bill signing on wednesday, nasa county executive bruce blakeman reiterated there would be exceptions or religious or medical reasons. he explained people won't be arrested for simply wearing a mask. but, they can be questioned by police. someone found to be hiding their identity could then be arrested and face up to a year in jail or
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$1000 fine. called the new lot common sense. >> we have been seeing all over the country, massive shoplifting or people are stealing goods with masks on. and our law enforcement are police officers do not have the ability to identify them and therefore arrest them so they are getting away with it. >> opponents say people will be unfairly targeted. and why cl you riding in part quote section bands that jeopardize new yorkers health and safety. ririsk selective and racially biased enforcement undermine protections for those engaging in peaceful demonstrations while expressing political opinions that may be unpopular. earlier this summer governor kathy hochul said she supported a facemask band on the transit system after reports of anti-semitism on the new york city subway during the gaza war protest you can see what their near screen some people wearing masks. it appears in now her stance has
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shifted. she told the "new york post" this week that instead she wants harsher penalties for those wearing masks while committing a crime versus an outright ban. we have reached out to her office for more details on where she truly stands with this right now and we have not heard back. arthel: okay, you keep us posted. thank you cb cotton. eric: georgia santos new york republican expelled from congress last year is expected to plead guilty next week in a federal fraud cases. multiple report saying santos has reached a plea deal with prosecutors. it will appear in court on monday. this comes just weeks before a jury committed is supposed to start in his trial. santos faces 23 felony charges including wire fraud, money laundering and prosecutors claim former congressman to use congrn donations for personal expenses during his campaign in 2022 but
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they also state santos pocketed $24000 and pandemic unemployment benefits while he was working. two of his campaign staffers but applied guilty to their rolls in the case. fox news hfox news has reached e former congressman. he has so far declined to comment. arthel: republicans are raising red flags after multiple people with ties to terrorism were arrested on the southern border. california congressman on thattl nexte. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. this is the tempur-pedic breeze mattress,
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eric: secretary of state antony blinken's traveling to israel after cease-fire because and without a dear negotiator say they do hope to get some agreement across the finish line by the end of next week. jeff a paul live with the very latest from there. >> hi. eric the fighting both in gaza and along the israel lebanon border only further complicating the ongoing negotiations. in particular at the touchy situation and lebanon were both hezbollah are paying close attention as they wait whether or not to launch a long promisee threatened attack on israel. it is going to be scenes like this they will be tank paying attention to this was early today in the aftermath this is
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really a strike in southern lebanon. the israeli air force that it struck a military building as well as a weapons storage facility. lebanon's health ministry said several were killed at end because of the fighting between israeli forces and hamas continues in the central cause of the idf says is really airstrike killed several militants. reports on ground estimate at least 18 people were killed from the same family during that is really airstrike. just south of their order by the israeli military to evacuate khan yunis ahead of fighting. >> we are running. we do not know where to go or what to do with our lives we are tired. we are tired by hope i will die and get rid of this bad life. >> in terms of the ongoing negotiations the next round of talks is set to take place next week in cairo on thursday. that is what u.s. officials say the focus will be on bridging the remaining gaps to get that deal done once and for all after
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two days of negotiations and dell hot the u.s. qatar and egypt positive and constructive their aim is to obviously and the 10 month long war and secure the release of the remaining 150 hostages. we are expecting secretary of state antony blinken to arrive here at israel sometime tomorrow. his work obviously is going to center around getting this ideal across the line. eric: we will see if it does. jeff thank you. arthel: house republicans are asking top abide administration officials for information on three palestinian terror suspects who were caught illegally crossing into the united states from mexico last month. they were detained in the san diego border sector along the migrant from turkey who also has suspected terrorist talks. and with terror ties was apprehended in new mexico days later. so far nearly 300 people on terror watch list have been caught at the southern border
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since the fiscal year 2022. let's bring it right now republican congressman darrell issa from california. and a house affairs and judiciary committee. so congressman thank you for joining us. first about what more can you tell us about the terrorist suspects? >> what we know as they are on the terra watch list for good reason. probably to get away. the reason to say that is the terra watch list is not unknown to these individuals. therefore these people are paying a premium. >> a congressman, congressman i'm not sure what is happening with your audio. but let me come back to you. lelet's even get that fixed because i really want to hear what you have to say. so if you can stand by don't go yet let me see if they can work on that while i set up the next question for you. because what i would like to do
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is read part of a memo of the border patrol sent out to its agents warning about palestinian terrorist potentially coming across the border. this is of course of following the october 7 terror attack. here's part of that memo says coach individuals inspired by or reacting to the current isr israel/hamas contract may attempt to travel to or from the area of hostilities in the middle east via that certain cet across the southwest border. omar a 35-year-old palestinian migrant captured at the border on a chair watch list for allegedly previously using firearms and explosives. so congressman, can you share information what flag border patrol as well as a three suspected pell city and terrorists apprehended a few weeks ago at the san diego border? ask what we are getting from the
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administration, although to be honest or trying to hold back a great deal. these individuals are not unique. in fact similar individuals as you said 300 over time. many of which were released. that is the part we are trying to get too. if you only are catching one out of two or one out of three people on the watchlist and then you aren't releasing some of them what is the point of the watchlist? this is where chairman jordan, chairman and green and the rest of us are working hard to get answers why there's not an extra effort to catch the so-called got a ways. and ultimately my even one person on that watchlist is ever released back into the united states. arthel: i was going to ask you did they give you an answer as to why they were released? and also, so the ones that have been captured what happens now?
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>> this is the interesting thing. what we know is some of them have been quote voluntarily work turned to their home country which is min means i get to try again. this is the area i think border regions in san diego is my district. i run along the mexico border for almost 90 miles. what we know the border patrol with this massive amount of people coming over the border unannounced and illegally, what happens is when they come over the border they tie up the border patrol. this allowe allows those who arg to circumvent being seen altogether or at least being caught to get over. in our border region we know baltimore g getaway when they really want to then those who ultimately are apprehended. that is the challenge. these people are clearly a threat to at least law enforcement and in some cases a true terror threat when someone's using weapons and explosives we don't have to ask if they are a terror threat just
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like the man who tried to assassinate the president they are terror threats today. arthel: that person who tried to assassinate former president trump. >> was an american citizen. no. but anytime you see somebody with weapons and explosives you see somebody who has a likely nefarious action. that is why the important things we are looking at why do we not have zero tolerance for people who have a history of active illegal activity and their own country. remember just being a criminal in her home country does not get you on the terrorist watch list. and many countries such as iran, venezuela and so on are opaque to us. we do not have the people they are necessarily on the watchlist palestinians it's only because of israel we are able to have at least some names of people who
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have a violent background. >> and enclosing the illegal crossings are down. but you are still concerned of the ones coming across could be the suspects we are talking about right now. >> exactly they are two things to be aware of. they got a ways those is seen but not apprehended is not going down very quickly if at all. that's a bit of a false statement the administration uses of more people present themselves for a quick release with an air ticket at a port of entry, they are not considered to be illegal entries. so, the word is getting out that the border patrol is ordered to let everyone who comes up to a gate come in. that is lowering the number. the total number of people entering the united states being rolled into the united states is not a figure according to the border patrol unit and others that's actually going down. it is in fact -- the number of
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people being handled between customs and the border patrol is in fact very similar. that is the reason the 10 million figure continues to grow. the amount of people a in the u. over and above those who got away and many of whom could very well be a danger to our society. arthel: boy, we have got to get it together for sure. congressman darrell issa i thank you for joining us. have you back on again soon. thank you so much. cooks dual russian american citizen is now facing more than a decade in a russian prison for they say her alleged crime in russia donating $50 to ukrainian charity. this as ukraine front-line forces moved deeper into russia that and more coming up next here on fox news live.
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arthel: a live looking for you at the mohegan arena and wilkes-barre. we are watching former president trump is about to speak at a rally in battleground pennsylvania parties expected among other things to criticize vice president harris economic agenda. of course we will go there live as soon mr. trope begins his remarks. so stay tuned. >> many of the big food companies are seeing their highest profits in two decades. and while many rink grocery chains pass along the savings, others still aren't. as a president i will go after the bad actors. [cheering] [applause] seafort vice president harris of course talking about the economy this is president biden is at
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camp david this weekend his reaction comes into ms. harris' speech unveiling her economic agenda that you saw yesterday. some economists, even if you are criticizing the plan. lucas tomlinson life at the white house with more reaction to this. hyhi lucas. quite you do not hear vice president harris talk much about biden onyx critics are wondering how much space the vice president is putting between herself and president biden on one indication of physical space president biden speaks first of the democratic national committee and monday of course the bison present speaks of thursday that the four-day difference right there. no earlier, yesterday our colleague peter doocy asked president biden just about that same question. >> how much would it bother you vice president harris might soon for political reasons start to distance herself from your economic question or quick she's not going too. >> vice president harris admits the prices are much higher today than they were during donald
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trump's administration. >> i will work to pass the first ever federal ban on price gauging on food. prices are still too high. a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic. ground beef is up almost 50%. many of the big food companies are seeing their highest profits in two decades. and while many grocery chains pass along these savings, others still aren't. >> and the last hour on this show, arthel interviewed economics expert was the audio was fixed he had this to say about vice president harris economic plan. cooking actually address the price gouging as well although some of the proposals that vice president harris is offering, this is not one of them is sort
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of a loser right out of the gate. it's price controls historically have never been successful. >> more criticism from obama's economic adviser writing this is not sensible policy of the biggest hope is that it ends up being a lot of rhetoric and no reality there is no upside here and there is some downside the "washington post" editorial board writing a scathing piece today unfortunate instead of delivering a substantial plan she squandered the moment on a popopulist gimmicks later writig even adjusted for the pandering standards of campaign economics. however mrs. harris speech friday it ranks as a discipline wall street journal editorial board also knocking the piece reminiscent of venezuela and that's just some of the criticism we have heard following the speech relax maybe president nixon's 1971 price controls which were not that successful but we heard on special report last night hugh said he helped build the nixon
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library there is no mention of price controls of the nixon library. eric: alright lucas you would know thank you. >> ukrainian forces taking out critical bridge in russia as he pushes forward and a daring counteroffensive in moscow is blaming the u.s. for helping ukraine and pull it off. stephanie bennett is live in london with all of the details. >> that is exactly rights. russia is blaming the west for encouraging and supporting ukraine's invasion into russia moscow says that will not change the course of this war they claim. take a look at some of the footage a bit closer in an effort to destroy the movement of troops and supplies russia's foreign ministry says ukraine had used western rockets likely u.s. made to destroy that bridge over the same river in the region killing trying vultures try to back with the same time since its incursion is taking control of 82 sediments across
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roughly 440 square miles marking the largest cross-border attack on russian soil since world war ii. >> this is the latest in a series of massive intelligence failures on the part of vladimir putin. first and foremost a failed acco to assess ukraine's will and capacity to fight when he invaded over two years ago. >> the united states has said previously cannot allow russian president vladimir putin to win the war and say they see ukraine surprised incursion as a protective a move that justifies the use of u.s. weaponry. new this morning president zelenskyy was posting on telegrams" we have replenished the exchange fund for our country that's referring to russian soldiers ukraine has captured to be used in future prisoner swaps for the release of civilians and troops. we heard from vladimir a british citizen who was among the prisoners released a couple weeks ago after being arrested in april 2022 for speaking against russia's invasion of
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ukraine. >> let's not forget while the 16 of us are free the 16 of us are snatched there are hundreds and hundreds and thousands who are still left that russian particle prisons ukrainian prisoners of war ukrainian civilian hostages. in neighboring belarus there are two dictatorships stil selectinr prescient pollutant in belarus. we must relent until all of them are also free and reunited with their families. >> back-and-forth continues. arthel: stephanie bennett thank you. >> former president trump is taken the stage right now and his a campaign rally. let's take a listen for a moment. ♪ there ain't no doubt i love this land ♪ ♪ god bless the usa. ♪ ♪ ♪ and i'm proud to be an
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american where at least i know i'm free ♪ ♪ and i won't forget the men who died ♪ ♪ and gave that right to meet ♪ ♪. eric: there is the music you can see the former president waiting for the music to end as he seems to kind of enjoy it and wait for him to start speaking. he certainly will as expected talk about vice president harris economic plan she unveiled yesterday. hhe's partially attacked that. so we will listen to what he has to say. ♪ >> thank you very much pennsylvania. i love pennsylvania. >> usa. usa. usa. usa. >> thank you very much. i give a very big hello to
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pennsylvania. it's great to back in this good commonwealth. hard-working american patriots that's what you are. eighty days from now were going to defeat a communist and most radical left a person ever to run for office. that's not what this country needs. we've had enough of them. were going to win back the white house. we are going to take back our country. [cheering] kamala harris as a super it left a liberal who ruined san francisco. ruined california and delivered a badly broken economy. a badly broken a border. which gave us a dangerous world of chaos, death and destruction. just take a look at what is
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happening today. we were a respected country now the whole world laughs at us. we are a bunch of foolish people to have allowed this to happen. we are going to bring it back. and bring it back very fast. we'll close up the borders and drill, baby, drill. very good, very fast it will happen very quickly. [cheering] [applause] she breaks everything that she touches. but soon we were going to fix ey single problem kamala harris and joe biden. what happened to biden i was running against a biden all the sudden i am running against someone else. that is true. it is interesting i said to my running against? harris i said who is harris? you know she was the first one out last time. she was the first one to lose and now all of the sudden she is running. she never got a vote but they are a threat to democracy. remember that. started the day i take the oath
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of office i will rapidly drive up prices down we will make america affordable again. were going to make it affordable again. [cheering] [applause] under kamala harris and crooked joe biden the american dream was dead it was dead as a doornail they'll never br bring them back unless we win. if we win we will have the american dream alive all for your beautiful children. your grandchildren. all have the american dream will be back with us. her radical liberal policies horrific inflation, decimated the middle-class and gutted the finances of millions of american families. and you know what i am talking about. because everyone in this room has been devastated by what they have done. they have no idea. they're grossly incompetent people put real incomes are down
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by over $2000 a year. think of that. a minimum and hours up five times that amount. more than five times that amount. her price hikes the typical household a total of $28000. that is called the kamala harris inflation taxa. she was there for everything. when she sits and complains, look, look joe biden hates her. okay? hates her. you don't mind if i go off and teleprompter for a second do you? [cheering] [applause] >> joe biden hates her. this wasn't overthrow of a president. this was an overthrow. they went out i spent $100 million fighting joe biden they told him he could not win his debate performance was not the best ever.
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but they said mine was the best ever. but they said his debate performance wasn't i look forward to debating her by the way. she will be easier. she'll be easier than him. her policies are so bad. remember her father was a marxist economic professor. he was a marxist in about a marxist this is not what we want in this country. kamala harris and crooked joe. is anything less expensive under kamala harris or crooked joe? no, no it's been devastating. inflation has been devastating under this a group of people that have no idea what they are doing. are you better off with kamala and biden that you were under president donald j trump?
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i don't think so. they do poles on the step and i am like 93% is and why are we having an election? they didn't have an election where we having an election? how would you like to be biden it is working, spending money, trying, they wanted to have a debate. that's the thing that started it all. if i did not debate him he would still be running right now for it i would believe she would be easier to beat than him. she is a truly radical left lunatic. with him he never believed it i don't know if he knew anything, i am not sure. but he really didn't believe it but she totally believes that she wants to destroy the country with four more years of kamala your finances will never recover they will only get worse but they're only going to get worse. the stock market and we have some of the most brilliant people on wall street saying this. the stock market is only up
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because they think i am going to win and if we don't win according to many people including one of the greatest wall street prognosticators scott has anyone heard of him? one of the most brilliant guys on wall street. if i do not when you will have 19209 style depression. enjoy it. i believe that. i believe that. i believe it. a lot of people believe it so we are not going to give them a chance. okay, we're not going to give them. your state is going to be ruined any way she is totally anti- fracking. she has been anti- fracking, anti- drilling anti- oil and gas from practically the day she was born all the sudden a couple of months ago she said i would love to have fracking. no she will not have fracking vote trump your incomes will grow your savings will grow
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young people will be able to board a home and we will bring back the american dream we are going to bring it back. bigger, better, front row joe. bigger, better and stronger than ever before were going to bring it back to look at front wrote joe's they have only been, you know we have a couple of groups here they are at about 222 events. front wrote joe's stand up and wave your hands. therthey you guys are, patriots. i have another group from a place called north carolina and has anybody heard of it? we love north carolina. the beautiful ladies over there. this is number, what? 217? so this is number 217.
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and supposedly there happily married how does that work? look at them. they are beautiful there is a husband are you a husband? who are you married too? that was a wise choice beautiful, very nice. how do you handle it? they are great women and they have been with us from the very beginning. they were with us from the beginning in 2016 we had the four greatest years this country has ever had. they were with us then. thank you very much. in north carolina we are doing wellin north carolina. thank you darling it's nice to not have to travel to california and other places. yesterday kamala later so-called economic plan she says she's going to lower the cost of food and housing starting on day one. but day one for kamala was three and half years ago. so why didn't she do it then?
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so this is day 13 where it 1305. so why isn't she doing it now? why doesn't she get away from her nice little place with her wonderful husband and go to washington and do it now? she could do it right now. why did she go to the convention because it's a rigged convention obviously. she got no votes he had 14. sleepy joe had for teen million votes. she got no votes. she failed she was the first one out. she failed, she never got to iowa, and great state of iowa were going to win it big. the farmers love trump and i love the farmers. but she never got to iowa. she is a first one to quit and now she's running for president. i don't know. someone is going to have to explain our system to our many enemies all around the world. they are watching and seeing
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this place does not make a lot of sense anymore. everything kamala harris says in her speeches is a lie. she gets up and show's allies. as watching yesterday she talks about all the taxes i was going to raise. i never said that. i am lowering taxes. yesterday she got up started ranting and radiating donald trump was up at a tax on gasoline for a tax on food. attacks on medication. a tax on clothing attacks on every single thing that was ever invented. your shirt is going to tax is going to tax your wife he's going to tax your husband. and i am saying, i never said any of that. they make it up. here is the truth, kamala on us but massive taxes on american jobs and american industries. i want to cut taxes on americans opening tariffs on china and foreign countries to bring our jobs back home to pennsylvania.
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and to take in billions and billions of dollars. i'm the only one that ever took in any money from china. china it was really hitting as hard. ripping us apart. that means it many, many presidents. what happened is i put a tariff on it i raised a carefully took in hundreds of billions of dollars from china and it's so much money he's trying to resend it for a couple of reasons but number when he got a lot of money from china didn't he get like three and half million or 4 million? that they know of. but he got a lot more than that his family made a lot of money with china. he was to get rid of the tariff that he can't because there's so much money they cannot do anything with the budget. a tariff is a tax on a foreign country but that's the way it is with you like it or not. a lot like to say this attacks on us. no, no, no it's a tax on a foreign country. it is a tax on a country that's ripping us off and stealing our
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jobs. and it is a tax that does not affect our country. you can see hundreds of billions of dollars of tariffs on other countries also. i took in hundreds of billions and nothing happened to us. they make less money and you know what? our jobs come back because there is no tax if they build their factory in pennsylvania. there is no tax if they build their factory in the united states. what do they do in order to paying the tax? they say let's build a place over here. no tax, come on over we love it. just hire our people is all you have to do. it's very simple. as we speak and this goes to michigan more than you better look at michigan and south carolina and a lot of other places that do the auto stuff that they are building some of the biggest auto factories in the world right now in mexico right off our border. they think they're going to make
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cars, not pay any tax and sell those cars is not going to happen but not with me they're building some of the biggest auto plants in the world. do you know who owns those auto plants? they are built, they are made and being built in mexico june who owns them? china owns them. china is very smart. i had a good relationship with president xi wouldn't covid came that was the end of that relationship. but i had a really good relationship. we took in hundreds of billions of dollars from china. think of it bush, barack, did you ever heard of brock hossain who obama? there are those who think he is currently running the country. we know it's not biden. every attack is a fabricated, it is a lie.
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it's sort of the bad storyteller preaching is not how to tell a story very well. she gets caught up in her own words. she's not a very good at wordsmith we won't find out and have a debate. they gave me the worst network to me as a bc worsen nbc. worsen cbs the home of george is a nasty guy he interviewed vita and it was like the nicest interview. what flavor of ice cream do you like? i tend to like vanilla very much. with me they get into a lot of the subjects that a lot of people don't like talking about. abc is the worst and they won't do it on fox for they turn down
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the fox but i have approved the three debates. they have approved a one. the only when they approved was their network and now it came out in the "new york times" of all places the head of the news in the head of the whole thing practically is kamala and her lovely husband best friend. her and her husband are best friends with kamala and her husband. and i am supposed to do the debate but with biden they thought i wouldn't do it so they offered me something i could not accept. they said the debate is at cnn in front of no audience. so far i am zero -- two. they did not want to do the debate. that would've been a good idea but i was going to accept anything. i guess we'll do it here too we will accept anything because otherwise she is not going to debate she does not want to debate. they said cnn and no audience we
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want to have you sit down i objected to that they want to sitting behind a desk give me a >> the only thing. trump: and i would've done if they insisted, i would have sat down at the incident but i thought that it was sort of strange. but i had dana , but i have to tell you, they were very fair and i really thought that they were very fair and so jake, and dana, nobody knows how to save her first name, will nobody knows dana van eyck them is been going on for 20 years and she's been around a long time and is a dana, or data nl the fake news will say, the trump did not know how to pronounce her first name will she does not. [laughter] will look, mother, dana, and jake, i used to call them, fake tavern now they call them jake tapper because he treated us very fairly inserted to dana.
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treated me very fairly and i think that it was you know just about neutral kept saying, you know he gave very short answers because it was not really doing too well and kept saying, i will take it but would happen, and you have 92 seconds left, this is not what he wanted to hear. right david, they said that you had 92 seconds left and it will be your next senator and i will tell you david. [applause] [applause] trump: i hope you will vote for him. i hope you go for him, he's a great gentleman and a great hero in many ways, he is a great guy. so the gaming this thing this and that i was going to turn it down. so i have the wrong network in the wrong anchors and have no audience i do like audiences, like people and often times it is a may mistake and everythings
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wrong so they'll offer something that he won't accepted then thing and we will say, the truck did not accept that that debate and he is afraid to negotiate because biden is so sharp he so sharp he sharp like a razor. but i did surprise them and i said, i will take it. i will take it. i'm people said, are you crazy and i said look it's only way that you get to debate and anything else, they will not accept it. people are the same way. they offered me what we were supposed to have fox on september 4th, and they said, no, and i did excepted and i do not know what will happen because i accepted it, so maybe they it was so bad, they are so dishonest and so bad


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