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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 18, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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[laughter] you did a great job. be careful out there. we will be back permanent. thanks for watching the sunday. >> keep it here, special coverage all day. ♪
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welcome to sunday morning and welcome to live coverage from the floor in chicago day one of the next. the senate with university democrats set together for the national convention. warning, i am bill hemmer and -- mark i am dana perino, america's newsroom. i have a microphone so i feel very professional this morning. [laughter] but this is it. this is the stage of the united states or. the hall is empty but it's going to fill up. you can sort of feel the energy. they are excited. >> almost feel like we should have our golf voice on. >> but you can see wisconsin, tennessee, north carolina. kamala harris from california, that delegation when she speaking to her right, delegates this front seat. why? joe biden, right behind his
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pennsylvania. the reason is is candidates got to win pennsylvania. >> chicago tribune. all eyes on chicago. forever they felt conventions here in 1968 became back in 96 and now back again to make up a big splash and we are here today, hello and good morning which will be sensational. i didn't have a microphone then but it's hardly business as usual. after president biden dropped out of the race, the democrats were forced to throw out the playbook and now they are scrambling to shape party around harris, i would say it's going fairly well but her policies and platforms are starting to pose more questions and not a lot of answers.
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>> the dnc getting ready for mass protests and there will be a lot of that. anti- israeli demonstrators and other groups who about to make their voices heard. michigan, minnesota and ohio, they will walk the streets and they are still debating to this hour where the permit will go for them and they may not be too far from our location which will bring a lot of comparisons in the chaos here during the dnc. >> lots of interesting parallels but also one of the ways people can organize with their phones, and makes things faster and go viral. for now, we often see this and political conventions and you can see the states we mentioned a couple of them, don't forget, oklahoma, virginia, tennessee. an important date with an important part right there. >> i saw arizona, the line of sites not great.
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>> do think that is a message? [laughter] >> it's one of those battlegrounds as we have seen many times so welcome to our coverage, fox news senior white house correspondent jackie heidrick and also here, you got your work cut out for you. >> think what is fascinating is this is going to be the beginning of the president farewell to politics to her. white house aides have seen for months for tomorrow say is going to frame his decision to drop his bid for a second term as a sacrifice for democracy under threat of a second trump presidency. the language paints a picture of a president who put his country first but also he needs to shape the narrative of his legacy so there at the them sweep rev reviewed, battling for the soul of the nation, overcoming inherited albums with legislation and his record is at stake so interesting to see how and where harris diverges from
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biden's agenda especially because she's serving as his vp still. economic policy rollout was off right indicated her general approach builds off biden's platforms and in some areas expands further. proposal to empower the ftc and crackdown on food price gouging shows she's going to do new things and embrace this plan to make greedy businesses that back i as voters struggle but the party cannot look to the future without taking stock of the past four weeks and there will be tribute throughout the convention but he's not hanging around to take part. after his speech he's leaving town and what the white house is framing as symbolic changing of the guard and reports is not eager to smooth things over with the heavyweights who have to push them out in the new york times columnist writes it's going to be a glorious donation except that everyone is mad at one another. top democrats are bursting with resentment even as they are
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about to put on the front of the united center in the windy city. democrats agree vice president played the situation well, she stayed in her lane with the president was facing pressure to drop out and support and enthusiasm now is genuine but all that front hits an icy patch with his laws. >> interesting because you have 93% of democrats saying thank goodness, we are so glad for this change but six weeks ago, all of the democrats were saying biden is our guy, he's fine, no problem. 67% of people as an hour poll do believe kamala harris knew about his mental decline, and ability to serve another four years. they are going to paper over that but president trump i think they will continue to say, what else will she not tell you about? >> i think they will paper over with discussion that the threat trump poses. that is the red that ties the two together.
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biden told platform was i'm the guy to beat him in the party has moved on, they said with got better person to do it. the goal remains the same so they could stay united there but privately, it's going to be sensitive. >> i really think that is the thing here, he's going to say my policies are working and she will continue my policies. that will be monday. where are we going to be on thursday one week exit chicago? >> we don't know what the speakers are going to talk about. we've got obama, hillary cli clinton. of course harris, we don't know if she will outline a new agenda or not but we think the remarks this week will focus on remembering the president and thank you, joe. >> and to have to leave, it will be hard for him to follow but then they move on and he says that the capacity to handle the next four months. you will be working a lot and we
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appreciate you. >> fox news political analyst and what was it? chief -- [laughter] >> nobody wanted senior. >> my job to hold the microphone for you so hang on. jackie later that interesting, how you see it lacks. >> it will be a tv show for four days, almost nothing is decided at the convention. he used to be a formal rollcall but that's over with. it's all about the glorification of the nominee and the best possible way to be shown. >> tell us about your observations of the media coverage of kamala harris the last four weeks. i have never seen anything like it and i shouldn't be surprised that i'm kind of shocked.
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>> the media covers politics in this country but i've never seen anything this level. the courage of kamala harris is unbelievable. i think now that she laid out a piece for economic program and they laid an egg, might have begun to turn. they need to do much more searching and aggressiveness. >> of wonder that, to from the reaction across the board. they been in her back pockets since the beginning and it almost felt like the fever broke, i don't if it has entirely but 103-2102 but donald trump on that yesterday, he was in pennsylvania and i will play this clip for our audience. >> she says she's going to lower the cost of who's in housing on day one but they want for kamala was three and a half years ago so why didn't she do it then? this is day 1305, we are at 1305
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so why isn't she doing it now? go to washington, you could do it right now. >> fair. >> trump has been engaged in attacking her with broad generalities, that's a little better in terms of specifics but she has a list of policy decisions, which she's trying not to abandon. they are quite shocking. she is a self-confessed radical and says we need to be woke and the policy positions she's taken on fracking to god knows what else, quite extraordinary and extreme she's moving away from them but most of the moving weight is not done by her or her mouth, it's coming out of anonymous campaign aids so can we really believe them? trump could go after that. >> what's interesting was trump was gaining on biden, democrats recognize that and she said
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biden, you have to go. you have covered joe biden for many years, what you think is going through his mind as he prepares to put a period at the end of this political sentence? >> i think he's disappointed but i think he's come to terms with it and it won't be so bad secret service protection to spend your summers with your feet up on the beach. life on retirement for him should be pleasant. but there is relief from responsibilities and burdens he carried. >> are you happy to be here? >> i am happy you are here i just want to say i am this short and i am wearing heels. >> i said how will joe biden feel about this? he goes it's fine. out with the old, in with the new. [laughter]
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>> that's what they are trying to do. >> thanks for being here, appreciate you. >> more news unfolding, we continue from chicago including a massive causing destruction like this along the east coast so we are tracking ernesto. >> ukraine takes out a keep bridge into russia, it hampers putin's plans as we come to you live from the united center right here in chicago. ♪
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>> all my god. oh my god. >> a wild scene on the north carolina coast, kaiser from hurricane ernesto collapsing a house and sweeping away. ernesto weekend to a tropical storm after it hit bermuda, forecasters say it may regain hurricane strength as it moves north in the atlantic so we are in the middle of this hurricane season. to track ernesto, fox has you covered 24/7, download the app free on your favorite streaming
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device or scan the qr code right here on your tv. >> meanwhile, democrat ticket before heading out to chicago kicking up the convention. bp vice president harris governor walt in pittsburgh and then they go north for a mix of urban and suburban voters critical part of the keystone state. good morning. >> a couple of hours, vice president harris, governor tim running late and their spouses will hit the campaign trail together for the first time since harris became the nominee this bus to her, they will get on to buses behind me throughout western pennsylvania and they will stop at kickoff at two campaign offices in the area and go to places like here and pittsburgh and even beaver county nearby, interestingly, a county that trump one in 2020 by
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20 points so they will make doorstops together before they head back to chicago, to chicago for the dnc tomorrow. last night trump had his own rally in pennsylvania he had a packed crowd in an arena on the other side of the city where he hammered harris on the economy and inflation. groceries cost 21% more now hunter biden is harris and trump attack harris is new plan to been price gouging and grocery stores with most economists say is not the actual cause of inflation. >> wants to destroy our country and catastrophic inflation. comrade, let announced she wants to institute socialist price control. this is the madero plan of like the old soviet union.
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>> brand-new fox power economy remains far and away the most important issue to voters nationwide. 38% breaking it as their top issue followed by immigration and abortion at 14% and while voters prefer trump on the two issues, the economy and immigration, harris is gaining ground on those issues since she replaced president biden gaining seven points on the issue of the economy cutting trumps 15 advantage in half. voters they poll after poll, they prefer trump over harris on the economy. yesterday governor walz campaigning try to sell harris as someone who understands the working class while attacking former president trump as an elitist. >> she's worked at mcdonald's like many of us growing up, took jobs to get i get the funny thing to me was, can you picture donald trump working mcclory machine? [laughter] he knows us.
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he couldn't work the mcclory machine. many of you in here did. ♪ >> harris and falls take off tonight in pittsburgh after they wrap up their best to her. former president trump and his running mate j.d. vance will have counter programming at the dnc beginning tomorrow here in pennsylvania. do you think pennsylvania is not important? early voting begins in just 29 days here in pennsylvania which is seen as a must when state. >> we will be watching. thank you, talk to you later. >> how lucky are we? guy benson, host of the guy benson show. i've been dying to see you in person. guy, fox news. issue deciding for president, the economy 38%. president trump holding his own as the one issue he has at least
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seven or eight.ahead. >> his head on immigration, the top two issues you see on your screen but is ahead by a lower margin that i guess joe biden and i think that's probably in effect in consequence of two things. number one, a lot of voters didn't want joe biden anymore so now that they are presented with someone not named joe biden on one of the major the tickets, they are giving the benefit of the doubt to that person for n now. and last segment, part of it is this nonstop infomercial style clothing coverage for kamala harris so we seen for a month and maybe that started to maybe not shatter but if you? coming in the last couple of days with her flop of economic rollout but overall, she's been basking in the glory of her fans in the news media and reaping the benefits. >> a headline tonight something else, i think we have it but request and everything.
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>> guys right about that, she's been writing and writing and very little pushback until friday. you wonder if that was the first crack in her campaign. >> historically voters trust democrats more on the economy improving the economic policy institute, the economy does well and for the first time for this cycle according to the financial times, democrats trust kamala harris more than former president trump on the economy and part of that is because of what she and joe biden were able to do the rescue and economy in the pandemic from a micro perspective. she's starting to lean on the policy agenda, i agree the economy is a top issue and she's leaning in on the micro and i think that is going to define where voters see each of them. you can't argue it. >> they linkedin so hard they created inflation.
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>> inflation was a global issue, we saw last week inflation down to slowest is 2021, april down 3% so the united states handles inflation better than any other economy in the world and that's because we had a once in a century pandemic. >> we want to get to this as well, president trump fleming kamala harris for not talking to the press. the strategies working for her. i talked to the press and the press is good what would you change? here is president trump yesterday talking about her. >> she hasn't done an interview and like 30 days or something like that and i do one every d day. if i pass -- adjusted one backstage. [cheering] i just did one backstage. with a very good reporter but don't you have an obligation? this is her form of the bas
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basement. >> describe the kamala harris campaign as a game of jangle. first the piece are easy and you are moving up then she pulled the piece that said price controls and groceries and everything felt a little wobbly, shaky. if she doesn't interview, does the whole thing come down? >> it depends on how the interview goes, she's not always great and that which is why they prevent her from doing it for as long as possible. the media has been pretty quiet, complacent, almost compliant but this is getting embarrassing. joe biden dropped out of the race a month ago. effectively denominate almost immediately, 28 days ago today. >> almost a month. >> it is embarrassing she's not done one softball interview get. >> she did interview her running mate. >> that doesn't count.
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>> she's the sitting vice president of the united states, a traveling press pool is with her at all times and that's why you do not see the majority of those in the media, they could speak to her at all times. number two the most important interview she's doing is with the american people and that's why you see the polls responding the way they are in terms of who they prefer. >> i give you points -- >> who the next president of the united states is. the people have not heard any answers from her on anything. she's not answering questions from voters either, she's answering questions -- >> the media or the people? >> the nominee was not decided by your party. >> you just asked me a question, who will decide the next nominee? party voted for nominee and threw him out by the elites. >> that's not true. he stepped aside and give the opportunity for kamala harris. >> 14 million votes here at the united states, that was some
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spin, antoine. i handed to you. we will give you another shot. how's that? >> i'll be here. >> another story in the middle east, something to keep an eye on. an influence on the convention. the gaza strip, antony blinken doing, trey yingst is standing by for his lip report as we continue live in chicago. expecting up to 100,000 anti- israeli protesters, could the number get that high? the city is getting ready. we will show it to you when we continue. >> the concern is real. we do have things going on around the world. we have people who are upset and they want to voice their opinions. ♪
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that to this, ukrainian forces blowing up another key bridge in southwest russia. the second one since ukraine surprised incursion about two weeks ago and could disrupt supply deliveries to crushing force and we will see how that goes in the ground. ukraine claims it controls for 40 square miles in that region where they have crossed the border into russia. we will see how putin respond in time. 10:30 3:00 a.m. new york. >> secretary of state antony blinken that to arrive in israel today trying to cement gaza cease-fire and hostage release deal. the finish line is apparently inside, we've heard that before but the final stretch is always the hardest. trey yingst is live with more. >> of money, he was secretary of state antony blinken is arriving in israel for tops, cease-fire negotiations continue. top diplomat and he amid
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concerns and their key disagreements israel and hamas about what comes next. negotiators wrapped up but reportedly productive talks, they will resume again later this week in cairo, a joint statement released by egyptians, the americans said medias constructive positive atmosphere although that came from the parties not directly involved in the decision-making. tension remains high, failed talks will lead to an end watching highly anticipated attack and it comes as fierce fighting rages on inside gaza. israel is new evacuation orders over the weekend as ground forces put new pressure on central gaza. military facilities coupled with talks trying to exert leverage on hamas, a group that still holds 100 hostages, some that and some alive. we are tracking another story of the last thank overnight drone strike targeted a car in geneva
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killing two members of hamas. israeli strikes are relatively a new concept and conducted multiple times over the last year. this week is largely seen as the most consequential for the region since the november cease-fire is seen as a last-ditch effort to get both sides of the table and reach an agreement. >> thank you so much as we wait to hear, it's strange things to see iran in the background and you have to wonder, there might be a lot of reasons. ♪ >> we make sure, who will ensure as a police department that people protesting and exercising the first amendment rights get the opportunity to do that. we will protect them and the neighbor it. >> a difficult balance, a story on the outside. something to watch and will see what happens with the delegates, some of them join the voices in the streets of chicago.
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huge protests are planned for the city. there are hundreds of officers from outside agencies joined the streets protective case around critical buildings and business owners were you reference in the area. mccarthy, former chicago police superintendent, he left that position in 2015 and nine years later he seeing here in gary, good morning to you. protest groups coming in from all over, it seems they have a common theme, they are against this work and gaza, amazing to see a public convention will political convention and you have to significant worst that could go sideways at any moment. how is the city getting ready to allow permitting for protesters but also control them? >> i like the way you phrase that because the nato summit, if we used to to control the crowd and only if you can explain to
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me how you control crowd sending them in all different directions, they've been ramping up for most of the key is we know there are people going to disrupt things. bad actors are coming and information from people overseas like iran and hezbollah and hamas so the fact is, there are going to be confrontations. the best thing they could do is get them out of the crowd. you don't wait until a crowd and things like that. extract bad actors and get them away and not let nobody else do the same so it is not about what you've seen in the past with tear gas, it's about getting them out and moving on. >> i was talking earlier how there's a lot of comparisons to 1968 and to go back and read that history and be reminded of
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things is interesting but there's an interesting different new element and that is technology. the ability for people to organize quickly based on a group text message that gets everybody going. how does police department modern-day deal with that as we look back at this footage from 1968? >> we do the same thing. we have the technology and the other thing we have, not just monitoring social media but open-source, we can do it, it is protected but we have systems throughout the city monitored by police so we can see where groups are meeting and where protests are going and that's why one thing we did right in 2012 during the nato summit was we had a ton of caps on bicycles. bicycles can get in front of the protests and be used as barriers so that was successful. the extraction technique used was successful.
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we had a plan and plan for months. we equipped and make sure everybody had the equipment and it's important to realize we didn't come out and try it here. when i first got my first briefing on nato summit, they were talking about coming out in my care. i said we want to riot? they said no. confrontation begets competition we came out and when it ramped up, we moved up to the next level. then when he got crazier, we came in with riot gear. >> axios, one house democrat telling us they were very concerned about personal security and that the lawmakers as well. the difference between now and 1968 is you have get numbers outside agitators here causing problems. >> exactly. during the george floyd rise, picture this -- in wilmington, delaware, my buddy who is the
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chief there at the time was racking up people from eugene, oregon. if you're from eugene, he will not go to wilmington delaware. one guy breaks class, one that agitates the crowd and one agitates the police and the other guy brings space paints. they are more organized than people realize. >> you don't need to tell us. we've seen it all over new york city now. thank you for your time. >> we appreciate you and it's great to meet you in person. thanks for coming on the show. vice president kamala harris facing scrutiny over her economic agenda and the legacy media is weighing in, debbie dingell joins us live to res respond. ♪
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♪ i will take on the high costs that matter most to most americans like the cost of food. supply chains have now improved and crisis are still too high. a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than for the pandemic. ground beef is up almost 50%.
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while many grocery chains pass along these savings, others still aren't. >> kamala harris took on the economy in her first your policy speeches since becoming nominee but price control plan facing pushback from major media outlets amongst them, the editorial board saying the times demands serious economic ideas kamala harris supplies gimmicks. debbie dingell of michigan joins us now. changes in the past 28 days, would you support price controls on the government imposed on grocery stores across the tundra? >> you are the ones who know what she's talking about, price control, she is talking about how we address price gouging and i do think we know it's a real issue out there. i've talked to enough people,
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someone from here who owns gas stations in the area called and told me the cost of gas has gone up 50% for no reason and with got to get price gouging when we find when they sell to the grocery stores, prices start to go down they are not being pressed on to the customers so i want to study this a lot more and address price gouging and i believe in a free market economy but i know people are really struggling. >> washington post, they said whether the harris proposal wins remains to be seen. jason worked for obama, it's not sensible policy. i think the biggest is it ends up being rhetoric and no reality, no upside here and there is some downside. washington post concluded the speech friday ranks as a
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disappointment. was that the first bad day in 28 days as the media saw it? >> as the media saw it, i'm not on the sugar height everybody else has been on. i'm excited, you see new energy out there, i've been doing these kickoffs for weekends and volunteers, two to three times the number of people out there but i know it will be a tough election between now and november. i'm out there talking to all kinds of people but i will tell you something different, yesterday i was at the farm and one of the traditionally more republican areas in my district and they were talking about how they were excited to hear addressing affordable housing at the grocery store and i was surprised at the number of people who wanted to have an honest conversation about it a all. i'm out and about so --
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>> i'm glad you can bring that was we can hear what you are hearing great anti- israel protesters are going to descend on chicago, who were talking about that with the former police officer here is a spokesperson who plans what they say, hold democrats to account. >> all the social justice issues and movements fighting with us in the coalition standing up saying collectively and in unity, stop the genocide and u.s. aid to israel, free palestine from occupation and colonization and hold the democrats especially biden-harris and lincoln accountable because they are complicit in the genocide and responsible for the best. >> we have about 30 seconds l left, final word on what you respond, how do you respond on
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that? >> i've been calling for cease-fire since december and now both sides are hurting. i listen to the former police commissioner, i am worried about protests next weekend i think people need to pay attention. i'm committed that they have nothing to do with anything destructive or violent on the street, they want the right to freedom of speech and we need to pay attention closely to what happens next week and now there are outside forces trying to cause trouble. >> it could get nasty and i know you are aware of that. >> live and in person for once, we would love to see you. >> thank you congresswoman. >> we are waiting on the pp kamala harris begins bus tour in pittsburgh and had to beaver county so will watch that is there campaigning rules on an hour campaign rules on from chicago this sunday morning.
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bill: united center, chicago. chicago bulls did some damage here for a long time, however, now it is politics. and this city is no the stranger to hosting political conventions, but it's the one democrats held here in1968 that is seared in the memory of so many who live here. chad pergram now with a look at some remarkable parallels between then and now. >> reporter: bill, it is the said that history doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme. 20224 could rival the political tumult of 1968 as democrats launch their convention in chicago. in 91168 -- 1968, president lyndon johnson bowed out of his re-election bid.
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>> i shall not seek and i will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president. >> reporter: president biden's words this year echo johnson when he dropped out. >> i've decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. if. [inaudible conversations] >> reporter: political violence was a hall a mark of 1968. >> martin luther king was shot ask killed tonight in memphis, tennessee. [background sounds] >> reporter: the assassination of martin luther king jr. feud riots. palestinian-jordanian sirhan sirhan assassinated robert f. kennedy over his sport for ill reese -- support fors israel in the middle east war. anti-israel common demonstrations rocked the nation in -- rock the nation in 202024, and there's political violence. [background sounds]
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>> reporter: democrats pivoted to vice president harris after a president biden abandoned his re-election bid. >> thank you, mr. president -- [cheers and applause] if. >> reporter: democrats switched to another vice president in 1968, hubert humphrey. harris is poised to secure the dem fact if nomination in chicago, the same city where democrats convene ared the most volatile political convention of all time. >> when george mcgovern was president of the united states, we wouldn't have to have -- [inaudible] in the streets of chicago. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: 1968 wasn't the last time democrats met in the windy city. they nominated breath president clinton for a second term in chicago in 1996. ♪ >> reporter: delegates gyrated nightly to the mack if rain that. democrats hope they get the chicago of 1996 when bill clinton defeated bob dole and not the chicago of 1968 when
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humphrey lost to richard nixon. bill? bill: thank you, chad. ♪ >> dana if reads sports. dana: bill, she may be the g.o.a.t., but simone biles is taking some heat over a controversial fashion choice. what was it, i you ask? well, she wore a green bay packers' jacket to watch her husband jonathan owens at a preseason game this weekend. thing is, he plays for green bay's longtime rivals, the chicago bears. he signed with the bears in march after a one season in green bay, so i don't get it. bill: that -- dana: i don't get it. bill: the bears and the peakers hate each other. dana: no, i know that,s but why would she wear the jacket? bill: i don't know, maybe she thought it was cool. maybe it looked good, right? dana: simone, please call. bill: the bears looked good, they walloped my bengals. dana: and that's why they call it preseason. [laughter] bill:


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