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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 18, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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humphrey lost to richard nixon. bill? bill: thank you, chad. ♪ >> dana if reads sports. dana: bill, she may be the g.o.a.t., but simone biles is taking some heat over a controversial fashion choice. what was it, i you ask? well, she wore a green bay packers' jacket to watch her husband jonathan owens at a preseason game this weekend. thing is, he plays for green bay's longtime rivals, the chicago bears. he signed with the bears in march after a one season in green bay, so i don't get it. bill: that -- dana: i don't get it. bill: the bears and the peakers hate each other. dana: no, i know that,s but why would she wear the jacket? bill: i don't know, maybe she thought it was cool. maybe it looked good, right? dana: simone, please call. bill: the bears looked good, they walloped my bengals. dana: and that's why they call it preseason. [laughter] bill: noted.
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hour one is done. deign cape all right, here we go. we are live at the united center in chicago as democrats get ready for that national convention with a completely new presidential race than we had just one month ago. so welcome to a brand new hour of america's newsroom, i'm dana preen -- perino. bill: i'm bill hemmer. 9 it was the only 28 days ago, remember that? if a momentous week for democrats, they're looking to cement joe biden's complicated and quick handoff to his vp. top democrats across the nation throw thing hair support behind the new ticket, and that happened within 24 hours, remember? brand new fox news power rankings showing harris gaining ground heading into this pivotal week, it's the first set outlining -- voters tell us they prefer former president trump on the economy and immigration. that has been consistent.
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vp harris making headway and gaining ground with the tracker showing that voters prefer her on climate change, abortion and health care. dana: vice presidential nominee j.d. vance drawing a sharp contrast between the two choices america has this november. watch. >> our message is going to be very simple. if you want to get a back to the peace and prosperity, the rising take-home pay, donald trump delivered it once, and he can do it again. if you want to the double down on the failed policies that have delivered higher food and housing price, well, kamala harris has been vice president for three and a half years, and i guarantee she's going to make the problem worse if the american people give her a promotion. bill: so vice president harris kicking off a bus tour today in western pa, starts in pittsburgh, one day after former president trump held a rally in that must-win state. bryan llenas watching auto-- all of it as this election seems to run through pa if every single day we think about it. live in pittsburgh, here we go, bryan. brand new hour, good morning.
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>> reporter: good morning, bill. yeah, every single day the campaigns are thinking about it, so much so that obviously vice president harris and governor tim walz are stopping here on the eve of the all-important democratic national convention. both candidates will be here with their spouses. it'll mark the first time all four are hitting the trail together. we expect them to make four stops including right here in pittsburgh when their plane lands. they'll board the buses behind me, and then they'll go to beaver county which is a trump stronghold. he won that county by 20 the points. they'll stop at canvas campaign events as well as a phone banking event and also make stops at retail shops. now, the harris a campaign is really trying to the make an effort here to the show they're trying to meet voters where they are. this is an effort to showcase walz and harris as being for the middle class, for working class voters here in western pennsylvania. there are 36 field offices here in the state, in the commonwealth, i should say, of
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pennsylvania, highlighting just how important it is for harris to win this commonwealth. and we can also expect to hear today not only about the economy, but also about abortion. a brand new fox power rankings shows abortion is harris' number one winning issue. voters prefer her over trump by 18 points. here's governor walz at a campaign event in nebraska. >> they're super concerned with our bedrooms, they're super concerned with our exam rooms, they're super concerned about our libraries. and i have to tell you, yeah, when they make decisions about your health care, yes, it's weird, but it's worse than that, it's daughter-in-laws. >> reporter: -- it's dangerous. >> reporter: yesterday trump, bill, held a rally in pennsylvania on the other side of the common wealth where he talked about and attacked harris for being anti-fracking, fracking, natural gas the second biggest exporter of natural gas is right here in pennsylvania.
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a very important issue for voters, bill. bill: big deal. thanks, bryan llenas. thank you, sir. dana. dana: and more on this with republican national committee chairman michael whatley. pleasure to have you on with us this morning. i i want to the just listen, have you listen to lindsey graham. he was on "fox news sunday" with with shannon if people in. >> i don't look at a vice president harris as a lunatic, i look at her as the most liberal person to ever be nominated for president. i would make it about policy. a nightmare for harris is to defend her policy choices. president trump can win this election. his policies are good for america, and if you have a policy debate for president, he wins. if. dana: at some point the sugar high was going to come to an end, and on friday when she put forward her proposal on getting prices down, the idea of price controls and the government being in charge and the idea that price gouge having the entire reason, we just had a congresswoman on from michigan, debbie bin get -- dingell, she
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didn't love the policy, and she didn't really want to answer the question. is that the first part of the trump attempt to try to focus on policy? >> well, we've been focused on policy. i think every single day donald trump has been talking about wanting to secure the southern border, wanting to rein in this out of control inflation and wanting to make sure that we have a strong standing in the world and we're going to be the leaders of the free world. those are the policy basics that the american people want this election to be can decided on. and on every single one of those, donald trump is leading kamala harris. bill: on that, sir, listen, there's a poll every day -- [laughter] and i don't know what you give stock in. i believe our fox polling. i think our people do a buttoned-up job. new york times, however, has some of these sun belt states, and they show a shift already, i should say. here we go. in arizona they've got her up 5 right now. that's a flip. north carolina, your home state, they've got her up 2, that's a
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flip. nevada she's down 11, georgia she is down 4 -- nevada she is down 1. what do you see in those four states today, sir? >> we see a continuation of the fact that this is going to be a tight election, and we know it's going to be a tight election. we have spent time in north carolina just this week. the polling that we're seeing on the ground in north carolina, the results of everything that we're doing shows us that we're in good position. we feel like we're very competitive in all of these statements. we're going to win these. but -- states. but the key is we're waning -- winning on the issues, and this is an issues-based campaign. we just saw polling over the weekend that shows that donald trump is leading her in talking about the economy, when talking about jobs, when talking about inflation, when talking about the southern border, and those are the issue sets that are really going to drive this election. dana: one of the things that we haven't had is an interview with the vice president. so she hasn't even had to answer my questions about a flip-flops or policies or even what she thinks about a joe biden dropping out of the race.
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david axlerod and james carville, democrats, were basically defending her on this point. watch. >> if i were her team, i would want to be doing what she's been doing, i would want to be riding this wave and organizing through these big rallies and creating a sense of momentum and so on. i don't fault them for that. but then she's going to have to get into a routine of it, and i think a this she will, and that will be a test that she has to pass. >> there's a doctrine in presidential politics that says if your pundit keeps shooting himself, don't get in his way. dana: so she might go through this entire week, have a great time, a little bump at the convention and then what? >> well, of course they don't want her to talk to the press because then she would have to actually defend her record and defend the flip flops that she's been putting out there. she has over the course of her career always a wanted gun confiscation. she she has always wanted open
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borders, she has always wanted inflationary spending, and she has always a wanted to weaken the united states in terms of our position in the world. now all of a sudden she wants to change on every one of those issues. i think the question that she needs to be asked is do you really believe that you and joe biden have been wrong on every major issue over the course of the last four years, and now you see the light, or are you just pandering because there's an election coming up? bill: we'll see how she answers that. sir, just one last, quick question here. i want your observation on this. what i have noticed is democrats ask people for their vote. i don't see that within republican circles. will that change over the next 70 some odd days? >> we're asking every american for their vote. we're asking every american family to take a look at the issues that they care about and vote based on those issue sets. donald trump is barnstorming all across the country over the course of this next week while the democrats are fighting in
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chicago. we're going to be out directly talking to every american family across the country the way that only donald trump can, is and we are absolutely asking for their votes. we're asking for their support. and i think we're going to get it because we are issuing, we are giving them, frankly on err issue, the answers that they want to hear. bill: sir, thank you for your time. >> yes, thank you, guys. bill: they literally ask for your vote at the democratic convention. that's, like -- dana: i feel like the republicans do that, you don't? bill: i didn't hear it in milwaukee so much, and we'll see whether or not it goes -- thank you, sir, appreciate your time. nine minutes past, newly-released documents shedding light on security plans in that pennsylvania rally, here we go now, before the assassination attempt on president trump. among the many revelations now, did the secret service not pick up radios set aside for them by local law enforcement in butler county? also eight shell casings fired
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by the would-be assassin are now in the hands of the fbi, and the gunman was wounded by the ninth shot fired by the counter-sniper team, but he wasn't killed until the 10th shot. meanwhile, the u.s. secret service approving the use of bulletproof proof a glass for trump's outdoor rallies going forward. that protection usually reserved for sitting presidents and vice presidents. so there will be a change and an adjustment and probably just in time. >> her price hikes have caused the typical household a total of $28,000, and that's called the kamala harris inflation if tax. >> today by virtually every measure, our economy is the strongest in the world. dana: vice president kamala harris trying to sell her economic proposals, but even her usual cheer leaders in the mainstream media are not buying it. bill: also you've got tens of thousands of anti-israelly
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protesters, they will be here in chicago, and we will see what they do when they arrive. will public safety be on the line? we'll have a look. dana: and politically, they've long been joined at the hip. now vice president kamala harris, trying to change that. can she cut loose from president biden? ♪ ♪ chicago, chicago ♪
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bill: so from what you eat to the where you live, the price of everything seems to be out of reach for so many. now real estate, the company redfin shows the number of u.s. homes that cost a million dollars or more has now hit an all-time high, and that only gets you into a starter home in some markets.
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redfin says 8.5 of the homes now have that million dollar plus price tag, that's up from just about 7 a year ago a -- 7%. so there you have it. good luck. dana: and brand new polling out this morning shows former president trump still has the upper hand on on the issues voters say are most important to them this november, the economy, inflation and our southern border. maaed if lin rivera has more on that. hi, maddie. >> reporter: hi, dana. former president trump has an edge on those issues. at the same time, new data shows vice president kamala harris making inroads many areas where president biden was lagging. so an abc news/washington post poll shows harris now leading trump 49-45% in a head to head matchup among registered voters. she just about closes the enthusiasm gap, 60% of her supporters back her strongly, much higher compared to the 34% who said they strongly supported the president. independent voters have also a moved from trump who was up by 4 points last month to hearst, now
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up by is 1 points -- 11 points. hearst is also polling better -- harris is also polling better than president biden did between black voters 18-39 years old. but trump has an advantage over harris on the economy and inflation. he leads by 9 points on these issues which more than 85% of adults say will be the biggest things they'll consider when casting their vote for president. voters also prefer trump to lead on immigration and crime and safety. harris' only double-digit advantages are with abortion and race relations, but those issues rank much lower on the list. dana. dana: all right, maddie, thank you so much. ♪ ♪ >> if your opponent is calling you a communismist, maybe don't lead with price controls. >> we've seen this kind of thing tried in the lots of other countries before, venezuela, argentina, the soviet union. >> they're not going to win the economic argument against trump because people aren't feeling it
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in their lives. >> one thing she did not say is how this would be pay paid for. bill: that was the the immediate reaction on friday when the vp gave a major economic speech on what she would do. now, the usual mainstream media allies are not loving that pitch. she unveiled it on friday in the swing state of north carolina calling for price controls on groceries, $25,000 in down payment help for first-time home buyers and taking on big pharma to expand the insulin price cap. bloomberg's managing editor and tom bevan, real clear politics founder here in chicago. morning, gentlemen. >> morning. bill: i see you got the memo, looking good. [laughter] i love it. okay. here we go, here's the montage from kamala harris on high prices. watch this. >> everyday prices are too high. the bills add up. food, rent, gas, back to school clothes, prescription medication egg. a loaf of bread -- is up almost
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50%. there's a serious housing shortage. the price of housing has gone up. there's not much left at the end of the month, and prices are still too high. bill: tom, one of the keys to politics is painting a brighter future. that's devastating, when you roll the clips back to back to back to back. and think about it, she's been there for three and a half years. >> well, that's the problem, right? how does she separate herself from the record of the biden administration on this. she's been part of it. and the question is, well, what have you cone? look, i think it is one of those things. she had two weeks of a vibe campaign where there was no policy, and then she finally comes out with a policy, and it is these, you know, these price caps that, as you mentioned, even folks on the left, economists on the left were saying, look, this isn't a good idea. the washington post editorial board called it a gimmick. so, you know, kind of interrupting the first policies that she rolls out sort of interrupts the vibe campaign and
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doesn't do much to separate herself from joe biden. and as we just saw, the economy and inflation are still the number one issue in this election by far, and trump has the lead on those issues right now. dana: jason furman worked for obama, she's an economist and in "the new york times" wrote this is not sensible policy, and i think the biggest hope is it is a lot of rhetoric and not reality. ran into an old friend last night, i said, bob, you to can't be for price controls. he said, of course i'm not! [laughter] and it's like they don't believe that it's actually going to go forward. but i also thought that the harris-walz campaign did not really do anything to try to mitigate any of the damage coming out of that friday speech. >> listen, it's going to be tough. there's a three-and-a-half year hole that's been dug by the biden-harris administration, right, on this. the distinction and one of the keywords that i like to the pick up on is the rhetoric, right? the distinction is whether or not these policies will be enacted in some type of congress or hearst administration. probably not happening at all --
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harris administration. but what we are seeing is her message something biden hadn't. he kept going out on the trail saying the economy is great. look at all the data. and americans were saying, no, mr. president, we feel something totally different. what you see here from kamala harris at least is an acknowledgement of the pain that voters and consumers have been feeling. bill: i guess that's something. did you guys realize maureen dowd? it dropped last night. you know, you have a transformation in 28 days. i mean, so many things have happened, and we almost forget about it, right? but four weeks ago this is when the old switcheroo happened. i thought if you read between the lines, dowd nailed it. which democratic operatives were working angles and how biden was receiving them, how he was responding and then, ultimately, how he capitulated. >> yeah. i mean, one of the reasons that joe biden was giving during that time period for sticking around a is he said he was the best person to beat donald trump.
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that he'd done it before and he would do it again, sort of implicitly acknowledging that harris wasn't as good of a candidate. she was considered a liability on this ticket up until 28 days ago, and it has been sort of a remarkable transformation that, i mean, look, she absolutely has energized different parts of democratic coalition. that's, i think, beyond dispute. but she also has gotten, i think, a pretty big assist from her allies in the media to sort of make, you know, the joy is back and very little scrutiny of her past record or, you know, what she's now starting to propose if moving forward. dana: mario, last word to you. what will you be looking for this week as you mill about and try to report on a campaign that's kind of hiding in plain sight from the press? >> whether or not this momentum can last. she maybe had her bump before the convention, and that would be problematic in this last stretch of the campaign. bill: democrats can put on a good show -- >> yes, absolutely.
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dana: who's performing? bill: barack obama's going to blow the roof off this place. >> you've got obama, wes moore, whatever speech harris delivers, celebrities, john legend, etc., and that's been the case for the last -- bill: you're going to need a ticket. [laughter] dana: and don't forget michelle obama will be speaking before barack obama, and and i will be getting my money from jesse watters, because i told him she would not be the the nominee. bill: is that a dollar? dana: it'll be more than a dollar -- bill: we are in chicago. tom, nice to see you in person. dana: to this now, more than 10 months of fight, could a ceasefire deal be on the horizon? secretary of state anthony blinken due in israel to make the final push. the negotiations come as is reel's government says nearly 150 sick and injured civilians have been evacuated from the gaza strip. trey yingst gives us an exclusive look at their journey.
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bill: as the war in gaza continues, caring for the wounded has taken on even more urgency. fox news getting an exclusive look at how some palestinians are leaving the hamas-run territory for medical treatment in the persian gulf. trey yingst reporting in haifa, israel, and more on thatted today. hello to you. >> reporter: fox news was given exclusive access to see the evacuation of palestinian civilians from gaza as part of a joint emirati and israeli effort. these are the children of gaza. some with missing limbs, others with empty eyes. their faces tell a story that words cannot. i went outside and found my son injured from shrapnel by the window, this mother recalls. i'm happy my son is going now to get treatment.
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these palestinians have endured 300 days of war, and they just made their way out of the gaza strip the as part of a joint emirati and israeli effort to get them much-needed medical attention. those like this 12-year-old spent days in the city waiting for this opportunity. they bombed our neighbor's house, and my leg was cut, the young girl says. now at the crossing she is one step closer to a positive nettia new life. i'm very happy i'm going to travel, and i'm very thankful to the world health organization. these civilians bring few belongings with hem but carry baggage that is unseen, the trauma of war. >> the war, it end. that's enough, that's enough, that's enough because we are very tired. we are very ill. we are -- we don't have anything. >> reporter: for cancer
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patients this trip to the uae could be the difference between life and death. >> we are nervous. we are nervous and weeping. difficult now. >> reporter: the israeli military insists that everything possible is being done to get medicine and food into gaza, blaming international organizations for not contributing -- distributing the aid. the reality of this war is far more complex and has seen suffering on a scale unimaginable. the israelis continue to face questions about the protection of civilians amid the conflict. from the beginning of this conflict, we have heard horrific stories from inside gaza of doctors having to perform surgery on patients without anesthesia, civilians being wounded at overwhelmed hospitals. what more can be done to get this type of medicine and these supplies into gaza to help these vulnerable people? >> we are here, the crossing is
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open. you see the trucks that are moving. we are not prioritizing what is on those trucks, the u.n. are. and if they want to bring medical assistance, they can bring it. we'll facilitate, we will scan and move fast and efficient. it will work 100 meters from here. you will see 14,000 palestinians on the land from the palestinian side waiting to be collected by the u.n. and distributed inside gaza. >> reporter: international organizations have expressed concern for the safety of their workers distributing aid though they say that coordination with the israelis has increased in recent months. bill? bill: trey, thank you. trey yingst watching that story from israel today again. thank you, trey. dana: meantime, ceasefire talks could be reaching a pivotal stage. secretary of state antony blinken set to arrive in israel in just minutes hoping to push a deal across the finish line. israeli prime minister benjamin net an ya hue's office putting
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out a statement that that reads in part, israel's negotiators expressed cautious optimism regarding the possibility of advancing a deal. we must hope that the heavy pressure on hamas from the if u.s. and the mediators leads to the removal of its opposition to the american proposal. michael allen, former senior director at the national security council, with us. okay. if you are somebody who is, you know, desperate for your loved one to get released, should you have your hopes in check, or is this a more hopeful point than we've been in before when talking about a hostage deal? >> at the same time it's incremental progress, but you should have your hopes in check because i still think that there are serious differences between israel and ma mama -- hamas. hamas wants a permanent ceasefire whereas prime minister netanyahu wants to be able to go back at them more or less unannounced at any period of time. they also want total freedom
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within the gaza strip. they don't want israel to be there. and israel feels like at a minimum it needs to be on the southern tip of gaza in between egypt and the gaza strip because literally there are tunnels that you can drive a truck through, and that's how hamas was armed last time,s and and the israelis have to be determined to stop that from happening again. dana: we have a map that a we can show everybody. this is around where trey was just talking about. the corridor that the you just referenced here. there is, i believe, a push even more strongly from the biden white house because in this hall behind me they would love to be able to say there's a ceasefire, everybody can calm down. do you think that is a driving motivation? >> i do. i mean, i think they want to go for it just for the inherent
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policy objective of stopping a war, but there's an undeniable political imperative as well. they do not want a split democratic party. they do not want the progressive wing constantly attacking kamala harris like they did vice president biden. so i think that is an added dimension to this which makes them want to go faster, because it's going to look terrible if all the speeches in chicago are interrupted by a bunch of protesters. dana: okay. wanted to ask you also about this, the israel -- basically having great success in the execution of one of the terrorists. according to the hezbollah official when all this went down, shuka received a call from someone telling him to go up the his apartment five floors up. the call to craw him to the seventh floor where he could be an easier target likely came from someone who had breached hezbollah's internal communications network. i know that the news is coming fast and furiously over the last
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28 days, this one is something that sounds like you could have watched it in a movie theater. >> you could have. there's a famous tv show in israel called f if alda, and i think real life is even more impressivive than what they're doing on that particular television show. they can lure terrorists into the right location. they have an agent network inside of tehran. remember, they stole thousands of nuclear weaponization documents about ten years ago, and they have assassins all over tehran to kill iranian nuclear scientists. mossad is truly one of the most amazing intelligence agencies in the history of the world, and it's really amazing to watch them assist in israel's national security. dana: it's the incredible and, hopefully, we will all live long enough to learn more of the details and perhaps see it on falda as a well. michael allen, thank you. we appreciate you. >> thank you. bill: thank you, michael.
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jailhouse rock ringing true for a woman now charged in a plot to swindle the king's relatives. that's the head of today's celebrity news. a if 53-year-old woman out of missouri accused of trying to defraud elvis presley's estate and steal ownership of the iconic graceland. prosecutors say she created multiple bogus documents and claimed the landmark as collateral for a loan that went into default. she has been denied. now she's in a lot of trouble -- dana: how dare she. bill: the king lives, dana. dana: that's right. bill: the king lives. he's out there. dana: might see him here. [laughter] the do dnc, he might be performing. bill: could be. dana: there's a mystery solved. bill: that's why you've got to watch. [laughter] dana: and watch this as a well. >> you know, we have seen where our own tourists even when it's not a convention have been attacked in the city of chicago. all of that has built a reputation about a our city that lends people to believe they are simply not safe when they come here. bill: this city's on alert. democrats are coming to chicago,
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so too are tens of thousands expected to protest. we are live from the dnc all week long from chicago, and we begin day one on this sunday morning. ♪ ♪ can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. beth wants to get back to eating the food she loves. so she's been thinking about getting dental implants, but the cost seems like it's out of her budget. at clearchoice we specialize in permanent teeth replacement.
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bill: so democrats many chicago this week reportedly asked not to use their own names when booking hotels, fearing that violence could erupt rut from the thousands of pro-palestinian protesters that will target the dnc and this city. meanwhile, pro-israel groups were conditioned permits to -- denied permits to hold their own demonstrations. elan, thank you for your time
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today. there is, my punsinging, an event -- my understanding, an event where you will recognize the hostages. however, has the is city granted you a permit to hold your own march as they have others who are against the israeli government and its reactions -- actions in gaza? >> no, they haven't. and, bill, it's good to be with you, thank you. no, we applied first for an assembly. that was denied. then we applied to advertise pictures of u.s. citizens held hostage in gaza a in digital billboards at o'hare and midway airports, denied. then we applied for a march around the united center to show our patriotism, our love of america and our solidarity with israel, ignoreed. they took no action. and in the interim, they gave anti-israel groups, the same people you see vandalizing and burning american flags, they gave them a permit to the march and took no action on ours. now, look, i get that the haters of america and israel have a first amendment right but, you
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know, so do we, bill. we patriotic americans who love our country and stand strongly with israel, we also have a first amendment right. and they either denied or ignored all of those permits. and then finally, they gave us a speaking slot at a stage they set up an hour before the anti-israel and anti-american protesters arrive. so we're not even sure we can do it for security reasons. but so you know what e we did do, as you asked, you know what? we're going to take a private lot and create hostage square, chicago, where we're going to pay tribute to the american citizens being held in hamas-held still to this day, we're going to stand in solidarity with israel, we're going to be patriotic americans with american flags, and we're going to do what we can on a private lot because the city of chicago either denied or ignored all of our permit applications. bill: so here is the mayor, he was talking with, i believe it was cbs earlier today.
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how they have tried to that a sill tate all of the permits -- facilitate all of the permits necessary. myunderstanding is you will have a rally wednesday about two blocks north of the united center -- >> right. bill: based on what i understand from the map, that's where all the anti-israeli protesters plan to have theirs as a well, and you just wonder if you get too close if things could go sideways. >> well, that's exactly right. i mean, they gave us a slot at 5 p.m. on wednesday at a city stage that the city set up. and, again, that's not our permit for the march we wanted, but that's, okay, they gave us a slot. 5 p.m. and then right in the spot where these anti-american and anti-israel protesters are going to congregate. now, we've seen how violent they are. they tear things apart, hay vandalize, their burn flags, and so we're supposed to come at 5 p.m., minutes before they gather in that same spot. i've got to tell you, it's very disappointing.
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but we'll do what we can. we're going to express our first amendment rights in every way we can and show our love for the united states and show our solidarity for israel and the hostages and any and every way we can. and that's what we're planning to do at hostage square on tuesday. bill: sir, thank you for your time. we'll see you in chicago. elan carr, we'll see whether or not the city the bends before then. right now i don't hear it many your voice that you're going to have much luck. thank you for coming on. we'll follow it. thanks. >> thanks. >> she has a list of policy positions, a number of which she's trying now to abandon that are really quite shocking. she is, after all, a self-confessed radical. the policy position she's taking on everything from fracking to god knows what else are quite extraordinary and quite, in the eyes of many americans, extreme. dana: the election clock is tick tocking away. 79 days to the make up your mind, less if you're voting early. and the pressure is on. both sides seeking momentum in and a look behind the scenes as
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the democratic convention is about to get underway in chicago. ♪ it's a party in the usa ♪ yeah, it's a party in the usa ♪ ♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ]
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♪ ♪ ♪ dana: and as a democrats kick off the dnc this week, they're hoping to build on the momentum that kicked in when vice president harris magically became the party's nominee. one strategist saids the -- says the vp must strike the right balance if if she wants to win over the undecideds. shannon bream is here, and one of the things that's going to be difficult is she needs to distance herself just like george h.w. bush did, just like al gore did and mccain, they have to distance, but the biden team is saying, oh, no, no, no, we were partners, and you were
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so loyal, and you were so great. and i wonder if they're on the same page. >> well, he says that there's not going to be a split. the white house has said from the podium, karine jean-pierre, there's no daylight between them on economic issues. that's the big place that a she's got to convince people she's going to make their lives better. economy p as you guys know, far and away the biggest issue. and she's part of the biden-harris administration. dana: it's in the title. >> it is in the title. i talk with senator chris coons about it on "toss -- fox news sunday" this morning, but how are you going to get us there? democrats like the broader themes, they work for her. bill: they're going to present this show of unity behind the scenes. you wonder how that's going over, right? "wall street journal" addresses it this way, behind the scenes of a biden-harris riff. biden's team did not actively try to minimize harris but also didn't go out of its way to lift her up. the most senior levels made
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little effort to elevate harris. well, the deal has been done, the switcheroo's been made. they have made the swap, and it is what it is. >> dana called it magic. [laughter] how it magically came together. and, listen, there is credit for her coalescing this group because there were people who support her who are saying maybe have a mini if primary. she shut that down. she said i'm going to make these phone calls, work the delegates and get it down -- done, but there's clear clearly an undercurrent of hurt here. president biden makes his speech monday, there's going to be a lot of laudatory for him during the week and then he's, like, peace out. dana: yeah. and i think the message is going to be sent that everybody in this ram, you better be nice, and everybody better cheer and give him the best sendoff, and it's going to be like all -- >> well, putting him on mount rushmore, according to speaker pelosi. dana: the other thing, shannon, as she showed, speed wins. many terms of she called those delegates, she called those
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golfs and said i'm going to be the -- governors, i'm going to be the nominee, are you with me. they all said, sure, whatever. but now you have actual early voting starting in less than a month p. so she got the nomination on the 5th, now we head to labor day, and that's when harold ford jr. says everyone starts to pay attention. north carolina starts voting on september 6th, and then we've got the debate on september 10th, and i am here for that. >> oh, i am too. we will all be covering that. you mentioned north carolina, and that's one of the polls that showed up in new york times-sienna this morning that they say she's pulled ahead of him now in north carolina. that's where she gave her economic speech. they've got real concern in places like arizona, north carolina, georgia tightening up as a well. so she's had time to define herself on ore hen -- her own terms without being pressed hard with difficult interviews, and some in the gop feel like the trump-vance campaign have wasted three weeks, four weeks of not
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defining her on their a terms. bill: that may be true, but when she does talk, there's a lot of pushback. no tax on tips wasn't even her idea. and the idea on friday was panned across the board roundly. i don't know if she's even going to go back to that or not. >> right. bill: after this convention she said she's going to do an interview, okay? [laughter] that'll be 32, 33, 34 days -- >> i mean "america's newsroom," "fox news sunday," the doors are open. dana: the trump campaign, if they were caught flat-footed and maybe history will show that maybe they were surprised, but the new ads, the digital pieces, the rapid response seems to be back on point. >> yeah. and it's using her words. because when she talked friday in north carolina about the price of ground beef and the price of bread being up, i thought, where is this going? you're giving them a sound bite, and that's immediately been turned around to say, yep, that happened on your watch. bill: shannon? >> i'll see you guys -- bill: it's going to be a long week, sister.
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hang on, we got something for you. >> let's hear it. bill: bream came in on thursday night, this is one of my favorite places in america, wrigley field. and to all the folks out there whether you're a baseball fan or not, if you have not been there, you need to check out this beauty, gem of a place here in the city of big shoulders as we call it. dana: who won? bill: the cubs did 3-1, they beat toronto. dana: i went to graduate school in springfield, and we would come up to chicago, and it is a great and beautiful city -- bill: in the summer. [laughter] dana: i mean, i don't know. people that live here love it here. people that are from here, some of the nicest people in america. protesters, behave. bill: right on. it reminds me of my midwest upbringing. chicago was always a city we were, like, let's go and have a blast. dana: shannon, thank you for joining us. outnumbered will take it from here. bill: bye-bye.


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