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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 18, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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going to be -- it's going to be packed the next four nights and 50,000 visitors are in chicago for the convention but not everybody can watch from inside here without a ticket to the dnc. with the exception from soldier field where the chicago bears play. obviously this will be a big week. we have got you covered for this special report every night and 10:00 p.m. eastern mark and i will have special coverage of the prime-time speeches and the entire democratic national convention. we cover it, fair and balanced and always unafraid. we continue after this. >> good evening i'm laura ingraham this is a special
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edition of "the ingraham angle" from washington. this almost no aspect of american life for kamala harris doesn't want to control. we will take over and guess we can do that. yes. >> yes we can expose a radical agenda, plus. spain do you want a hotdog? >> a hotdog isn't the only thing you can get for free at the dnc. they are offering no-cost abortions. and. trump is getting a major assist in reaching out to gen-z voters. barron trump [applause] barron trump's best buddy is here to explain how he is helping out the campaign. but first, tomorrow is the start of an unprecedented democratic national convention because it's just been four weeks since the
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party ousted joe biden's with the help of iron fist nancy pelosi and the pro palestinian protest preparing to descend upon the convention center all eyes will be on chicago to see if democrats can actually maintain some sense of normalcy among a lot of abnormal policies. well, let's go to chicago where "fox news" correspondent peter doocy is live from the convention floor. there you are peter. >> loretta dnc chairman this afternoon was thinking the city of chicago for rolling out the red carpet for all the famous delegates in town but half a mile from here all the glitz and glamor at the united center. their tens of thousands of protesters preparing to make themselves heard because they are really the democratic party continues to give aid to israel and the protest leaders are warning the city of chicago not to try to regroup members of the
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270 different organizations who are all coming together. >> tomorrow is what we are calling the event of the season. at the city does not agree and steps off the low march the routes and you know listen we have a philosophy in chicago that the numbers dictate what the route is. >> chicago fought hard for this convention. law enforcement has been setting up a surprise roadblocks miles away from here, places where neighbors say they weren't expecting anything like that in this because the host governor j.b. pritzker wants to avoid parallels between this and this year's convention in the tea but mostly chaotic 1968 dnc. >> the protesters are protesting something that's far way from here and very important but it's not about people getting drafted from here going abroad. it's a whole different situation and honestly i i expect we will
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have peaceful protest and we will protect the protesters but protect the people visiting. >> it really is over the next couple of nights and all-star lineup of democrats. we have barack obama, hillary clinton, bill clinton and the course tomorrow the opener joe biden. >> peter we will see you there tomorrow. thank you very much and with biden out of the way as peter said anne, lost the nominee democrats are would be united party and there would be a lot of hobnobbing with celebrities and lot of good vibes with the harris/wall stick it on the surprise that their campaign decided to roll the dice and introduces social style academic and now they are on the defensive. >> this isn't about trying to price fix. it's just making sure the economy is operating the way it should. >> it's not unreasonable for her to say the federal government
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should do what many states are party done which is focused on the price-gouging. >> people are reading too much into what has been put out there. >> is that her answer? essentially it's don't take kamala's seriously and what a fraud j.b. pritzker is. a billionaire heir of a hotel empire is now suddenly embracing what? federal investigations of price-gouging and the market is complex and competitive as the food industry? tell us how were price ceiling set jamie, using what criteria tell? i have an idea. it's so great let's broaden it out. broaden out, lost's plan to include the hospitality industry and serves hyatt. two days before the dnc kick off a devastating takedown in all places the "washington post" from their editorial board. the times demand serious economic ideas and harris supplies gimmicks. the financial times summed it up
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democrats on defensive after harris planned was received. he was panned by the economic -- it's a lot a rhetoric and not really. there's no upside here and there is some downside. one of harvard's top economists kenneth rogoff was even more harsh. >> how much did price gouging impact inflation and is there evidence of this happening a lot? >> no, i don't think corporate price-gouging has much to do with that. i hope she walks this was back. she had some good ideas and some mixed ideas and this was a idea. >> before this plan came out the polls which had run up some for harris during her honeymoon phase has started to stall and even turn back in trump's favor.
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likely voters has them up nationally 49-45 and on the top three issues that matter most to americans, trump is still trouncing paris. those are the numbers that really matter and will dive into them shortly with bret baier. but this is what you get, isn't it, when your candidate simply reads what other people come together born when she can't defend what the heck she's been doing for the past 3.5 years it's platitudes all the time. >> our election is about understanding the importance of this beautiful country of ours in terms of what we stand for around the globe is a democracy. as a democracy. we know this is a duality to the nature of democracy. on the one hand incredible strength. we are all in this together.
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>> that's inspiring. if maybe you are a high school guidance counselor, no offense to high school guidance counselors. for all the democratic attacks on trump for hitting her with pert critical criticisms and ridiculed personal attacks are all the democrats have the offer. i was sitting there watching former louisiana governor mitch landrieu with al sharpton. >> how do you build on the momentum this week? >> a lot has changed in the last 30 days but the one thing that hasn't changed is donald trump is still a convicted felon and determined to be a sexual abuser of business fraud. donald trump is a president who left of the economy in this country in shambles and donald trump's about darkness and grievance. that is not change. >> the question was what can you do build up, was momentum? he pretty much gave it away there. the momentum is over contrary to the headlines will be seeing over the next 12 days.
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with astounding intellect. it's an embarrassment. of course louisiana is getting -- going to vote big his home state. don lemon found out that all the spin about taco recipes and joyful campaigns, it can't change the brutal facts that most americans are not better off after 3.5 years of biden and harris then they weren't the even a blue new jersey. >> who are you supporting? >> i support trump. all the people who came to this country legally it's not fair to give 20,000 people a year. four years ago was a lot better. i've made a lot more money than i do now. >> i know you feel that way but the economy is better under biden. >> good for don lemon getting out there to talk to real people. he also went to pittsburgh and cleveland right at the same questions that even though some
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supporter, many agreed they were better off four years ago. what does that tell you? stick with the economic message. i think you'll find a lot of people saying they are not as well off as they were four years ago if they did the same thing in chicago and that's where we will be all week, covering the substance, if there is any substance, and the celebrity circus of the dnc. i will tell you this the but democrats need a huge conviction tarik night and a lasting momentum for harris and then it will be hard. they will do their best to make harris shine. i'm telling you there's a risk there as well because it might just be that everyone sees it and realizes that she's not barack obama. joining us now kevin mccarty former speaker of the house. mr. speaker this really has been something over the past three weeks.
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the one meant that democrats were behind the scenes kind of rolling their eyes at, became their standardbearer until they found that out she was for price controls on friday and now they are trying to move quickly back to the vibes and saying as gretchen whitmer did don't put a lot of stock in what she said. what is your reaction of the box they have gotten themselves into? >> i'm going to look at all the smiles and the thousands of people there. the only reason they are happy as a biden is not the nominee but there they are not one of them worked or actually voted for kamala to be their nominee and now they are hearing her policies. they will continue to spiral downward when they listen to her. the only time she's not talking on the teleprompter is the word salad in which he talks to the teleprompter and she brings out socialist ideas,, they had to turn around the next day and tell her to walk it back. they are now seeing the difficulty they have putting somebody in as their nominee
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that and everything campaign for president or had to fight for the ideas are the parties select they wanted to go to. >> the far left is very happy with the harris/walz ticket. >> progressives are not weaker. i think what we see through the polling and what we see. just the energy levels across the country are the people resonate with progressive messages. they want politicians that speak their language. they want authenticity. >> mr. speaker can kamala when the election if she keeps appeasing the radical than her party, which they are pretty happy. >> they are very happy because the democratic party would have never selected this ticket. this ticket is the most liberal ticket possible. remember she was in the senate with elizabeth warren and bernie sanders, she was to the left of them.
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walz is probably the most extreme liberal governor you haven't her very first decision on the vp it shows now that she wasn't prepared to make the tough decisions. she wouldn't stand up for her own party and pick shapiro and she wasn't making the right decision knowing this whole race is about pennsylvania and georgia. she knows her policies don't win. how was she going to talk about the border? how was she going to talk about the economy when she made the deciding vote to bring this inflation and how was she going to talk about crime when she funded the bill to let people out to murder again? we all know what she did along the border to make the entire country unsafe. >> are you surprised by some of these polls that actually show a close although the momentum clearly has stalled out for kamala. it stalled out when she picked tim walz and that was a disaster. but are you surprised that things are as tight as they are given the numbers on the economy? >> now, the only thing that has
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happened here democrats are excited that it's not joe biden because president trump did so well against them in the debate. the polls are not for -- not so great for her. hillary clinton was in a better position than she is today. joe biden for years ago was in a better position than, what is today and do you know what else is interesting? donald trump isn't a better position today than he was in the last two elections. his numbers haven't gone up. they have actually gone up so this is the media wanting this race to be well ahead by kamala. this is the media trying to will it into existence. every time i watch her talk i think i'm on hbo. >> mr. speaker it's great to see you. thank you so much for joining us. the dnc's name is for the people, for our future. the future that americans want is one that democrats are incapable of giving us for the
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"fox news" power rankings show voters overwhelmingly trusting trump on them issues that matter most to them. bret baier joins us now boxes political analysts and the -- let's start with the economy. they are a lot of polls out there and fox is a big one. where do folks stand? >> good evening to the former president leads exponentially on the economy and the new abc "washington post" poll has former president trump of the lebanon issue of the economy. that's obviously where people's focus is. every election for the most part comes down to how people feel about their own economic situation and how around the kitchen table they deal with budget issues on the back of an envelope. right now when that question is asked in every poll to former president has a lead in some of the double digits like the "washington post" and abc polls. >> rhett when you look back at how in the last two or three
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weeks the press has been much elevating kamala harris in the of tim walz. it's that they decided to come out with his big policy proposal on the eve of the convention that i've never seen more democrats try to wiggle themselves away from. i've never seen anything like this and i've been covering this pretty much as long as you have. >> it's truly amazing. if you look at the sunday shows the circuits were specifically talking about housing and medical and the drug prices and specifically not talking about the price control staff and the gouging and she said engaging. i think that is just not a good seller even in democratic circles. it's not talked about very much at all this week. when you have obama's economist jason furman coming up in saying this is a idea and it should be run away from i think he'll have
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people running away from it. >> my question is how did they get to the point where they thought that was a good idea of? she's been vice president for 3.5 years and she must know some of these people so how would that end up in a speech and there is a lot of controversy over the voucher or housing and getting more money if you are first-generation american which i don't even know if it's constitutional. there's can't -- there's controversy about that as well. >> when he her political supporter reporters political supporter reporter say listen it will never get through congress that is not the right pitch. if that's your first economic foothold. i don't know how it got there. there will be a back story. they want to be different from president biden suthers separation from biden and harris in the vulnerabilities on the economic side. we will have president biden speak tomorrow night and i think it will be look at the great things we did together but then
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it's going to be get off the stage quickly for president biden. >> great to see you. see you tomorrow. up next, let's control doesn't just go to these issues of grocery stores. it doesn't stop there. we have a lot more to bring you and that is next. duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology,
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>> , with the objective of top-down federal control and regulation does not stop with the prophecy links for food companies or job-killing climate rules. she also likes the idea of government intervention in setting salaries. a course or extreme socialist views are always cloaked in the noblest of intentions. >> we give positive encouragement to create accountability for every 1% differential between what they are paying men and women for equal work. there will be a fine of 1% of their previous year's profits. >> that will get their attention. >> join us now to unpack her real agenda senior fellow at the hoover institution. victor victor i love that.
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kamala in shirt sleeves. the pantsuit i guess that hasn't developed yet so how would government decide what equal work actually looks like? >> they can't decide and they know they can't decide and they won't decide. they will arbitrarily go in and threaten a particular entity that they don't like. we know this administration the biden/harris administration plays favorites so what it's designed to do laura to descend the fear of and to private enterprise the way the doj has done with other people. everybody deserves i guess one slipper one past but but this cs on the heels of her clips where she said she wanted to force people to sell their weapons that they had purchased back to the government. now there's another tape as well as she bragged she was going to force the pharmaceutical companies, the drug companies to surrender their patents.
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>> let's play it so people know what you are talking about. let's watch. >> for any drug where they fail to play by our rules and if that drug came about because of federal funding for what's called are indeed research and development, i will their patents. so that we will take over. yes, we can do that. yes. the question is do you have the will to do it? i have the will to do it. >> so says the woman who never made a payroll in her life. hired employees and it's unbelievable but the sanctimonious attitude of her. >> that's her point, laura. it's not just that she's outrageous and her assumption of federal power, it's the way she even says it. it's sewing fabric. our rules, like take away and if
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you don't play by our rules she's done that with a mandate for me after about the gun buyback she said will you enforce it and she said yes in the same thing about all of these things. you add them up and it's a acquisition of federal power by people who are damontre we -- demonstrably sending a message out that you either join me the biden/harris team more than now harris/walz team or you'll have federal scrutiny of your business. i don't think people who are independent will stand for it. she's got so many of these landmines that are all going on and there's no question that the trump campaign in the conservative's to show the american people what they are in for. >> stick on the economy and stay on these issues. they are coming for your wallet thing gas prices will be $10 a gallon. victor so good to see you.
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copycat kamala's desperate strategy to mirror obama's white house run more on that coming up.
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>> america we cannot turn back, not with so much work to be done at this moment in this election. we must pledge once more to march into the future. >> it's no secret that, was trying to rebrand herself as obama 2.0. she brought on multiple obama aides around her campaign. she's even tried to kind of mimic his hope and change campaign with joy and freedom. now she even has the same poster he used in 2008. come on, get some originality here but it's no surprise he's
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getting help from the media. joining us now ari fleischer former president -- former press secretary and "fox news" contributor. obama and kamala are just the same appeal, same energy, same intellect, same everything? >> let's put it this way laura. right now donald trump's up and almost all the battleground states. you could not say that about barack obama when he first burst onto the scene in 2008. he was up in all of those days and kept them up so you know i can understand that she wants to fasten herself to obama's rising star and i think it will work for the liberal base of the dimmer credit party but it won't work beyond that. >> you can't buy food and you can't pay your fuel bills this winter with the obama vibe as
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your poster. it's a totally different world today than it was in 2008. 2008 week just came off the economic crash and all of the federal intervention that went along with it that some people are still debating and that was the deal. mccain had to pause the campaign. remember the path of the campaign? obama came in and swept it all up. >> even more fundamental is the fact that donald trump is doing better in these battleground states. barack obama was a centrist compared to kamala harris. barack obama when he was pushing for obamacare rules out the public option. kamala harris of course endorsed medicare for all. kamala harris said no private insurance. let's just get rid of it all. she is so far to the redistributionist liberal far left of barack obama and that's going to be in it should be if the trump campaign does there --
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right the issue. your tape showing what she said about how she's going to go in and people's patents and set prices for people who don't behave the way she wants him to behave in the free market. barack obama it's amazing how the democratic party has run so far to the left and she is the personification of it. >> it's wonderful to see you. thank you. >> we are going to see a celebration of him and how kamala has brought the party together with tim walz. that pair has turned this place into frankly a concert and people will be cheering and will be pretty excited. >> democrats are having fun and they are partying in chicago. what's a city like for folks who live there? for starters chicago's children are struggling. 31% of students grades three through eight are proficient in
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reading. just 19% of proficient in math. residents feel ignored as millions of taxpayer funds poor and furry illegals and people are scared to walk down the street. so far this weekend, 17 people in chicago were shot, four were killed including a teenager for joining us now the chicago police union president. this is the liberal utopia. san francisco is another but chicago is a liberal utopia. the super democrat majorities but you have democrats at every level of government operating in j.b. pritzker is like this will be a wonderful party. if it's so wonderful why are the people of chicago struggling so much? >> good evening laura and if it's a wonderful why are businesses boarding ahead up ahead of this dnc? the support bases are anarchy and this -- and they put her
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officers in harms way because of the policies and beliefs. >> milwaukee saw a huge economic boon because of the rnc. it was big money pouring into milwaukee. even miles from the united center where the convention is going to be held businesses are saying we are going to take a pass and we are closing up shop. what does that say? >> well you know the mayor in contradiction to what the secret service and the federal law enforcement requested, provided a venue for protest. way too close to the dnc convention site at a very precarious position i could say security wise and that's his base though. that's exactly the protesters antifa. he is about chaos and it's going to make the city less safe and make this convention chaos and i
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just hope and her officers all make it through without any major issues or injuries. >> one group called behind enemy lines seems to be encouraging violence john, this convention. bruises from chicago police batons the 2024 back-to-school fall fashion. so apparently that's all the rage, being so violent and provoking people to such an extent that the police had to step in? they want that? that doesn't sound good. >> they want that soundbite in video clip they can play over and over again. thankfully contrary to what we had in 2020 the superintendent and first deputy this superintendent gets in her members believe he will back them up if they had to use force. use of force is never and obviously the more intense the use of force the worse it looks but he has been very rocksolid
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about saying they are not going to allow certain behavior to occur and officers will be authorized to do some things. >> john thank you good to see was always and up next the dnc with swag including free abortions and. you can't make it up. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go.
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know their giveaways at the dnc but not one had abortions and vasectomies. planned parenthood great rivers is bringing a mobile health clinic to the dnc and guess what, all of their appointments have been taken. but wait, there's more. after your free abortion you can head over for a photo op with freda wilm the 22-foot inflatable iud from the group americans for contraception. joining me fox contributor raymond arroyo and mary katharine. they framed this as women's health care but how is this people powered when i guess the agenda is to go aboard the
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people and sniff them and? >> it shows a profound distrust and hatred for humanity. where's the faith and what your party can do for people. if your first freebie at your convention is a vasectomy and an abortion and these are medical abortions by the way. they are giving women pills so they could take their pill go watch the speeches in the dnc's hall while the abortion is taking place. there's something particularly and about this whole thing and here's the kicker as i read into this the mobile health unit pulled up and there's a group called circle partnering with planned parenthood. they are giving away hotdogs every time you have a free abortion or a vasectomy. a new human life is being devalued and i didn't realize it was just worth a hotdog. this takes the. >> it takes a hotdog.
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there is something like you want to grow the movement, grow your movement? apparently they want to downsize the economy and the movement. >> it's very bizarre. as bizarre as that price controls move. i don't get it. >> it's pretty bleak also as raymond points out. i don't know it's a strange life trajectory. one day you are a democrat in the next day you're getting up vasectomy and a van by the chicago river. it doesn't feel like the greatest move and i can on vasectomies. these are grown people and they are the only person involved in the decision. if you take yourself out of the gene pool perhaps you are the type of person that should take yourself out of the gene pool at that point but abortions, this is said and both hands for women and men. last week they were like i can't believe j.d. vance would mentioned they are antichild.
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do i have something for you from planned parenthood. this is a bleak trajectory and i think they are being sold a bill of goods about how a family looks and what family can be. it could be some of the most rich and beautiful and magical things in life and give you this huge change of perspective that is very clear that people buy the river need in their lives. >> so much for safe legal and rare. that's long out the window. raymond democrats are getting free tissues, kleenex at the dnc. >> there's going to be so much love for joe biden there'll be tears of joy when he walks into that hall. he literally save their democracy. he beat donald trump and i think everyone will want to give him a big hug and i can't wait to hear his speech. >> raiment a big hug and tears of joy as he's going out the door on monday night after the convention. >> as they sent him right off
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the exit shootout the back of the arena. we played anita dunn who is an obama and biden staffer who admitted 40 million people's votes had been totally disenfranchised the voters as a result of installing kamala harris those primary voted for joe biden. he's getting the's rush after the first night but to tie the whole conversation together this duality that you played earlier that kamala harris is talking about duality is in her policies but she saying liberty, freedom, joy. that's what i'm here to defend. you can't do any of that if you don't have life first. that right to life. if you push that aside your joy and freedom and liberty is meaningless. to be, if that's the thing you are leading with at your convention that's a real optical problem for the democrats and it makes it sound worse. >> course mary catherine the
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idea that people are saying i'm going to put off having kids a lot of people are making that decision and maybe don't have a deep faith in appropriating and they are like i can afford it. if they can afford it it's because their wages aren't keeping up with the cost of living regardless of whether inflation is in fluctuating down a bit. that is the truth. that's your solution, get another abortion. that's their solution to their economic problems. >> we don't want the solutions to be never have a family because inflation is too high and we can't buy a house. that seems counterproductive for everyone and anti-joy actually. if you aren't offering things for policies and offering price controls that will make food scares in grocery stores scarcer you were going to run into a problem where people get scared to have children. some people by the way a lot of these people are getting vasectomies like dads of three who have decided to be done with
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this. young people have been told that climate change is the reason they can't have children and that's a sad bill of goods to be sold. >> raiment and mary catherine thank you both tonight. trump's secret weapon to reach young voters. what is it? what is it? that's cominin g up. wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy®
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>> , is trying to have a summer youth full of cool means but what does she really think about this group? >> ages more than chronological. what do we know about this population 18 to 24? they are. that is why we put them in dormitories. and they have the resident assistant. they make really bad decisions. >> if that's true that could explain why she supposedly is leading trump by nine points among voters age 35 and under a trump's team knows that you
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don't connect with young voters by them. you connect with them by reaching them where they are and that's where trump's 18-year-old son darren comes in. he and his friend conservative influencer of loudon are working together to help secure the gen-z vote. the dual lock and trump's interview with stream our eight and ross and have been trying to forge relationships between the former president and big content creators to emily wilson hostess and molly saves america podcasts. bo, give us a sense what else are you in barron working on and how is it going to help trump? >> you know i can't reveal too much but their big plans in the works. i think reaching gen-z now more than ever is the most important thing we can do and i love how trump is that doing things. the last one reaching 3 billion impressions, 25 million people
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watching it from start to finish and 74% of viewers under 34 says a lot about how trump is sweeping gen-z. there's big things in the works for sure. >> emily i think of someone who is not a tik-tok fan and tik-tok has the china connection and he's doing tik-tok videos now as kamala is leaning into hoping that beyoncé comes to the dnc. how smart of president trump is it to actually say look this is where young people are and i'm coming to where they are? >> i totally agree with you. i think it's a app. i'm fine with it not being here. with that said i've got to be honest i want to see with the other side is doing and what they are thinking. it's the best thing he could do. he is crushing on tik-tok right
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now and especially they were saying young kids in college are trending more conservative. i posted video on tik-tok that was 1.1 billion. it's embarrassing to say you are liberal at this point so clearly people agree and he is doing fantastic. >> i think bo it's time we share with the dnc's plan is going to be for the convention hoping that celebrity show up. watch. >> there a lot of things that people get excited about in conventions including hollywood and singers. are we going to see, i mean beyoncé said kamala harris could use her music he could we see beyoncé next week? >> you know anything could be a surprise. we do have a lot of entertainers that if expressed interest. >> bow a lot of entertainers have expressed interest in showing up. basically george clooney and
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pelosi shoved biden out the door so there's the celebrities to empower apparently. >> you know i think it backfired a little bit. i wonder if they mean by showing interest showing interest in the contractors. the whole aid and ross thing was funny because he's friends with a lot of very prominent celebrities and rappers and he was posting all over that these rappers are getting paid 20, thousand $50,000 to attend a kamala harris rally or put up an instagram story or whatever the case may be. these people just want to meet him and attend his rally speech is paying these people to work at the rallies and do all these things while trump is a man of the people. he'll bring up a local artist on stage. he doesn't need to pay celebrities to support him. they want to support him because they know how they are on the right side. >> i love how bo's is casting his vote. here's donald trump on tik-tok
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talking about -- price controls. >> the basics everything is up. eggs are up 40% cookies up 27%. look at what's going on butter up 31% and this is just the beginning. >> that was trump being more serious on tik-tok. he's having fun but it's factual and get to the point really quick. on the scale of one to 10 how important it is it for him to engage on the social media platforms? >> it's attend. it's the most important thing he should be doing right now but people are rain washed and there's no right-wing side on tik-tok. he needs to make it fun too. >> we will do more of this and bo and emily will have you back to dig into this more deeply. thank you both. be sure to tune in tomorrow. i'll be in ♪


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