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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 19, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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we will have those for you tomorrow night the first night of the dnc. let's go to joseph from san antonio, texas. you take more vacation than joe biden. maybe? you better behave or princess, what is going to get you with her magic wand. she can stick it where the sun don't shine. cell from bucs county, pennsylvania. the money will get rid of poverty just like getting rid of diplomas will get rid of. craig from downingtown pennsylvania, if i only played it 25 years i could have gotten a free this week in chicago. snip, snip chicago. do >> trey: you are looking live
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at the united center in chicago where day one of the democratic national convention begins this morning. as former president trump and j.d. vance prepare to kick off their counter dnc swing state tour and protesters already taking to the streets as many as 100,000 expected to rail against democratic policies this week. we are live with the latest. speak with the convention takes up on the heels of bloody weekend in the blood he bloody city with 2,000 people shot in hound local businesses boarding up. we take a look at the democrat crime price is other major issues before speakers take the stage. eco-plus heavy rains drenching the coast with bloods and causing major issues that many of the country's busiest airports. we are tracking the latest. you are watching his special two hour of friends in person i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus and more what we are expecting day one of the dnc,
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good morning, brooke. >> good morning, democrats to tout the biden-harris administration's accomplishments and results on day one of the dnc which starts today here and here is a look at the results, under economic leadership, the consumer price index shows inflation up almost 20% since they first took office. and when it comes to border security, there's been 8 million migrant encounters on the southern border since february 2021. president biden's office said americans are safer today when he and harris took office even though independent data analysis shows crime is up across 66 major cities here and so tonight, president biden set to pass the torch to harris with a prime time address to the convention. >> how are you feeling about your speech tomorrow, sir? how are you feeling about your speech? >> and harris has prepared a speech of her own thursday when she will formally accept the democratic nomination for
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president. >> it is almost done. and just making a little tweaks and work on it probably starting tomorrow. much of what you probably heard me talk about in terms of the promise to america and the fact that we are all in this. obviously, there is a lot at stake, but there was a lot to feel good about in terms of the future of the country. >> meanwhile former president trump and j.d. vance are in pennsylvania today in the first of many stops this week. counter messaging to the democratic national convention. so trump will speak at a factory that makes products for defense and nuclear defense. his theme is make america wealthy today and tomorrow make america safe again, make america strong again, secure again and friday is make america great again, todd and carley. >> carley: back with the
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themes on the republican side. 3:00 a.m. and chicago, brooke, thank you so much, bright and early. ari fleischer giving a snapshot of the harris-walz agenda explaining the policies further than perez president barack obama's. >> he was a centralist to harris. they rolled out a public option interest in option and kamala harris of course endorsed medicare for all. kamala harris is no private insurance and let's just get rid of it all. she is so far to the redistributionist liberal left of barack obama that that is going to be and should be at the trump if the campaign does her job right. earlier tonight, laura, pharmaceuticals and how she will go in and snatch people's patents and set prices for people who do not believe the way she wants them to in the free market. barack obama was never for those
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things. it is amazing how the democratic party has run so far to the left. she is the personification of it. >> the economic plant that harris seemed last week will adds $1.7 trillion to the debt. according to the committee for responsible federal budget, which is a nonpartisan watchdog group. >> todd: what is a couple trillions of months friends? 150,000 anti-israel protesters expected to rally outside of the dnc today i link division within the democrat party as the convention looks to focus on unity. hundred and protesters marching through the street yesterday in the first demonstration of the e week. pro-palestinian dnc a coalition of over 200 groups. the leader of chicago's largest police union said most officers were holding their breath. that is a quote, in fear of agitators coming to town to create chaos. the city's top cop said they are prepared and specialized training and democratic mayor
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and johnson supports the anti-israel protest or use first amendment rights. and brand-new report revealing more than 150 extremist groups are either participating in or supporting the dnc protests this week. ryan mauro come with the investigator and put that together and for the expert on foreign threats and joins me now to explain his findings. ryan, break down what your research shows. >> sure we looked at every group that we could find that is publicly involved in the protests. altogether, we found 150, almost 160 of the groups are actually extremist group spearheaded by extremist, what i mean groups that some support hamas or other foreign terrorist organization or tourist like october 7th attacks were support revolution in the united states for the sake of communism or really extreme stuff.
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within that group, what we found is they are tied to or supportive of at least nine hostile foreign governments, governments that don't like the united states like iran, china, russia, even north korea. they support or are tied to almost 20 different foreign terrorist organizations. this is an extreme bunch. >> todd: to be clear, what you are saying, some of our major enemies, north korean, iran, china, they could be funding these groups either directly or indirectly. >> they might not even need to because they have this group of loyalists that this big network that we have drawn out at the capital research center. they might be able to operate on their own. i don't know if they have to get orders because they will act on behalf of these governments in these foreign terrorist organizations anyway.
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but in fact, within the overall network, there is a few that formed a coalition and specifically disrupt and try to shut down the convention. one of the groups in that coalition is directly tied to a iran-backed terrorist group called population from from palestine. the leader of it is also part of the leadership of that terrorist group. so direct terrorist ties there to those trying to shut this thing down. >> todd: at the end of the day, i do not imagine all work, quite frankly, the protesters and the groups they are aligned with voting for donald j. trump. so what is their ultimate goal in protesting the dnc? >> this is a mafia-style shakedown. what they are saying to the democrats is, first of all, they are lying. they are say we are part of your base and we have been your loyal
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voters. they haven't been. most of them hated the democrats because they are so in the extreme direction and have hated them a long time. but anyway, we are your voters. you have lost us by not listening to us, and because you will not give into our demands, we might not vote for you. they said, they are willing to pay the price for a trump resident see if that delivers the message to the democrats they have to listen to them in the future because so many radical groups, they are bases of support are in swing states, places like michigan and minnesota. at the same time, we expect these groups to send a pitch to the republican party as well that have become more anti-israel in some cases even more anti-semitic direction. so basically what this is is a plot to hijack our political process, to say to both political parties, we decide who wins the presidential elections. so which of you will make us happy? >> todd: with that as the lead
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in, what is their ultimate end matt came not just for the election 2024, but for the far future? what is their end game, ryan? this is an alliance of islamic extremists and communists, marxists, an anarchist spirit all of these groups work together before, but i haven't seen them quite fused together like we are seeing right now. the vast majority of them support hamas. what is their agenda? to make the united states is essentially a factor in the in world affairs because that benefits the foreign governments they support, vance and things like that, but also they do have ambitions within the united sta. they are very open about the fact as they put it dismantle the system. many of them have advocated or participated in violence on american soil, economic sabotage, advocating the attacks on police. in many cases, these groups are
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basically terrorists themselves. >> todd: that is all terrifying and it will take place on our screens beginning the next couple of hours if it's not already begun already. ryan mauro, insightful stuff, scary, but insightful. >> thank you. speak to the dnc with another violent weekend in chicago and 3 people shot five people killed throughout the city over the weekend. downtown businesses have boarded up in anticipation of those protests todd was just talking about. one business owner tells fox news they don't have a great track record with protecting their businesses were citizens property. so we want to be preemptive and board up in advance of the democratic convention. this year, there have been nearly 1400 shootings in chicago and over 340 murders. general fox weather alert, under storms blasting the northeast with damaging winds and flash flooding from new york city all the way to
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washington, d.c., here and am completely washed out the roads in connecticut causing the cars to be stranded. and prompting widespread web demo quarter spread in the southern part of the state and historic 10 inches of rain and nine hours. one and 200 year event for the area. the storms cause a slight insulation up and down the east coast and over 1800 flights canceled, more than 32,000 delays across the country yesterday. and flight aware with more cancellations and the delays expected from bo boston to washington, d.c. >> todd: week literally could not get out of our neighborhood. >> carley: if you took the vote here? >> todd: no comment. committing to play golf with the university of miami, running on instagram, "i want to thank my mom vanessa and tab don for supporting me through my journey. i would like to thank my grandpa for giving me access to support
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and if you play on a trump course they are really, really tough and whatever you are going to do in college, jupiter, national, anything. >> carley: interesting that today at the dnc, we got to know her. turning out a fox news alert, secretary to meet with prime minister benjamin netanyahu any minute now hoping to finalize a cease-fire deal. and an official joins us next. >> todd: a huge show on tap with tom homan, joe concha, pam bondi. you verified it? >> carley: booked them all. >> todd: no comment, i'm trying to figure out that comment on my own here at plus so much more, keep it right here on a special t two-hour editionf "fox & friends." ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> carley: a fox news alert, secretary antony blinken meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu today hoping to finalize a cease-fire deal with hamas. after meeting with the israeli president overnight. here is what antony blinken told
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the press after that meeting. >> this is a decisive moment. probably the best, may be the last opportunity to get the hostages home, to get a cease-fire, and to put everyone on a better path to enduring peace and security. i'm here as part of an intensive diplomatic effort on president biden instructions to get this agreement to the line and over the line. it is time to get on. >> carley: brett sadler is former pentagon official and navy captain and joins me now. brett, good morning to you. you heard secretary antony blinken say this could be the best chance and less possibility for a cease-fire deal and hostage negotiation to take place. but hamas did not show up to the negotiating table for the round of talks. what do you think about that, where do you see this going, and what happens next? >> good morning and the outcome of the rhetoric coming out of the administration that this ise last with the best opportunity m
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not sure i buy that. the point about the hamas not being involved and actually the response coming out of hamas is anything but positive. until there is actually more pressure put on hamas and put on iran itself, i don't see much having change the last few months. i think, unfortunately, we will have yet another field deal to get more hostages out. however, that being said, short of optimism that perhaps temporary truce might get some more hostages out, but into the hostage ordeal, i don't think sadly we are going to see a neat and soon. >> carley: there is still that strike, brett, that can take place, iran and has both failed to hit israel directly in retaliation for killing two hamas and leaders and taken into iran. there are a lot of theories why iran hasn't taken that step just yet. what do you think is the reason
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for that? what are your thoughts there? >> i've been very skeptical from the beginning that iran was actually inclined to do another mask attack. april 13th response to april 13 killing of several senior generals, i.e. rgc generals in syria was a result of the killing of iranians in senior iranian officials at that at account out-of-town pound, diplomatic compound appeared so military response was a lot more sound, but the result of that massive missile attack made the iranian military look largely inept. the repeat of sematech would do their reputation further harm, but again in this killing of assassination, there were no iranians killed, but it was certainly a massive embarrassment. so i can see different asymmetric attack more likely. again, the pressure from russia was felt these after the assassination because russia
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relies on iran's supply of drones and ballistic missiles. and the last thing iran needs right now to wage defense is a supply of weapons in question. >> carley: a cease-fire deal yesterday but take it with us and what she had to say on the front. >> do you think israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is ready to agree to a cease-fire deal? >> i will not speak for him, but i will tell you these conversations are ongoing. we are not giving up. we will continue to work hard on this. we got to get a cease-fire and we have to get the hostages out. >> carley: brett, this war is front and center here in the united states with these protest taking place at the dnc. most people in america see kamala harris as sympathetic to the palestinian side. but these activists do not see it that way. they call her a killer kamala. they sever and tim walz as a movable target and can elicit
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limbs from him. so if she is the president, what does that mean for the national security? >> i think it will be continual effective national security policy we have seen the last three and a half years. it's been largely ineffective and actually counterproductive. they can persist false notions with deterrence of russia and hopefully we don't learn this with the chinese. with regards to the protesters and political pressure put to bear on the demographics, we do know foreign iranians called out specifically for fomenting the protests. we know a large number have moved into chicago, many of them not from the area and not from the united states. so i'm not sure no matter what the administration does or accomplishes with regards to the palestinian people's because, it will have an impact on the protester animosities being fomented i think for a larger political purposes, larger weakening of american democracy. >> carley: we will watch for news on both ends, both the
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protest taking place in chicago this week and also negotiations that continue in israel. brett sadler, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> think you. >> carley: you're very welcome, todd. >> todd: and migrant charged with beating new york officers in times square due in court today after we arrested for stealing. in re brito arrested at least te times both before and after time of the migrants charged with the soul were released without bail. and now held on $50,000 cash bonds on the police assault because of latest arrests in the story now fbi arresting d.c. council member trey non-white yesterday afternoon and no word on the nature of the charges or the arrests. yesterday fox took this video of white's car after his arrest and said to appear in federal court today many questions still remain on the reason for his arrest but in a statement d.c.
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council president said the following, "both public trust and integrity of elected officials is important. we are still trying to gather the facts at this time. stay tuned to that. back to politics, the power rankings show donald trump winning on two with the biggest oat gnomic voters issues economy and immigration. but kamala harris is gaining ground. we will ask a poster if trump has an edge in the democratic race. >> carley: rolling out the red carpet star-studded lineups at the dnc this week. we will talk to a panel of former democrat voters about that and the issues that sent them over to the g.o.p. stay with us. ♪ ♪ i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance
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>> carley: you are looking live at the united center in chicago where day one of the democratic national convention begins this morning. democrats are expected to address major issues like inflation, the border crisis, and violent crime. >> todd: protesters take into the street as many as 100,000 to rail against democratic party lessees this week. brooke singman live in the windy city with more. what is going on? >> good morning. president biden to expected to speak 10:00 p.m. eastern and he is ready for it. watch. >> how are you feeling about your speech, sir? how are you feeling about your speech? >> meanwhile democrats planning to kick off dnc by touting biden-harris administration's accomplishments and results. here is a look at those results, under economic leadership the consumer price index shows inflation up almost 20% since they first took office. when it comes to border
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security, there has been over 8 million migrant encounters at our southern border since february 2021. and president biden's office says americans are safer today than when e and harris took office, even though independent data analysis shows violent crime is up over 66% in major. 1,000 anti-israel protesters expected should show up here highlighting division and the party is the convention looks to focus on unity. hundreds of protesters already marched through the streets of chicago yesterday. pro-palestinian march on the dnc's coalition of more than 200 groups. the leader of chicago's largest police union said most officers are holding their breath in fear of agitators coming to town to create chaos. the city's top cop said the department is prepared and undergone specialized training. democratic mayor brandon johnson supports the anti-israel protesters use of first amendment rights, guys. >> todd: brooke singman live
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in chicago for us. 78 days until election day. it will be that quick pier at the latest fox news power shows former president trump leads on the important issues economy and immigration. but kamala harris has made gains since becoming the party's nominee. justin wallin joins me now and this hole was taken before last friday's announcement by kamala over economic policy. so what has kamala harris done besides existing to close the gap with donald trump on the economy? because when this poll was taken, she didn't say a darn thing about her position. >> your little had been said by kamala harris or the campaign about specific issues. this is really a reflection really a great deal of relief amongst democratic voters and some undecideds after president biden left the race. but it israel.
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so it is interesting to look at that and think, how did this happen absent any concrete evidence that voters may have seen? like you said my things came out friday and we will see how that pans out. it is a surge based on a contrast with kamala harris and president biden who dropped out. that is what we are seeing here. and it matters work at the race is now tied to. i know some folks say harris is ahead, but it is really not true. the averages of holes in the margin of error. exactly where things were six weeks ago or so including within the swing states. that is really what matters. a dramatic change, but no one is leaning in. we will have to see how this week pans out. this is the time when kamala speaks. >> todd: presumably, we will learn more about the harris platform this week, presumably, but i don't want to get
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presumptuous your cocoa that hurt kamala in the polls, once to your point, she makes the contrast with joe biden but the other guy on the ballot, donald trump so that america has the split screen, you vote for harris you get this and if you vote for trump you get that? >> it certainly could but the reality we don't know what voters will think about vice president harris until she communicates a little bit more to explain these things. the reality that you mention former president trump still exceeds her on the issues that are foremost to voters minds. the economy, immigration, these are dinnertable conversations and absolutely paramount. they overshadow everything else and to date, no one really knows her position as. we will have to find out this week how people respond to it because presumably, she will take a stand and she will articulate a clear policy. people after see if they like what they see. >> todd: what should
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donald trump's campaign due to blunt the democrats message, their spotlight, all of that? >> that one is actually pretty easy. without trump campaign needs to focus completely on the issues. this is where their strength is. this is where the presidents strength is and we saw that in the numbers showed, that is what he needs to focus on economy, immigration and he can pick up a couple of issues. he needs to avoid personal attacks. those can be interesting and a side note and i know they get a laugh here and there, but that is not what voters are thirsting for. needs to to stay laser-focused on his plan and the issues really hurting people on a day-to-day basis. >> todd: could the protest we are expecting 100,000 individuals descending on the dnc impact the polls this week in the anyway? >> without a question. that will be an incredible contrast to this expression of unity and cohesion of the democratic convention is hoping to convey.
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those protests in the past have tended to go a little bit violent and i'm not talking about specifically these protests largely driven by pro-palestinian cause. that contrast at the dnc will be in itself something that voters are not terribly comfortable with, but it is going to be the interaction of those star players at the convention and how they respond to those protests. are they going to be empathetic to a point voters are uncomfortable, or is that going to be a win? we have seen that when folks are too reflexively pro-palestinian and in this case, that doesn't necessarily pan out with voters. that could be a real risk at the democratic convention. >> todd: justin wallin giving us the bolster perspective, we think you now but should we get some -- shall we? >> carley: the democrats hope to sway voters to their cause by rolling out a star-studded lineup for the dnc with
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celebrities like john legend set to headline with the fence with jon stewart, billy porter, joan jett. former democrats who left the party said this is not what the average american wants to see. a chicago resident and a lifelong democrat, turned republican voter, monty, wisconsin republicans who left the democratic party and all joined me now. good morning to you all, let's talk about the one thing you all have in common. let's start with you, charlene. why did you choose to leave the democratic party? >> i choose to leave the democratic party because especially in milwaukee, wisconsin, it is just the progressive state of getting worse and every day it is getting worse. but it is like we have to do something different. and when i first voted for the
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republican party with donald trump and i saw drastic improvements in crime and in the housing and inflation was down and there were more jobs. that is what we are looking for. not the gaslighting with all of the celebrity shows and all of that stuff. that is millions of dollars being spent that can be put back into the community. they talk about defunding the police and actually add some of those millions of dollars used for these big, elaborate concerts back to the police fund. we need more of a not less defunding. those are some of the issues that caused me to leave the democratic party. >> carley: understood. "the new york post" talks about your home city of chicago where the dnc is taking place. it says democratic shows off what happens when in charge, crime-ridden chicago. inside the article, there have been 617 homicides last year and only 25% of chicago's school
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kids are reading at a grade level, and there's been a decline in 8,208 residents last year. have some of these things factored into your decision to leave the party? >> absolutely! you know, when you sit down and you look at the money that has been spent over this past year to house migrants and the fact that our board of education right now is at $500 million deficit, you know, it just makes you angry. and it makes you wonder why can't the democrats get it right? why can't they pay attention to the needs of the people where they are? and this is just not happening in the city of chicago. it is happening all over the country. and my thing to voters is, you
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know, the faces have changed but the policies have not. we have to remember that this is the same party that has brought us this mass inflation that we are seeing. this is the same party that has us in economic straits. you know, if you are in a household that makes under $100,000 a year, just buying groceries right now is difficult. and so, this is the party that has brought you that. and i want people to understand that when they go out to vote on election day. and again i'm i want to say to president trump, you have this. you are on topic, the economics, talk about the border, those are the things that people want to hear about your core those are the things that voters care about. >> todd: it is going to be interesting to see how democrats choose to address all of that this week because it is going to be very difficult for them to sake kamala harris will be this great changemaker and change
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inflation going on and the crime we are seeing when she's been in office for the last three years. so monty, you said you voted democrat because your family voted democrat because you donated to the obama campaign, but then something changed. what is that? >> how much time do you have? >> carley: go ahead. >> i started studying obama. and quickly realized that he was not who i thought he was. one of the things i did was i studied his mentors, studied chicago, discovered that he was a socialist marxist. i studied one of his mentors, saul alinsky and he wrote a book, "rules for radicals" and he was both hillary and obama's mentor. "rules for radicals," it says we are not dedicated to lucifer.
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well, i'm a minister. it did not sit well with me at all, no. so that started me on the road to seriously looking at the alternative through the republican party. i've been very satisfied. have lost lots of friends and i've lost lots of family. i don't fault them. they been duped. i'm not duped anymore. >> carley: those choosing a family and friends over politics is a sad reality of the day. but thank you all so much for joining us and sharing your perspectives and cheering them on "fox & friends." have a great day and a great week. vice president harris unveiling her economic plan and former president trump did not waste any time to tear it apart. >> kamala went full communist,
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did you hear that? she wants to destroy our country. after causing catastrophic inflation. >> carley: harris' plan expected to add $1.7 trillion to the national debt. we have brought in an economist to help us to go through the numbers. >> todd: plus a coach for the best women's tennis players in the world scene supporting fat hat on your screen right there. that at supports fairness in women's sports. it is a talker and it is up next. ♪ ♪
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that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited tim. ♪ ♪ >> todd: new poll shows kamala harris and donald trump neck and neck in arizona, georgia, north carolina and nevada. the new numbers come after former president trump lasted vice president harris for her policies. listen to this. >> kamala went full communist, did you hear that? full communist and she wants to destroy our country. after catastrophic inflation, communist kamala wants to institute socialist price. never worked before, never ever worked. this is the maduro plan, venezuela, maduro plan like the
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old soviet union. they tried it and how did the soviet union work out? >> todd: ej tony is a research foundation and ej, many on the left are calling out kamala's economic plan and calling it a gimmick. could this be an unforced error that once the momentum from the polls i just referenced? >> taught to is certainly possible. a key reason for that is the fact every time these policies have been tried, they failed to appear they never produce intended results but always catastrophic side effects. instead the former president mentioned the maduro plan. look what is happening in that country where people literally instituted price controls on food. people literally had to resort to eat zoo animals because all the grocery stores ran out of food. that is not exaggeration. >> t nobody
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wants to eat zebras or eat supers any time soon. i know you are an economist but messaging perspective, you heard what donald trump said you could do you think that warning about kamala being communist and her policies being communist will resonate with the american voter because of quite frankly, i remember reading communist in books and one of those binary things, capitalism good, communism bad. what say you, ej? >> we look at the polling data and it breaks down on age. we look at younger voters recently indoctrinated by higher education. what we find is much more positive view of communism because they don't have historical understanding of it. in other words, they don't understand how it produces starvation and killed 100 million people in the last 100 years, et cetera. the young voters who typically vote democrat anyway, this whole message doesn't really seem to appeal to them. but if you look at other demographics, sure enough, it
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resonates a lot more with them i think. >> todd: ej, this was forward-looking. i want to look back through the lens of these polls. when i look at them come i don't get the sense of the american voter right now since kamala harris entered the race is tying her to the biden-harris economy. all of that regard to inflation, inflation, et cetera over the last three and a half years. is that your sins too? >> i think there is no way harris can get away from the current economic conditions and she has blood on her hands when it comes to the murder weapon that killed american households family finances. don't forget as vice president and therefore, president of the senate, she was the tie-breaking to have the three biggest spending bills in this administration and cheerleader for every other bill. over the last three and a half years, could not have gotten across the finish line without
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her. it was at spending that pushed up not only prices but interest rates that has made the typical american family the equivalent of $8,000 pour on an annual basis. people are generally hurting and she bears a tremendous amount of responsibility for that. frankly, i don't know how she can escape that. >> todd: besides driving home that point you just mentioned and besides driving home thick communism, what should donald trump do to put the democrats, put them on their backs with regard to their econy and what it has done the last three and a half years and what it will do with kamala harris is elected president? >> is certainly not my place to give advice to any presidential. all i can say is the message that has thus far resignation with voters and likely will continue to resonate with them is explaining to them that yes, you are worse off to date. don't leave the people who say, oh, your finances are fine and
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ignore your lying eyes in your empty wallets. it is a fact that you are financially worse off today then you were three and a half or four years ago. here are the reasons why. it was government spending too much, borrowing too much, printing much too much money that because nearly all of our financial woes today. >> todd: that is a simple deliverable that should be made by the republicans trying to be in office. thank you for your time. appreciate it, carley. >> carley: at the coach for the world's best women's tennis players caught wearing this hat supporting fairness in women's sports. you can see the logo xx, x way emblem and protecting women's sports and actually banned from advertising on tiktok after airing an ad that shows biological men urging women during sporting competitions. that and coaches the ranked number three in the world among female tennis players and reach the final of cincinnati open by
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beating her opponent sunday. how about that? >> todd: tom brady making himself comfortable on the field before the preseason game between the saints and the 49ers. you looks comfortable on a football field, carley, talking to coaches and fans and throwing the painted skin around. in the broadcast booth with kevin burke are out of week day one day beal, and practicing during the preseason game. don't miss that during the cow points don't like/brown opener. now a fox news alert, the impeachment report of republican findings and ties to the business family. brooke singman breaking the story at the top of the next hour. fade to tom homan, joe concha and pam bondi all here live. keep it right here for the second hour of "fox & friends" coming up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ if love was a melody ♪ ♪ i'd want you to sing to me ♪ ♪ in that voice that wispers my name ♪ ♪ if the world was a dance floor ♪ ♪ i'd walk to shore to shore ♪
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♪ while the steel and twin fiddles play ♪ ♪ a love song that goes on forever ♪ ♪ for worse and for better ♪ ♪ we'll two-step together ♪ ♪ and i'll hold you closer ♪ ♪ each day i go through ♪ ♪ this dance of a lifetime ♪ ♪ with your hand in mine ♪ ♪ dance of a lifetime ♪ ♪ with you ♪ creature: i'm your retirement fear. but don't be scared, you're still in pretirement. woman: does that mean i have more time to plan? creature: precisely. this is woman: this isn't scary, i'm doing it. creature: whoa!


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