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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 19, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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the stoplights. they are still blinking red. this is supposed to be treated like a four-way stop and folks are not doing that. but as the waters have been receiving, one of the storm drains gives you an indication of how high the water is great to see that water, it is filled to the brim. that is one story in dan barry and out of oxford, impressive rescues occurred at a restaurant, 19 people and a dog from first responders were fortunately rescued here with the police searching for one person. in the meantime newtown might make the headline. more than 12 inches of rain fell and connecticut state history bill for 20 for 24 our period of rain setback during hurricane diana in 1955, 12.77 is very well could be historic rain for the state. >> bill: stephen, thanks good to have you want and thank you very much.
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>> dana: democrats kicking off their convention tonight at united center in chicago. just four weeks ago president biden was ready to accept the party's nomination himself but tonight, his role looks different as he officially passes the torch to vice president harris as the party's presidential nominee. what a turn of events it has been. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: 24-hour whiplash and i'm bill hemmer, good to have you along for the ride in chicago. harris rise to the top of the ticket leaving voters with a big question is the convention gets underway here to help are left will she go? if the democratic party is any indication, we were given a preview of last night. anti-israel protesters outside the dnc calling harris killer kamala. >> dana: another group calling for the product, a slogan to
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endorse terrorism and violence against jews around the world. >> bill: and israeli abortion calling the vice president harris a "baby killer." >> dana: that is not the half of it madison alworth in chicago and the deep divisions amongst democrats, high medicine. >> high mecca medina higher up in the united center at the dnc starts today but progressive's got started earlier yesterday. we do know pro-palestine protesters took to the street outside of the united center in chicago and when it comes to the protesters they called out kemal harrison used anti-semitic language that calls for the end of israel appeared protesters threatening to hold the vote for kamala harris to be outwardy progressive. >> i'm here today because i want the biden-harris administration and i want vice president harris ten oh there are people who are not willing to vote for her if she is going to continue to arm
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and father of the israelis. >> over the course of the week, more than 200 groups plan on protesting in the city, the majority anti-israel. there could be as many as 100,000 protesters. progressive politicians, they are also making their voices heard with two day event progressive central 2024. the goal of the event with progressive policies and get them in front of a larger national policy. bernie sanders and on sunday made her argument for medicare for all. >> it shows us exactly what it looks like when you have expanded medicare system that actually covers all of the things that you need with no co-pays, no private insurance premiums, no deductibles. you actually get health care when you need it. >> this comes on the heels of vice president kamala harris' economic speech friday in which the nominee laid out her plans for price control from
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health care to food and housing. while the policy proposals appear to be a nod to the progressive wing of the party, some high-profile democrats more subdued in their support when asked if the price controls were smart policy, governor gretchen whitmer said the idea was worth having conversations. those divisions are expected to remain below the surface at the dnc where we are expecting a real show of unity as kamala tries to unite the party behind her. speed to a national conversation means i don't want to do that. thank you so much. kayleigh mcenany cohost of "outnumbered" an abc headline what you may or not marijuana, the death penalty and fracking have in common? harris shifted positions on all of those. and people are cool to that? >> you can add that list medicare for all and add to that list reimagining the police, reimagining i.c.e. and they were a number of things she has shipped and on. interesting position i read this
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week reporting from cnn and cnn said, "look, kamala harris had to sit down with the posters and a phone coal three weeks away and the pollsters gave her advice. i'm not listening to the posters but going with mike and stinks. we have seen what her instincts are passionate passing over josh shapiro and price controls which is widely a floor idea. her instincts are aggressive but she is trying to shield that with a veneer. will it work? >> bill: a's like abc poll up 49 and we will see how that goes in the battleground states. and they found in the polling trump leads and immigration bites and from elites and the economy by none, leads inflation by nine, the war in the middle t by five and crime by three as well. you mentioned the price control from last week and that was the equivalent of hash plunders. it didn't go over well at all. >> absolutely and i'm reminded
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mario said you can't pay in government pros. prepare to overdose on poetry. that did not go well so you will see poetry, broad strokes, paintings of lowering cost without much detail or footnote how to do that. it is going to be grandiose, but it will be broad. this is where the debate for trump to nail down specifics. >> before we get to harris speech we will have a speech from joe biden tonight. he's coming in and it will be a late night but we will take you through it. senator manchin said this about biden joe biden has been pulled so far to the left after elected that it was not joe biden i knew all these years. i kept saying that and i'm hopeful that my friend have come and i have known can come back to where i know he's always been and his comfort is in the middle. he's going to hand the torch over tonight and i don't know how much politics or personal reflection or trip down memory lane we will take with him. what do you think? >> i think it will be interesting to watch and
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of course he will endorse kamala harris and say all the right things. he is angry and defiant according to "the new york times." he has resentful according to cnn. this is someone pushed aside and his exit after 50 years in politics. one campaigner said he's like a shark and he wants to keep moving and going to the next step. we have seen that half a century. today, his exit, i think he will make it a graceful one, but it is not one he wanted. he did not want this exit. >> bill: i will agree with that. the insiders that got to him because he defied them for a long time. all the reporting we get and you wonder, what was the last thing? what was that piece of data? that said, you know what, this is better for me. it is better for the party. and it is better for me. >> i think he realized he would be lonely at the top of the ticket. what is interesting when you look at joe biden's legacy, it
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is yet to be determined. if kamala harris wins, he is the man who gracefully stepped aside. if kamala harris loses, he is the defiant president who drowned his party and dropped out too late in the game with over just 100 days left. we will see. he will pave that legacy tonight but november will tell the story how history will view him or his party. >> dana: i don't know for biden if it was a data point as much as speaker nancy pelosi who is really the head of this party is telling you you have to go and she pushed the elephant, the older elephant into the field by himself and now he is on his own. >> she is eight speaker for a reason for the democratic party. >> dana: i bet they will not have tea anytime soon. haley, we will see you on "outnumbered." >> bill: threats to donald trump and kamala harris' campaigns. david spunt watching intriguing story as we continue to follow it out of washington be read what you have? >> good morning bill,
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good morning, dana, we will continue this week with iranian threats aimed at both harris and trump's campaign and confirm iranian hacking group busy to get into dozens of emails associated with highest levels of both campaigns ringing the fbi. the cyber investigators continue to piece together the name and location of some of these hacking individuals from former president as we know have reported a target of iran since in office 2017. things intensified for him after he ordered the killing of the 12 in 2020. law enforcement protecting the former president said he's had a constant threat stream since that point. now to the protest outside of the dnc yesterday, protesters expected to intensify as the week goes on in chicago. remember last month the director of national intelligence avril haines, oversees the cia, national security agency and other said iran is behind some
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of the protest efforts in the united states to sow discourse. she said come in recent weeks iranian government actors have opportunistically take advantage of protests regarding the war in gaza. using your playbook other actors have used and tied to iran's seeking to encourage protest and even providing financial support to protesters. director haynes did go on to say that of course there are legitimate protesters who have issues with u.s. policy and no ties to iran and that is fine bt she put up a statement to keep people aware iran is behind a lot of the anti-israel sentiment and perhaps we see in chicago. we will see how those protests develop over the week and if, indeed, officials in d.c. can put together and tied that to iran. back to you. >> bill: nice to see you up in washington david spunt. [chanting]
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>> dana: a chaotic scene in israel and pecking the streets chanting violent slurs against the jewish state. the democrats, with a cave in to the demands of the far left? and there was also this. >> we will not guarantee someone we will not take a rest if they start to act violently or commit crimes. >> bill: been in the spotlight for years and no better today. is this the democratic led city who wants to put forward for america? is this convention gets underway, we will take a deep dive in the numbers and they are not good, dana. >> dana: . >> dana: the long wait is over releasing biden impeachment report and nothing short of blistering. ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100
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va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. centrum! it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: get this, three republican-led house committee is long-awaited report alleges bring president biden committed impeachable offenses. chad pergram live on capitol hill. it is one of those things, it has been going on and on and on. what has today tell us? >> dana, good morning for the trio of house committee say president biden engaged in what they termed impeachable conduct. they accuse the president defrauding the government to enrich his family. democrats have long contended the inquiry never proved anything. >> past republicans have wasted a year and a half of the american people's time on a vengeful, politically motivated stunt. a year and a half of
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investigations, depositions, written testimonies and hundreds of thousands of pages of documents with none of it turning up evidence of impeachable offenses by president biden. >> the 292 page report said the president violated the public trust. the committee's claim mr. biden engaged in conspiracy to enrich his family. the republicans assert the president biden's family and associates ct. $27 million from overseas interest since 2014. and the impeachment investigation said the biden family leverage the president's position to obtain millions of dollars in loans when he was vice president. fox said it is doubtful g.o.p. will bring impeachment to the floor for a vote. some republicans say that it's okay if something else happens. >> chairman comer is trending toward a criminal referral. at this stage of the game with an election around the corner, impeachment doesn't necessarily have to be the only tool in the
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toolkit. >> now g.o.p. leaders view an impeachment vote mute as biden is not seeking reelection. the vote will be tough or moderate republicans. it is about the math. impeachment will likely fail but republican member could force a vote. >> dana: chad pergram, thank you for the update. ♪ ♪ >> a big today. she was 24 and she was supposed to be here. and we could choose stay- stay-at-home, you know, be al alone. but we chose different. >> bill: it is hard to listen to. a mother and tel aviv sunday. objecting a u.s. proposal to get a cease fire and get remaining hostages out. adding to that mother's anguish, president biden was hopeful you could get a deal by this week. but the terror group economics look like wishful thinking.
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meanwhile, hamas and islamic jihad claiming responsibility for suicide bombing and defense and tel aviv. dense, i should say, this is rare and modern-day israel to have an attack like this on the streets of tel aviv. the blast killing the bomber and wanting one bystander. [chanting] >> dana: anti-israel protesters flooding the streets of chicago last night chanting "killer kamala" and israel's days are numbered. an american jewish activists and registered democrat, and i believe you will be making your way to chicago soon. we have this video hero protesters waving signs, feminist and lgbqt for free palestine. we have so many things that just
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don't make any sense. i know we would love everybody to understand what is happening if you are lqbqt+ in palestine, for example, gaza, what would happen to you. what is happening in chicago. does it concern you as a jews and democrat? i have been a registered democrat since 18 and only voted for democrats. i would like to say the last ten months i'm calm, cool, collected but i'm so sick and tired with the election less than 100 days pretending anti-american intellectually challenged allergic to reality perpetual children have any role in normative policy electing or politics. they want acs fire into state election, hamas rejected cease-fire and sent a suicide bomber to blow up jews. that is the reality we are dealing with in the middle east. let me remind not only fellow democrats but american people, this work could be over the minute hamas releases the
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hostages and surrender. but we have been perpetrating a fantasy that jews are colonizers in the very land and literally named after. universities, college students, the media and far left politicians have fed into this fantasy. this is the stuff you see out the dnc in chicago of 100,000 people who really can influence policy. that is what so concerns me is a democrat and as a jewish american. >> dana: travis, i appreciate your passion and share it. conditions protesters want to agree with. i will put this up on the board forever went to see. if they want private meeting with harris and not in the platform here, but a change to the democratic platform with u.s. foreign policy from israel. i don't think they will get any of that but will kamala harris ignore these protesters or take them on? president trump is aggressively -- and i believe authentically, genuinely trying to reach out to american jewish voters to say, "who should be
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the one you choose to vote for in november." >> i was at trump's bedminster golf course on thursday and sitting front row with two other college students appeared trumped, you can love him or hate him but he laid out clear policies with anti-semitism to strengthen bilateral u.s. israel relationship and again you can disagree with the policies but clear, articulate policies. democrats want people like me who have only voted for democrats and the past to continue to support them, they need to make the case. we found out today kamala harris had a secret meeting with the mayor of dearborn, michigan. somebody needs to remind the democratic nominee for president there are constituents outside of dearborn, michigan. >> dana: can i interrupt you and explain why it matters the mayor of dearborn, michigan, and matter to kamala harris and the people you are talking to a question mark speak with the mayor of dearborn, michigan, forget about the fact he celebrd october 7th or "the wall street journal" called dearborn, michigan, the
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capital of the united states because increasingly dearborn, michigan, quite literally funding iranian proxies like those with these but kamala harris meets with those people and doesn't invite for example jewish college studr leaders of the orthodox jewish community and tells themr articulates the policies she will put in place. they were still american jewish hostages living in terror tunnels in gaza and we have not heard from the president what clearly, clearly she will do to put pressure on hamas and rejected cease-fire she keeps talking about. i know i sound upset because i am upset. i want to vote for the democratic party. i want to have a clear reason to vote for the democratic party. but it seems they are not intended to listening to jewish voters and donald trump on his way to receive the most jewish boats since white eisenhower. that is how bad the democratic party of made the situation. they can change it if they want but unable or unwilling. speed to have so many more questions for you that i don't have enough time.
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i hope you will date in touch with us because the story is in the middle of the story right now that we share a passion and we thank you for coming on. >> i will see you in chicago. >> dana: okay. >> bill: price control pushback with vp harris economic plant being dismissed as a campaign gimmick. we will take you there plus flooding across the northeast, delays at the airport all over the roads. we will show you the after effects and potential for more coming this way again today. ♪ ♪ mountain climbing tina at a cabin. or tree climbing tina at a beach resort. nice! booking.yeah.
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>> bill: so it is 9:30 in chicago, and we are seeing signs of protesters gathering. they went deep into the night last night. right downtown chicago. this appears to be a lot closer to the united center, eve
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harrigan said it was three blocks, so half a mile. it is a major story what happens outside of this arena. just as much as what happens inside so standby for more on that. >> dana: democrats are working to sell vice president uris economic vision in chicago, but her plan to revamp price gouging pushback from and could devastate independent grocery stores, in chicago, lives in chicago and she has a story for us, i met, kelly. >> dana, welcome to the windy city and this will make the food industry more competitive but some economists do not agree here that includes the local grocery store owners who have a certain gauge on the economy and when they see what their customers are talking about and that includes barb eastman of happy foods. take a listen. >> lack of details. there was nothing there. you can't just throw things against the wall and it's great.
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as a grocery store owner, we work low margins and it affects us and it won't work for us at all. speak with the white house economists have found corporate behavior has contributed to increased prices. we did see profits increase during the pandemic but other factors like pandemic related consequences and the war in ukraine have contributed to higher prices more than corporate greed. jason furman who has worked as economists in the obama administration telling "the new york times," "i think the biggest hope is it ins up being a lot of rhetoric and not reality." and that is the price gouging plan from vp harris and if prices don't rise due to strong demand, supply may not increase because companies will not pop up here at furman like barb eastman looks at eggs as an example how this is played out. the price of eggs increase because of lack of supply and of course more people needed it,
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the prices went back to normal. let's take a look at this for example, the commodity eggs are basically the same price as the fancy eggs we are used to seeing for $7 or $8. barb says, "this is not something possible for a business like hers." dana. >> dana: kelly, this is what i have learned, we need to listen to barb. thank you. >> i very much consider a standard and that we need to earn the vote of the american people. we have been talking to folks, listening to folks, and earning their votes over the next 79 days. i feel like we need to earn everyone's vote and being in communities where people are. >> bill: that was sunday but monday vp kamala harris rally support after whirlwind couple months. one of summer. president biden's debate in june culminating in here to accept
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the nominee. "wall street journal" from the white house, correspondent josh with us in chicago. nice to see you both. so, this is what was written up by the times over the weekend, biden's job tonight is to say that continuing his policies and ideas which will be championed by kamala harris and if she does that, she will be successful in this campaign. >> a balancing act he is on right now of. she does not want to run on bidenomics, for instance, but were policies call them biden plus perhaps and building on a lot of things you proposed. she has upended the apple cart and redrawn the democratic party on the fly. where they are at right now he wants to maintain unity and out of town this evening to california. sort of pass that torch to her. it is a balance beam they are on. i think we continue to look for
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more clarity from harris but what they have proven so far, biden's position or i should say biden-harris positions have been the starting point. all of the areas we would like to ask her about in a press conference, gaggle, what have you come at the good money is betting she is starting from the status quo as opposed to the positions she's had before. >> dana: back in april 25th "new york times" biden's refusal to interview to systematically avoid interviews for major news organizations does not just undermine important warmth but establishes a dangerous precedent that presidents can use for scrutiny and accountability. you could write that today about kamala harris. i know that in the interview, i think david axelrod and james carville said it will be fun. >> i think that point, that story is on point. biden set this president you don't have to talk to the press and you don't have to do interviews where you can really
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limit them and she, fortunately so far is kind of following in those steps. she is doing a few things differently. when reporters are on the plane with her, she is coming back talking off of the record, and that is at least giving the reporters a sense for her. >> bill: is that why they are giving glowing red coverage? i cannot speak to what the colleagues are writing about but i will say, we never got that sense for joe biden because he never came back. so at least exposed to her sort of verbal attendance. you get a sense when she is feeling confidence when she is not and that is invaluable thing but i think you are right. this idea of press conference, not having press conferences when i'm not sure why the democratic party is embracing that so fully. >> bill: my guess is monday or tuesday we will see a sitdown interview. when you cover conventions as many years as we all have, we wonder today what you remember at the end of the week. by that, i mean, do you remember
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joe biden speech on monday ni night? and he is still the sitting president. this is a remarkable time, josh you're quite wonderfully come out of here friday morning and it's all about kamala harris. you mentioned that torch has been passed. how much do republicans remember from milwaukee a month ago? >> i was in milwaukee and i can tell you, trump's speech ends the list. but you can imagine if you went on vacation in july so it's been a blur, give me credit and cut me some slack. but i think biden would be comfortable with that, to be honest. if harris -- harris has not given big speeches but of course 2020 convention truncated online covid era. i think they would like for that to be staged and we will hear from hillary clinton soon. they were some democrats who probably don't want her to be in the top building all the time for them so we will see.
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>> dana: i think people will remember kamala harris beach but they will remember michelle obama speech. they have been wanting to hear from her. i think about you a lot in that article you wrote in june about joe biden. it was june, correct? june, early june. >> dana: you had sources talking about his cognitive decline and you said it was not an easy story to write and it pains you to write it and the white house came down on you like a house of bricks. how dare you write this, it is not true, it is not true. oh, no it is absolutely true. you have this time as a reporter you are changing. now we know they knew, 67% in the recent polls believed kamala harris knew about his state of being. and david axelrod said, that might actually hurt her with independence. what do you think? >> i think if she would have a press conference or talk to reporters, that is one of the questions we would have for her, what did you know about the president's state and demeanor?
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she was meeting with him frequently. she talks about her many meetings with him. that is a question she will have to answer at some point in the campaign. what was her sense for him in this debate night the first time saw the behaviors displayed and how was that possible? so many other people meeting with him have saw that. >> bill: it will be interesting to see how she answers that put the media have given her a pass. >> dana: the white house press corps spoken from little experience, you guys have a little power to say, "no, we are not going to cover that. we are going to wait." but you look at what is going on. >> this is an absolute honeymoon. next she is in. none of us has seen anything like this before. it is an extraordinary time. you think about the rnc and the republican convention in so many people at that event felt
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donald trump was going to win and he had it in the back and would be the next president of the united states. amazingly i'm a month later a lot of democrats i talked to who have that same feeling. >> bill: walking into a reno with a bandage on your ear. thank you for being here. >> dana: love to have you. >> thank you for having us. ♪ ♪ >> oh my goodness, oh, wow! >> dana: that video as crazy as violent storms wreaking havoc across the united states. what to know if traveling. plus, democrats with a violent crime in chicago but can they reassure voters who no longer feel safe here? >> what they will do to bring justice to the parents to their kids? what are you going to say tofres them? i'm sorry, it is not working.
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>> dana: a violent weekend in chicago ahead of this week's democratic national convention him. more than 30 people shot the last 30 days as the city braces for more violence from anti-israel protesters. garrett taney live in chicago and lives here, good morning. >> dana, good morning to you. folks who live in chicago's most violent neighborhoods are frustrated chicago's crime problems likely won't get any attention at the dnc this week. this past week and alone, more than 30 people shot and six killed in violence in the city and that includes a man killed three blocks from the united center. so for this year, 350 people have been killed and sadly, that includes a lot of innocent children like 7-year-old rivera.
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earlier this summer, he was shot and killed outside of his home when his mom asked him to take a cooking pot to a neighbor next door. and a 16-year-old gunman for no apparent reason started shooting towards the apartment building. this was 3:00 in the afternoon just five blocks from the united center where democrats are gathering this week. this morning from another mother who lost her son to the epidemic said the deep blue city have allowed this to continue for decades. >> we are not losing the elderly as fast as we are losing our young people. they were not even given a chance to grow up. who can i trust? i don't know who to vote for. i'm not even getting help with my own city to try to figure out what happened to my son. it is not fair or. is just not. >> this week the group of officials in the austin neighborhood raised eyebrows
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when they called out city leaders and the democratic party as a whole saying in a statement, "chicago cannot claim to be world-class indeed the best on the global stage while electing the people who gave the city its sole. we cannot allow the spectacle to overshadow the urgent need to address the violence tearing our community apart." violent crime as a whole down year-over-year compared to the decades eyes chicago is seen. violence is still up more than 50% when you look at four years ago before the pandemic, dana. >> dana: neera tanden, thank you. >> bill: radio host and former gubernatorial candidate, it can, thank you for being here. i want to address to a national review and the title is is, the city, the democrats and he talks about poverty, high crime, and horrible public schools and i was sent this last night from "chicago sun-times." this is stunning.
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in the last 12 months, there has been 2,905 shootings. the are in what's called the near west side united center neighborhood and 92 happened here are. but where we are standing in her hotel downtown chicago north of the river along the lake, zero. what is considered the gold coast of chicago. why is the violence the southside of chicago and west side of this town so acceptable to the leaders here year after year? >> that is a great question and someone should put to brandon johnson since he lives in the austin neighborhood on the west side, which 2024 right now it's we stand here is the most violent neighborhood in chicago. he's running around talking about how he's not leaving any neighborhood behind. he will make sure every neighborhood is provided for in terms of public safety. in his own neighborhood 30 people murdered and 21 people shot as we stand here in august of this year. illinois leads where chicago leads the nation as murder capital of the world 13 years
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running. illinois leads the nation or leads the midwest and unemployment, which is another sort of accelerant to violence in chicago in the larger area. we are hearing from brandon johnson and j.b. pritzker is my list talk in no way reflects the way people are living in chicago like that mom who lost her son. >> bill: speaking of the mother, listen to her from your earlier today on fox. >> i'm angry but i tried to be humble. don't go in hostile like you are mad and hurt. you still have to talk to them with respect. they don't give that to me. you don't call me and update me about anything. i think it is unfair. how can i vote for somebody who i don't feel has my back? or any parent who lost their child's back.
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what are we supposed to do? you want me to vote for you? what do you want to do for me? >> i don't know what the answer is for the community, but i don't understand how a human being like that mother cannot somehow break through with decision-makers in the city. why is that? >> you know, there is this little free step that politicians in chicago, illinois, do that no matter what the problem is, it is not as bad as you think. there is plenty of blame to go around, and we are working on it. what that is what a mom will get. she will not get answers or explanation as to why kim foxx and brandon johnson and j.b. pritzker supported end of cash bail and revolving door of violent criminals that prey on people over and over and over again. this is the thing that is so unnerving, really, exasperating, and you don't have to be a crime victim. you feel empathy for crime
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victims and the families like the mom you just played. we know what to do. this is not complicated. this is not unsolvable. lock up repeat violent offenders. it is the one think this political ruling class in chicago won't do. they should be held to account for. but that is really fundamental and i'm not law enforcement, but you talk to law enforcement and prosecutors and they will say the same thing. that is the thing, the solution is within our grasp that we choose not to embrace it. >> bill: dan, thank you for coming on. thank you for giving us a voice in chicago. i hope to see you in person, dana. >> dana: hurricane ernesto widespread misery for travelers with lots of flight delays along the east coast straining thousands of passengers. flights are granted, diverted, and canceled. >> we are toughing it out but he is showing how we all feel at this point. no control and you want to go somewhere but you can't get
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>> i'm harris faulkner live from chicago today where hundreds of protesters are here, some from the group's democrats have celebrated, but now the messaging is anger towards the left. plus biden's final political act when he speaks tonight, and the left, washington d.c. lee who forced him out and forget about the predemocratic national convention swag like blue t-shirts of the past, here this time, vice president kamala harris is party is offering free abortions. fox news political analyst, former clinton adviser doug schoen and marc thiessen, "the faulkner focus" at the top of the hour. >> thank you, harris, see you in a few moments. dangerous airways up and down the east coast dealing with very frustrated passengers. what's new, been a rough summer, jonathan, jonathan live in
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atlanta from what is happening there. >> hi, bill, airlines have been working overtime booking trips for passengers whose plans were disrupted over the weekend. on sunday more than 1300 plates with in or out of the u.s. were canceled according to the online tracking service, flights near laguardia lead with one in three inbound and outbound flights canceled. take a listen. >> they think it's out of their control that it's whether they can pay for a hotel and they cannot pay for like food or anything. it's because we cannot even get the bag. they told us the bag is not h here. >> even though hurricane ernesto has stayed well out to see it's been creating dangerous surf around the east coast. capturing images of north carolina beach homes getting battered by the waves and in south carolina two man apparently drowned after getting caught in dangerous rip currents, bill.
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>> bill: okay, jonathan, thanks so much. good luck to everyone traveling and watching and hoping -- thank you, nice to see you. all right, dana, what do you got? >> dana: before we go, this was neat. i saw the moon and i thought we had to pay attention, but i did not know tonight if you look up you may see a rare blue supermoon that happens once a decade we are getting ready to see it for a second year in a row. how is that possible? >> bill: that's pretty cool. >> dana: it will look a little thicker and brighter, and you will see it above the opera house of all places. >> bill: i did not see it, but i trust that it's there. >> dana: i went by the chicago opera house last night, gorgeous. have to say. good to be with you. >> bill: a good-looking town, chicago, second city. >> dana: we will be here all week. "the faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: we begin with this


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