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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  August 19, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> tens of thousands, and we have had at least one estimate from a leader, an organizer, saying as many as 100,000 anti-israel protesters. our two ascend on the emphatic national convention. we are getting an idea of why the city of chicago is now bracing for all of that anti-semitism, she was to turn violent. businesses are already boarding up their windows and doors. democrats reportedly checking into hotels under fake names in fear of their safety. you've got democratic voters now hiding. 250 illinois national guard men and women are currently on standby in chicago.
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protesters are chanting "joe" at joe biden, and branding vice president, harris a "killer," and are threatening to "bring the war home." [crowded chancing] [crowded chancing -- [crowd chanting] this is "outnumbered" here with my cohorts and we can plan you and mcenany come on harris faulkner. also fox news contributor leslie marshall and post of "to guy benson show," guy benson. we are here in chicago. a lot going on outside of the walls and where we are in this
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convention hall. steve harrigan is live with the latest details of the latest protesting. >> they are getting ready to merge, and you can tell by looking around you -- it's made of at least 200 different groups of protesters who were to march. you have a small pockets, the irish were palestine, people in pink shorts who are against capitalism despite the fact that they have a lot of new microphones and signs, and matching shirts as well. the pro-palestinian group as well. you have pockets of groups ten, 20, 50, if you hundred. the concern is some are more radical than others. it has been orderly so far this morning as the crowds continue to gather. that not a was the case sunday when a protester grabbed the microphone as delegate were arriving.
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[speaking into microphone] law enforcement has said that any violence, and a destruction of property, any throwing of items will be two immediate rest, and they are keeping portland's open until midnight to deal with one projected numbers. >> steve harrigan. thank you pickles go to our "outnumbered" guests. i don't know how is a democrats lawmakers can defend this. the mayor of chicago really -- a potential danger of all this. with these words. amir johnson. your thoughts. >> well, when you say how can they -- first of all, everyone in this country safely has the freedom to march peacefully via our first amendment. what i have said before, climate change, pro-palestine. this is not going to achieve
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your goal. to have any chaos, to have -- to jump up on stage as we saw yesterday. that does not get the goal. it is ignorant and naive to think that if you are at a republican or democratic and though my convention and you upset at that it will change the electoral process, that that's going to change weaponry or funds going to israel. what does change if you have sitdown meetings, votes -- but if you have protests, it doesn't necessarily help you reach your goal. you look radical in fringe, it does not add people to your movement. has people shy away from it. >> you know what else would change it, the vice president who now wants to be president of the united states could sit down for an interview or hold an open
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news conference and not know who is there an informal situation and talk about these situations. >> without a doubt, bingo, that hits the nail on the head. she is the only one that can thread this needle and it and indeed it is a needle to threat. "we are bringing war to you" is a chant, and one was "from the river to the sea." these are not joyful messages. buried in that story is the fact that kamala met with the mayor of dearborn, michigan, who has statements in the past that i view as radical. on october 7th, the horrific they were the hostages were taken, he condemned all violence but nevertheless said israel's military occupation makes violence inevitable. i'm not surprised this meeting was not on the public schedule but it was a behind-the-scenes effort to stop what you are watching on your screen. will these protesters fall in
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line. >> not the peaceful protesting leslie marshall was so right about. we all of the right to do that, she is right, but killer kamala? no matter what your politics are, guy benson, this is dirty, nasty, potentially dangerous. nobody wants to shut this in their jewish hate them. >> they want their votes. that's the dire reality. they would call her killer kamala, chant in the streets, snyder her and joe biden and all sorts of different ways, but as kayleigh pointed out, they are sending emissaries to some of the leaders of this movement.
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some radical associations on this front as well in the state of minnesota as well. they want those votes. the condemnations will be mutated at best. one thing that's interesting to me, i have seen in the last day or two: social media, and never people on the left getting more vocal, frustrated. -- jewish students on campus is being terrorized and tormented. when this describes -- a four day infomercial for the political party, they have a problem with it which again goes to the politics of this rather than the substance, which is anti-jewish pro-hamas people are speaking on behalf of evil. that needs to be called out across the political spectrum.
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>> high-profile powerful positions politically. one person silences and another person is complicit. >> frankly, it is an untenable protest. we watched our screen is one of the pro-hamas protesters was flipping off every police officer that walked by, yes remember, kamala harris responded to those anti-israel chants during her detroit rally with "every voice matters." i guess i'm in the minority. i don't think these voices matter in this way because they are calling for the altar destruction of human beings. the reason they are there is because they can be, and two guys point -- condemnation clear from the vice president. they have been trying to curry favor and votes and thread that line that actually isn't fra fragile. it isn't anything less than a very clear line. keep in mind the uncommitted
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national movement which has issued new demands to kamala harris. now they say "we want to pediatrician paths that return from speaking slot and an arms embargo against --" they keep shifting the goalpost because of course, as children do, they will keep asking for more when you hands to them what they have been seeking in petulant. it's unpalatable to the american people and i hope as this chasm is occurring on the streets of that manufacturing convention. they have the fortitude to say it's unacceptable. >> amen. we know that it will not be mayor brandon johnson. if you watch the local news in the evenings here, you hear the things he is saying. and how he is embracing. certainly not fighting it. certainly not telling people to clean up their language. don't threaten anybody's life.
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an extraordinary and historic move now, the democrats have pushed out joe biden and hoisted and slotted into his place kamala harris, all in fewer than 30 days. it's like a really fast refund except we don't get paid. new details of biden's bits or, next.
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>> president biden, set to take the stage behind me, as the dnc's keynote speaker later tonight. less than 30 days ago, biden believed that he would be the one accepting the party's nomination. oh how far we've come. after a coordinated pressure campaign from top democrats, what some critics are calling an all-out coup, biden is passing the torch over to vice president kamala harris. jacqui heinrich is live on the ground at the dnc with the latest. >> president biden is expected tonight to explain his decision to end his bid. he has given this kind of speech before to a camera in the
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oval office. this is the first time he will be addressing a roomful of lawmakers since the launch of his reelection campaign at the state of the union. the vibes are getting heavy. elected democrats surrounded by media in this room can't escape questions about what the party did to buy them. tonight and only tonight is about him. after his speech he is getting out of town and will be thousands of miles away when -- obama speaks later this week. once at the difference between biden and their camp. cut to a heated argument at fenway when a former obama officials gloating that biden "finally figured out he had to quit." it prompted mike barnicle, biden ally, to shoot back with expletives derailing "you and all your friends with anonymous quotes in the papers, saying put your name on it next time." biden reportedly heard about this and laughed a lot. we are watching for veiled messages he might have for his former friends tonight.
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this convention is heavy on vibes and light on policy. harris' campaign policy doesn't have a policy section. their bios for her and for walz, a tap to donate, emerge chop, and attempt to volunteer, but the dnc chair says that's no normal. >> conventions are, yes, there is the formal process, the nomination and all that, but it's about storytelling. it's about sharing your story, who you are, what you believe, what your passions are, who you will fight for with the american people. it's the grandest stage in order to do that. >> it is not really normal. in 2016, hillary clinton had about 200 policies outlined in president biden had a 100 page document in 2020, and though he never got this kind of a convention because of the pandemic. now, for the nominating convention celebration, it would have been his just a month ago.
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he tonight is just the opening act. >> quick question. this literally is breaking so you might not have heard about yet, but the dnc platform was apparently just release. are "outnumbered" team did a google search of the document. there what appears to be 19 references to biden's second term. i know this was rushed and put together quickly, but any note from you on the dnc platform? i assume they will make some edits there. >> i have not seen it. i will say i saw an article this morning which got a preview -- i think it was "the wall street journal." the big headline as it was not going to call for an israel arms embargo, but i have not seen whatever was just put up. remember, a month ago, this would have been his come and harris doesn't even have her own policy section. i would not be surprised if that changes. it has to has to, because he is literally out of here after tonight. >> thank you. >> thanks. >> harris, it's worth pausing
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and to consider where we are, because we were at the republican national convention together on the air live when that huge "new york times" article broke about obama's team silently conveying worries about whether biden could pull this off. tonight, we will see biden i think gracefully exit stage right. >> i'm certain he doesn't want his legacy to be having a kid fit on the stage at the dnc convention for the person he basically stepped out of the way so she could rise. you don't want to be remembered as that guy. i will say, what's interesting about the rmc and the narrative change that we saw by the time it was over from democrats is they were really desperate to -- the storm coming out of the rmc that would've had republicans on top in the polls. it would have had from bleeding everything but even more. they were eager to change that
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narrative. it took him a few days before we knew what was happening. he just half did it, but how are they going to change the narrative now? what is kamala harris going to do: walk outside and say "i'm the vice president, i want you to protest nicer and not say you want to kill me?" she's going to have to have policy to stave that off. as we pointed out earlier in the program, the list keeps changing by the protesters, so it's about changing narratives. the democrats want to do that. they like to reinvent words, redefine public safety as she has said. can they do that about their own convention? can they do that about their own policies with kamala harris leading? i don't know. will have to see. >> you heard jacqui heinrich mentioned the axios reporting. mike barnicle, an ardent biden defender, have this interaction at fenway park with an obama staffer who was expressing glee about biden exiting.
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there were a lot of f-bombs. may be trouble at the dnc. >> was like "put your name on it next time. don't just put these anonymous things out. on up to what you are saying." a response to that fraction, that fisher in terms of loyalty to biden. that touches on what we talked about yesterday which is the coverage of biden's economic policies. we have people saying "he's listening to the left, he is flexible," and people in his longtime loyalty camp reportedly come out and say "what are you talking about? he wrapped delaware for decades, a corporation friendly state. i think what we have seen and especially with kamala harris is this difference between the loyalty, this people that have been with him for decades, and those coming in and saying "nothing to see her, totally shiny, everything is awesome and everyone is 20m on tiktok." that's not who biden was and it's also why in "the new york times" expose that was deep and lengthy, it went
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into his aspirations, which he never made secrets about, about the presidency, that he did it for the biden family, did it to surmount a chip on his shoulder he fell from his dad and his dad's experiences working class individual, and it had nothing to do a service. you talk about the 19 times on the democratic party platform, i posit that when kamala and walz came out on stage for the first time, they never mentioned biden's name at all. >> i am intrigued by some of the verbs used to describe team of biden's in the axios piece. apparently they are seething, stunned, pissed, and not fooled by the patronizing phrase of biden. that's quite a height meant to have come out for you this evening. >> he is angry. that might not manifest onstage tonight. this was taken from him. he did not do this voluntarily. that is become clear. maureen dowd, "the new york times," i will give her points for candor. she called this a coup, but was
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honest by saying "i fully support the coup because we need to win." strange move for the democracy party notifying the election, but about 14 million people had their ballots thrown in the ocean and i think approximately 14 million of them are fine with it, because they want to would make the election above all e else. >> 19 references to biden's second term in the dnc platform. am i missing something? >> no. he planned on running and after he had a terrible debate, a lot of people in my party and conversations i was privy to and part of which all of you guys weren't i don't think, what was being talked about was as the president said, if somebody can show "that i don't have a path to winning, i will step down." that's exactly what happened. when the numbers were crunched, because politics is a numbers game and you would make purely by numbers -- so when you look at the numbers, he was not winning. to harris' point about the polls, they were getting worse for him and better for his opponent, the former president. at the end of the day my people
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call it a coup. i don't agree. the reason is joe biden made that final decision. where the people he likes and respects? he talked about it. said she did what she needed to do for the party. what she needed to do for the house. she understood it. feel joe biden's legacy is not just stepping aside. clearly, what he did is the right thing. you look at the polls, the crowds, the enthusiasm and my party which we did not have 35-40 days ago, to be honest. not only to joe biden to the right thing, but the majority of those who were going to be at the convention -- >> you don't want the majority of your voters think because he didn't bother to ask them. the party elites did this. that's with his benefits. he told an anchor that the only way he would step out of that chair as president would be by the hand of god almighty himself. you come up with a lot of other reasons why this happened. he got pushed out.
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>> i disagree with you. he said, harris, that if he was shown a path he couldn't win he would step down and they did show him that. >> god almighty might not have knocked on the door of joe biden, but nancy pelosi did. he appears to have listened. why chicago appears to be the perfect backdrop for the dnc, and vice president harris' policies. tting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need, and the flavor you love. so, here's to now... now available: boost max! ♪limu emu♪ ♪& doug.♪ and if we win, we get to tell you how liberty mutual customizes car insurance
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617 murderers last year, 25% of students read at grade level in that town, yet the city spends $361 million of their taxpayer money on the migrant crisis. one mom and son was murdered last year joint -- to deliver a heartbreaking plea. >> it is hard. the things that me and my kids have to see. it is just hard. we are losing baby. we are not losing the elderly as fast as we are losing our young people. they don't even get a chance to grow up. we're losing our future. i don't know what else to say to them. what is it going to take for you to step in and do what you're supposed to do to protect the community? you are not doing that. if you were, we would have answers about everything: babies getting shot in the front yard
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has you said. how can i vote for somebody who i don't feel like has my back? or any parent of the child's back. you know what i'm saying? what are we supposed to do? you want me to vote for you? what are you going to do for me? >> we are losing our future, she said. former president trump vowing to take action, posting "the democrats are holding their convention in chicago in order to showcase it yet 117 people were shot, 17 killed on the fourth of july weekend, 40 shot this weekend. it is a war zone and will be handled accordingly. i will bring crime in america down to a tiny fraction of what it is today. mothers will no longer be losing their children because weak liberal politicians have given up on securing a crime free usa. i will stop violence crime in america." what you think liberal leaders should say to the mother which
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are showcased? >> i think you will know that i buried a child, and nobody should ever know. my child died of terminal illness, not murder. it breaks my heart when i see any parent, especially a mother, crying over having to have buried her child. any voter is going to say to anyone who was running for any office "what are you going to do for me?" the reality is that no matter who was in the federal position, that a policy within a state and city, they are decided by those local politicians, not the donald trump's, kamala harris' of the world, one. two, the reality is chicago is not a shining example of this, but that violent crime is down across the board even in those liberal roman cities as people like to coin them. >> the violent crime guy in chicago, 61%, and federal tax dollars indeed flooded the city,
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and have been wasted, and the point is the deaths are preventable because they are in the hand of policies put forth by liberal democrat politicians. >> emily, i love this town. i went to school here. i started my career here. there's a lot to commend in chicago, but my goodness, this city is being failed by the leadership, both in chicago and illinois. you look at the violence here, crime problems, the migrant issues here where you get a failing mayor basically endorsing the opposite of what needs to be done over and over again. you look at a city and state in red ink. people flooding out of chicago in illinois because of the taxes and issues i just mentioned. this is the place the democrats chose to showcase their ticket in this broadcast to the country for four days, and in some ways it's appropriate, because -- i think voters need to think hard about why that's the case. >> is bringing a two story iud
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progressive governance, and indeed it is. i was rolling down a street called dave and avenue yesterday at 7:00 a.m. i go to read our stories for the day and six hours earlier, on -- right outside of the convention, a 21-year-old man was shot and is in critical condition. 22 shot over the weekend, several killed. welcome to chicago, welcome to progressive governance. >> we know we can expect hollywood's liberties on the stage. do you think we can also expect average americans who have lost their children to violence in chicago? >> i don't know how they cannot include that. everyone is touched by this in the city one way or another. either it's by personal definition of being touched by murder or shooting sports by someone they know, or business owner who knows someone, so on and so forth. the fbi says that last year, 36 mass shootings -- in the way they do find that his four or
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more people in the city of chicago. to leslie's point, the only policy organization says it is this kind of crime that is up, the violence emily was pointing out that is unmatched across the country. isn't just here in chicago. to make that happen here with the dnc, i think it's about barack obama. a lot of what we are seeing behind the scenes feels a lot like dean see's of the past that he was involved in either has a candidate or as a nominee. >> new reaction to planned parenthood's free abortions and vasectomies at the democratic national convention that we mentioned earlier. stay with us. that's coming up.
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>> planned parenthood is at the dnc convention. a few steps away from the building you are looking at. supposedly, they are offering free abortions and vasectomies, supposedly because it's a moving vehicle, it's mobile, and you have to go inside, but they say they have a long list of people and they are all scheduled up and offering free abortions and vasectomies. planned parenthood has been bragging about their health clinics, writing "here we come chicago." rich is in chicago. >> there is more than that. freedom is here. she is a 20-foot tall inflatable iud courtesy of the americans for contraception group. they are displaying that here. meanwhile, the winner's circle restaurant is working with
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planned parenthood and the chicago abortion fund -- to free hot dogs to anyone who received an abortion or vasectomy today or tomorrow. democrats maintain when abortion is on the ballot it's good for them. they are highlighting the supreme court and its three trump appointed justices overturning roe vs. wade, leaving abortion access up to the states. >> they are responsible for overturning roe v. wade. they brag about overturning roe v. wade, and they are responsible for so many women in this country who are in incredible health care crises. we have important work to do. >> among republicans, planned parenthood's mobile van drew the attention of congresswoman marjorie taylor greene. she posted "i thought this was fake but it's not. it's hard to even comprehend. it's heartbreaking being a mother is the most precious gift. choose life." former president and republican
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nominee donald trump says he opposes federal abortion restrictions, and for the first time in 40 years the g.o.p. platform makes no mention of federal abortion ban and instead says it opposes late-term abortion. there are several states that now have abortion access on the ballot in november. includes in battleground states, nevada and arizona. back to you. >> you mention the giant -- inflatable iud which will be on display at 4:00 p.m. eastern today. this is an easier conversation for democrats than say anti-israel. >> it sounds like instagram influencers dream. this is gimmicky. that's the point. i have been subjected to about 8-10 harris for president ads on my spotify this morning where she talked about abortion as health care right. at the end of the day, as revolting as this is, in part because this shows how two things -- the democrats if they really cared about people or have outside, maybe would be a blood donation drive.
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maybe they would have a mobile library so students could start reading. instead they have this, but the gimmicks and the slogans are working. the g.o.p. needs to react in kind so they cannot surmount this trash. >> this brings me to the point that if the people on the left cared, all the people protesting, that they would be trying to have a mobile food truck to collect donations and things to send to gaza, but instead, they've got mobile free of vasectomies and abortions and a giant iud on display. >> it feels accelerating abortion. abortion eliminates a heartbeat at four weeks and a separate dna code. it's not something to celebrate. i think it's overplaying their hand. most women when they have an abortion are not celebrating. these are hard decisions. i remember a pregnancy resource center telling me a woman came in and set up what have to have this abortion, they're only four seeds in in my car and we have a
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fit -- don't have of his seat," they got her a mini van and she was able to keep her baby. most women are in economically tough circumstances. when you move past safe legal and rare where the democrats were and onto abortion trucks, who are you speaking to? >> moving a vehicle around, leslie, does not make it rare if you are willing to offer things for free. >> first of all, there is a problem with individuals who can't afford those services who would choose to have them, but i don't agree with this. the reason why is emily used the word gimmicky. i do feel this display is kind of in your face and gimmicky. you don't need this truck to show the support for reproductive female rights and the people that are supporting this ticket, especially if they are a one issue voter on this issue alone. i don't like this and i don't like, again, this form of protest. >> guy, it feels like they've
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turned into a joke. as kayleigh pointed out, this is about life. this is about a woman making a really tough decision. >> this is very dark. this is very sad. one political point i will make, and i saw our colleague mary katharine -- not long ago this person was making the case that democrats were not friendly to having children and families in terms of their policies and democrats took great umbrage. but come on down to our convention where we will give you free vasectomies and abortions. they are making his case a little bit here. >> planned parenthood said it will be a few steps away from the convention. we will see what happens. we will see what comes up with anybody's speech is on the big stage here or whatever. it's out on their platform but nobody is condemning it. nobody is saying anything. it is that silence that leads to complicity. the liberal media went to my home state, cobalt blue
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new jersey to talk to voters about the presidential candidates. i'm certain the word "taxes" came up. they may not get the answers they expected. >> four years ago was a lot better. i made more money than i do now >> i know you feel that way but that's not what the record shows. the economy is better under biden. [laughs] ettles and the engine roars the thing you care about is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ when did i call leaffilter? when i saw my gutters overflowing onto my porch. leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution, so, you never have to worry about costly damage from clogged gutters again. it's the easiest call you can make. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit
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>> the dnc is kicking off in chicago and is expected to be a packed week. stay tuned as we bring you the latest from chicago, plus we will dive into kamala harris eyes economic plans with our own charles payne as he details with this could mean for the country. former president donald trump will be speaking a short time from now on his economic plans on his swing state tour. what is his latest pitch to voters? joint john roberts and we live as "america reports" top of the hour. >> the liberal media hit the ground to poll voters who they are voting for: trump or kamala. what is their reaction? in deep blue new jersey, when it seemed they didn't get the answer they were hoping for. >> we are in jersey, atlantic city. who do you support? >> term for the win. >> wife? >> i can't call it right now but i feel like she's not good for
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president pure cheese good advice but not for the lead role for the country. >> does it have anything to do with being a woman? >> no. i feel like women -- don't get me into that. >> your money is on harris. who do you want? >> trump. >> i don't like tears gimmicks because she doesn't have any experience. >> she is the vice president, a senator. >> no. she has no experience. >> i want donald trump. i feel we need somebody who has a stronger background with the military, and the world in general. >> she was a prosecutor and attorney general and a senator and the vice president. you are and again when town. was your money on? >> i will support the democratic party but trump looks like he's got in the bag right now. >> four years ago it was better. i made more money than i do now. >> i know you feel that way but that's not what the record shows. the economy is better under biden. >> is not because i watch cnn.
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that's who's going to win. all these country who came to the country legally -- all 10,215,000, 20,000 people here -- have you seen san diego? they are coming off of the water right here, off of the ocean. did you know biden was flying them in? did you know that? >> kayleigh, looks like it's a click to quick lesson in reality. >> i can't believe he actually put this out there. my favorite part is when the guy said "i made more money four years ago," and on them and said it's not what the records show. does don lemon have his bank statement to make creepy. >> and that's part of the problem. there was an attempt at persuasion too appeared >> when you tell the truth about your own personal situation that you have lived through, saying "i was better a four years ago than
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i am now," coming back and saying technically that's not true with the numbers, the appropriate response is exactly what he did. he burst out laughing. "you can't tell me what i actually lived in my own life, sorry." >> is that part of the problem then? does this represent the liberal media as a whole, which as we are refusing to acknowledge what americans actually feel? >> no. i don't think one boardwalk in atlantic city is how americans, or even new jerseyans feel. i'm old enough to remember when i was a reporter back in the day and we did man on the street interviews. we went to different streets, different cities, different towns, and of course for the federal election, different states. that i would like to see. we have a tight race, almost 50/50. that's what i would expect the responses to the outside of that one boardwalk. >> but harris, let's go to the new jersey and on the panel. the point was that this was a deep blue pocket that the liberal media was polling. does this reflect a potential
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change? >> i can't speak for everyone in new jersey but i can tell you my state's cobalt blue picket votes that way. does that mean that everybody is the same? apparently not. i think you would have to challenge don lemon who says he watches cnn now, because he certainly doesn't work there anymore, to go out and talk to people in different states. the point of this is what emily is saying. it is supposed to do one thing, and people are free to vote in their own interest. i can't wait for november. >> i can't wait to have you back after the commercial break. stay with us.
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>> it is a big day one here at the dnc and chicago. a big night as aoc has announced she will be speaking. so too will first lady jill biden and a president joe biden who is being described as angry and resentful. you will also hear from secretary of state
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hillary clinton. we heard her walk out music not too long ago. this hour we are learning that the democrat master platform has been released could i just save it to my desktop. they are falling at the final master platform which contains nearly 20 references to president joe biden's second term. i surmise we will see some editing there. maybe there is something we don't know. we will learn more as the day progresses. our entire fox lineup is here live in chicago for the dnc. our special coverage of day one of vents begins at 10:00 p.m. eastern time ahead of president biden's big speech. he is beginning of the end of his exit from his national political life. 52 years on the political scene and tonight he exits. five months left to go in his term. tune into fox news for the best analysis in the business. stick with us tonight. ♪ ♪


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