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tv   America Reports  FOX News  August 19, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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>> john: president biden about to take off from base andrews headed to chicago where thousands of anti-israel protesters are gathering right now the head of the democratic national convention. these protesters are shattering the party unity that the democrats will try to show this week and claim that the biden-harris administration has blood on its hands. >> joe! killer, law! and hundreds of other work criminals are here and chicago to celebrate themselves. after more than 300 days of genocide what is there to
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celebrate? >> john: welcome back to "america reports." i'm john roberts and washington. this proves to be a very dynamic week. >> sandra: i am sandra smith and we are going to keep an eye. they are slamming chicago saying that this is a reflection of democratic leadership. 33 people alone were shot over the weekend. one gun down blocks away from the convention site. >> john: chris coons and national cochair of the harris walz campaign. we will get a response from an emma preview of what to expect from joe biden and his speech tonight. >> sandra: fox team coverage begins now. madison alworth on progressives holding their own event in chicago. >> john: live in the windy city what our folks saying about the city's crime as the convention kicks off? >> as you have reported extensively on the show, and the city's most violent neighborhood, crime is on the front of people's minds on a
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daily basis. at the dnc public safety is not expected to get anywhere near the time of tension folks here would like it to. more than 350 people have been killed across the city including several recent cases of young kids getting caught in the cross fire within a few blocks of the united center. in june 7-year-old walked outside of his home to take a cooking pot to a neighbor next door at three in the afternoon when for no apparent reason a 16-year-old gunman started shooting toward the building more than a dozen times and hit him in the back, killing the young boy. this morning another mother who lost her son to chicago's violent epidemic says she does not trust politicians in this deep blue city to trust stomach fix the problem. >> we are losing babies. we are losing the elderly as fast as we are losing our young people. they are getting a chance to grow up. how can i vote for somebody who
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i don't feel has my back? or any parent who lost their child's back? you know what i'm saying? what are we supposed to do? you want me to vote for you? what are you going to do for me? >> ahead of the dnc a group of officials and the violence plagued austin neighborhood called a democratic leader saying chicago cannot claim to be a world-class city ready to showcase its best on the global stage while neglecting the people who give the city at soul. we cannot allow the spectacle to overshadow the urgent need. they are scheduled to speak at the dnc and while he likes to tout how shootings and murders are down compared to last year, he fails to mention that it is still crime overall up more than 50% compared to four years ago before the pandemic. >> john: a lot of action on the streets there. thank you. >> sandra: at flight base
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andrews we are seeing president biden and the first lady arriving to board air force one part they will be making their way to chicago and what obviously is a big moment for kamala harris. they are making way up the steps there as they make their way to the democratic national convention in chicago. and away from the president. madison alworth is there in chicago for us. tell us more about the progressives and their plans for the future. madison? >> hi center. we are live at the dnc which starts today but progressive central, this two day event started yesterday. the goal of the event is to push those progressive ideas and ideals and get more of them into a harris platform. speakers of this event include senator bernie sanders and representative ro khanna who during the event called out
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corporate greed. >> what happens when you give a corporate tax cut? intel gets the money and what do they do? they go by their stock or they give it dividend. that's what they've been doing for 50 years. that's why silicon valley and new york piled up but it has hollowed out. community after community. >> this comes on the heels of vice president kamala harris on friday in which the nominee laid out her plans for price controls for everything from health care to food and housing. it appears to be a nod to the progressive wing of the party and some high-profile democrats were more subdued in their support. when asked if price controls or smart policy governor gretchen whitmer told nbc news the idea was worth having conversations. progressive voters are also making their voices heard here in chicago on the streets. there are tens of thousands
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protesting the war in gaza and calling out kamala harris for her role in the conflict. some protesters threatening to hold their vote with hopes to persuade harris to be outwardly more progressive. >> i'm here today because i want the biden-harris administration and i want vice president harris to know that there are people who are not willing to vote for her if she is going to continue to arm and fund the israelis. speak about these protesters cannot stop kamala from becoming the nominee because she already is. harrison walz were voted in virtually as the nominees of the democrat party earlier this month. everything we are seeing this week, much as ceremony paired the ticket is locked-in in the party will be trying to show a united front when there is chaos out in the street just outside the united center. >> sandra: madison alworth in chicago for us. thank you. >> john: we expect to have the campaign cochairman chris coons
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the senator from delaware with us in just a moment. he is still making his way through security so thankfully our esteemed panel who cohosted the roof this podcast and the director for medications for joe manchin of steps in early appeared good to seal. this is supposed to serve as a coronation for kamala harris but it is amid reports of lingering resentment from biden. expect massive protests in the streets of chicago. that's a lot of competing interests. >> and she has done what no one else is done in political history. she's gone from being the nominate to hosting the convention and under a month. in that time she has introduced herself to the country, she solidified the party, she picked a vp, and she starting to roll out policies. this is her week to shine. i think biden's speech tonight will be a great speech. he will talk about all his successes and handing it off and those protesters, they have the right to protest but i think they are a bunch of... you don't. i'm going to choose my words
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wisely on tv. i think they have no business being there. they don't represent the democratic party or our views. >> john: to jonathan's point a second ago. hubert humphrey could have done that as well but they waited for the convention to officially do a vote and then a roll call but they took that idea and they threw it out the window this year because they wanted party unity. speak of the other historic thing that vp harris did was managed to win a democratic primary without a single vote. >> jonathan nodded in agreement. >> and it's interesting on monday that you have in prime time hillary clinton the candidate who lost a donald trump and joe biden a president who had to be forced off the ticket because he was scared to run against donald trump not the best way to start the presidential convention in my opinion. >> john: and it's ironic considering this time last year or september of last year a number of columnists were suggesting that if joe biden was not going to get out of the race, he needed to switch out kamala harris for someone who is more popular.
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>> there was talk about that for two or three years. i think she has proven all of them wrong. how well she solidified the party. the fact that you are having alexandria ocasio-cortez sing very positive things about her and joe manchin saying very positive things about her tells her she is really reaching out to the middle of the country that she needs to and it will be a tough race for her. she is clearly the underdog but hopefully she gets a little boost. >> john: she is very short on policy. if you take a look at past elections, biden had i think 100 pages of policy on his website and donald trump did as well. barack obama, george bush, all of those presidential candidates had policy pages on the website. kamala harris does not have that but it was noted by politico that why democratic lawmakers and democratic supporters are giving her a pass on this. democratic lawmakers call it savvy strategy. they would rather lay out a specific plan post november when a potential president-elect harris would have to staff upper administration and determine her
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governing priorities. one of the other reason she's not doing it is because her campaign was doing quite well in 2019 until people looked into her record enter policies and then she tanked literally overnight. >> a reminder to everyone she had a well-funded campaign that didn't get off the ground and make it to iowa. so i think it will be pretty light on policy appeared she's trying to perform a magic trick this week where she gets to rebrand herself and get rid of all of those far left positions that she ran on in 2019 and offer i guess a choice in the selection rather than a referendum on the last four years when she was in charge with joe biden. it is the craziest thing. >> john: and donald trump makes a point of that as we watch air force one on the runway there. he is hammering her on the economic suggestions. listen to what he said at a rally. >> kamala laid out her so-called economic plan. she says she is going to lower the cost of food and housing
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starting on day one. but day one for kamala was three and a half years ago. so why didn't she do it then? >> and people are echoing that. you had three and a half years of vice president to whisper in the president's ear about fixing inflation, trying to bring down prices as opposed to just slow the growth of prices or the increase of prices. why are you saying you will do this on day one now? why did you not do it 1300 days ago? >> because for the first two or three years we were building out of the great depression that we got into during covid and a global pandemic. all we were trying to do was maintain and bring the country back together and get everybody vaccinated and put people back to work. now what we are seeing is some of the problems we are facing. we have high prices peered she's going to address that. she is bringing her own experience which is why she is talking about rising home prices and rental prices. >> john: and trump makes a point if she wanted to do it she could get off the campaign trail and go back to washington and do
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it now. >> it's obvious that vp harris' economic policies are not working for the american people and they are voting with their registration in places like pennsylvania peered since 2020 they reported that 320,000 democrats had changed the party registration and that is a huge gulf between 2020 and now. three weeks we start voting in pennsylvania. >> john: i have very quick question for you. who thought it was a good idea to put in that speech the other day the idea of price controls? >> i think she is going around the country talking to people and they are saying prices are out of control and she will bring them down. i think a lot of democrats think that corporations have been fleecing the american people coming out of covid. i think it's a great idea. donald trump said it's a great political idea so he's admitting it's a good idea and we will have to see. >> john: richard nixon thought it was a good idea. >> never worked in the history of capitalism. >> john: thank you very much. we have a difference of opinion here.
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>> sandra: you missed my commentary here in new york. not a lot of democrats are backing that plan. so that was interesting reaction. the president just took off. he has an route to chicago now. we are also getting some color from these growing protests on the ground in the windy city. one of our producers on the ground there said moments ago i believe there is a live shot. there is a hamas flag now flying in this park. they are growing and more people are showing. this is day one of the democratic national convention. only 1:13 p.m. in the middle of the afternoon there. this is what we are seeing so far john. >> john: a lot of people say you fly a hamas flag you might as well fly and i says flag because the two of them are equivalent to each other. >> sandra: pretty incredible. that is happening right now in chicago. meanwhile republicans are attacking tim walz's ties to china. how his experience as a teacher there has impacted his views on the communist country.
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>> sandra: all eyes on chicago this week. it is a plan to pull the focus away from a party that is proved it is united. we will speak to tia hardeman who is fighting chicago's crime problem about the changes that people want to see. stay with us. >> throughout these protests, when it comes to this hamas group, it is the michigan strategy that the democrats are going to a p is the left-wing the party. hat we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. here's an important benefit for veteran homeowners who need cash.
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with the best in home wifi. easily transfer your services in the xfinity app. bring on the good stuff. >> john: former president trump is back in pennsylvania for the second time in three days. we expect he will highlight vice president kamala harris energy policies and the keystone state. fox presences katie trumbull is in pennsylvania where fox will speak soon. what is he a plan for the week?
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>> a whole lot of events planned this week. in this battleground let's if you will. they will be smaller scale, not big rallies because they want to focus on the messaging. more on that and a second. today's messaging is all about the economy and contrasting the economic policy of the biden-harris administration with the vision that former president trump and his running mate j.d. vance have for that country. we are expecting to hear from former president trump and a half hour or so. in the meantime i mentioned j.d. vance. he is also in the keystone state today peered he was in philly with this to say about the economy. >> we are going to stop the reckless spending that you have seen from the kamala harris administration. give more americans more of their hard-earned money and stop the affordability crisis. we believe if we make more stuff
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in america, pennsylvania workers and pennsylvania families are going to benefit so we will be here a lot. >> and they will be a lot of swing states over the next several days from here the former president goes to detroit and then to north carolina and then out west to arizona for a border visit and finally las vegas. a busy week for them and as i noted they are describing these, the campaign is, as daytime based messaging events and the goal of having events during the day with the dnc at night and so that the trump campaign and the g.o.p. it can set the agenda for the day before those big speeches from democrats in the evening. republican senators and chicago doing just that on behalf of the trump campaign. contrasting the g.o.p. vision for the economy with vice president harris. >> donald trump is a business guy. understands how businesses work. harris has no idea how businesses work.
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the vice president pick has no idea how business works. >> you can tell right now by what very few proposals the kamala harris has put on the table, she doesn't have a clue. >> the latest hole here for pennsylvania specifically shows harris with a three-point lead over the former president so what trump and vance are trying to do this week is blunt and a possible surge that harris might experience as a result of the convention in chicago. >> john: counter programming peered we will see if it works. grady trimble for us. thank you. >> we are expecting protest a calm because we have a mayor who was openly encouraging those protester descent on the mayor to city of chicago. we will see police and law enforcement doing their best to maintain call and order but individuals will try to egg them on. >> sandra: that was chicago democrat alderman raymond lopez yesterday.
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he is warning that the city is bracing for the worst as thousands of protesters the sun on the windy city and republican say even without the spectacle of the convention chicago's everyday chaos offers a glimmer of what to expect if harris walz ticket make it to the white house. that's as executive director of violence interrupter. thank you so much for joining us. what say you about all of this? democrat alderman is suggesting that this may or is encouraging this chaos in the city. >> what's going on with mayor brandon johnson. he might be a little bit more in favor of the protesters or whatever reason i believe he comes from a background of semisocialist kind of background. he has been involved in protest before so i guess he has that type. he leans toward the protesters in other words but i hope that sent the dnc is here in chicago they should take them on a tour
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around the real chicago. the many, many decades of neglect on the south and west side of chicago. if you go to the south side of chicago all the way to 79th and south shore on the east side of chicago i have counted over 1,000 abandon storefronts right there on that one strip on the southside of chicago. that's what i believe ms. harris should take a look at the despair and hopelessness here in chicago after decades of democratic leadership here and chicago. that is something i would like to see there but it for the protest gives only different groups protesting right now for many, many different issues. >> john: can i circle back on that? you counted how many abandoned boarded-up storefronts? >> 1,000 abandoned storefronts on chicago's south and east side and that was just 79th street on chicago. you have 63rd street, your 47th street. the list goes on and on and even on the west side of chicago i
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counted 500 abandoned storefronts mainly in the african american community and it makes no sense. it's totally unacceptable. and right now you can fact-check the numbers. 85% of african american young men between the ages of 16 and 24 are unemployed in chicago right now. unemployed. the unemployment rate is off the charts when it comes to african american youth so something must be done to address those issues as well. >> sandra: and what we have heard from the african american community in chicago as they are fed up with the amount of spending on the migrant situation in that city. we can but the stats up on the screen with a crisis that chicago is facing today of violent crime is up 11% in just two years. there has been over $400 million spent on migrants spends 2022. public school room is down because people are fleeing the city. 70% of elementary school students are proficient in math. just 17%. and the worst part of the
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education system is they are passing through these kids who cannot even read at or near grade level. you wouldn't know about anything you just described that you are seeing at the ground level at the street level in that city by listening to the states governor. he said that spirit. >> we have demonstrated to the country that democrats deliver in chicago and in the state of illinois. workers rights, voting rights, civil rights, reproductive rights. we have guaranteed those things in this state. so when all of these people come from around the country, they get to see what the democratic agenda looks like in action. >> sandra: to that you say what? >> what i would say is take the camera crew on 79th street. take a look at the real chicago when everyone is trying to hide before the dnc came to chicago there was a lot of homeless encampments over there on the
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west side of chicago. they cleaned up the areas right now and you don't think homeless people ever live there but the reality is they are here. when you talk about -- let's take on violence for example. chicago is the only city in our nation that has over 400 homicides every year no matter what year it is. all the way from 400 to 700 or 800 homicides. more work needs to be done to reduce gun violence in chicago and we need to help people with immigrants peered people say migrants but they are illegal immigrants and they come to cities like chicago and new york and they are receiving more benefits and african american people have ever received. i received phone calls from homeless people in homeless african american women and they cannot find proper homes. they will never see the same level of resources and the migrants in the illegal immigrants are receiving, i have not confirmed this, but some are saying they are receiving $2,000 or $3,000 a month with the
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food stamp type of assistance and they are receiving treatment. i can't say this much grid there is a suburban area in chicago. there's a story out there where migrants,/illegal immigrants they are paying them for two years and they provide them money. >> john: to. >> sandra: we covered that story here. you have set a lot and we hear your frustration. and to your point, the very people that this administration said they were out to help the most are getting hurt the most. according to what you are describing. there in chicago. it is a tough situation and we appreciate you joining us. we hope to have you back on s soon. >> appreciate you. >> john: one group is turning heads at the dnc with this giant inflatable intrauterine device on display. it comes as the issue of birth control remains a key one for democrats in 2024.
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>> sandra: and biden set to take the stage at dnc tonight. he has on air force one as we speak. took off a short time ago. will he provide a boost tonight for harris? senator chris coons of the harris walz campaign will join us live from the dnc next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) my name is brayden. i was five years old when i came to st. jude. i'll try and shorten down the story. so i've been having these headaches that wouldn't go away. my mom, she was just crying.
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this is not another drug, and it works. visit to arrange an appointment with an expert physician to determine if axonics therapy is right for you. results and experiences may vary. stop suffering in silence. >> john: the dnc kicks off tonight and one of the people who will be speaking just ahead of the bidens is a national culture of the harris walz campaign. let's bring in the democratic senator from down there chris coons. >> thank you for a chance to be on. >> this is a tale of two chicago. he of the coronation of kamala harris and on the same time on the streets you have huge protests against harris biden policy in the middle east and you have businesses that are boarded up against violence and potential looting. here's how "the new york times" put it. even as feel-good displays of
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joy and confidence are set to dominate the democratic national convention this week and chicago one painful issue is bitterly dividing the democratic establishment from its left flank. flank. israel's war in gaza. there is some thinking this could rival the 1968 convention in chicago for its rancor. what are you expecting? >> i don't expect that at all. inasmuch as some folks in the news might be ginning up the story that this will be like the 1968 convention, i think it will be like the 1996 convention. i was here as a delegate at the 96 convention and it went off without a hitch. there's always protesters outside the democratic and republican conventions. i've been here since yesterday and i haven't seen a single large protest and the city of chicago has been welcoming, peaceful, open armed and positive. i do think we will see tonight on the floor of the convention a well-deserved celebration of just how much joe biden and
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kamala harris have gotten done to restore our economy, to rebuild our standing in the world, to rebuild our infrastructure, to bring manufacturing back to the united states, to address gun violence, to invest in community health. there has been so much done under the biden-harris administration to lay the foundation for strengthening our security that joe biden it's going to have to give a long speech tonight if he wants to summarize all that he has gotten done for the nation. >> john: i want to get to that in a second. i was at the dnc there in '96 in chicago. they were expecting big protests and they greased up the statue of general ulysses grant so that people could not climate. thankfully they did not materialize in a way that they expected. but this is a very committed group of protesters that has descended on chicago as we saw across the country earlier this year. i wanted to ask you about president biden's departure from the race. this is what you said on another network not too long ago.
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>> i think president biden just made one of the most selfless decisions of any elected official i have ever seen in choosing to step aside and let his trusted and valued vice president step forward as our standard bearer for the selection. he always wanted to be a transition to the next generation of leadership. >> he did say in the early going he wanted to be a transition president but then he changed his mind on that and i don't expect that he thought he was going to hand over the baton so soon. you were very close to him. you were his campaign chairman peered you are both from delaware. what do you think about how this all went down? >> joe biden got more done in one term legislatively in any two-term president in my lifetime. and one of the things that has happened is he has looked at the situation at home and abroad and decided to focus on getting important things done the remainder of this year. we are just inches away from having that long-sought cease fire hostage release deal done
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in israel. he has more important work to do in defending ukraine and ukraine's democracy against russia's aggression and i expect that joe biden and jill biden will be traveling to advance both the cancer moonshot, their support for veterans families, and has worked to secure peace and stability around the world and the remaining months of his presidency. vice president harris and now governor walz her running mate have energized the democratic party and have moved a lot of independent voters. you've seen them poll after poll recently and all of the swing states this is a neck and neck race. and as we go into the last few months of the campaign, i am looking forward to campaigning hard for vice president harris and governor walz. >> john: on the issue of the president getting tossed out of the race, democrats can try to spackle over it but he was told to get out or we will push you out. here's how marine dowd put it. she says even though it was the right thing to do because joe biden was not going to be
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able to campaign much less serve as president for another four years and in a fully vital way it was a jaw-dropping push. she basically says a coup is still a coup. i don't want to say this was a coup because nobody marched up to him with a spear and hand. >> that is ridiculous. >> john: you can tell that to maureen dowd because those are the words that she used. but senator he was pushed out. there is no denying that. >> this was the president's decision. he and he alone had to make that decision one way or another. as i said to them as we were talking through that period i intended to stay by his side every step of the way asked that all of the folks who i work closely with as is: pinko chairs and lifelong supporters. the president looked at the polls, he looked at friends and colleagues and he made the decision.
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i will remind you. hang on for a minute. if we are going to talk about attempted coups, two weeks before president biden gave his inaugural speech an angry mob stormed the capital. i was there in an attempt at stopping the peaceful transition of power. that is the one attempted coup that is happened in my lifetime, not persuading joe biden to step aside in favor of his trusted vice president. >> john: let me ask you this question about what has happened in the last month here. if president biden did not participate in that fateful debate back in june on the 22nd, would he still be the nominee at this point? >> i don't know. he is a capable, strong leader of the free world. i was with him during the week after the debate at the nato summit where he was hosting meeting after meeting with heads of state from around the world and in particular with our new expanded nato allies sweden,
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finland, and our core nato contributors, those who are giving 3% and 4% of the gdp to the fight in ukraine and to support of nato. and he was doing a great job. but after the debate there was a relentless media focus on whether or not president biden was as sharp as he had been in his 70s. and day after day, week after week we could not change the subject. so frankly i think you will see tonight on the stage here at the dnc a clear and forceful president who speaks well about his accomplishments and his vision for the future. in the end of this was his decision. >> john: let me add one quick question. just to put a platen on this. you are saying the reason why he is not the nominee anymore is because of the media? >> i am saying that after what was an admittedly very bad debate performance he was sick, he had traveled too much, he did not perform well. he reevaluated his path forward as a candidate went over the
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next three weeks as he gave interview after interview, speech after speech, rally after rally, the media would not let him move on and the polls began to reflect that folks did not have the confidence that he could serve four years as the president. ultimately it was the opinion of the american people and the opinion of those closest to him that mattered. i think he made the right decision and i think the energized electorate that we have seen coming out to standing room only crowds for kamala harris and tim walz all over the country verifies that we are making the right choice and moving forward. i am so looking forward to the next presidential debate between kamala harris and donald trump in the last few weeks president trump, former president trump has really struggled to find his footing and continues to indulge himself and personal attacks of the type that just distance undecided voters while vice president harris has announced cutting prescription drug prices, proposals to reduce federal cost
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and spending, and a proposals for how to reduce the kinds of costs that matter most to working families peered whether it is day care or housing. so i look forward to our convention this week, john, i think it will be peaceful and constructive and to joining the debate this fall as donald trump and kamala harris run against each other to become president. >> john: not to open up a whole new mind of debate but she did suggest price control so we can talk about that in the future. we look forward to what you have to say tonight. senator, think he was always. appreciate it. >> thank you john. >> sandra: back to the scene of live protests that seem to be growing in the number of people on the ground there. this is union park and chicago blocks away from the convention site there in the windy city. moments ago a hamas flag was flying. these are anti-israel protests that are growing. we had democrat aldermen yesterday suggesting that this is a mayor that has been encouraging these protests. we are watching these for you as
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we are just now on day one of the convention. >> john: vice president kamala harris saying she will enact rice controls on day one if she becomes president. the big-money show team on whether that will actually help or hurt our economy peered its history a guide? coming up next. >> politics of envy, and a corporation and corporate greed has always been in a democratic playbook. that is not new. this is the easiest, non-toxic swap you'll ever make. lumineux toothpaste was made by dentists designed to break up plaque and remove any toxins in the mouth, so it'll deep clean your teeth and whiten your teeth without any sensitivity. find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target. (vo) you were diagnosed with thyroid eye disease a long time ago.
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>> john: a birth control organization causing a stir at the dnc by offering free abortions and vasectomies to convention goers. in chicago, what is the reception to these offerings? >> it has been pretty positive. the organization says that they
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have fully booked for all of their appointments. they are offering them today and tomorrow. as part of it, this is all part of the deal here, reader circle restaurant is worst thing with planned parenthood and the chicago abortion fronted to offer free hotdog coupons to anyone who gets an abortion or a vasectomy from planned parenthood's mobile clinic the next couple of days. freda is scheduled to be here. she has a 20-foot inflatable iud that the group americans for contraception's is displaying. democrats maintain when democrats do might abortion drives their pullers to the polls. overturn roe vs. wade. >> just like it was in 2022, this is important. abortion remains not only a winning issue, but a deeply salient issue nationwide. >> planned parenthood's mobile
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van true criticism from marjorie taylor greene. she said i thought this was fake but it's not. it's hard to comprehend and it's truly heartbreaking. being a mother is the most precious gift. choose life. republican nominee donald trump says he opposes a federal abortion ban for the first time in 40 years the g.o.p. platform makes no mention of a federal ban. it instead says the party opposes late-term abortion and you have several states around the country that have a abortion referendum on their ballots for this upcoming year and includes a couple battleground states nevada and arizona. >> john: they are trying to keep it in the forefront of people's minds. thank you. >> sandra: all right we are 12 e hour. moments from now president trump, former president trump will be taking the stage in pennsylvania and he is expected to talk economic policy as vice president harris takes heat on her price control pitch. the big-money team is here. can't wait for that. they will join us next.
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>> just look at it in terms of what we are talking about for example around children and the child tax credit. that is at $6,000. the return on that investment in terms of what that will do and
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what it will take will be tremendous. we have seen it when we did it in the first year of our administration. reduced child poverty by over 50%. and then what we are doing in terms of the tax credits, we note there is a great return on investment. when we increase homeownership in america, what that means in terms of increasing the tax base and not to mention property tax base and what it does to public schools. return on investment. i think it is a mistake for any person who talks about public policy to not critically evaluate how you measure the return and you are strengthening neighborhoods, strengthening communities, and in particular the community and investing in a broad-based economy everyone benefits and it pays for itself in that way. >> sandra: okay. i will let our econ panel dig into that. brian, to you first. >> can you imagine being a grocery store owner and you are now wondering is the government going to come in and control my
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prices and a candidate kamala harris says that. how much more did you or fear go up listening to that and i have to tell you if she is president it will be gobbledygook every single day. you cannot run a witness on that. >> it interferes with all things economics 101. supply and demand. >> last time she talked about everybody owning a home and how there is a return on investment, last time an american president tried to do that it was bill clinton and we ended up with the housing crisis on our hands and a bubble that imploded because regulators were not checking and just giving people mortgages that they should not have happened but we digress. let me talk to the price controls for a moment because what people don't understand is you start with price controls and they think it's a good idea. where do you end up in a couple of decades? you end up in a socialist or a communist environment. you start with the price controls and you kill a smaller businesses that she promised she would help. you get a few big businesses that are left and they can't operate under that constraint so
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ultimately the state comes in, takes them over, and says okay. this is state run now. >> you are not going to have stuff on the shelves of the government controls the price of that stuff or you will have a government grocery store. i bet that would be a lot of f fun. >> sandra: i appreciate you guys joining us paired we got squeezed for time but thank you for being here. we will see you soon. that is it for them. the econ panel. we will be right back.
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>> that does it for us. a busy day one of the convention >> a lot to come tonight including senator chris koons and his statement that the media force joe biden from the race getting a little bit of play online. we will see if he says more about that tonight. thank you for joining us we will see you again tomorrow. >> the story with martha mccallum right -- live from chicago starts now. >> martha: thank you very much
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good afternoon e


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