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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  August 19, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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in my condition was pretty good. michael catalog have you on, thank you for drawing out here in chicago. liquid showed up, jesse watters. >> jesse: it's so racist but they couldn't keep me out. i'm here and this is probably the most boring seeing i've ever seen in my entire life compare this to milwaukee, everyone was excited. this place is dead. this place, you can hear a pin drop. i don't know who these people are. 's and like an actual convention that your boss makes you go to let you don't want to go to. >> laura: i thought joe biden in the motorcade walking, you know, kind kind of come by, we were all trapped on the corner of the street and he was looking outside the window. i think he looked right at me and we had a moment. >> jesse: you locked eyes? >> laura: we did and he is like why are we in washington? have a great show, that cp mack will be watching. >> jesse: thank you very much. think -- wait to see you as always. >> ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: fox news alert primetime in chicago for the next -- and very soon we'll be hearing from the two people who trump knocked out of the race, hillary clinton and joe biden. this was supposed to be joe biden's big week a month ago he was shopping for new aviators getting botox and booking hotels for hunter. now biden is not even staying the night. after his speech biden is flying straight to california for a weeklong vacation. he will watch the convention from his couch like everybody else. if the party was unified as they say they are and biden stepped down for the greater good of the country as he said he did and in the last four years were worthy of mount rushmore, he be holding court in chicago all week. soaking up the love, holding fundraisers for harris. hillary through bill a birthday party this afte afternoon, biden it even show up. the truth is this part of the
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democrats don't want biden anywhere near this convention. he's toxic, and they don't want him standing on stage with kamala i was not going to help her at all. and biden doesn't even want to be here, he's humiliated, and they're isolating like he has there corona. covid-19 was shot in the head 48 hours ago -- before the rnc and he showed up every day with a bandage on his ear. biden was stabbed in the backup forced to speak on monday night as far away from kamala as possible and now he's evacuating quicker than afghanistan. biden hates barack, michelle hates biden. biden hates pelosi, and the clintons hit them all. it's so fake. they're going to shower biden with love before they tell him to hit the showers. >> tonight will be a night that we can really celebrate joe biden and joe biden is the guy that we need to celebrate tonight and i think tonight will be a lot of fun because there'll be a lot of love in this arena behind me
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for joe biden. >> it's a deep gratitude that we're all going to show because under joe biden's leadership our children will feed their families with jobs he created, they will drive on roads that he built. >> we are going to blow the roof off of the united states state in terms of the praise for joe biden. he will know this. i love joe biden. >> jesse: they don't love biden the love that he left. the speech on the second it's over, you're going to hear is i ever leave. it like when you're with your girlfriend and you see your ex and you're forced to be nice and normal until she leaves and then you need to drink and mark that the chicago convention center. and don't buy the joy around kamala either. they could have replaced biden with anybody and the democrats would've celeb celebrated. people engage is your nom nominee, yeah! he showers gretchen whitmer, let's go! democrats just filling the blank.
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party is not about new ideas and listening to voters at this party is about power. how to grab it, how to cling to it. democrats to relieve a party platform for 2024, they didn't even bother to proofread it. biden's second term is mentioned 19 times. they threw him fast don't even care who's second term it is. the obama's will run it anyway. if you want to know where democrats' roy these are captors read the first page of the document. they apologize to indigenous people for holding the convention on stolen land. there sorry but they're staying. that makes this theme this week's d&c stolen land, stolen valor and stolen nomination. nancy pelosi, the ringleader of the coup, says they didn't steal anything. >> there are some critics who say that this was a coup, they say that kamala harris didn't get any votes in the primary that she was not not
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the head of the ticket and it's antidemocratic for this to happen. what you say to those critics? >> i think that they're stupid. [laughter] it's really stupid. >> why is that? >> it's really stupid. he decides not to run, she puts her name out there, anybody ask you to put their name out there too. they didn't. the president endorsed her, that was a big boost of course. but the word kucova honestly don't know what that word means that it's really in them statement for them to make. >> jesse: we never going to hear from joe biden again? is he going to stay in california for the rest of his term and throw rocks through nancy's windows? >> hrebik. nobody wants to have a fight with nancy pelosi at this time because we are united party and will be moving forward. >> jesse: the democrats are, like, nancy? we don't want any trouble, just put the knife down. joe biden was asked about the coup today and he said he could hear.
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>> donald trump them that were pushed out in a coup, and a takeover of your party with harris now at the top. what is response to that? >> i'm having trouble hearing you. >> donald young claim that your but my pushed out from the top of the ticket and this amounts to a coup from your party. what you make of those claims? >> [inaudible] >> it's what? >> jesse: biden and here him because he was a silent coup. biden's friends tells them that the president is still stunned and press about the way he was pushed out of his reelection race. is now being fooled by the patronizing praise by public officials who were just letting him just last month. even biden knows he doesn't belong on mount rushmore. he's gotten so bad that biden world and obama world are almost coming to blows. axios reports that one of obama's top white house officials run into one of
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biden's morning joan post. isn't it great that the think i finally figured out he had to quick -- what? the morning joerg i responded, "what guy we go "joe biden kaslo obama's official said. the morning joe guy -- biden apparently got a huge laugh when he heard about it. biden's inner circle is astonished at how quickly the media that forced him out turned kamala in to a glamorous start. biden is a psalm -- always felt that harris was not up to beating trump and she was not ready for prime time. they had doubts about her governing job and her reliability. biden's right-hand man told the new york times they wanted kamala to be successful but cannot find the path to do it. this might be the only thing the biden's and obama's agree on, kamala does not have what
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it takes. >> this is still a very competitive rates if the election were today, i'm not sure who would win. and i think it may well be president. >> because it's an electoral college fight. >> jesse: so if the bidens and the obama don't think kamala can win, what do the voters thank? don lemon has been going to blue studies, asked me about kamala. here he is in cincinnati. >> cleveland is lit. how do you feel about the election? >> kamala harris all day long. >> i'm going for trump. >> i'm excited for kamala harris and tim walz. >> i think "is going to end. >> i'm leaning towards. [ crying ] for sure. >> comak or kamala harris? >> donald trump. >> and on boats you have to go trump man. have to. >> kamala harris. >> kamala harris. >> i'm going to work for trump. >> i'm supporting [chanting] >> kamala is doing a great job. but i'm probably not going to about. >> like they just pushed her in. >> noah eile vote for what that's me better as a person rather than -- >> i'm going to work for
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i'm going for trump. >> jesse: don lemon got fired and turned into johnny. which works for me. elevated interviews and we don't have to pay him. and if half of cincinnati is for trump back it's a landslide. here now democrat congressman and biden ally jared moskowitz. i read into your lunch today because he came over to me and said you were going to be on my shoulder and said -- i said, you are? i sent you the guy that climbs around macomb are in those hearings? >> com or is a plan so you have to hang around -- >> jesse: okay to run do you really think joe biden deserves to be on mount rushmore? >> look, i think joe biden has 50 years of service to the country and i think he has been an amazing public servants but i don't think we'll be adding joe biden to mount rushmore. >> jesse: so you realize that it is over-the-top e., you just have to say this to make the guy feel better? >> was -- just trying to
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compete with the republicans. the battery with donald trump, is the best golfer got the best basketball player at best in baseball companies -- vice president capitalist person ever he's better looking than kamala. i mean what man is okay i'm better looking than kamala? or a better looking than a woman? >> jesse: do you think if you're a guy you can say well i'm just generally better looking than another woman? >> all i know if i ever said that my wife would change the locks of the house and i'd see my kids with a monitor. >> jesse: you probably married up. >> i did. >> jesse: so moskowitz, msn your name correctly? >> you are. waters is a lot easier. >> jesse: biden because two mexico everyone thought that she was pretty pathetic. >> honestly i think this is her opportunity to come out of the shadow of being vice president. being vice president is a place where they give you the copyist assignments and they staff breeze you really don't like you and so now she's going -- this idea that, you
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know, america doesn't like her, she's been out here for a month in the polls and the enthusiasm, if you reuse the donald trump matrix of how we find out we're doing well, look at the crowd said, look at people waiting in legacy kamala, this is a hole new ball. >> jesse: i saw four people in pennsylvania -- >> ai, baby. ai. >> jesse: so tonight are we going to hear anything about what kamala harris believes in? because with the only thing we've heard she believes and in this price control, the princess isn't going to tell us what the karson bacon is going to be. >> i think she will do that on thursday and i think what you're going to hear really tonight and tomorrow is we are transitioning counterparty is transitioning. >> jesse: transitioning? going from a man to a woman he met. >> where conditioning from old or young. >> jesse: okay,, that type of transition. axios
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younger generation of player -- people so look at this and joe biden's swan song. this is his retirement, it's at the end. maybe him and trump and finally played a round of golf after kamala ones and -- >> jesse: six handicap, right? >> six handicap. >> jesse: i don't know. >> all right be five moskowitz, good to see you. your lunch tomorrow. get the salmon. >> i will. >> jesse: a high-end senator and their public nominee for brett -- vice president j.d. vance turned to me now. i just have to tell you, senator, the bible here compared to milwaukee is so different. there's just -- it's not the same energy, it's not the same type of people. what are you expecting to see this week at the democrats convention? >> first of all, jesse, your head unless weaver -- j you got to keep your eye on your six. >> jesse: there also -- so
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i have to really pay attention. >> while it is funny, the democrats accuse me of lying when i say that their anti- trial! anti- child and they scheduled vasectomies of the convention that i don't know what to take from that but look, i think the reason the energy is different is because these guys know that they're running a candidate whose fundamental he a phantom. there's no actual evidence that kamala harris knows what she believes, she's not talking to the media and her entire argument so far of course scripted via helicopter, senator, -- jesse, is that if you elect a president you will somehow fix the inflation and border crisis that was caused by her leadership and promoted by her policies. so the entire idea that democrats can run this fake campaign for another 80 days where their argument is fundamentally that kamala harris has nothing to do with the administration where she's the vice president, jesse, just doesn't make a lot of -- whole lot of sense
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and i think that is why the democratic convention is low-energy. i'm sure the hamas protesters don't help. [laughter] >> jesse: a near kamala harris says she wants to pick the price of bacon, she's going to see what she -- she's going to say what i had a letters is going to cost in las vegas. how do you guys process that's. you're running again someone this just completely out of touch with how capitalism works? >> well, you know, it nice jesse, is a scarcity versus a prosperity mindset. i think kamala harris is basically schmidt she's going to increase the cost of fuel into -- increase the cost of food, increased the cost of housing and then tried to use her government magic wand to control the prices the people are charged for things i think you can trust that to donald trump's prescribed the mindset which is we are going to unleash american energy, we're going to unleash america workers cover going to reduce the word literary burdens we can make more things in america and drive down the cost using the
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ingenuity and the talent of american workers. it is a totally different approach and i think that any person believes that kamala harris can waive a magic wand and bring down the price of bacon. i do think that we believe that she can waive her magic wand and actually make things even worse than she had already made them she is why americans are not going to buy into this idea that kamala harris deserves a promotion, jesse. it just doesn't make sense. just one more point on this price control issue, jesse, this has been tried in multiple different countries by field governments and what it does is it makes the problem even worse. me know what we need to do to bring down the cost of american food and american housing. we just need to enable americans to do more without the government controlling how they live their lives. that is the path to prosperity here and it's shameful and ridiculous that kamala harris doesn't want to try it out. >> jesse: you've seen the republican party really unite behind this ticket and you saw the unity there in milwaukee. the democrats here are saying
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their united. but biden's heidi atter get out of here after he speaks tonight, the obama's hate by then, biden case nancy, nancy is not talking to joe, the clintons are here. is a disaster. do you think that democrats are as unified as they say they are? we just heard don lemon in cincinnati talked to a slew of african-american voters, half of them in cincinnati say they're going trump. >> i don't think that their united at all, jesse. again is all a phantom, it's all a mirage. remember a month ago these are the guys who were telling us backed up by the media that joe biden who can complete a sentence was albert einstein, right, he's was brilliant president w. a -- ever had in the minute became obvious that he was critical that when he -- and they're not to pick up the pieces, jesse, i think that we've just witnessed in this country a year long or story a month-long campaign to completely separate kamala harris from the administration where she is
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the vice president. it takes a lot of aggressive lying and a lot of shamelessness to put it -- pulling off but you don't feel good when you look at yourself in the mirror after lying about kamala harris' record for the passed month and so i think democrats just recognize this doesn't make any sense. our entire pitch to voters is elects kamala harris, the person who's been vice president for three and half years, and she'll change all the bad policies? i think they all realize in this dimension really drives at home, they don't really have a leg to stand on. >> jesse: all right. and you and donald trump are going to be driving that message home as you get all these battleground states this week. j.d. vance, thank you for coming on prime time. good luck out there. >> jesse: johnny hits the streets of chicago. >> who is our current vice president? >> is not pelosi, right? or whatever the hell -- now. i have no idea. >> ♪ ♪ our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever is best
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for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love. it's a noble service. and that's what we're all about.
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announcer: kamala harris was given one important job as vice president - monitor and control our southern border. how did she do? did she take the job seriously? did she do all she could to protect american citizens from an invasion? did she do anything at all? lester: you haven't been to the border. harris: and i haven't been to europe. i don't understand the point that you're making. announcer: here's her grim scorecard: murders, rapes, attacks on children. a 12-year-old girl in texas. a mother of five in maryland. a nursing student in georgia. all savagely murdered by those biden and harris let into our country unlawfully. harris: we have a secure border. announcer: kamala harris was and is a complete failure at her job. now she's asking us for a promotion.
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who in their right mind would give it to her? restoration pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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♪ [singing] >> jesse: back to the dnc here in chicago, let's listen in nikki guyton country music artist, she's singing. >> ♪ ♪ [singing] >> jesse: all right. that was beautiful. kamala harris and tim walz spent the weekend on a great american bus tour to chicago hoping the trip would make her look folksy and likable while the press loves softballs as she hopped off her personal greyhound.
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cbs news has a new poll showing your three points up nationally. what is your response to this? do still consider yourself the underdog here? >> ever must consider as the underdog that we have a lot of work to do the smart to earn the vote of the american people. >> jesse: come alleges that she wants to set the price of bacon and reporters asked her how is your speech shaping up? these questions have to be scripted, not a single american cares how kamala is preparing for speech. she's not even riding it. writing -- the riding it for her. the harris campaign smells unnatural. some customers in pennsylvania claimed they were kicked out of a restaurant for a princess kamala photo op. white issue afraid of regular americans? i mean i know she prefers child actors but come on? kamala and walz also emptied out a convenience store to buy a bag of doritos. >> there they are. thank you. these are my go to the
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original, not the cheese. >> jesse: kamala walked in to a convenience store and could not find the check section. she had to have two guys help her find the chips. are white dudes were harassed a bunch of servants? covid-19 doesn't take people out of fast food joints, he walks in, buys chicken and leaves a tip. no tax on tax. kamala store that too by the way, she told her not -- no tax on tax collector plan now. the people running these stores don't like princess kamala. because she says she's going to prosecute them for selling dingdong for 400 -- 4150. >> the lack of details, there's nothing there. you can't just throw things against the wall and expect everyone to say, hey, that's great. is a grocery store -- we work on such low margins, it's going to affect is totally. it won't work for us at all. >> jesse: the beautiful price princess can't waver magic wand and lower the cost
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of sausage. is communism dressed up as populism. -- to anybody who wants to buy the starter home or making her handlers sick. the washington post called her plans a gimmick. the princess wasn't supposed to tell you what her plans were and now that she's been scolded, she's not going to release any proposals any anymore. corrupt site is just her bio and a donate button. oh and you can buy tight tank tops with dougie fresh's leaves on them. the low princess' puppeteers call these briefs be on vice president harris has been incredibly brave to roll an ambitious economic agenda because we all know how this works out the more details you share of the more your policies are going to get picked apartment she's saying i trust the american people i trust the generalists to explain these policies and our values to folks. >> jesse: how does the media supports to expand your policies if she won't share
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them? the media says kamala's favourability is up. look at that. everyone hated her until she became the nominee. she didn't deliver an amazing speech, the only thing that changed was her title. it's like when they promoted goofy slacker at work and everybody starts kissing her but because he's the boss. he still the same goofy slacker, he just has power. the left is getting behind kamala because the machine told them to. she didn't earn it to michigan and compete for it. she didn't razzle-dazzle anybody. she filled up. voters trust trump and all the major issues because they know trump will get it done. but most biden voters, they don't know what time stands for. they're completely unaware of kamala's policies. look at this. no idea about limiting private health insurance, abolishing ice cap being the most liberal senator, pushing for that we wheel or even police have no idea. is up to not do based --
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breakthrough the cover up. even the liberal media is saying enough is enough. >> she has served as an undistinguished nearly invisible vice president. >> thus far harris has had a free ride. she's not given any media interviews, hasn't baseball or questioning. sooner or later, she's going to be held accountable and face pressure that she has thus far largely avoided. >> jesse: that's the point. and people are starting to notice. the little princess was not crowds are shrinking back to biden size, that's called translation. kamala' popping the small little tense with just a few dozen people. speaks for 15 minutes and run back -- with walz after security blanket. for princess kamala. complaining as -- is hard. elyria ventures champ -- kevin o'leary drives me now. i know you're a wall street guy you're a tycoon. i mean your watch costs more than people's homes and you
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have two because you need to know what time it is in dubai. what are people on the streets saying about kamala telling everybody that she is going to side -- decide how much estate costs in albuquerque? >> the last 48 hours have been interesting. remember i'm an investor so i have to work after election night who whoever is president and i want them to be successful at anyone who ever wins to be wildly successful. but i am looking for policy now to determine what i can and cannot invest in and so every investor including foreign investors are hungry for information, so over the last 48 hours what we've learned is the potential to take her protections from 23 to 28%, that is at 21.7% increase that takes america's competitiveness in the g20 down to almost the bottom quartile. i'm sorry, i don't want to be partisan, that is bad policy. whoever put it out there. i don't want to be paying to
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be pro- or on harris or trump. i'm telling you i smell good and bad policy. number 2, price-fixing, we tried that in the seventies. that is beyond crazy. can he imagine america where there is a ministry of pricing for groceries? that tells a former what an apple can be sold for and what you can buy it for? i mean, that is a horrible -- no 1 has even written the script for it. that's not america. there's no chance in hell that will happen. and i understand why she was throwing it at the wall but price-fixing was tried in venezuela, cuba, north korea, ussr in the late eighties. it just reduces the play like crazy. it's a really bad idea! and i'm not trying to be partisan. >> jesse: she knows -- if you can see on the screen that there's a lot of empty seats in this convention. don't know if it's because of biden is speaking tonight. it's like oh, god we have to
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send and listen. but i thought this place was going to be packed with emotion that the democrats were going to be pumped. they keep on talking about how energized they are limited a lot of empty seats, people sitting on their hands, walking through the convention is like a ghost town. why do you think -- >> my assumption here -- my option here is all of these ideas will be tested by you and the press after labor d day. so when you talk about price-fixing groceries, you're going to have to explain how you are going to do that. and i think that is what may fall down. i really need these policies and these ideas of which for example, $25,000 for an individual to buy a home in a constrained market? i'm a real estate guy that is beyond insane. the amount of inflation that would create all of that capital m. that would go to the seller. if you have, you know, a street with three houses and there's nothing for sale if
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you give everyone 25,000, that's not. >> jesse: you didn't raise the price of the house. >> -- >> jesse: o'leary got thank you so much. have fun in dubai, wherever you are. we love you. >> two watches! >> jesse: police now lining up for action as these democrat protests ramp up. more primetime ahead. >> ♪ ♪ enjoy your risk-free trial. ♪ hello, can you hear me? i sure can! ♪ everybody hear me? i sure can! ♪ do you hear me? i sure can! ♪ so, can you hear well? i sure can! hear well, feel well, from your first appointment. try our new nearly invisible solution risk-free.
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a free snip and prime times hearing the lands rub around the block. we sent johnny to get a free vasectomy and he is on a waiting list. this country cannot afford anymore johnny. and don't worry, radius, abortions are on house too. after all, democrat take the population very seriously. and it seems to be a real market for that kind of th thing. protesters are dressing up like abortion pills. [chanting]
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>> jesse: but it's not all peace love and abortions in chicago. pro hamas radicals from across the nation have descended onto the dnc with one goal in mind, disruption. one of them rushed the stage and grabbed the mic in a them party. >> jesse: i think i was -- these protesters -- this is the democrat base. they radicalize their voters to the point where they become this unmanageable. [chanting]
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>> jesse: for democrats, war is already home. is excellent -- civil one, the same party who championed the phone the police is now protecting itself from its itself. after years of saying walls don't work democrats have suddenly decided that good fences do in fact make good neighbors. the city put up a wall around the perimeter of the dnc and arm securities checking everyone's ids at the gates. so racist. but i'm deeper than like walls that's why they've been tearing it down. [chanting] >> jesse: several people already been arrested and the
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clash between protesters and police seems to be getting worse. but why is this protection only provided to the dnc? and that regular americans? this weekend, 30 people were shot in chicago. five were killed. where is the search of police on the south side? where are the fences? the answer is democrats only care about their security, not yours. but we discovered the most dangerous members of antifa aren't the ones with the bats and the smoke bombs minor the ones carrying banjos at viewer warning. >> ♪ ♪ [singing] [laughter]
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>> jesse: coanchor from america's newsroom bill hemmer is here. he plays a mean banjo himself i here. what's going on out there and you cover some of these conventions with a protest. where you see this going? >> i give it to the cops here in chicago, how would you like to be the cop to stand there to the microphone for 15 minutes getting that slammed inside of your ear? >> jesse: calling them pigs. >> about the music and bring you tonight a pro-israel group in chicago that wanted apartment, they were denied, okay,, they put that application back in june. they want -- put. [ engine roars ] more applications and got no response okay? the first response was that your application will interfere with other planned activities. so i just ran in to the mirror outside brandi johnson i said why was this group not allowed to go ahead and have their protests here or there march, the -- he said there is a process police handle it and we have -- got -- i said the mayor is insinuating that you guys missed the deadline and they said well walls that
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you got to put it in two weeks prior to the event, they said we put our application back in june, we got a response we got that we put in two more applications, no response given so tomorrow now here in chicago, jesse, there is a private lot about three blocks from here that has been donated to this group from 9:00 am to 5:00, they will have a moment where they recognize october 7th, they will also recognize the hostages that are still there. >> jesse: so only the pro hamas -- either -- call them antifa protesters gather a lot have remember simply, with the most speech, al-ugdah called cox pigs but the jewish protesters that were banned from constitutionally protest -- >> i did not put the question in those words. >> jesse: that's how i see it. >> however the leading organizer said the mayor has told his hand on this. >> jesse: while. >> and has shown his hand. >> jesse: he shorted and his hands are not clean. bill hemmer can go play some
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more banjo. that was beautiful out there. there was a wonderful rendition. >> we're off to an interesting start. >> jesse: we sure are. thank you so much. >> ♪ ♪ so how does chicago feel about hosting the dnc? johnny hit the streets to find out. >> ♪ ♪ >> are you in town for the convention? >> a not -- i have no clue what the conversion is. >> are you -- >> honor still wanted and i would say about a negative three. >> what is it democrat? i mean we've done a lot for the people. >> all right. are you sure? >> given, give got give everything away for free. >> democrats are not for the people. >> i think kamala is for people. >> and so now we've got some work to do. >> lots of liberals will be walking the streets, anyone you're to see? >> not at all. >> about nancy pelosi? >> -- >> understanding. [laughter] spirit, of course, kamala.
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you never know and mark here on these streets. >> ♪ ♪ >> what have the democrats done to improve your life? >> i can tell you one thing. and i'm not saying that just to be rude. >> not much. >> i can't name anything. >> got it through the roof, you know what i mean? >> i'm sure if i dug deep i'm sure there may have been some things. >> mr. trump: you be digging for a long time spirit i don't have a big enough trouble. >> who is our current vice president? >> it's not pelosi, right? or whatever -- no. >> i have nike -- no idea. >> kamala harris. >> what you think of her? >> she does a lot of flip-flopping. >> -- because she's >> can we just give it up again for my husband? [cheering] >> kamala harris rolled out a big economic plan this week, what have you heard about her? >> absolutely nothing. >> absolutely --
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>> i knew it. and u.s. >> $25,000 for first-time homebuyers. kamala since tallulah on the one. >> let's do it. >> but now she she on the 1000. >> mr. trump: i'm not a big bright >> kamala' svb pick once to get little voice crampons got illegal immigrants drivers licenses and let writers destroy the city. >> tell me you're joking? >> that doesn't sound good. >> he is like america's that. >> you're dad put temples in your bathroom? >> no. my dad didn't. >> i believe that. and i agree with that. >> he's trying to protect black jobs. >> mr. trump: you're right. >> tonight's fimis for the people. has kamala done anything for the people? >> -- is a team effort.
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>> if it's a team effort why did she -- that she's promising to do if you get selected? >> well, there is a great question. >> she locked up a lot of white people be what i think she's a little thick. >> turn that off. [laughter] >> trump's tower in chicago down the block, is he for the people? >> that man has my vote. >> he's for the money and on for the money so let's get the money. >> love him because he's kind of like i am. >> he's a trump motor. that we have to worry about him do we? >> ♪ ♪ >> what do you want to tell jesse watters? >> i'm freaky and this is my space back so johnny, get out of my face. [laughter] >> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: kamala''s running mate now under investigation. right back. >> ♪ ♪ some incredible new meditations on his life, on the hallow app. this content is incredible.
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second -- let's take a lesson for a second -- >> ♪ ♪ -- is the first chinese vice president. >> it's hard to remember this but before we have the reel black president remember when bill clinton was supposedly the first black president? well, tim walz is going to be
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the first chinese vice president of our country. when he broke out with meant -- my jaw dropped, i said, really? >> jesse: the ccb loves walz more than hunter and gentleman tim lobster them back, he meant -- went to the mainland three times on this little communist sabbaticals including his honeymoon with his life as my wife and dan groups of students. she didn't seem to mind. how many americans are visiting china like this in the nineties? not many. walz was a part of the first wave of americans to teach their. i really carried around mao's little read book to every palace and temple he visited. if there's one thing walz and kamala have in common is there love for communism. according to a local news article from the nineties, walz told his students china has a system in which everyone shares and get free food and housing. but not everybody in china is
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treated the same. walz was paid twice as much as any chinese teacher while he was there. he had the only air-conditioned apartments on campus. which came in handy after long days of tai chi and -- walz was the only one allowed to watch tv in color. everybody else stuck with black and white. .it tim would often -- hosting epic birthday and christmas parties for the chinese. but that little read book with a huge hit in secret santa. walz told the local newspaper no matter how long i -- 11 never be treated that will again. is almost like they were grooming him. walz was enlisted in the national guard for all of these trips. why with the chinese give him -- a member of the military such access? who's to say that china, the world's biggest real estate, doesn't have anything on walz? democrats cried for years that trump was compromised because he stayed one night at wits in moscow but walz
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spent decades going back and forth to china then rises through the u.s. military in political ranks and no one seems to care? the fbi is concerned -- not concerned, of course,, not even a low. but congressman james gomer is another house oversight committee is launching a fresh pro into walz and his chinese, ties. was the first chinese vice president targeted or recruited for ccb influence operations? we might just find out. house oversight committee chairman james gomer is here. congressman, how is it that the fbi doesn't seem to care about this at all and you do? >> well it's very concerning that the fbi my knowledge has never even investigated this, were still trying to determine to what extent they have as far as other trips this high-level official from the nazis government even before that in the military
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made to china. look if you look at walz' background and you look at his ideology, the things he talks about when he ran for attorney general and he ran for governor, this is a guy that really has embraced china's view of the world, the chinese ideology and which is communism and i think you look at walz and i fear we have a guy that -- was never meant in the private sector,'s work for the government his whole life, look at his financial background, doesn't look like he owns any stocks, you know, he is retirement is the government pension plan. this guy is very dependent on the government and i believe things that china got the business model that china has had might be the ideal model for the united states, let the government make the decisions for the people, let the government control the markets, let the government control of businesses, let their government left the people out of poverty. this is something that should be a concern to every american cava media is not examining this. don't think -- >> jesse: i know because i
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know -- and you know about china, congressman. you do this when you look into hunter. when you go to china, nieser belyeu. if i'm an american go to china 30 times in the nineties that they have surveillance footage of him. have surveillance footage probably of his honeymoon night. what kind of compromise is that? they're worried about trump for the pt situation but that was all made up. this is serious business. >> it's very serious. china thanks long-term. it's very possible that china would be grooming an up-and-coming, rising star in the political process to try to have a foothold in our government. i mean they've done this in the military, we -- this is how china operates. they. and again i can say this enough that when you look at hunter biden's ties with communist china it was for money. it looks like walz' eyes were be -- will be for ideology and this is something we
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should be concerned about and we're trying to gather as much information as we can act as quick as you can -- >> is a lot about kamala harris that you pick this, to be her number 2. what a mess. please keep us posted on these developments, this is an important investigation. thank you, congressman. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: fox news alert the dnc starting to heat up that we got players taking the stage soon. we've already seen la mayor karen bass senator nick durbin that we do not -- jesse jackson and maxine will watters no relation, and a performance by -- coming up we'll have hillary clinton, aoc, jill biden -- excuse me, dr jill biden, and president joe biden. but in the meantime let's go to johnny on the floor he's talking to a very special dnc delegate. johnny? >> guess he is very hard to find indelicate on the floor of the dnc that would want to talk to you but luckily i went to new hampshire and i
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found uncle david watters senator from new hampshire. >> hi, jesse. >> what is it like being his uncle? >> yes, he didn't fall out of the coconut tree so it's all family, it's all family and we all love each other and we do talk to each other. we do. >> when you're together he is jesse watters. do you guys fight about politics? >> i always win if we do. but we make fun of each other and i think there is the best way. >> so who's more liberal, jesse''s mom, mom tax or his uncle? you i'm sorry, i'm going with steve emmett but the present family goes to grandpa frank. >> grandpa frank. you knew jesse since he was growing up. when did you realize that something went terribly wrong? >> well, jesse, it was when he was starting to watch beavis and butthead and i knew there was something different. and that's the first -- i
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think i was the first -- beavis and butthead. >> beavis and butthead. no, jesse, how do you feel that your uncle is on the floor right now? >> jesse: i feel proud that my uncle is participating in the democratic process and i feel sorry for him that trump is going to demolish kamala harris. >> o.! >> jesse: we love you, david. but i'm sorry, it's not going to go well in november. >> he says its his world down here. [laughter] >> that's right. is watters' world, democratic version. >> jesse: i don't know about that. i don't know if he knows how to do it. maybe. thank you so much. i know someone there knows how to do it. sean hannity he's got it. where is your mother? >> sean: is she not here? >> jesse: no she's not here. thank god! >> sean: why?! >> jesse: and offer already! >> ♪ ♪


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