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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 20, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> todd: it is day two of the dnc in chicago. democrats are rallying around kamala harris as joe biden officially passes the torch in a foeft post-prime time state of the union like speech. >> president biden: for 50 years, like many of you, i've given my heart and soul to our nation. i've been blessed a million times return, i can say i'm more optimistic about the future than i was when elected as 29-year-old united states senator. god bless you all and may god protect our troops. ♪ [cheering] >> carley: hillary clinton and aoc taking the stage and sidestep kamala's issue instance on the issues.
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you are watch ing "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. get to brooke singman with biggest moments of the night and big names taking the stage today. >> brooke: day two of the dnc will soon be underway. vice president harris and tim walz will be in milwaukee at pfizer forum, where the rnc took place last month. president biden took the stage past prime time, after a delay and greeted with chants of "we love joe" as he passed the torch to harris. >> we know kamala and tim are -- and tim and gw en walz are people of great character.
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selecting kamala was the very first decision i made when i became our nominee and best decision i made my whole career. we've gotten to know each other and become close friends. >> brooke: democrats spent the day touting harris's issue on major issues. watch this. >> president biden: kamala and i protecting dreamers and more and here is what else i believe in. p protecting your frame, your freedom to vote, freedom to love who you love and your freedom to ch choose. maga republicans found out power of women in 2022 and donald trump is going to find out the power of women in 2024. >> we have to help her win because we know that donald trump would sell this country for $1, if it meant lining his
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own pockets. >> kamala stood for american values. i know what it takes and i can tell you as commander-in-chief, kamala won't disrespect our military and our veterans. >> brooke: the facts are facts. under biden-harris administration, inflation is up 20% and harris's economic plan would add 2 trillion to the deficit and trump's plan would lower deficit by 700 billion. today former president obama and former first lady michele obama will speak tonight. theme is bold vision for america's future. >> todd: brooke singman, thank you. bring in radio host ray elise stefaniks. you heard the vision for today is bold, in the words of pepper brooks from "dodge ball," it is pitching socialism.
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will it pay off, ray? >> it will not pay off nationwide or in chicago, todd and carley. you guys say you have boots on the ground and know what is going on in chicago. 19.4% inflation. chicago is worse than that. jobs are gone. outward migration, population in illinois, lowest since 1920. students at eighth grade proficiency, 21% of students can read and do math at that level. this is the plan, this is how it works and what happens in pritzker's illinois. it is untenable and won't work. day one was 1400 days ago for kamala. aoc puts on a good show, could pump up the wwe.
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why wait? >> carley: you posted a picture of assign protesters were carrying and said feminists and lg lg lgbtq+ for palestine. palestine is not for them. what is it like in chicago with protests going down? >> well, it started sunday night, protest at michigan and whacker, major part of the city. that is where that assign picture came from. i don't understand how left continues to grab groups and use them more than anything as tools or shields for their party. they have no rights in some of the countries they support. nobody wants war in middle east, but we need our hostages back. if these groups went to iran, it
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would not end well for them. chicago is beautiful city that works for some, not for all. what i would like to see is the groups marching and politicians on the left to get in the neighborhoods and go to e englewood and the cities hit by crime and tell your story about dreamers and people that go without. there are people that go without, that are citizens of this city that never get anything in return and it goes to money be ing spent to prop u immigration and take care of people here illegally and that does not work for chicago. >> todd: mayor brandon johnson is celebrating his city. >> chicago, this city of hard work and caring people is where democrats will celebrates
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president joe biden and nominate kamala harris for president of the united states of america. [cheering] >> together we can build a better, brighter future and no better place to start that than in the greatest freaking city in the world, city of chicago. >> todd: chicago is a pretty awesome city when things are going well. do residents feel enthusiasm espoused there when their mayor and council and leadership made it a sanctuary city and residents have to fight for resources and if they get resources, they have to fight to survive because of crime on the streets of great city of chicago. your thoughts? >> everyday we come back and these are headlines, another bloody weekend in chicago. this weekend, 35 shot, five killed. sad part, that is a pretty good
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weekend for chicago. it does not work. this guy is a chicago teacher union shield mayor. his message goes unheard. he is angry and talks about racism and how black he is and he and his black wife are living with their black family. hardest hit people of chicago are hispanics and african americans and they go without and continue to go without and we need to fix that. i want to know when we change that. this is democrat-run state and city and when does it change? everybody talking about how things are going to get better. it never gets better. they tell you joe biden is fine, nothing to see here. they stab him in the front and change him out and put kamala in. we are supposed to go along with that. >> carley: we listen to a lot of
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speeches last night and many to come including from the obamas, barack obama and michele. then traffic will go back to normal and traffic is bad in chicago, so i know. have a great day. >> todd: do not go anywhere, cheryl casone, tomi lahren, karoline leavitt coming up. >> carley: watch this video, a mother goes into labor in her car and dad springs into action to deliver the baby on the side of the highway. >> oh, my god, in the rover. oh, my god. >> i had, baby. hi, sweetie. oh. >> oh, wow. >> carley: the most incredible thing you will see all day and you are about to meet that beautiful family and they will walk us through what happened, coming up next.
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>> carley: fox weather alert. conne connecticut. two women dead. >> todd: the women were swept away in two separate incidents. senior meteorologist janice
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deans had the forecast. we got slammed. >> janice: it was terrible. the forecast was not great. there was rain in the forecast, models did not hone in on this flooding emergency and that happens sometimes. sandy hook, foot, newtown, 10 inches. this happened between noon and 6:00 p.m. two to three inches per hour. long island, incredible rainfall, 10 inches, nine inches port jefferson station and happening in a short period of time. the radar, cold front moved through, considerably cooler this morning. low dew points. it is nice and rain is mostly out of here. great news. rest of today's forecast,
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potential for showers and thunderstorms for northwest. warm in texas and oakley. front moving through the midwest. focus on florida, over next few days. this is not throp cal, but could see many inches of rain. we could see flooding. heat advisory for texas and oakley, will feel like over 100 degrees. and nice, very quiet, that is quite rare this time of year. we'll take it, we're into peak season. one reason we're so quiet, the pacific is crazy and that typically happens when the pacific is active, we see a very q quiet atlantic. watch the specific and one dis disturbance could affect hawaii. >> carley: see you soon. massachusetts couple on the way
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to the hospital to give birth to their daughter. baby summer did not feel like waiting and dad sprung into delivery mode. >>y we are on our way, we will show you this in years to come. mama is on the hospital and in pain right now thanks to you. we are racing to the hospital and will meet you soon. summer is here. my god, in the rover. oh, my god. >> hi, baby. hi, sweetie. oh. >> oh, wow. >> oh, look at herip wells. >> carley: after giving birth on side of the row, baby summer's umbilical cord was cut in the d dunkin donuts parking lot. good morning to you all. congratulations on the birth of
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your beautiful baby girl. i cannot believe this story. you were going to the hospital, h halfway into your journey. hospital an hour away. tell us what happened. >> yeah, we dropped our oldest off at camp. contractions had not started yet. we got back home and decided, it will likely be tonight or later, it will be fine. of course now she's waking up. and we all of a sudden truly contractions started three minutes in tw between. there was no time. we got in the car and started our journey. i looked at my husband and said how many contractions do i have to go through before we get to
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this hospital. he told me eight or nine. >> we were eight or nine minutes between, i said we have six or seven remaining, she said we're not going to make it, she's coming now. >> carley: my issgosh, that swe cheek. how old is your daughter? when did this happen? >> 11 days ago. >> carley: she's 11 days ago. >> yes. >> carley: right on her due date. rebecca said this baby is coming now and you are driving the car on the highway, what do you do? >> well, she said, you need to pullover. >> i said, pullover and do what? it was our only choice. i did not have time to call 911. i ran around the vehicle. a lot of family, i will share details.
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together we gracefully delivered my daughter. my wife is a champion and a athlete. in three minutes -- >> by time i asked him to pullover, i was supporting her head. no chance to call 911 or meet the ambulance. >> carley: you both looked so calm. >> we were. >> carley: kendall, how do you feel about your little baby sister? >> i'm just so happy my whole family is okay, it is so incredible. >> kendall was at camp. >> carley: that freed you up. i did not mean to cut you off when you said you were so calm. what was going through your head? >> so beautiful and private. >> i don't recommend the
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experience to anybody the t tak takeeaway, 511 is the industry standard and we were not in the guideline of getting in car yet. everybody said, why didn't you leave earlier? >> the car was ready. >> carley: one reason this story got some attention, you ended up in dunkin donuts parking lot, most massachusetts thing ever. dunkin donuts said stay tuned, we'll reach out to share free munchkins for a year to celebrate from all of us at dunkin, congratulations and we hope to keep in touch and celebrate summer's birthdays in the future.
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what is your reaction to that? >> amazing. thank you, dunkin. i've had enough munchkins. i will leave for the family. >> oh, yeah. >> carley: total rock stars. congratulations to you all, have a great day. thanks for putting a smile on our face. >> todd: story of the week, of the month. >> carley: so calm. >> todd: i hope men across new england don't try to convince their wives to do this on the highway. >> carley: economic platform, including what critics are calling socialist price controls. >> todd: next guest had to wait in food lines in vietnam says harris's signature policy will have same result.
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she joins us next. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment.
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call 833 leaffilter, or visit >> carley: secretary of state blinken is in egypt holding talks with president elsisi. >> todd: trey yingst has details. >> trey: negotiators are 50% of the way to a ceasefire deal following meetings yesterday in jerusalem, u.s. secretary of state blinken announced prime minister netanyahu is on board with american proposal to close the gap for agreement. blinken and benjamin netanyahu discussed threats from iran before blinken traveled to egypt. in a meet with gallant, stressed remaining hostages in gaza must
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come home. question lies with hamas, who rejected koourn current proposal over the weekend. overnight israel launched fresh air strikes tarrgeting a storag facility. secondary explosions seen in video as suspected rockets or missiles exploded. officials are hopeful to give hezbollah off ramp to deescalate rising tension. tragic update out of israel, officials say army recovered six bodies of israeli hostages inside gaza second largest city of khan yunis. >> carley: trey, thank you. in the u.s. thousands of anti-israel protesters march outside dnc yesterday. several arrested after rushing security fen outside the united
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center. president biden addressed protesters when he took the stage last night. >> president biden: we're working around the clock to reunite hostages with families and surge humanitarian health and food assistance into gaza. protesters have a point, a lot of innocent people are being killed on both side. >> carley: protesters are angry with biden and harris and calling for arms embargo to israel. thousands are expected outside the dnc over course of the week. >> todd: biden-harris economy is having impact on middle class families. assets have fall en 6.1%, averae loss of $25,000. a tech pioneer and former obama
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fund raiser joins me now. what is kamala's answer for inflationary mess she and joe biden have created? it is price fixing of groceries. as someone who grew up in awe country with price fixing of groceries, what happened when price fixing is implemented? >> i remember when i was six or seven years old, before i came to the united states, i would stand in line with my mother for six to eight hours to get a little burl ap bag filled with rice and if we were lucky, a loaf of bread. that would last our family for an entire month. this is what happens when we have price fixing in vietnam, in venezuela. in the united states in 1970s,
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we did price fixing for gasoline, look at images and there are cars lining up, foot shortage, gas shortages. price fixing means well, the road to hell is paved with good intention. i'm surprised the middle class or democrats in middle class would want to vote for her. it is like chickens voting for kfc, kamala harris will fry you with socialist policies. they don't work and i'm living proof, we had to escape vietnam. >> todd: not a lot of people come to america from communist countries and say i misstanding in line for price control. how is biden-harris administration going to reduce or eshg eliminate what they have
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done. price of eggs and ground beef up, bread 24%, cereal 22%, the list goes on and on. despite the kamala honeymoon, dnc and all and last 30 days, will voters hold her responsible for inflationary mess biden-harris have gotten us into? >> yes, absolutely. end of the day, middle-class voters like me, i grew up as lower middle class kid, we are practical, have to pay bills. our mortgages and credit card bills, we look at financials and groceries have gone up, gas up 50%. when i go to home depot, copper pipe is out of control. it is now more than $60 or $70.
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for middle class people, salary has not increased by 25 or 50%, how can we afford tax on middle class? that is what it is. kamala harris and joe biden put a tax on middle class. >> you speak the truth and come from experience. we appreciate your time. thanks. learning more about harris economic platform increase in corporate tax rate. >> carley: cheryl casone is here with more. i had, cheryl. >> cheryl: good morning. more of vice president kamala harris economic policies rolling out yesterday, including proposal to raise corporate tax rate to 28%. president trump cut the rate down to 21. harris says this is fiscally
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responsible way to put money back in the pockets of working people. analysis by tax foundation revealed raising corporate tax rate would have negative effect on gp and labor market. this is largest driver and will reduce gdp by .6 and wages by .5%. more taxes does not mean a company will continue to employ same amount of people, they may have to make cuts. >> todd: they always cut jobs. u.s. accusing iran of launching cyber operation against trump and harris campaign. >> cheryl: reports came out after it was made public.
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launching attacks against harris and former president trump. fbi, cyber security agency did release a statement on this saying we have observed aggressive iranian activity during this election cycle targeting american public and cyber operation targeting presidential campaigns. trump campaign claimed iran hacked one of their websites prompting an fbi investigation. iran mission to the un, said in response to claims the allegations are devoid of any standing. there is no intentsion to interfere with the election. >> carley: that is what they are saying. more issues for boeing? >> cheryl: faa is ordering inspectium of cockpits about
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movement disrupting fights. boeing warned there is a switch on back of the pilot's seat that activates motor to move the seat up and back. could it jam? it is possible. the warning after the airline 787 en route to new zealand took a nose dive after the cockpit moved. dozens of people were injured. switch on rear of the pilot seat, they say uncommanded movement of the seat could result in upon raid doesn't. there have been six instances of this. they will go through inspection. a fix is likely on the horizon for the jets.
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>> carley: it is one thing after another with boeing. my goodness. thank you. have a great day. democrats are celebrating future of the party by rolling out hillary clinton. what imaginary. >> todd: tomi lahren will react next. a month each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they start. and treatment is 4 times a year. in a survey, 91% of users wish they'd started sooner. so why wait? talk to your doctor. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache.
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>> todd: a shot we usually bring when he's doing a foreign meeting, this is opposite direction. president biden just arriving in california and will remain for rest of the dnc after passing torch to kamala harris in a post-prime time speech last night. >> carley: hilly clinton rallying democrats behind kamala harris using similar lines from her failed 2016 campaign. >> i wish my mother and kamala's mother could see us, they would say, keep going. we've put a lot of -- in the h highest class ceiling. tonight so close to breaking through once and for all. on other side of that class
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ceiling is kamala harris raising her hand and taking the oath of office as our 47th president of the united states. the future is here in our grasp, let's go win it. >> carley: outkick host tomi lahren joins us. plast from the past talking about the future. >> tomi: nothing says forward-looking like hillary rodham clinton, christmas fruitcake that will not go away no matter pou badly people on both sides wish she would. there is obligation to put hillary on stage. listen, she was not forward-looking, she was thinking abouter had loss in 2016. she is still bitter about that
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loss. she had to incorporate kamala harris. hillary clinton wishes she were talking about hillary clinton. >> todd: she got a prime-time speech. biden was delayed. one aide texting, this is awful, he set up campaign and handed it over to him, do they have to cut him out of prime time? we just showed video of joe biden leaving and arriving in california. what do you make of this lack of respect for guy they were touting as somebody who should be on mount rushmore of presidents going forward? >> tomi: should we be surprised? less than 100 days before the
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election, they cut him out. they were hoping few people as possible heard the speech and i'll be honest, i almost felt badly for him. i might not like this guy or his politics, this is his swan song, give him his chance to speak to the american people. he took the stage and proceeded to yell and tell lies about donald trump and charlottesville, he couldn't help himself. had to bring up january 6. sympathy i had dissipated when we saw same old angry brandon on the stage. >> carley: timing of the speech, harris says there were so much as applause it got pushed back.
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scheduled 10:50 p.m. and pushed to 11:30. biden got love fest, he had to drop out first. everybody talking about the torch he passed to kamala harris, what will his legacy be? >> tomi: i think that again, it was deliberate to push him back that far. harris campaign wants good energy and joy and it is obvious joe biden does not represent that. kamala harris does have a positive tone and forward-looking performance. joe biden got on the stage and same old angry, yelling, talked about democracy and how donald trump will destroy the world. they wanted him to be late into
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the night and few people to listen to him. he's been simply doing the dirty work and piling on donald trump. his message is far from the happy joy harris campaign wants to present. now out to pasture. >> todd: not a lot of joy out of mr. biden. don't go anywhere, trump campaign's karoline leavitt is next. >> carley: first lawrence jones will look at what is coming up. >> lawrence: i miss you guys, i'm here in chicago. we'll hold down the forthere. pushed out of prime time, president biden touting his record and denying angry about be being booted from the ticket. kamala harris working to erase his legacy that she helped create, will voters buy it?
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we'll ask them. we'll ask bepete buttigieg reco. and i went to an event yesterday and asked about kamala harris' biggest accomplishment. this is what they said, watch. no, okay. sean hannity, harris faulkner and jackie deangelis. live top of the hour, see you in a bit.
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>> todd: president biden blaming former president trump for the biden border crisis while touting the border as a winning issue for him and kamala harris. listen. >> trump continues to lie about the border. here's what he won't tell you: trump killed the strongest bipartisan border deal in the history of the united states. the result of the executive action i took border encounters have dropped over 50%. in fact, there are fewer border crossings today than when donald trump left office. >> well, president biden did not mention, among many things the victims of migrant crime including rachel morin a maryland mother of five raped and murdered by illegal immigrants on a maryland hiking trail last year. earlier we spoke to her family's attorney.
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>> the family is still heart broken over the fact that this was a preventible death. had they enforced the rules and the laws at the southern border. rachel morin would be alive today. the biden administration is playing a game of red rover and saying red rover, red rover, send your criminals right over. >> the morin family is meeting with former president trump this week. and 2024 national press secretary karoline leavitt joining you now. can you believe it joe biden took a victory lap when it comes to the border yesterday. what's your reaction to that? >> it was absolutely shameful. and it's a complete lie and the american people know it. and watching night one of the dnc was like watching an alternative reality. there was no mention of the migrant crime epidemic that has been allowed to transpire because of kamala harris' job as border czar. her open border policy. there was no mention of the record high inflation crisis caused by the harris-biden administration's economic policies. it's almost like the democrats
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walked t want the american peope to forget that kamala harris has been vice president over the past four years and is wholly responsible for the economic immigration and foreign policy crises that we face in this great country. and, you know, the democrats kept saying last night we don't want to go back. go back to what? 1.4% inflation? 1.50 gasoline. peace in the middle east? most secure border in history? those are the facts of the donald trump administration and millions of americans do want to go back to those times. >> todd: here's the challenge as i see it for you and the campaign, caroline, it's one thing to have different policies and to battle over those policies. but, right now, what the kamala harris is doing, thanks to surrogates like joe biden, is lying. because clearly they are responsible for the border crisis. experts on both sides agree with that so, what does your campaign do when one, biden and harris and all the democratic party is now blaming trump somehow for
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the border crisis and the mainstream media is letting them get away with it? >> there's no doubt that kamala harris is a lying liberal. she is lying about where she stands on the issues. she has consistently supported a ban on fracking. she is responsible for the border crisis. she is on tape saying she is proud of bidenomics and proud of the economy that she and joe biden have created while americans at home are suffering. there was no acknowledgment of that pain nor their suffering last night. they are living paycheck to paycheck. last night you heard them talk about kamala harris' work for working families. working families cannot afford to pay their mortgages on their homes while they are watching illegal immigrants get free housing in american cities. that is the reality of kamala harris' america. it is our job and we will ensure that every american understands how dangerously liberal kamala harris is that she is responsible for the pain and the problems that our country is facing right now. we have the best candidate to do
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it. president trump is unafraid to actually sit down with the hostile news media and bring the facts directly to them unlike kamala harris who is now going on day 31 of hiding away from the press. we will continue to keep up the pressure campaign on her. >> today's theme we don't need to tell is you make america safe again which is why donald trump is heading to detroit for a crime and safety event. yesterday during president biden's speech, he talked about crime. and he said that he and his administration did a better job fighting crime than the trump administration. watch this. >> trump continues to lie about crime in america. like everything else. guess what? on his watch, the murder rate went up 30%. the biggest increase in history. now the murder rate is falling faster than any time in history. violent crime has dropped to the lowest level of more than 50 years. and crime will keep coming down.
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>> carley: is that true? what's your reaction to that? >> it's absolutely false. according to the national crime victimization survey violent crime has increased over the past two and a half years. we have seen car thefts, retail thefts skyrocketing in american cities because of weak on crime policies that kamala harris has supported throughout her entire career as a prosecutor, as attorney general of california, and also a senator. kamala harris was one of the leading voices in the defund the police movement. she is anti-law enforcement. she is pro-criminal. president trump was a law and order president. that's why we had the safest united states southern border in american history and we had law and order in american cities and we will again when he is reelected. >> todd: caroline leftd, busy day for you and busy week with you. we appreciate you getting up with us. >> carley: thanks, caroline. >> todd: "fox & friends" starts right now. >> carley: have a great day. ♪ ♪


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