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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 20, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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>> carley: is that true? what's your reaction to that? >> it's absolutely false. according to the national crime victimization survey violent crime has increased over the past two and a half years. we have seen car thefts, retail thefts skyrocketing in american cities because of weak on crime policies that kamala harris has supported throughout her entire career as a prosecutor, as attorney general of california, and also a senator. kamala harris was one of the leading voices in the defund the police movement. she is anti-law enforcement. she is pro-criminal. president trump was a law and order president. that's why we had the safest united states southern border in american history and we had law and order in american cities and we will again when he is reelected. >> todd: caroline leftd, busy day for you and busy week with you. we appreciate you getting up with us. >> carley: thanks, caroline. >> todd: "fox & friends" starts right now. >> carley: have a great day. ♪ ♪
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>> steve: thank you very much, todd and carley. it is 6:00 here in new york city. it's 5:00 where lawrence is in chicago. welcome to the tuesday edition of "fox & friends." we are in both towns and got conch that starts right now. our top story, a tearful farewell, most people probably missed it last night as president biden was pushed out of prime time and the presidency. he did not take the stage until 11:28 p.m. eastern. what joe said during and after that farewell speech straight ahead. >> brian: democrats trying to rewrite history last night. just listen. >> if you are a senior who had to go back to work because your retirement didn't stretch far enough. kamala is for you. >> but, under the biden harris administration. one in three seniors unretired citing inflation as the their
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reason. >> brian: a lot of mcflurries. >> lawrence: unbelievable. i went to item palooza been a while since i have been there asked kamala harris about kamala harris. this somewhat they said successful vice president and accompaniment to joe biden. >> president joe biden. loyalty to president biden. >> had a lot of fun there "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. >> steve: welt,on this tuesday. we are now day two of the dnc in chicago, and president biden will be out of sight after officially passing the torch to kamala harris in a post prime time speech. >> ainsley: biden immediately left chicago last night after he spoke. landing in california overnight. so they really are pushing him out, right? he is not going to be at the
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vacation. >> touting the biden-harris record and telling reporters that he could have won re-election. >> brian: i can't even see him anymore. madeleine rivera is in washington with the details. maddy? >> hi, guys, good morning. president biden landed in california a little less than an hour ago after a much later than expected evening. he finished his speech just after midnight. and the timing may have ruffled the feather of biden allies. axios reporters say an aide texted him, quote: this sawvel. he literally set up a campaign and over to him. do they have to cut him out of prime time, quote? the blaming the applause that interrupted speaker after speaker, forcing them to cut out elements of their program so they can get to the president quicker. during his remarks, the president mentioned his legislative accomplishments while encouraging voters to rally behind vice president kamala harris. >> we gone from economic crisis to the strongest economy in the entire world. [applause] the record 16 million new jobs.
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record small business growth. record high stock market. record 401(k)s, wages up, inflation down. >> the president tried to dispel the notion that he is angry with the heavy weights. former speaker nancy pelosi as the president apparently sees as ruthless. >> i have to do what i have to do. >> right. >> he made the decision for the country. my concern was not about the president. it was about his campaign. as he has seen, the exuberance, the excitement that has come forth in our country. >> so the president admits he hasn't spoken to pelosi and he maintains he had a chance of beating former president trump but ultimately decided it wasn't worth dividing his party. >> they moved senate seats and house seats that, would have been the topic you would have had to cover the entire
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remainder of the campaign. and it wasn't worth it. you know, always think you are the one. and did you go back and look at the numbers, we weren't that far behind. >> today's d.c. theme is called a bold vision for america's future. both former president trump and first lady michelle obama are expected to speak tonight. lawrence, ainsley, steve and brian. >> brian: they will get on about 1:00 in the morning. thanks, maddy, most disciplined, organized rnc. even if you didn't like the result or what was in the speeches. you had a lot of people on other networks saying this thing came off very organized. the message was clear. and it really came to a crescendo. and then as you sit there and find out 11:30 president biden gets on and he doesn't have the sensibility to cut it some semi short. he goes through everything he allegedly accomplished through the whole thing. he missed three chances to end on a high note and just ends in the same way he can and he felt he had to shout through all of it. and even though i don't think there is any tension between
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harris and biden. if there is, they do a great job masking it. obviously tension between obama and nancy pelosi and everyone else who stuck him and kicked him to the curb. >> ainsley: he took credit for making kamala his vice president. >> brian: do you think there was tension between them? >> ainsley: definitely not. there they are hugging. i didn't feel that at all. she is grateful to him because she never even had to run, basically. he put her in the vice presidential position and now she is running for president without a primary. i was so frustrated last night. i watched the entire thing from start to finish. i'm like when is this going to be over? then on the bottom of the screen on some of the other networks they are promoting chris coons up next. rafael warnock up next. what? then you listen to jill biden and then had you to listen to ashley. >> brian: jill at least kept it short. >> ainsley: some of them shorter. hillary clinton way too long and lots of tears. we had joe biden wiping his tears away hugging ashley. joe biden was teary eyed when he
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took the stage. you had walz was crying. his wife had a kleenex and so did it looks like walz was crying. i'm not sure about that. >> steve: a lot of stares. >> ainsley: kamala's husband was crying. >> steve: joe biden finally got the love fest he wanted but he had to quit the presidency to get it. [laughter] >> steve: here's the thing. the reason it ran so late. according to the organizers was because of the iraq can you say applause. >> brian: yep. >> steve: i got news for you. >> lawrence: stop. >> ainsley: lawrence. [laughter] >> steve: you build in applause, they pushed him out of prime time. >> brian: unless they were planning a wake. >> steve: they did not want him to be be on in prime time. >> lawrence: 100 percent. >> steve: they, the dnc, the same people who shoved him aside. they wanted him only seen in little clips this morning, the day after, as we talk a little bit about it, lawrence. and they are going to get exactly what they want. they put him on at 11:28.
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which is when they normally run sitcoms, old sitcoms on syndication. that's where they put joe biden. his past prime time. >> brian: a lot of people thought they were going to watch i love lucy. >> steve: it's on. >> lawrence: to be honest, i didn't watch it last night. >> ainsley: i can't do this every night. if this thing goes on to midnight i will be a wreck on friday morning. >> lawrence: i really tried to stay up for it. i couldn't hang on. fell asleep. i decided to watch the whole thing this morning. can you get a load of all the people that concealed the condition of joe biden. crying? what are you crying for you lied to us all these years and you are crying. american people should be crying. they were not celebrating him from the sense of, you know, joe, have you done a good job. we love you joe. they love that he got out of race. that they forced him out of the race. this wasn't a tearful celebrating the job that he has done for america during his
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presidency. this was a coup that they all celebrated. but it was a coup that they all knew about. >> ainsley: glad he is gone. >> brian: 50 plus pages speech. it went 49 minutes. >> ainsley: lying about donald trump. called him donald trump abortion bans. he just sent it back to the states. >> steve: they sent the former president, soon-to-be former president out of the presidency and out of "primetime." they didn't want the massive audience except on the west coast to see him live. i know for a fact, kamala harris will be on much earlier because they want as many eyeballs on her. if you milled the president last night, because he is start at 11:28. here are some of the highlights of joe biden as he goes down memory lane. >> i made a lot of mistakes in my career. but i gave my best to you. for 50 years, like many of you, i have give my heart and soul to our nation and i have been blessed a million times returned
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with the support of the american people. i really been too young to be in the senate because i wasn't 30 yet and too old to stay as president. [ laughter ] but i hope you know how grateful i am to all of you. i can honestly say -- i give you my word as a biden. can i honestly say i'm more optimistic about the future than when i was as elected as a 29 united states senator. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> brian: keeps saying donald trump called for a bloodbath. it was an economic bloodbath used every day on our business channel and on cnbc. he is going to be a dictator on the first day. sean hannity is going to be on two and a half hours. threw that as a funny line to throw away. going to end the first day start building the wall again. the border security is better now than it was the last day that donald trump left office. that is factually inaccurate.
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>> lawrence: brought up charlottesville again on the stage no. fact-check about it. something that has divided this country. something that was clear hoax that both sides have pretty much said, listen, this did not happen the way that they made it out to be. he said that's the entire reason why he ran for office. and there was no pushback at all about this. meanwhile, when donald trump gives a speech. you got to have all these fact-checkers on every network cut in back and forth no fact-checkers. >> brian: had them fired. >> steve: the "new york times" was doing live fact-checking. and a couple times on their conch last night. they said joe biden made statements that were misleading. they were talking about when he was talking about donald trump wanted to cut social security and medicare. and, in fact, that's something that the harris campaign, kamala harris has said a couple of times. today, "the washington post" is giving her three pinocchios for making that crap up. >> ainsley: it was the same repeat of all of his other speeches. jammed into one. he was definitely jacked up.
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he was yelling. he was angry. he was patting himself on the back. >> steve: he is about to retire. >> brian: he has a microphone. ainsley: this is what it is. we saw him last night 11:30. supposed to speak 10:00 hour. then on a plane and in california a few hours later. we just aired that he is gone. he is out. now they can have their big party. they are excited. they moved on so quickly. and the other networks were saying it's electric. it's uncorked. everyone feels free. democrats were searching for this enthusiasm. penal are desperate to be excited. she projects joy with her smile and tone. excited that biden is out. the "wall street journal" gerry baker he lays out how kamala harris is now trying to forget him and move on by erasing his legacy. the headline kamala harris tries to forget joe biden. answered goes on to say having been active participant in the assisted suicide of his presidency, the party has decided that if it is going to have any chance of winning, it is going to have to euthanize
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mr. biden's record and legacy, too. the critical question maybe not whether she can beat donald trump but whether she can beat joe biden. >> brian: just so disingenuous. nancy pelosi did, this barack obama did. this they are both denying they did. this. >> ainsley: nancy pelosi did you see the sign she is holding? we love joe. >> brian: she is an actress. she is a lethal actress. i never picked up the phone. i never talked to anybody. i just told everyone, joe, make up your mind. dierks i'm going to keep running. joe, i need to you make up your mind. all right. i'm going to run. joe, one last time, whatever your decision, i support you, make up your mind. finally she called up and said, put your pollster on the phone. tell me what polls show you actually leading in this race and he had to be forced out. just admit you were forced out. i think it would just be a lot easier. also admit that the president's failing it's not that his polls were bad. anyone can overcome a 3 or 4 point deficit which basically he had. he is unable to do the job
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again. and also, i think they should change that rule at the white house if you don't use all your vacation time you can't carry it over. because that's why he got to gone vacation right now or else he would have been able to stick around this week. >> steve: no kidding. >> ainsley: thank you for the reminder, oh, yeah, is he still the president. >> brian: yeah he is five more months. >> steve: going to be on vacation though. obviously and ainsley just detailed some of the glowing remarks so far, and after only day one. clearly she is going to wind up with an emotional bump from democrats. but the problem starts on friday morning. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> steve: when she is running for president and people are going to say okay that was a great party. what do you will stand for? she is trying to reinvent herself as a moderate. and she is abandoning every one of the principles she stood for. regarding joe biden, you know, her campaign would like to see her distance herself from him
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but he didn't do anything last night to really help her. he tied her to him. he said when i say we, i mean kamala and me. so, it's hard for kamala to breaked from the joe biden message. >> brian: do you know who is happy about that? the trump team. they know exactly the type of ad to put together. >> steve: absolutely. nonetheless, trying to rewrite history. here are a couple of the big stars from last night trying to do a little as well. watch. >> i wish my mother and kamala's mother could see us. they would say keep going. >> on the other side of that glass ceiling is kamala harris raising her hand and taking the oath of office as our 47th president of the united states. [cheers and applause] she understands the urgency of rents and groceries and prescriptions. she is as committed to our reproductive and civil rights as she is to taking on corporate
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greed. because of you, our working parents trying to afford rent and child care, kamala is for you. if you are a senior, who had to go back to work because your retirement didn't stretch far enough, kamala is for you. >> ainsley: lawrence, she has the job. if you had to go back to work after retirement kamala is for you. she has been in office for three and a half years. >> brian: look at these numbers. for example what she is just referring to she is going to fix everything? she caused everything. one in three seniors retiring now returning to work because of money. 52% of seniors cite inflation for returns to work. where did inflation come from? the programs you were heralding, the inflation reduction act. didn't do anything for inflation. the rescue package and infrastructure deal. you can't take a bow for doing. this spend trillions, and then say i have nothing to do with
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inflation. >> lawrence: i just wonder who is in the room? i mean, we are supposed to know that there is delegates that are in the crowd, from all across the country, and i'm saying to myself have they talked to any of average day americans? why is there so much joy in the room when kids are moving back in with their parents because they can't survive? when seniors are coming out of retirement because they can't pay the bills anymore? it's like they want to have a pep rally but no one in the country is saying things are going well. we are going to be talking about my interview in chicago on the south side. suddenlinely they decided to bring security to chicago when people get shot every single day. do you think those people, those moms we had yesterday on the program are feeling joy? there is no joy in america right now. everyone is struggling except for if you are an elite. they had a big pep rally. can't have a paper rally when people are struggling outside of the pep rally. >> brian: you can if you have more fences around your arena than the opening of get smart.
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you had to go through all these layers and look how safe it is. while there were protests on the outside and shootings on the outside, once you get on the inside, you are okay. and it still didn't stop at least one heretic from running on stage and screaming obscenities. >> ainsley: you are right. once the week is over then they will start focusing on policies and how she voted voting record. i know her voting record. i know a lot of americans don't know exactly how she voted and trying to make sure that you are educated on this. but, i know where she stands. and it is so scary. she is such a socialist, such a progressive, they are cheering her. and when aoc walked out. can you believe the crowd there, lawrence, when she walked out. they were so excited they love her. >> brian: they love her. >> steve: aoc was talking about when she was a bar tender. >> ainsley: all the past stories. i was like come on. can we focus on the future? i can't hear another story. >> brian: what do you put in a momohito.
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by with you putting leaves in there. >> steve: mint. >> brian: makes no sense. >> steve: talking in ads and elsewhere how she had to work at mcdonald's when she was going to college. >> ainsley: we all had jobs. >> steve: these stories humanize them. make them seem just like us. they have had jobs as fast casual places or fast food places. >> brian: i never heard of fast casual. >> steve: like panera bread. >> brian: what do you wear? >> steve: you are dressed okay. >> brian: okay. >> steve: anyway, they are trying to humanize her and make it seem like she is just like you. but, at the same time, when you think about where did the inflation come from, we talked about it yesterday, karl rove was on our show. kamala harris is the one who signed the -- she essentially broke the tie in the senate for the american rescue plan. and that's what added all that money to the system and caused inflation. i know, lawrence, that's one of the things people are talking to
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you about, and so you hit the streets at item palooza for some reason apparently my tickets got lost in the mail. luckily you asked a lot of people what they thought, right? >> lawrence: yeah. 30 days since kamala harris has decided to give us or any network an interview. i decided to go out there to the people. the people that support her and ask them accomplishment, just name it for me. this is what they said, watch. [chanting kamala] >> lawrence: why are you supporting kamala harris. >> she is a better candidate 100,000 percent if you can go that far. >> first of all, she a woman who knows how to run this country. proven it by being a prosecutor, by being a great vice president. >> she is a gold standard for leadership in our country. >> she is my howard classmate.
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>> lawrence: you don't have a choice. >> no. even if did i have a choice she would still be my choice. >> lawrence: when it comes to accomplishments, as vice president, what would you say is kamala harris' greatest accomplishment? >> her greatest accomplishment happened the last two weeks. she was able to mobilize the democratic party. >> she has been such a successful vice president and accompaniment to president joe biden. >> lawrence: name her number one accomplishment as vice president? what would you say? >> supporting joe biden. and standing up to take the baton when he passed it to her. >> loyalty to president biden. >> she has been able to step in with every issue and tackle whether it is the issue as far as the immigration. >> she picked this gentleman to be her vice president. brilliant. brilliant. >> lawrence: she has the biggest speech of her lifetime coming up. >> yeah. >> what do you want to hear from
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her from that speech. >> you know what? to be honest with you i have already heard everything i want to hear. she has done such a good job. >> i'm looking forward to wednesday people get to hear what she gets to do as president. >> i support her whatever she has -- >> lawrence: it's the first democratic convention for me since i was a young dem back in 2008. boy, i got to tell you. those were some interesting comments. by far, the number one thing they say was successful for kamala harris was standing by joe biden's side. not a policy position. not making your life better, but because she stood by his side. that's what they say, guys. >> brian: research council did a study why is this honeymoon lasts so long and where did it come from. >> 84% of the stories on kamala harris are positive. 89% of the stories on donald trump are negative. you wonder why she gamed in the polls? and it's still a tie. this is network television.
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>> ainsley: shorter period this time around. just gout in the race. >> brian: only 11% of donald trump's stories are positive. even though survived an assassination attempt you couldn't spin it positively on that? >> steve: they are gaming it perfectly. it's working out for them. so far after day one a lot of excitement in chicago. >> brian: all right. meanwhile, straight ahead, president biden down plays anti-israel protesters after they breached through barriers outside the dnc. how the growing conflict overseas impacts democrats come november, next. >> those protesters out in the street, they have a point. a lot of innocent be people are being killed. on both sides.
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>> brian: fox news alert. right now secretary antony blinken in egypt engaging in high level talks after israel agrees to a u.s. backed cease-fire and hostage release plan. overnight the idf recovered the bodies of six hostages in an operation in southern gaza trey yingst joins us live with a recap of it all and a look ahead. trey? >> trey: yeah, hey, brian, good morning. negotiators are about 50% of the way there for a cease-fire deal. yesterday, following meetings in jerusalem, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said
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he was on board. and he was willing to move forward. he had talks with u.s. secretary of state antony blinken. and the pair agreed on a path to reach a cease-fire. in a meeting with israel's defense ministerio lava gallant thanked him for his visit. inside gaza must come home, question now lives hamas. group whose leadership rejected the current proposal over the weekend as diplomat i can efforts continue to end the war on israel wants southern front, the north continues to heat up. overnight israel launched fresh airstrikes in lebanon targeting a hezbollah weapons storage facility deep in the northeastern part of the country. secondary explosions could be seen in a video taken near the site as suspected rockets or missiles exploded. officials are hopeful that an agreement to address the war in gaza could give hezbollah an off ramp to deescalate rising tension. we do have one other horrific update for you this morning. overnight israeli forces inside gaza recovered the bodies of six
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hostages being held by hamas. these hostages were being held in the city of khan younis. brian? >> brian: trey, as we look forward to finding out if hamas is going to agree to a cease-fire even though it's not going to be a peace agreement, how does that relate to your book "black saturday" which is going to be coming out soon? >> there are a lot of similarities and differences to the november cease-fire. and i write about this in my new book "black saturday." one has to do with the anticipation that this society is feeling today. they felt a similar anticipation back in november as they elliot waited for a cease-fire agreement then that ultimately saw more than 100 hostages freed from hamas captivity. there are also many differences when we look at the current ratio, back in november the ratio was 1 to 3. one hostage freed for three palestinian prisoners, today reports indicate that could be 1 to 30. also when we talk about the families there are just really people here waiting to see if their loved ones will come out
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alive. i think back to a than we interviewed at the beginning of all of this and i write about it in "black saturday" a man noirs who father was taken into captivity on october 7th. overneed the israelis recovered his body. in the book i write about my interview with leor. i asked him if you could speak with him what would you say? he says hold on, we're coming. we're doing our best. the bottom line here, time is running out for these families in israel. and we write about this in "black saturday" the efforts for the past 10 months to try to get these hostages out of hamas captivity. many families waiting to see if this deal will go through and if they will ever see their loved ones again. >> brian: those bodies had to be recovered. they were not handed over. they needed intelligence just to find them. still a lot of reluctance. trey, thank you. look forward to that book, black saturday. meanwhile, lawrence, over to you with an important interview. >> lawrence: me, too he was the first reporter on the scene, brian. we look forward to reading it.
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hamas seeing plenty of support in chicago as anti-israeli protesters breakthrough dnc barriers before joe biden admits he sees where they are coming from. watch. >> working around the clock, my secretary of state to prevent a wider war and reunite hostages with their families and surge humanitarian help and food assistance into gaza now. [applause] to end the civilian suffering of the palestinian people and finally, finally, finally deliver a cease-fire and end this war. those protesters out in the street, they have a point. >> lawrence: maybe they should talk to their hamas brothers and sisters on why it continues to happen. joining us from chicago, fox news contributor kimberley strassel on set. good to finally meet you. when you have joe biden that gets on stage and he does this tip toe policy of, you know, i
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see where they're coming from as they try to breakthrough the barriers, is that helpful? >> no, it's also just ignoring the issue. obviously, as you were just saying. look, what it does is it allows him to get up and address i feel your pain, i understand where you're coming from which completely ignores what happened on october 7th, the fact that hamas still has knows hostages. the fact that it's hamas who is using palestinians as human shields in all of this. holding them at gunpoint. not letting them to get to places of safety. this could all end if hamas took responsibility for its crimes, handed back over these hostages that it has. of course, it isn't. so this is a guy who talks about morality all the time. and he is skipping the moral point here and the culpability point honors lawrence kimberley he says he feels the pain of the protesters more than he has said about inflation, more than what's been happening at the border. definitely when it comes to the violence in the middle of the street. you got chicago and all other
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major cities, 66 major cities, the violence suspect. 9.6% increase in violent crime. 25% increase in aggravated assault and 6.4 increase in the murders. so he is not telling the people of chicago i feel you're pay. >> i negotiation exactly. they don't know what to do with these protesters, by the way. have you noticed that you see two different themes going on here. one theme is these people are not associated with us. they are this very small minority of the party. they are not really representative, at least not the ones radical and violent out there. the peaceful ones okay, maybe. then another saying well, would he don't want to offend you, we feel your pain. in the meantime, people are watching all of this play out, and, like you say, they want to know what are you really going to do about inflation. the fact that i'm scared to come out of my house at night? they are not hearing any of that from this convention. brian. >> lawrence: you know, kimberley i talked with a group of people we are going to air later on in chicago.
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where has all the security come from. finally the cavalry come in to save us. i notify them the reason why the security is here because of the dnc convention. they had no idea. they thought finally they got law and order in chicago. >> i was thinking this. i flew into the airport the other day and i was like wow, this is the cleanest i have ever seen this airport. but that's the whole question for chicago. i'm still mesmerized that the decision was made to be here in this city which is a city that all the policies that they are advocating have been implemented. and, guess what? we are getting the real world vision of how it works. education, in terms of crime. in terms of debt. in terms of inflation, and unemployment. so, if you want progressive nirvana, come to chicago. >> lawrence: the failed social experiment. kimberley strassel always a pleasure. >> you too. >> lawrence: $34,000 of wealth lost in two years under the biden-harris administration as democrats try to rewrite history. >> she understands the urgency of rent checks and groceries and
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prescriptions. because of you, our working parents trying to afford rent and child care, kamala is for you. >> lawrence: this inflation problem happen under kamala harris' watch? we got jackie deangelis next on that. ♪ i love it ♪ ♪ aaasssiii... ...iiisssttt.
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announcer: kamala harris was given one important job as vice president - monitor and control our southern border. how did she do? did she take the job seriously? did she do all she could to protect american citizens from an invasion? did she do anything at all? lester: you haven't been to the border. harris: and i haven't been to europe. i don't understand the point that you're making. announcer: here's her grim scorecard: murders, rapes, attacks on children. a 12-year-old girl in texas. a mother of five in maryland. a nursing student in georgia. all savagely murdered by those biden and harris let into our country unlawfully. harris: we have a secure border. announcer: kamala harris was and is a complete failure at her job. now she's asking us for a promotion.
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who in their right mind would give it to her? restoration pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in? -you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go! here is your forecast today. the potential for showers and
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thunderstorms for the southwest. all of that rain across the northeast, thankfully, has moved out and we got beautiful conditions here, low relative humidity and cooler air behind the front that has exited the northeast. heavy rain for the forecast of florida over the next couple of days, the next week or so, so it's going to be ongoing, a stationary front stationed across the state. heat alerts still very warm, hot, indeed, for texas and oklahoma. we are actually going to set some records here. looking at the atlantic. fantastic. this time of year, we are in too peak season and don't have anything happening really. couple of waves moving off africa. is a hair ran dust inhibiting the progression of these storms. we are hitting peak season. we will take it. the pacific is quite active. we will see the potential for development and may be effecting hawaii over the weekend. we will watch for that good news for the atlantic. i love it. brian kilmeade, over to you.
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>> brian: all right. thanks so much, janice, meanwhile 18 minutes before the top of the hour. biden-harris administration is bleeding american families dry. think about this, economists are projecting that middle class households have lost $34,000 on their wealth since march 2022. school supplies are up almost $200 since 2019. democrats are on the desk claiming that harris understands your frobs problems. >> she understands the urgency of rent checks and groceries and prescriptions because of you, our working parents trying to afford rent and child care, kamala is for you. if you are a senior who had to go back to work because your retirement didn't stretch far enough, kamala is for you brian brian wasn't kamala in charge as inflation soared? i thought she was there every step of the way. jackie deangelis.
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>> i'm wondering where she has been the last four years. >> brian: what went wrong? joe biden wouldn't listen to me. you can't do both. >> hillary clinton come on the stage saying she is going to keep everybody safe. oh yeah open borders keeping american people safe. let's be clear about what drove inflation over the last three and a half, four years. first, higher, in costs, higher input costs, raised prices. second, reckless government spending. thank you, kamala harris. third, that led to wage inflation, which ultimately meant companies had to charge more because all their costs were going up. we have discussed over and over again this idea of price gouging and implementing price controls. they are not gouging, they are corporations. they are that making profits in most cases those profits and those margins are pretty narrow. >> brian: here is the right hook and left body shot. the right hook is inflation. >> right. >> brian: left body shot is raising rates. to say control inflation, that's typically what the experts do. what happens is it freezes the
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real estate market. stops you from maybe getting that home equity loan typically prove your house. i want you to hear what donald trump said yesterday because he is not resting because the dnc is in full stride. watch. >> now, you have inflation at levels that i don't believe anyone has ever seen before. kamala cast the tiebreaking votes that gave us the worst inflation in american history, costing a typical family $28,000. >> brian: right. the only thing that you can do they say that's really bad i'm going to get under control and inflation is coming down. but it's just going up. >> slower. >> brian: slower rate. 9%. now around 3%. the corporate tax rate, you're the expert. now we hear that kamala harris has leaked out another thing she wants to do with the economy. get the corporate rate from the low 20's up to 28%. >> right. >> brian: the impact? >> 28% is where donald trump took it down from 35%. >> brian: fourth highest in the
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world? >> that's when we saw more growth and more robust economy because when corporations are doing well, they also hire employees, if she raids the tax rate to 28%. almost 150,000 beam right off the bat are going to lose their jobs. companies paying higher taxes okay we got lay you off and you off and you off. it goes around in a circle. ultimately the corporations aren't these big bad evil entities, they are employing americans. this is a two-way street. where consumers and people work with the corporations and we work together. government should be part of that. >> brian: they sign leases on buildings. they hire secretaries. they hire janitors. and, yes, they have vice presidents, too. but, if you wants to compete, we shouldn't be looking at corporations aren't competing with mr. and mrs. johnson. they are competing with ireland at 12%. competing with china at 19%. the u.k. is at 25%. we pettive, why would we lose that? >> so the average rate around the world you mentioned some of
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the big o ones is roughly 23.5%. we shouldn't lose that. that's why it is so scary to think about a kamala harris kind of, you know, presidency. i can't even get the words out of my mouth because, ultimately, you raise taxes on corporations in a timeline this when everybody is struggling because prices are high and you are not going to address those root causes? you are going to cause this economy to implode. i mean, it's really not funny but i don't know what to do when i get nervous i laugh. >> brian: so does kamala. we will find out about that and how nervous she will be at 1:00 on "the big money show" with three lovely people. >> thank you. >> brian: thank you so much. appreciate it. straight ahead, anti-israel protesters using encrypting messages to rile up turnout in chicago. kurt the cyberguy unwinds it. ♪ then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me. people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis.
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>> steve: all right, on this tech tuesday from college campuses to chicago. an encrypted messaging act called telegram which was crucial for organizing university protest after octobey anti-israeli protesters to coordinate demonstrations at the d.c. the app. also includes channels promoting hamas and hezbollah
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comes as anti-israeli groups have vowed to shut down the dnc at 7:00 tonight. kurt the cyberguy joins us right now life. kurt, not surprising they are using telegram. once they used twitter said okay meet here. everybody else saw it, too. now it's all protected. >> kurt: true, i will tell you, this what is really going on in chicago right now on the digital front is while using telegram, they are also dialing into this network called resistance news network. and it's a telegram channel that rnn promotes groups like hamas, hezbollah, and it's amplifying the call to shut down the dnc. and what's interesting is that it's got 166,000 subscribers. and you have got sort of like terrorists and protesters coming together in one space. that's not a recipe for anything good. >> steve: no, it is not. speaking of nothing good. national public data has made an announcement, hey, hackers broke into our account and they stole
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everybody's social security number in america for the most part. now, people watching, most probably, have social security numbers. how do we protect ourselves, kurt? >> kurt: this is a wild story. this is probably the largest data breach i have ever reported on. 2.7 billion records we have confirmed have been stolen and making this worse is that hackers normally steal this stuff to make money with it, right? they post it online, selling it for a lot of money. well, in this case they just gave it away. meaning all the criminals in the world now can get ahold of most americans' names, social security numbers, mailing addresses, and the question is really why is this happening? how does a giant data broker like npd have the ability to do this and not use encryption or other methods to keep us safe? >> steve: no kidding. >> there are some that are holding them accountable which is only on the civil side. somebody has filed a lawsuit against him saying they want him to tighten up security and pay for the damages.
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i don't think it's going to do much for us. but you do have to protect yourself. here is my advice. what can you do right now? likelihood is you and i are likely affected. delete yourself from the internet number one thing can you do. can you do it yourself. we have a guide. one of those services where you pay monthly and constantly scrubbing you off the internet. you just want to be lidge vent . imposture mailers come to your physical mailbox. they now have a lot more information about us. they are going to impersonate familiar brands we may be customers of and they are not really that look in your mailbox and make sure that's really from your phone company and make sure that's really from your bank and be alert to phishing attempt that gets through your links in your text and email. identity protection alerts. a best of your knowledge of services out there. they are really good. you sign up for those. and when somebody tries to compromise your credit, bam, you get an alert right away. >> steve: indeed.
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all right. so we have all got social security numbers. if you want to know how to protect yourself, go to cyberguy, thanks very much for joining us. >> kurt: sutter goode to see you sir. >> steve: good to see you on tech tuesday. still ahead pete buttigieg is going to join us live from chicago along with harris faulkner and sean hannity. put down the remote. we're coming right back. ♪ linda asistencia. lowe's knows what a great assist can lead to. we all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10% of us get enough each day. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies the easy way to get your daily fiber. while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter
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