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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 20, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ >> ainsley: good morning to you. it's 7:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it is 6:00 a.m. where lawrence is in chicago. it is tuesday, it's august 20th, and this is "fox & friends." we are in new york, and, lawrence is there at the dnc. i hope you are staying safe, lawrence. >> lawrence: i'm trying. >> ainsley: okay. good. a tearful farewell most people probably missed last night as president biden was pushed out of prime time, not taking the stage until after 11:00 p.m. it was like 11:30. 11:2 #. he listed his accomplishments and then tells reporters he could have won re-election. pete buttigieg is going to react to that with lawrence coming up. >> brian: that will be interesting. outside the dnc police clash with protesters who breached the security perimeter but, president biden down plays it all. >> knows protesters out in the street, they have a point, a lot of innocent people are being
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killed. on both sides. >> brian: do they have a point? we'll can sean hannity what he thinks. >> lawrence: and the dnc is in chicago. the host city is in the spotlight. the schools are being plagued by absenteeism, with taxpayers spending soa soaring and scores plummeting. >> steve: what a second hour we have got of "fox & friends" for this tuesday. and it starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: day two of the dnc will soon be underway there in chicago. but vice president harris and her running mate, tim walz will be in milwaukee for a rally at the arena where the rnc took place last month. >> lawrence: and president biden will be out of sight. is he vacationing in california after officially passing the torch to kamala harris in a post prime time speech. >> steve: that's right. senior white house correspondent jacqui heinrich joins us live
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from chicago. so, jacqui, joe went and took the stage last night at 11:28. as kamala harris goes to milwaukee, they are going to make sure her live speech from milwaukee is live streamed and seen right smack dab in the middle of prime time, right? >> well, we don't have all of the timing information yet. however it, does appear that she is going to be 90 miles away by the time obama takes the stage here in chicago. and that is really a scene that biden also wanted to avoid. and she is leaning into this crowd size comparison thing doing her event with walls at the same arena where the rnc was held in july. we're going to actually follow her there. so we will tell you more about that later. last night the president ad-libbed the parts of his speech where he said he was too young to serve in the senate and too old to be president. and he not only rallied support
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for harris, but he touted his successes and framed the story of his legacy, something his former senior adviser anita dunn said yesterday we would not be hearing and, quote: now is not the time for legacy. it looks library dunn didn't be have much inside knowledge. she has been outside the inner circle since the pressure campaign on biden began. >> we've gone from economic crisis to the strongest economy in the entire world. [cheers] record 60 million new jobs. world small business growth. record high stock market, record high 401(k)s, wages up, inflation down. >> biden made many efforts to tie harris to his achievements, he also said his decision to step aside was his own he punctuated that on his way of chicago with he may have won. >> moved senate seats or house seats that, would have been the topic you would have had to
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cover the entire remaining campaign. and it wasn't worth it. you know, you always think you are the one. and go back and look at the numbers. we weren't that far behind. >> jacqui: nancy pelosi was in the crowd last night. and there are some shots of her where she is looking pretty guilty and pretty awkward. she said in an interview afterward i did what i had to do. but she did put out a thank you, joe, tweet long before barack obama did the same. his didn't come until about 2:00 in the morning eastern, guys. >> brian: right. is he going to be speaking today of course, with mrs. obama. michelle obama is going to be there thank you so much, jacqui. >> brian: it was, what, 49 minutes, went on 10:30. he went over well past midnight. and it just goes to show you, they had so many references -- what was it 19 references to his re-electionness. >> lawrence: platform. >> brian: in the platform. they didn't put it together. whoever did the run of the show
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they cut people out. and it still went way long there was no discipline at all with the speakers. and, look, i'm sure they didn't plan on putting him on at 11:30. i mean, 8:00 probably wouldn't have been possible but 11:30. you think he would have the sensibility, i'm not going to have anyone watching. people got to go bed. and he just recounted his entire presidency. >> ainsley: it was so frustrating. yes. it was a lot of past speeches combined into one. and we were waiting for him, then we wanted to see jill. and we wanted to see his speech and how -- i wanted to watch it all. i wanted to see reaction from his family members in the crowd. he was hugging kamala. he was hugging his daughter, ashley. but, i was flipping around to different channels, and hillary clinton spoke forever. and then i'm trying to take credit for the glass ceiling and for kamala harris. and then on the both the screen on another network it said next up chris coons. i'm like, what? we have to sit through chris
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coons? and then it said raphael warnock and i'm like, what? >> brian: chris coons is writing -- >> ainsley: i want to see his farewell speech. >> steve: the organizer. >> ainsley: i was so mad. >> brian: too much delaware. >> steve: idea was to have him in prime time. prime time is not 11:28 at night. organizers say it's because there was so much applause. here's the ultimate thing. joe biden was not going to speak. a month ago he was not going to speak on night one. he was going to be on night four. >> ainsley: death valley on night one. >> steve: they had already booked all of th speakers. >> brian: didn't they cut james taylor? he was supposed to sing. >> steve: no time. >> brian: he has seen and he has seen rain. >> steve: here is the cover of the "new york post." it says past his bedtime. dems deliver final insult by pushing biden's angry, bitter
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speech to midnight. if folks missed it, well, we got some highlights. watch this. >> lawrence: go ahead. >> i made a lot of mistakes in my career. but i gave my best to you. for 50 years, like many of you, i have give my heart and soul to our nation. and i i have been blessed a million times returned with the support of the american people. i really have been too young to be in the senate because i wasn't 30 yet and too old to stay as president. [laughter] but i hope you know how grateful i am to all of you. i can honestly say i mean this -- give you my word as a biden, can i honestly say i'm more optimistic about the future than i was when i was elected as a 29-year-old united states
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senator. >> lawrence: even though there were so many in inaccuracies and hate filled. he still cites the charlottesville, which has been debunked i don't. bee grudge the president. is he still the president, a, number two, this is probably the final big political speech of his career. i just wish that his party, who claims to love him, the entire night we kept hearing we love you, joe. is this really how you treat someone that you love, that dedicated his life and family to your political party? and you put him at 11:00 at night as the sitting president of the united states? you conceal all the information about him going down -- it can happen to any of us. it happens to a rot of our family members. they aren't the president of the united states. and this party was totally comfortable with him leading the party until he crumbled on the debate stage. and i just don't understand, at the end of all of this, the camera kept going to all these
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faces. all these senators, nancy pelosi. all these cabinet members. and showing their face and saying they love him. we love you, joe. we support you, joe. thank you, joe. and all of these people put all the nails in his coffin. i just think that's disgusting. >> ainsley: nancy pelosi was holding up that sign we love joe. there it is right there. >> lawrence: lo. >> ainsley: so many tears last night. tim walz his wife was crying. joe biden was wiping tears you see when he was hugging his daughter ashley after she spoke. kamala harris' husband was crying. and obama, jacqui referenced this, obama did post: i am proud to call him my president and grateful to call him my friend. he received a love fest but he had to drop out first. >> brian: everyone got happy once he left. nancy pelosi defended herself. saying, quote: i did what i had to do. >> lawrence: of course. >> brian: that's an interesting farewell and put him on mount
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rushmore. fantastic. >> steve: pushed him out of prime time. >> ainsley: not good enough to run again but great for mounted rush more. >> steve: tonight when she is in milwaukee kamala harris' address will be live at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. that's the one hour all networks do take it. all the big networks. so they are putting her there joe biden milled the 9:00 hour by a couple hours. >> brian: i don't know. bill clinton got wednesday and barack obama gets tuesday? we have to look into that. how does that happen? bill clinton fresh jeffrey epstein's plane. why do we want to see him on wednesday? [laughter] >> ainsley: oh, gosh, the "new york post," you have one, steve, will you he hold that up? it says. >> steve: past his bed sometime ains wasn't an accent. speech started at 1:28 in the hour when old sitcoms run in syndication. >> steve: they are right about that.
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>> brian: debby wasserman schultz also got cut. i'm not sure they wanted to push him so late. total lack of discipline. nobody in charge. >> ainsley: anti-israel protesters getting intense with protesters. breaching the outer security perimeter. >> brian: steve harrigan joins us from chicago with more. hows would it. >> brian, this was a few dozen protesters radical ones seemed prepared for troubling. they broke off from the main march after 4:00 p.m. they managed to breach that outer security fence just about two blocks north of the convention center. some of them actually had sledge hammers and chains in their knapsacks. most of the ringleaders wore masks and they broke down that fence for a short period of time. we have seen more than 200 different groups organized here. and protesting. some of those groups radicals, some openly say they support the terrorists group. hamas. >> you are a palestinian? >> yes. >> do you support hamas? >> every palestinian supports
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hamas. not just me. every palestinian supports hamas. >> remarkable and restrained response by chicago police. initially they stood on the sidelines. some of them were hit with bottles, piping as well. then riot police arrived on the rub. they had head gear on as well as batons across their chest. they methodically pinned in those protesters and began arresting some of the ringleaders. at least four people arrested. no tear gas used no. injuries reported but we could see more demonstration protests each night of this convention. guys, back to you. >> brian: most of them, steve, covering their faces? >> it seemed like if it was a troublemaker. someone tearing down the fence. they had their fence completely masked. they were ready for this. really a remarkable performance by the police who prepared for a year for this event. >> steve: they did, indeed. steve, what happened, this was supposed to be a gigantic protest and it just kind of
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petered out. >> you're right. we were hearing up to 100,000 people coming, mayhem on the streets. it turned out to be a few thousand. and a few dozen protesters. but it doesn't take much, remember, there are some determine manhattan radicals who came with sledge hammer and doesn't take much to turn a crowd. still have a few more nights to get through. >> ainsley: can you get an iud and vasectomy strange thing at a convention. >> steve: apparently sold out. >> brian: it is kind of weird. >> ainsley: i thought the republicans were weird. >> brian: republicans are still weird but that's perfectly normal. >> ainsley: thanks, steve. >> steve: thanks, steve. great conch. >> lawrence: thanks, steve. >> steve: joe biden had a comment about those anti-israeli protesters. listen to what he says. >> we're working around the clock, my secretary of state, to wider war and reunite hostages with their families. and surge humanitarian health
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and food assistance into gaza now. [applause] to end the civilian suffering of the palestinian people and finally, finally, finally deliver a cease-fire and end this war. [cheers] those protesters out on the street, they have a point, a lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides. >> lawrence: does he talk about how hamas takes the food from its own people? did he ever say in the middle of the speech hamas, how about you, let your people go? they want to survive? they are tired of their children i doing? can you let the hostages go so we can finally get back? can you kick them out of government? can hamas stop running the government there in palestine? it is so crazy to me that the president of the united states wants to both sides this conflict. all of us would call for the ending of this war once the hostages left and hamas was
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kicked out. but that hasn't happened. and there's no plea from the administration. instead, they are putting handcuffs on israel. everyone keeps saying israel, end. this you need to end it now. everyone is not noting that they have to be strategic in how they do this. if you want less civilians to die, then it's going to take awhile. if you wants more civilians to the die, then they could just continue to bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb. >> brian: if they were using the word processor and i was able to put something in the prompter, i would have put a line or two about iran. have you already breached the trump campaign, you are trying to breach the harris campaign. you are trying to spread disinformation through this election season. you are behind all these tears groups and you are weeks away from a nuclear weapon we promise you will never be able to have. instead, not a word about who the evil is really behind this. and no retribution after our seven soldiers were injured by that bombing in iraq.
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nothing. >> steve: yeah. we have gone about one month, 30 days without kamala harris giving any sort of substantive press briefing. talking to reporters. in a profound way. it's also about 30 days until early voting starts across certain parts of the united states. including these important states. north carolina, pennsylvania, minnesota, south dakota, virginia, mississippi, and illinois. last night on our air, lara trump who is the co-chair of the rnc and kellyanne had the important observation about how important this time it is that republicans vote early. >> we have spent a lot of time messaging to people all across america get your vote in early. and then come help us recruit more people to get out to the polls. every single american no, matter republican, democrat, or third party candidate, when you vote in the united states of america, you ought to know your vote matters and your vote counts. >> i think president and
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mrs. trump can make a great example by voting early in florida for him if the lion roars others were follow. i like the fact is he tied in pennsylvania. i think dave mccormick the senate candidate is a strong one. i has. so best ads against kamala of any down ballot candidate in this country. >> ainsley: republicans, they are saying to republicans, change the game. vote early. normally something that the democratic party does more so than the republicans. and supporters are saying it avoids long lines. the election day rush. and scheduling conflicts. it increases voter turnout and reduces wait times. >> brian: people get the sense if they vote early it's not going to be counted. and if it comes from the top, if it comes from president trump and j.d. vance, no, no. we got this thing. especially in your state. we're convinced that early voting will be effective. your vote won't be lost. that would help. >> lawrence: not just the messaging of voting early and by mail as well. it's do you guys have the buses like the other side do? are you going to pick people up
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to bring them to the polls? are you going to do the hold the pews to the polls where they go from sunday after they leave church to goat straight to the polls and buses are waiting for them? i preechingt the message. and i appreciate them saying finally do what the other side is doing. but you just can't have it from a verbal standpoints. you need the resources, the ground game to also do it. and i'm not seeing that i'm not seeing the strategy of how are you going to get people to get their tails to the polls? providing a way for them to get there i want to see that plan. >> steve: right. because, lawrence, to that point, the democrats for generations have had a great get out the vote campaign. day of. they drive people to the polls. they knocke on doors. the dnc has done this for decades. the republican party this time out essentially is farming that duty out to outside groups. it's never been done like this before. so it's kind of an experiment. they are hoping it all works out well. but you just never know. so that is why, lara and
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kellyanne are right. go ahead and vote early. because the democrats' smn vaunted. >> ainsley: a lot of people die harders they will definitely go on the day of and hope for sure. >> steve: i hope there is not a big storm. >> ainsley: exactly. if you have a storm, whatever the case might be that is a wintery season. so you could have. >> steve: what if the electricity goes out? >> ainsley: that's right. if you go early. somebody think i think i'm going to vote. if you do it early your vote counts. >> steve: i want a ride. >> brian: i would like a ride. >> ainsley: go to church. >> brian: why do i have to drive? >> steve: drive to massapequa. >> brian: pick me up. just pull up in front of my house and honk i will come running out. >> ainsley: got to wait on everybody on that bus to vote before they drive you back. >> lawrence: brian drive the bus. >> ainsley: take an uber. >> steve: harris and shay all coming up on "fox & friends" and pete buttigieg the guy who runs
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the transportation department and ran for president. >> brian: let's keep the first name thing going. >> ainsley: pete? >> brian: no, here is carley. >> ainsley: carley has headlines. >> carley: good morning we do have news to get. to say four men charged in connection with to the killing of general hospitals actor johnny wactor. that includes two 18-year-old suspects facing murder charge. wactor's mother joined "fox & friends weekend" with her plea for strong penalties for the suspects. >> he was a very kind person. very compassionate. i felt he had a lot left to do in this world. i have prayed that they weren't kids so they could be tried as adults and two of them turned 18 two weeks before they murdered him. so i'm happy with that i want it tried federally because that's where you can get the stronger penalties. >> carley: wactor shot and killed after confronting a group of catalytic converter thieves in downtown l.a. in may.
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two of the suspects who have known gang ties reported implicated themselves during recorded jailhouse conversations. and listen to this. series of bad decision making here. a teen suspect leading the nypd on a wild chase, hopping from roof top to roof top. after hitting an officer with a stolen car. don't move. don't move! ♪ >> do not move. >> carley: can you believe? the suspect faces multiple charges including attempted aggravated murder. and the mission to bring the two stranded astronauts back home is getting complicated partially due to their space suits if you can believe it. sunni williams and butch will more have been stuck aboard the international space station since june due to complications with boeing starliner capsule.
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while spacex could help bring the two back to earth their blue space suits are too big for the company's dragon spacecraft. spacex astronauts wear a sleeker white uniform compared to the bulkier blue space suit that williams and will more are currently wearing. nasa is expected to make a decision on the return mission this week. the saga continues. got to bring them home. all right. how about this for a special delivery, a cape cod couple delivering their baby daughter on the side of the highway while stuck in traffic. watch this video. >> summer is here. oh my god. in the rover. oh my god. >> hi, baby. hi, sweety. >> oh, wow. >> look at her lips. >> do you believe that video? oh my goodness the couple welcoming a healthy baby girl her name is summer into this world. they share their critical condition he haddable story
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earlier on "fox & friends first." >> there was absolutely no time. and we got in the car as fast as we could. and started our journey. >> i didn't have time to call 911. we pulled off to the side of the road. i jumped out of the driver's door. ran around the vehicle. i know there is a lot of family around here. spare some of the details. together we gracefully delivered our daughter. >> amazing. so the dad cut the up bialik call cord in the dunkin' parking lot. offering them free munchkins for the entire year. how sweet is that on so many levels, guys. >> steve: no kidding. >> ainsley: munchkins for their munchkins. >> steve: another reason to get those weather tech floor liners. >> lawrence: jesus. >> carley: i love that family though. so calm. >> brian: must have been smooth no. airbags. >> ainsley: what do you mean? >> brian: came out smooth. no airbags. if it was a rush, it would have
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ignited. >> ainsley: all i'm think something no epidural. that poor lady. >> steve: i'm just thinking free munchkins for a year. >> ainsley: how cute was that little baby though. i saw your interview with them, carley. did you great. >> carley: thank you. >> steve: we're stepping aside. more "fox & friends" in a moment. ♪ but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today.
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1 #. >> steve: president joe biden blaming donald trump for the border crisis. while touting fewer illegal crossings than when trump left office a couple years ago. >> ainsley: todd piro puts this story in context for you and your family. hey, todd. >> todd: it does need some context. good morning to all four of you, president biden and vice president kamala harris hoping to flip the script on the border, trying to put former president trump on defense. listen. >> trump continues to lie about the border. here's what he won't tell you. trump killed the strongest bipartisan border deal in the history of the united states. the result of the executive action i took border encounters have dropped over 50%. in fact, there are fewer border crossings today than when donald trump left office. >> todd: okay. so here's the deal per the
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customs and border protection agency illegal border crossings did drop last month since lowest level december 20,206,000. when former president trump left that office that number was around 75,000. the cbp citing the president's executive action to restrict asylum as the reason for the downward trend. but the number of border apprehensions reached 2.2 million in the 2 2023 fiscal year. the number of apprehensions under former president trump peaking at just under 852,000 in the 2019 fiscal year. a big context needed there. since biden took office, there have been more than 8 million crossings, 8 million. there were nearly 2.5 million during trump's full term. biden making no mention of migrant crime either. the "new york post" is reporting a mexican migrant who illegally crossed a border is accused of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old boy in mississippi. authorities reportedly arresting
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and 34-year-old alberto gonzalez unclear where and when gonzalez entered the u.s. this week biden administration started accepting applications for its keeping families together initiative. that program allows migrant spouses and stepchildren of u.s. citizens to receive legal protection as they work and as they try to get lawful residency. so you need those numbers in context. one month may have been okay. but, you know, over the course of an administration, it is a drastically different picture. >> brian: thanks so much, todd, the thing is, too. the big question is with these cities, millions of dollars are spent on these illegal immigrants on their housing, on their education. on their food. many of which they don't like. it's not just a new york problem 67,000 here across the country. will kamala harris answer this question: are you for giving illegal imgran grants free room and board and education? because that is no longer a winning message. for most of the american people, especially those where the money usually would go to some of
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those social programs are now going to people that don't belong here. >> ainsley: lawrence, have you been hitting the streets of chicago, talking to homeowners there. and we are seeing weekend after weekend of all of these people who were shot. it was like 23 were shot this past weekend. imagine they are spending 400 million, they have over the past two years on the migrants. imagine if they divided that money and they gave that to the police station or they gave that to some of these families. >> brian: police athletic league. >> ainsley: or to the schools. in 44 chicago schools. zero students are proficient in math. and in 24 schools, zero are proficient in reading. lanes lanes you know, ainsley, it's the perfect set-up because i went out there to the streets of chicago as we always do. go talk with the voters. i talked with a young man, his father was murdered in chicago. we started talking about some politics of the dale and where he sees the democratic party. and one of the issues that he wrought up, the illegal
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migrants, and all the resources they are getting. he is not getting it in his community. watch. >> i believe in helping. but i don't care why they keep letting all these immigrants come over here like everyone needs somewhere to go. believe it or not, i get that. but, what about all the people who has been here? we have a lot of homeless people who have been here and hurting and needed help. instead of you guys reaching out to help them. bringing bus loads of people from other countries and help them give them all the benefits and stuff that people who have been here for years waiting for. >> lawrence: guys, that's not a diner in south dakota or north dakota. that's in the heart of a deep blue city of chicago that is says the same thing. how are we going to continue to give resources to people that didn't come the right way to the country when we're struggling right here in chicago? >> brian: shows you how much it's changed and when donald trump first was running for office. people took pride in saying oh, sanctuary city. i'm a sanctuary state. now in new york they are trying
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to reverse it. you had a democratic mayor here trying to convince the city council to stop with this whole sanctuary city holy. it was to help illegals here not to be targeted by cops if they didn't brake the law. now, it's there to house people. and where the resources are being spent. i think the number in new york is something like $4 billion. >> steve: well, it's the numbers that are important. it was good that todd provided the context to explain what is going on. right now, keep in mind how horrific and chaotic things were at our southern border. with thousands of people waiting in line to cross the border last year. right now, those numbers are fewer. you know, you don't see video of thousands streaming across. number one, because a lot of people are using the cbp app. to make an appointment and also it's the hot weather. the peril for the democrats is in the run-up to november, are we going to see great big caravans of people streaming towards the united states again because that will not help them? but, in the meantime, you know,
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for the most part, the mainstream media is giving them a pass on the border. >> brian: just keep in mind when they fill out that app., they can get transported right into the country. therefore, they don't count as the border crosser. >> ainsley: chicago schools are also plagued by absenteeism with, look at this, look at these numbers, with taxpayers spending soaring and mentioning the scores plummeting, and is this the model that we want to see for cities in our nation? we're going to talk about that, coming up. ♪ the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price. and that's what we're all about. ♪ whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight.
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♪ ♪ >> brian: intelligence agencies confirming the iranian government is to blame for hacks targeting the trump and the biden harris campaigns. rich edson is on this story.
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rich? >> rich: good morning, brian. well, the intelligence agencies say they are confident that iran was responsible for hacking the trump campaign, tried to hack the harris campaign as well, as all of us in the u.s. statement they say we have increased aggressively activity in the election cycle. the intelligence community is confident that the iranians have through social engineering and other efforts sought access to individuals with direct access to the presidential campaigns of both political parties. the former president acknowledged the iran connection last week iran protecting people in the middle east that maybe they aren't so happy about that. now the agencies say china and russia have also employed these tactics in quote protecting the integrity of our elections from foreign interference, instance influence is our priority. iran's government says it harbors neither the intention or the motive to interfere with the u.s. presidential election.
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u.s. officials say iran has also target the former trump officials for that airstrike that killed that senior general kassem soleimani back in 2020. back to you, brian. >> brian: rich, they should pay a price for this. thank you so much. go over to ainsley, ainsley? >> thank you, brian, president biden taking the stage in chicago and giving his democratic agenda an a plus when it comes to your child's education. >> donald trump and the republican friends not only think can't think they can't read very well. [boos] >> want to do away with the department of education. during the pandemic, kamala and i helped states and cities get their schools back open. and we gave public school teachers a raise. >> but, under his party's policies, the windy city is not making the grade. chicago now leads the nation with 40% of school children chronically absent. and while school spend something up 97% since 2012, only one in four students are reading at
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their own grade level. and more than 80% of them are not proficient in math. how sad is that? here to react is illinois parent and senior director of labor policy for the illinois policy institute. miley smith. good morning to you, miley. >> good morning. >> why is this? >> chicago teacher's union controls chicago public schools. and with all eyes on chicago. it is really important that the public sees what union control of the district has done. like you said, just one in four chicago students can read at grade level. it's even less than that for our low income students. 40% are chronically absent. enrollment has dropped. this is all while district spending has soared. now ctu controls city hall as well in the form of mayor johnson really an example of what districts shouldn't do. it's a warning of what's to come if other large city districts
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let a radical teacher's union control the reins. >> it's heart breaking. you live there. i'm sure it's extremely sad for you and your family. i used to love chicago. i felt safe there it was -- i used to describe it as a clean mini new york. michigan avenue had those beautiful stores that we couldn't afford when we were growing up. but i just loved just walking down that street and having these dreams that one day i will maybe will be able to shop there. and it's all changed. and we're all nervous we were nervous about sending to chicago because of the protests. how do you feel about this? i'm sure you are seeing neighbors leave the city. >> it's heart breaking and angering i talk a lot about chicago teacher's union at the root of so many of the city's problems. particularly the district. is the chicago teacher's union they have had a radical slate of union leadership in control
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since 2012 when much of this that we're tracking started these lower -- the lower enrollment, the absenteeism. and under their control, they have past initiatives and other collective bargaining agreement provisions that have taken money away from what is important for students. in their current contract, they're asking for $10 billion in addition to what they already have for things like climate justice, cash to asylum seekers, things that have nothing to do with making the students' experience better. >> ainsley: their priorities are in the wrong spot. paying hundreds of millions for illegal immigrants and leaving our citizens, our children, the next generation to hang tout dry. it's just really sad. miley, thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you're welcome. harris faulkner is live in chicago. we're going to talk to her coming up. here she is. ♪
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. it feels like a fall day here in new york city. see a jacket. take a look at the temperatures. going to be in the 60's right now. yes. 62. holy moly that cold front went through. cooler, drier air behind it. yes, it feels like fall for look at marquette, 39 right now. 5 # in detroit.
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61 in chicago. feeling like fall. and then, you know, we will get up to the 70s here in new york. very refreshing after that incredible cold front and all of that rain here in the northeast. not so for parts of the south. look at dallas and houston, el paso, new orleans, phoenix, still feeling like summertime. the southern plains, we have heat advisories in effect where it's going to feel well over 10. then we have florida. you are expecting rain in the forecast for the next five to seven days. good news about atlantic hurricane season very quiet right now as we reach peak of the season which is great. continue to monitor but enjoy it for now. steve, ainsley, brian, l.j., over to you. >> brian: meanwhile stay tuned at the dnc headliners this evening take a look. barack and michelle obama set to talk separately. >> ainsley: duo set to speak where kamala harris. she is getting 38% of the support from black voters
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nationally. >> steve: however, this is still 10 points short of that percentage that voted for barack obama back in 2012. >> lawrence: joining us to discuss on the set in chicago co-host of "outnumbered" the harris faulkner focus herself. welcome to the program. >> harris: thank you, good to see you. hi, everybody. steve good morning. >> lawrence: what do you hear people saying as they talk to voters. they try to make her obamaesque, great orator now and be able to valley not only black voters but the entire party? >> harris: yeah, so i think it's interesting. i was reading this morning and the "new york times," one of the people they interviewed calls her the fantasy candidate for the democrats. now, good morning that's a compliment. because we want to be real. we don't want to be fantastical. some people are telling me and i was on the streets a bit yesterday. she has made a journey. it's interesting, the people who support her don't think anything
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of less than 30 days. of course, it is amazing and it's wonderful and it's spectacle. the people who really don't want to vote for kamala harris know that no one makes that much of a shift in such a short period of time with no way to check the progress. sit down with reporters. she does off the records and gaggle situations maybe take a question or two event by the bus, that sort of thing. again, some of the word salad that even comes from those. i don't want to criticize too much because you need reps in order to be smooth. and she has had a lot of reps with word salad but she hasn't practiced smooth without the prompter. i don't know, maybe they are spending this time with her behind the scenes smoothing that out. people don't know her policy. that was another thing. i know you have been talking to voters and viewers as well. and what they are saying no matter how you feel about her politically, you can't say anything about her. so they put out the platform. it's got the 19 mentions of
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biden's second, you know, term. and no mention of her first term because there are no policies yet. we don't know -- we are not the only ones who don't know what her policies are. the voters don't. they are looking -- they are really hungry for knowing what that's going to be. now, this is an opportunity, a moment for republicans, the question is what will they do with it? are they going to -- is donald trump going to continue to bash her personally. i don't think that's working for him when you look at the polling. when you blow oxygen into something? it gets bigger. it gets more life do it. and that fantasy becomes even larger in the eyes of democrats who now -- you know from being in this hall don't you get a feeling there is a buoyancy among democrats now that they didn't have before with joe biden. this is the quote of the day for me though from the "new york times" article. i got another one from the hill that's really good, too. everybody should read. after president biden's farewell speech last night, mr. obama has a big job to separate ms. harris, kamala harris from
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the biden years while making the case that she was centrally enough to biden to slip seamlessly into his job. that's the quote of the day for me. that sounds like a gymnastics move that simone biles would say you know what? i'm going to sit this one out. [laughter] >> lawrence: harris faulkner, folks. you can watch the faulkner focus live from the dnc today and all this week 11:00 a.m. eastern time. also outnumbered co-host of that show as well at noon. >> harris: good to see you. >> lawrence: same waterway. >> harris: more than we do in new york. >> steve: had to s leave town to see each other: wrapping up the second how about of "fox & friends" look who is coming up. >> brian: pete buttigieg is going to join us next hour. we're going to have him about the biden-harris record. ♪
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