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tv   America Reports  FOX News  August 20, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> they will quote a firm , why, harris and tim walz are the precise leaders america needs now and that obama has been in close contact with harris over the past few months. >> welcome back to america reports. a big afternoon. >> president biden exiting stage left last night, traveling to california after delivering a farewell speech last night. democrats will try to turn the page with an appearance from biden's form a boss who was hands-on in the effort to get him out of the white house. >> one thing we do have to underline here so viewers can follow what is going on behind the scenes is the biden campaign
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and many democratic officials do believe barack obama is quietly working behind the scenes to orchestrate this. >> we have fox news team coverage. brett hume will join us. >> we begin with the rich. he is live in chicago. democrats are facing loud protests? >> they have. throughout the city and we will see if it happens on the convention floor here. demonstrators want an arms embargo against israel, a cease-fire in gaza and the harris campaign to embrace that. governor tim walt walz with spe. democrats have been trying to mollify the concerns of american leaders and about 30 delegates here are largely the result of
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protest votes against president biden and his israel policy. they say they represent hundreds of thousands of voters who can sway the selection. >> we will talk to other delegates and our goal is to get hundreds to join with us and pressure the ticket to stop sending the bombs. >> they also want a high profile convention slot for a palestinian speaker. the campaign has not committed to that. >> i don't know if we have updates. as somebody who understands the goals of many of the people showing up to demonstrate here and who shares those same goals. >> her team so she opposes an arms embargo and will ensure that israel can defend itself. many of the protest votes against president biden when he was running to be the nominee, came from the upper midwest,
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states like michigan and minnesota, the blue wall states harharris will have to win. >> thank you. >> let's bring an brett hume. i want to talk about biden's swan song. he was pushed out of prime time after being pushed off the ballot and then went on vacation to california. it was like thanks, are you still here? don't you have to go to california? the obama's are there tonight. is this about erasing any notion that biden is around? >> i think that is the effect of it. last night is the part the party the wanted to get over with. they did what they did, they put him on the first night to be heard and not seen again and in the course of doing that,
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because of the schedule being out of control and he didn't get on until the wee hours, it wasn't a very elegant opportunity for him, but he tried to make the most of it with a speech reminiscent of his state of the union address which was said with a certain volume and a certain vigor. he did the best he could. >> let's switch to the new nominee. kamala harris. very thin on policy. a lot of people have started noticing this. she is running from her record back in 2019. she was doing well in the primaries until people started looking into her record and her policies. a democratic strategist says don't look for her to delineate her policies anytime soon. the media will do it for her. listen to what he said. >> vice president harris has been brave to roll out an
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ambitious agenda because we know how this works. the more details you share, the more your policies get picked apart but she is saying i trust the american people, i trust the journalists to explain these policies and values to folks and when that happens, it will be successful. these are pro-worker, pro-middle-class policies people have been waiting for. >> what do you make of that? these are policies people have been waiting for. she has been in charge with biden the past 3.5 years. what have they been waiting for? >> how would that guy no? there is no policy section on her campaign website. she has articulated practically nothing. she has been a piece of this administration and presumably in support of all these things they tried to do or are doing, but
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beyond that, as far as ideas on her own, it is a blank slate with the exception of a few economic policy she rolled out that work widely booed. i don't know what he is talking about. that is what you hear during political conventions. >> there is no way during the trump administration they would have left it to the media to define anything because they know what would have happened. media research center did an analysis of coverage, press coverage of harris versus trump. harris, 84% positive, trump 89% negative. joe biden gave a speech in 2021 and nobody talked about it being a bed of white-hot extremism. >> i have been doing this for a
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while. as you have. the press has always tilted left. the way it is now, it is beyond anything i have seen. the idea that a presidential candidate could be emerging from years of association with a particular administration and not be held to account really, so far at least, for the policies of that administration or any other policies, nor are the demands for accountability for her and telling us what she is all about, answering questions and so on. i have never seen anything like it. the media had no appetite. it is beyond anything i have ever seen. >> me as well. it is always great to catch up with you. really appreciate it. >> you didn't have to remind me of that. >> not by much. >> always good to see you.
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>> we will be talking to joe. >> i am amazed when you go to her campaign website, the first thing you see is the request for money for donations. that is fine. you travel, there is no policy pitch or explanation or details being offered to voters as to how she is going to fix the problems she is laying out in her speeches. >> if you want to get a sense of what the policy is, you would go to their website and it would be laid out on a policy page in great detail. that page does not exist on her website. >> or should we give the opportunity to the press to get clarity on some of these ideas, like price controls. that is not happening. we are awaiting a briefing from
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the pentagon. the navy has sent aircraft carriers to deter iran from attacking israel but there are concerns this leaves the pacific wide open for china. lucas is live from the pentagon and has more on this for us. what does this mean for our military posture in the pacific? >> decreased u.s. military presence in the pacific with those two carriers gone. there was an incident yesterday not far from those contested islands that president she said he would not militarize them. the philippine coast guard is outraged. >> of the coast guard stands firm and its responsibility to ensure the safety and security of our maritime domain while addressing any and all threats to our national interests. >> here is the incident in the aftermath of a coast guard ship after being rammed by a chinese
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ship on her starboard side. these have been increasing. the u.s. and the philippines are treaty allies, dating back to 1951, which requires both nations to come to the others defense. these vessels are involved with the damage. china did not open fire. this is harassment. china claims just about all of the islands in the south china sea which other allies dispute. the strike group is westbound in the indian ocean, making the best speed to link up with the strike group. the big stick has been at sea for over seven months. it is likely you will see two carrier ops in a hope to send a message to iran. lloyd austin just returned last month from the philippines, where he is looking to deploy previously banned missiles, under the inf treaty, which the
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u.s. is no longer part of. >> lucas, thank you. >> trump set to take the stage in michigan. his first visit to the state since vice president harris entered the race. we will bring you that event live in less than an hour from now. >> vice president harris has big promises for americans, which means big government spending. where is that money going to come from? we get reactions from kevin o'leary. >> she says i am going to explain spending when the average american believes that will increase inflation. it will make the government deficit bigger when the average american wants there to be cutting.
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>> kamala harris is pledging 3 million new homes in the next four years. the proposal is extremely problematic. kevin o'leary with his thoughts just ahead. to our correspondent, she is live at the white house. >> or plan to build does not have the best planning record. they have not produced much. harris has promised to build 3 million homes and it might be
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too good to be true. the plan won't make the cost of building a home cheaper. the plan makes no mention of reducing federal regulations that add to the 24% cost burden on single-family home construction or the 41% increase on the construction of a multifamily unit. she has a plan to provide $25,000 in down payment assistance. experts warned that could aggravate the shortage she is trying to fix, bringing more first-time home buyers into a strained competitive market with low inventory. one advisor saying this would further inflate the real estate market, put the u.s. into financial deficit and be another reason for the government to increase taxes. government spending is out of her hands. it is up to congress to ultimately pass legislation that would pay for all of this. unless they flip the house, that
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is unlikely. >> i was dying for your response to this. you and i talked a lot about what has been done to fix the housing market. what do you make of this big spending promised to get the homebuilders to build more? >> within the industry, whether it is funding or building, we think this is absurd. beyond absurd. crazy. i will tell you why. take 3 million homes. this is not a federal mandate. permitting is done at the state level. which state would specifically, by the numbers, and this is why i am dying for her to get in front of reporters. i will ask her, where are these homes going and where are you
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going to get this done giving the regulatory environment. you have to deregulate before you can propose this idea. over the last 3.5 years if this was such a great idea, where -- >> he was making such an incredible point. hopefully we can get kevin back up. in the meantime, a number of democrats, hakim jeffries defending not just the homebuilder plan and the spending on it, but her price control plan this morning. >> this should not be a controversial thing from the standpoint of wanting to make sure we are lowering costs. >> everybody is going to play by the rules. there is no place for taking advantage of consumers. she will go after bad actors. >> now you have the nonpartisan
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budget watchdog responding to harris' big spending plan saying this. we estimate the policy would increase deficits by $1.7 trillion over a decade. that would grow to $2 trillion if temporary housing policies were made permanent. john, jumping here. we have talked about this. we have seen this before. look to any country there are empty store shelves. >> nixon implemented price controls and it did not work out well. daniel juergen said cattle ranchers hung onto their cattle. people raising chickens drown them and there were empty store
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shelves. anybody who wants to go back to that is barking up the wrong tree economically. who put this in the teleprompter? who thought this was a good idea? >> kevin o'leary is back. we had this discussion yesterday. if we were to move from the price controls and the crazy idea of the housing bill and the spending, who put these plans in front of her. who thought this was a good idea and why did she buy into it? >> that is a great question because most of us thought, during this last weekend, we would see vice president harris moved to the middle. that is the safest strategy for winning. she would have gotten more of those voters in swing voter states but that is not what happened. she doubled down on bidenomics,
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did not distance herself from the original mandate that was associated. bidenomics is a bad brand and is associated with inflation, almost hyperinflation. she basically overspent $2 trillion. everybody knows that, so why wouldn't she blame that on the old boss and say i am a new boss and we won't get fooled again, but she didn't do that and that is a surprise. her advisors have given her some bad advice and i expect you to scrutinize her after labor day, along with many other members of the press, to ask how she is going to implement these programs and that is where she runs into trouble. >> not a lot of democrats are defending that. "new york times" and "the washington post" did not like it. we will see how she defends it. great to have you. sorry it was cut short.
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>> she will be measured through the lens of who lyrics. how are democrats reacting to demands. joe will join us, coming up. >> democrats might be showing off chicago, but how is the windy city doing when it comes to education and schools? this has been a huge issue for folks who live there. >> over the last few years, the governor has invested billions of dollars in education. despite that money, the test scores have not changed in 75% of students cannot read at grade level. weemu. will have more coming up. ) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah.
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at hostage square. is there any hope this cease-fire proposal could come together at the last minute here? >> in the square behind me, they have been singing songs of hope but practically every person i talked with say they have lost hope. hamas says it is not walking away from this deal but it does say it is criticizing the proposal or that it leans too far towards what is real's demands have been so it showcases of the divides. anthony blink and met with the egyptian president to move the cease-fire forward one day after announcing israel agreed to this plan. cease-fire talks have not cooled tensions, especially in the northern border.
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hezbollah fired as many as 120 rockets towards northern israel with sirens blaring in the last couple of hours. after uncovering new tunnels inside one of those tunnels, they found half a dozen bodies, six hostages. the bodies are now back on israeli soil. several funerals will take place tomorrow. these are the faces of those hostages whose bodies have been brought back today. all of them were known to be dead however the man here was still believed to be alive. his family was taken hostage. his grandson, wife and daughter were released in the first cease-fire. his family has been holding onto hope he might be able to come home. it is a very grim day in tel aviv.
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>> thank you. >> illinois governor says chicago shows off some of the democrat's best policies but the data shows different data. they are struggling when it comes to education. many children have failing at reading and math scores. garrett is live and in chicago for us. how bad are these test scores? what are they doing about it? >> last year, we had 75% of students who could not read at grade level, 83% could not do math where they needed to. despite the test scores, the district graduated nearly 83% of kids. the teachers union argues it is a funding problem, but since 2019, the budget has gone up by more than 57% to $9 billion with almost no change in student
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outcomes. >> of the speakers union controls chicago public schools. with all eyes on chicago, it is important in the public sees what union control of the district has done. just one in four chicago students can read at grade le level. it is less than that for our low income students. 40% are chronically absent. enrollment has dropped and district spending has soared. it is a warning of what is to come if other districts let a radical teachers union control the reins. >> they want to fix education by taking resources from the few schools doing well and giving them to struggling schools like douglass academy high school, which the union has blocked the district from closing despite them only having 34 students last year and a building for 900. the school had one teacher for every five students and spent
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more than four times the national average per student but douglas hasn't had a single student who could read or do math at grade level in seven years. rather than closing the school and letting those kids go to better ones, the mayor and the teachers union are doubling down on schools like douglas and argue money is the problem. >> that is and has been an emergency situation there for a long time. thank you. >> protesters trying to make their voices heard outside the dnc. it comes after demonstrators breached the first layer of fencing outside the convention last night. president biden spoke a few kind words to the protesters in his speech. let's remind folks what he said about the protesters last night. >> those protesters out in the
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street have a point. a lot of innocent people are being killed. both sides. >> he said that and criticized trump for what he said about people in charlottesville. what do you make of what he said. >> what donald trump said in charlottesville has been fact-checked and this lie about what trump said and what he actually said, it is amazing he gets away with. actually, it is not. fact-checkers have been on break. you look at snopes and you will see this is declared false, what joe biden said donald trump said. when he said the protesters have a point, all of those people in the faces of chicago pd, is that the point, screaming they will bring the war home? is that the point? it is amazing to me that the
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man, joe biden, who was humiliated last night by his party, forced to speak after midnight to make room for cmd list members of congress, it is stunning kamala harris, winning dearborn in michigan is so important he is willing to throw israel under the bus for the sake of preserving his party's power while israel is under siege in three fronts. he should have to answer for that comment in a press conference or interview but he is already on vacation in california after his party could not get him out of chicago quickly enough. >> mike tobin got a point of view from this fellow. listen to what he said. >> do you support hamas? >> every palestinian supports hamas. >> do you support october 7th?
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>> i do. what is wrong with october 7th. >> women and children. it is murder. >> what is this [bleep]? >> i am not sure what his point is but i don't think people share it. >> how do you defend the worst attack on we have seen since the holocaust as might just ask. what about women and children being killed, grandmothers being killed, people taken hostage. how can any human being defend that? those are protesters outside the convention that joe biden says has a point. this should be a bigger story than it is on other networks. >> they seem to be giving kamala harris a pass here on not answering questions about her policies, about shifting her position on big issues. the fact she hasn't given any news conferences and done any
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interviews yet, here is what j.d. vance said in kenosha a short time ago. >> she is asking people to be their president of the united states but she won't answer a tough question and she won't interact with the american people unless there is a teleprompter between them and her. i think that is crazy. what the media has got to do is start saying, if kamala harris is not going to stand and answer questions, we are going to stop giving her this fate, fawning coverage. >> are you surprised about how incurious the mainstream media is about her? >> they let her be the ron burgundy of presidential candidates. the fact it has been 30 days and she became the nominee and has not given an interview of substance, forget press conferences. when she ran for president, never gave a press conference.
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never gave one as a vice president. we are talking 5.5 years where she hasn't given a press conference. i guarantee you she will not give any before november 5th, 76 days from now. when you take those prescripted remarks, she becomes a human chornobyl in her way to speak. that is why she won't sit down with the view. pick a friendly interview but they won't let her do that at this point. what does that tell you? >> she remembers when her campaign was going well and it started imploding when people started looking into her record and policies. she will try to keep that in wraps until after november. thank you for your thoughts. >> thank you. take care. >> the former president set for a live event in michigan. the microphone is set up. all of this as the dnc rolls on.
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they sound off on how they counter programming impacts this presidential race. >> power outages at the port of los angeles leading to concerns over the reliability of green energy. real quick. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up
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really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? >> we are moments away from donald trump speaking to voters in michigan as part of his campaign swing state blitz to offer contrasting vision from the harris campaign. some are choosing to skip the dnc altogether. let's bring in sean duffy. cohost of the bottom line on fox business. great to have you both. what does that tell you that they would choose those
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democrats to skip the convention altogether? >> the goal of all politics is winning. in this case, what you have are some democrats who want to say at the state level, which is where they are running, that they are individuals, they are authentic, not to be caught on a partisan divide that might push voters away from pulling the lever for them. you think about larry hogan, a republican in maryland, chris sununu in the hampshire and i could talk about bush, quail, pence. they all have their own agenda and they see it in their best political interest not to at attend. >> sean, i will let you respond. we put the latest poll up on the screen. it is looking like a tight race. the former president is going to speak and they are attempting to
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counter program what we are hearing at the convention but she is leaving for points in wisconsin, three in pennsylvania. trump has the edge by three points in michigan. what does this tell you? >> you have a bump coming after the new candidate but also the dnc gives the candidate a bump. it's important for donald trump to counter program. you have a radical democrat party. they are giving abortions and vasectomies outside of the dnc. they believe in open borders. this is the party of people who helped build this policy. these are their policies and they want to run away from the party that is theirs and go back to their states and pretend all of this in chicago, they have nothing to do with. if williams was running for the senate, he wouldn't go there.
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he said i might have thought for these policies but i don't want to be associated with them because they could not disagree more with what is happening in chicago. >> david axelrod has an interesting prediction and he is suggesting there is overconfidence when it comes to where kamala harris is in this race. >> this is still a competitive race. if the election were today, i am not sure who would win. it is an electoral college fight. for a democrat to win those battleground states, they have to have a significantly. the enthusiasm is important for the democratic party but you have to turn that into energetic action to win. >> how do you do that? >> they started last night. everybody who was here last night sensed the enthusiasm was through the roof. what she says this, she is an
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underdog. i don't know about you, or sean, but i always root for underdogs. i take an emotional investment in the little guy winning and i think that is what they are trying to do, say we have to get involved. people have to organize and walk the elderly neighbor to the polls. what i am hearing from republicans who are here, they are shocked at the amount of not only the love enthusiasm but democrats getting in line. organizing, raising the money successfully. the money has been through the roof the last few days. >> until we know the policies, you hope voters will figure out where she is going on the issues. we hear a lot about abortion, but that is tied for second on the list. it is the economy and after she rolled out her economic pitch in
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that speech last friday, she is getting a lot of criticism from within her own party and the very friendly media. >> at some point, the voters will come out of august and into september and think about what kind of future they want. they focus on these policies, their pocketbooks, the economy. she is going to have to answer those questions. she cannot hide forever. when she comes out talking policy, you will see the mood change. you have optimism but that will pivot. underdogs, the guy who got shot in the face, that is the underdog, not the vice president of the united states. i would join you in voting for the underdog. let's go, trump. >> the edge still goes to donald trump when it comes to the economy. you wonder if -- we have that live shot in the bottom corner of your screen. he is about to speak, whether he
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focuses on that. final thought? >> i am with you on underdogs but i think the former president was leading this race handily before joe biden exited. he is the guy most people expected to win. that is not the case now. we have a race that has been transformed and i don't know what he is going to say but at one of the economic angles is that from the democrats point of view, trump has been saying he wants tariffs that would raise costs for the american consumer and saying clearly he wants tax cuts continued for the very rich and corporations. the democrats are making a populous argument they are trying to help the middle class. >> it might be good to say we are hearing his plan. before you go, you can answer yes or no if you want, but democrats love to use the word
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fair. is it fair she is not answering questions or sitting down with the press? >> you should have asked sean. he is a real politician and he will tell you if something is working, you don't stop doing it. that is fair. i think we will get something eventually. >> last point, when we get to september, this race is going to be different. the voter pays attention in the first part of september. >> i enjoyed this. thank you for joining us. good to see you. >> los angeles sparking concerns over green energy after several power outages disrupted shipping operations. max coming up with that next.
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>> john: do just the other part of los angeles keeps going out. are green policies to blame? >> there's been a big push to electrify the ports of los angeles and also long beach and so the disruptions in power have had a really big impact. that's been about about a dozen over the passed year, these things ranging from birds flying the powerlines
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to fluctuations in voltage in one brief power outage can lock out one of these massive cranes like agency behind me. likely the seven relatively isolated just affecting one or two pieces of equipment at a time but this can last ours as they boot everything back up and expose that this is a warning that as we electrify our ports we need to invest in infrastructure. john? >> john: max cordon for us at the port of los angeles. we're going to take a quick break. logical ahead ahead. we'll be right back. >> ♪ ♪
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12:00 pm
>> john: all right. thank you for joining us. will see you again tomorrow same bad time, same bat channel. >> sandra: this -- "the story" live from chicago starts about nause before john and sandra thank you so


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