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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 20, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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it was what it was, and we are where we are. i ran against biden. i thought it should have been a robust primary process in which there was an actual debate rather than what occurred. i think most people -- people can see what they can see, neil. they can spin it however they want, oh, the president decided himself -- nobody thinks that when for days and days and days he kept saying he was going to stay in the race. i do believe people with very good intentions, listen, i think he needed to leave the race, that i do believe. >> neil: okay. aaron williamson, very good catching up with you again. the former presidential candidate marianne williamson, don't know what the teacher holds for her come had a very respectable and thoughtful campaign. that campaign at least for democrats is come. "the five" is now. ♪ ♪ >> greg: hello, everybody.
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i'm jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city at 4:00 in chicago, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ it's officially kamala's party come on the second night of the dnc, the dems ditching joe biden but making sure he suffered one last humiliation old the other getting pushed out of his coveted prime time spot, speaking closer to midnight. team joe ain't happy about it. one long time aid saying "this is awful. he literally set up a campaign and handed over to them. do they have to cut him out of prime time?" dems letting other speakers before him drone on and on with really long applause lines, making the big guy 40 minutes late for his legacy-defining speech.
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>> are we ready to elect kamala harris and tim walz? [applause] and because of you, we have had an extraordinary four years of progress. when i say we, i mean kamala and me. donald trump said, and i quote, "there are very fine people on both sides." my god peered. [boos] that's what he said. women are not a nonelectrical -- not without electoral -- electoral. we need to preserve our democracy. we need you to beat donal donald trump. >> jesse: crazy nancy looking like a mob boss. [laughs] as she watched joe biden speech. she was clutching a "we love joe" sign and acting like she didn't single-handedly snuff out the man's presidency. losey says she has no read regrets uncle capping him. listen. >> what i had to do. he made the decision for the country. my concern was not about the president. it was about his campaign.
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>> jesse: judge jeanine pirro was up all night watching joe biden. it definitely did not record it and watch it in the morning. what was it like experiencing that? >> judge jeanine: even my dogs fell asleep, jesse. look, half of america didn't see joe biden speech because it came on at 11:30, and the truth is that a lot of the swing states didn't hear that speech, either. and i think it's part of the plan to keep joe biden away from the public as much as they can, which is clear with the juxtaposition of when joe was speaking versus when kamala is speaking. in addition to that, i mean, they could have brought him on earlier, really. they torched this guy. they threw him over a cliff and then hid his final eulogy. and in that eulogy, joe biden was classic joe biden. he lied appeared in this convention were all they talk about his joy and love and we are so joyful and it is so
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wonderful, they could have bumped some of the other speakers, could have bumped the endorsement speakers, but they didn't want to do this. what does it tell you? they wanted him as far away from the public as they could. here is the difference between republicans and democrats. the republicans stick with donald trump, through russia collusion, impeachment, indictments, convictions, attempted assassination, and with joe biden and the democrats, hey, soon as it doesn't look like the guy is going to win, the hell with democracy. forget the fact kamala hasn't gotten one vote. we are going to have her run for president. i mean, it is the antithesis of democracy, and as biden yells about all of those things that have been debunked, the fine people hoax, he talks about the protesters, the hamas people actually have a point. he has never criticized the anti-semitism. i mean, this is a guy who
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clearly is part of the left-wing progressives and kamala is more the same. but in the end, it was simply about the fact they are getting rid of him as quickly as they can. >> jesse: harold ford, how relieved are you you will never hear from joe biden again? >> harold: well, it's good to be back around the table and good to see my friend, the judge, and greg. i think last night democrats let the president down, president biden down a little bit on the stage up with not getting him out there sooner, i grew the judge on that. i thought he gave a recitation of some of the things he has accomplished. there is clearly an animosity and a competitiveness between president trump and president biden that showed -- that shows all the time when president trump speaks about president biden and it showed last night with mr. biden speaking about mr. trump. some of us wanted a more cheery speech, but this is what these guys have done over the last six, seven, five or six years against one another. i think the larger issue here for the campaign is -- and
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president trump realizes this and i think vice president harris is going to have to come to this with some more substance and specificity -- is who can address their concerns and aspirations and meet voters where they are in a country in the middle class? it's clear that senator vance understands that. his speech in milwaukee talked a lot about mainstream versus wall street. i'm going to be curious as i listen to president obama tonight, i know we are going to talk about that but i will be curious to hear governor walz and even vice president harris, how she talks about making housing and health care affordable and a concrete and specific way to reduce prices. i think the judges onto something. i don't agree with you there was a terrible speech, but i do agree that there are a lot of democrats who were happy to hear him talk last night, but relieved that vice president harris is the nominee of the party because she is the more competitive candidate and a likelier candidate to win in november. >> jesse: dana, do you feel
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the relief in the building? yesterday was kind of a weird vibe. what does it feel like you today? >> dana: i feel like they have turned the page. i don't think they were intentionally insulting to him. i think they had a terrible scheduling problem and they did not handle it well. i did note this. nobody left. they all stuck around until the very last minute, and it was late to the point that my phone was like hey, you are supposed to be in bed. i was like, i know. i also believe, you remember having -- i don't have children, but if i had a recital or a play and my parents had to come and you had to stay through the end because you just have to stay through the end and that is the way it is. i felt like that is what it was last night. i do not think president biden gave a good speech. i thought it was the speech from the state of the union, a few lines of kamala harris is great sprinkled in. i remember in particular he said "she cast the tie-breaking vote for the inflation reduction act!"
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and very few people clapped and kamala harris absolutely sat on her hands because that's one of the sticking points she is going to have to deal with once she meets donald trump on the debate stage to cover tenth. >> jesse: i'm definitely not one of those parents that leaves after my child has finished their recital. i always stay to the end. don't listen to what you heard. greg, you definitely had a late night. >> greg: yes. >> jesse: and i'm glad i wasn't there to experience any of your emotions. >> greg: it was long. it was painful. it was like last night joe's speech reminded me of the worst part of every action movie. the death scene that keeps going. you know, i think of mr. orange from "reservoir dogs" come he's about to die. nope, he's still going. i think he stopped breathing. no, he's talking again. there were so many fake endings in that speech. and i do believe that was payback on joe's part p or he was going to throw it all out there because what they did to joe last night is exactly what i do to the weird stuff in my
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house when i have company. i shelve it under the bed and hope nobody looks, and he didn't like to be shelved under the b bed. this is the democrats' week to present their party in the most appealing light possible. it's their coming out party for millions of people who don't pay attention to politics. right? the irony, though, in order for them to be appealing, they have to hide their true identity and embrace the traits that they usually mock when there's no election. suddenly they are about joy. they are about joy? after four years of apocalyptic fervor? trump ending democracy, climate change ending the earth, and racial division being an eternal stain on our country, and unless you employ it in full-scale radical change, our country is doomed, and all of a sudden, happy, joy, hugs and kisses. the democratic party is like someone on a dating profile stealing their photo from a j.crew catalog when they really look like jerry nadler, but i
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want to touch on the speech. it is fair to say every politician lies, it's called spin, but they're harmless lies, deadly lies. harmless lie, crowd size, golf game. a deadly lie is creating a perpetuating a hoax saying a leader defended nazis and that hoax provides an umbrella for four years of sanction hate. you know, and one what do the fact-checkers do? they don't fact-check that because they have to fact-check themselves. that is why daniel dale on cnn to such a fraud p or he would rather fact-check a joke than something that put people's lives in danger and might have directly contributed to an attempted assassination of trump. biden entered living rooms of america took a giant angry crap after feeding on a putrid buffet of hoaxes which were created to demonize not just the president but half the country who supports them. he took the jussie smollett model and he made it to scale.
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he is actually worse than smollett because he quoted 70 million to 80 million suspects, not just a few white guys in maga hats. >> jesse: essay reservoir again peds b3 reservoir. reservoir. p or pinot noir. >> jesse: throwing french on it. coming up, backstabbing obama takes the stage to crown kamala. ♪ ♪
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>> greg: the barack-stabbers blackbeard crowning kamala is the queen of the dems. hoping to capture some of the 22008 magic. the artist behind the iconic hope obama poster accreting similar artwork for her presidential bid beard kamala rocking and obamaesque pantsuit, delightful, and the media getting a thrill of it. >> people in the room had a great time last night, exuberance, joy. i have not seen so many democrats laugh, smile, sing. >> that was a legitimate moment of catharsis and love. >> all of a said we can really do this. we are coming out of this darkness that donald trump has put us in. >> back to the republican convention and just how much there is a lot of spiking the football. >> republican candidates always
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looking -- >> angry. >> for retribution. they are looking for people to blame. >> everything here is relief and excitement. >> greg: you know, dana, i listen to that and think how horrible it must be to those people that the joy in their life or the horror in their life is based on how they feel about other people. you know, joe and mika, they have been miserable for months, and now they are happy. and it is all based on some kind of external stimulus known as trump or kamala. is that kind of sad? >> dana: no, it's almost as if there was a splinter in the foot of the democratic party and every time they took a step during biden's presidency thinking he was going to be their nominee, and having spent 14 million votes on it, they were like oh, this is so annoying. honestly, if joe biden was the nominee and gave that speech last night, i think the room would have been half-empty.
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so when al sharpton says -- they took us out of the darkness trump put us in, no, darkness, the problem for the democrats was their nominee was president joe biden, who could not -- became clear to everybody come apparently and cling to at least nancy pelosi and then maybe to himself, that he was not able to serve for another four years, and they were not willing to sacrifice the party, so the reason all of these people feel joyful is because they got rid of the one guy that eight weeks ago they told you is perfectly fine and capable to be president the next four years. >> greg: mm-hmm. all right, harold, good to see you. you are looking dapper as al always. isn't the strategy hear what you would call star power transference? bring the star power into the room, through the obamas, and hope there is a tangential star power for harris. i would do the same thing. they often use me like that here
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at "the five." [laughter] >> harold: when jaime harrison and the chair of the party called and asked for an analogy, i used this analogy. you and "the five." you said something at the outset of the last segment, how a vast majority of americans are being introduced to the democrats speaking here, and even the notion and the reality of kamala harris as our candidate and nominee. i think you are right. and the reason tonight is so critical is really because of that frame, greg, because america knows barack obama. they know michelle obama appeared many people believe michelle obama would be as viable a candidate for democrats to run for president as anyone. for her and the president to stand before this convention hall -- dana said it well a few minutes ago -- the convention hall last night, no one left. people listened. they clapped. they respond at the right time. so when you have the proverbial
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leader of our party, president obama, speaking this evening, the audience watching on television, this is i think the second most critical speech of the convention is tonight. and after last night, sort of the mishap with how the stagecraft was managed in terms of the president biden coming out later, president obama has an opportunity to reset this whole thing for democrats undermined us -- and the country -- and remind us that this election about who is best prepared and best equipped and best able to deliver for the middle class. i'm going to be listening closely to his speech and to first lady obama's speech this evening because again i think this is the second most critical night of our convention. >> greg: judge, harold makes a great point. with obama taking the stage tonight, it's good we are going to be hearing from the real president. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: well, i got to tell you. the democrats being so sad and so dark and so dreary over the last eight years, i mean, it
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doesn't -- i don't know if they realized that the last eight years include the last three and a half years of biden harris. but in any event, tonight, obama comes on and you know what? i'll bet the applause will be raucous, but i will bet my house that there's no way they are going to delay barack obama's speech the way they delayed joe biden speech, into, you know, the late-night hours. even though the people coming into night are going to be a lot more popular. look, last night was joe biden and hillary, not very popular. tonight obama and bill clinton. and of course tomorrow night or thursday night is going to be the new obama. and the truth is that we find out now that even though obama made that statement, right after joe said he wasn't going to run, that he wasn't convinced that kamala could run and win, and then all of a sudden there was
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this phone call, i take it back, not fake, a phone call that michelle and barack are so happy that kamala is going and she is going to be their candidate. the truth is that barack has been speaking to kamala consistently since 2020, and apparently over the last few months, they have been in close contact in any way that he can. so you are going to see barack obama try to turn kamala harris into the new, you know, kamala obama. whether it is the joy and substituting for help. whether it is the posters. they are looking very much the same. and, you know, the positivity, no matter how michelle may feel about it, but i don't think there's any way that this is a situation where, you know, obama isn't in charge come along with his aides, as opposed to biden'd on this campaign. >> greg: jesse, first i want
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to apologize for not responding to your late-night text. give me at least 24 hours and i will see what i can get. isn't kamala in a bind in the sense that she wants to talk about the future but she's responsible for the present? so basically she is saying elect me and i'll undo me. >> jesse: she's really not running as the vp, she is running as a former prosecutor in the country doesn't want a former prosecutor, they want a president. the only joy in the room is joy reid. i have great antenna when it comes to emotion. i walked through this place yesterday. the vibes are off. no one is talking to each other. there's an deceits. i walked outside afterwards, there was a two hour line and i see john corzine, worth $200 million, standing and it just looking miserable as anybody could be. i'm looking at mayor pete walk around, no one even recognizes him. lori lightfoot, people walk past
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and they don't even know who she is. i'm seeing cnn and nbc news anchors who i consider pretty famous. no one even wants a selfie. they don't even look happy. when i saw them in milwaukee, yeah, they are not happy, they are at the rnc. they are not happy here, either. there is a weird vibe going on. i can't figure it out but i will tell you this, greg. iraq obama still the godfather of this machine. he gave us joe biden, his vp, hillary come his secretary of state, then he couped joe and kamala and walz. going to do this the next 25 years, definitely going to interfere in this election. that is why we will be sending johnny to hawaii to get the truth about the birth certificate. this time we will dig deep and find out what really happened. >> greg: good point. used to tell johnny that he needs to get a passport. >> jesse: to go to kenya, i
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agree. speeder i meant to hawaii just to see him do it. >> jesse: got it. >> greg: ask him what the exchange rate is for the hawaiian dollar. terror-supervising doofus' attempt to destroy the dnc while trump crushes kamala on crime. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> harold: day two of trump's counterprogramming the dnc, the former president attacking kamala's record on crime while in battleground state michigan. >> we are going to stop the kamala crime wave, radical liberal kamala harris. she's been the ringleader for this anti-crime.
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and the anti-police crusade. you can't walk across the street or get a revoke of bread. you get a shot. i will crackdown on local marxist d.a.s who refuse to enforce the law. we're going to get the gangsters, the drug dealers, the dangerous offenders behind bars. we are going to stand up for law-abiding citizens of america. >> harold: and while trump preaches safety, a scary scene of chaos breaking out right outside the dnc. anti-israel protesters reaching the security fence near the site. thankfully, police officers arrested the agitators before they got any closer. dana, your thoughts about, it seems like the president is trying to reset this and that crime is an issue that is important to voters. is this the right way to do it, as he is doing, and if it is not, how would you recommend he addressed it? >> dana: i absolutely think it is one of the top issues because we keep hearing that from people we pull back and not just fox polls, all across the board, and also we know in major cities, there are efforts to recall prosecutors, there is onn
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los angeles for george gascon so we know people are actually paying a lot of attention, but also you could do anecdotal evidence, right, jesse, that we pay attention to, and a mom just yesterday on "fox & friends" saying when are they going to care about us? so i think this is the right thing. i would add one other point to this. you are going to see a lot of democrats say but the crime stats are down. remember we talked about don lemon on the atlantic city boardwalk and he was asking people about the economy and they were like the economy is terrible, he said no actually the statistics show the economy is great, they lacked in his face. i think the same thing is about to happen here is the democrats try to tell you that crime is obviously better. trey gowdy our collie has been on air come i'm sure the judge will do the same. here in chicago our reporter did a piece on "america's newsroom" about the education statistics here in the city, and on matter how much money they are spending on k-12 education, these
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children here are not able to read, do math, it's like the statistics are outrageous. i think the president and j.d. vance in particular could add that issue into talking about crime because these communities are desperate for something to change. >> harold: judge, your thoughts on this? and i put it in this context. i have seen some things said by senator lindsey graham and others, that if president trump stays on issues and not the personality of kamala harris, that advantages him. would you have that same advice? and if so, how should he do that, president trump? >> judge jeanine: that's exactly, harold, what he did today. he listed a number of issues that need to be addressed. and let's make it clear that in the swing states, it seems that kamala harris is ahead, and in most of the country, actually, on the social issues, on abortion, climate change, and od democracy or whatever you want to call it.
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donald trump is ahead on immigration and the economy and on crime. so what the president is doing today in michigan, which was so important, because in michigan i think it was 2.8 million for biden last term, last election. 2.65 million for trump. right now there is 101,000 uncommitted voters in michigan. all trump went there today and he talked about protecting children from sexual mutilation, making it a felony for professionals to perform surgery on minors without parental consent, and he talked about kamala harris' experience as a so-called prosecutor. she is the original progressive prosecutor supported by george soros. kamala harris does not -- she is not the typical prosecutor. she is the typical san francisco prosecutor. her job isn't about putting criminals in jail. her job is about making sure
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that criminals can get out of jail and whatever if they end up committing a crime after, as evidence was so clear after she supported the minnesota bail fund. you know, she wouldn't seek the death penalty as district attorney in california when then-senator dianne feinstein said had i known that, i would have never supported this woman. for the shooting and for the killing of a cop. so donald trump is going line by line on the law enforcement issues that people have unconcerned about and the fact that she can call herself a prosecutor, but she is everything but. >> harold: greg, your thoughts on what the judge is saying? it appears kamala harris has gotten back into this race and gotten even, but do you think the judge is right? focusing on the issues is the key for the president? >> greg: well, i think you have to be honest about the issues. that's the problem here. another dangerous hoax saying crime is down. the only reason you can say that as many cities are no longer reporting the stats to the fbi.
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when a narrative goes against your senses, what you hear, what you see, trust your senses. everyone of us intimately knows a victim of crime if we haven't been a victim ourselves, so again this is not like lying about crowd size. this is a lie that hurts. it would be great to be able to get in a room with sensible democrats and address how we got here, and do it in a gentle way. maybe it's like, hey, i go to harold, you know, i do believe democrats are a compassionate bunch, but your compassion often gets exploited, whether it's criminals pretending to be victims of society or the system, or gangs entering under the guise of asylum-seekers, your good intentions are often exploited, and you should be more diligent in protecting them. i think that is a way to say that. crime was never a political issue until the last 40 or 50 years when radicals made it so. the desire for a safe and secure society was agreed by all until
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punishing criminals was seen as a symptom of a corrupt system. an oppressive system. that culminated in the george floyd riots when all manner of violence was justified under the false name of oppression. that's where we are. if i were a democrat i would be really pissed off, more pissed off then a republican to see my beliefs hijacked by radicals. blm and antifa. they didn't actually get any victories, they didn't achieve anything. they just stopped. why is that? is it because they served their purpose? to create the narrative that it was oppressive only under trump? is that going to come back if he wins? >> harold: prime time, your thoughts on this? >> jesse: i don't understand the democrat message on crime. it makes no sense to me. they are saying trump wants some sort of prosecutorial revenge and then kamala's running other prosecutor that is going to take down trump be defender.
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offender. not prosecuting real crime. same with the d.a. in atlanta and manhattan. no one wants crime in this country, yet everybody in the democratic hierarchy just turns a blind eye to the sex trafficking, the fentanyl dealing come all of the trigger polling, all of the mentally ill violent people pushing people into subway tracks right under their noses. they are too afraid to confront the issue that there is a very small portion of the african american community in gangs, very young, committing a large portion of these crimes. and they won't do it. if they talk about crime, they make it about trump instead of crime victims. that is where the issue is. >> harold: they should prosecute anybody in a gang and anybody on january 6 that committed a crime. ahead, the media freaking out that the harris honeymoon could be over and that donald trump could be winning. ♪ ♪
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call 1-800-234-7090 now. at the tunnel to towers we made a commitment that commitment is to make sure, that the word homeless and the word veteran are never in the same sentence again. we're in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most, not shelters, homes. it's not just a place to sleep it's actually wrap around services and that's what is so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside one of the hallmarks of military service is the only people behind it that sticks with me. i know that every veteran who raised their right hand and swore to support and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. we have things that we carry inside of us,
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what tunnel to towers is doing with this village is helping veterans that have mental health issues needs. we have veterans that suffer every day. and so to have this facility to service our veterans that are in so need it just the pride is just exploding. we want to make sure that when our veterans are coming home, that they're coming home to something that actually feels personalized and homey for them. that's a home. that's a home with dignity and walls and air conditioning. it's beautiful. i was able to walk through one of the comfort homes today. that moved my heart. i'm just telling you it did when i walked in. and it'll help the heart of that veteran. that's what's important. the care and the give and the love that tunnel to towers has for our veterans is amazing. the people that donate to tunnel to towers, they are amazing. that eleven dollars is changing your life because your giving and it's changing somebody else's to do it. it just an honor to be involved with it. this is all that is good in america. and i am incredibly proud to stand with them. they matter.
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they save lives. you should support them. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: kamala harris has good reason to be joyful. a shocking study reveals that vice president harris gets 84% positive coverage from the big three liberal networks, while donald trump gets 89% negative coverage. but despite the harris honeymoon advantage, the media is shocked to discover that the race is tight. take a listen to this. >> we don't want to be tight. i don't like being tied with donald trump because we have 20 plus days of positive press, he has been falling down the stairs, slipping off banana peels and poking himself in the eyeball, we should not be tied. that's scary. >> judge jeanine: all right, greg, how fair is it to the american electorate that the
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media took the unpopular vice president in history and turned her into some kind of savior when she literally is not questioned by the press and she kind of edits her own headlines? >> greg: basically they took a shotgun wedding and turned it into a honeymoon in vegas. remember these were the people that told us joe was sharp as a tax, of the world would end due to climate change. kamala wasn't a border czar, ans laptop was fake. i always think i will history portray this era? when all of the people in the media, some of them will become historians, they will be the ones that write the books and it will be there history not ours. makes you question history books in general. so they are mad that they are tied. why is it that the country is in a rough state under the democrats, and they are surprised it's tied? why is it in this country it's always ending up as a tight race? you could have jesus christ versus pauly shore, it's going
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to be tight. is it possible that exactly half the country feels exactly the opposite and the same amount as the other side? no, it's impossible. this is a media construction, a media machine versus a probable outcome. a natural outcome. and it is their role to keep it in their hands and not yours. >> judge jeanine: dana, a media construct, they create the positive stories, and she goes from unfavorable to tied. >> dana: here's the thing, judge, it doesn't get easier for her from here. the easiest part has been the last four weeks. it's been perfectly constructed, very scripted. you have a convention. barack obama is going to sing your praises tonight. michelle obama tonight is going to sing your praises. all of that gets very good press and still tied. doesn't get easier. republicans just have to keep charging ahead because early voting in north carolina, one of
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the battleground states, starts in just a few days. so we are going to have a debate on september 10th. i think through early voting in north carolina happens right around then. so republicans have to act like they are ten points behind now, no matter what the media says. >> judge jeanine: all right, harold, your take? >> harold: so first off i hope if pauly shore and jessus ran a at political contest that jesus would win -- >> greg: what do you have installed a short? >> harold: nothing, i just believe in jesus. the notion trump should be behind more because -- in the administration outcome acted in the campaign. we should view the convention as the beginning of a very tough campaign. democrats after layout a -- of
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review this is a celebration for victory, democrats will lose be i think -- i differ a little bit with jesse. i listened to a lot of delegates. there is an excitement here. it is an understated excitement because we realize we have a lot of work to do between now and november. to win this campaign. >> jesse: that's why harold is a great politician. it is an understated excitement. >> judge jeanine: indeed. >> jesse: like a mostly peaceful protest. >> harold: no. >> jesse: greg, it would be very small of me to whine about rigged election coverage or the incompetence that almost cost trump his life or the coups or the lawfare or usual hoaxes. it will make the republican party stronger when they win and makes the mandate even more demonstrative. this is what is going to happen. fresh off the press. reuters, the head of the kamala
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super pac said "our polls are not nearly as rosy as the public polling shows." this isn't really a tied race, and the fact that democrats are whining that it is a tight race shows you they have no lives. we are always tied, republicans p or we are always down or always tied, and we win half the time. the differences democrats, the whole purpose of their life is power and control. so when they lose, it's like an existential earthquake. look what they did with biden. he was down a little in the polls and they whacked him. what's going to happen when kamala starts losing? my god, these people need to get a life. lose once, you come back stronger. >> judge jeanine: all right, coming up, they call republicans weird, but there is some wacky stuff happening at the dnc. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> dana: democrats have been calling republicans weird, but critics say what about the dnc? activists are literally marching down the street as abortion pills peer to people have been sharing videos of a gender-neutral prayer room. and one reporter encountered the
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trash police so convention goers sort the recycling from the garbage. greg gutfeld, what do you make of this? >> greg: you know, i don't know. i guess -- it's just always this weird thing that they like to ban, limit, or remove things instead of solving problems. climate change, cap energy production come about education, cap school choice, kids are inconvenient, cap childbirth, misinformation, cap language. i think it was interesting they had a place for vasectomies because that would assume that all the left-wing men there have balls. >> dana: i hadn't thought about it that way but now i will for the rest of the night. hey, harold, when people are walking around the dnc as abortion pills, where a long way from safe, legal, and rare come of the bill clinton era. >> harold: i think there is an overreaction to some of the things on the republican side. this is not my crew come i am more of the guys on -- both
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sides got a little crazy on their sides. this is my parties crazy. >> dana: judge jeanine? >> judge jeanine: overreaction? you have a gender-neutral islamic prayer room. what a crazy oxymoron. a gender-neutral islamic prayer room. i mean, you go over there, 5 minutes, you are neutralized, literally. [laughter] >> jesse: walk me through the prayer room because i don't understand it, judge. gender-neutral islamic prayer room because you have the rugs, does that mean this is for transgender muslims, or is this for male and female muslims to pray together? >> judge jeanine: it's everybody. it's the whole crew. and the problem is -- people are, they change from day-to-day, so you never know how they are going to identify, but the bottom line is if you identify as any of these people, you are going to get killed when
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you go over there. >> dana: jesse, i think you should send johnny over there tonight. we need a live report. >> jesse: he's already on the waiting list f for the vasectomies.tter >> dana: "one more thing" up next. ♪ ♪ high protein, complete nutrition you need, and the flavor you love. so, here's to now... now available: boost max! ♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™.
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♪ >> it is time now for "one more thing." greg? >> greg: tonight we got a banger, charles payne, joe machi, timpf and tyrus. that's live, 11:00. i swear live at 11:00. [laughter] >> greg: hey, let's play a new game it's greg what's on the roof. okay. roll the tape. [screams] >> greg: all right. judge, what's on the roof? >> judge jeanine: superman. >> greg: jesse, what's on the roof? >> jesse: bird. >> greg: dana, what's on the roof? >> dana: dog. >> greg: harold? >> harold: bear. >> greg: roll the tape. >> judge jeanine: a dog.
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>> greg: dana wins because every answer she gives is a dog. >> judge jeanine: amazing. what does she win? >> greg: she just won $10,000. >> jesse: $10,000. you didn't tell us there was a prize that big. if you read the packet, you would have known. >> greg: larry kudlow is paying. larry kudlow agreed to pay. >> jesse: here is my juan williams impression. here we have nice family photos from our vacation in maine. this is us going through the airport. look at elliott and sophie take the little ones on aid radio. that's how we do things. the whole family on the porch celebrating beautiful weather, family-fun and relaxation. little gigi in a life preserver bigger than her whole body. and jesse junior, you have to wear a life vest on the dock. and the whole family right there had a great time. tonight, r.f.k. jr. to endorse trump? we'll find out. dana p. >> dana: a friend of mine flagged this for me.
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they thought i changed jobs. in politico saying that dana perino is now chief member services officer at the american health information management association. but, get what? it's not me. it's a dana perino with two r's. congratulations to her or him. and her. >> jesse: take two jobs in the biden economy. it is tough out there. judge? >> judge jeanine: all right. yesterday was very important day for the london zoo. all of the animals got a weigh-in day. this is how they do it. they give them food or anything. it depends on the animal. so with a squirrel monkey they put a blue ball on a stick and it jumps on the scale. a penguin gets tripped by walking on the scales because they give it fish. i will be on hannity tonight, if you want to watch me. >> jesse: 10 seconds? >> harold: kid made it possible for disabled kids to surf. thank you to that young mr. klein and all of his classmates. >> jesse: surfing disabled kids, harold, well done. that's it for us. have a great one. >> bret: great show but i really, re


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