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tv   Hannity  FOX News  August 20, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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are spending time with their grandchildren or traveling. i am here suited up and ready to battle. because i will not, i repeat, i will not let everything i have fought for be taken away. >> jesse: good old west virginia and sean 'hannity' is here and sean has invited me to train with him tomorrow morning so if i show up with no teeth, it is this guy. >> i would never do that to you. >> jesse: to hurt my wrist. my training and breakfast. >> jesse: again, on you. thank you very much. officially night number 2
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and we are in chicago and rollcall underway outside, of violence were rocking as a group of protesters gathered and will take you live on the ground and just a moment but in case you missed, a recap biden kicked off today's events after midnight this morning just a few short weeks after being kicked to the curb by nancy pelosi and other democratic elites and disenfranchising their own voters and party leaders push the president out of prime time big time pushed him up way passes prime time and humiliating farewell that he shouted at the crowd and plenty of caffeine or red bull or whatever and gave one more jacked up joe appearance and perform some of his greatest hits and greatest lies as few americans actually saw the speech that ended late and joe
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bumped by several no-name democrats with kentucky's idiotic governor we will talk about later the governor calling on americans to treat each other with respect and goes on and openly wishing a member of jd vance's family would get raped as today's speakers mentioned trump hundred and 47 times so ask yourself how many times that they mention the border last night? eight. crime plaguing small towns? six times. how many times mentioning inflation every american is feeling everything costing more? mention that three times but instead of the politics of joy you are promised the convention full of a lot of hate and rage you see it developing with the
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conflict emerging in downtown chicago with the radical base that come needs to win and bashing trump and that is about it. what's go to mike tobin with the protesters on the streets of chicago and what i saw was a confrontation earlier not sure if that was exactly where you are. >> confrontation looks like it is set to flair at the transportation centre where the israeli consulate located and on the street here on madison, the group calls themselves behind enemy lines but their planned demonstration earlier today came out on such the street and the police immediate outnumber demonstrators and initial conflict was really contrived and deliberate but the banner in front of themselves and marched directly into the police line aggressively into the police line and that was the first conflict with the flurry of arrests i saw personally four arrests and probably more when the smoke clears you see the
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blue helmets with the yellow vest behind them find we have is really flags and american flags combined with israeli flags some of what was burned on the street and in just a few moments ago about four makeups -- got on the loudspeaker gave the order to disperse aid is a illegal assembly and you see the conflict taking place in front of the transportation centre nuts are most people commute to and from the city coming from the northwest. >> sean: going to minnesota in the rollcall where we will hear from minnesota and later california and let's listen in. >> excited to go to his classroom every day and we know that can be rare and high school and he taught us how to talk about global issues with
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respect, curiosity and kindness even and especially when we disagree. >> he wasn't just a great teacher and a great neighbor and friend in fact when he was in the midst as a governor of our state, he found time to attend and he means the world to my family and has always been there for us and that's how we know he'll always be there for you as vice president. >> let me hear you minnesota [cheers and applause] might and the national foot law -- 14 years in nfl, a good leader cannot be selfish and has to look out for his team and he is as unselfish as they come leads with honesty and integrity and in november, minnesota will see
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and send them to the white house. let's go. [cheers and applause] >> i am amy klobuchar from the great state of minnesota where nearly everyone votes and purple reigns. >> i am tina smith from the great state of minnesota the home of the next vice president of the united states, tim walz. minnesota, we cast attend both presence and deliver 81 votes for kamala harris and tim walz. [cheers and applause]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> sean: they now go to california with. >> announcer: how do you cast your vote? >> my name is governor gavin newsom from the great state of nancy pelosi. i come from a state like a nation of dreamers and doers the pride themselves being on a leading and -- the leading edge and the most diverse state in the world most diverse democracy. and we pride ourselves on our ability to live together and prosper together across every conceivable differences but we pride ourselves most on that we believe the future happens in
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california first. and democrats, i fed the privilege for over 20 years to see that future taking shape with a star in alameda courtroom by the name of kamala harris and i saw that star fighting for criminal justice, racial justice, economic justice, social justice and night schalle that star burn brighter as attorney general in california as a united states senator and united states senate to as kamala harris is always on the right thing as a champion for voting rights and civil rights and lgbtq rights the rights for women's and girls for democrats and independents in a time for
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us to do the right thing and that is to elect kamala harris as the next president of the united states of america. california, we proudly pass our 482 votes on the next president kamala harris. [cheers and applause] >> sean: that was gavin newsom and you can see the excitement but we have a very different story unfolding in chicago tonight's go back to mike tobin who pointed out his report about what was a contrived plan to attack almost it seems and sounds like against aggressive attack against police officers and let's go back to you and get the latest on the ground and you believe this was a coordinated and planned attack against the police?
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>> certainly very deliberate and trite the way they put the banners in front of themselves and marched aggressively into the line of police and clearly wanted a conflict and the slogan is make a great like sixties -- like 68 so referencing back to the riots of 1968 and they wanted a conflict looks like they will get it see all the police officers and a lineup and the demonstrators and diplomats but was hard for you to see is off in the distance another row of police officers with riot gear so already given the order to disperse but still in the street doing their chanting but at some point the order will be given if they don't disperse to go ahead and clear out the street yesterday an effort to clear out the park as gently as possible the force very deliberate push people to clear
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out. >> sean: mike, go back to you throughout the night and kamala harris over the top the official nominee of the democratic party and let's listen to her remarks. >> and hello to everyone joining us from exciting chicago. delicates at the democratic national convention just completed their rollcall. and they have nominated coach tim walz and me to be the next vise president and president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] and i think everyone here believing in what we can do together and we
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are so honored to be your nominees and this is a people powered campaign and to gather we will chart a new way forward. a future for freedom, opportunity of optimism so to everyone in chicago and cross america, think you think you and you will hear for our wonderful second gentleman shortly and i'll hear you in two days chicago. >> sean: that's in the books and that's kamala harris as well as tim walz and joining us now going back to mike tobin as we've had a confrontation between demonstrators and writers going after the police
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seemingly planned according to her own mike tobin but a lot going on outside and keep that up on the screen and watch as they have been asked to disperse but in the meantime joining us is senator ted cruz from the great state of texas and we appreciate it. wish you were here with us. >> well it is great to be with you and i'm glad i'm not in chicago where you are showing the images of angry protesters and violent pro- hamas anti- somatic marcus -- marxist american hating radicals and that is just the delegates in the convention and author protesters outside it is a scary and frightening thing we are watching and i have to say the
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most ominous words i heard a minute ago was gavin newsom saying what happens in california is the future and i pray to god that is not right because california is so much on the wrong track and democrats promising to bring the same chaos and misery in the same people fleeing california because they cannot make ends meet and also the democrats are promising. >> watch this and i've been on the same page as newt gingrich as if this becomes an issue oriented campaign to let's decriminalize illegal immigration and issue you face down in texas if it becomes about free housing and healthcare and free college education according to tim walz for illegal immigrants and if it becomes about law and order, on over extensively the record as it relates what happens in the
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summer of 2020 and across the country kamala harris the support of those riding and inflation and the economy and americans that would blow up the filibuster and pass the green new deal 93 trillion and that is not capitalism anymore which is the greatest system ever in the police seem to me moving towards the protesters as this confrontation about to hit ahead and we will keep our eye on it and if it comes about those issues of energy and no fracking and foreign policy, this country move in a different direction but 70-80 percent of these things they stand for most americans don't know yet and how do you bypass that? >> you are exactly right as this election has to be about the issues and we when and if it's
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about the disaster in the failures of the policy agenda, we when and if it's about inflation hurting working families, we when in the chaos of the southern border with 11 and a half immigrants and if that is what that race is about, we when and if it's about the disaster of democrats abandoning israel and giving money to around as they fund terrorists and that's why the democrats want to talk about any of that counting on the press just to paint kamala harris and turn her into a modern-day saint and that's why they don't let her talk why she just reads from a teleprompter because they want to make this a warm and fuzzy happy days are here again election and they want to argue as they are convinced donald
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trump is the devil and they don't want to talk about the success of the record of donald trump and the safety of the secure border and the peace and prosperity and they don't want to talk about any of that but just demonize and distract and we have just over 80 days to make sure the american people focus on the real issues that impact families in texas and all across the country. >> sean: what do you make of what's happening in the summer of 2028, they had to support the people rioting because a big part of their base now we seat in the streets tonight in the confrontation with police dealing with probably the same radical base but they don't want to alienate them but want their votes so that will put them in a position to do what? 574 riots that killed dozens of americans and created hundreds
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of billions? is that what they will tell us? >> that's exactly what they will tell us and they remember what cnn reported a building lit up in flames described it as mostly peaceful. >> sean: senator if i may interrupt you let's dip in real quick as chuck schumer is on stage one of the people responsible for pushing out joe biden. >> friends, were here to talk about one thing tomorrow and building a better tomorrow for all americans. this november, we can choose a brighter and more fair and freer future or we can relive the dark night of drums american carnage.
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only one candidate will move america forward, kamala harris. >> sean: senator schumer the majority leader and senator cruise, last opportunity here. >> this is the radical democrat party and kamala harris the most radical nominee in our history with tim walz by the way my democrat opponent agrees with kamala harris and tim walz on obsolete everything that he is up in chicago celebrating their open border and my opponent doing the same thing hiding in the basement not answering questions but real thing millions of dollars because chuck schumer has made clear i am the number 1 target as they are spending millions to beat me here in texas so i want to encourage folks listening come to our website and defend this
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country because the forces that want to turn america into california are flooding texas with cash and i need your hope give a hundred bucks stand up and fight support donald trump and support me and let's save this country and pull the back from these radicals trying to disk with roy the country we love so much. >> sean: looks like a bit of a retreat from protesters but the police line is holding joining us now with reaction to all of this and all you've heard from the d&c, eric trump with us i'm not sure if it was you or your father or anyone in your family that interested watching what's going on here but i'm sure probably some interest and i want to get your reaction.
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>> lauren turned to me last night said i never have seen a production as dark as this tells you of story and look at those riots and they had images of people coming up and spitting on cops calling them pigs and this is a modern-day democratic party and look at the convention we had ended not have anything but love but american flags people singing god bless america people with tears in their eyes and my father came out and they love this country and our nation and they love everything that makes america grat -- great and look at parallel on the screen where cops are getting abused and people rioting in the streets and there is disorder and this is america more so much better than this. >> sean: i will say this that i do believe and i got into this with senator cruise that if the
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campaign becomes about issues about immigration in law and order and about energy and about the economy and america's place in the world and america's role in the world been watching i do know what else to say an illusion any position because she wants to an interviewer press conference like they into weeks and the campaign tells us she no longer believes that anymore and i'm not so sure i believe in this election year conversion and they probably have decided through polling that if she stands by her value systems that they lose to change her into something she isn't so do you agree with that?
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>> one of the great rebranding's and it's awful what they do but try to rebrand every day as three weeks ago laughing and now coming out on day one tackling prices in this country and kamala where have you been and where are you right now? go do something right now and says i want to be tough on and dig -- immigration 13 my people across the southern border and picked a vice president say if he bills a 25-foot wall, you will build a ladder factory in mexico that builds 30-foot ladders and this is their policy and i want to be tough on immigration while they fly 320,000 and the country and they leave the entire border open and it's not believable and they have not done a damn thing for this country as the country so
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diminished under their leadership and people can't afford to live or get mortgages or buy groceries or gasoline it's the middle east is a hornets nest standing in the world has just diminished issue after issue and america does not have a leadership or a cheerleader right now come back with these promises and copy my father platform even down to the father coming down to i will not tax tips or social security and you hear her copy the exact same words that i have a new platform for tax tips and it's really embarrassing that the media allows them to do it when their positions totally contrary for the last three and a half years.
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>> an opportunity for your dad and his campaign we went there over and over again the poll that shows even most democrats and biden independence had no idea she had taken this position about medicare with no fracking or drilling taken these radical positions on the border to decriminalize with free housing and a drivers license in minnesota, they don't know about defund, dismantle no bail don't know how they helped around get rich again by ignoring sanctions and i think that's a challenge for the trump campaign because coming up against the clock 28 days from early voting in pennsylvania and the ballots go out another states. >> that might not know it but they can feel it is the american people can feel the mess this country is in as don lemon walked down the street with a
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microphone asking people in chicago who they are voting for and time after time, they said i'm voting for donald trump and people can feel it and know what's happening in washington and they have had stagnant wages prices on everything through the roof in the country is not stable and are standing out stable around the world and people in the heart can feel it and they can put on the greatest show they want and you're seeing a split screen and the chaos that follows the democratic party but come november 5th, be buble -- people will vote my father back in and have the greatest country ever and make his country proud again and that will happen. >> sean: when you look at a party probably dip in and take this as bernie sanders will be speaking the socialists from vermont and we saw aoc last night and this represents the
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radical wing of this party and had an opportunity to go for vise president was someone more moderate she went with the bernie sanders of governors and with her history of bernie, she was to the left of him but cosponsored medicare for all and universal healthcare eliminate all private health insurance and the gray new deal 93 trillion that's not capitalism the greatest wealth creating system owners in america. >> no, it's not they want more irs agents and they take a platform with his greatest accomplishment putting tampons and boys bathrooms in minnesota and this isn't serious and we have real problems and economic problems and a whole host of problems in this country and the biggest accomplishment is
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tampons and boys bathrooms as this is not serious. >> sean: we appreciate it eric trump with radical vermont socialist senator bernie sanders beginning his address let's look at the heart and soul of the new radicalized democratic party. >> hello americans and it is an honor to be with you tonight because we are laying the groundwork for kamala harris to become our next president and let me tell you why that is so important. i want you all to remember where we were three and a half years ago already in the midst of the
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worst public health crisis in a hundred years and the worst economic downturn since the great depression. 3000 americans were dying every day and our hospitals were overwhelmed with covid patients. all across the country, businesses were shutting down. unemployment was soaring. workers were losing their health insurance. schools were closing and state and city budgets running out of money. people were being evicted from their homes. children in america were going hungry.
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that was the reality the biden-harris administration faced as they entered the oval office. a nation suffering and frightened and people looking to their government for support. and within two months of taking office, our government did respond. [cheers and applause] we past the american rescue plan which provided $1400 for every man, woman and child in the working class. and we extended and expanded benefits for the unemployed. we provided emergency assistance for small businesses to stay open.
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we guaranteed healthcare coverage to tens of millions of americans through one of the largest expansions of medicaid in history. we provided rent relief and mortgage assistance which prevented tenants and homeowners from being evicted. we established establish emergency food programs for hungry children and the elderly and protected the pensions of millions of union workers and retirees from being slashed up to 65 percent. oh and by the way, we cut childhood poverty by over 40 percent through an expanded
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child tax credit. thank you president biden and thank you vice president harris and thank you democratic congress. now i say all of this not to relive that difficult a moment but to make one simple point. when the political will is there , government can effectively deliver for the people of our country. [cheers and applause] and now we need to summon that will again. because too many of our fellow americans are struggling every day to just get by and to put
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food on the table and pay the rent and get the healthcare they need. brothers and sisters, a bottom line, we need an economy that works for all of us but not just the billionaire class. [cheers and applause] my fellow americans, when 60 percent of our people live paycheck to paycheck, the top 1 percent have never ever had it so good. and these oligarchs. >> sean: we can see socialist party sanders emerges as a powerbroker in the party along with aoc and on the other side of the screen briefly take this full as you say earlier what seemed like a planned or
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contrived in his words attack against the police instantly shut down by protesters and now told to go home and right there you can see before your very eyes more arrests being made in the police i can tell you haven't driven around the city quite extensively a force surrounding the perimeter of the city tonight now whether or not they came with intentions are not we will get back to mike tobin in a minute but let's step and one more minute as they've emerged as the big powerhouse all the undercurrent reports of my sources saying he was the one pushing very hard for tim walz over josh shapiro. >> the two do list is the need to get big money out of our political process.
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billionaires in both parties should not be able to buy elections including primary elections. for the sake of our democracy, we must overturn the disastrous citizens united supreme court decision and move towards public funding of elections. let me tell you what else we must do. we need to join the rest of the industrialized world and guaranteed healthcare to all people as a human write and not a privilege.
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we need to raise the minimum wage to the living wage. we need to pass the proactive so workers can organize in unions. and gain the decent pay and benefits they deserve. we need to strengthen public education, raise teacher salaries. and make sure every american regardless of income receives the higher education he or she needs. we need to take on big pharma
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and cut our prescription drug costs in half so that we no longer pay anymore than other countries. joe and come let me sure no senior and america pays over $35 a month for insulin and we need to make sure that reality is true for every american. i look forward to working with and tim to pass this agenda. and let us be very clear. this is not a radical agenda. but let me tell you what radical agenda is and that is trump's project 2025.
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[boos] at a time of massive income and wealth inequality giving more tax breaks to billionaires is radical. putting forth budgets that cut social security, medicare and medicaid is radical. >> sean: bernie sanders and what is amazing how the democratic party now has evolved into bernie sanders as he almost heard the real kamala harris they have been trying to hide channel through what bernie sanders was saying in so many different ways but by the way we monitor the violence taken place on the streets as we have a videotape from earlier we will be showing you as soon as we have that available but what mike tobin called actually it's up right now. this is from earlier if you look
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on that side of your screen alive shop is miked open describing it as a contrived plant confrontation with the police by these protesters and some aspects many pro- hamas which calls for the destruction of israel and all of that happening but this is an amazing an historic moment watching how bernie sanders articulating a position even rejected by democrats advocated by kamala harris and tim walls but we're not sure because are not answering questions or confronted as for example are you still against fracking and drilling or do you support defunding ice or believe d.
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criminal illegal immigration and offer free healthcare and housing? you still support the radical green new deal must introduce in the u.s. senate or medicare for all again would be nice to get answers to a lot of these questions but have not gotten them so far back to mike tobin who has been on the streets in chicago and we saw bernie sanders wrapping up the let's go back as we saw someone get arrested live the show part of that confrontation earlier you happen to witness we will show our audience again you felt it was contrived and what is the status of things as protesters told to go home? >> as far as that arrest you saw the guy tagged one of the police
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vehicles a big black for anarchy and that's why the police nabbed it but what you're looking at right now is this is repeating itself an unplanned march were kind of in the west area but what we're seeing with police blocking traffic to make sure these kids don't get run over at a point with right cops lined up sing and will not go further and they do not a couple times but protesters are to cheer let us through thus farsi them let them through but this particular intersection on adams street and right now they are not moving looks like there's a white shirt and their talking with who's ahead of the pack seems to be a few leaders right now talking with them you can see the hands waving demanding to get through
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so i can't really listen in a very contrived and a deliberate confrontation with the police shortly after they formed up there demonstration with the make a great like 68 every indication doing what they can to get it marching randomly around the streets having a small confrontations. >> sean: right in the middle these protests as paul moreau on the ground detective himself apparently on face time with us watching this unfold and what are you seeing their? >> this seem to be dying down right now i am back a bit as you can see a lot of police in riot gear but a lot of this very
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performative and a relatively small group who did everything they could to provoke ultimately the chicago pd decided it was time to ask them to disperse as they were blocking an intersection and walking around this area looking for a confrontation trying to play it up but aside from a couple of arrests and photo ops, lot of marching and chanting a lot of it vitriolic and profane very anti- american obviously anti- israel but so far have not seen any serious injuries and only a handful of arrests. >> sean: we appreciate it and joining us now as the cohost of the five judge jeanine and i'm seeing a couple things unfolding seeing more protests tonight had
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a confrontation earlier with police and that's one side of the democratic party but we had this moment which to me is surreal and i wanted to cover bernie sanders for the democratic party even going back a few years ago has now become the mainstream as resent those represented by the main street position of the democrats and i do know if it's ironic is kamala will publicly stand by it but that's a fascinating thing to me that the parties become radicalized and your reaction? >> it's very easy for them to run the convention this way because when you have a candidate not willing to sit down with the press and not explain her positions how and why she's involved than what they can do is throw out these
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ideas and concepts that really satisfy anyone and everyone and everyone goes away with the peace they want without being any confirmation or affirmation by the candidate and even if there is, such a flip-flopping that there's no accountability by the press therefore it's like a candy tree wear everyone can take off their favorite flavored say i love kamala harris and she will make america the way i wanted to be and that is what they are doing here nothing set in stone about everyone projecting how america could be great for getting she's been in office for 1300 days and doesn't care to get started on those issues professing so passionately to walk to resolve.
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>> sean: it's pretty amazing and we've gone a full month now first interview scheduled for august 31st and never heard of a political candidate seven weeks to prepare for a simple sitdown interview? all of this behind me is scripted what's not scripted what's on the streets of chicago >> american people seen kamala harris unscripted for the past three and a half years and it was a joke and the most unpopular vice president in american history since they started taking numbers so now all of a sudden she scripted and sounds wonderful and reads very well and smiles beautifully almost as if we have no idea who this woman is a blank slate everything you wanted to be so you can't really blame the democrats as they are saying why
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should we change all of this as america loves the smiling face don't seem to connect her to biden and she's in everything she can to separate herself from biden throwing him under the bus prime time 11:30 pm. >> sean: i have to give joe credit that i didn't think we would see that again he had his red bull and monster and is caffeine. >> you know he had to do that because it was passed his bedtime they had to jack them up >> sean: i don't know about all the screaming we always appreciate having you don't miss her hit show every weekday on fox and live protests continue
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outside the dnc and we will get back to that and former dnc chairman will join us and tomorrow night give you a preview of my interview with the one and only james carville as we come back to chicago quick break we will continue
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or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. >> sean: fox news alert monitoring live pictures is anti- israel protesters clashing with police throughout earlier tonight and watching ongoing protesting. joining us now, friend of the show former governor is with us and how our user?
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>> like the old days. >> sean: here we go. >> when i was chairman of the dnc we're friends and may disagree. >> sean: i talked to james earlier today and when you go back to bill clinton, that's how we knew each other. bill clinton made abortion illegal and rare and no restrictions from tim walz and kamala harris having an abortion up to the moment of birth and i know you there's no way you support that. >> kamala harris doesn't support that we went yes, they do might this will be a big issue because of trump and the supreme court, taken away a woman's right to choose and we as a democrats, we
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have not lost an election since roe versus wade was overturned and look at kansas. >> sean: you are demagogue and i have a gavin newsom debate and i had suppressed him do you support any restrictions month 789 and would not answer for time i have an answer between a doctor and patients and their conscience and not means no restriction and kamala harris there and reversing every other position but isn't that infanticide and is that what you want this party to be? >> the bigger and broader issue as less take florida a bunch of states put a six week abortion ban like many women don't know their pregnant as six weeks. >> sean: i support dobbs 15 weeks and i am pro-life.
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>> you met a girl yesterday raped by her father at 12 years old and under the new laws and i don't want to spend the whole day. >> sean: i don't want to talk about it. and look at tim walz do we need feminine hygiene products and boys bathroom because they switch the language in the bill to make a gender-neutral like that some of the other positions he is taken have gender affirming care in california and minnesota and treatment for children without parental consent? you are good parent. >> five kids. >> sean: do you want kids to get treatment without your knowledge? >> tim walz has been a great governor largest tax cut and as governor thousands of bills coming in every year but i'm not gonna tell what we should have been doing in minnesota but a great governor. >> sean: should kids be able to make a life altering decision
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without the parents be notified? you can't support that but you have a ticket that supports the. >> listen, everyone is different okay and that's what is great about the mosaic. >> sean: what about the freedom they're talking about? >> this is why we have elections and we have our positions so why is kamala harris today up and every swing state? >> sean: different polls out there actually a poll came out how to up in pennsylvania. >> sean, i love you getting kicked in the states today and i'm just telling you the messages working running against a convicted criminal. >> sean: this is the problem as we don't know what message there is that kamala cosponsored medicare for all no universal healthcare or private insurance yet kamala harris who
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cosponsored the green new deal another campaign says nevermind but we don't hear from her for months as she won't to an interview, come on. >> been in this race 27 days. >> sean: off prompter for once? >> doing events all over the country and when she walks off and she should interview for sure. >> sean: how about right here? >> left at the convention out-of-the-way. >> sean: you need a month to give an interview? you walked off the street. >> we do that and we have a relationship but listen we are going great today build on a gray economy 16 million new jobs created by joe biden. >> sean: medicare for all she cosponsored with no private health insurance and universal healthcare was her bill green new deal $93 trillion that's the
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end of capitalism as we know it and you are capitalist. >> no question. >> sean: very successful. >> started my first business of 14 and i was successful. >> sean: 93 trillion >> 93 trillion per gazette is the and of capitalism. >> she would chender them filibuster together what a peer, she will build a great cabinet, lesson tag she has her agenda out there. she will run a great economy, inflation is down, 16 million new jobs. >> sean: how do you one away from my support of the green in new deal, cosponsored, i supported medicare for all, no private insurance, how do you run away from who you were for
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the last four years? how do you see will fix infliction and border on day one? she has been vise president for 3.5 years, why hasn't she fixed it now? >> she was vice president, thank you. donald trump was president, we lost millions of jobs that -- >> sean: during covid-19! did he cause a pandemic? >> i will tell you one thing that drives me crazy, so much military, have a sun who was in the marine corp.'s, donald trump saying those that served for the country were losers and suckers. >> sean: there is no confirmation -- >> attacking -- >> sean: i have not heard anybody verify that allegation. >> saying the president medal freedom is better than the congressional medal. >> sean: okay. green a new deal, medicare for all. it will just forget all of that.
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will ban fracking and drilling. where we nodded unilaterally disarm our economy? >> i will let her speak to her energy policy. >> sean: she said i will ban a fracking and drilling. she said it! hotter she back off of that? >> i will let you ask when she comes! >> sean: have you spoken to the dog? >> a hundred percent. >> sean: hell would freeze over before she had is encouraged. >> sean: i'm going to have to admit, i add my you are one of the greater dodging at debaters avenue everett met. >> year one of the best cherry pickers but i love you. [ laughter ] >> sean: never missed an episode of hannity! see you tomorrow