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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 21, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. on east coast, it is wednesday, august 21, this is "fox and friends." we are here in new york. lawrence is live from chicago. night two of the convention wrapped up with the obamas touting hope and attacking trump. >> brian: out of eight speakers, trump gets mentioned more than any other issue combined. j.d. vance in a matter of moments to discuss that. >> lawrence: i visited a chicago barber shop to find out how voters are feeling. here is what they had to say. watch. >> everything you are hearing
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from the democrats are things they have struggled with for 30 years. they say vote democrat, i don't see no change. >> steve: plus, we know and love his you hmovies. >> glory and i are making br breakfast for everybody using a dehidrart. >> it's a banana. >> i see. >> steve: actor rob snyder with his take on the dnc from last night. final hour of "fox and friends" starts right now. >> brian: for president barack obama and michele taking centerstage at dnc and both taking shots at former president donald trump.
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>> steve: rich edson is live from chicago. obamas electifiy the delegates. >> that is right, a lot of energy. barack obama following his wife michelle obama capping off second night here. former president was praising his old running mate, joe biden saying he defended democracy in time of great danger. kamala harris saying she won't cater to supporters she will work on behalf of every american. >> i'm feeling hopeful because this convention has always been pretty good to kids with funny names who believe in a country where anything is possible. >> we love a familiar feeling that's been buried too deep for far too long. hope is making a comeback. >> the obamas focused on former
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president trump with obama warning his successor representing blustering and bumbling and chaos. before the obamas others focused on harris's opponent. >> donald trump, trump, donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> total of 24 according to fox tracking, eight speakers included senate majority leader chuck schumer, bernie sanders, others, 24 mentions compared to less than a dozen on economy, border and crime. michelle obama accused trump of doing everything to make people fear her and her husband. he questioned her country of birth. last night trump knocked barack
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obama on policy and paid him a comp limp. >> i like him, he's a nice gentleman, was weak on trade. look at what happened to our country, trade was a disaster. i respect him and his wife. >> tonight is vice presidential candidate tim walz headlining the event and hear from former house speaker nancy pelosi and bill clinton. back to you. >> ainsley: bring in vice presidential candidate and center j.d. vance. good morning to you. >> good morning, guys, how are you? >> ainsley: doing well. stayed up late last night. headliners are coming on too late for those who work morning shows, but that is okay, we'll continue to cover it. lots of vibe and energy. how is this working? >> you know, i don't think it is working well. i'm not the target oaudience, bt
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when you have barack obama sitting there making his speech and kamala harris is 90 miles away, the party is not unified. we know barack obama forced joe biden out of the race. conflict is buried but there for all to see. for american people, what is demo democratic party about in 2024? it is about hatred of donald trump more than their love for america. they talked about trump more than inflation, more than they talked fw foreign policy, more know that they talked about the economy, that suggests thing that unites democratic party is not shared vision, it is hatred of one person. a person who by the way took a bullet for this country a few short weeks ago. >> brian: two strong suits for you guys is immigration and economy. they are trying to say when it
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comes to immigration, the border is better than last year of trump administration and that donald trump told everyone not to vote for that bipartisan plan engineered by senators langford and murphy. what is the problem, do you think it was mistake not to vote for it? >> on the idea that the border is somehow better, this comes from m nipulation of statistics. reason border crossings are lower than last year, they are flying people into ports of sdree. we're in a position that is worst than it has ever been. the border deal was a disaster. i would not have voted for it if donald trump told me you have to vote for this thing.
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it codified the worst parts of immigrant, worst part of catch and release. would have done nothing for mexico, nothing for millions that kamala harris be granted parole which opened the southern border. it was a bad bill and would have made border policy even worse and democrats are celebrating this instead of running from it suggests how warped their view is on immigration policy. this is not hard. donald trump secured the border. kamala harris opened it up. american people are smart enough to see that. >> lawrence: i was in chicago talking to voters and made it clear i feel like black males are prime for republicans toic ta. this is what they told me about issues facing the country. watch. >> you're hearing from democrats
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are things they have failed at for 30 years. >> most of us voted democrat, that is what we were brought up to do. vote democrat. i don't see no change they say they have been doing. i think to me a whole bunch of crap, to be honest. >> lawrence: will we see senator vance in a barber shop. they can give you a fade. >> well, i actually need a haircut from time to time, maybe i will show up in the barber shop. my message to black voters in the barber shop or out is simple. argument they are making is actually very common sense. they are saying democratic policies failed black community
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for a generation. i grew up with a grandmother who struggled to find enough to eat. a lot of families are in the same situation. grocery prices are up, thanks to policies of kamala harris. she says day one she will make groceries day affordable. day one was 1300 days ago and you have not done anything temperature is inspiring you have men in the barber shop standing up saying whatever media propaganda has been fed to us, we have not had better lives and are willing to give republicans a chance. we have to go into communities and say, we're going to fight for you, your wages and jobs and affordable housing and groceries for you and your children, that is what we'll do over next 76 days. >> steve: tonight at dnc, nancy pelosi will speak, bill clinton, pete buttigieg will speak and tim walz, governor of the great
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state of minnesota will speak, their vice presidential nominee. you and he will square off on a stage somewhere at the one vice presidential debate, which has been agreed to. have you figured out your main plan of attack against coach walz? >> well, i have to point that out since you asked, of course kamala harris announced she is running from the fox news debate. what a disgrace for kamala harris and tim walz to talk tough and run from the american people's questions and debate. if you want to be vice president or president, you ought to do as many debates as you can, that is opportunity to make your pitch to american people. my approach for one debate it looks like i will have is keep focused on policy. this guy supported rioters in minneapolis as they burned that city to the ground.
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he sported defunding the police. i want anybody who watches the debate to come away with recognition i know what it is like to deal with problems and bad policies of kamala harris. we'll make things better if american people trust us with opportunity to do so. that is how i will focus my preparation. >> ainsley: we've been watching old clips of tulsi gabbard deba debating kamala harris when running for president. you are preparing for debate, how are you preparing? what are you doing? >> i'm just reading a lot about the policies that have made people better your honor presidency of donald trump and policy that made people worse under presidency or vice presidency of kamala harris. most americans understand leader
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of this your honor ko will unleash american prosperity and restore peace or bury us further in debt, inflation and chaos. best way to make my case is talk about the specifics and details >> political consultants assume americans are dumb, i assume americans are smart. that is best way to earn their trust and get donald trump back to the white house. >> brian: a lot of people are watching and i have watched you do press conferences, few issues you are not comfortable with and you like give and take with people and seem to excel at it. something else will come up today, i'm sure. r.f.k. jr. and running mate are considering abandoning their campaign and joining forces with you guys, what would that mean?
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you have looked at the stats, could r.f.k. jr. help? i know donald trump said, i would put him in the cabinet. >> it would be good issue i have never talked to him. demo democratic party of my grandparents that supported his uncle has been abandoned. that party believed in strong borders and believed in a strong national security and believed that we were all part of the same american family. this modern democratic party is focused on division and using division for political power and does not believe in anything common sense like american manufacturing or strong american border. current democratic leadership gone so far in leftward
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direction that r.f.k. jr. and that kind of democrat is no longer welcome. i hope he like tulsi gabbard endorses the president. it is about saving the country through common sense and only one political party represents common sense anybody, if is donald j trump. >> lawrence: how do you make the pitch, you are great on policy, american people actually agree with you on policy. but there is that other element, people vote based on how they feel, they need to connect with you. how do you layer good policy with good feelings? that seems to be an achilles heel of the republican party. guys said, they come off cheesy sometimes, how do you make being
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a republican or conservative cool again? >> well, the way i do it and this is just my approach, i talk about my family and perform history and try to make people understand we care about this country because we know real people suffer. if you are a strong man at a barber shop, you believe you ought to take care of people and p protect people and get leaders that will make your community stronger and more prosperous. talk about ways our leadership can affect lives of real people. i grew up in a family where there wasn't a lot of opportunity. we couldn't afford private security. why did he need public police? because public safety is right of every american. democrats have decided to wage war on american police.
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if you tick through the issues, we believe in common sense and think if you are governed by common sense, every kid, black or white, rich or poor, will have an opportunity at the american dream. make that argument as much as we can and see how it lands. >> ainsley: a lot of people don't know about men on the street, why are you voting, at the fair in iowa. why are you voting for kamala? i don't know, i might change my mind. when you tell them the truth about how high inflation is, compare donald trump to kamala harris and joe biden, when you look at grocery prices, compare them, gas prices, compare them, numbers speak for themselves. when you take to the stage, issues, issues, issues. what do you plan to do federal in north carolina at the rally? >> well, to that point, my sympathy is with every american.
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a lot of people are not tuned in, they won't cast their ballot until the day before or election day itself. it is totally reasonable, they have jobs and kids to take care of, they have a life to lead. our job, our responsibility, meaning donald trump and mine, is to actually get out and tell them and make the case our policies will make their lives better. fact they are unsure is we are early in election cycle, they have not made up their mind. in north carolina, we'll talk about national security. whose children suffer the most whenny woo have a weak national security. 13 marines that died in afghanistan, those kids often come from middle and working class backgrounds, they would be here today if we had stronger american leadership. people understand that it is very often the middle class and,
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woing clas that bear the burden. we will talk about that in national security contake it by your silence and all context for next 75 days and make our case everyday. i think when we make our case, we will win this race and win in a big way. >> brian: if you have time, try to find tens of thousands of kids this administration has lost track of that came in as unaccompanied minors. barack obama brought about separating kids and families, 80,000 kids are missing. love that to be a focus. >> steve: thanks for spending 15 know minutes with us. >> god bless you. >> brian: can't use the word joy. joy is being used. >> steve: democrats try to paint bold vision for the future with
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joy. is it same old message behind a fresh new face? >> ainsley: 2020 democratic presidential candidate andrew yashes ang joins us. ang joins u. . . . . . hi, my name is damian clark. and if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all these
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protesters burn american and israeli flags outside israeli co consulate. steve harrigan is watching it all in chicago. steve. >> steve: brian, there were about 250 pro-palestinian protesters and by end of night 70 were arrested. they burned flags and spray painted police cars. another layer of security added, more iron fening after a breach on monday. democrats have a hard time shaking protesters, each on friendly turf. >> what comes next, is what comes next and what comes next,
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elect kamala harris president of the united states. israel has a right to defend itself. and hostages to be returned. >> steve: we're expected another large protest gathering this afternoon at union park. >> brian: crazy times, stephen co colbert goes on the roads. >> ainsley: democrats put out bold vision for america's future. headliners didn't switch from hits. >> but donald trump pedals antisemitic stereotypes. >> know shouldn't tac rich. doubling down on lies as substitute for real ideas and solutions that will make people's lives better.
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>> donald trump sees power as nothing more than a means to his ends. are democrats replacing to keep same message? here with his take is 2020 democratic candidate "theandrew >> aianna nicole andrew yang. we know where kamala stands, then you have old guard speaking like chuck schumer, nancy pelosi and the obamas. what is the message here, how do they connect everyone in the democratic party? >> i'm particularly excited both parties are talking about bringing back bigger child credit. if people remember getting 3 or 400 per month for books, fuel, whatever you want to spend for your family is a compelling
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message. j.d. vance is for it and democrats are going big on it saying 6000 per year for a child, 500 a month, lowering prescription drug prices is widely possible, getting medical debt down. most americans with get excited about this, regardless where you are politically. >> ainsley: it is honeymoon phase, polls show they normally have a five-point uptick during this week traditionally speaking. 41 months into the presidency harris and biden, prices for inflation up 20.2%. under donald trump 6%, obama, 8%. donald trump had the best record. gas prices, donald trump highest
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2.81 in 2018, harris and biden highest $4.06, donald trump did better there. mortgages 2.9% when he left office and 7% now under biden and harris. when you look at statistics and voting records, should that worry democratic party? >> i think going to the grocery store is personal experience. massive headwind is people are not excited about economic circumstances. what is to be done. i don't think donald trump has right character or motivation to actually address some of these l longstanding issues. trying to get money into american hands is one approach, it will be tough to massage down grocery prices. this is something americans
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struggle with regard less of party. day-to-day expenses feel too high. democrats have to hammer, look, we have not solved it yet, that is one thing that is taattentio. >> ainsley: democrats had their chance. >> your honor it the page candidate. >> ainsley: sorry to intrup you, they had their chance, she has been vice president for 3-1/2 years. >> a lot of people feel like this is going to be a change and donald trump, if you think about it, ran as a change candidate in 2016. he's been president and is now 78 years old, it is hard to have the change mantel. people hope harris administration can deliver on policy that focus on thirngs people care about day-to-day, money in your pocket to pay for
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kids expenses, drug prices and the like. >> ainsley: thank you for having on with us. no problem, really appreciate it. >> ainsley: thank you. tricky territory, kamala harris miles from dnc while the obamas take the dnc stage. dana perino is live from chicago and she's next, there she is. my psoriasis was all over. then psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and increased risk of infections some fatal have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. ♪see me♪
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>> janice: good morning. a beautiful day in new york city. a taste of fall. we're into the 50s. take a look, at 59, almost 60. lots of sunshine, so great. northeast feeling this, along great lakes, 50s.
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showers and thunderstorms for northern tier of the country. florida, we could have wet weather for next several days, several inches. atlantic basin clear over next several days. however, past loib labor day, things perk up. 57 in chicago, i know you like it hot, lawrence, i apologize for cooler weather. >> lawrence: i'm a texas boy, we love it. >> janice: good job, my friend. >> lawrence: you, too. major issues facing americans, targeting donald trump. j.d. vance telling us, don't expect anything to change. watch. >> what is democratic party about in 2024? about hatred of donald trump more than love for america. they talked about trump more than they talked about inflation, more than they talked about foreign policy
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achievement, more than the economy, that suggests thing that you unites democratic party is not shared vision, it is hatred of one person, who took a bullet a few short weeks ago. >> lawrence: dana perino has a ton of shows. >> dana: dog name sd persy. >> who now has a son. dana perino, heart to heart when it comes to republicans. as i posed to j.d. vance, there is perception they are not as cool as democrats. how can they connect policy with c coolless? >> dana: i believe this week will be the final of the great jenga game. easy pieces are put up now
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everyday will get harder for them, up to the debate. donald trump showed, talk about what is different, what is different is me. i will come and bring something new and he did. he remade the republican party in his image. i think j.d. vance makes a great point. they don't want to talk about the record. when aoc gave her speech, she said, imagine you are retiree and had to come out of retirement to take a job because you couldn't afford groceries. kamala is the one for you. isn't she going back to work because of inflation that caused high prices. president trump has a challenge, how do they figure out way to do the biden-harris administration versus making it a choice between trump or kamala harris. she was there, last in the room for the decisions.
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can they tie her to it? >> lawrence: i don't watch reality tv, this seem to be drama. sources tell our people, as well as other networks, the obama play of the have them out here and have kamala harris here and have her campaign in the republican in milwaukee was to not upset joe biden. his feelings are hurt and photo of kamala harris and tim walz on stage with michele and barack obama would anger the president. do you buy it? >> dana: not in the least. super smart strategy to have kamala harris and tim walz at pfizer stadium in milwaukee. the obamas gave her most incred i incredible introduction, her husband's speech was 10der. the speech is not for you and me, it is for people they want to reach out to get them to
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vote. they know they have to be in wisconsin to keep this blue wall that president trump is still in the lead and not as much as he like to be. i don't knowledge the drama. i don't think democrats purposely insulted biden by having him go late. >> lawrence: you just think they are inkocompetent. >> dana: yeah, scheduling was bad, last night they tried to start earlier. bill clinton will speak long tonight. dane jared polis and jim masena. >> lawrence: bill and dana live from the dnc. been a long morning already. >> lawrence: i hit chicago barber shops to get buzz on how voters are feeling ahead of november, what they say next. >> everything you are hearing
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from the democrats are already things they failed at over 30 years. blacks are struggling more than any demographic. >> they say vote democrat, i don't see no change. for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect or to a prev. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. elmer>> hi, i'm elmer heinrich. i am the owner of the 40-year-old company that sells immuno 150. immuno 150 contains 9 exotic fruits, 13 vitamins, 17 herbs, 18 amino acids, 70 minerals, coq10, turmeric, flax seed and a lot more.
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>> steve: yesterday, day two of the dnc in chicago focused on america's future. >> ainsley: for some residents, the future does not look brat. >> lawrence: i spoke some at the barber shop. >> lawrence: if you want to know politics, come to the barber shop. what is number one issue they feel is facing the country right now? >> finances. cost of living is high. they tell me they want to see change in inflation, prices. >> taxes too high. groceries too high, gas is too high, just too high. >> images come in and they give them stuff they have for the americans, they are giving to immi immigrants. >> it hurts black people. >> black men particularly like
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to work with their hands, drive trucks, those are jobs that an illegal can come in and underbid them and put them out of work. >> lawrence: who would win from people you speak to, kamala harris or donald trump? >> 50-50, up in the air. >> some people like kamala she represents change. some like trump, they feel he is business minded, up in the air. >> for kamala. >> lawrence: why? >> they made it about history. going to vote for kamala. >> lawrence: talking about illegal immigration and them coming to chicago, she represents same thingace biden and you said trump was trying to fix it, why double down and vote for kamala? >> the reason i would vote for her is because i think it is time for a woman president. >> lawrence: what do you say to
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the brothers to say life was better for me under last administration? >> i don't believe it. >> lawrence: you do hear it, don't you? >> i hear it, i don't believe it. i don't believe it. >> it is really enlightening to hear individuals start to change political direction. it is time blacks in general need to boost our political iq, stop being blindly faithful to a o one-party system that does not work for us. >> most of us vote democrat, that is what we were brought up to do, vote democrat. i don't see no change they say they are doing. >> everything you are hearing from democrats are things they failed at 30 years. blacks are struggling, highest prison rate, drop out rate, highest murder rate. >> blacks are conservative, if
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republican party can learn to communicate. people are speaking to brothers and sisters in the shop and you know how many barber shops there are throughout the country? >> lawrence: this is happening in every barber shop? >> everywhere and changing. >> lawrence: happening all over the country, guys. that was not diners i'm at in middle america talking with voters, that was in a barber shop and it is happening across the country and seeing same thing. >> brian: see what happens in voting booth. thanks, lawrence. don't move, rob sniyder is next and some say he is here now. >> steve: come on. ♪ (♪) when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact.
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and we'll also send this free guide. humana. a more human way to healthcare. >> steve: five before top of the hour, fox business alerts. economists estimate million american jobs could vanish in labor bureau revision. edward jones joins us live. why are they revising the numbers? >> they do this every year to
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make sure numbers are accurate. jackson hole is like the super bowl of finance. they are talking about jobs. we have seen job reports, benchmarks are expected to be revised down, baseline if jobs go up or down. if revision is more than 500,000 fewer jobs , that is record of 5 years. estimates are double that. could shift markets. focus has been inflation and soft landing. former president trump touched on this yesterday at an event in michigan. >> it's a terrible insult to our economy. we were seeing numbers that were okay, not great and now numbers when they are adjusted are a disaster. >> fed chairman powell said job
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report could be overstated. last meeting he said government hiring sector has been second la la largest job creator this year. >> you know, we'll look at everything. we've seen some tendency to have job creation in months going back. look at private demanextra carefully. to your point about government. >> benchmark revision downward could show weakness in bidenomics that was not reported in government data. >> brian: give my best to steve. fight for freedom is tonight's dnc theme, isn't democrats push to sensor those with free
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speech. actor and comedian rob schneider has a brand new book coming out. what did you think about last night, day two? >> great to see the soviets, i mean democrats speaking and the joy. you think joy, joy is democrat code for riot. joy is coming. board up the building, here comes joy. no joy in milwaukee. no joy in milwaukee, they did not board up the windows. >> brian: they did board up the businesses. >> this is the joy. who is more joyful democrats inside or outside burning the american flag? still joy. >> brian: never take that in stride, it is hard toin explai. they don't realize trump hasn't been in the white house. they are blaming trump. >> i know it, that is their go
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to, trump card. a decade from now, they will bring up trump. great kick to the curb send off to put him on at 3:00 in the morning. assigns were we love joe, not enough to keep you on the t ticket. we love joe, not enough. >> brian: you talk to r.f.k. jr. regularly, he is open to joining forces with trump, what do you hear? >> i support r.f.k. jr. and i think that he will -- what happened, it's been unfair. we talk about the democracy, democrats have squished, crushed democracy, tried to eshg eliminate any third party. i believe soon he will back
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trump. >> freedom of speech, you can do it. >> brian: you said, i will love this book. why? >> talks about comedy and free speech and a lot of jokes. you will laugh. >> brian: because you are funny. >> free speech is not speech i like, it is not nice stuff that needs protecting. >> brian: donald trump will be on tomorrow on "fox and friends." will this be additional reason to watch? >> i will watch tomorrow for sure. >> brian: we never know where it will go. do you think r.f.k. jr. in next couple week jumps on trump train? >> i can't speak for him, i think so. we have to make a change in america. we can't continue with censorship. >> brian: i will talk to you on the radio, thank you for watching. >> bill: thank you. in chicago, democrats bringing out big guns, barack obama and michelle obama headlinin


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