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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 21, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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part of a celebration of acquittal. devastated by the tragedy. this is an active search. diver on scene told reporters the sunken yacht is in tact and laying it its side. >> bill: something to watch. more developments when we get them. thank you. >> oftentimes what does not get articulated how immigrant community, new arriveals are part of trans formation of our economy. these are individuals contributing to the soul of chicago and who we are as a nation. >> dana: migrant crisis is a crushing burden on sfrnth your chicago, you never know it in the united center. democrats are patting themselves on the back celebrating ascension of their border czar to top of the tickle. welcome to "america's newsroom,"
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i'm dana perino. >> bill: day three, how you holding up? >> dana: great. how about you? >> bill: amazing. great indeed. good morning. welcome to second hour, i'm bill hemmer. border crisis turning illinois to a border state. chicago feeling brunt of the problem with taxpayers on the hook for a lot. 47,000 migrants arrivin over two years and the city spending 460 million on housing and food, education and medical care. government response stirring frustration and resentment. bryan ilenas is tracking that. >> two thirds of that money is going toward providing free healthcare to 46,000 migrants
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here. some are even receiving 15,000 free rental stipends, money critics say should go to half a million chicago residents living in poverty. today migrant crisis is not as e6d, number of migrants in shelters is down to 5000 and migrant encampments were cleared out before start of the dnc by the city. migrants sleeping in police stations and airports resources are being diverted from minority communities. listen. >> we have to make sure citizens of the city are in a better position than past years. >> they were sleeping in front of the police station. the police station is where you go to get protected and people are there. it was always dirty.
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>> not just families, a lot of people gets out of jail, gang members from venezuela. we have enough issues already. our mayor and governor do not understand that. >> some democrats here in chicago say immigration needs to be talked about more at the dnc. >> i'd love to hear an apology from kamala harris as border czar, you allowed eight million people to manipulate asylum process. i know we will not get that, i want recognition of we have to fix the front door so everyone is not relying on the back door to get into this country. >> references to immigration have come in form of attacks against former president trump. what we have not heard is acknowledgement of pain, stress, financial strain that border crisis has caused in cities
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nationwide, particularly here in chicago. >> bill: we heard from mayor brandon johnson, a progressive, is he giving much of an inch on this issue for people in your clip there saying do something? >> no. that is the real frustration for people like alderman and raymond lopez. he represents majority in 15th ward and he says democrats have constantly promised things, promised hispanics to help with undocumented family members and friends in their own families and yet they have yet to deliver. this is yet another issue he says they have failed very constituents they are promising to help out and he's frustrated. there has been pressure on harris to spell out policies and now more pressure to give information what she will do
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differently on issue much immigration, bill. >> bill: good point. it will go on for a while. until you come up with that. thank you, nice to see you in chicago. bryan ilenas, thank you. >> dana: wall street on watch for new report that could reveal how much job market gains might have been exaggerated under biden administration. bracing for downward revision of up to one million jobs. edward lawrence is live. h hi, edward. >> number has just come out, we're trying to get that so we have it exactly as we have seen it. revisions, we expect big swings 600,000 to a million. trying to get the number. this benchmark number is being revised, basically baseline for what jobs created or lost that the government uses. if the revision comes down more than 500,000 jobs, that would be
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bigger record, biggest in 15 years. benchmarks total nonfarm payroll down 305,000, less than they expected for total nonfarm payroll. 306,000 is a huge number. this could mark shift for the economy, for economists and market to focus les on inflation and more on jobs because this number is significantly lower. >> federal reserve been focused for better part of two or three years on inflation, embracing that will be reassuring to investors. >> and the federal reserve chairman telling me in the last news conference, this job market is more likely to have a soft landing because of way jobs are coming in. we have to see how things shift.
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this is the last news conference. listen to this. >> overall, broad set of indicators suggest conditions have returned to about where they stood on eve of the pandemic, strong but not overheated. >> now with revisions, could see tone change here at federal reserve. i'm at the symposium at jackson hole, we'll talk with fed presidents and see if this changes their outlook on when interest rates should come down and by how much. we'll finalize and get the number as soon as we get it. back to you. >> dana: thank you. they can pick a venue, gorgeous. bring in outkick's -- and robert wolf. it looks like less than predicted. >> predictions were a million plus, that would have been a -- we're talking 70,000 a month.
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this is coming in 25,000 a month. not saying it is nothing, it is not that relevant and i don't think it will affect the feds. they could have a soft landing, tight labor market is not as tight anymore. >> bill: we are hearing from people that they are worried about their finances, how much excess savings remain in the u.s. economy? august of 2021, call number one, 2.1 trillion , in march, down t 22 billion, in the billions, long way from trillions. u.s. household debt 17 trillion, up 7 thrillion in four years. >> that is a hold lot of debt. issue is that people feel something different than numbers
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have been telling them. fed chair says it is working great for you. voters say, i'm not sure they are. this ticket when they try to make a sale has gone from issue of cognitive decline to d dissidence, making point you are soaring and i feel happy when they are here, too, it works. how long does it last when people deal with crunch on the ground, immigrant crisis or putting more on their credit card. >> dana: talking about grocery prices, car insurance and services people rely on and government requires, why has that not come down? >> during covid we had durable goods, furniture and
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peloshgtons. the world reopened and we got services sector and wages have gone up by 20% because wages end up being passed on to the consumer, part of price and debt and deficit ballooning, we are at this time where people don't realize rate of inflation come down, prices are up 20% over 14 months. seen wages go up 18%. >> dana: not keeping up. >> we need wages to continue. gets passed to the consumer. >> every time democratic poli politician mentions grocery prices or higher prices, it is bit of boomerang. to edward lawrence, if you say 300,000, that comes to 25,000 jobs per month, is that still the number you have? >> 306,000 is the number and
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revised counselling. look at private payroll,s debt revised down 358,000. you see manufacturing, something president and vice president tout, revised down 43,000 jobs, basically shows overstating of amount of people in the work force, something mary catherine and robert could chew on related on this. >> bill: this is from kamala harris. she is talking about economy, economic issues this past week on sunday. >> it is mistake for any person talking about public policy to not critically evalout how you measure return on investment. you are strengthening neighborhoods and economy of those communities and investing in an economy, everybody benefits and it pays for itself in that way. >> bill: i don't know how she sells that on thursday night, imagine we will hear some
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eventually, website has zero issues day 31. >> we'll see policies, not write policy down. i'm look forward to hearing them from her own voice. the idea is like, throw a bunch of money around and that is investing in everyone and will work. we have seen over 3-1/2 years that did not feel like it worked. not as good as advertised is not great pitch to american people, there is gap between what people feel and official story and numbers coming from establishment that is in power. she is in the white house administration. >> dana: i say that is in the title, biden-harris administration. last couple nights, yes, idea is to pretend last 3-1/2 years did not happen and trump is the incumbent. >> i heard james pivot on that, smart strategist on that question. i think there has been
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incredible momentum, new philosophy of double haters in this country, like 40%. we know it feels like kamala, the vice president, is picking up that momentum. i would say this is honeymoon period and post labor day -- it gets harder, tens of billions giving narrative of former president trump and vice president kamala harris and we'll be debating fact versus fiction for days. >> bill: back to edward. wrap it up. >> there is a lot of confusion, that is an old number, we do not have the number yet, bureau of labor statistics is trying to get the number pushed out. they are having some technical issues. that 306,000 is an old number.
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>> bill: got you. did they say, meaning old, how long? when? >> from last year. benchmark was revised down. >> dana: it could be quite different. everyone is trying to get this number, website having technical problems trying to push this out to everyone trying to get this number. refresh, refresh. >> dana: they need to work on that rural broadband out in wyoming. >> exactly, yeah, we can blame the innerternet out here, cell service is spotty, i can confirm. >> bill: thank you, we'll be back with you when we nail it down. thank you. thanks. >> the fact iran has openly attacked israel and russia invaded ukraine and china threatening taiwan, that is under harris-biden
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administration. >> dana: and harris foreign policy agenda cloaked in mystery, not stopping them angle i ing, what it means for our friends and adversaries. there is this. >> fentanyl is greatest threat to americans today. it is devastating families and killing americans from all walks of life. >> bill: democrats galther in chicago not talking about it much, on the billboard and issue of fentanyl crisis is it be ing swept under the rug this week? these billboards will tell a story and we'll talk to a gentleman who does not want america to forget. >> dana: not all americans walking in lock step with vice president kamala harris, we'll hear from colorado governor jared polis about his concern on her economic policies. >> approach kamala harris is putting forward is continuation of the last four years. i believe in america, americans
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>> bill: today is national fentanyl prevention day and mark the oeksz /* oengz occasion, what a day. trying to get attention of democrats attending the convention here. b billboards making it clear. families against fentanyl. you are in akron, ohio, this issue hit all 50 states. why can't we control it? >> thank you for having me on.
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we took out 60 billboarded in chicago for democratic convention which has given 900,000 impression for national fentanyl day. our children and families are being wiped out by poisoning of america being subsidized and promoting by country of china. my son died in 2015, from mexico sent through the mail. the loophole allow ing 600,000 packages almost plus packages coming in every week. it is an amazing amount of material coming in. fentanyl will cover path of least resistance. material coming through southern
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border and seizure indicative of stockpiling. amount of material coming in could not be consumed by all of the people in the united states. it would kill everyone. >> bill: jim, i can hear the grief in your voice nine years later. i'm sorry about your loss. i'm happy to see how you are trying to give voice to something that has affected you and your family. >> yes, we find that looking through the rules and everything the government has, weapon of mass destruction will compel the government to shuts off supply. give them authority to stop money laundering, close diminimus loophole, do proper inspection of material at the border. they say it is mostly americans coming through, they only find it where they are looking and people they are looking for. they have no idea how much is coming through northern border
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or through other paths of airp airplanes, vessels bringing it into port, dropping it off like they used to, of the cocaine. no telling how much is here. if it weren't for narcan, this would be much, much worse. they can't give me figure of how many narcan has been delivered. >> bill: i've seen narcan work, it is amazing stuff. you mentioned the border, border alone in 2023, they seized 27,000 pounds 1.1 billion doses. they are ahead of us. you don't sound political, you want the attention of both parties on this. why can't you get it. >> yes, this is science, not politics. >> bill: continue.
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>> hello. >> bill: go ahead, jim, continue. this is science, not politics. they are evading their douties n purpose. china is a major trading partner. they don't want to confront china, they have interest in their counter and several like t this, blood money is telling about the corruption involved in this. this has got to stop. it will go from infiltrating drug supply to air, food and water supply and could be done super simple. unbelievably simple. there is no detecting or protecting against it. not like nuclear material and many other chemicals are way less poisonous than fentanyl.
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kilo of fenta fentanylil 500 pe car load will kill 50 million. you only need 1% effectivity to kill people. reuters found when they spent 3000 dollars they made -- 3000 for chemical and 33000 for fentanyl. >> bill: i hear your passion. thank you for sharing with us. you can do border and crack down on what is coming out of china and beijing. all hand on deck process and it needs to be. thank you for coming on. my best to you, thank you for sharing your story. thank you.
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>> upside of mask wearing and compliance is big, don't slide backward. >> dana: tim walz pandemic is issues, getting heat for violenting his own covid-19 rule. we've seen that story before. moderate democrats divided over kamala harris liberal policies, could it poke holes in her democratic bid? jared polis is here next. >> former president barack obama making a big speech and kamala harris 90 miles away, i think their party is not especially unified.
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>> bill: 10:32, back home in new y york, 9:32 here in chicago. national security experts jockeying for position in what could be harris administration. v.p. yet to layout a single policy proposal. last month's meeting with st stocking questions. gillia gillian turner, good morning. >> gillian: progressive groups are lobbying the harris campaign. foreign policy experts, conservative ones, tell us they are alarmed >>. i don't think we have any clue about what she thinks. is that weird? it's very weird, for as long as people don't demand she tell us
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what her views are on any pressing questions, i'm nervous where that leaves us on questions of ukraine, questions of china, on questions of russia. >> gillian: in particular progressive groups hope they can sway a future administration from uncondition al support for israel and more palestinian o oriented policy. biden insists it is the other side that lacks concrete policy position. >> they are dedicating their teams and doing everything to get a ceasefire done. i ask them what donald trump and j.d. vance plans are to get to a ceasefire, i have not heard suggestions from him. >> gillian: phil gordon shoe in for harris administration is in the cross hairs of republicans like tom cotton ringing alarm
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bells accusing gourd of having ties to iranian activists demanding answers. bill. >> bill: 31 days, see when we get it. gillian turner, thank you. breaking news, if you were with us, edward lawrence live in jackson, wyoming, has revision number on job claim much the past 12 months. what is it? >> it is a huge revision down 818,000 fewer jobs. this is basically the government overstated number of people in the workforce. manufacturing down 115,000, revision down, significant, la largest in 15 years. it says that the government overstated amount of people working.
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showing weakness in job market over the past year we did not realize was there and now we know is there. 818,000 jobs, manufacturing down 115,000 in this. if construction down 45,000, these numbers are huge numbers in revisions down. >> bill: we need perspective, 68,000 per month, how s significant is that? >> 68,000 per month could swing the last jobs report 115,000. huge swing, huge chunk of jobs that would no longer be in the work force related to this. this economy is weaker than we thought. markets say the consumer is not as strong as we thought, not as man people have be jos, that means not as many people spending money. those consumers, 70% of economy
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moving forward, economy growth related to consumer spending. take that away, you have fewer people spending and more realistic look how the economy is performing and more realistically not performing as well on job side as we first thought. markets neutral, see if that changes throughout the day. thank you, edward. >> dana: bring in jared polis. i imagine it is hard as governor to try to figure out how to plan ahead if you are getting information from the federal government that is not correct. >> i think america has low unemployment right now and in colorado we have below national unemployment rate. i hear from companies, we're have having trouble attracting and retaining people.
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we focus on expanding the labor force. kamala harris supports preschool and more support for child care or child tax credit, this will help parents to afford to go back into the work force, could be a second parent who can reenter the work force sooner. >> dana: edward is saying jobs are not there? >> number one issue we have from companies. how do we find enough people? interesting to see what it is nationally. 1.6 job openings for every unemployed person. look, there is also what we call skills mismatch meaning people unemployed might need additional training, how can they go back and have a six week, not talking college degrees, talking on the side training, jobs are there, economy is strong.
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how do we make sure people looking for work have skills to get good jobs? >> bill: roll this clip from j.d. vance, it comes up here, how expensive life has got. >> prices up 20% thanks to policies of kamala harris. she says day one she will make groceries more affordable. day one was 1300 days ago and you have not done anything. >> bill: point well taken. you sound like you are bullish on like economic policy, you were telling cnn yesterday you want pro-growth policy, what lz you do? >> starts with more money in people's pockets. when kamala harris leans in to a child tax credit, middle-class tax cuts, delivering relief to families, of course reducing inflation. look at policy differences, 10%
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tariff on every product imported. that raises prices back to school time. i have two children, imagine costing 10 or 20% more, that is money out of -- >> bill: she wants to raise taxes, though, bring more money into the government. >> it is about who and how, she talked about decreasing taxes. >> bill: corporate taxes from 21 to 28%. >> it is not about more government and more taxes, it is who pays and how they pay. she is saying have a tax code that will reduce tax on middle-class americans, whether earning 50 or 150,000, you ought to hold on to your hard-earned money. of course, you need to pay for those and she's saying make sure
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we close down loopholes, some big corporations pay 0, 1, 2% -- dane that is what you want in colorado, people to come to colorado. we have done this, reduced income tax and closed number of loopholes that had preferences for this or that. >> dana: that is not what she's talking about. sglp she is, talking about companies paying 1% or 0%, close that loophole and reduce taxes for middle class. reducing childhood poverty. >> dana: j.d. vance said same thing. >> we welcome his support, michael bennett is proposing that nationally. we welcome support of j.d.ed. welcome to join the party. >> bill: harris plan to lower taxes. ms. harris pitches 28% rate is
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issue approximating big companies and economists agree u.s. workers pay for higher corporate taxes in lower wages and higher prices, because it is passed on to them. >> again, i disagree with frame, she is not trying to punish big companies, democrats and kamala harris love big, small, you name it, companies provide services to the american people and should be able to cubing seed. originally kamala harris position before had been let trump tax cuts expire. now she's saying keep some tax cuts and double down and expand them. it would go to 34%, years ago she said she is for that. she's come to the center, pro-growth, you know what, keep some tax cuts. >> dana: you have given more detail than she has. >> i got it from her website. her points. >> bill: checking it this
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morning and couldn't find it. thank you for being here. thank you, sir. >> this is a difference with distinction in the two parties. as number of students in need of some alternative to failing public schools increased, number of democrats has decreased. >> bill: record for tim walz, minnesota governor, on covid is under fire as it becomes obvious how young students fell behind during lockdown. we will look at numbers with martha maccallum here in chicago as we roll on.
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>> bill: big headliner tim walz takes center stage at the convention, really an introduction to the nation. martha maccallum is here, nice to see you. his record is coming under fire, here we go, number one on the screen. allow undocumented migrants to get drivers license, restore voting rights for felons, guaranteed free tuition for undocumented migrants and
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increase state capital gains taxes. i don't know what we learn about that tonight. there is the scroll on his record. >> martha: i heard someone call him bob and john the other day. people are looking forward to getting to know tim walz. there is reporting coming out about things about military service, about his dui back in 1995, impact it had on his life. his record is under scrutiny. one area it is under scrutiny is education. he presents himself as teacher and coach who ded katded himself to students. as governor he has seen 10-point decline in math and reading over his time there. he talks about caring for students, it has not translated to better results. >> dana: teacher to student
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ratio, garrett did this report, what are numbers in minnesota? chicago public school, student ratio to student is 19-1. minnesota 16-1 and national average 15-1. test scores, minnesota in reading down 10 points, math down 10 points what happens in between there? covid. kids were home. >> martha: absolutely, i'm so shocked, i will be interested to hear what he says tonight, about how little real substantive conversation about results for education in this country have been talked about so far. michele obama mentioned education once to say trump wantings to esliminate departmet of education. barack obama says this ticket understands every child should get a good education, but under this leadership, damaged from
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covid and effort to catch up has been almost nonexistent in terms of national programs, department of education, love to hear from michelle obama about work they did to catch our kids up after covid. we're not talking about results, no evidence, no look what we did, here is benchmark in minnesota. >> bill: you nailed it. i don't know if we will get many specifics at all. i think this is introduction tonight, his bio, this is who i am, america. come meet me. everything is rolling in march of 2020. it appears based on his record, he got on board the following november, you have to ask yourself why. who was he talking to? appeal from teachers union. >> martha: it is not a big leap to say he was talking to teacher
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unions keeping our schools shut down and teachers at home. it was about keeping teachers at home. it is huge mark on all of our handling as a nation. you can talk about feelings and caring about education and being good to each other and teg rite, but if kids don't know how to read, write or do math, we have a problem. >> dana: ultimate root cause. we'll see you on "the story" and tonight. and maybe 1:00 a.m. just kidding. >> we heard they will shorten speeches tonight. we're done with you, next. >> dana: great to see you. >> great to see you, too. >> dana: we have more live coverage from what is set to be action-packed day at dnc in chicago. tonight we will see speeches from former president clinon,
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and vice presidential nominee tim walz, will that pump up the party faithful? we'll see. [street noise] [car door shuts] [paparazzi cameras] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. audience: ohhh... with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night.
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or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at >> harris: big drama at the dnc convention, michelle obama throwing some shade at biden's prison in nc and vp harris was not even there. steve hilton is with us. and getting more violence and highlighting the deep divide among democrats. brad sherman with me on set. and former president trump and j.d. vance going straight to voters in swing states. even rfk jr.'s campaign suggesting it may throw its weight behind trump. "the faulkner focus" from chicago next. ♪ ♪
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>> harris: my kind of town, dana. >> dana: good weather. >> bill: wrote the song. i wish. welcome back, everybody. from chicago as we roll along here. a significant story out of los angeles. we want to get to it before we say goodbye. hunter biden's defense team is in an l.a. court today for a final hearing before his federal tax trial begins. remember now he's facing multiple felony and misdemeanor charges for failing to pay the government on millions of dollars. david spunt is live in washington on this for us. david, hello. >> in that trial begins, bill and dana on september 5th with jury selection, and paid back the $1.4 million, but the special counsel says he spent money on everything but his taxes. and according to the indictment instead of paying taxes, hunter spent money on women, clothing, health and beauty products and was indicted last year. his sister hallie biden, the widow of the late beau biden expected to testify. in a relationship following the
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death of bo and prosecutors believe she has plenty of information to help the case. in adding celebrity mark gary coast to his team who will be there and wants to dismiss this case, but the special counsel will continue to prosecute. the judge said no dismissal and here we are today. hunter will be so sentenced in delaware. his father said no pardon, that was before he decided against running for leah reelection. we will see what happens in court, in just a few hours. >> bill: department of justice for us. >> dana: i think that biden could pardon him sooner than later. everything has changed, and he might just do that. and he might have even like a president trump, i don't blame you. but then there is all of his. >> bill: how about me? >> dana: let's just wipe the slate clean. it's good to be with you today, we have another couple of days to come. but harris faulkner will take you through the next hour. here


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