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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 21, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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hopeful that they'll start talking about some policies that can move the country forward. >> neil: real quickly, you had urged donald trump to do the same when last we chatted. he appears to be talking policies and issues, fairly nonstop now, not so much of the personal attacks, always in the eye of the beholder because the other side -- is it your sense that is a winning strategy for him? >> yes, well, let me say this. i think the party that beats, the person that beats donald trump is donald trump, so donald trump doesn't beat donald trump, that it's going to be a tough race for vice president harris. >> neil: got it. don, thank you very much. good catching up with you. don peebles, big obama fundraiser. worried about democrats, a little less so republicans pure here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro along
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with jessica tarlov, jesse watters, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and 4:00 in chicago, and even though this is "theeally is four and a half. ♪ ♪ some ugly backstabbing drama playing out at the dnc as former president barack obama and first lady michelle obama took the stage in what turned out to be a trump bash fest. >> it has been a constant stream of gripes and grievances that's actually been getting worse now that he is afraid of losing to kamala. [applause] there is the childish nicknames. the crazy conspiracy theories. this weird obsession with crowd sizes. [laughter] >> who is going to tell him that the job he is currently seeking might just be one of those black
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jobs? [cheers and applause] >> judge jeanine: they obama's getting snubbed by the woman that they crowned. kamala harris skipping their speeches altogether. she was 90 miles away in milwaukee holding her own counter rally. fox's jacqui heinrich reports that her choice was made out of sensitivity and respect to president biden, who obama helped push out. one source familiar with the situation told fox that the obamas are still not on the white house's good side. but barack did his best to kiss up to the big guy. >> joe and i come from different backgrounds. but we became brothers. history will remember joe biden as an outstanding president. i am proud to call him my president, but i am even prouder to call him my friend. >> judge jeanine: but michelle obama just couldn't help herself. she opened her speech with a
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brutal jab at the biden era. >> something wonderfully magical is in the air, isn't it? we love, a familiar feeling that has been buried too deep for far too long. >> judge jeanine: all right, jesse, i'll start with you. how do you navigate the rocky td obama, clearly evidenced by the fact that kamala harris was 90 miles away and that, you know, biden was the first one out at the convention and then exiled to california, and she wasn't even there for the the obamas. >> jesse: you just keep everybody apart. that's what it looks like. if you put them all in the room together and lock the door, only one person comes out and it is probably michelle. my mother texted me after the speeches last night and she said, are you a democrat yet? this is what i'm dealing with. tthe obama skinfold a lot of people, but they can't fool me.
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yes, it was a persuasive speech and very powerful and well-crafted, but in order to buy what they are selling you have to be completely oblivious to political reality. my grandmother, judge jeanine, used to tell me, beware of those who use their virtue as a cudgel. and this is what the obama is due. they say decency, dignity, charity, generosity. they have a monopoly on that. and if you would disagree with them, then you are just an evil ghoul. i always say don't listen to what people say, watch what they do. they lost 300,000 kids. they have poured migrants into black neighborhoods paired they have ruined women sports. they have made life more dangerous and expensive for americans. those aren't virtuous actions. that is incredible he dishonorable. then they obama was say that republicans aren't generous? have you ever seen sean hannity
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tape? they say republican's don't sacrifice, take a poll of the army and see who they are voting for. hunter biden on trial for tax evasion. then republicans want to poison rivers and fire people. but this country is too polarized and we need to come together. what? come on, guys. my whole thing about trump complaining too much, this is like someone who stabs you and then when you are crying, they call you a whiner. they have find this guy come arrest him, raided his house, and he can't talk about it, give me a break. hope is not a plan. and we still have never heard a plan. >> judge jeanine: and jessica, you know, i think most people would agree that michelle obama gave a great speech, but she acted as if the last three and a half years warrant about hope and change. that's a biden administration. or the last 12 of the 16 years
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warrant about the democrats. >> jessica: well come i think she was definitely focused on giving kamala the biggest boost she possibly could be a chinos how popular she is. she knows what an incredible and persuasive speaker she is, and she wanted to shine a light on kamala, giving the most personal account of her back story and trying the parallels between their experiences, as smart women, lawyers, highly accomplished, and also blackbeard i thought that was one of her best lines, where she said that donald trump couldn't stand that her aunt barack, peod achieved so much come over raising to the highest heights, who happen to be black, and then she went on to obviously make the black job jab. i don't think that anyone who is trying to pick apart these speeches is going to be taken seriously, no offense, jesse. >> jesse: you are looking right at me. >> jessica: i'm looking in the camera. i can feel the heat from the site here. those were compelling, well delivered speeches that were exactly what kamala needed. and people complaining about the tone or the tenor of it
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obviously didn't watch the rnc, which was all about demonizing joe biden, and have forgotten, i guess, that donald trump donald trump was an og birther. barack obama and michelle obama need never be kind about that man for saying what he did about them. i also wanted to say just as a general emphasis on loving marriages and holding women up, from daughters to mothers to grandmothers. it was such a compelling theme of this. i think doug emhoff, hey, it's doug, it's 8:30 in the morning, why am i calling you now? the whole thing about their love story was something that people can really connect to, and they are going hard for that female vote. they know 53% of white women who voted for donald trump in 2016 got enough back in 2024 biden to win, and we need to keep holding onto that, to the emphasis on keeping women in the spotlight and honoring them. >> judge jeanine: you know, greg, barack obama made a big thing about the fact that donald trump is a whiner and even talked about since he came down the escalator. i mean, the guy was, he was
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impeached, he was indicted, he was convicted, they tried to kill him. he is a russian asset appeared and obama is whining about one thing, that is his birth certificate, and he hasn't stopped since 2011 on that. >> greg: the barack obama going after trump -- and actually i thought it was a fairly innocuous number of things, about nicknames and about crowd sizes, because that's all he had. there was no trump policy. there is no trump economy. he couldn't -- he couldn't point his finger at anything because the last four years have been a disaster, and the democrats, so if you are going to run again on the metaphorical or allegorical mean tweet strategy, have at it because everybody is used to trump now. they are used to the nicknames. if the best thing michelle said last night, according to jessica, was that trump didn't like them because they were
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black, maybe you should rethink the party you belong to, if you are going to keep race baiting and accusing people of being racist. i think america is tired of that. there are a lot of other things you could go for other than calling people racist. and also that relies on mind reading, which no democrat is capable of because they can't even read their own mind. having said that, this is their time. it's not for us. i would agree with jessica on that. i don't want to be like a weirdo who hate watches "the five" and then tweets about it. you know? if you are choosing to watch something that is not intended for you and you don't like it, that's kind of on you. so i sit here and i feel like, you know what, i'm not going to be the guy at a bar who is listening to a conversation that a family is having. it's not my business. and now to my last point. business. and minding your own business. obama made an aside about
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generational wealth being basically affirmative action, whether it was for trump or rich white people, who knows, so because your parents did all right, it's not fair to other people. fair enough, you can say that, but mind your own damn business. you have no business getting to somebody's families hard work. you keep your side of the street clean. we'll do ours. since when is somebody's families wealth your business? nevada for what a person's family did is a really sad and sick. generational wealth for many people is a myth. ultimately wealth, when you accrue it, is transferred down to your kids. it is split. and then it is split again. and then it is split again. generational wealth only lasts for most people one generation. it divides instead of growing. unlike obama. so he made his wealth through
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government appeared public service. good for him. corporations flocked to him because of the star power that he got being in government. he's made millions, perhaps hundreds of millions, without ever creating one job, without ever creating one job in the private sector. all of that money goes to him and to his lovely children. the generational wealth that he has accrued, he is obviously going to pass to them and they're going to pass to their kids but you know they're not going to do? they are not going to stop working. rich people don't stop working because they are rich because they want to remain rich and they know you can't live that way. so let's be done with this myth of how rich people somehow don't work because they have generational wealth, you know, he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth but right now he can buy truckloads of silver spoons. >> judge jeanine: all right, dana, last question to you. one of the issues that greg brought up is the fact that neither michelle nor barack
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talked about policy. you know, they talked about the chaos that would be created. when the chaos was pretty much about the left reacting to trump but nothing about world peace, nothing about any of the good stuff and the policy. >> dana: in the last two days but i have noticed is the convention is acting as if the biden-harris administration never existed. they are acting as if trump is the incumbent. one of the things barack obama said last night was, he goes, we just can't afford a sql. we can't afford any more of this chaos and the bumbling around, and i was thinking somewhere trump is watching this going yeah, i agree, that's exactly what i've been trying to say p it i also want to add one thing. i think jacqui heinrich was the reporter this morning about the riff. i don't doubt someone told her that. i actually wondered when i saw if we were being pumped. typically the candidate is in here all four nights. also, what kamala harris did last night, she went to a swing state, they filled another
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arena, same one that president trump was in, we all were in a month ago, and the thing that is quite incredible is why would they do that? one of the reasons is because david plouffe, who is now running this campaign and he had run the obama campaign's, he knows exact way how to get new voters phone numbers and their names, and i bet that all of them were contacted today to say, will you vote? can we count on you to vote? can you give us $20? they just raised $500 million in the last month, and 62% of the people that donated are people who never even gave a dime to joe biden, so i think that was also probably the strategic reason to have her there in a swing state trying to get more press. >> judge jeanine: all right. up next, is the biden, jobs boom all just one big fat lie? you won't believe shocking new numbers on how they have been cooking the books. ♪ ♪
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everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie?
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♪ ♪ >> dana: kamalanomics dealt its first major blow after a stunning revision in the jobs market this morning. almost a million jobs just vanishing into thin air. the bureau of labor statistics' ground dating the note total number of jobs greeted in aprils year by 818,000 -- going to have to go back to elementary school to figure how to say that -- making it the largest downward employment revision in 15 years and it is not a headline that vice president harris wants as she campaigns and takes credit for the good parts of the economy. >> by virtually every measure, our economy is the strongest in
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the world. we have created 16 million new jobs. >> dana: and donald trump wasting no time to hammer harris over the revised numbers. >> harris biden administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the economic ruin that they have inflicted on america. an extra, listen to this one, 818,000 jobs that don't exist. so they said they existed, and they never did exist. they built them up so they can say what a wonderful job they are doing. >> dana: greg, i think one of the least persuasive things i've heard on the economy lately, and they have said it for a while but increasingly this week, is while the american economy is better than those, then the rest of the world, so everyone you should just be happy. it doesn't seem to me to be working persuading people.
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>> greg: it's basically saying, like, too bad for it what are you going to do? leave? right? you are stuck here. i think for the democrats, ignorance isn't just bliss, it's votes. hence the tax on unrealized gains, which kamala is pushing on the assumption that nobody knows what an unrealized gain means. so this is time for greg's economic corner, i want everyone to grab their kids, around the tv. games occur when an asset rises. let's say you have a prized collection of baseball cards, and they go up in price. a loss as when the price goes down. since you paid. an unrealized gain is the value of the investment before you sell it. so a tax on unrealized gains is taxing money you don't have. and it goes right to the government. so to sell the corrupt and moral idea, you've got to call it something else, so instead of theft, it is unrealized gains,
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like saying an illegal is a newcomer. so an unrealized gain is the house your parents live income of the one that they hoped would gain in value. if it does gain in value, 25% to 50% of the increase goes to the irs every year, and they don't even sell the house which means it comes out of your their pocket p or how is that not theft? do this to really rich people but as you know sooner or later we run out of really rich people than it is poor people, then you have, as elon musk said, really bad shoes. >> dana: yes, he did. jesse, i think another unpersuasive thing is when the biden-harris team -- sorry, harris-walz team, is saying biden traded all of these jobs. when you point out the jobs starting to come back under trump, but the jobs are sought down because of covid, they actually are trying to suggest that joe biden wouldn't have shut down the economy and that none of the jobs would have been lost and i find that really hard
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to believe. >> jesse: the border, the jobs, the crime numbers, they are all a mirage. donald trump came in third quarter gdp was at 35%. that's a record. fourth-quarter gdp 2024.2%. he had to joe biden a growing economy. all of the biden jobs are bounce back jobs from covid and then 40% of the jobs under joe biden for foreign-born workers, a.k.a. illegals. greg is right. what they want to do is tack's wealth. it is a wealth taxpayer this is what liz warren wants, like liz warren but actually indian. people say it is like a conspiracy that the government would somehow juice the jobs numbers in an election year to help the democrats, okay, so when trump wins and investigates it, they are going to call that a revenge tour. this is what is happening here.
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you now need to make $120,000 a year to live a $100,000 a year lifestyle. $20,000 in purchasing power is gone because of joe biden. medium household income under donald trump $78,000 come under biden-harris $76,000. it's gone. they are just taking the money away. now she wants to raised taxes and spent $3 trillion in cap prices like a communist but don't call her comrade, that's mean. you don't want to call people names. >> dana: jessica, the economy is the issue aside from abortion, which if you are voting on abortion you are voting on abortion, but an economy is the one that can move voters either way and not great timing for kamala harris who is trying to do this role out. she will have a great speech tomorrow night, no doubt, but friday everything gets harder. >> jessica: yeah, it's going to get harder, and we will have to see what kind of candidate she is going to be after this initial period. get through the convention, going to do long form interviews, we are going to have
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a debate, hopefully multiple debates and one on our network which i think would be fantastic. but this is not the headline you want on day 3 of your convention that has been going really well. donald trump immediately jump into conspiracy theories about how this happened, though, is a little rich. in august of 2019, head of covid, donald trump's on an administration got an extra 501,000 jobs magically out of thin air and it had to be revised down. so if you think what kamala were joe biden did was fraudulent, then it is what donald trump did was fraudulent. >> jesse: how much were they revised down? >> jessica: you are going with that? >> jesse: how much were they revised down? >> jessica: they were fake job, sorry, sitting next to me, they don't exist. one thing that could be a silver lining for all of this for kamala harris is this is going to single there is going to be a rate cut coming. our impressions of the economy are pretty much baked in. she has cut into trump lead a little bit the people on election day are probably going to think he is still better for the economy, we know that.
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if there is a rate cut, people will experience that and may associate that with the biden-harris administration and that hopefully harris-walz on november 5th p or its before judge, the way things are going i imagine you could have harris say she is going to extend the n 2017 in order to help the economy. >> judge jeanine: sure, but let's be clear about something. there 818,000 jobs that vanished. that biden-harris said they had added to the economy. and let's be clear about it, that is the largest revision to a job report in 15 years. it's never been -- there has never been a claim like that. it seems that the democrats are okay if they change the facts because nobody fact checks them. it's just like two nights ago when joe biden is repeating all the lies of the "fine people" hoax and the bloodbath and praising the palestinian people and the idea of injecting bleach to people who had covid -- all of that has been debunked, but nobody says anything about it.
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the media doesn't hold the democrats for the lies, for the straight out lies and the misinformation. but let's be clear. the impact on the market is very clear because companies rely on these numbers in order to hire and in order to decide what they have to make for the consumer. and, you know, it just doesn't fit. and the lack of policies that these democrats are promoting and stating is shocking. i heard, dana, on your show today on "america's newsroom," governor polis' -- is it polis from colorado? he says they have all of these policies about the economy and this and that comment bill hemmer says, where did you get that from? we haven't seen it, and polis doesn't tell the truth and says it is on the website and bill hemmer says i've been on the website and didn't ch. what has changed in this country is this. 20 years ago, if you were 19
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points ahead on the border, six on the economy, seven on foreign policy and five on crime, that's the end of it, but today, it is a different, there is a different paradigm. you've got to feel unity and joy. they don't care if there is a policy or if you lie straight up. all they care about is feeling good call about what scares me about this. >> dana: good talk come everybody. ahead, a bombshell new report claims rfk jr. is ready to drop out and endorse donald trump. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: this could be the game changer that tips the scale in november. abc news reporting that rfk jr. plans to drop out of the presidential race and endorse
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donald trump. kennedy himself says he'll address the nation on friday in phoenix, and wouldn't you know it, donald trump also in phoenix that day. the former president seems open to rewarding him if he drops out. >> i like him a lot. i respect him a lot. i probably would if something like that would happen. he's a very different kind of a guy, very smart guy, and yeah, i would be honored by that endorsement. >> jesse: dana p, how big of a factor would this be? >> dana: well come he's weaker than he was before appeared before biden got out of the race he was around 9% in some places. now he is getting around 4%. i talked to a friend last week who works in republican politics and said in a battleground state were rfk jr. had a presence or was on the ballot, he was still taking about four points, 3-4 points away from the other two candidates in the race.
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if trump can get a few of them, it could certainly help and as we all know, the states are razor-thin, it could help a little bit but i don't think it is a huge deal. >> jesse: jeanine, how do you think the negotiation is between these two campaigns about a possible cabinet position? >> judge jeanine: you know, obviously i don't know what's going on there, but what i do know is this, you know, the democrats have been talking about how unity and joy and hope and all of that, they've pretty much trashed this guy. they did everything but cannibalize him. i mean, they tried to get him off the ballot. they sued him. they literally threw him out of the party. his whole family threw him out. and in the end, they wouldn't even give him secret service protection. his father was assassinated, his uncle was assassinated. i mean, they treated this guy like a dog. you know, i think that a lot of
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people -- and they have said historically, people like dan and jessica might know more than i do on these particular poll numbers, but his poll numbers, his numbers would take away from donald trump, i don't know if that is true or if they would take away from biden, but i think that in the end, he really is saying to the democrat party, you know what, go screw yourselves. you did so much to me and to my effort, and i wasn't even -- you could have beat me just by beating me, but you didn't do that. you had to destroy me. and he was sick and tired, he said come of the tribalism of the democrat party. >> jesse: jessica, we talked about this on my show last night. even if it is just 10, 15, 20,000 voters in philly or phoenix, that's big. >> jessica: yeah, i probably won't be out of philly but some rural county in pennsylvania where this is happening, absolutely. look at the damage jill sign was
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able to do against hillary clinton, and it was smaller margins than that, so it's obviously something that is on democrats' radar. we talked about this a few months ago when the dnc hired liz smith, the person and consultant who brought us pete buttigieg, a real incredible communications professional, and they hired her just to focus on rfk jr. and the threat that he poses to the party, so, you know, all eyes on phoenix on friday for this. my expectation is they will probably make the deal, maybe rfk can finally become health secretary and we can all never get a vaccine again or something awesome like that, but it's a real risk, and it's obviously top of mind for democrats. >> jesse: i'm sure harold ford jr. can get his seven covid shots even if he is still at hhs be at what's up, greg? >> greg: it would be hilarious if rfk jr. decide to the next president is. what if he was able to see who he is helping more in the race and then he goes to the other person and says, hey, if i stay in, you lose. let's make a deal.
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if he did that, he's a genius. it's a great ploy. love him or hate him, rfk is not woke, he is an independent thinker with a curious mind, which no longer resonates in the mentality of identity politics in the democrat world. rfk knows -- this is why people like him, liberals and conservatives and libertarians. people, persons, with unique problems, but no problem is more special than the other. so that's why the identity politics thing doesn't work. he reflects a true equality where he accepts that everybody is unique but nobody is special. the democratic party demands that you accept the supremacy of one group over another. in relation to their problems.
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and that is b.s. >> jesse: if we do find a dead bear somewhere in the trump white house, we know who did it. ahead, weird tim walz has some wacky moves. we'll talk about it ahead. big dnc speech tonight. ♪ ♪ at the tunnel to towers we made a commitment that commitment is to make sure, that the word homeless and the word veteran are never in the same sentence again. we're in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most, not shelters, homes. it's not just a place to sleep it's actually wrap around services and that's what is so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside one of the hallmarks of military service is the only people behind it that sticks with me.
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i know that every veteran who raised their right hand and swore to support and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. we have things that we carry inside of us, what tunnel to towers is doing with this village is helping veterans that have mental health issues needs. we have veterans that suffer every day. and so to have this facility to service our veterans that are in so need it just the pride is just exploding. we want to make sure that when our veterans are coming home, that they're coming home to something that actually feels personalized and homey for them. that's a home. that's a home with dignity and walls and air conditioning. it's beautiful. i was able to walk through one of the comfort homes today. that moved my heart. i'm just telling you it did when i walked in. and it'll help the heart of that veteran. that's what's important. the care and the give and the love that tunnel to towers has for our veterans is amazing. the people that donate to tunnel to towers, they are amazing. that eleven dollars is changing your life because your giving and it's changing somebody else's to do it. it just an honor to be involved with it.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: weird tim walz set to take the stage for dnc night 3, kamala's running mate who walks around like he has ants in his pants just got busted lying for the million times but who is counting? dems say it is just her crazy old uncle. >> tim walz is just a good and decent man. in many ways, what we saw, what we loved with doug imhoff on the stage is what we will see similarly with tim walz, he has that uncle you want to hang oute and whenever he comes to the house you just get so excited
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because you are like, what's next? >> greg: he has the uncle who comes over to the house and you get really excited, jesse. all the kids are like oh, the uncle is here. >> jesse: go jump on his lap and tickle me, tell me a story appeared i don't know, greg, he looks like the next contestant on the price is right. come on down p or whoa, whoa. this is a guy you can't trust. greg, you know better than anybody, men need to be composed. men who make wild gesticulations cannot be trusted. >> greg: true. >> jesse: keep yourself together and hold yourself with dignity and stature or else people think you are suspicious. >> dana: and then he has ice cream in public. >> jessica: and uses a straw. >> greg: by the way, there is an exception to jesse's rule and it is rip taylor, r.i.p. dana, what do you think he is going to talk about tonight? >> dana: rich lowry a couple weeks ago when he was announced
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at this is msnbc's pundits idea of what a normal person looks like. we were glad to have him on "america's newsroom," a couple of times, and one of the times he came on was the morning after the disastrous biden debate. i think he is a very loyal democrat. he is willing to come on the shows, which we appreciate. he's got a lot of introduction to do. i'm very much looking forward to all of the debates, but in particular the one that walz and vance will do on october 1st. >> greg: that is going to be fun. jessica come i will give you two choices. what will walz address tonight? lying about his military service, or lying about the dui cover-up? >> jessica: i'm going to go with none of the above, is that c? >> greg: there was no c, i had no room to put a c. all of the above would have worked appeared. >> jessica: that's what i said said, i lied with none of the above.
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all of the attacks come everything people have been throwing at him, it's just not working. his favorability keeps climbing p or he is at plus 11 now nationally and j.d. vance is at negative 17. they are going to have someone who served with him speaking tonight, i think that will be incredibly powerful. the latest round of attacks about whether he had ivf or iui are some of the grossest that i have seen. i am sure donald trump will be talking about that plenty is the most fertile man on the planet or whatever he will call himself, but when you look at the historic gender gap that we are already in that is poised to get even larger and that independents, democratic and republican women alike all do not want abortion to be a state-level issue, they want federal protections, going down this route is dangerous, it's ugly, and tim walz will be able to talk about the power of reproductive treatments, to be able to have his daughter, hope. that is why she is called hope. and republicans -- keep doing it. i said this on monday, just bringing in all those women. >> greg: you can have them.
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>> jessica: have all the women's? >> greg: abortions come have them all you want, i don't care come it's not my business. it interests me, though, why is planned parenthood care that much about fertility treatments? if that is what you are -- you brought it up -- >> jessica: they do. >> greg: they don't. judge? >> jessica: oh, okay. >> judge jeanine: i don't want to get into the abortion thing. >> greg: she brought it up. >> judge jeanine: she always does. what's wrong with people deciding in their particular state? isn't that the democracy you are always so worried about? >> jessica: a six-week abortion ban is deciding yourself? >> judge jeanine: as far as i am concerned, this guy is a congenital liar. i mean, this guy not only lied -- and i've got to talk about this because i was a prosecutor -- he lied on his dwi, right? he said someone was chasing me come i didn't know it was a cop, but doesn't explain he was chass speeding before the cop started chasing him. then he says after the fact, get this, after the fact come that
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he really wasn't drunk when he pled guilty to drunk driving. that's when he ran for congress, freaking lied and said i wasn't guilty and i didn't plead guilty. anyone who lives that easily should be a democrat, i guess it works. that's why they love him. >> greg: it doesn't matter, judge, because he loves abortion. >> judge jeanine: and he is joyful and he dances like, you know p had. >> greg: dems think dammo hats g into the country's hearts. ♪ ♪ reminder, bent finger appointment. i don't want to wait or have surgery for my dupuytren's contracture. i want a nonsurgical treatment. and if nonsurgical treatment isn't offered? i'll get a second opinion. take charge of your treatment. if you can't lay your hand flat, visit to get started.
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: are democrats taking back country music from republicans? rolling stone making that case, that my party is attempting to reclaim the rural and southern identity that is long ignored by embracing camo hats and dancing performers like jason isabel and mickey dighton. watch this. ♪ ♪
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so dana, as our country music expert, are we stealing your peeps? >> dana: no, but country music is continuing to evolve and instead of breaking itself into 100 different types of genres, it is just saying country music is the big ten of music, so now you have a lot of collaborations like with post malone and ot others, morgan wallen beard it evolves and grows and i have not seen a single camo hat since i've been here. >> jessica: jesse, has johnny found a camo hat yet? >> jesse: no, but he found the best ectomy van and he is going to get snapped -- >> judge jeanine: he isn't. >> jesse: it's an order from jesse watters beards. >> jessica: reproductive health care should be accessible to everybody. >> jesse: this is like when jesse jr. puts a sheet over his head and tells himself he is a ghost. you are in a custom, go to bed. the democrats wear costumes.
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john kerry goes hunting. >> dana: in a tank. >> jesse: greg touch on this all week, they are into hunting and camo, they are not fooling anyone. >> jessica: okay, greg. >> greg: once democrats realize something exists, they infuse it with messages. they ruin "star wars" the acolyte, effectively destroying the "star wars" brand. what are they going to do to country music? how will the songs change? will we start hearing mama, don't let your abortions grow up to be cowboys? >> jessica: you couldn't -- >> greg: abortion! a whole album of abortion classics. place the word "baby" with "abortion," it's going to sell. >> jessica: that's really gross. >> jesse: abortion material, greg. >> greg: i just rode it at the break. >> jessica: really smart.
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judge? >> judge jeanine: one camo hat and all of the democrats are going to be happy that the republicans are now buying into socialism. look, country music is all americans, it is about people who love the flag, who loved his country, and don't want their liberties infringed upon, including the right to carry a gun. >> dana: they also like beer and dogs and trucks. >> greg: guns. >> judge jeanine: and big wheels. >> jessica: and abortions. okay, "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ when the sawdust settles and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price. and that's what we're all about. ♪
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whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪
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♪ >> judge jeanine: time now for "one more thing," jesse. >> jesse: would you like to lend a hand identifying this crazy woman for us? please, america, we need to know who this woman is. she jumps the fence at a tiger enclosure in new jersey, almost
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gets mauled. just inches away from jungle cat, just casually walks away. we want to know if she is okay. if she is, we would like to have her on "jesse watters primetime." >> if she can jump the fence, so county tiger? >> jesse: that is true. god, jeanine, you are so smart. sanders and ramaswamy and ms. parrino tonight. >> judge jeanine: all right, greg. tonight we have great show. god knows when it will air. will these people shut up? we got the great walter kirn the delightful emily compagno the brilliant kat timpf and the genius tyrus. let's do this. greg's joe biden news. where is he? what's he doing? apparently is he in california just walking around. here is joe biden just strolling along the gallery. you know, they got him in a padded jacket in case he falls. but his gate is recognized everywhere. as he walks and stumbles and walks. but you know what? whatwith this new outfit can't l
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down. >> judge jeanine: they said they were going to keep him in saran wrap if he ran again. >> greg: exactly. >> judge jeanine: time for. >> dana: i love this. >> judge jeanine: she steals $850 worth of lulu lemon and sephora products. close to the california misdemeanor limit no. doubt intentional. instead of fleeing the scene, the woman decides to jump into the trunk of her tesla in a failed bid to hide from the cops. they opened the trunk, peek aboo to jail you go. but i'm sure they let her out immediately. >> greg: talk about junk in the trunk, judge. >> jesse: nice. >> judge jeanine: jessica? >> jessica: truck thinking about patrons offering insurance to customers to protect against hungry heaving that seagulls, hawkins barbecue took notice that their routinely victimized by birds swooping in their
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meals. ffull meal replacement. animals in the u.k. all proceeds for the insurance policies are going to be donated to the mask wildlife trufs. >> dana: one pound. mine is pretty quick, actually. there is a lot of hats. check out these hats here at the dnc convention. you have cheese heads from wisconsin. and then you have got the corn cob head in iowa, of course. and everybody is here to represent a little bit. i see that -- i think washington state has the cowboy hat. and, yeah, there's is hats. >> judge jeanine: we got texas hats. >> jessica: big hats. >> jesse: we got lays. >> judge jeanine: that's it for us. have great night tonight, everybody. >> bret: judge, we will try to get out of the way for greg to make sure we can move out. >> judge jeanine: he would be very grateful.


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