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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  August 21, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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logic, why bother to better yourself? by that logic, obama should have stayed in kenya. meanwhile here's former first lady michelle obama last night. >> kamala as shown her allegiance to this nation, not by spewing anger and bitterness, but by living a life of service and always pushing the doors of opportunity open to others. she understands that most of us will never be afforded the grace of failing forward. we will never benefit from the affirmative-action of generational wealth. >> generational wealth. something good don't worry the obama's only own for homes that's a lot of separate bedrooms for them to
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avoid having sects. she got $170 million for a speech at 700,000 to watch her rip a phonebook in half. [ cheering and applause ] but 750 grand, really? almost as much as i got paid up to pose nude for that art class at the villages. so she trashes trump for generational wealth as she creates a ton of generational wealth do you think the obama girls will ever worry about rent they are set for life unless they start voting republican but there's nothing wrong with them getting rich from dad because it's none of my business if your parents worked their butts offer a better life for their kids why should i care? unless i'm in envy driven pit failure who sees oppression in other people's success. here's bernie sanders who owns
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more homes than combs and made a career trashing billionaires. why? because he used the trash millionaires until he became 1. it's like when i used to make fun of little people until i stopped growing. so now he moves on to evil billionaires. >> the top 1% have never ever had it so good. we need an economy which works for all of us not just the billionaire class. >> the top 1% aren't to billionaires they make $780,000 maybe but expecting socialists to know mast is like expecting jesse watters to know their alphabet. in an irony at the dnc billionaire devon mocratic governor went on right after sanders and said this.
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>> donald trump says we should trust him on the economy because he claims to be very rich. take it from an actual billionaire, trump is rich in only 1 thing stupidity. >> looks like he ate george lopez. so a socialistic craps on billionaires before welcoming a billionaire that's like me condemning illiteracy than doing fox and frank p. and you want generational wealth his family owns the hyatt hotel chain. he's like paris hilton but thank god for us he didn't make a sex tape. it's funny because he inherited his billions in rags on trump about being rich what's next calling from fat cree help he
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looks like he ate the entire hotel chain in. what does at the jb stand for? jiggly boobs? >> to avoid the lousy economy me they blame the rich and i don't blame them a new report came out from the bureau of labor statistics a place so boring it makes beat c-span look-alike porn hub the report updated a march report that said the job market is smoking hot if you think smoking hot is michael moore at lululemon's. the job estimates were off by 818,000 i haven't seen a revision that severe since they cut all the sects scenes out of the 5 to bed his commerce secretary didn't get the news. >> today the bureau of labor said more than 800,000 fewer jobs were actually created then initially reported when i hear that first avoid don't believe it because i've never heard
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donald trump say anything truthful. >> it's from the bureau of labor >> not familiar with that. >> and she calls herself a secretary? i bet she doesn't even respond when her name is called then there's her plan for a 25% tax on unrealized income what's that? if you own a property or stock and its value goes up you would owe tax on that game despite not selling anything say the value drops of the year you are still stuck paying the 25% tax on again that existed only on paper and you don't get the money back its classic leftism disguised theft with jargon the lake unrealized games they still your money before you even made it that's like me getting slapped before i grab bricks ass. >> had you have to say it felt
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pretty good grey. >> the government can do that if she has her weighing why not democrats and powers early got there's they don't need to worry about a home or inflation or bad schools are rampant crime they have you over a barrel and soon you will be wearing 1. >> let's welcome tonight suggests. he makes george hamilton look like an albino. credit critic walter kerr she's the prettiest face to say i rest my case ghost of outnumbered. now when she pees on the floor she says her water boat contribute or kat timpf. and the taj mahal modelled after his nipples new york times best-selling author, immediate informer and to be a world heavyweight champion tyrus.
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walter i'm dying to hear what's going on in your brain since the dnc started you have this kabuki theatre of middle america some somebody everybody hates old white guys the flag, rifles nowhere embracing returning there the waltons. >> first of all they don't like judy vance because he grew up poor more so than dated and made money the democrats seem to be this year very divided about money and ambition and arising in the world because the democrats think they were taught what kinds of money. the kind that they have which is good the cut into gb pritzker has and michelle obama hasn't the kind everyone else as which is bad and undeserved gotten from the wrong person and so on they have a process by which bad money can be made good which is
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donating to them or paying taxes because they get it anyways in the end. this runaway to yield business that bothered me. first of owe yield doesn't take runaways i can only imagine them showing up with this ticket and handkerchief i hear you have room in your law school right. second of oh if he did do that it's 1 of the great american achievements of all time he went back he is back in ohio became a senator he didn't leave them for somebody like me who went to princeton who knows yale accepts the lower class of people but did grew up in minnesota what is their message cree paying back
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you like tim waltz being an assistant coach. >> a volunteer assistant coach when you when i played football in high school i always looked at the assistant coaches and thought that guy should be president. [ cheering and applause ] >> emily what do you make of this taking a 25, 50% tax on money you haven't made that's on paper but you can't touch? >> it shows how this entire time what they do is play with everyone else's money it's like watching somebody gamble with their wealthy spouses money or play monopoly it's fun and games because it's not actually there is the whole point is what you said about the donating every dollar the government has is a dollar taken from us there's no income for the government so that's why everything out of their mouse is like talk -- topsy-turvy upside down world
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because they are full of crap we heard from gym earlier where he said wherever it makes a contribution he is the same person who said socialism was being neighbourly switches it. we had somebody say if you want to finally buy a house elect harris for president. you can't buy a house right now because she's vice president. >> everything in place is because of their policies and they keep treading on their own for nice we a racist horrific shattered and environment but who is in charge to last years, you guys and they sing all the sudden it's not enough you can't play yourself up from your bootstraps and go to yell but it's okay if he does it it's only fear the right kind of person if you vote there and where believe that all of a sudden the narrative is fine because he can shoot animals but
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don junior can't. >> is a great shot he claims. she's been in the white house for like 43 months and they act like she just showed up doesn't this you off. >> he doesn't kiss me up it's nice to say it. >> like i say what you don't care about how they are rich it doesn't bother me that they are rich i don't care people cozy at the billionaires i never have but i don't brag about it like and commit admit the only reason i haven't is because nobody wants to cozy up with me so i don't care that they are rich i don't care that they are successful i care that they are actively working so that i can't achieve more success for myself. it is so absurd to have michelle obama who is a great speaker very likable she walks in a room and like i want that person to like me but the thing she say it's like my parents didn't trust people who took more than they needed when you fall these these massive estates for
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yourself which is finding great it for you. why do you want to take money from me. why you trying to make it so hard for me. admit you like money we all do that's what this is be off. >> tyrus we saw wall him speak at a giant sign that said coach. >> sure i'm a volunteer astronaut just waiting for the call nasa. >> you don't think he's a real coach? >> no, he was an assistant coach which mean he was the guy when he told you that sue sang like you aren't even paid to be here sir and i get what they are talking about billionaires there is nothing worse in your neighbourhood you go walking outside your house and see a bunch of millionaires walking around. we can't have that. not even hypocrisy or lying at
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this point it's like they're playing a fantasy game they have these headsets on and they look totally different than what we think the guys they lined up with the jerseys on maybe don't have them where the ones from high school i don't wear a tutu to work for a reason but again they are so out of touch and they say things they don't even know who they are talking to they were talking about sports look at the crowd if anybody in the crowd looked like they knew a sport let alone jumping jack are set up none. so again they are just talking because at the end of the day the words they say are filler for trump being bad. we won't hear about anything to do just what trump does and he does more for the regular person than they've ever done because they aren't interested. >> at they did focus on what trump does but it was on
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nicknames and talking about crowd sizes nothing about policy it was that you don't want to have to wake up to all this stuff it's words like, yeah, actually we would then 2 wars we will take the and have more jobs we'll take than of lower unemployment and lower inflation i can take the mean tweets. why can't you, he was. >> eat the miners out my neighbourhood. trump says aisle to booze sects and blow
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announcer: kamala harris was given one important job as vice president - monitor and control our southern border. how did she do? did she take the job seriously? did she do all she could to protect american citizens from an invasion? did she do anything at all? lester: you haven't been to the border. harris: and i haven't been to europe. i don't understand the point that you're making. announcer: here's her grim scorecard: murders, rapes, attacks on children. a 12-year-old girl in texas. a mother of five in maryland. a nursing student in georgia. all savagely murdered by those biden and harris let into our country unlawfully. harris: we have a secure border.
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announcer: kamala harris was and is a complete failure at her job. now she's asking us for a promotion. who in their right mind would give it to her? restoration pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. why didn't we do this last year? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta®? remember the pain? cancelled plans? the worry? that was then. and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine. but qulipta® reduces attacks, making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind
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enough that you would looked up to somebody i'd look up to them anyway. >> did you admire? >> admired so much about them he had the look unbelievable personality an incredible personality. >> what was his name? >> his name was fred and he had a problem with alcohol. >> it's refreshing to see the side of trump. maybe if more people saw this they wouldn't think he was hitler more like it's cheerful idi amin here's more. >> do you remember the last time you were with them? >> absurd ask you about it. >> you know it's good talking about it because it might help other people it helps 1 other person it's worth the conversation so i never had a cigarette of never had a glass
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of alcohol and my brother was incredible he knew he had a problem and he would say to never drink or smoke. >> a device compared that the harris who always sounds look she's halfway through a box of cheaper rose at least she sounds like. the conversation lightened up at that happens if you just do cocaine. >> that's down and dirty. >> you don't anymore? >> no. >> do much? >> is it a stronger. >> l, yeah,. >> so you see your way up with cocaine more than anything else you know what i'm saying he'll be year own street. >> is a good feeling? >> no to miserable feeling. >> yeah, you do it anyway.
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>> what you like about that? >> because they're having a conversation were sick of hearing the politicians if tim was doing that he'd say i was the best cocaine guy. when i did cocaine it was legal it was never legal you didn't understand any asks questions like i wasn't aware that. loucheaux the human side they love to say how horrible of a person is. hitler doesn't leave a bullet proof glass to go check on 1 of his fans who fainted during a show he fights he don't take no [ bleep ] from nobody and that is why. >> do not applied to [ bleep ] or everyone's going to say it continue.
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>> that's why he has my vote i want to guy when it's time to fight will fight when it's time to be humble and ask questions and treats him but he also if questions anybody else would've walked out saying cocaine is bad i can't talk about it where they'd edited out or it would be scripted that was not scripted and i will take that all day. >> walter? i thought it was something he should replicate. it's like when trump is he has such disdain for most of the media because they aren't real people but when he's around a real person like somebody who. not in elite media person. theo is very popular what did you make of it. >> i don't think trump is interested in cocaine as a drug he's curious about it as a
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product. he is a businessman rate and businessmen like to know why people pay a lot of money for things and i think he's a little confused. this cocaine it's just a powder it makes you want to have sex but not able to and yet it sells for all this money and people throw their lives away he wanted to know what's the secret i think there are a lot of people living in trump luxury apartments who probably had made their money and that trade and so is a businessman he was curious what is it about this cocaine emily i just think he's genuinely curious about everything which i find that unusual among anybody of that status to actually care. >> what solaris to me is so it
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turned into instead of a podcast interview of trump it was an interview of theo he's like it then what does it feel like. >> he turned into a little area sent to me it shows his comfort with every single type of person and the camera and to the democrats they will say everything is for the camera but the whole point is it isn't he's lived his entire life in front of the camera so he doesn't care whether it's there he will use it to his advantage but the whole point is whether or not he's being filmed these the same person on a phone call to a gold star mother is he is to a podcast person as he is to someone on the street when there aren't cameras around i love the longform the podcast interviews he said it's great because he's himself and it's not if more people saw this they would know he wasn't this evil person it's if more media would show this the footages they are the content is there it's the liberal media not showing.
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>> that might be the first time a president has been called homey mcleod you guys are like that's trump and i have to admit i don't feel that way i don't think i've ever seen trump like this i don't follow him around so i wouldn't know but i think this is the first time i've seen him ask questions like that and admit he doesn't know everything about something and want to know more and it's funny the thing is cocaine like it's funny that he's like you had a problem with that tell me about that and it was endearing but to me i don't think i've ever seen them like that because especially a campaign cycle the rally 5 is different you aren't talking to anybody you're doing a set essentially i don't think i've ever seen him like that. so it would be interesting. >> if he did the same thing with me an interview.
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>> the thing is he should do that with like for democratic voters and goes why do you think i'm hitler what is it that you don't like that it's okay you think i said that it would be screw the media do that. >> the democrats nefarious plans to fool country fans.
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>> a story and 5 words. democrats finally discover country music. this year's a dnc is trying to appeal to cell their name rural voters featuring country music's in the past they avoided such things because alienated voters do you think the new plan will work? >> i don't think it makes much difference i don't know country music i don't care for it but whenever i see you on this channel i get some angry e-mails demanding i be fired. >> and they're all from dana perino. >> i'm getting they are from her
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about it the e-mails are a joke is just not my thing i like older country music i'm not a big fan of newer country music like were pandering right we know what the south is as what they're trying to say. i don't think it makes much of a difference for people like it's different than what we seen in the past i guess. >> were they trying to pander to and are they actually panned durable. >> the tree to pander this year who work at jiffy lube. note that's the swing folder here's a democrat see people they think what people want most is to be honoured and have their identity honoured they don't like country music but they think these jiffy lube people like country music and as such will like them it's like if i invite tyrus over to dinner and say tyrus in honour of you and your community i made ham hocks
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right. and collard greens and you are like okay. >> depends how does it taste i guess. >> and that's the thing when the owner american indians they say we acknowledge the land used to be yours and they think that's enough thin it they're not gonna give it back obviously so i acknowledge you recall greens and you notice i'm not eating and you go and i say i don't like semyon no but i wanted to honour you like the people he put the signs on their lawn that say in this house we honour all these genders and races and they yell at the gardener whose from a lot of those races saying don't cut around the sign there and they have a burglar alarm in case anybody from those races come in so this honouring the
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thing there honouring the jiffy lube guy i guess in doing it wrong as well the tasting countries ago also is in great. >> you know and i'm thinking when democrats seized on a trend they infuse their political beliefs into it liquidated with disney they could come up with left-wing country songs like we should talk abortionist, standby your nonbinary trans female all my racist uncles live in texas mom to let your babies grow to be republicans what do you say. >> sounds like top 10 hits. >> like it's typical of the liberal democrats we've been told for 4 years trucks were triggering that the american flag shouldn't fly we were told hunting is terrible and camo represents this but now this week rolling stone says only the
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democrats get country music's about seeing others and meeting them for where they are we've been told for all these years that's what makes us shameful. white men were supposed to be the worst thing in the planet now all of a sudden tim is just fine he's just fine all of this is such hypocrisy in the goes to show the whole point is that media runs with it. they take the narrative and says okay sure got it perfect now you guys make your camo hats and do this when all of us were shamed for years over. >> how long do you think the karaoke lasts. >> november 6. >> exactly. >> they've attacked white people and white men specifically for the last 8 years the monitoring countries exec the client saying , hey, black history month
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[ cheering and applause ] >> i know. i bet you are all wondering what is dom lemmon up to. it's on everybody's mind going up to random women on the streets to chat about the election, hit it. >> do you feel about the election? >> and voting for trump. any time the don't want somebody who is good for us to when they first buddy black in our face thinking that will make us vote for the black person. >> voted for obama because he's black i don't want to vote for her because she's the first black woman to run for president. >> i want donald trump sorry. >> why are you apologizing. >> i know nobody likes him being against trump he used to live in virginia being on the bad side of it i saw the other side of it in cleveland. and what are you. not helium.
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>> and only thing giddiness and the laughing. [ cheering and applause ] emily, do you think lemmon is shocked to find so many women trump supporters? >> the interviews he added people in jersey you strain to persuade them otherwise they would say their opinion and he said that's not what the statistics today just like the liberal media and the democrat party they are telling you what to feel and what to say in what to think when you say no that's not how i feel actually my wallet is shrinking in mice savings or checking life is harder and your watch it's no you don't know what you are saying. the numbers show differently or something. what numbers, the gains you wanted to tax so the factories is where you apologizing it's because people like you made fun of southern accents remember dom lemmon did that he made fun of
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people who shop at walmart. we to him are scum so for him to say where you apologizing it's because you demanded it of us for years. [ cheering and applause ] >> is this is new angle to get back into the broadcasting world >> after support him that he was unfair to show his audition tape forgot felled man on the street that's a rude i thought he didn't okay job hopefully he gets a job. you line must that a unscientific poll on twitter and it was 72-27 for trump. sony 2%. i think what the narrative the media it is pushing his social media it's 10% of 10%.
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is otherwise it be millions of people there and they aren't. the average american you walk up and talk to they see for all this. i hate saying good news because we don't know how to play with the lead. we are doing terrible but i think people are going don't blow this. there is no curtain what this thing is leading me to a conspiracy erie feel otherwise we get closer to election becomes razor thin cleat what are the odds the country a free 43 million it's always going to be razor fan? do you think the polls do that so when the election is decided we won't be shocked because it was so close. [ laughter ] >> you like my conspiracy erie 3 >> i think the polling is about
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israel as employment numbers you know. they are designed to create interest and designed like half-time scores. they want you to keep coming back and engage and make it close and then as you say we find out it was a thin margin and it seems plausible but i think it's a way of creating this. and i think i think he did it on purpose he got all the people from harris because he knew that was tv. coming on your show and he's just surprised people admit to liking trump he probably likes him in himself but in his world you fired from your job there so is not shot people like him he shocked the people admit they
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like him. >> what you think,? >> is interesting to see him out there talking to people but i thank you are correct. i think statistics will say this or that. but a few people doesn't necessarily point to a larger truth except for 1 that is when you go and talk to other people you find that people are individuals. you camper dicta people say based on what group you have so people are individuals the more you get out there the more you learn that it's an important thing to remember. >> it is and it's also a positive message for all the children out there and what are you doing in reporting your parents. >> up next your day can't be fixed past 8:36
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>> 5 more words. >> day ruined by 8:36 according to a survey the average american predict a bad day by 8:36 am. how do they do that? >> were you people waking up next to didn't even have time to
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encounter an emotional minefield, yeah, i don't get it. >> audi fix-it. >> oh back to bed i guess. >> perhaps. the easiest thing to do is wake up at 8:37. >> my wife is a night out will who sleeps until 10:00 so 8:36 everything is great for me. so but too early for a phone call i guess if you're on the west coast and you're in the stock market maybe you're doing some early stuff there. >> i wonder what ruins my morning at 8:36, larry kudlow snoring? >> realizing and he's not there in bed beside you? >> he was here last night? >> ghaly sleeves. >> and he never leaves the tip. you thank you to lisa leevi a couple dollars. >> what ruins your morning emily?
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>> according to this article's people are like they slept for their alarm or left there phone at home or things like that so i had to do with their commute mr bus or train or whatever. literally on ironically this morning i can't memo the last time it happened. but i forgot to set an alarm so if i were someone in this article i would've had a bad date because i slept in later than he wanted to but the differences don't make it a bad date just think i slept in but that's okay because any day above ground is a good day. >> that's a positive message please puncture. >> it's a very specific study just 1 do whose wife gets up at like 8:30 he doesn't have to be at work until 2:00 in the 8:36
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she's like you just going to sleep or turn the light on being specific here sipping coffee real loud and like i can hear you to be clear it wasn't us together just to be clear i just created a scandal. >> numbers are random like 8:36 you know they made up. >> if it was 3:33 maybe we have something here give a bad day because a demon possessed you that i get. >> of i'm having a bad day at 8:36 i walk home. >> i don't know what that meant either we will be right back. i'm out here telling people how they can save money with experian. you got subscriptions? yeah, netflix. hulu. the free trial forgot to cancel it, that whole thing? that's actually me. what if i told you that experian has subscription cancellation, where you can just cancel them with a click of a button?
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thank you all for a great show. our entire studio audience as well. ignite three army. trace gallagher is next. i'm greg gutfeld. >> i love you, america. good evening. i'm trace gallagher. it's 12:55 a.m. on the east coast. 9:55 p.m. here in los angeles. and this is america is late
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news fox news at nights and breaking tonight, dnc night three a fight for our freedoms. tim walz, formerly accepting the vice presidential nomination in a speech focused on his commitment to safeguarding the freedoms we hold dear. or as walt says, mind your own business. >> this is a big part about what this election is about. >> freedom. >> mind your own business, walz says he's for freedom, but his record says otherwise. just like kamala harris says, our economy is strong, but it's not really. >> today, by virtually every measure, our economy is the strongest in the world. >> we have created 6 million new jobs. >> yet today we found out almost a million jobs. the biden harris white house claimed they created never existed. marking the largest downward revision since 2009.
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so is it always about politics? >> just listen to these democrats. we got 70 days to act, rachel. >> it's all right. they have seven days. we go back, man. crazy, right? >> meantime, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro asking an important question in his speech tonight. >> will we be a nation defined by chaos and extremism, or will we choose a path of decency, honor and continued progress? >> he's saying that inside, outside extremists, anti-america and protesters wreaking more chaos at the convention this week. the senior correspondent mike tobin is live on the ground in chicago with more on those protests. >> mike, good evening. and trace, one thing i can tell you is we've got a different kind of protest taking place and it's inside the security perimeter. this is a group of uncommitted delegates. they heard the families of hostages being held in gaza
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speak at the convention today, and they got upset because they said there weren't enough palestinian voices being heard from the convention floor. so they staged their protest and say they're going to sit there until the vice president, kamala harris, herself, weighs in on whether a palestinian voice will be invited to the convention floor to speak at the convention. they were joined for it. they were joined for a time by congresswoman ilhan omar. plenty of palestinian voices on the outside of the security perimeter. thousands of them took to the street, marching in the near west side of chicago. they chanted things like killer kamala genocide. you said you've got blood on your hands. really? they were upholding their role in the big conflict in the gaza conflict, trying to put as much political pressure as possible on the democrats in power to get them to decrease funding for israel. we heard tonight from jewish voices as well. israeli activists got a slot at a protest stadium outside of the perimeter. they took that and turned it
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into a bit of a demonstration. one of the organizers of that particular demonstration reacted to all of the overwhelming palestinian voices they've heard thus far. >> this hits so close to home. so i'm born and raised in chicago, so my whole family is from here. my grandparents, my parents. so, you know, just hearing the rhetoric coming from the other side not only goes against our ethos, but it goes against, you know, my my values and what i stand for. >> one thing different about tonight from last night, no arrests. so far, it's peaceful outside the perimeter traced back to you. >> mike tobin live for us in chicago. mike, thank you. well, a full slate of liberal heroes past and present, speaking on the third night of the dnc, an event the democrats are branding as a fight for our freedoms. the senior white house correspondent peter doocy is live in chicago with more on that. peter, good evening. trace good evening and governor walz do not shy
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away from talking about his military record, even though critics have been pointing out inconsistencies in the way that he has talked about that military service over time. but was did keep that part really short for a body belongs and everybody has a responsibility to contribute for me. >> it was serving in the army national guard. i joined up two days after my 17th birthday and i proudly wore our nation's uniform for 24 years. >> chicago's own oprah winfrey was a surprise guest and remember, she didn't get famous as a political talk show host. but nowadays, she's apparently got a lot to say about trump running mate j.d. vance. >> when a house is on fire. we don't ask about the homeowners race or religion. >> and if the pays place happens to belong to a childless cat lady


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