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tv   Fox News Democracy 2024  FOX News  August 21, 2024 10:00pm-1:00am PDT

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military record, even though critics have been pointing out inconsistencies in the way that he has talked about that military service over time. but was did keep that part really short for a body belongs and everybody has a responsibility to contribute for me. >> it was serving in the army national guard. i joined up two days after my 17th birthday and i proudly wore our nation's uniform for 24 years. >> chicago's own oprah winfrey was a surprise guest and remember, she didn't get famous as a political talk show host. but nowadays, she's apparently got a lot to say about trump running mate j.d. vance. >> when a house is on fire. we don't ask about the homeowners race or religion. >> and if the pays place happens to belong to a childless cat lady.
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well, we try to get that cat out to. >> bill clinton's remarks were not designed for constant applause. instead, he tried to apply his experience as explainer in chief and his love of mcdonald's to pitch harris. >> when she was young, she worked at mcdonald's. i'll be so happy when she actually enters the white house as president because she will break my record as the president who spent the most time at mcdonald's. >> and as you can see, the crews are getting the united center cleaned up tomorrow is the last day of the convention. still have to hear from kamala harris. that will be probably about this time tomorrow. if if things run as late as they have and running trays. >> it is late.
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peter doocy live for us on a late wednesday night. peter, thank you. let's bring in rnc spokesperson elizabeth tipco and the spectator is washington editor amber duke. >> thank you both for coming on. i want to play a little bit more sound of tim walz tonight. this is him, you know, kind of going into the neighborliness thing. >> growing up in a small town like that, you learn how to take care of each other ,that that family down the road. >> they may not think like you do. they may not pray like you do. they may not love like you do. >> but they're your neighbors. >> and you look out for them and they look out for you. >> elizabeth typical. he left out the part about, you know, having his neighbors ratting each other out during covid or shooting his neighbors with paintballs when they came on the porch and putting his neighbors in jail because they opened their business and covered that neighborliness, never quite made the speech.
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>> no, it didn't. tracy, what else didn't make the speech where he said that one person's socialism is another person's neighborliness, right? there's a reason certain things make certain speeches and certain things don't, right? there's a reason someone like me is in the position i am right now. and that's because my parents fled from the very socialism that he likes to make jokes about back in the soviet union. there is a reason that we have to dig up everything that tim walter said, because what he says on this convention stage tonight might not be where he actually stands and might not be what the plans are that he and kamala harris have for the future of this country. and that's what matters. and i hope everyone is paying attention not just to the fun that they're having this week, but to every single thing he has said and done over the course of his career, because that is what matters to this country. >> and you look at this, amber, and you know, a lot of people have called into question his want, his honesty and his far left credentials. and that was he's kind of trying to get over those tonight. didn't really mention much about that, but they're still there and they are still big questions for tim walz. absolutely.
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and we actually heard in that introduction video where his wife, gwen, was doing the narration that she used that unearned title of command sergeant major. we know that tim waltz did not complete the training necessary to claim that, and yet they continued it again tonight. they even featured a video of veterans praising tim walz's record on the veterans affairs committee. but i notice that there weren't any veterans who served with tim waltz in the minnesota national guard because those veterans are criticizing him for abandoning them before they went off on the deployment to afghanistan. yeah, it's interesting because they did take some liberties here. here's a spokesperson for voters of tomorrow and their concerns. >> watch. i mean, from our own polling and also just conversations with young people, the economy is on the top of everyone's minds. it's expensive to buy groceries. it's hard to pay rent. and, you know, a lot of people are graduating with much
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student loan debt and just we're really trying to fight for an america where young people can get by. >> you know, elizabeth, typical. it is hard for this administration, for kamala harris to run away from this economy. she's trying. >> but, boy, it's difficult. it just kind of shadows her. >> it certainly does. and it certainly should, because she is still a part of this administration, despite all the promises that she has made to the american people about what she would do in her next term. she forgets the fact that she is currently in the white house right now. and if she wants to fix the economy, she could try and start tomorrow. i'm so glad the young people are talking about it that they're looking at this. there's a lot to be said about the vibes at this convention, the fun, the celebrities, the dancing. no one's talking about the actual issues that matter, especially to young people who are worried about this country ,worried about affording a home, paying back their student loans, having a family. that's what this administration has not focused on. that's what donald trump did focus on, and that's why people are looking to him for main issues on their mind, like the economy, like security,
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like countless things that they believe he is better on. >> and kamala harris, and certainly, of course, joe biden. yeah. very quickly, i want to put this up here, because this is a fox news poll, the middle east conflict. i thought this was interesting and maybe you can both just jump in here very quickly. this is middle east conflict side more with israelis, palestinian. look at the democrats here. it's almost dead even. your thoughts? oh, this is a serious problem for them. the muslims, for kerry's waltz group actually just released a statement saying that they don't feel comfortable supporting that ticket because they didn't put a palestinian on the stage today. and just outside of the united center, just a few blocks from where i'm sitting right now, there is absolute chaos. they cannot run away from the fact that their party is very divided on this issue. >> yeah. and elizabeth, just 15 seconds for you. i mean, it just it seems to me like it's almost within the margin of error. >> this thing is neck and neck for the democrats. >> it is. look, i just want to point out the protests that are happening outside the convention
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are inexcusable. this is not the democrat party of your parents or grandparents. i keep hearing that over the last ten months. that needs to be repeated and repeated. we saw bill clinton last night. right. this would never have happened under bill clinton. he would have known he couldn't get away with this, wouldn't have happened under barack obama. why is it happening now? elizabeth pepco. very good question. amber, thank you so much. meantime, liberal media coverage of the democratic national convention continues to stand in stark contrast to how they spun the proceedings at the rnc in milwaukee last month. ashley strohmier is live in new york city with the highlights from night three. ashley, good evening. high praise. tonight's dnc lineup included everyone from big name celebrities like oprah winfrey to political royalty like bill clinton and nancy pelosi. but it was tim walz who, according to the mainstream media, is really changing the democratic party for the better. listen to this. >> so although for the democratic party, for joy, for optimism, for speaking like normal people speak at the hardware store, and it's happened organically, but it
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has become the message of the democratic party. that ability to speak to normal people is also a characteristic many attribute to former president bill clinton, who gave rave reviews, at least from the press tonight. >> bill clinton still was able to reach this crowd. >> he still was able to to be folksy and colloquial. and clinton was apparently still privy to the party's latest messaging strategy, along with some of tonight's other speakers. >> kamala harris is the only candidate in this race who has the vision, the experience, the temperament, the will, and, yes, the sheer joy to get something done. let us choose truth. let us choose honor and let us choose joe. >> so while jen psaki claimed
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the messaging around joy all happened organically, it's clear joyful vibes are what democrats want you to associate with the harris ticket to make it a winning ticket. trace manufacture herd ashley strohmier life force in new york. >> ashley, thank you. >> well, the fox news tonight common sense department is confused. actually baffled is a better term because so far the entire dnc is about how the democrats with their vibe and their joy are going to solve america's problems. the harris-walz campaign keeps promising to tackle the food and housing affordability crisis on day one. all you have to do is elect kamala harris. common sense would remind the vice president she's in office. her day one was 1207 days ago, and in that time, she and her boss have clearly not been very effective. and that's according to democrats. california governor gavin newsom said, quote, we need
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to get the country moving again and begin to unify the country ,moving again, begin to unify. newsom's party has been in charge of the moving and unifying for three and a half years. they've been in control 12 of the last 16 years, and they need more time. >> barack obama says too many americans are still struggling. michelle obama says we're on the cusp of a brighter day. >> they're right. the years of struggle and gloom have lasted too long. but giving democrats more time to fix problems created during their time seems, i don't know, dumb as . >> yet common sense is baffled, but is clear minded enough to know that a kamala harris administration looks very much like your life. >> let's bring in independent journalist brittany harper and the author of what's killing america. seattle talk radio host jason rants. thank you both for coming on.
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>> here is a little bit of cnn. a guy on there named scott jennings. >> watch. democrats have controlled the white house for 12 of the last 16 years. and for all of the talk about division and the problems in the country and people are hurting, democrats have mostly controlled this country. >> they really have jason rantz. >> and they need more time to fix fix. >> well, i mean, just watching over the course of the last few days, they pretend like the last three and a half years didn't happen at all. there's almost no mention of their record at all. and it seems like the message coming from democrats is basically ignore our record ,making your lives worse and trust that we care more about you than the republican billionaires like donald trump. the problem, of course, with that messaging is that donald trump made our lives better by all metrics. we can look at how we felt and what our bank accounts look like a few years ago and compare it to today. >> and there's no question donald trump was better for us.
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yeah. here is michelle obama. >> watch. you see my mom in her steady, quiet way, lived out that striving sense of hope every single day of her life. she believed that all children, all people have value, that anyone can succeed if given the opportunity. she and my father didn't aspire to be wealthy. >> in fact, they were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed. >> i don't know, brittany. i wonder what michelle obama's mother would think about her $3,000 pantsuit or those three houses they have in the tens of millions of dollars? >> trace exactly. i mean, they live in a multi, multimillion dollar home. they have several of those homes. look, the democrats are the epitome and definition of hypocrisy. and we see this and hear
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this time and time again. and unfortunately, mainstream media, they run with it and they are painting the democrats as this perfect picture. and this is what we're just hearing are these little soundbites or the headlines that people are just reading. and it sounds so perfect and beautiful and we're just all going to come together and unite wrong because we have it. >> and this has been four years of what we are going to be seeing for the next four years if kamala gets in. and i just want to say quickly, yeah, i left los angeles. i was born and raised down there. i saw what gavin newsom has done to that city and state. and yet now we're seeing him go and pick up the trash and remove the homeless. come on. this is a joke. it's hypocrisy at its best. >> it's theater. the dnc, black caucus. >> we played this in the intro. it's worth another shot. watch. >> we got 70 days to act, rachel. it's all right. that seven days we go back, man. crazy, right?
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>> yeah. i mean, the whole. the whole thing is that's right. they're like, hey, we can just for 70 days. we don't have to talk. we have do it. we're going to win this thing. and then we can go back to doing what we did the past four years. >> 12 out of 16 years. jason. well, it's funny because if this is them being normal, i've been paying attention. >> this is not normal. a lot of what we see it over the course of the last few days is most definitely not normal. i was reading a piece today on fox news about how a department of energy staffer is all about querying nuclear weaponry. and you're looking at this and saying it seemed to a d and islands. that's what the democrats stand for. they're absolutely insane. and if we think that's going away, that clip is a perfect example. it's not. yeah. your final thoughts on this, brittany? >> it's frightening. it's frightening. and there is a strong chance that kamala can get in here. and we're going to be seeing four more years of potential, more frightening episodes like this. so this should this should just wake up the american people. >> in my in my point of view,
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i'm not sure it will, but we shall see. brittany harper, jason rantz, thank you both. well, former president trump is accusing the biden administration of manipulating the unemployment numbers after the labor department revised its latest data and now says it overstated the number of new jobs by, you know, 818,000 are sorry, 818,000. senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in d.c. with more information on the astonishing new numbers . kevin. perfect way to put it. astonishing indeed. evening. trace, you know, when it comes to numbers reported by the fed, revisions happen and sadly, they're rarely revised in a positive direction. but it's the size of this revision, the largest in 15 years. that is definitely raising eyebrows tonight. as you mentioned, overall, 819,000 downward while manufacturing up by 115,000, construction, 45,000 government jobs up by a grand. now, for context, this revision knocked down last year's job gains by 2.5%, but from
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what was originally reported, now typically they're off no more than 0.1%. so you can see how this could be a problem. now, in truth, social former president trump called the adjustment a massive scandal, saying the administration had been caught fraud, illicitly manipulating job stats to hide the true extent of the economic ruin they've inflicted upon america. he also accused the administration of padding the numbers. and, you know, having to do with jobs that did not exist and never did. now, this is, of course, as the white house is saying, listen, it's a preliminary estimate. this doesn't change the fact that the jobs recovery has been outstanding, historically strong. meantime, the former president and his running mate trekked to the tar heel state today. north carolina holding a rally, part of a countrywide blitz to a lot of battleground states this week, by the way. he was surrounded by bulletproof glass. that's the first time the secret service has made that part of the protocol. of course, in the wake of the assassination attempt, trace,
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kevin, thank you. >> let's bring in the trump campaign press secretary kelly ayotte. caroline levin. >> caroline, great to have you. i mean, the former president was all over these labor numbers today because they were big and it was a big mistake. and i want to know what you think about that. >> well, president trump is 100% right to call this out for the massive scandal that it is. kamala harris and joe biden lied to the american people. they manipulated the jobs statistics to cover up for the full extent of their economic ruin. they just manipulated it. they just said there's a million new jobs in this country that never even existed in the mainstream media. better do their dang jobs and ask kamala harris why they lied about this. >> and if we really want to see jobs vanish in this country, kamala harris, four years in the white house with her communist price control scheme and her 28% corporate tax rate that she just came in support of, then we will truly see jobs vanish overnight. >> we had nicole shanahan, rfk jr's running mate on last night, an exclusive, and i
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asked her about the whole concept of rfk joining and maybe dropping out, supporting trump and then joining the administration. >> she said this. >> i would fully support it. i would fully support a strong partnership dedicated to this issue. a lot of people comment that in his first term, he didn't accomplish many of the things that that mothers really were hoping he would do. however, i think that he is sincere. >> yeah, i do. >> yeah. it really looks like rfk jr is going to endorse donald trump and maybe part of his administration should he win. >> caroline. well, we'll see. as president trump said today in north carolina, he would be open to accepting an endorsement. >> rfk jr. and that's because president trump is already building the largest, most diverse political movement this country has ever seen. that's in sharp contrast to kamala harris, joe biden, and the democrat party. the democrat party staged
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a coup against their sitting president, joe biden. they have a new nominee now who didn't earn one single vote from a democrat voter. they've been waging lawsuits against rfk jr to get him off of the ballot. and to me, that proves that the democrats are the true threat to democracy. >> yeah. very quickly, i want to put this up. "new york times" headline democrats use the convention to try to define trump as self-interested goes on to say they're trying to disengage from him. i find the opposite. sounds like they keep saying his name again and again and again and again. they want him front and center. i've got 15 seconds for you, caroline. >> in the first night of the dnc, the democrats said the word trump 130 more times than they said the word border and inflation combined. the democrat party is riddled with anti-trump derangement syndrome. they don't stand for anything. they just stand against donald trump. >> he stands for making this country wealthy, safe and prosperous again. >> caroline levin, thank you very much for coming on. we appreciate it. coming up, fox news tonight has exclusive video of a patriot carrying the american
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into a crowd of anti-israel protesters just blocks from the dnc. our next guest shared that video with us and joins us live. and later in the nightcap, countless accusations coming out in the past weeks regarding democrats vp pick tim walz and his tendency to twist the truth about his military service, his political record, even his 1995 drunk driving arrest. do you think tim walz dishonest or does he just have poor judgment and why? let us know. an instagram at trace gallagher will read your responses in the night. >> was there ever a time where you were like, oh my god. car insurance shopping is fine. yeah, me either. but experian has a whole new way to do it. it's called the experian insurance marketplace. they have this new ongoing rate monitoring feature. it keeps me informed whenever there's a better rate. all i had to do with enter my information was and they stopped it to over 40 top
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no phone calls and no wasted time. go to and terrify and save today. >> well, democrats are trying to present a united front around the harris-walz ticket at the united center. but outside the convention, greater chicago continues to be plagued by violent and deadly crimes. christina coleman is live with that side of the story. >> christina, good evening. good evening, tracy. crime is a major problem in the windy city. >> last weekend alone, there were 26 shootings in chicago involving 30 victims and five of them died. and take a look at this video from just last night. it's the aftermath of terrifying moments on chicago's south side. authorities say two people opened fire in the back of the yards. six people were shot, including
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a 46 year old man who was shot in the chest and pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. the shooting happened near a taco truck. one woman reportedly said she stayed on the floor of that truck until the gunman stopped firing. >> he was just the gun. he was shooting like a lot of gunshots, like about eight or ten. >> law enforcement officers are busy in chicago this week dealing with the city's rampant shootings and also trying to keep everyone safe on the city's west side, where proposals styrian protesters continue to rally and march outside of the dnc this week demanding a ceasefire. at one point, a man carrying an american flag walked into the group of protesters, apparently fed up with these rallies and anti-american and anti-israel demonstrations. and he boldly voiced his frustration to the crowd. >> now we live in america going over here. what do i want? you know what i want?
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my flag and my country. great high. not that good flag, because our country. >> very frustrated there. local and federal authorities have been out in full force in chicago. all week as these protests continue outside of the dnc. >> the video is very telling. cristina, thank you. let's bring in fox news political analyst gianna caldwell, along with former nypd inspector fox news contributor paul mauro. thank you both for coming on. paul, more on that video that christine was just alluding to there. you shot that video down there . i think it's fascinating where to continue playing this and while we do. give me an idea, paul, what you saw and what was the reaction down there? >> so i think one of the things that people don't realize who are seeing all this on television as opposed to being there is that there is a wide swath of protest groups that are involved in this thing. it's not just relative to the israel-gaza issue. there are communists, anarchists and a whole swath of very far left groups, some of which are quite
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virulent and even violent. but we haven't seen violence on the street. they're calling for violence, they're calling for overthrowing the government, etc., etc.. but for the most part, chicago p.d. has really, really handled this well. they've been very, very deferential. they've let them go blow off some steam. >> they've managed to contain. and even though the groups are unpermitted, the demonstrations are all over the place and they're not really supposed to be going where they're going, taking over streets, etc.. chicago p.d. has kept the thing on a very low boil. and as a result, to this point, you'd have to say they have been mostly peaceful. >> there's been a lot of criticism, though, janet caldwell, about the fact that chicago p.d. had been kind of brought in to the united center and a lot of the other places are left without miranda devine writes the following here crime field chicago displays all that's wrong with democrats in one failing city. chicago is the murder capital of america with someone
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shot every 2 hours and someone killed every 17 hours. so far this year, 353 victims, most of them black, have been murdered in chicago. homicide rate is five times higher than in new york. and, of course, john, and sadly, we know that your brother was among those victims in years past. and it is heartbreak, but it's reality. >> it is absolutely reality. and as you mentioned, my baby brother, innocent teenage baby brother, christian, was murdered june 24th, two years ago. and since then i've been out for justice for other families. but i got to tell you, you received 1200 shootings happened in chicago thus far. we see in the united center and around with the protesters are we have law enforcement from all across the country and all across illinois that's there protecting them in those particular areas. but you got to think, once these folks leave. what's going to happen to the folks outside of that bubble? what's going to happen to the people that that were shot on the 4th of july weekend, over 100 people shot in the city of chicago. and it's something that persists and continues. you got mayor brendan johnson there with the approval
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rating of about 27% because he's done such an awful job on crime. the crime issue and especially the migrant issue as well. this is a city that's in despair. this is a city that needs healing. this is a city that needs help. and unfortunately, within the d.c., we haven't heard anything about that and how they're going to protect cities across our country and how they're going to deal with the crime issues, platitudes and non-sensitive conversations around the city. >> and that's unfortunate. yeah. johnson is not really a big fan of the police department there. steve cortez tried to get a venezuelan migrant into the convention. >> here's what happened. this is edwin from venezuela. migrants invited by the democrat party. he'd like to come to the democratic national convention . if you have to go to jackson. yeah. what, you mean he needs credentials and permission to come in and get past the wall? it's like a border wall on the way home. you have to have i.d. credential to come to the
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united states. not in the united states. >> okay, but you're coming down. you can walk into the country tomorrow. you can now walk into the convention. yeah, the the irony is unmissable. and in fact, if you look at it ,the fencing that they have up around the convention center is exactly the the construct that donald trump proposes for the southern border, which is a two fence sort of device where you have a ten, 15 foot, no man's land, so that if you get through one fence, you get stopped before the second one. so the democrats are essentially protecting themselves here with the exact device that donald trump has proposed for the southern border. then go. >> lastly, chicago migrants spending august 22 to august 20, 24, $460 million. john caldwell it is unsustainable. >> the city knows it and they don't have a remedy, and that's only city cost. the state of illinois has spent
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almost $3 billion in microservices in july 2021, i'm going to city in new york right now, $5.5 billion spent. you know, they're draining resources. and i'm not talking about the migrants them themselves, but the city is draining resources to take care of these individuals when we should be thinking about americans first. we've got people in the city of chicago have been begging for resources for decades, especially in those black communities. and they've been told, we don't have anything for you. but all of a sudden they got folks who are not even american, never paid a tax dollar for resources that are getting these. and it's inappropriate, i think. and but the city is paying the costs. yeah. and of course, sanctuary city status for those black children who are going to schools very soon and they're going to be attended with these migrant children who do not speak the language, they're going to get half the education. and they do not they do not deserve half an education, especially in these times. >> gianna, laura, thank you. meantime the biden-harris administration keeping in touch with benjamin netanyahu after their secretary of state once
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again left the middle east without a ceasefire deal. the national correspondent jeff paula is in tel aviv on what is now early thursday morning. >> jeff trace, president joe biden spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu over the phone late last night. the two leaders discussed the ongoing cease fire negotiations as well as dsk leading the current tensions here in the middle east. and we're learning vice president kamala harris was also on that call. the high level conversation comes as u.s. secretary of state antony blinken was just in the region making stops in israel, egypt and. he left with a deal between israel and hamas still very much up in the air. blinken says a deal needs to get done and will do everything possible to get it across the finish line. but with the fighting in gaza still constant, one of the obstacles reportedly the way of a cease fire, a strip of land between egypt and gaza known as the philadelphia corridor. both hamas and egypt are against israel keeping soldiers there, but israel insists they have to be there
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to stop weapons smuggling into gaza. israeli defense minister yoav gallant visited the area in southern gaza today and shared this message with troops. >> the most important thing, in my view and as a perception is to remember the goals of war are and to meet all the goals of war regarding. hamas as well as regarding the hostages and to now look to the north. >> we understand why the next round of talks is set to resume thursday in cairo, egypt. but at the moment there really aren't any signs of overt optimism coming from mediators that a cease fire deal will get done this week. >> tracy, jeff, paul, jeff, thank you. vice presidential nominee tim walz and the dnc spotlight tonight. also in the spotlight, his military service and record as governor. fox news tonight will dig into it with our minnesota voter panel. they are next. >> thank you for watching. >> someone with a wings.
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the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. before. this is your moment. this is your opportunity g difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope life-sa to the pf israel. call, scan or visit our website now to make your lifesaving donation. >> when you can't watch. listen. get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm. anytime, anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. >> then i came back to serve as governor and we got right to work making a difference in our neighbors lives. we cut taxes for the middle class. we passed paid family and medical leave. we invested in fighting crime and affordable housing. >> we cut the cost
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of prescription drugs and helped people escape the kind of medical debt that nearly sank my family. and we made sure that every kid in our state gets breakfast and lunch every day. >> tim walz, the democrat's nominee for vice president, earlier to now, we should dig a little deeper into tim walz, the minnesota governor and retired national guardsman with matthew, a business owner in minnesota, former minnesota small business owner lisa hansen, and retired command sergeant major thomas behrens. thank you all for coming on. you know, here he is, tim walz talking about what he calls neighborliness. >> listen to him. some folks just don't understand what it takes to be a good neighbor. >> take donald trump and j.d. vance. their project 25 will make things much, much harder for people who are just trying to live their lives. >> you know, matthew, he left
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out the whole part about him having neighbors rat on each other during covid, setting up a hotline for that, and then sending out the riot police to shoot people who got out on their porch during the riots with paintballs. and a lot of that other stuff, putting people jail who opened their businesses during covid. >> what do you think about that, matt? >> yeah, it's funny. tonight, he says, mind your own business. but back in 20, you were told to tattle on your neighbor. call the hotline. you know, don't don't let your neighbor do stuff they're not supposed to. but now, today, we're all supposed to just look the other way and let everybody do their own thing. >> yeah, it really is kind of crazy. you know, it's funny because tim walz talked about guns getting a lot of heat. this was a different context about guns. he's gotten a lot of heat about his military record and so forth. i'm going to go to you on this, thomas, but i want to listen to this very quickly. >> here's tim walz on guns. look, i know guns. i'm a veteran.
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i'm a hunter. and i was a better shot than most republicans in congress. >> and i got the trophies to prove it. i mean, i can run down the list, thomas barrons, and give you three or four different subjects. but -- but he has had kind of an honesty problem here in the past couple of weeks, and he really hasn't come clean on lot of that stuff. >> i mean, what do you make of that as a as a former military guy? >> he has a he'll never come clean. i think he's literally a pathological liar. he's untrustworthy. i mean, he's lied in nebraska, lied about what went on there. he's like he lied in minnesota . now he is lying to the nation. i mean, it's just that he can even sleep at night. i don't think he could sleep. he didn't lie. i mean, it's just it's just absolutely disgusting how his military career, he's never apologized for misusing his rank. he's never apologized for saying the weapons of war thing or saying that he was against
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you know, working in support of operation enduring freedom in africa at a stand. he's never apologized to anyone. he's never apologized to congress for not being the highest ranking guy in congress when he when he wasn't. i mean, it's just absolutely disgusting how he can just keep that up and it just kind of trickles on. >> and it's like the whole you just clear the record, just come out and clear the record. and he refuses to. he didn't want to put rioters in jail. lisa hansen we have talked about this, but if you open your business during covid, when he told you not to, man, you were going to jail and you spent 60 days in jail, a 90 day sentence, you spend 60 days in jail for opening your coffee shop. and there were very few of the 600 rioters who were charged in minneapolis and minnesota. >> very few of them spent as much time in jail as you did ,right? >> that's right. again, tim walz is a tyrant of tyrants. you know, his i believe that he
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has committed crimes against the people of minnesota by issuing illegal, unconstitutional, even fascist style mandates or orders to control our lives. he's nothing. what he's been described as. you know, we know this. this is how the game is played. i did agree, though, with senator amy klobuchar tonight when she introduced introduced walz. she said walz will do the same for the nation as he has done for minnesota. well, let us tell you exactly what he's done for minnesota. he put me in jail. 90 day sentence, 60 days is what i served. he destroyed my business. he destroyed countless businesses in the state of minnesota. and, you know, he talked about tonight to freedom of health care decisions, freedom of health care decisions. how about when we were all told told to muzzle our face and use these medical devices on our face that wasn't he didn't give us the freedom or the choice to do that.
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>> he told us we had to. yeah, that's right, matthew. it's kind of unbelievable because a lot of people have said, listen, if you rely on the government or if you work for the government, tim walz is your guy. but if you own your own business, he is not your man. >> exactly. it was he picked winners and losers. you know, if you are a chiropractor, if you were a massage therapist, you couldn't even get your haircut. you know, he shut him all down. but yet the candy store could be open and anybody could go their target. wal mart didn't matter. they saw more people through there in an hour than a lot of these small businesses would see in a day. >> but yet all of our small businesses around here were forced to be closed and basically lost their livelihood. >> their employees suffered because of that. >> yeah, it's true. and it's i wonder, thomas, to you, do you this military thing, the lying and the questioning it's become a big do you think it just kind of fades away? >> or does it haunt him for a while? >> it hasn't faded away and it's going to haunt him
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a lot, i think, coming up here, because, you know, it's -- it's it's still out there and there's there's deeper layers to this this whole thing. i mean, if every time he speaks ,something else comes out. but there's a lot of digging going on. and i think he's going to probably end up and get more leavenworth before this is over with. >> lisa, very quickly to you. if somebody going in said they're going to vote for tim walz, what's the one thing you would tell them? >> i tell them they better do their homework. they better look at his voting record. they'd better look to see what the what his policies are. we all need to start doing that and learn the truth about this man. obviously, everything he's going to say when he's when he's giving these speeches is going to sound amazing and wonderful and cuddly and joyful. >> but that is not the tim walz that we do not want this man as vp for the united states. >> lisa thomas matthew, thank you. well, meantime, critics officially branding tim walz a liar after many accusations have come out regarding
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the tendency to fabricate his past. do you think walz is dishonest or does maybe he just have poor judgment? and why? let us know. and instagram out trace gallagher. we're coming right back my we're coming right back my with the nightcaasp. >> if you have generalized myasthenia gravis. picture what life could look like with vivid gard. hi, trudeau. a subcutaneous injection that takes about 30 to 90 seconds. for one thing. could it mean more time for you? fifth guard high trudeau can improve daily abilities y and reduce muscle weakness with a treatment plaou havallers personalized to you. personalized to you. >> do not use vive garneau trudeau. if you have a serious allergy to any of its ingredients, it to any of its ingredients, it ca g like trouble breathing and decrease in bloo sd pressure leading to fainting and allergic reactions such as rashes, swelling, the skin, shortness of breath and hives. and n side effects are respiratory and tract infections, headachef you ha
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>> back then i kept crew. kevin cork ashley strohmier, christina coleman, elizabeth tipco and jason rants. tonight's topic judgment called tim walz in a bit of trouble for his tendency to twist the truth. do you think he's dishonest? just poor judgment. jason rants let he without sin, cast the first stone. who among us hasn't forgotten a minor legal issue like a dui or a military title? i think he's totally telling the truth. >> he just forgot. yeah. kevin clark. the lies. >> the lies. the lies. like that gif. >> christina coleman. i think he has poor judgment for being dishonest. >> i mean, he lies. yeah. elizabeth pepco. >> i completely agree. i think it's both right. a little dishonesty, a little poor judgment apparently goes a long way. >> yeah, there is some dishonesty in there. and if you let it linger, it becomes just a downright lie. ashley. i mean, yeah, he's. he's a liar. >> so we asked our panel just
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to see if everybody agrees dishonest. >> 88% on x 93, for instance, was not forgiving at all tonight. >> dr. dan says, i'm a minnesotan. he is dangerous, dishonest. the state was a dime and now it's a lump of coal. truth. dishonest, poor judgment is reserved for irresponsible kids. kelly one lies poor judgment. he is so far past that he is sliding down the backside of dishonest heading for very corrupt. janice says he is a compulsive liar. he puts others down to make himself look better. debbie says there's just been too many times he has slipped on the truth, which he calls dishonest. and tina says dishonest. all he does is lie. >> there was very little forgiveness for the governor. thank you all for joining the nightcap. >> thank you for watching the nightcap and watching america's late news fox news tonight. i'm trace gallagher. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. >> fox nation has live coverage of the dnc. we are running a campaign on behalf of all americans as
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hey, we have to work together or you can dodge what needs to be done by dividing, distracting and diverting us. so in 2024, we got a pretty clear choice. >> it seems to me. kamala harris for the people. and we must choose leaders who believe in free and fair elections, who the peaceful transfer of power that choice couldn't be clearer. those leaders, our vice president, harris and governor walz, you know, this is true that decency and respect are on the ballot in 2024 and just
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plain common sense common sense you that kamala harris and tim walz can give us decency and respect the vice president. harris thanks for putting your trust in me and for inviting me to be part of this incredible campaign. and thank you, president joe biden, for four years of strong historic leadership. it's -- it's the honor of my life to accept your nomination for vice president of the united states. democrats all fired up as they rally behind their 2024 presidential ticket. day three of the democratic
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national convention brought out heavy hitters and a star so big, she's known just by her first name. no, it wasn't beyoncé, but maybe tomorrow, who knows? hello, everybody. i'm jonathan hunt, live in los angeles. >> i'm molly. hello, jonathan. i'm molly. line in york. the night belonged to kamala harris. is mate tim walz, the governor of minnesota. walz to work for everyday americans, but also landed a few punches at the opposition. >> some folks just don't understand what it takes to be a good neighbor. take donald trump and j.d. vance. they're project 2025 will make things much, much harder for people who are just trying to live their lives. >> they spent a lot of time pretending they know nothing about this. but look, i coached high school football long enough to know and trust me on this. when somebody takes the time to draw up a playbook,
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they're going to use it to more . >> on day three of the dnc, we now go to fox news correspondent connor hansen at the united center. good evening, connor. >> good evening, jonathan. governor just delivered the most important speech of his political career so far. >> the entire crowd here in chicago throwing their support behind him and vice president harris and. so did another long list of democratic politicians and some celebrities as well. take a look. here's the governor of minnesota walking in to a standing ovation and energized crowd inside the packed united center. he started out by thanking vice president harris for choosing him. it's the honor of my life to accept your nomination for vice president of the united states. walz was introduced, former students and athletes he coached.
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he played on his humble upbringing, career as a teacher and time in the national before leaning into wednesday night's theme here at the convention, a fight for our freedoms every body belongs and everybody has a responsibility to contribute. but when we democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love. walz says he and kamala harris want to make buying a home more affordable. cut taxes for the middle class and take on big pharma, but didn't go into detail about they would accomplish those goals in his speech. now, wednesday's speaker lineup also featured more big names like pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, former house speaker nancy pelosi and former president bill clinton. >> must choose leaders who believe in free and elections, who respect the peaceful transfer of power.
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>> we need kamala harris, the president of joy, to lead us. >> and now just one more night of the democratic national convention. vice president harris already delivered brief remarks this week, but all will be on her as she accepts formally the nomination from the democratic party jonathan. yeah that will be a big moment indeed, and we'll be grateful to have reporting following it. conor hansen in chicago, thank you very much. >> as we mentioned, it was tim walz, his time to stand in the. the minnesota governor officially accepting his party's nomination for vice president and in so doing, laying out the long road that brought him to the national stage. it's the honor of my life to accept your nomination for vice president of the united
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states. and everybody has a responsibility to contribute . for me, it was serving in the army national guard like the rest of my family. i fell in love with teaching, teaching, social studies and coaching football at mankato west high school. but was those players and my students who inspired me to run for congress? >> right? it was certainly a big night. so did walz deliver? here to answer that, our panel, john bussey, associate editor of the "wall street journal", and mack cook, lawyer and ceo of american frontier. and welcome to both of you. and, of course, jonathan thanks for joining the big conversation here. and i guess that's the big question. >> how did walz do? john, let's start with you. >> these speeches, particularly when you're introducing a candidate that a lot of people may not know very well, are all about connection. and i think that that's what this speech designed to do, probably did do.
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talked about his, as you pointed out earlier, humble upbringing as a teacher, as a national guardsman, taking advantage of the g.i. bill, which so many americans have done as a result of their service. his father doing the same thing, ivf treatment that changed his family life, that let him have a family. these were all things, i think ,to not just introduce him to the public, but to connect with the public, the coach, the, you know, the teacher history that all of us have had a teacher in their in their background that we can that we can remember. and then using the football metaphor to advance the campaign sort of momentum. we're down a field goal, but we've got the ball and we're we're driving down the field an inch at a time, a yard at a time. americans football. >> here's a football coach and he's talking in those terms,
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mark, with the talking of what john said there about the humble upbringing of the governor, probably nobody has a more or had a more humble upbringing than j.d. vance in many ways. >> we seem to have a competition here for who was more humble in upbringing. >> but doesn't any of it matter, though, to the voters, do you think, ultimately? >> look, i think everybody loves a good american story. and when we talk about the american dream and it's so important to introduce a candidate that really can empower other americans and talk about their humble beginnings. but i think that walz made an epic mistake because as he talked about his beginnings, he immediately knocked down vance, who had humble beginnings, who basically embraces and embodies american dream. and as somebody who's a legal immigrant who came to this country legally. i am rooting for people like j.d. vance,
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who came from humble beginnings and made themselves something. and for waltz to knock him down for going to yale. i have two children right now. every parent wants the best for their child. we should all be rooting for somebody to come from nothing and make themselves into something. so i think this coach did a terrible job introducing himself. and not only that, i've played sports, omni sports agent. let me tell you something. i want to hear about the plays on the field. so for him not to sit there and talk about the strategy on how you're going to win the hearts and minds americans was also another another epic fail. he talked about lowering taxes, but the last time i checked, vp harris has been in office for 1300 days and there has yet to be a time when she's decreased. she's actually been tiebreaking votes to increase taxes on every single american family. so i think this was truly a failure from governor walz to step in there and tell the american people that he's rooting for us. he had an opportunity and he really missed that.
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>> mark. john, what about what mark just said he did? you know, this is the part of my speech. he was kind of couching it before he began. were you call your undecided relatives and you tell them what we're going to do? and he goes into a list with really no specifics about how to accomplish the things he says kamala harris is going to take on big pharma. if you're hoping to buy a home, she's going to make it more affordable no matter who you are. kamala harris is going to stand up and fight for your freedom to live the life you want to lead. but very short on specifics, which is part of the criticism that this campaign has been getting all along and not taking questions from the press, not holding the press conference, not digging into the details, which also once again, didn't happen tonight john. >> i think the details probably get written for this very new, fresh campaign. >> mind you, they've just been kind of a campaign for a few days. i think the details are getting written. and you're right, they're going to be to account. they're going to be held to account not just by the press and the public, but by their own party. their own party needs, to have
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that platform articulated for the top of the ticket and very importantly, for the down ballot for all the congress and the senators that are running that are going to have to support that platform. so they're going to have to have the details pretty soon . but i think, you know, conventions like this, republican conventions, democratic ones, they're not meant sort of as, you know, extremely detail oriented moments that part of it gets written out in legislative detail in in the coming days. >> they're meant to be sort of motivating moments where broad visions of the future are presented, where large topics are talked and the general direction for the public and for the is set. >> i think that's probably what was happening tonight. >> and just briefly, that's a fair point, is that john making this is this is really and every convention
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,a pep rally, it's not a place to lay out policy detail. >> never has been. well, i think president trump absolutely laid out his policy detail at the rnc. you had different days where he talked about safety, security, the economy, making america wealthy. and i think where we're missing the mark again here in terms of analysis, as it's not been a couple days. kamala harris has been in office for over 1300 days. she knows that we have a devasted economy because most mothers, most families can't afford just basic groceries, diapers, gas. so you're missing the mark if you're not coming out with a strong economic policy. and big picture, yes, we want affordable housing, but to give a tax credit or to push $25,000 for new families. let me tell you, the median income that just came out for housing is around $400000 to $25000 isn't really going to do anything. but again, she's raising tax tax taxes on people like you and me and so many other americans. details matter.
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you can't come out with these big ideas, socialist policies, and then think we're going to work out the details later. we are running out of time. america needs to be rescued. and she antin have opportunities every single day to get on fox news to get on and any other platform or network and talk to the american people. >> they failed to do so. everybody, welcome on fox news. indeed. john, back to you. the next couple of hours. thank you so much. meantime, a conservative leaning pollster is showing vice president kamala harris with a slight lead over former president donald trump in the key swing state of michigan in a head to head match up. she's one point ahead and there is some concern among democrats that the state's large population of arab-american voters might not vote for the democratic ticket because they feel the biden-harris administration has been too supportive of israel in its war against
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hamas in gaza. joining us now to talk more about this, republican michigan state representative bill shooting. >> bill, thank you very much for being here. is the arab american vote in michigan a real a difference maker? >> oh, i think it absolutely is. and what that rasmussen poll showed is that michigan is a toss up state, right? michigan is going to be one of the most hotly contested states in the entire country. and the race for the white house is going to come down to the great lakes state. so democrats in michigan, they really can't afford to lose any votes. and you can see with the massive protests outside of the in chicago, they have some serious coalition issues that translate into real votes this november. >> do you get the sense being a state representative there, that there is real anger amongst the arab-american population at the the biden administration has handled the war in gaza?
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is a palpable feeling that you're getting there. >> i definitely think you see that and you see that the campaign certainly feeling the heat as well outside of chicago. but i tell you what else you see in the state of michigan is you see voters from across both of our two peninsulas in the state of michigan, you know, being fed up with the price of gas, the price of groceries ,and the way that the harrison biden administration has failed the people of the state of michigan. and that's one of the reasons that i'm confident republicans are going to win from white house to taking back our state house for republicans in november. >> a real toss up state. you called it. is it, though? is it more leaning more towards the democratic ticket now since kamala harris replaced president biden at the top of that ticket? have you see it? do you feel that there's momentum one way or another? >> no. you know, again, i think the democrats are in
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a little bit of a sugar high right now is as they've had when they've had kid glove treatment. and kamala harris has been able to avoid any type of press conference or hard hitting questions from the media for the last month or so. >> but at the end of the day, this election's going to be about policies and it's going to be about where are you better off under the presidency of donald trump or under the presidency of joe biden and kamala harris. and, you know, the policies that we have seen from the harris campaign in the last month have been price controls and plagiarism. right. and that's not a message that's going to resonate with michigan voters. so i'm confident at the end of the day, michigan is going to be a close state, but it's going to be a state republicans will win. >> great to get your insights. michigan state representative bill sherry, thank you so much for being with us, molly. >> former president bill clinton, now an statesman of the party, has been speaking at democratic national convention for more than 40 years. he admitted he feels old
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but not too old to take a shot at former president trump's age . we'll talk about his speech and those last minute revisions coming up next. i am too old to gild the lily. two days ago, i turned 78, the oldest man in my family of four generations and the only personal vanity i want to assert is i am still younger than donald trump trump. we're going to start blanketing the east coast with fashionable experimentation with production of street paul. they can sell it as a heroin substitute and make millions of dollars. everybody thinks that's not going to happen to me. and i want the strongest dope i can get. i have never seen up to that point in my career and this type of crisis, you probably find all kinds of people that think i'm an absolutelyg ak
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call 800 8011737 126. >> first on the scene. chlorine gas flubber powder 121 one mostar premiership timber 23rd on fox. >> bryce harper and. the phillies battled matt olson and the braves for jose altuve in and the astros take on gunnar henderson, the orioles. baseball night in america. thursday on fox tomorrow before harris' big dnc address.
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and attempts. >> get educated. talk to your children well before the experiment. >> go to just say no dawg for the facts. kamala harris is the only candidate in this race who has the vision, the experience, the temperament ,the will, and yes, the sheer joy to get something done. >> i want to talk about joy tonight. former president bill clinton, one of the headliners, is on day three of the democratic national convention. one longtime aide says that he has a unique ability to reach out the much coveted swing voters. but with his former policies far from those of today's democratic party, could he really help rally those votes? let's turn to sierra club
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founder and ceo of 917 strategies and former of the they ramaswamy campaign member. sir, thanks for giving your time here in the middle of the night as it stands. i want to get your thoughts. how did clinton do tonight and can he have some ability to bring in those swing voters . so honestly, at the end of the day. bill clinton is an amazing communicator. he's always been great in front of a crowd. a lot of people were noticing, though, that his voice was very shaky, as were his hands. but beyond that, his speech was very traditional. bill clinton that we saw in the nineties. so one of the most interesting things to me is that i wouldn't argue that it's swing voters necessarily, but the old school democrats right now, we're in an area where all of the democrats are starting to phase out the old legacies. the obamas, the bidens, the clintons they're all starting to move away because this is kamala's party now.
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so at the end of the day, it's interesting to see the more moderate democrat switch to kamala's communist agenda. >> yeah, that's a great point. her policies, even just as they're barely being sketched out at this point in time, what we know of them may be perceived within the party as more liberal, more progressive. and perhaps this is part of dragging those moderates out to the voting public, to the polling boxes. >> he made a joke about age up there. you know, he said, you know, i turned 78, still younger than donald trump, you know, a month ago, six weeks ago, donald trump was the young man in the race. is this going be a new strategy to say, oh, you know, now he's the old guy. now that carmel is the new candidate? honestly, i am so sick of talking about age in this race. i think we all are. i mean, to say that kamala is the young guy when she is a few months short of 60. come on, that is a joke. and now her gen social media managers are painting her out to be a 27 year old hip person
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who's always on tiktok doing dances like, come on, guys. >> i want to go to another a little sound bite here from former president bill clinton, because he really digs into an attack on former president trump. and he hits this point that democrats have been trying to make that trump is a narcissist and selfish. >> take a listen. donald trump has been a paragon of consistency. he's still dividing. he's still blaming. we still belittling other people. his vendetta, his vengeance, his complaints, his conspiracies. he's like one of those tenors opening up before he walks out on stage like i did, trying to get his lungs opened by saying, me, me, me, me, me, me.
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when kamala harris is president, every day, we'll begin with you. >> you, you, you trying to draw a contrast there? your thoughts? honestly it's rich. kamala doesn't even have policy proposals on her website. she's making it a personality campaign. at the end of the day, i would much rather have donald trump in office. i mean, regardless of all of the policy proposals, you're not just hearing, you know, we we, we because that socialist we aren't paying for my grocery bill. we are not paying for the gas in our tanks. we are not paying for my work. when americans want to be taken care of. it doesn't matter. at the end of the day, they want to be heard. they want to be taken care of. and they want the government out of their lives. >> sarah cella, thank you very much. thanks for joining us and bringing us your thanks here in this very early morning. >> appreciate it. of course, mollie, we heard
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today about a major revision to jobs numbers that suggests the economy may be more fragile than the biden administration claims. the labor department now saying there were 818,000 fewer jobs added the 12 months up to march of this year than previously reported. at a rally in north carolina, mr. trump laid into the biden administration's handling of the economy, saying it's also caused inflation to skyrocket since president biden took over. >> she gets four more years. good to see jobs vanish. millions and millions will vanish and inflation will completely destroy our country. with the trump victory, we will once again have the greatest economy in history. >> now, we should point out that while there are obviously economic concerns for millions of americans, inflation is actually back to what economists called near normal levels. joining us now, maura gillespie, founder and principal of blue sachs
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strategies. she's also former advisor to speaker john boehner and congressman adam kinzinger. >> good to see you this evening. did the revision to the jobs numbers? is pretty startling, though, isn't it? >> and worrying. >> certainly. and you know, americans are feeling that in their wallets and their pockets that this economy is not where it should be and where we would like it to be based on our grocery bills, housing prices and things of that nature. we're all feeling it. and it's something that republicans down ballot really need to message on because the american people are largely and poles trust republican policies to, get our economy back on track, to get us to a place where we can build for the future. they also trust republicans mostly on security border security and safety. >> these are issues that should be the message for republican ends, you know, campaigning for in november. >> and i think that that's where democrats are going to be hurting. and o'connell, i did come here. i said put out an economy
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proposal, but it has largely been criticized. you know, and that's part of the nature of putting out a detailed plan. you're open to criticism. but i do think that republicans dump out this is an opportunity to capitalize on this momentum more and more. >> i hate to suggest anything nefarious happened here, but 818,000 less jobs than the labor department previously reported. >> that's not exactly rounding error. >> that is a huge number. how do you work to the heart of government? >> how does that happen? i know the labor department, so i don't know who is in charge of these numbers and where they got them. so so are faith. i'm sure that there's some panic going on in that office right now. >> i wouldn't want to be sitting over there. but i do know that when those numbers in for us as a staffers, it was sort of a we you know, i personally prepared a press releases for, you know, you got to get ahead of these things and really advocate or, you know, explain what's going on. and i think that there is going to be some questions
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that certainly follow up those who are in charge over there and just for the administration. but again, yes, she is running for for president of the democratic ticket, but she is still currently the vice president, you know, working with president joe biden. so they will have to answer for it. and i do hope that people start asking questions. >> yeah. and maura, the vice president, kamala harris, is in an interesting position here because obviously donald trump is going to say you are responsive all for the economic policies that have caused hardship for so many americans over the last four years. now, she can say, i wasn't the president they weren't specifically my policies, but it's a difficult line to walk to try to separate herself from president biden while while not discussing affecting president biden as well. >> yes. and you're seeing that at the dnc convention. the delicate line they're trying to walk where they don't tout too much of the policies in her having this
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role in it, but also then touting her role in certain things. so it is it's going to be really interesting how they play it, especially with her speech coming up tomorrow night, our guest tonight. so think it'll be really interesting how they frame that, because again, she the democratic party, whether they want to admit this or not, they haven't really given her any notice in the last three and a half years. >> we've heard very little about her aside from being given the border. you know, whatever to look over. and that certainly flopped. so they really haven't given her much of the limelight until now. and, yes, the rallying behind but they're really rallying behind this moment and they're really using this convention not so much as kamala's party. it to be more about they want to take over what republicans have long been, which is the big tent party. it is really trying to celebrate this movement as opposed to hers. i wonder if that's a strategic plan to try to avoid some of the policy decisions of the biden-harris administration. >> well, we shall see. over the over the next 24 hours
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and indeed over the two months or so from then up to election day. mara gillespie, thank you so much for being with us, molly. >> all right. more headlines from day highlights from day three of the dnc. coming up, are diapers destroying your confidence? men's liberty is the answer for incontinence. quality of life is so important . you want quality of life up here. but, guys, diapers. that's down here. imagine staying dry 24 hours a day and night. quality of life up here. men's liberty can help with their revolutionary and super discreet collection system that's safe sanitary and has sold over 5 million. so discreet. no one knows you're. where are you? giving you a long term solution to deal incontinence with men's liberty. life changing freedom and.
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fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. day three of the democratic national convention officially set in history. it was minnesota governor tim walz's night as he officially accepted the democratic nomination for vice president. >> so go ahead. say it with me. we're not going back. we got something better to the american people. it starts with our candidate, kamala harris. >> transportation secretary pete buttigieg, who is also considered for harris, his running mate, throw, threw his support behind the democratic ticket for president. we will choose a better politics, a politics that calls
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us to our better selves and offers us a better day. that is what kamala harris and tim walz represents. that is what democrats represent and that is what awaits us when america decides to end trump's politics of darkness once and for all. that is what we choose when we embrace the leaders who are out there building bridges and reject the ones who are out there bidding books. this is what we will work for every day to november and beyond. and oprah winfrey made a surprise appearance, issuing a rallying cry for voters to stand behind kamala harris and let us choose the sweet promise of tomorrow over the bitter return yesterday. we won't go back. we won't be set back. push back. bullet back. kick back. we're not going back.
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the full focus of day four, of course. now turns to kamala harris' speech and her efforts to lock in undecided voters now that she is the democratic nominee. nancy pelosi, meantime, opened her convention speech last night with a tribute to president joe biden, even after her doubts over his campaign fed into the pressures that led him to end his reelection bid. the former house speaker also said she believes kamala harris will take the country to, quote, new heights. with us now, kyran skinner, a fox news contributor and pepperdine professor and humorist, fellow, as well as fox news contributor leslie marshall. great to have you both here. leslie, to you first, is the democrat sitting here, how excited have you been by this convention? >> because there seems to be a lot of energy in that room, very excited and very encouraged and enthusiastic. but i'm a realist and i'm cautious because i felt this way in 2016. and even though, you know, we
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see crowds, i saw bigger crowds in 2016 for donald trump. and i told people in my party, i'm worried if those people come out to vote. and that's what it comes down to. i mean, we see huge coming out for this ticket. we see poll numbers up. we see the enthusiasm in this convention. it is infectious. it is contagious. but at the end the day, this is politics is a numbers game and the people have to come out to vote one to. i'm very encouraged not just about the diverse city within my party and the diversity that we've seen among speakers. i mean, there's been republicans speaking, you know, every single night. and just a lot of message of, you know, putting country over party. and then i would have to say tonight, i think all of us fell in love with tim walz. and that's the goal was to introduce him. and if nothing else, because of his son. you're a dad. i'm a mom because of his son, gus. gus, my dad, gus was the star
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of the night karen. >> let me let me come to you here because there is a sense i feel in some quarters that democrats are getting a little too giddy about their ticket now, giddy about their chances. >> but all the polls are showing this is still an extraordinarily tight race. >> yes, it is. and although it was a feel good night for the democratic party, i saw it a little bit different. i saw a lot storytelling, a lot of wishful thinking, a lot of confusion about the truth. i mean, the democrats and i said this last night on air, they have some of the best orators in american political life. and we saw more of them tonight . but i keep thinking back to 1968 and all those young people that protested outside of the convention wanting a more democrat democratic party, wanting transparency, more selections, that they could make
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more primaries what they fought for. i didn't see it tonight. i saw a run by elites, political, cultural and economic elites, on stage for the most part, diverse by race, by age. but a party that's really being controlled from the top and from nancy pelosi and her role and the demise. president biden know tonight i saw a party that talked about the people being of the people. but the reality is it's a very elite party and this is a fight for the middle class. that is a fight for people of color. i think donald trump still has a huge opportunity because the conversation didn't really match who's in control. >> and leslie, it's a it's a good point, isn't it, that this there is at least an appearance that this is controlled a few puppet masters at the top. the votes of 14 million
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people in the primary were cast aside, essentially. >> is that a problem for the democrats going forward, even if it's appearance rather than reality? >> it's not. i mean, the appearance and the reality are the poll numbers are going up, even if it's close. you know, when you have states that weren't even in play, you know, and when you see the numbers going up in places like florida and north carolina anna, and, you know, you can't argue, you with that at this point in time. and also when you see the crowds, you see the enthusiasm. yes, this is a tight, tight race because our country is very divided. i didn't want to laugh out loud at karen and be disrespectful. and she was talking about truth when the leader of the republican ticket. i mean, what is it like? you know, you know, 155 lights, you know, when our second or minute or whatever, you know, that goes on, you know, this my party is, i believe, a party of the and with all due respect, if you just look at the numbers of the elite
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in this country, whether the democrats or republicans, they're not the majority. the majority of this country are the working class. and that is who you're seeing being spoken to on that stage. let me just get karen to wrap up on there on the on the question of truth, is anybody telling us the truth? >> i don't think either party has the control and truth. i think that. but i don't and i don't think a party that was once the party of fdr and the new deal, but has now become a party of cultural and political and artistic elites can really speak to the concerns of the middle class and to the the emerging demographics in the united states. i think it's up for grabs. i'm not saying any candidate is a perfect candidate, but i think there's a lot to be desired. and what we saw tonight, on the one side, we heard some beautiful narratives, but on the other side, there are a lot of questions, and i don't think all the
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independents and pundits and undecided voters made up their mind. >> leslie, i know you want to weigh in that, but i got to move on. but you're back next hour and i want to will come to you first because i want to weigh more and look more into that. this is a really interesting debate about who's appealing to whom, whether working class is now having been democrats, i think largely there is certainly a huge movement towards the trump side. so we'll get more from you, leslie and karen, next hour. thank you so much for being here. >> now, with the election drawing near, the biden administration is trying to broker a ceasefire in gaza. but progress remains painfully slow and a deal, of course, elusive. talks will continue this week as secretary of state antony blinken travels around the middle east. fox news national correspondent jeff pool has the latest tonight from tel aviv. >> jonathan. president joe biden spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu over the phone late last night. the two leaders discussed the ongoing
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cease fire negotiations as well as de-escalating the current tensions here in the middle east. and we're learning vice president kamala harris was also on the call. the high level conversation comes as us secretary state antony blinken was just in the region making stops in israel egypt and qatar. he left with a deal between israel and hamas, still very much up in the air. blinken says a deal needs to get done and will do everything possible to get it across the finish line. but with the fighting in gaza still constant, one of the obstacles reportedly in the way of a cease fire, a strip of land between egypt and gaza known the philadelphia corridor. both hamas and egypt are against israel soldiers there, but israel insists they have to be there to stop smuggling into gaza. israeli defense minister yoav gallant visited the area in southern gaza today and shared this message. >> troops. the most important thing, in my view and as a perception is to remember what the goals of war are and to meet all the goals of war regarding hamas, as well
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as regarding the hostages and to now look to the north. we understand why the next round of talks is set to resume thursday in, cairo, egypt. but at the moment there really aren't any overt signs of optimism coming from mediators that a ceasefire deal will get done. this. jonathan, jeff, paul, thank you. molly. >> looking forward, celebrating freedom speakers underscoring those themes on day three of the dnc. we are back with, our panel after the break. and let us choose andrew over retribution. let us choose common sense voice over none since because that's the best of america. and let us choose the sweet promise of tomorrow over the bitter to yesterday. we won't go back.
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we won't be set back. push back. bully back. kick back. we're not going back. >> fox nation has live coverage of the dnc. we are running a campaign on behalf of all americans as kamala harris accepts the nomination. our all-star lineup breaks down the fallout and all the biggest speeches. >> are you ready to get to heart? unconventional live dnc coverage. and if you missed the speech, you can stream it next day on fox nation. plus, here's the deal. catch up on all the with kellyanne conway on here's the deal with kellyanne. new episodes every only on fox nation. my name is mike cannon, founder of signal relief. much of my career has been working in construction. i love outdoors and horses. that active lifestyle is what has caused my body to hurt. i didn't want to let this affect my family or my life. and that's what motivated me to create a team to build
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it's thursday the day on which kamala harris will officially accept her party's nomination to be president. she will be in the white heat of the spotlight in just a few hours time. as you look at her vice presidential pick, tim walz and his family on the stage last night. but what does kamala harris need to do to deliver to set herself apart from the competition. >> that is the big question. we turn now to our panel. john casey, associate of the "wall street journal", and mark cook, lawyer and ceo of american frontier strategies. welcome back. i want to start with you on this issue. it's kind of the crystal ball phase. what can we expect from kamala harris as she steps up and goes before this crowd? what will she do to welcome those independents that they talked a lot a little bit more about today on the stage? your thoughts, molly? >> i genuinely believe
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kamala harris has an opportunity to talk about her record and then discuss what she's going to do differently under harris-walz administration. but to date, she has refused to do that. she cannot discuss her policies because she's been in office for over 1300 days and has yet to deliver for the american people. she's going to have a very hard time standing on stage and making big promises without actually delivering, because if she wasn't able to help us while she was vice president, as were with gas bills and groceries and utilities and an open border crisis, we are less confident today that she's going to be able to deliver as the commander in chief. remember, she was the open border czar. a report just came out by that said we have 290,000 unaccompanied minors in this country that are likely going to be trafficking. so let's start with kamala harris telling the american people how she's going to protect those young children, how she's
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going to protect every single individual that's come into this country illegally and get them back to their home country. how she's going to secure that border. she has yet to deliver on the american dream. she talks about her mother, who came as an indian immigrant and her father. and so she understands immigration, but she doesn't actually execute it when it comes to protecting american citizens. so i expect kamala harris to continue to do more of the same rubber stamp, a policy proposal that somebody else wrote. she doesn't have any big picture or big idea how to deliver because she's actually never held a private sector job . i'm going to sit back, listen, and then roll up my sleeves, get to work for the other side, because i know that this administer nation will not survive another four years if we have to sit back and see kamala harris as the commander in chief. >> john, how significant really
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is a speech like this for someone like kamala harris? you and your colleagues at the "wall street journal" are waiting to pore over every word of it. i'm sure every media organization in the country is. and millions of voters. is it really a make or break moment for her? >> well, i think so. it's the kind of pinnacle moment of the democratic national convention. and people have high expectations. k you're going to see her also emphasizing reaching across the aisle and reflecting on some of the comments from republicans who have spoken on her behalf at the convention. i think that's quite notable. i'll let the democrats defend their own positions, but i think it's important to correct a couple of things here. kamala harris was never the borders are she was sent down to central america, to a couple of countries to see if there's a way to improve their economy, to reduce the flow of immigrants from those countries to the border. >> she was never put in power in charge of immigration policy
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on the border. also, just a couple of other things, jonathan, really quickly, a previous guest of yours said that there might be something, you know, suspicious about these labor department revisions of the employment number, a revision downward of 800,000 jobs, a little bit more net over the last 12 months, even though there's still labor growth during all of those 12 months. >> and president former president trump has said there's maybe fraud involved here. >> this is an annual event that the that the bureau of labor statistics has where they revise they would do it every year. it's an annual public event. there was a deep revision during the trump administration, one of the years five hundred thousand jobs got cut. this is not a not fraud. this is just regular stuff. >> it's reported on the wall street journal. the labor department gets very specific data from the states. it revises these numbers. it kind of holds its finger up to the wind initially to make an estimate when it gets
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the less timely data from the states, it makes a revision . >> yeah, back to what was happening there on the floor tonight. a lot of talk about. those undecided voters tim walz talked about, you know, the relatives, undecided relatives. and one of the biggest names to talk about those undecideds was oprah. take a listen. you're looking at a registered independent who's proud to vote again and again and again because i'm an american and that's what americans do. voting is the best of america. so i'm calling on all you independents and all you undecideds. you know, this is true. you know, i'm telling you the truth that values and character matter most of all all in
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leadership and in life. and more than anything, you know, this is true. >> the decency and respect are on the ballot in 2024. and just plain common sense. back to you. what do you make of how oprah? laid this out, you know, begging for those independents to get out there and do the vote. and also still trying to draw that contrast where democrats are implying that that former president trump is selfish. >> your thoughts? look, i think oprah also said common sense needs to prevail over nonsense. and i have to remind the american people for the last and a half years, we've had nonsense in this administration.
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people that are average, everyday, hard workers have to work two jobs to afford the american dream. moody's analytics report came out. we are paying $11,000 more to afford basic necessities. that's $33,000 in the last three years. and when i talk to independent voters and many democrat voters today, they have said to me, molly, i don't care about the red. i don't care about the blue. i care about the green and my pocket. they know, regardless of what democrats and republicans are saying, they have seen their bank accounts dead or under the gun seconds. thank you both. thank you, mark. thank you, john. more reaction today, three of the dnc. >> and look ahead to thursday when. vice president kamala harris accepts her party's nomination for president. coming up. >> hello. i am former arkansas governor mike huckabee. a lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep
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me and for inviting me to be part of this incredible campaign. thank you for your passion. thank you for your determination. and most of all, thank you for bringing the joy to this fight. the scripture tells us that weeping may during the long night, but joy will come in the morning until joy, joy, joy comes in the morning. now it is only 76 days left. there are only 76 days left. we must continue to speak up like hakeem jeffries. i too want an america that's more joyful, more inclusive,
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more future focused. just think what a burden it's been on us to. get up day after day after day after day. bury in meaningless hot rhetoric when there's so many opportunities out there, so many problems that need be solved. i want that. and the america. >> kamala harris. all right. >> more joy and jubilation in chicago. day three of the democratic national convention is now in the books party. heavyweights like bill clinton, nancy pelosi took center stage wednesday night and tim walz got his big convention moment. i'm molly line in new york. hello, jonathan. hello, molly. we are the joyful warriors of the overnight hours. i'm jonathan in los angeles. tim walz officially accepted the 2024 democratic vice presidential nomination. he touted his record as minnesota governor, hyped up his running, kamala harris
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and as befitting a former coach. use lots of football metaphors to do it. >> kamala harris is top. kamala harris is experienced and kamala harris is ready. our job. our job. our job. our job for everyone watching is to get in the trenches and do the blocking and tackling one inch at a time. one yard at a time. there will be time to sleep when. your dad. we're going to leave it on the field. that's how we'll keep moving forward. that's how we'll turn the on donald trump. that's how we'll build a country where workers come first. >> all right. for more on day three of the democratic national convention, we go now to fox news correspondent ashley strohmier ashley. hi, molly. high profile democrats
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and celebrities like oprah winfrey and former president bill clinton spoke at last night's democratic national convention. and while it could have been a chance for the democrats to talk about the future of america, it was more about bringing back joy in politics, as it's been a talking point throughout the week when. making a surprise visit to speak kept on brand with her speech at us choose. let us choose truth. let us choose honor. >> and let us choose joy. well, there you have it. >> bill clinton also speaking about joy. and according to him, harris is the only person fit for the job? >> kamala harris is the only candidate in this race who has the vision, the experience, the temperament the will. and yes, the sheer joy to get something done.
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but the headliner last night was minnesota governor tim walz, who officially the vice presidential nomination. also, his son, gus who is non-verbal, making headlines as he cheered on his dad as. he took the stage, was at one point took a swipe at opponent, j.d. vance, for attending an ivy league school in an attempt to connect with middle america. >> i grew up in butte, a town of 400 people. i had 24 kids in my high school class, and none of them went to yale. but i'll tell you what, growing up, a small town like that, you learn how to take care was did briefly mentioned his service with the national guard while that controversy still surrounds that service. but tonight is night four, where the current vp, kamala harris, is expected to officially accept her party's nomination for
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president. >> back to you, ashley strohmier. thank you. bill clinton, oprah winfrey and democratic presidential nominee tim walz with messages of hope and praise for vice president kamala harris. >> for reaction to day three of the dnc, we now go back to our panel. >> john bussey, associate editor of the "wall street journal", obama campaign foreign policy adviser david tafuri joining us. and matt cook, attorney and ceo of american frontier strategies. david, let's come to you first as this is your first appearance of the evening. great to see you the way, sir. >> a lot of energy, a lot of hope, a lot of joy, but not a lot of policy. is that for the course? is that reasonable or is it reasonable to criticize democrats for being light on policy? >> great to see you, jonathan. i was thinking about that when wallace was giving his speech and what has the dream resume for a presidential or vice
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presidential candidate. right. he was a public school teacher. he has a military background. he was a high school football coach. he won a state football title and he is a hunter, but he's against, you know, assault weapons. he's kind of got this incredible background. he was a congressman and he was a governor. so when you have that kind of background, you have that experience, and you have a lot of anecdotes about it. and you can use it to relate to the american people. i think it's natural that you focus on that when you're having your big introduction to the american people rather than on policy. of course he has policies. he's been the governor of the state of minnesota. so we know that he has a long record. a legislative record in congress as well. and he and kamala are forming policies for the presidential ticket. but night was about his resume, his background and his
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experience. >> and that's why that's what he focused on in his speech. >> mahal going to bring you in and talk about joy. you know, that word was shouted from the rooftops today of the course of the convention. and democrats have to to paint themselves throughout the course of this convention as the as the happy ones, bringing this joyful vision to america and that donald trump and his campaign, that's where the darkness lies. do you think they've been effective in that, in their repetition of this word, joy? >> honestly, the repetition of the word joy is just making people angry because joy isn't going to our grocery bills. joy isn't going to pay our first taxes that we receive as income tax season starts all over again for small business owners because we have to pay quarterly, joy isn't feeding our families. we would love to see from a party like the democrat party that about the hardworking american or so they say, or the american dream is how am
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i going to achieve that? how our families that working twice as hard today under the biden-harris administration going to achieve joy. tell us what you're going to do for the economy. we talk about fracking and drilling on state land. kamala harris says she's for fracking. you're in office. let's start opening up that keystone pipeline. so we have 11,000 people back to work. let's talk about the shale play in so many of these states like ohio and pennsylvania and others. if you want to bring joy, then let's start opening up our policy. you're in office right now. let's close down that southern border and let's start protecting. the word joy is very irritating because we're not seeing it as we sit around our kitchen tables and try and feed and protect families. >> john, first of all, thank you for. your correction last hour, your clarification on the process of those labor department job figures. that's why we have a brain like you on every night with us. talking of your as associate
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editor of the "wall street journal". >> we all love the sugar high of watching these conventions, republican and democrat. they're fun to watch. but when is it incumbent upon us as on behalf of the american people to say, okay now is the time for the meat on the bones? now is the time for the policy details? >> what is the role that we play in in assisting on getting that job? >> well, you're playing it right now and doing the job of journalists saying, okay, showmanship is, great. >> you can put on a good show, but you're going to have to provide the details now. and holding power to account is what you're doing. and i that that has an effect over time. again, these conventions are meant be pep rallies. so i think your phrase earlier and it was it was also was phrase and that's accurate. >> it's meant to sort of rally people. >> but you can't go too much
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further without more details. >> now, she has articulated already some plans, you know, that she's planning two things that she would like to do. >> and mind you, you know, the biden administration more the fed, frankly, the fed has brought inflation down significantly. we're not going to have lower food prices. that inflation that was caused by the pandemic is has permanently altered the the the landscape for food prices. but inflation inflation is down. so i think that i think that you're holding the candidates to trump to, you know, both both republicans and the democrats have now got to come through with some of the details. i think it's important, the tonality of these events reaching across the aisle, having a fair number of republicans speak on harris behalf, former lieutenant governor of georgia, dhs people, former press secretary for president trump,
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congressman, the mayor of mesa, arizona. that's effective tool for the democrats right now as they try to bring moderate voters into their moderate republicans, into tent. >> some great points. there is the battle for those moderates and undecided goes on. john. david mack, thank you, all of you. we'll see you again a little later this hour. >> donald trump and his running mate, j.d. vance, have been out campaigning. they were in north carolina. the gop contenders are trying to tee up national security as a major voter issue before november. >> everybody said, oh, he's going to start wars with his attitude. and my attitude kept us out of wars. i stopped wars with phone. russia should have never happened with ukraine. would have never happened if i were president. would never happened. >> national security institute founder and executive director jameel jaffer joins us now. thank you, jameel, for hopping on with us at this very early
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morning. our greatly appreciate as little as we've heard as far as specifics as economic here as kamala harris' campaign begins to ramp up, seems we've heard even less about national security, about what kind of commander, chief she would be. your thoughts on that part of this campaign in these early days? well, mollie, you know, the bulk of this campaign is going to come down to economics, border security and the which is a piece of that security. but it's also going to turn on how the world views us and what role the united states going to play in the world. the question is do the american people want us actively engaged in the world? will they have leadership will take us into that place and demonstrate that the us can lead by example and by action across the globe and ensure that we have a world safe for our families and our children going forward? know we've got. we've got wars around the world. we've got israel fighting hamas in the middle east. we've russia fighting ukraine in europe. and we've a potential war in asia with china potentially invading taiwan. and so there's a lot of threats
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around the globe to our nation and the ever present threat of terrorism to our people in the here in the homeland. and the question is, who do the american people believe will be the stronger leader going forward? >> no president, former president trump has been out on the campaign trail talking about how much better he would be on this issue and was during his presidency. there was a really withering op ed in the hill related to kamala harris calling her resume a short resume. this is j.d. vance, though, and what and how he attacked his opponent on the other of the aisle. >> now, i will admit it is hard to make sense of kamala harris' foreign policy, especially when she explains it like a third grader who didn't study for a class presentation. now, have you ever have you ever seen kamala talk about the ukraine, russia or carter? sure. i wouldn't. okay. i'd recommend you go and see it. but wait until november because . you're going to lose about 20 iq points when you watch kamala harris talk about russia and ukraine.
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>> and trump said the world is on fire. and kamala and biden marched us to the brink of world war three. what do you make of this criticism coming from the republican ticket? well, look, there is obviously no doubt that the world is on fire. and the question is, why is it on fire and what can we do to avoid that? and the answer, in my view, is we need to double down on our allies and demonstrate to our adversaries that we're willing to bring the fight to them, that if want to pick a fight with us, we're happy to take that fight and we'll fight it and win. and so the question becomes, you know, what have we seen on the trump administration? what we see that back those four years, what have we seen these past four years and who will lead the country in the future? the challenges we've seen, wars and challenges across the globe, across the last eight years, in fact, going back 16 even longer, back to the the early end of the bush administration and the early part of the obama administration. and part of the reason why is our allies don't trust us. our adversaries afraid of us. and we need leadership. who's going to bring that kind of message to the american people? look, the iraqi people don't
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e world now. if they want to pick a fight with us, we're ready to push back and we're ready to fight and win if we need to do it. >> we're short on time. kamala harris, not questions yet. >> we haven't seen the sit down interview or the press conference. but if you had a question for this campaign, for the harris campaign, what would it be? how can you demonstrate that you will actually make our allies in us and make our adversaries afraid of us? because today that is not the case that we face. you've been in office for four years. what do do about that going forward? and what do you say to the argument that donald trump has made that the russia, ukraine, more threats against taiwan, these things wouldn't had he been in office? >> jameel jaffer i. to seeking clarity on many of these issues. >> thank you for chatting with us. we greatly appreciate it. john thanks, molly. >> molly the dnc wraps up of course, thursday night with kamala harris accepting her party's nomination for president. >> a look at what harris needs to do now to turn all those vibes into lot of votes coming up.
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presidency might look like. joining us live, the studio here at our l.a. news headquarters, fox news contributor marshall and new york times bestselling author and fox news contributor kyran skinner. welcome to you both. so moving on, looking ahead as it is now thursday, even here on the west coast, leslie. kamala harris is going to take the stage tonight. >> what do you expect to hear from here? >> what do you want to hear from her? well, remember, i think people forget that conventions, whether democrat, republican, always have been and pretty much always will be pep rallies like before game. and so what we're going to hear from her is a lot of what we've heard. and, you know, not just joy, but, you know, look, this the country being so divided. sadly, it does become us and them. and as a democrat, it's us. and you know, what do we in that you believe? so, of course, you know,
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you're going to you're going to mention change. you're going to mention reproductive rights. you're going to, you know, mention health care. you're going to mention taxing the rich. i mean, the list goes on. so, you know, this isn't, you know, a huge surprise. another thing is that conventions and even debates, by the way, hardly move the needle and in this, people don't tune into conventions to decide, am i going to vote for this person or not? so, you know, there should be honestly, a lot of policy. you know, there's a lot of cheerleading and that's really what conventions are about. this isn't to gain votes. you know, down the road and after this, that that needs to. and i think that comes i think that comes in interviews, that comes town halls, that comes in press conferences, you know to that sliver of voters within that handful of states. so it really matter. >> talking of moving the needle not to disagree with you, leslie, but the last debate certainly moved the needle. it ended president biden's bid
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for a single convention. but we get a debate on september 10th. >> so, karen, that's going to be fascinating, i think. trump up against harris. there's a lot of dynamics in play there, a lot of differences. >> obviously for former president trump than the first debate, where he obviously feels that he won very handsomely. how do you see that playing out? >> because they're two very different people. well, let me speak first, if you don't mind for a second about vice president harris' tomorrow. i think it has to be substantive. it can't just be about this theme of joy. and, you know, her laughter and the climate change are the range of issues that we already . i do think there are many voters who give up a number of evenings over several, you know, over a week we've done to learn, listen and think about the choice they will make in november and if we i don't know that this convention
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as joyful it's been at the rhetorical level, has actually convinced a lot of people who are on the fence. >> but there is there is time to do that. >> there is. but i think her speech has to wrap it up by being a lot more substantive because we know the clock is ticking and she needs to start doing it and she needs to start tonight ,tomorrow. we're in the middle of the night here. but i think if she just gives a speech hitting a few high notes, given that she we still don't know her in a deeply substantive way, i think it's going to be a disaster. she's got to tell us more what she believes and that she will actually in terms of policy because we've heard so little. i do know that disagree with the that that it needs to about policy. i don't think people are tuning into conventions and policy and history and numbers of proven data have proven me right. you know they don't they're not tuning in to see is
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this somebody want to vote for the reason we're tuning is it's part of you know, for me, i'm a democrat, but also it's my job ,right. >> you know, to you know, to to opine. it's not a fair point. covering that the we the three of us sitting here and all the other political nerds around the country, we want policy. but generally are expecting just pomp and circumstance that these kind of things i just in the case of vice president harris which is so unique that you have a sitting president that has pulled out. you have a vice president who's had important in politics her entire career. but for the biden presidency, she was largely hidden from view. i think this is her coming out and she needs to be more substantive than normal. right. and that's a good point leslie is making. we just don't know her. yeah, this is unusual. this is not your average political season. >> no, no, absolutely. but this is tomorrow is not
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the time, you know, to me, you know, to do that. and when you know, when people say and i understand what you're saying, that we don't really know her largely vice presidents are hidden. i mean, a vice president's job is to be a tie breaker and to wait in case the president gets sick or dies to take their place. i mean, that's really what it is. but, you know, with regard to i don't i mean, i don't know where people have been, you know, since joe biden stepped down and, you know he, you know, passed the torch to the vice president kamala harris. she has been, you know, very specific to people. keep saying, you know, get more specific, you know, at the at the end of the day, you know, the people, again, largely tuning into this are already on board and they're on board because they want the extension of. what president biden is doing, it was going to do that just enthusiastic because they were concerned about his age and they like this new ticket
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and. >> and it for for for me, you know, it's not tomorrow. >> it's after tomorrow. >> yeah. because i would agree that she has to be very specific. but there are some people whether it be others that are going to vote for her. we shall see. so i think real quick to say this, you know, it's her speech, isn't the speech that will be played live. it is also an opportunity for a lot of snippets and clips that can be used throughout the campaign. so she's got a bigger lift here. yeah, because if she blows it in some substantive wawill hearr and over again as. we put so many clips of president biden in blowing it in a speech right away. >> is her coming out as a presidential candidate? a lot of pressure there, some on the substance and some acts to follow in in the obamas. >> the clintons, oprah tonight. so, yeah, it'll be interesting to watch for sure. and we all be watching.
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leslie, karen, great to have you both here. thank you so much, molly. >> one up just a month ago, california governor gavin newsom at the top of the list of a potential biden replacement. >> now says he is all in on fellow californian kamala harris. will their brand of west politics translate to the rest of the country? we'll take a look. the break. >> new century menopause supplements help unpause life supplements help unpause life when symptom multivitamin. >> plus, hot flash support al daily z for quality sleep and an extra for focus and clarity. centrum powered by clinically studied ingredientcolonials. l >> i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurancine through the colonial penn program. penn program. >> if you're aged 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remembe lifer the three p's. >> what are the three p's?
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>> visit leaf when you can't watch. listen, get the news business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. >> fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening listening . >> once a prime candidate for the democratic presidential ticket, california governor gavin newsom is now pushing to elect vice president kamala harris. we bring san francisco political commentator, community activists and former candidate for mayor, richie greenberg. thank you for staying for us past midnight california. time to talk about this issue. you know, for a while there, there was all this talk about maybe a brokered convention and newsom's name was in the mix. >> but here, in his own words, where he stands now politically, listen, i'm a solution in search, a problem. everyone in their mother is jumping on to help. so i'm needed. >> but obviously, all it is all . now, the question, though, is fellow californian, i'm out
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here on the east coast. is this brand of politics going to sell across the country? >> well, hopefully no, because of his. gavin newsom, you know, for the last year and a more or less, he has been relentless here in california here in san francisco, pushing his agenda, advertising on social media. he created a special pac that was dealing with gun control, raising money, donations. we all thought, especially here in san francisco, his more or less hometown, that that he was going to make a run for the presidency either direct as president or as part of a ticket. >> and this was this was kind of surprising to see what happened in the last few weeks that that is not what panned out. and but but we do not want the country the united states does not want and should not or need what he is pushing
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his agenda. and just look at what his record was. and record is in california as. well. he referred to california as being the model for the nation. and that certainly is not what the united states needs. >> all right. gavin newsom, though, you know ,was a lot of talk about him potentially running in 2028. but those kamala shirts, they've been printed, if manages to pull off a victory, then his next shot would be like 20, 32. so that's a pretty long stretch for him to stay relevant. do you think that he would get a spot in this administration if harris wins? >> well, it is kind of interesting because he still has two more years left as and whatever it is that he is trying to do now to to fulfill his his legacy as governor, he's going to want to hold on to that. plus, there's appointments and other issues that could be in play as well.
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we've got there's rumors out there that, nancy pelosi, who is also running for reelection this november she'll be on the ballot here in san francisco. san franciscans are voters that vote to elect or reelect her seat. >> and so if she gets reelected, which she certainly will in november. if she retires and she resigns before the end, then someone the governor is going to have to appoint her replacement. so so is going to stay around for the next the next few years. >> i don't think that he's going to want to abandon that spot, especially because of the very closed web, the ties between the the pelosis and the newsom's and the harrises and the gettys. that is all a legacy for generations. >> and they're all they're all intertwined. so then we don't have too much time left. but what's your prediction for gavin newsom? what will we see of him? i guess post two years post governor. >> well, i do see him trying
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to make a run for the presidency in some way. i do see that. but what is really going to be following him and him is his dismal record. you know, california has the highest employment numbers in the whole united states. homelessness, the drugs, highest gas prices and so on. it is a real big problem for him. and believe this is one of the reasons why he was passed up and not try to come in as either the frontrunner in place of biden, but also invite him to come in as on the ticket with with harris. it just it just didn't work. wouldn't work. it's not his time. >> richie greenberg from the ground there in san fran, we appreciate it. >> thank you. a look at the latest polls and final thoughts, of course, from our expert political panel just ahead. >> as final day of the democratic national convention is going to be getting under way. >> after the break, work, play,
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you. >> donald trump on "fox and friends" from preview and kamala harris. his acce and start enjoying
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the benefits of our pills. calm down to order order. >> vice president harris got a boost in her polling numbers right before the convention. >> now, some political analysts consider that a sort of honeymoon bump. the real clear politics polling average shows her just 1.5 points ahead of trump. now, it's a waiting game to see
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if kamala harris gets a post-convention boost. >> here to talk more about that, dustin, a republican pollster. >> thank you for being here, dustin. >> where are you seeing the numbers? are they still moving towards? they actually have seemed to somewhat stall, but you've seen some movement in the states. but it's still it's very, very close. and our own american pulse surveys, we actually have the race nationally at half a percent towards harris. if you don't include people who are leaning and if you include people who are leaning, you have it half a point towards trump. and then our average of the swing states, we actually have about four points for donald trump. >> now, within within pollsters ,this is something that's never happened before where we have one of the major party candidates get thrown overboard by their party only months away from the election. and honestly, the assumptions that pollsters make about weighting that probably need to be reconsidered or
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are really just it's we're kind of in uncharted territory right now. >> yeah, it's going to be a difficult it's a difficult time, all of us following everything that's happened. but it's got to be a really difficult time for you guys. >> actually working out how you go forward here and, how you give those of us who depend on you accurate numbers. are you confident that you can all do that? and i mean, all of you as a group of pollsters, not just you. >> yes. yeah, definitely a debate amongst pollsters as to how to go about weighting things. you know, right now there is there's definitely if you look at actually national if you see a discrepancy, some of them are going off of partisan divides as to how they weighted things or in some of them are going off of record vote 2020 as the person says they voted for trump or said they for biden and then they wait to sample towards that. and that actually gets you very different results. and that is it's concern
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that we might actually have somewhat of a hidden trump vote there, again, like we did in 2016, that that's actually something that's showing back up. i can tell you from our own surveys that we've fielded that ever since biden left the race, there been an enthusiasm jump for democrats. and one of the things that's happened is that they're more likely to participate in now within the the statistical process. that's all worked out. but there is something to be to be thought about that that might having an impact also within surveys. so some of it's real. definitely real. one of the things that's amazing to me is that her favorability a month ago, she was less popular joe biden and yet with the the fawning media coverage the glowing coverage that her favorability now at in our polling is a net positive of three and a half percent. that is its average about that, too so that's a big movement. >> i think it's mostly media. yeah, that's that's very
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interesting. i'm fascinated by the process of dustin. you know, i was talking to one of our producers here who's much smarter than i who was saying, do you like well, it was all done through landlines, people picking up on landline. to a pollster, how are pollsters reaching the tick tock generation now? and if you aren't reaching that, how do we trust these polls that we're getting? that's an excellent question. i'm glad they asked it because so many of the polls, they're actually reported through media organizations are done fairly cheaply and they're done through what's called online panels, which my my belief is that any survey, especially, don national level and then also in the swing states, really should be multimodal, which means it uses phones and maybe calling landlines. but also calling cell phones, maybe texting people. but a lot these these national polls, they're done by media organizations are done through online panels, which means it's people who have opted in to be part
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of an online panel. they're actually compensated for that to do surveys. >> they do up to seven a month. oftentimes, which means that they're not the typical person. and i would i would guess on any given week, half of the polls that are reported on by the media are actual only online panels. but if you have a survey that's done with live telephone calls to people, cell and also texting them as well as, potentially doing the ivr as well. that can ivr as the robocalls, that actually gives you lots of different kinds of people. you can you can actually get a hold of. now, with younger voters, it's actually a live telephone call is more likely to get them engage than even texting or an online panel because. i think it's unusual for them to get a phone call, but that's actually one of the best ways we have to get a hold of younger voters. >> really interesting. thank you so much for sharing so much about the process. that was fascinating. thank you. dustin nelson, republican pollster. >> thank you.
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good to see you. now for final thoughts and a look ahead to thursday night and the big speech by kamala harris. let's bring in our plethora of panelists. >> it's fantastic. i love this john bussey. david, to frame a cook as well as leslie marshall and kiron skinner all together as we look ahead this final night of the dnc. >> david, let's let's head to you. >> this is the this is it. this is the big finale. are you expecting more joy? >> what are your predictions? well, you know, it's gone, i think, very well for democrats. that's the feeling i'm in chicago. i was in the convention hall today, yesterday. and so now they need to put a you know, a punctuation point on it tomorrow. and they need to get even more energy, more excitement. this for kamala, it's kamala's night and there will be a lot
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of focus on her speech. and as we talked about in the earlier segment, there wasn't a lot of policy in tonight's speeches and including walz. he didn't talk a lot about policy, but kamala needs to do both. she to introduce herself to those who have not had a lot of experience and exposure to her. she needs to introduce herself to america as a presidential candidate, and she needs to talk about policy as well as about background and her experience. and so there is a lot of pressure on her. this is her night. it's a night to celebrate her, but it's also a night where she has to accomplish a lot in order to continue that momentum that your pollster was talking about earlier and the other speeches that are going to happen tomorrow night are really just set up for her. and so what we should be looking for is that key speech by her and what she's able to do and whether she's able to move people and
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keep that momentum. >> and karen, you were saying earlier when we were talking that there's got to be policy in this. >> absolutely. because we just don't know where she stands and we have to have a sense of who she is on the big issues. i actually think way it should be put, she's got to get real because. in the three years and a half of the biden administration, the u.s. is now involved in more wars. people are choosing between paying their rent and buying food. i'm from chicago's south side. it's not a happy place. most of the democratic controlled cities are increasing worse off. all of these issues are not about. they're about daily life. so the joy that's being talked about is her laughter and her infectious smile. but the american public has a lot to face.
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and one of the factors that i've noticed in the speeches tonight is that the speakers jump over the three years of the biden administration and kind of hearken to donald trump and say that's a dark period. but this period right now is dark for many people. and she's to tell us how she's going to fix it. now to you on that point the comment was just making, there's been a lot of attacks on donald trump. do you think we will hear that directly from harris as well on the heck. >> i expect harris to attack donald trump because that's what they've done this entire convention. i think yesterday they mentioned president trump over 147 times and they have continued. when you don't actually have your own policies, when you don't have your own vision, what people do is they attack the other side. what you expect from a presidential contender is when you're less than 70 days away from an election, is to start introducing yourself and start talking about what you're going to do to solve the big economic
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crisis we're all facing and also the open border crisis. but harris doesn't have solutions. she's going to continue to make big promises without the ability to deliver. and i have already this. she is not a new candidate. she has been in office for three and a half years, 1309 days. if she truly cared about the american people, she would start right now. roll up your sleeves with joe biden and work to make sure that every single american achieve that american dream, pay their bills send their kids to school. and at the end of the day, it's safety and security. and she's missing that mark. she has the opportunity. it's time to deliver. >> kamala. leslie, let's instead of looking forward, let's look back to last night, night three, the viral night moment of the night, august waltz. son of the minnesota governor. i think we can put up the video of him. it was extraordinary watching him. >> he has various issues.
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he's nonverbal to some extent, as understand it, neurodivergent. >> he was just pointing at his dad shouting, that's my dad as he was on the stage. >> it was never mind politics, nothing to do politics. >> it was a beautiful family moment. it was a beautiful family. and i think that's what is displayed each and every night and why there is so much enthusiasm, not just about joy and great music choices and looking like, you know, the funnier party than the rnc . it's about you have republicans speaking you and you have. and i really think that we're seeing, especially in tim walz ,i knew him as, you know, the governor. i didn't know him all that well . some people were saying, oh, that's her choice. and people are now saying that's choice. and they're saying why? i mean, he really exemplifies, i think what a lot of men are in this country. >> their fathers,
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their coaches, their teachers in different capacities. >> you know, and i really think that's why so many people love him, because he's not a typical politician, you know, up there, you know, you know, giving just that typical political stump speech. >> john, to you with this, kamala harris has had this long honeymoon period in the media. is tomorrow night, the peak that and then what's to come? your thoughts? >> it might be the peak. i mean, the campaign's really now just getting under way. we'll have two official candidates. >> i think i think we should not underestimate power of a positive motivating message, humor, particularly when it stands in contrast to a darker sort of american carnage, disaster. >> this disaster, that message. >> go back to ronald reagan and see how effectively he it. look at his ads in 1984 when he was running against mondale . it's morning again in america. this kind of sunny optimism,
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very powerful in politics. >> she'll have to define herself in that speech. one of your earlier guests said, i've heard this from other republicans. you called her a communist. you know, she's not a communist. that's kind of that's that's red baiting. it's been in american politics for decades. it's meant to make the voter be fearful. >> commies coming on our shores here to steal your bicycle. >> you know, she'll have to define herself and say, look, i want to spend money on projects. >> like first she will have a chance to have her word tomorrow night. john bussey david mccook, leslie marshall, kyron skinner, fabulous. all night long, you guys. so much. and friends. first, top of the hour. we'll see you tomorrow. we're going to start blanketing the east coast with fashionable started experimentation with production of street
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1:00 am
>> carley: the final


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