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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 22, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> carley: the final day of the
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dnc begins just hours from now and will end with kamala harris formally accepting the democratic nomination for president. she was not there to watch running mate tim walz take the stage. we do not have policy updates from her. there is another social media of her on her phone. >> todd: and rumors swirl around r.f.k. jr.'s campaign. we'll tell you everything we know right now. >> carley: and switching gears. police are searching for the woman in this video who broke into a tiger enclosure at a new jersey zoo. do not miss this story. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. we'll start with brooke singman with the latest from the dnc. brooke. >> brooke: governor walz formally accepting the nom fagz
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for vice president. >> when i was teaching we elect a student body president. teenagers could teach a hell of a lot. i have given a lot of pep talks, so let me finish with this, team. it's the fourth quarter. we're down a field goal. we're on offense and we've got the ball. we're driving down the field. [cheering] >> boy, do we have the right team. >> brooke: walz touting his time in the military. >> everybody has a responsibility to contribute. for me, serving in the army national guard. i joined up two days after my 17th birthday and i proudly wore our nation's uniform for 24
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years. >> brooke: several other high-profile democrats took the stage including godmother nancy pelosi. delegates were spotted wearing these pens. she praised joe biden and kamala harris. >> we established one of the most successful presidencies of modern times. i know that vice president harris is ready to take us to new heights. >> when she was young, she worked at mcdonald's and greeted every person with that thousand watt smile and said, how can i help you. did something that is hard for a politician to do. he voluntarily gave up political power. george washington knew that and he did it. it will enhance joe biden's legacy. we will choose a better politics, a politics that calls
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us to our better selves and offers a better everyday. nais what kamala harris and tim walz represents. >> brooke: billionaire oprah winfrey. >> choose optimism over cynicism, common sense over nonsense. that is the best of america. and let us choose the sweet promise of tomorrow over the bitter return to yesterday. we won't go back, let's all choose kamala harris! >> brooke: vice president harris will address the convention tonight as she formally accepts the nomination for president.
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>> carley: gop vice presidential nominee j.d. vance is reacting to walz's acceptance speech. >> where is the vision? where are details? where can they say that kamala harris record made your life better as an american citizen. i thought it was a dark and ominous tone. they attack donald trump and people who vote for him rather than offer compelling future. guy trying to defend kamala harris and talked about kamala harris' vision for all things she would do to lower the cost of this or that. i wanted him to say, this is what she's already done. it is one thing to promise in the future, day one of her administration is not six months from now, day one was 1300 days ago and she has not done anything, her policies have
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caused many problems. >> todd: to the latest on pro protest. chicago police arresting protesters as 2000 people rallied in the streets, calling for ceasefire and end to u.s. supplying weapons to israel. protesters criticizing dnc for avoiding the words ceasefire and palestine. outside the convention, uncommitted democrats demaning stage time for a palestinian speaker. they were joined by squad women, ilhan omar and cori bush who just lost her primary over lack of support for israel. >> change people's lives, stop killing people in gaza with our money and bombs, it is that simple. >> governor walz, if you are hearing this, we all do better when we all do better, that includes palestinians.
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>> todd: we did hear from the parents of an american being held hostage by hamas and they made this plea to democrats. >> among the hostages are eight american citizens. one of those americans is our only son. >> a deal that brings this diverse group of 109 hostages home. >> todd: president biden stressing urgenty of a ceasefire as he spoke with prime minister netanyahu yesterday and stressed u urgency of bringing ceasefire to a close. and sinwar is adding new demand for the deal, he issic maing survival a condition of any future ceasefire agreement.
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robert f kennedy jr. expected to announce the nation tomorrow on his path forward. >> carley: his team could join forces with donald trump. griff jenkins has details. >> griff: good morning, carley and todd. if you can't beat them, join them. only time will tell. what we know is that r.f.k. jr. says he will address the nation tomorrow. according to all staff e-mail from his campaign manager, he's weighing his next move and his running mate is hinting about the potential path forward. >> one is staying in, forming new party, run risk of kamala harris and walz presidency. or we walk away right now and join forces with donald trump. >> griff: if kennedy dropped and
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backed trump, it could have significant impact. he was on the ballot in 20 states. kennedy is speaking friday from arizona, where former president trump will be, as well. the two have been talking in private conversations and there is talk if kennedy endorses trump, he could find a place in a future trump administration. >> i respect him, i know where he's coming from, it is a little different philosophy, very smart guy. i'll be there on friday, i would be honored, if he endorsed me, would i be honored? absolutely. >> griff: how big of impact could kennedy have to join forces with trump in key swing states? latest "new york times" sienna poll suggesting it could be significant in pennsylvania and wisconsin. 41% of kennedy voters would back trump. only 27% said they would vote
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for harris. team kennedy has been facing hurdles over lawsuits and dwindling campaign funds. they claim they have obstructed a fair election. we'll see trump today at the border, maybe he has more to say about it, does not shy from press questions. >> carley: thank you so much. in addition to visiting the arizona border today, former president trump will meet with the family of rachel morin, mother of five murdered by an illegal immigrant last year. chris clem, is in yuma, arizona and joins me now. border issue is being discussed on both sides of the aisle. what is taking place at the dnc, democrats are leaning into this issue and trying to get upper
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hand saying donald trump tried to get bipartisan border deal blocked and joe biden had to use executive action to fix the border. what do you think about that messaging? >> it is actually, they are migs leading and continue to gaslight the american people. this administration had 3-1/2 years to get the border under control. they should have left it the way it was and things would be better. it was not a strong bill, it codified numbers and i don't think there would have been an appetite should the terrible bill have been passed. they never even picked up hr 2, that was border security bill. this is a weak bill from the get go and never passed senate and was never anying to make ground
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in the house. >> carley: this is political adseason and there is one that is running in arizona and nevada. i'm sure you have seen it from kamala harris campaign. it is called tougher. and it talks about kamala h harris' tough stancesfaz on southern border issue. >> as president she will hire more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking. fixing the border is tough and so is kamala harris. >> carley: it talks about her being a prosecutor going after gang members. that is meant to sway undecided voters. do you think that will? >> i hope not, she has not done anything to be tough on the border, she's been tough on the border patrol. it is sickening when i see it pop up on the tv when i'm home in arizona. it is quite comical there are
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pictures showing good wall built by president trump and she's using that as back deter deteriorate -- there is nothing that she's done. look at the policies and her track record and will prove opposite of what these ads say. >> carley: democrats released party platform, it was voted on and approved at the dnc. there is a slip up at the end. its congress must pass legislation to provide pathway to citizenship for dreamers, farm workers, care workers and undocumented individuals who contribute to this country by paying taxes and contribute to local economy and president biden will continue pressing them to do so. forgot to take out president
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biden reference and add kamala harris to it. what do you think about provide amnesty, how many people would that be and what message does that send? >> you know, you hear a lot of people talk about poll factors, i can't explain a poll factor better than what their platform is. encouraging people to get in the pipeline and be put in the hand of smugglers. they feel they have an opportunity because dnc platform will welcome people that violented our laws, broken our rules, taken advantage of a system. if that platform started saying after we secure the border and fix the leak and have hardened ports, then weingly address some issues plaguing this backlog immigration system. this is rolling out the door mat saying, come on in, if we're in
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power, we'll legalize everybody and remain in power, they want se servants over citizens. >> carley: donald trump will talk about it today meeting with border patrol today. we'll follow that when he gets there. thank you for joining us. we heard a lot of dnc speakers say kamala harris will bring prices down if elected, they have not explained how she would do it. >> if you are a working parent trying to afford rent and child care, kamala harris is for you. >> if you're hoping to buy a home, kamala harris is going to help make it more affordable. >> todd: mother of three had to move into a hotel because it is cheaper than rent, this happened under kamala's watch. that mom is here to share her story next.
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craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money.
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and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment! there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. >> todd: you keep hearing kamala harris touting job growth over her and joe biden administration. bureau of labor statistics just issued largest correction to job numbers since 2009. here is how commerce secretary
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is responding. >> today bureau of labor saying more than 800,000 fewer jobs were created, do you think this number could be liability for this campaign? >> no, when i hear that, i don't believe it, i never heard donald trump say anything truthful. >> it is from maybeor bureau. >> i'm not familiar with bureau of labor. hope that is not true. lawmakers are step closer to giving illegal immigrant a home loan program. the program gives access to loans up to 20% of home's purchase price and no money down or loan payment. bill called dream for all act will prevent migrants from getting denied based on immigrant status. the legislation faces full
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senate vote, it is like 2008 and 2009 never happened in california. all a bad dream. kamala harris and democrats promise to bring prices down. the biden-harris administration has made life unaffordable. our next guest lives with her children in a hotel, it is cheaper than available apartments in her neighborhood. suzanne hayes joins us now. how is living in a hotel best option for you in this biden-harris economy. >> good morning, thanks for having me. i endedum in a hotel. i found a two bedroom apartment on site at a hotel. my landlord asked me to move out, giving me 30 days to move out after six years. i had been paying $1700 per month. it was time to look for a new place and rents had sky rocketed
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and homes were two bedroom, one less than i was living in and they were a thousand dollars a month. that was unrealistic for me. >> todd: please continue, my apologies. >> i did due diligence and looked in all local towns and didn't want to give up hope i would find a space to live that was convenient. i had no luck. inflation has been tough on families and i think it is easy to stretch your money when it comes to food and clothing and there is little things we can do that keep us resilient and able to get by. a thousand more a month, nothing can be done. i was about to move in with my parents and i pulled out all stops and e-mailed local hotels
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and found this place, a great, huge blessing for me and my kids. >> todd: democrats are selling hope and joy as their way to get us out of the economic mess they put us in. is hope and joy paying com your bills? >> hope and joy is not. g gratitude and faith and prayer are keeping me feeling blessed from day-to-day. definitely the struggle is real financially and i'm just blessed i am one of the few who has family who can help. i am bringing in money and i have the wisdom to know that today is all i have, i try not to get too worried about what is to come. >> todd: that is amazing. when you hear what is coming out of the convention, do you feel democrats understand the
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struggle you and so many americans are going through right now in the economy, again, that biden and harris have p presided over, do they get your struggle? >> i'm not sure anybody gets it unless they have lived it. it is unique struggle, especially being a mother with children, a level of insecurity i'm not sure anyone can truly understand unless they have walked it. >> todd: you see somebody like j.d. vance who went through that struggle, got himself to yale. they make fun of the fact he went to yale, very odd. how frustrating to see democrats giving free housing to illegal immigrant and you are staying at a hotel as you stregel to get into a home. how does that make you feel? >> i definitely have my opinion, same time, i'm really just
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focused on myself and my family. i hope whoever is elected can make real change in the economy at large and this housing crisis for people like me. >> todd: understood. hope it improves for you, you are in a tough area, it is not cheap up there. we wish you the best. thanks for joining us. tim walz introducing himself to america, leaning heavily on him being a coach and teacher. sgls >> zero political experience and no money running in a deep red district, never underestimate a public school teacher. >> todd: school choice and parents rights, the harris-walz ticket is getting an f. >> carley: abortion palooza, our mom panel is here to respond to
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that coming up next.
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>> todd: the shooter who attempted to assassinate president trump was on several overseas platforms, including germany, new zealand and belgium, according to michael waltz, who is investigating. thomas crooks was shown walking past vendors in the crowd. >> carley: tim walz took the stage to accept the nomination for vice president and took a jab at the trump campaign. >> that is what this is about,
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responsibility we have to our kids, to each other and to the future we're building together in which everyone is free to build the of life they want. [cheering] >> not everyone has that same sense of responsibility. some folks just don't understand what it takes to be a good neighbor. take donald trump and j.d. vance, leaders don't insult people, leaders do the work. i'm ready to turn the page on these guys. >> carley: retired state field candidate for u.s. house of repres representatives joins me now. tim walz spent time talking about neighborly and decency, how did you feel about his message and how he portrayed himself? >> good morning, carley.
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that was the most difficult 17 minutes of my entire life, listening to walz talk to people. pretty much everything he said he's failed to do in minnin m. police departments are decimated, we're paying more for everything. it was hard to listen to him talk to people. we know his record. he's made his own resume. he's not a very honest person. it was tough. >> carley: knowing what you know about him, he's running for v.p., how would he do in that role as second most powerful person in this country? >> that scares me to think guy like this, who everything he's had a leadership role in, teacher failed kids. as teacher and coach, you don't go out drinking and get arrested and chased by police, he failed
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there. national guard, he served. problem is, time to go to be with his men, he let his men and women down at the time he should have been there leading them. and minneapolis burned. there is a joke here amongst police officers, he let minneapolis burn and kamala harris got him out of jail with the freedom fund. >> carley: she asked people to donate to minnesota freedom fund, organization that bailed out rioters who tattacked polic. they bailed out some criminals. among the freed criminals twice convicted male sex offender who went on to assault other women before his rearrest and a man who left a victim with a traumatic brain injury while
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awaiting trial for another felony assault. these are some people that the minnesota freedom fund bailed out. what is your thoughts on that? >> again, typical democrats. walz wants to make minnesota a sanctuary state. he's given drivers licenses to illegal aliens, free healthcare, free education. i was watching your previous guest having a hard time making ends meet yet we have people here illegal ly getting our money. it is dangerous time in minnesota. they have let felons out there and i'm convinced catch and release we have going on in minnesota has led to the huge increase in assaults on police officers and firefighters here in minnesota. it's a bad idea. who in their right mind would
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want to bail out somebody like that. that is one of many stories. quick story. >> carley: go ahead. >> wilmington, minnesota had a guy go into a store and steal something. officers took him to the county jail. there is an officer still in the store making out the report, this guy gets loose and goes in and tries to rob the same store while the officer is in the back room taking the same report, that is how fast they get. >> carley: check in and check out like a hotel. you are running for minnesota house of representatives trying to make a difference. thank you for joining us. >> can i say one more thing? >> nagel for minnesota >> carley: thank you. you got it in there.
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>> todd: national parents group giving kamala harris and tim walz failing grade on school choice despite the two earnings endorsement from america's largest teacher union. invest in education coalition saying vice president harris and walz have given children opportunity to get education of their choice and defended status quo. harris and walz are bank rolled by teacher unions and prioritize special interest over parents and children. tim walz, a former teacher, references education in his speech last night. listen. >> there i was, a 40-something high school teacher with little kids, zero political experience and no money running in a deep red district. you know what, never underestimate a public school teacher. [cheering] >> other states were banning
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books from their schools, we banishing hunger from ours. >> todd: a new jersey mother of two and a california mother of two and a florida mom join me now. ladies, thank you for being here. is it safe to say if harris and walz are endorsed by the largest teachers union that is bad for students? >> 100%. they keep spinning them as top priority for americans and they are ignoring our core value says and what maefrt matters to working moms like myself. addressing massive learning laws that we're facing four years after covid, where is the plan to remedy that disaster caused by government decision to shut down schools. in cedar grove we uncovered what
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was deeply troubling and completely out of step with traditional family values, dei c content. this school issued survey without parental consent and u.s. department of education agreed they violated parental rights. they are fuelling this basic education. >> todd: glad you mentioned dei, you heard tim walz talk about banning books. seems like tim walz and teacher unions fired up about banning porno graphy in school, what is your reaction to that as a mom? >> they should be banning pornography in schools. we have books that are graphic homosexual books in libraries available for young kids to get. nea is sexualizing children down
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to pre-school age. nea is most corrupt organization in the united states, their goal is to separate children from parents. they want to make kids hate america and undermine parental rights and confuse children of their gender and sexuality. they think kids are okay to be a furry. it is sickening to see what is going on with the nea and they are going to endorse harris and walz. they -- i agree, they should have a big f. we need to get, i love brave books, this saturday, august 24, see you at the library, have good character books. kids are the future of america, next teachers and next governors
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and doctors and lawyers and we have lowest education score in the world, one of the lowest. i chose to home school, i knew my children would not get a good education. children are not be ing taught o read and write, they are given a woke leftist agenda. if your kids are going to school, you have to be there and unteach them everything they just learned in public school system. i believe children belong to parents and government overreach has gone too far and government believes children belong to emthis. i believe as a mom, we need to be making decision for children, for education and health decisions. nobody will love a child any more than their parents. >> todd: i agree. >> we're not perfect, we make mistakes. >> todd: you can't go beyond a
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parent's love. >> todd: drag shows and feminist reception and free abortions and v vasectomyshg's. it is coming down to suburban mom voter. is that what you want, is that what suburban mom wants, the drag shows, feminist discussion, abortions and vasectomies. >> i don't think that is what moms want. unfortunately, the dnc was not showing that is what parents want, they were doubling down on past rhetoric like biden-harris administration, they have shown they wanted to do, they did not change course during the dnc, none of the policies i heard they were rolling out were different from what they have
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shown to be. they are doubling down and that tells you where they are and they are ignoring the suburban moms across america and ignoring all moms across america. most of us don't want pornography and certainly abortion and all of these things they are for, most parents don't want these things. they don't care. if you listen to michele obama, i was listening to her speech, it is filled with same exact rhetoric this -- that we've had for last four years. they are not trying to change course. everything they have done has failed. they are like, nope, keep doubling down on this so we know where they stand and we have a choice in november to make sure that we get them out of the white house. >> todd: listen to these women, thank you for your time, we appreciate it. don't listen to this next woman coming up.
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woman hopping the fen,ceinside a zoo enclosure. >> carley: what could possible go wrong? police are looking for her, we have a live report coming up n next. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot.
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please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. i am very proud to partner and align with the international fellowship of christians and jews. this trusted ministry has given christians like me a way to bless elderly jewish people who live in extreme poverty around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again.
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please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering an in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. hey folks, chris counahan here with leaffilter, america's largest gutter and gutter protection company. leaffilter has over 150 locations and has been installed on over a million homes. we've been protecting homes now for over 20 years. our patented technology offers total protection for your home and comes with a lifetime transferable warranty. the process is simple. give us a call to schedule your free gutter inspection. if you decide to move forward with the project, you put nothing down at all. 833 leaffilter or visit today.
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>> todd: stop what you are doing
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and look at this, shocking video shows a woman trying to touch a full-grown tiger in new jersey. chanley painter has details. >> chanley: it happened in bridgeton, new jersey. this unidentified woman climbed over a wooden fifence coming face-to-face with a tiger. the tiger lunged toward her, nea nearly biting her and she yanked her arm away. police want to find her saying this woman tried to entice the tiger. this is violation of city o ordinance. the woman tried to do the same thing in the nearby bear exhibit. one animal keeper says this is unique zoo where you go chlorser than any other zoo, but you
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can't take liberty with that. they get frustrated when this happens and they could hurt someone. city official calling this a careless action, adding, i hope this individual recognizes how lucky they are to still have all their limbing. asking anyone with information to identify or who knows where the whereabouts of this lucky woman to contact police, guys. >> carley: lucky indeed, questionable decision-making to say the least. thank you. dnc began three days ago and there have been 22 shootings in the city of chicago, that includes a five-year-old boy shot yesterday morning while sitting oud. democrats have been silent when it comes to crime happening outside the convention center. pastor cory brooks has done
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fantastic work for children of chicago. he joins us now. there have been a lot of messages about trying to make this country a better place. nobody has talked about vieolene outside the center, why not? >> message of democrats, they love to pay attention to things that do not matter to most of the american public. what matters in chicago is violence we experience everyday. 4% reading proficiency and economy, businesses are leaving and shutting doors. at convention of democrats, you hear racism, project 25 and trump, trump, trump. they never give principles or talk about any progress that is
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going to be made for american citizens. >> carley: kamala harris no stranger to talking about police and policing, here is instance she took four years ago. listen. >> here is the thing. defend the police, issue behind it, we need to reimagine how we are creating safety. for far too long, status quo thinking has been to believe by putting more police on the street, you have more safety. that is wrong. >> carley: now she is saying she is tough on crime. you have a great oped on fox, you call them defend the police politicians, in your city guarded by 75 million of policing and security protection. how do you feel about that? >> yes, that is exactly what i mean when we talk about defending the police.
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trumpeters of that message on democratic party spending upward of 75 million to protect the convention, but they would love to defund the police. they are talking about defund police and have police protection, they say we don't need voter id, but you have to have id to get in the convention center. they do not want a wall around borders but we have a wall around the center. >> carley: pastor, would you want to meet with kamala harris? if so, what would you tell her? >> i would love to, talk about issues we are faced with everyday, crime we are experiencing and love to talk about policy. we've heard a lot about trump and about racism, not yet have we heard about policies going to
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be dealt with in for american citizens, especially immigration, so much silence. love to talk policy, no one knows where she stands. >> carley: chicago needs prayer and positive action, you are doing both those things. god bless. don't go anywhere, we have joe concha, mike huckabee and david w webb coming up. >> todd: stay here for another hour of "fox and friends first," right after this.
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