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tv   America Reports  FOX News  August 22, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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recently j.d. vance that is where the president is going today. and trump is visiting the southern border and has just posted on truth social that he will be meeting with families of victims attacked and murdered by illegal immigrants in the united states and it is worth mentioning again that this is going on simultaneous to -- simultaneously to the vice president kamala harris getting ready to accept her party's nomination tonight. a bit of counter programming, if you will come on this day. i would also add that down at the southern border, this is an area along the gallas arizona were so much fentanyl has come and did not just arizona but the entire country as it fans out from there. distribution by the drug cartels and their mules inside the united states. we will cover every second of it. we are so glad you watched to see our live from dnc. "america reports" now. >> sandra: thank you harris. any moment now vice presidential nominee j.d. vance is going to
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be holding a campaign rally in georgia on border security and immigration as the g.o.p. continues its dnc counter programming on what is now, can you believe it, the final day of the democrats convention. hello and welcome everyone. i am sandra smith in new york. we say this all the time. it flew by john. >> john: you know, i figured the older you get the further down on the accelerator of time your foot goes. days go by in the space of what seems like hours now. i am john roberts in washington and this is "america reports." former president donald trump expected to speak from the border in arizona where he will highlight one of his opponent's biggest vulnerabilities and vice president kamala harris' dismal as the so-called orders are. they harris campaign tried to distance or from that title and persuade voters of her toughness on the issue with a new ad that is running in border states. >> sandra: but it may be a hard sell for voters most impacted by the crisis after millions of migrants have poured into the country under the
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biden-harris administration. house g.o.p. constance chair will be joining us in moments. >> john: we begin with congressional correspondent aishah hasnie who is live in washington, d.c. >> president trump is going to a pretty remote location near tucson, arizona, where he might actually see some active border crossings and then he says on truth social he will be meeting with the families of americans who were killed by illegal aliens under vice president harris' watch. his campaign it is already out heading the biden-harris administration on that new inspector general report that found they lost track of tens of thousands of migrant children. the border is a huge deal to the majority of voters out there. according to a fox news poll 44% of americans described the situation the border as an emergency and another 43% say it is a major problem and they think that trump can do a better job with the immigration issue than harris can't. trump is promising to seal the border day one.
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he wants to activate a historic deportation effort if he is elected meanwhile the harris campaign keeps slamming trump over the failed bipartisan border bill while also referring to her as a border state prosecutor who went after the cartels and i have to tell you that has people who have worked on the border really fired up. >> she has not done anything tough on the border. she has been tough on the border patrol and tough on ice and tough on law enforcement trying to do their job. by the way, we asked for thousands of border patrol agents a few years ago and we got 300. there is nothing that she has done. >> still no policies from the harris team but the democratic party's new platform is endorsing a bill that would allow it millions of illegal immigrants to become lawful perspective immigrants and what that means is that would pave the way for them to achieve citizenship and gain voting rights and we will see him soon enough and he will cap things off in arizona. a swing state with a rally in
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glendale tomorrow. >> john: j.d. vance coming up from georgia. aishah hasnie for us. thank you. >> sandra: let's bring in house g.o.p. conference chair at least a phonic who is a republican new york congresswoman. thank you so much for joining. good to have you on the program. >> great to be with you. >> doesn't make sense from your party as j.d. vance is about to do to be focusing on the border in this counter programming moment to the dnc? >> absolutely. the border and the wide open border under kamala harris as the border czar is one of the top two issues no matter what district. it is the top issue that voters are paying attention to it. kamala harris will be accountable for her failed record. she was designated by president joe biden as his border czar. she owes the millions of illegals that have poured into the country and look at the recent news this week sandra. this is nearly 300,000 miners who have been lost by joe biden
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and calmly harasses failure lost any human trafficking. this is a humanitarian crisis as well as a national security crisis and it's not just the southern border. i represent what is the northern border. we have had a skyrocketing number more than ever before of illegals crossing the northern border including those on the terrorist watch list. it's a national security crisis as well. >> john: just to be clear, i think dhs found there some 360,000 unaccompanied children that have been released into the country. it's about 32,000 that they cannot account for. >> that's not true. if you look back at "the new york times" a year and a half ago it was 90,000 that they could not account for. they cannot account for nearly 300,000. a year and a half it shows that has a most tripled. to try to wipe this under the rug, that is what the dnc is trying to do. trying to wipe away this absolutely catastrophic record. it is a humanitarian crisis and it impacts every district. i will give you two examples in upstate new york.
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there was a 14-year-old minor girl raped find a legal into this country by calmly harasses watch. in syracuse toward the western region of where i represent you had a 21-year-old girl who was killed and buried in a public park, killed by an illegal released under kamala harris' watch and law enforcement found her body in a public park. this is a humanitarian crisis of epic proportion. >> john: there's no question that a lot of unaccompanied children have been released into this country appeared some of them are unaccounted for and they are at risk of falling into child, other kinds of indentures just cannot get a handle on where they are. but in every opportunity former president trump and braces is record at the border and is down there talking about it whereas at every opportunity kamala harris tries to run from hers. supporters and friendly media even insisting she was never appointed as the border czar.
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>> you point out a really important point that voters are paying attention to it. president trump is leaning into his very successful record, leading to the most secure border and modern history. that is why house republicans pass to the secure the border bill. the toughest border security measure certainly in my life thing, certainly since have been in congress and we need to make sure we return to those border policies. it is kamala harris and the democrats who are running as far away as possible from even talking about the issue because it has been an epic failure under her watch as the open border czar. she owns this catastrophe and president trump is correct to highlight this very significant difference between the most secure border under his policies and the catch and release restoring remain in mexico and building a wall verges mass amnesty under kamala harris. >> sandra: i want to ask you where you are on walz, kamala's running mate and whether or not he is misrepresenting his military record. the trump campaign is now sending out this letter from
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dozens of veterans and congress. making this point. i will put some of it up on the screen. this was a letter to tim walz. you have stated you are proud of your service and like any american veteran should be but there is no honor in lying about the nature of your service repeatedly claiming to be a retired command sergeant major when you did not complete the requirements. was not honorable. where are you on this congresswoman? speak out that it's factually accurate. tim walz is trying to take credit for a position he did not have that he did not own and the american people deserve to know that. compare it with j.d. vance who faced multiple deployments and has not embellished his record. tim walz is going to be held accountable. that is what happens when you run for these national offices. it's important for voters to have all of the facts and later this evening i'm going to a veterans event in fulton county in upstate new york and they are
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very concerned with their misrepresentation of tim walz and they strongly support president trump and j.d. vance and that is what they will vote overwhelmingly for president trump in upstate new york. >> john: the harris wall's campaign walk back a statement from 2019 where he said he carried back a weapon of war and were saying he misspoke but now "the new york times" and other saying that when he was a congressman for the district in minnesota he put out a challenge going. in which there was the insignia of command sergeant major emblazoned on it. this photograph is being shared online through different sourcing by the way. there's a number of these coins out there and you can see in the upper left-hand corner that is the command sergeant major insignia. here is what john ratcliffe former acting director of national intelligence said about it. >> this was not just a momentary misrepresentation about his service. he presented a challenge going. i challenge coin is something that we create as political figures that represents who we are and on that he said he was a
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command sergeant major. a rank that he never held and that is why you see veterans so upset about this issue. >> john: i should say the former director not acting. but we have reached out to the campaign to find out what they had to say about it and they have not gotten back to us yet. how are you struck by this idea that there may be a challenge going out there that he gave out when he was a member of congress that would seem to misrepresent the rank that he retired at? >> it is inexcusable and he's exactly right that he put the title that he did not earn. he put the rank that he did not turn and it is important that the american people know that. it is important for elected officials particularly for president and vice president but any number of congress that you not misrepresent what titles you have not earned and that is an affront to so many veterans, so many military retirees across this country. that is why there is so much focus on that. i'm not surprised that the harris kamala campion has not
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responded because there is no answer to that. he misrepresented a rank that he did not arun. >> sandra: always good to have you on the program. come back soon. >> john: see you again. anti-israel protesters making their presence known at the dnc this week and it's just a preview of what is expected later as thousands of protesters will gather to march outside the united stand or while vice president harris formally accepts the democratic nomination tonight. steve harrigan live in chicago. what is expected there this evening? speak out the protest organizers say this will be a huge march. it will shake the city but so far what we have seen on the streets and has not lived up to what they have promised. last night a pretty tame outing at its peak just about 1,000 people no arrests or no violence. but law enforcement experts and veterans say there are some extreme groups who do say that they could profit from acts of violence tonight. >> a win for them is a riot. what they want are the objects.
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they want to foment that unrest. they thrive more on the battle than any victory and that would be i think what they really want. fortunately they are not getting it here. >> since the start of the convention we have seen more than 70 arrests. some of those arrested have been for assaulting police officers. as far as the arrest records go, they show about half of those arrested come from outside the city of chicago, many traveling here from the west coast for this convention. >> john: steve harrigan with the latest from outside the united center. thank you. it's going to be a big night tonight sandra and what a different night than we were expecting just a month ago. >> sandra: day four of the dnc a big night tonight and this is the live shot of that counter programming we have seen all week on the part of the trumpet vance ticket. we are at any moment now expecting to see and hear from j.d. vance. he is due to speak top of the hour as soon as he began speaking we will go to that lives. >> john: looking forward to
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that. in the meantime, this. >> actually do something for the community. >> please do more to keep these criminals and these drug dealers and people that shoot guns off the streets. >> i'm going to be another. and that's not fair. >> sandra: a passionate plea there from family members who lost a loved one to senseless violence in chicago demanding change as the windy city is crowned america's murder capital for the 12th year in a row. "fox & friends" cohost lawrence jones has been doing amazing work on the ground there. he he is on deck to react. >> john: democrats showing the best of chicago at this year's convention but how are the people of the windy city really doing? we will take that up with them. upset stomach iberogast indigestion iberogast bloating iberogast thanks to a unique combination of herbs,
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bring on the good stuff. >> what would be your message to the leaders in the democratic party? >> to actually do something for the community and not just speak on it. >> please do more to keep these criminals, these drug dealers and people that shoot guns off the street. >> they don't know what pain is until they have to go through that. it will always be black-and-white. >> john: democratic officials touting the working policies in the windy city at the dnc this week but as you just heard family members who lost loved ones to senseless violence are calling their bluff. it comes as chicago earns the title of america's murder capital for the 12th straight year. let's bring in lawrence jones who spoke to those impacted by violence. i saw the larger piece that you aired this morning on
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"fox & friends" and there is no words to describe what these families have gone through. >> thank you for having me my friend. i think what we are seeing is the hopelessness in chicago. you talk about the violence in the streets, the drugs on the street, the fact that they have migrants taking over this city with the resources that should go to the people in the community. i was always a little perplexed on why the dnc decided to choose this location when every experiment they want a part of their agenda they have tried in chicago and it just hasn't worked. the most insulting part of it all is this is a city that is in crisis when it comes to the violence in the street. murder after murder every single weekend. last weekend it was five people that were murdered. over 20 people shot. and then you send in the calvary to protect all the rich, the famous come of the well-connected. these people have been begging for years for more resources to have the national guard on
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standby and i guess it just paints the picture that some lives are more important than others. spoon there's no question that there is an immense amount of security. here's the test statistics for chicago. topside cities and murders for 2023. chicago tops with 617. los angeles down there with 328. a much bigger city than chicago as well. and the number of shootings in chicago and deaths since the dnc began, the number of people shot, 27, six people killed, that is after day three of the dnc. these are extraordinary figures. >> the question is do they have joy? do the people that are experiencing this hopelessness as you guys are in a convention talking about the inspiration and how this will be a new movement, your core constituency is struggling and it would be a
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great showing if the people that are leading in that building would get out of their echo chamber, would leave their security detail and would go into these communities for 5 minutes and as they are ducking and diving when bullets are flying, i talked to one woman in that package. you know how many samplers she has lost? five. two sons. she lost her son-in-law and her godson. it's a cycle and you know what she told me is the gunshots are just normal business. her first business now when she hears the gunshots is to see what the kids are. so they can be at least safe. >> john: i saw that interview. she lost three family members in a single day and her son was among them. he was shot by killed by people were 16 and 13 years old. predominantly young african american males are the victims of homicide in chicago appeared 46.4% of them are under 30 years old, 72.2% are black,
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87.9 are male. as we know, our contributor brother christian was killed. in chicago to some degree being young and black, being a young black male is a death sentence. >> you talk about a city that allows criminals back on the street. you have an education system that is broken. they prefer the teachers unions instead of the kids themselves. you have this revolving cycle of death, poverty, and destruction. and you could do the whole talking point of who is in charge but in many cases in chicago the people that are in charge looked just like me. and that goes to the heart of the problem. you can say it's racist. if you want to say this whole institutional justice thing and that but the people that are in control don't seem to care about
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the people that they are entrusted to serve. so there has to be a better way. i went to a barbershop and there's a lot of folks and there. a lot of specifically those saying -- the demographic saying we would give the republicans are shot but they need to be able to message to them. we had donald trump on "fox & friends" and he says he wants to go. if he goes i will meet him there and i would be interested to report back to you on the reception. >> john: you've been doing amazing reporting this week so we look forward to that. lawrence chose for us. see you tomorrow morning. >> sandra: thank you john. live to georgia where j.d. vance is holding a campaign of event and he has been in his opening remarks directly taking on harrison walz and their record on crime. let's listen in. >> a dynamic duo for people who don't like law enforcement, a dynamic duo for people who want to make our streets less safe. i happen to believe in a very common sense principal that we will back the blue and bring public safety back to georgia and back to our country.
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[applause] tim baltz i will say i have been beating up on tim was a little bit. you may have seen this. but tim baltz loves to go around and say that he carried a weapon in war. that's what tim baltz says. and of course all of the veterans out there will know that tim baltz never carried a weapon and more. the closest he went to a war zone was italy which last time i checked was not a war zone but in tim baltz's defense he did let those rioters burned on minneapolis so maybe we should give them a little bit of credit. maybe the combat zone he visited was minneapolis when he was the governor of minnesota. [applause] but let's hear now from a great leader and georgia law enforcement and i want to make sure i get ashley's name right here but we have a great sheriff and ashley polk who has made this community safer. [cheers and applause] and i know he offered a few
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words but if you would, come up and say a few more words about why we need to back law enforcement. give them a round of applause. [cheers and applause] >> kind of a tough job to follow a real marine who went into a real war with a real gun. tough act to follow. as i said earlier, you couldn't find a better guide to save this country. very pro-law enforcement and you know how i feel about that. we are there to work together with them but we have to get out and get these people elected because it is the most important election i've ever been in in my life and it's not even me on the ballot. by the way i did not recognize the person who could really get him elected. where's my wife? the person that's always got me elected. ginger, thank you for what you do. [applause]
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let's all get together and get out and work and care your neighbors to the polls because this is the last chance to save america we will ever have. if we don't do it this time, we will lose it. thank you all. [applause] >> thank you so much sheriff and thank you to your lovely wife are doing what you do. it's very simple here. we have an ability to make this country much safer than it is today. we just need better leadership. we need better leadership at the federal level and in particular because it is the federal government that opened up the southern border and let all of these drug cartels bring the drugs and crime into our communities. and we are not far from where lincoln riley was born and raised. a beautiful, beautiful young girl who would still be alive today if kamala harris had done her job and not let these drug cartels come into our community. [applause]
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and i'm proud and i know president trump is proud to be endorsed by local law enforcement here in georgia but we got good endorsements in wisconsin and pennsylvania. law enforcement knows that donald j. trump is the law and order candidate in the selection and you all have an incredible power to get out to vote and drive people to the polls and make sure he actually becomes the next president of the united states so thank you all for everything you are doing. [cheers and applause] now i want to take a few questions from the media but before i take some questions from the press i want to get a little bit personal here because the sheriffs here did something for me that i have never seen. they took me into the investigation room and showed me some of the stuff they have interdicted over the last few months just here in this community. 50,000 people? small town georgia you would not think is so close to the poison that the drug cartels are bringing into this country but every town as a border town and every state as a border state
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because of the policies of kamala harris. you have sheriffs behind me that are doing everything they can to keep our community safer but they need a federal government that makes their job easier and not harder. i have to tell you, i have three little kids but i have a 7-year-old boy, a 4-year-old boy, at a 2-year-old girl. what they showed me were boxes of candy that looked like nerds. looked like sour patch kids. it looked like snickers bars. they are boxes of candy that are actually dangerous drugs and why do the drug cartels manufacture them like that? because they wanted to hide them from law enforcement. and we know what will happen is if a pack of that candy finds its way into our communities or into our playgrounds, some kid through no fault of their own is going to pick up a piece of candy and it will take their lives from them and i don't want that to be my child and i don't want it to be your child either. and that is why we have to fight to change leadership in this election. think about how sick you would
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have to be to manufacture drugs that look like a children's candy and think about how sick kamala harris has to be to let those people do business and our country instead of throwing them out of our country which is exactly what we should be doing. [cheers and applause] this is a disgrace, ladies and gentlemen. this is a disgrace born of our own failed leadership and we can do so much better. one of my favorite speeches at the rnc speech, while my most favorite speech was my wife's speech. she did one heck of a job. [applause] thank you. but beyond my wife, one of my most favorite speeches, and it was a sad speech. you had a beautiful young mother talking about her handsome young kid and he was maybe 14 years old. this kid lost his life because he took something that he should not have taken but it was laced with fentanyl. and i remember watching this mom speak and i remember thinking to myself, don't we want our kids to grow up in communities where they can make the mistakes that
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all kids make and they can learn from it rather than have it become a death sentence? we all know we either have kids or all of us were kids at one point. we all know that kids are going to get into stuff that parents and grandparents don't want them to get into. that is a part of growing up in this country. but when i grew up, even though i grew up in a poor family, even though i grew up in a neighborhood that was not always easy, i knew if i made a mis mistake, it would it take my life. and that is what the policies of kamala harris have taken from our children and have taken from our neighborhoods. we have to get back to the kind of country where kids can make childhood mistakes and the mexican drug cartels are not going to be there to take advantage of them and that's what this election is ultimately about. we know kids are not always going to be perfect but let's build the kind of georgia, let's build the kind of country where our kids can learn and grow. we will do it together but only
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if you get us across the finish line in georgia. this is one of the most important states in the union. it always has been but especially in the selection of 2024 so my request is very simple. to everything you can. get your friends and family and your neighbors to the polls. remind that person who sometimes votes but sometimes doesn't that it is there a time to get to the polls in 2024 and vote for donald trump. if you have a little extra time. [cheers and applause] if you have a little time go down to the g.o.p. headquarters knock on some doors and make some phone calls. the people who determine whether donald j. trump becomes an ex-president is not the media, it's not that dishonest leadership of the democratic party. it is us. donald trump is the people's president but only if we do the work to make it so. god bless you guys and let's get to work. we have 75 days to make donald j. trump the next president and we will do it together. god bless you all.
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[cheers and applause] thank you. thank you sir. i appreciate it. now let's take some questions from the media and here's what i would ask. first of all, if it's a fake news anchor, i would appreciate you just letting them ask their question. it's okay paired we can run them out of town after they ask a question. i'm kidding. but what i would ask as we start with local georgia reporters because we want to make sure that the local reporters get an opportunity to ask some questions. i will take a few from local reporters and then a few from the national press and then we will go from there. local georgia reported. throw your hand in the year and i will call on you. >> [inaudible] >> the question is what are some policies that will affect rural america and certainly rural south georgia. i think the first and most important thing is rural america has been affected by this terrible poison the drug cartels are bringing in as much as
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anybody. we have to close down the border and stop the cartels from bringing this poison into our communities. we need to reimplement basic law and order and public safety policies because i believe whether you live in a big city or a small rural area, whether you are black or white, rich or poor, public safety is the birthright of every american citizen and if we do that, rural america will benefit more than anybody else and the final point i will make is we know that our rural areas, our schools are overstressed and sometimes underfunded. our local hospitals don't have enough resources. we have seen massive closures in rural hospitals over the past few years in this country. what makes rural hospitals not financially viable? it is when you bring in millions of illegal aliens into your country and you give them free health care paid for by american taxpayers. i want american citizens to benefit from our great health care system and i want american taxpayers to support their fellow countrymen, not people who don't deserve to be
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here in the first place. ma'am. >> [inaudible] >> thank you. i can hear you. >> how do you respond to democrats that have said they have tried unsuccessfully on capitol hill to pass a bill and trump and republicans are to blame question marks bigoli appreciate that question peered for those you that can't hear it how do we respond to democrats that couldn't pass that bill. i was there in the senate when they tried to pass that border security bell and it had nothing to do with border security. and had to do with codifying a lot of the executive orders of kamala harris and joe biden that actually further open to the southern port appeared for example the policy of catch and release. this is where a person comes into our country, they claim asylum, and then they are released into our country with no follow-ups. sometimes they don't come back for five years, sometimes they don't come back for ten years.
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kamala harris and joe biden implemented check and release through executive order. the border security package would've made catch and release the law of the land. even if you would've had a guy like donald trump come in he can't undo it because congress has codified one of the worst open batter policies in america. everybody with an ounce of common sense knows that when kamala harris became president she said -- vice president, she said i want to suspend deportations and she did. i want to stop donald trump's remain a mexico policy and she did. the reason why we have an open border is because kamala harris undid the policies of donald j. trump. we bring donald j. trump back and we bring those policies back and we will get border security but you need to have a president that wants to do this stuff. [cheers and applause] thank you all. georgia. yes, sir, please ask your question. >> [inaudible] >> i don't think the microphone
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is on but that's okay. just talk loud. that's a chinese made microphone. this is an american-made microphone. [laughter] >> [inaudible] >> first of all why sell georgia? we love south georgia and we need to do well in south georgia peered we want people here to feel love and make sure we are thinking of them because we wone without them. what is unique about south georgia and the effect of policies of kamala harris is the wide open southern border because you have that intersection of i-10 and i-75 year very close by, it creates a lot of space for the drug traffickers and for the sex traffickers and the human
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traffickers. you have crime happening in this beautiful small town that would've never happen if kamala harris had actually done her job. i think it's important to remind people that the wide open southern border has had a very direct consequence even as far away from texas as south georgia and i think it's important to remind people of that and to make the point that if we get the leadership of donald j. trump back we will have a secured southern border. we won't have drugs in our kids playgrounds that look like children's candy. we will have real law and order but we need to get better leadership in order to get it. [applause] yes, sir. yes, sir,, and they had all the way in the back. >> what are your policies going to be for veterans and they care of veterans? >> i appreciate you asking that. how many veterans do we have here? let's think the veterans for their service. we have a lot of veterans. god bless you all.
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one of the great policy achievements of the trump administration that people don't talk enough about but our veterans know exactly what i'm talking about is that he promoted choice in the va health care system. one of the main ways when i got out of the marine corps the main way i had health care because i could not afford it otherwise was through the va health care system. you have great people working at the va but sometimes especially in our rural areas you have a lot of veterans were setting on the phone for three hours trying to get an appointment who cannot get an appointment. donald trump change that more than any president of my lifetime. he vaped veterans choice in the health care system and that was a huge achievement and something the media does not talk enough about. the other thing donald trump dead is again, you have 95% of the people in the va who are great patriots who are doing a great job and i think my veterans here would back me up on that. but like every bunch of a few bad apples and you need to be able to fire the bad apples to allow the good apples to do their job. what donald trump did is engage
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in some real bureaucracy reform that made it possible for us to fire the small number of bad va employees so that the good va employees could be empowered to take care of our veterans and that's how it should work and donald trump deserves a lot of credit for that. we will go back to that because i did a veterans event in pennsylvania a few days ago and the biggest complaint i heard from those veterans was under kamala harris' policies are a lot of that pro veteran and pro-choice reform had disappeared over the last couple of years. let's bring it back and give veterans more choice and shorten those wait times and actually keep our promise to our veterans as we must. [applause] do you have a question? >> thank you for taking questions. do you think it is time for governor walls and kamala harris to actually do a press conference and do an interview with the media? >> i think it's time. don't you all? [cheers and applause was bracket. >> it is such a cool thing to be
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able to run as donald trump's running mate and to ask these wonderful people to be there vice president of the united states. it's an amazing honor aside from being a dad to those three babies and a husband to my wife. the greatest honor of my entire life is standing up here and being able to run to be the next vice president of the united states. but it's not something. at such a cool thing, it's not just a wonderful thing, though it is, i am asking you all for something that is quite profound. it is to be the vice president of the most powerful nation in the world and one of the most important times of our history. if you want to get that kind of job and you are asking the american people to give you that kind of job, i think you need to interview for that job. there are a lot of... [applause] there are a lot of jobs that are less important than vice president of the united states where we expect people to interview before they get a promotion. kamala harris is asking the american people for a promotion but she refuses to talk to them before. think about it. every single event kamala harris
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does she has a teleprompter in front of her and i think the reason is because kamala harris cannot explain why she wanted to defund the police peered kamala harris can't explain why she suspended deportations on day one. kamala harris can't explain why she cast the deciding vote on the inflation explosion act that made the price of groceries and housing so expensive for normal american citizens all over this country. and because she can't answer those questions, she has running from the american people but my asked, whether you are democrat or republican, whether you agree with donald trump on all of the issues or most of the issues or you disagree with them on most of the issues, at least donald trump is who he is and he respects the american people enough to go out and earn their vote instead of being expected to be given their vote. [applause] we will just do a couple more. any other georgia folks who haven't asked a question before we go on? we will do a couple national.
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sir. >> senator, former lieutenant governor spoke at the dnc had some words about the former president. we also know that brian kemp has also had some tough things to say about the former president. what is your reaction to these top republicans from the state having reservations about the president and telling other republicans to dump trump? >> look. first of all. of course tim walls will attack donald trump because he doesn't have a record to stand on. what i found very interesting, did anybody watch tim baltz's speech? i was going to lose a lot of respect for you if you said yes. if you watch tim walz's speech, it's part of my job so i had to come at you know he never did? he never once that i know we have some train was in the background so i will try to be loud. that is the trump train. that's right ma'am. god bless you. [cheers and applause]
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what tim walz never once said is kamala harris accomplished this thing that lowered the cost of housing. kamala harris accomplished this thing that lowered the cost of groceries peered kamala harris accomplished this thing that made america more peaceful and more secure and he couldn't saye kamala harris has caused to the very policies that have made americans lives worse over the last few years. kamala harris because the open border and because the inflation crisis. it is telling that a person who has been vice president for three and a half years, her argument and the argument of her surrogates is we will do things better when i get power. she has had power for three and a half years and she made everything worse. that is the most simple and obvious fact of tim walz's speech. he can't run on the record because the record is bad. i talked to brian kemp very briefly earlier today and i read the headlines. brian kemp and donald trump have had some disagreements and i'm 100% guaranteeing you that brian kemp is behind this ticket.
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he wants us to win because he believes the policies of kamala harris are disastrous for this country and he's exactly right about that. i'm glad to have the governor's support, i'm glad to have any democrat at any independent and any moderate republican or conservative republican. we want anybody who believes in common sense to join the trump train because that's what's going to save the country. [cheers and applause] and we will do one more question from the national folks. anybody else have a question? >> thank you senator. i wanted to ask you another aspect of the dnc speeches yesterday was the human aspect of immigration. they had one of t the doctor recipients speak. as a husband of someone who is a daughter of immigrants, how do you look at the deportation plan that trumbull put in place specifically the detention of families and children? >> let me say three things about this. first, i am married to the daughter of immigrants to the country. i am married to the daughter of
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legal immigrants to this country. people who respect of the enough to follow the rules before they came and that's very important. [applause] and by the way i love my wife more than anything in this world. i am so grateful that her family came here it but i'm also grateful that they came here in the right way and built a life in this country the right way. that really matters. you can't reward people for breaking the laws. if their first act of introduction to this country is to break the law, you can't reward them for that or you will just encourage more lawbreaking. this is my second point. you hear democrats say this a lot and a couple of speakers in the democratic convention say donald trump wants to separate families. and i don't know how they can say that with a straight face given that i just heard from a sheriff earlier today that they caught two kids who were being basically kidnapped by the mexican drug cartels to help those drug cartels facilitate the sale of illegal drugs into our communities. what happened to those kits? where are their parents? i guarantee our government does
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not know because our government under the policies of kamala harris has lost thousands of innocent children to sex trafficking, to drug trafficking, to human trafficking. the party that believes in separating parents from their children is kamala harris because that is what the open border has done peered and separated american citizens from their children, it separated a lot of illegal aliens from their children. it is not good either way. because of one group of people we can all agree i don't blame these poor children who were being sex trafficked and drug traffic by the mexican drug cartels but i don't want to pursue policies that will make it easier for drug cartels to take advantage of those children. we ought to pursue policies that will make it harder on those drug cartels peered go to war against the drug cartels and not facilitate the sex trafficking and drug trafficking. the final point i would say about this is look. our message to illegal aliens who have come into the country by breaking our laws is yes, if you came into this country illegally donald trump and i are going to work to send you home
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because that is what is required if you want to have a real border policy. [applause] and our message to everybody who wants to come to the country is come through the right channels because as soon as possible i harris is booted out of office, and it will happen in a few short months, as soon as kamala harris is booted out of office we are not open for business to illegal aliens or the mexican drug cartels anymore. that is our solemn promise to the american people and we are very serious about it. [applause] since that is the last question from the press and i know we have to get on the road here, let me just say a word of gratitude to all of you and to our law enforcement. we really believe and what you do. we believe your work is sacred and important. we are grateful to you for doing it, we are grateful for you putting your lives on the line to make us safe and in a few short months, president donald drake trump will make your life easier not harder. god bless you guys peered let's
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work to get it done. thank you all in good to see you. [cheers and applause] >> sandra: j.d. vance speaking there live in georgia peered another campaign stop focused on the border. focused on crime. hitting the harris walz take it many different ways and speaking to a crowd at times friendly. tough to decipher whether sometimes it was reporters in the crowd or just folks that were there to support the ti ticket. did take questions. >> john: and use on the split screen there right along the border in arizona were from president trump is expected to give remarks coming up in our next hour. it's all about immigration this afternoon as we watched the trump advance campaign on the road counter programming the dnc. we will see what kamala harris says tonight if anything about immigration because it has mostly been happy talk at the dnc as opposed to tackling any issues. >> sandra: and poll after poll
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shows that is top of mind for so many voters on both sides of the aisle. meanwhile roderick f kennedy jr. could end his independent bid as soon as tomorrow. their plans are him to endorse president trump in his address in arizona. he is speaking of miles away from her former president trump is set to campaign. how would that endorsement impact the race? i believe we will bring in 80 pavlovich if she is available to us right now. there she is. katie, we are told we were having a little bit of hard time with a shot. glad to have you. first off, we did hear that rfk jr. could be ending his white house bid and could endorse trump. how would this affect the race? >> i don't think you can say it won't have any impact. if you look at the latest polling on the swing states where it really matters the most in terms of gaining electoral votes, where robert f. kennedy
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is taking a significant percentages of the vote. for example let's start in arizona where you are discussing both of these candidates will be speaking. he gained 6% of the vote in arizona. if you were to endorse trump he could push him over the edge in that state. in pennsylvania where trump and harris are tied, he is taking about 4% of the vote. that could also help trump get over the edge. in places that are not necessarily in play for the election but could be with popular governor and with kennedy's help as it virginia. harris and trump are tied there and kennedy has an 8% poll in that state. nationally there's a new harris poll that came out that says if robert f. kennedy jr. were to get out of the race, trump would go over the top and terms of 5% beating kamala harris. certainly the harris campaign is downplaying his ability to really help donald trump but it would help in terms of getting some of those voters who are disenfranchised with the democrats over to trump's side. >> sandra: considering that,
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this was the former president on fox news earlier this morning on rfk jr. possibly getting out. listen. >> i have known him for a long time. as you know he's a little different kind of a guy. very smart guy and a very good person. if he endorsed me, i would be honored by it. i would be very honored by it. he really has his heart in the right place but he goes around saying he would've beaten biden in the primary and there's a good chance. what they did to him was what they did to biden. they really were harsh and threw him out. they wouldn't let him go to the vote. they made it impossible for him to compete in primaries because he was doing so well. speech or what they did to him they did to biden. i want your thoughts on that before we let you go. >> if you listen to what rfk jr.'s vice presidential candidate nicole shanahan has been saying over the past couple of days in terms of why would they endorse donald trump, they are very frustrated with the law
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fair campaign that the democrats have launched against their campaign in terms of trying to take them off of ballots in the primary and the general election. they are very concerned about parental rights, about the border. they have a lot in common with the trump campaign when it comes to these issues of logistically crying to get on ballots across country but also on issues. they are thinking of how they can benefit their base but also they are saying they will be honest about trying to find common ground with the trump campaign and pushing him potentially over the edge as it comes to endorse him on friday. these elections are going to be decided by possibly less than a percentage point between harris and trump so every vote counts and if the kennedy faction of disenfranchised democrats can help him get over the top there is no doubt they will try to find issues they agree on and push it out to the american people who are still making their decisions. >> sandra: as you heard it trump in his own words he would be honored if that endorsement
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does indeed come. katie, thank you. >> great to see you sandra. >> john: we have been hearing an awful lot of country music at the dnc. a genre that the democrats now seem to welcome. the party also embracing camouflage hats with the name of democratic ticket emblazoned and bright orange paired hunting orange on the front. it seems to point toward the party trying to reclaim rural and southern identity that it has long ignored. let's bring in kennedy host of the fox news podcast kennedy sees the world peered she joins us live from the dnc. here's what rolling stone had to say about this. camel hats at the dnc paired the
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democrats finally embracing country music. there are blue voters in the red states if you get them to the polls but you need to speak or sing their language to get them there. we are even seeing the checks formally known as dixie singing the national anthem tonight. >> it's will. they are the worst. but the musical acts have been very good. and it's smart of them because they need to appeal to some of these independent voters. voters who have felt disenfranchised by both parties and a lot of those people tend to live and rural parts of the country. they have ignored them. they have not only ignored them, the democrat party, the establishment of the democrat party has demonized to these people for so long. for many of them it is too little, too late and it is a token gesture. but i love the camel hats. i have to say some of the gear is fantastic. their ideas, they sound like garbage when you can actually access them.
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very, very light on policy here. heavier on feelings and there is so much manufactured joy they could bottle it and use it to wash dishes. >> sandra: kennedy, it's always good to have you on. good to see you there. this was j.d. vance who we just heard from a moment to go there in georgia. this was earlier. he was reacting to those camel hats that you see they are the dnc. speak out they are distributing cannot hats with kamala harris' name on them. that is there a strategy for appealing to rural voters and veterans as a camo hat with kamala harris' name on it. speak to your response? >> i don't know that the vice president has spent a lot of time in a deer blind. i know she has talked quite a bit about confiscating assault weapons. i don't really know if she has a great definition for that ei
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either. i doubt that she realizes the connection between that kind of outdoor camo and people who use firearms for hunting and self protection in this country. >> sandra: kennedy, thank you so much. i appreciate you joining us. >> john: thank you kennedy. enjoy the checks tonight. i know you are looking forward to it. >> sandra: thank you again kennedy. meanwhile former president trump headed to the border today in arizona. one of the hot spots for illegal crossings as we know. we will be speaking live to governor greg abbott of the great state of texas on a white border cities are facing on a daily basis. plus democrats trying to show the best of chicago at the convention this week but as crime rattles that city, are they telling the whole story? we will ask brian kilmeade who will be joining us, former clinton aided and richard fowler, all of them coming up.
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