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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 23, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> todd: kamala harris officially accepting the democratic nomination for president of the united states. a speech where she tries to rebrand herself after spending three plus years as vice president. >> i accept your nomination to be president of the united states of america. [cheering] >> our president, joe biden. [cheering] >> when i think about the path that we have traveled together, joe, i'm filled with gratitude. our nation with this election, has a precious, fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism and devicive battles of the past, a chance to chart a new way forward. >> carley: on the other side of the aisle, former president
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trump is not letting voters forget kamala can get things done now, if she wanted to. he is rallying in arizona with all eyes on possible endorse ment from r.f.k. jr. this is friday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. let's get to brooke singman. brooke. >> brooke: good morning. vice president kamala harris formally accepting the democratic nomination for president on the last night of the dnc. promising to chart a new way forward. >> i mobilized 50 countries to defend against putin's aaggression. as president, i will stand strong with ukraine and nato allies. president biden and i are
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working to end this war such that israel is secure, hostages are released and suffering in gaza ends and the palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom and self-determination. i fought against the cartels who traffic in guns, and drugs and human beings, who threaten security of our border and safety of our communities. building that middle class is defining goal of my presidency. >> brooke: harris attacking former president trump as she attempts to rebrand herself in the pitch to the american people. >> compare that to donald trump. i think everyone here knows he does not fight for middle class. he does not fight for middle class, he fights for himself and his billionaire friends. donald trump believes a border
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deal would hurt his campaign. so he ordered his allies in congress to kill the deal. this election is not only the most important of our lives, it is one of the most important in the life of our nation. in many ways, donald trump is an unserious man. consequences of putting donald trump back in the white house are extremely serious. >> brooke: former president trump fresh off visit to arizona-mexico border reminding americans that harris is currently in the white house and has had years to get things done. >> biggest reaction is why did she not do the things she's complaining about. we are going to do this and that
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and everything, she did not do any of it. she could do it 3-1/2 years ago. she can go do all of the thingses, many of the things she's complaining about. a lot of complaining. >> brooke: trump listing several issues harris did not mention in her speech. listen. >> she did not talk about china, did not talk about fracking, did not talk about crime, did not talk about 70% of people are living in poverty. she did not talk about housing, child trafficking she allowed to happen because she was border czar. >> brooke: new poll shows trump leading harris. >> carley: come back, get some rest. >> brooke: one more hour. >> carley: party of night owls.
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thank you. former president trump and independent candidate r.f.k. jr. will be heading to arizona today. kennedy withdraws from the arizona state ballot. >> todd: what could happen next? madeleine rivera has details. >> madeleine: good morning. r.f.k. jr. decision to withdraw from arizona state ballot is raising speculation he could end his presidential bid soon. early friday morning, revealing paperwork kennedy, shanahan and their 11 electors filed. can appear on the ballot in the state, signatures have come under scrutiny because some were gathered by a super pac, which is banned. earlier this week, shanahan suggested campaign may be open to ending their bid and joining
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forces with former president trump to priest kamala harris from winning. trump's campaign is teasing a special guest they say will join at the rally in arizona today. trump says he would welcome his endorsement. >> had a great relationship with him over the years. i respect him. he respects me. i have no idea if he's going to endorse me. he has a news conference. we are in the same state, it is possible we will discuss it. he was treated unfairly by democrats. he would have beaten joe biden in a democratic primary. no doubt about it. they made it impossible for him. you have to get 60 to 70% of the vote to get in. democrats did the same thing to joe biden, they threw joe biden out of the party. >> madeleine: trump said he would consider kennedy playing a role in his administration if he
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drops out and endorses him. >> todd: it could be beyonce. >> carley: love to see that, todd. where is she? all right, madeleine rivera live in wash ush wa. thank you. bring in host of undivided podcast brandi cruz. a lot of reaction coming in regarding kamala harris' speech. it does not matter what republicans or democrats think about it. all that matters is that small group of undecided voters in about eight states. how do you think the speech landed with them? >> i was undecided until about mid-july. having recently done undecided, i learned kamala harris can read a teleprompter and be whoever she needs to be to win.
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bottom line. i'll be impressed with kamala harris if she can do a news interview, a real press conference and put out policy proposals that make sense and are in line with anything the administration has done over last 3-1/2 years. >> carley: you may agree with the "wall street journal" editorial board, mrs. harris attempted to layout a vision, mostly empty platitudes. she will solve the housing crisis without saying how or why there is crisis on her watch. she will reduce taxes to impose price controls. many in the media, who should have the most critical eye when it comes to vague political promises and political speeches, said she did phenomenal yesterday. listen to this. >> you will remember where you
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were when you heard this speech from the vice president of the united states. this is an inflection point. >> she has a char as mattic personality, that was fierce how she delivered that. >> party poopers know we legalize fun, we put party back in the democratic party. >> very powerful speech. go back to barack obama 2008 for democratic speech like this. >> emotion and feeling down here is -- i don't know, seven-year-old birthday party, how i put it. joy and not a lot of thinking, a good time. >> carley: media clearly have her back, she is not answering questions. how does the trump campaign combat this? >> it can't. continue what he's done, go directly to the american people. i'm a late comer to donald trump. i voted for clinton and i will vote for donald j trump, not
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with overwhelming joy. i'm from seattle, i live in seattle for 15 years. i have seen kamala harris' brand can do to a state. i don't wish west coast progressivism on our enemies let alone my family in minnesota, my friends where i went to college in nebraska, my sister in florida. i don't want them to suffer like we do in organization and california. this is embarrassing, having been a former journalist, now i do commentary. i expect opinion. i won't name the network, i was watching a network that is not supposed to be opinion, they could not muster one critical thing to say and donald trump speech was not fantastic at the
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rnc, but he is doing who he is. not shedding exoskeleton to run for president. >> carley: potential wild card in the mix is r.f.k. jr. he will make a speech later today in arizona. many people expect he will drop out and potentially endorse donald trump. if he does both things, what happens? how does that factor into the race? >> if you are trying to fight the system like r.f.k. jr. clearly was and is, then that is the clear alliance. democrats are the system. i feel bad for r.f.k. jr., that is what he's going to do, in terms of move toward independents. the two -party system is destroying this country. he sees stakes in november, as i do and many americans do. i think they see how close it is
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and are concerned it could be a president kamala harris and everything that comes along with that. we'll see what happens. i think arizona, pretty good assign he's not running and based on comments from his vice presidential contender nicole shanahan, it is pretty clear they are going to back trump nicole shanahan said democrats bankrupt underpinning of democracy. democrats point to january 6, as visual as that was, democrats are doing exactly that. in washington state, democrats tried to keep not one, two presidential opponents off the ballot, donald trump and r.f.k. jr. tell me that is not an attack on democracy. >> carley: you speak for many independent voters out there. thank you.
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>> todd: shedding an exoshgskeleton. fox news alert. anti-israel protesters raging outside dnc through the end, burning the american flag and fighting with police officers, who had to call for backup to reinforce the perimeter after protesters broke through security fening earlier in the week. meanwhile, aoc is slamming dnc after no palestinian americans were invited to address the convention. just as we must honor humanity of hostages, so too 40,000 palestinians killed under israeli bombardment. this is dehumanization of palestinians. dnc must change force and confirm our shared humanity. crime running rampant in chicago during the dnc. 35 people shot and seven killed since start of the dnc five days
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ago. a texas delegate was robbed at gunpoint while in town for the dnc. two men in ski masks swiped his wallet and hotel key. detectiveses are investigating. kamala harris not the only speaker last night. >> california, kendrick lamar reminded us, we got to pop out and shoem. pop out and vote. >> todd: rapper named lamar, wonder if they know each other. will kamala's joyful vibes impact down ballot races? the republican running in that race is here next. >> carley: congressman jeff van dru, joe concha and tyrus are here. keep it on "fox and friends first."
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- today, 9 million kids in america are considered food insecure, meaning there may not be a lot of dinner at the dinner table. help change a kid's life. support your local food bank. the more you know. >> carley: california governor gavin newsom is defending kamala harris' flip flops in new interview with bret baier and tries to gloss over the vice president's last 3-1/2 years in office. last three years have been difficult. trump administration, covid.
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>> incumbent that is biden-harris. >> just coming out of this recession. >> you are erasing the last 3-1/2 years. >> it is more directional, it has been challenging for many years even before biden-harris were elected. >> fracking, immigration, medicare for all, will she explain that for us? >> she has a record i'll put up. compare the accomplishments to infrastructure to four years of trump administration? >> carley: president biden is on vacation in newsom's home state of california. fact he is on vacation is not getting enough attention. >> speaks volumes. who is running our country? kamala harris acceptance speech ended the dnc. we heard from shamari, who
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really wants to make sure voters head to the polls. >> listen, america, california poll kendrick lamar reminded us we got to pop out and show them. america, it is time we pop out and vote. pop out from california to alabama and across america and show them that we are not going back, we are go ing forward and going forward with kamala harris as next president of the united states of america. >> todd: republican caroline dobson and running in that race and joins me now. what did you think of your opponent's speech at the dnc? >> it was part of a greater message from the elite democrats, far left democrats that now control the party that was totally separate from reality. they talk about all these pro
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problems they themselves created. not just the past 3-1/2 years, they have been in power for 12 of the last 16 years. my opponent did not mention solutions, just like kamala harris, we don't know what her policies are beyond price control and increasing taxation and reckless government spending. continue to kill opportunity for american families and alabama families in second congressional district. >> todd: you would assume that donald trump was the incumbent president acting like the last 3-1/2 years were his fault, when i'm told joe biden and kamala harris were in charge last 3-1/2 years. your opponent was deputy chief of staff to merrick garland appointed by one joe biden. how does that play in carolina?
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>> it shows my opponent is truly out of touch. i'm running to fight for alabama families. i live in alabama, my husband and i are raising our girls in alabama. i spent everyday of this campaign talking to voters. whether republican or democrats, they are realizing that the policies of the biden-harris figures administration have failed up. they have wrecked our economy, flung open our borders, made our communities less safe. this district does not want a far left progressive washington insider to maintain status quo. they want a tireless advocate will who fight to make their communities safer and more prosperous and i'm the candidate to do that. path to maintaining republican control runs through alabama's second congressional district.
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>> todd: your lace is one of the top 10 to watch because it is in newly drawn swing district. unclear how it will go. does kamala harris at the top help or hurt your opponent? final thoughts? >> i think kamala at the top of the ticket with far left progressive policy, being source of problem of where we are now and my opponent be ing part of that administration. he was a deputy to merrick garland and part of biden's transition team that flung open our border, shut down the keystone pipeline. his endorsement of kamala harris last night shows how out of touch he is with voters, both republican and democrat. we want opportunities for our families, we want safer communities and i'll fight for folkses in alabama's second congr
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congressional district. >> todd: we'll be watching. thank you. this promise kamala made to our military last night. >> i will fulfill our sacred obligation to care for our troops and their families and i will always honor and never disparage their service and their sacrifice. >> carley: how is that sitting with the families of service members killed in afghanistan? one gold star father is here to tell us next. ♪ is why i'm delaying ♪ ♪ i heard i had a choice ♪ ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪ -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! -actually, he's a box. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪
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cannot look at men they are not related or married to. taliban celebrated three years in power after biden's disastr disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. >> carley: kamala harris laid out her foreign policy credentials during her speech last night. listen. >> as vice president, i have confronted threats to our security, negotiated with foreign leaders, strengthened our alliances and engaged with brave troops overseas. as commander-in-chief, i will ensure america always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world. [cheering] >> and i will fulfill our sacred
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obligation to care for our troops and their families and i will always honor and never disparage their service and their sacrifice. >> carley: americans remember the afghanistan withdrawal that killed 13 servicemembers, which kamala harris said she played a role in. >> president biden always said he wanted you to be last person in the room, particularly for big decisions, as he was for president obama. he made a big decision in afghanistan, were you the last person in the room? >> yes. >> you feel comfortable? >> i do. >> carley: here to respond is gold star fath er of a -- good morning to you both. we are glad to have you here and on together. you just organized ceremony to honor kareem and several other
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servicemembers, which we will talk about in a moment. listening to kamala harris' speech last night and talking about foreign policy credentials, what do you think about that? >> thank you for having me. i can tell you from experience that definitely kamala harris will never honor or give any kind of grace to the service and sacrifice of any of the armed services soldiers that would be in any fight or anything from the future because she has not ex extended that to us or any of the other 13 families that were killed in the abby gate bombing. >> carley: she said it is her sacred obligation to care for our troops and families. did kamala harris ever reach out
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or speak to her in the days after that happened? >> absolutely not. joe biden was there for the dover dignified trans fer and it was anything but dignified. he was there and she was not. if she was the last person in the room and looking at the optics of the evacuation, as a mother, she had a duty to talk sense into joe biden and tell him, this is not right. this will cause a catastrophe and we might lose lives. she you believe didded down and undorsed him and said, i was last person in the room. now you own it, kamala. >> carley: the withdrawal from afghanistan was a massive policy failure and she wants to be commander-in-chief.
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just because time has passed does not mean decisions made don't matter today. do you think we should trust her when it comes to foreign policy and national security? >> absolutely not. she's already demonstrated she is untrust worthy and issue was not we withdrew, it was the manner in which we withdrew. to leave weapons and equipment there to the taliban and also to get into china's hand. it was totally chaotic, unorganized. it was like amateur hour and it resulted in 13 servicemembers dying, four of which from our state of california and no one to blame but biden and kamala harris and to date they do not accept responsibility. joe biden denied any service members died under his watch. to add insult to injury, the
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families are in pain and to have leaders not dignify or acknowledge their los or culpability is outrageous. >> is that why you honored kareem and three others from california? >> yes, we are up the three-year anniversary, it is election year and people need to know elections have consequences. we are electing next commander-in-chief of armed services. president trump demonstrated how to competently withdraw. he withdrew from syria, it was done safely. you have biden and harris who had this disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan and just days after they blew up a car with an innocent family to scapegoat and say we got the bombers.
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it was disgusting. >> carley: innocent family died, guy putting water in his car and children died. steve, quickly to you, what did yesterday mean having your son honored at the california state capitol house? >> it meant a lot to me. the recognition ceremony that was put on by the assemblyman was incredible. the fact he put it together, there was solidarity across party lines. that was incredible. everyone came up to me and thanked me for my son's services, democrats and republicans. it was beautiful and something that should have been done three years ago. i'm glad it happened yesterday.
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>> carley: we'll always remember what happened and the service of kareem and the 12 others. steve and assemblyman, thank you for joining us, we appreciate you. >> todd: arizona police arrested man who made threatening posts targeting trump on social media. he had warrants out for his arrest, dui, felony hit and run and failing to register as a sex offender. trump says he was not aware until a reporter told him about it. he insists he has a job to do. >> i have heard it is dangerous. i have a job to do. the reason is, i want to do things that are very bad for the bad guys. i have heard it is unsafe to make this trip and people did
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not want me to make it. >> todd: trump will hold a rally later today, more coming up throughout the show. former president visiting the arizona border yesterday and after his visit kamala harris made the case, she is the one to secure the border and crack down on border crime. listen. >> i fought against the cartels who traffic in guns and drugs and human beings, who threaten the security of our border and the safety of our communities. i know the importance of safety and security at our border. we can create an earned pathway to citizenship and secure our border. >> todd: jonathan fahey, former ice drirector and former prosecutor and he joins me now. if we take kamala at her word
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that she was tough on cartels. why did she not show that to toughness during the last 3-1/2 years when she was border czar? >> it is so laughable. i'm certain that cartels want kamala elected, not donald trump. they have opened the border and let in mu man human smuggling and drugs. it's a joke. she talks about the pathway to citizenship, the yean game for this. bring as many illegal aliens into the country and give them citizenship, they view them as future voters. that will encourage more people to come across. this idea she was tough on border or tough on drug cartels is laughable 678 we have 3-1/2 year track record where this administration has been greatest
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friend to drug traffickering and cartels and human smugglers. if elected, it will green light policies going on for the last 3-1/2 years. >> todd: that have stopped over 4r last couple months. if elected, back in place. victims of migrant crime believe kamala harris failed them. listen to mothers of rachel morin and joycelyn wade jocelyn who were murdered by illegal immigrants. >> they found my daughter's body and it recently come out she was brutally beaten, raped and then stuffed into a drain pipe. we're losing our moms, our daughters, our children to
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criminals. >> i have to go through the rest of my life with my son always asking for his sister and i just really, really, really want everybody to please take into consideration how important border control is, we are losing very innocent people. >> todd: so difficult to hear, jonathan. the simple fact, their two daughters would be alive today if not for open border policy of biden-harris administration. what is tough, to borrow kamala harris word, about that? >> exactly. why can't kamala harris stand with families? is if she had been tough on the border, she could be standing shoulder to shoulder with them. this happened because of intentional border policy to
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open the border. it is one thing if a crime is committed that people were trying to prevent and failed. this is something they did not try to prevent. look at riley's killer. they did not try to detain them because of sanctuary citizen policies. they were not turned over to ice because of new york policy. this administration never addressed sanctuary cities or anything else. this idea they were tough on the border is utterly laughable and we'll have more of these, not less, in the future. >> todd: it is an out and out lie. american people need to know that. major update about deadly yacht wreck in italy, live report next. >> carley: party that defunded
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po police, right outside the dnc. former democrat jeff van drew is here next.
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>> todd: ceo of the company that built that luxury yacht that sank off the coast of sicely is
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blaming the incident on unreasonable crew error. >> the ceo of the manufacturing company is blaming the crew for not being prepared for a storm, which he says was included in shipping forecasts. he says the boat suffered unreasonable errors, impossible happened on that botswana. -- ship. this is mistake that cries out for vefngeance. 183-foot yacht sank within minutes after being hit by's predawn storm. this is video of the yacht capsizing on monday. the ship had 22 people onboard, 12 passengers and 10 crew. five bodies have been recovered,
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incl including mike lynch who was celebrating his recent acquittal in a fraud case. the body of his daughter hanna has not been recovered. 16 years of trouble free navigation, lack of design construction failures and concluding if correct procedure would have been followed, all passengers would have been safe. the crew had 16 minutes to avoid tragedy. prosecutors have opened an investigation to find out what happened and if crew members are responsible and special cave divers will continue to serve for lynch's daughter today. >> carley: chanley painter, thank you so much. kamala harris played up her past as a criminal prosecutor last night to convince voters she is
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the law and order candidate. >> as a prosecutor, when i had a case, i charged it not in the name of the victim, but in the name of the people. for a simple reason. in our system of justice, harm against any one of us is a harm against all of us. >> carley: jeff van drew is democrat turned republican on the house judiciary committee. good morning. kamala harris, 2024 edition is tough on crime and border. do you believe her? >> no, you can't believe her. here is the deal. they want you to not look at her record or what she's done, but what she says. i challenge her repudiate last 3-1/2 years she's been there and policies she's enacted, she is face of open borders, bad
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economy, crime in the cities, that was part of her. to say, we did wrong, i will be new and change now, i would respect that. or to say, we did a good job. she's trying to have it both ways. bottom line, typical democratic tactic. look at the shiny new object here, that shiny object is the new and improved kamala harris and it just is not real. >> carley: there are zero policy pages on kamala, she's done zero press conferences and zero sit-down interviews since becoming nominee. peter doocy caught up with kamala harris and asked about this and she said she is working on it. sgll madam vice president, congratulations. are you ready for your fox news interview? >> carley: her campaign is one month and two days old.
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early voting starts in two weeks and light on details is not a good thing. >> it is not a good thing. this is the problem they have. they have to invent details and policy because they can't go off of their past policy. this is a show. this is theater. they can't talk about what they did the last 3-1/2 years, they have to pretend they will make the economy new and better. she is the face of it. they will pretend they can do a better job in international relationships, it is hard, they have been there 3-1/2 years. she was there for all the failures. she is going to pretend she is doing a good job as supposed prosecutor. when she was a prosecutor, when she was a d.a., she failed and
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she allowed expungement of record of illegals producing and trafficking drugs in san francisco. they have to make a brand new vick tishs kamala harris. i challenge her to tell the truth now and say i'm proud of the last th3-1/2 years and i std by the policies or to say i did the wrong thing, i will be better in the future. >> carley: she may have that opportunity during the debate coming up. how do you think that is going to go? >> well, i think we got to, i know president trump will stick to the issues. this is not how well she can read a teleprompter or anything she does as far as producing a speech. she is a fine giver of speeches with a teleprompter in front of her. does she know the issues and can
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she defend her record? she wears face of failures and the job president trump will have to do is one by one by one to go through them and i hope they moderate this debate fairly as they did in the last one and give him a chance to make his case. he will obviously win. >> carley: congressman, have a great day. don't go anywhere, cheryl c casone, joe concha and tyrus will all be here live, stay here with us. my symptoms got worse over time. my eye doctor explained the root was inflammation—so he prescribed xiidra. xiidra works differently. xiidra targets inflammation. over-the-counter drops don't do this. they only hit pause on my symptoms. but twice-daily xiidra gives me lasting relief. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra
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you didn't start a business just to keep the lights on. lucky for you, shopify built the just one-tapping, ridiculously fast-acting, sky-high sales stacking champion of checkouts. businesses that want to win, win with shopify.


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