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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 23, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> carley: kamala harris accepts democratic nomination for president of the united states, in a speech where she tries to rebrand herself to americans after spending 3-1/2 years as vice president. >> todd: former president trump is not letting voters forget kamala harris has power to get things done now as he prepares to rally in arizona. all eyes on a possible endorsement from r.f.k. jr. carley shimkus, i did not have on my bingo card that cheryl from curb your enthusiasm would determine fate of america. if r.f.k. jr. listens to his wife, we won't have an
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endorsement. we may. i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. brooke singman is live in chicago with more from harris's speech and the former president's response. brooke. >> brooke: promising to chart a new way forward. voters have not heard much from her since she launched her campaign. >> i helped mobilize a global response to defend against putin's aggression and as president, i will stand strong with ukraine and our nato allies. president biden and i are working to end this war such that israel is secure, hostages are released, the suffering in gaza ends and the palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom and self-determination.
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i fought against the kafrtels who traffic in guns and drugs and human beings and threaten the security of our border and safety of our communities. building that middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency. >> carley: harris attacking trump as she attempts to rebrand herself and her new pitch to the american people. >> now compare that to donald trump. because i think everyone here knows he doesn't actually fight for the middle class. he does not fight for the middle class. he fights for himself and his billionaire friends. donald trump believe a border deal would hurt his campaign. he ordered his allies in congress to kill the deal. this election is not only the most important of our lives, it is one of the most important in
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the life of our nation. [cheering] >> in many ways, donald trump is an unserious man. consequences of putting donald trump back in the white house are extremely serious. >> brooke: former president trump fresh off visit to arizona-mexico border responded to harris's speech by reminding americans harris is currently in the white house and has had years to get things done. >> why didn't she do things she's complaining about. she will do this and that and do everything, she did not do any of it. she could have done it 3-1/2 years ago. she can go there now and do many things she's talking about and complaining about. it was a lot of complaining. >> brooke: trump listing several
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important issues harris did not mention in her speech. listen. >> she didn't talk about china or fracking, did not talk about crime or 70% of people living in poverty. she did not talk about housing really, trade deficit, child trafficking she's allowed to happen because she was border czar. >> brooke: todd and carley, back to you. >> todd: brooke singman, thank you. kellyanne conway says vibes are not the same as votes. listen. >> kellyanne: we've heard people speaking for and about kamala harris, that is wonderful. i will say that we have two lobes in brain. we can say, this is knowa impressive woman of academic and professional accomplishment and amazing american dream story for parents and other side, i don't think she is ready to be commander-in-chief. i'm unsteady about her new tax
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plan or price gouging nonsense and that is what the voter does, reconcile her two lobes of the brain to make a choice. kamala harris risks tonight being tenth or 14th most persuasive and memorable speaker of her own convention. we've had heavyweight speeches, oprah and obama and others. on november 5, 2016, jay-z and beyonce did a concert for hillary, it is difficult to transfer energy and popularity to someone else. vibes are not votes and they don't put food on the table or pay rent. >> todd: polls show -- r.f.k. jr. big announcement today and whether or not he is getting ready to endorse donald trump.
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>> carley: we will ask tim murta what he knows about this, coming up next. centrum! it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. ♪limu emu♪ ♪& doug.♪ and if we win, we get to tell you how liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. isn't that what you just did? service! ♪stand back i'm going to show ya,♪ ♪how doug and limu roll, yeah!♪ ♪ ♪you know you got to live it,♪ ♪ ♪if you want to win...♪ [bump]
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>> todd: former president trump and independent candidate robert
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f kennedy will be in arizona today as kennedy withdraws from the ballot. end of story. >> carley: there is more, madeleine rivera will tell us what to expect later today. >> madeleine: good morning. r.f.k. jr. will be talking about his path forward today. the question is whether he'll endorse former president trump. here is tweet in arizona secretary of state revealing paperwork that kennedy, shanahan and their 11 electors filed. earlier this week, shanahan suggested the campaign may join forces with trump to stop vice president kamala harris from winning. trump's campaign is teasing a special guest that will join him in arizona today. no word if that is kennedy. trumps he would welcome his endorsement. >> i've had a great relationship
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with him over the years. i respect him. he respects me. no idea if he will endorse me. he has a news conference, it is possible we'll meet tomorrow and will be discussing it. he was treated unfairly by democrats, he would have beaten joe biden in a democratic primary, no doubt, they made it impossible for him. you have to get 60% of the vote to get in. democrats did same thing to joe biden, they threw joe biden out of the party. >> madeleine: kennedy support struggled with legal challenges. fox news poll show support from key battleground states like pennsylvania and wisconsin. if he drops out, he could boost trump. >> carley: madeleine rivera, thank you. trump campaign senior official,
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tim murta. "new york times" phrases it this way, r.f.k. jr. is expected to drop out today and possible endorse donald trump after weeks of talk between his camp and the trump camp. you are in the trump camp, what can you tell us about this potential endorsement? >> sorry to bring the morning to a screeching halt, i can't go beyond what you reported there. president trump admires r.f.k. jr. and they have talked. it is true, as you reported, there is a special guest expected with trump campaign 4:00 p.m. local time. i'm not here to break news, stay tuned to see what transpires at that rally. he'll also be in los angeles to talk about not taxing tip of
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wait servers. kamala harris thought that was so good she would steal it. president will be on the campaign trail and will be in charge of making news, i will not be that person this morning. >> carley: donald trump hitting all the swing states this week. recent polling shows r.f.k. jr. voters are more likely to support donald trump than harris by 14 points. 41-27. and 33% of supporters don't know who they would support. how could this impact this race? >> the president made clear he would welcome and he would very much accept and would look forward to having the endorsement of r.f.k. jr. r.f.k. jr. is guy he admires, known him a long time and they have talked. if r.f.k. jr. were to endorse
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donald trump, he would welcome that, absolutely. >> carley: speaking on friday, kamala harris made her speech last night. the dnc is over. what do you think about it overall? they talk about post-convention bump, are you concerned? what do you expect to come in the future ? >> this was not a normal convention, you prepackage people and send them on their way and launch them into the beginning of the campaign. in this case, what they did at dnc, created entirely new person. this is most fictional account of a person's political history anyone could imagine. they have made up a new person. for example, she's been the border czar and was appointed border czar and everybody in media reported she was the border czar until she became
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presumed nom fee for president of the democratic party. they spent energy saying she was never given that title of border czar. everybody remembers the interview with lester holt, where she cackled about never having been to europe when asked about going to the border. she insisted the border was secure. this is first ever administration to actively unsecure the border while in office. fentanyl is flooding across the border, illegal aliens, suspected terrorists and violent crime has come with it and that took president trump to the border yesterday to talk to families of crime victims committed by illegal aliens in a crisis kamala harris never admitted was happening. she is untrustworthy. she is not the person described over the last four days.
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americans will become familiar with who kamala harris is and it was ironic, big line in the speech quoting her mother, she said her mother told her to show them who you are, which is enormously ironic, entirety of dnc was the opposite of that, concealing who she really is. we relish chance to run against a candidate who does not know what she believes and tries to conceal positions she's held. >> carley: recent polling shows north carolina may be back in play for democrats now that kamala harris is the nominee. does that match what you are seeing? >> no. north carolina, we believe is a trump state. i think president trump will do well in all of the battleground states, including north carolina and places like pennsylvania and michigan and wisconsin and arizona and nevada, where the president will be today and also in georgia. we believe and even after
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adulation kamala harris has seen over last 31 days since becoming preum zooed nominee. this is as good as it gets. she's experienced her peak and did not catch trump. if laeb was today, president trump would be on his way back to the white house, we believe that is clear. that is the way we are operating moving forward. >> carley: she made the speech, now start talking about policy. we're looking forward to the debate with donald trump and kamala harris. thank you. from playing both sides on israel and gaza to attacking donald trump, how is harris's sfeech resonating with democrat, republican and independent voters? >> todd: we have pollster lee carter next. heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis,
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operations in gaza as negotiators work toward a ceasefire plan in cairo, egypt. >> todd: alex hogan has details. alex. >> kamala harris in her speech gave one of her firmest statements on the war so far. this coming as we've seen high-stakes week of negotiation trying to get to a ceasefire. harris says she is supporting israel while calling the war in gaza heartbreaking. >> i will always stand up for israel's right to defend itself, at the same time, what has happened in gaza over past 10 months is devastating. >> top officials like cia director bill burns, qatar prime minister and egypt lead negotiator are expected to be at
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continued talks in cairo. there is a lot of work to be had. whether israel will withdraw is a sticking point. >> our individual and collective ca capacity to imagine or resolve this crisis are stretched beyond their limits. set off series of escalation embroiling millions more in the conflict. we need a ceasefire now. >> until a ceasefire is reached, the idf is continuing to press forward with evacuation and ground operations. new autopsy information reveal six hostages whose bodies were found this week in a tunnel in khan yunis had bullet wounds, meaning it was not from the israeli strike.
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retaliation on israel's northern front with hezbollah. this is a new map of u.s. military assets in the region to defend israel to attack by iran or iranian proxies. the carrier strike group is in the aircrafts arabian sea and forces managed to take out houthi drones, two deemed likely threat to u.s. forces, showing continued escalations that israel and the u.s. and other allies continue to monitor on all fronts across the middle east. >> carley: tense time. >> todd: big moment of harris' speech, she did address the war in israel. we will talk about how her overall messaging is landing with voters across all parties. start with harris' comments on
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israel and gaza. take a listen. >> with respect to the war in gaza, president biden and i are working around the clock because now is the time to get a hostage deal and a ceasefire deal done. and let me be clear, let me be clear. i will always stand up for israel's right to defend itself. and i will always ensure israel has the ability to defend itself. president biden and i are working to end this war such that israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in gaza ends and the palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom and self-determination. >> todd: she tried to play all sides. did it work? >> for her base and for many
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democrats it was enough. i think she satisfied just about anybody listening. for many people who are really on the side of israel, this was -- all sides and meaningless in many ways. you can't support every side of this issue. she's saying now is the time. we've had hostages for 10 months. i think many people found this not to be nearly enough. i was watch ing last night witha large group of people, many whom said this is her akill eakill ease heels. >> todd: listen to this of some. >> his explicit intent to jail journalists, political opponents and anyone he sees as the enemy. his intent to deploy active duty
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military against our own cit citizens, consider, consider the power he will have, especially after the united states supreme court just ruled he would be immune from criminal prosecution. [crowd booing] >> just imagine donald trump with no guardrails. >> todd: lee, there is spin, spin from every politician, there is spin and baseless lies, they were lies. how did they land? >> so, i think for many democrats and people who hate trump, they listen to this and were like absolutely. so many punches to donald trump during this week that were effective, no need to go to place that wasn't grounded in reality or truth. a lot of people left listening to that saying, is this true?
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i think she went too far here and there is plenty of room to go after trump on issues that are based in fact and are true. this was not one and i don't think it was terribly effective, certainly for people on the f fence, she went too far. >> todd: harris is trying to redrintroduce herself as presidential candidate and has been v.p. for last 3-1/2 years. listen. >> i promise to be a president for all americans. you can always trust me to put country above party and self. i will be a president who unites us around our highest aspirations, a president who leads and listens, who is r
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realistic, practical and has common sense. and always fights for the american people. >> todd: loy, lee, that sounds familiar to unity pitch i heard about 3-1/2 years ago from one joe biden and look where we are now. they went the opposite way and divided the country even further. how did that resonate with voters? >> it is fascinating. the truth of the matter is, we've never been more divided. i thought that was impossible in 2020, here we are more divided than we've been. half of americans have stopped talking to someone over political beliefs. she is very much part of that and responsible for that. i do believe in this moment that americans have a short memory when it comes to kamala harris.
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she's allowed -- americans have allowed her to be reintroduced to american people as if this is day one, as if she's a new candidate. people are allowing new kamala to take hold. i don't know if it is because people want to believe she's new and different and a breath of fresh air. people are giving her benefit of the doubt and will be interesting to see how long does that last? we'll see. i have seen a lot of voters willing to suspend the past and say, this is breath of fresh air and brand new day. how long will it last in >> todd: dana perino says the honeymoon ends friday morning after the convention. appreciate it. here is someone who has been overshadowed this week. how do you say this name? >> carley: rhymes with joe biden. >> todd: current president has
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been on vacation all week. >> carley: trying to forget the biden-harris administration, joe concha reacts next. ok limu! you set it, and as i spike it, i'll tell them how liberty mutual customizes car insurance, so they only pay for what they need. got it? [squawks] did you get that? only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty,♪ ♪liberty, liberty.♪
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powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. >> todd: media, hard-core journalists celebrating vice
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president kamala harris' dnc speech. she avoided issues and focused on vibes. >> remember where you were when you heard this speech from vice president of the united states. kamala harris, this is inflection point in history. >> she's has a magical personality, fearless how she delivered that. >> party poopers know, we legalize fun, we put party back in democratic party. >> very powerful speech, you have to go back to barack obama in 2008 for a democratic speech like this. >> emotion and feeling down here is i don't know, seven-year-old birthday party, joy and not a lot of thinking, it is a good time. >> carley: joe concha joins us, i'm sure the commentators want
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to impact voters. is it baked in? >> joe: it is baked in. this convention was under premise that donald trump is actually the incumbent and everything that has happened over 3-1/2 years, inflation, wages not keeping up, crime, border, terrorists coming into this country, the wars that have begun are not the fault of joe biden and kamala harris but are simply stuff that happened because of trump who has not been in office all this time. all sizzle and no steak convention, airing of grievances signifying nothing aided and abetted by media. this pledge kamala harris will solve problems that she and this administration and democrats helped create, here is stat of the day, during kamala harris' speech last night donald trump name mentioned 15 times.
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the term or word inflation, not once. talk about disconnect, i don't think this resonates especially after r.f.k. jr. endorses trump today, that will be story of the week. >> carley: see if that happens. >> todd: i made a joke that kamala harris was no longer border czar. what is next, they will say she wasn't vice president. i don't know if that is a joke anymore. they ignored the fact she was vice president for the last 3-1/2 years. the question becomes what is next? convention is over. will we get journalism? peter doocy tried to find out, he caught up with the vice president after her speech. congratulations. are you ready for your fox news interview? >> todd: two-parter, joe. will we see kamala-fox
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interview? reality question, will the media start asking tough questions of kamala harris today, friday after convention? asking about policy or is this a situation where they wait until november 6 to do real journalism like they waited 3-1/2 years after hunter biden scandal broke to start asking questions. >> joe: chicago white sock will win world series before you see kamala harris do an interview on fox. you will not see one press conference until election day. last five and a half years, she ran for president in 2019, before she dropped out, as vice president and now presidential nominee, she has never held one press conference. her handlers are terrified to put her in front of rachel maddow, "the view," they know
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she can't speak extemporaneously. original question, september 10 happens next, abc news debate. you don't have teleprompter, the question is, will she get questions considering her executives are close with her and her campaign and can she answer questions after knowing what questions will be and can donald trump successfully explore all things that were not mentioned during this debate as he mentioned in arizona yesterday, which was what are you going to do about inflation you created? what about crime you created? what about illegal immigration you created? wars and education. she will have to defend. hais one biggest moment of this campaign and of this entire election for the last 2-1/2 years since it started. september 10, abc, can donald
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trump seal the deal? >> carley: round two, we thought big moment was first debate, which it was. >> todd: abc connection. there are rumors her friend at abc could become president of abc, like president of disney. keep that in mind. >> carley: you have a book signing toin in point pleas anlt be beachant beach. joe is great on air and in person. i can vouch for that on both fronts. >> joe: we will have a keg there. >> todd: forget the book. >> carley: going to be lit. >> joe: ice tea. >> todd: former president trump will be speaking at a restaurant in las vegas today. vice president harris says he is
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not for middle class. >> carley: cheryl casone is here with details. >> cheryl: former president trump out west. after visiting arizona, he turns to nevada. he was in las vegas and floated idea if re-elected there would be no taxes on tips, something vice president kamala harris went on to promise, as well. trump is bringing the message home to service workers today. it is time for government to keep hands out of those struggling most. the vice president last night slamming her opponent. watch. >> everyone here knows he does not fight for the middle class. he does not fight for the middle class. he fightses for himself and his billionaire friends. he intends to act national sales tax, call it a trump tax, to raise prices on middle class
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families by 4000 a year. [crowd booing] >> instead of a trump tax hike, we will pass a middle class tax cut that will benefit more than 100 million americans. >> cheryl: of course that is an expensive proposal. the nation's debt has surpassed 35 trillion dollars. when we talk about inflation and de debts, two go hand in hand. >> todd: how will she do capital gains tax on every american that ownsa i home, they will have to pay the difference in what they paid and current value. that will force people to sell their homes. insanity. another question, what is jerome powell going to do today? >> cheryl: all eyes on federal reserve chairman jerome powell as he gives keynote at jackson
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hole symposium. the street will be listening for clues about interest rate cut next month. his comment could move markets. as far as the two topics, gene spurling getting defensive with n neil. watch. >> she is letting people know, i will nol hesitate to take on corporate interest taking advantage of you and exploiting prices. >> neil: that is not happening, it would -- i get prescription drug thing, gene, please -- to blame it on food companies. i know, gene, on the food thing, you know it is a silly argument. you know it is wrong, right? >> cheryl: yeah. by the way, we talked about this
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this week. grocery industry operates on a 1-2% profit margin. so many things about the inflation story under biden-harris administration that i guess we were getting gaslit yesterday by gene spurling. numbers are out there. >> carley: numbers don't lie. don't miss cheryl 6 to 9:00 a.m. have a great day. check in with lawrence jones, having breakfast with friends just outside of chicago, getting reaction to the dnc. hi, lawrence. >> lawrence: what time did you go to bed? >> carley: if you watched the whole speech, you are tired this, mo. todd and i are tired, just say that. >> lawrence: some of us have tivo. can go back and watch it. it is good to see you, family. we have a big show this morning.
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if you thought we were going to skip the all american summer concert series, you were miic staen. they will join us live performing all morning. plus, recap of what happened the entire dnc and finally, finally, we're here from kamala harris. she gives a big speech, we will break it down. what does it mean for the democratic party? will she start to put policy proposals out there? do a press conference? something. we'll have a big show on "fox and friends," don't miss a minute of it. (vo) dan made progress with his mental health, but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so his doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily, extended-release td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks.
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>> carley: vice president kamala harris making this promise to our military at the dnc last night. >> i will fulfill our sacred obligation to care for our troops and families and i will honor and never disparage their service and their sacrifice. >> carley: earlier we spoke with ststeven mccouey whose son was killed during the afghan withdrawal. >> can i tell you during experience that definitely kamala harris will never honor or give any kind of grace to the service and sacrifice of any of the arms services soldiers, you
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know, if she was the last person in the room and looking at the optics of the evacuation i think as a mother she had a duty to at least talk some sense into joe biden. >> his son kareem and three other service members who died during the afghanistan withdrawal were all honored during a ceremony at the california state capitol last night. >> a fox news alert now. arizona police have arrested a man accused of threatening to assassinate former president trump. the suspect made threatening post targeting president trump on social media. he had other warrants for his arrest in separate incidents including a dui, felony hit and run and filing register as a sex offender. this all comes six weeks after the attempt on trump's life in butler, pennsylvania. trump says he was not aware of a manhunt until a reporter told him about it but he insists he still has a job to do. >> i heard it's dangerous but i also have a job to do.
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i heard it's very dangerous. and the reason it is because i want to do things that are very bad for the bad guys. i have heard it's very unsafe to make this trip. there were some people that really didn't want me to make it. >> later today trump will hold a rally in glendale, arizona. the ceo of the company that built the luxury yacht that sank off the coast of sicily this week is blaming the deadly incident on, quote: unreasonable crew errors. >> carley: chanley painter is here with all the details. >> the ceo of the manufacturing company responsible for building that super yacht is blaming the crew for not being prepared for a storm which he says was included in shrink forecasts. he says this, quote: the boat suffer as series of indescribable unreasonable errors. the impossible happened on that boat. it is absurd why the crew of such a ship has not read the disturbance coming from the weather maps. this is the mistake that cries
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out for vengeance. the 183-foot yacht, super yacht sank within minutes after being hit by a predawn storm possibly a tornadoes. this is video of that yacht capsizing while anchored off the coast of northern sicily monday. the ship had 22 people on board. 12 passengers and 10 crew members, six people are dead or presumed dead because only five bodies have been recovered so far, including billionaire mike leverage, the british tech mogul he was apparently aboard to celebrate his recent acquittal in a u.s. fraud case. the body of 18-year-old daughter has yet to be recovered. the ceo pointed to six years of trouble-free navigation, lack of design and construction failures. in concluding that if correct procedures had been followed by the crews, all passengers would have been safe in his estimation. that advisor saying despite any warning the crew still would
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have had 16 minutes to astloid tragedy. but right now prosecutors in the town near where the vessel went down have opened an investigation to find out what exactly happened and if any crew members are responsible. specialist divers continue to search for that 18-year-old. horrible, guys? >> carley: it is a tragedy indeed. chanley painter live for us. chanley, thank you so much. so, listen to this: the maker behind the whiskey brand jack daniels is scrapping their dei policies. the company brown forman will no longer link employee bonuses and pay to dei progress and no longer participate in an annual ranking of companies based on lgbtq friendly environment. employees were told that the change in policy was because of the change in the business landscape. they now join several other companies pulling back on dei initiatives including harley-davidson, tractor supply, and john deere. that is called the power of the
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consumer. >> todd: that line changing the business landscape. let's translate that. >> carley: people are annoyed. >> todd: they stopped buying jack daniels and bought other trillion whiskey on the market. >> 5:00 somewhere. >> todd: with that no better transition from whiskey to gear heck of a friday police. boxes of beer all over a college town oxford mississippi. old miss, baby, let's get it. police responded by sharing these pictures online with the caption and no you cannot come help cheney it up. wrote the same joke in their head. police cut it off at the pass. can you see multiple cases including multiple plans including mow della and corona spilled all over the street and sidewalk. in the comments, of course, people, and by people we mean
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men had a free for all. one person saying that the frat house could say have cleaned it up before police arrived. others offered help in exchange for a few cases of beer. the roadway had to be closed after the spill since reopened. no word if ole miss coach lane kiffen somehow incorporated this into we'll spill some beer on the roads if you come. >> carley: beer spilled on the road is going to be all shaken up i don't think it will translate well as a good beverage. >> todd: have you been a fraternity brother? i have. >> carley: four nights of the dnc, lay it on me ole miss. >> todd: you need all the booze you can get. it's been great being with you, toddy. "fox & friends first" starts right no


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