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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 23, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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since november, now 90% of all shipping loaded with cargo makes longer and more expensive journey around the continent. on wednesday -- second aircraft carrier strike group in middle east yesterday, uss abraham lin lincoln. roosevelt strike group already on station. it appears iran has been deterred from launching another major attack on israel, houthis remain far from deterred. >> bill: track it for us, lucas tomlinson, thank you. >> dana: vice president harris making her pitch to american voters last night as she clinches democratic nomination for president.
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welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. and you are? >> bill: bill hemmer. good morning. offering promises on the economy, on foreign policy, on border security. >> we are charting a new way forward. we will create what i call an opportunity economy. we can create an earned pathway to should thesship and secure our border. we must be steadfast in advancing our security and values abroad. >> bill: in a 37-minute ac acceptance speech rocking in chicago, now hard work begins. former president donald trump getting final word last night saying she could have done it years ago. >> all of these things she talked about, we're going to do
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this and that and do everything, she did not do it. she could have done it 3-1/2 years ago. >> dana: candidates begin a final sprint to november, only trump is on the trail today in arizona. >> bill: mark meredeth is in lalas vegas for first of many trips. good morning to you. >> mark: good morning to you both. former president trump is hoping a swing through western battleground states will slow or stop any momentum the vice president may be getting. trump will be speaking at this mexican-italian fusion restaurant. interesting place. trump is hoping there will be more appetite for voters. trump campaign is out with fresh mesdzaging labeling harris as far left liberal and not a
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centrist, slamming democrats for not laying out how harris wo would -- >> she's not having success, i'm having success. i'm doing great with hispanic voters and with black men. i'm doing great with woman, women want safety. >> mark: trump will stop in arizona this week in the phoenix suburb, same spot harris rallied a few weeks ago, trump is touting a special guest, many think it will be jfk. we will wait and see. the event in nevada, republicans think they can't flip the seat. we are hoping to get questions in to trump when he stops by. >> bill: polling suggests it leans his way.
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mark meredeth, have a good time in vegas. >> dana: partial victory to arizona republicans who want to enforce law requiring proof of citizenship when voting in the state. ruling was 5-4, but denied a request to block voting by anyone registered using federal forms. kerri urbahn explaining why that is important. >> it matters. you would think it should not be a partisan issue. >> dana: shannon is here. it was 5-4. pull up number one, samuel alito, thomas, gorsuch, roberts and brett kavanaugh and justice barrett did the denial. >> when this does get there, they may side with arizona.
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what matters now is what happens to this election. when we know how tight arizona has been in 2016, really tight in 2020. what they are saying, you cannot go in and register to votes vote without proof of citizenship >> bill: here is difference in 2020, 10457. that is razor tight. we'll give it a lot of attention. in the meantime, from southwest to georgia. i've said that i think georgia is trump's firewall. if kamala harris starts cutting into him in ga dpa and those 16 or 20 counts, metro atlanta, he could be in trouble. brian kemp and trump said this. roll real quick.
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>> he wants trump to win and will work with me and i think we'll have a very good relationship with brian kemp. >> bill: the rollout was interesting. we had that last night and the governor on last night. here is kemp. >> we got to win from top of the ticket on down. i've been saying for a long time, we cannot afford another four years of joe biden and kamala harris. send donald trump back to the white house. we need to retake senate, hold the house and our legislative majorities that we have in great state of georgia. it takes hard work. >> bill: georgia has interesting 2016, won by five points and 2020, joe biden barely clipped him in the end result. we were hanging on for sometime, 11,000 votes there. politics makes allies when you want to win.
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>> democrats feel they made significant end roads and can put georgia into play. they will not be besties, they are not going bas fishing together, but they have to work together. the senate seats in georgia went to democrats. that was unnecessary. the two are on the same page and we'll see. >> dana: this about kamala harris last night. she had a great convention, set up better than anybody you could imagine. she gave a speech, i was critical how it started. on reflection, people did like it. here is what she said on the economy getting attention. watch. >> whether you live in a rural area, small town or big city, and as president, i will bring together labor and workers and
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small business owners and entrepreneurs and american companies to create jobs, to grow our economy and to lower the cost of everyday needs like healthcare and housing and groceries. >> dana: "wall street journal" says kamala harris offers new way forward of platitudes. likely to boost her in the polls, leave opening for trump on flight from substance. sgll one week ago today she rolled out economic policies which did not go well. people were not into them. when you talk about bringing everybody together, that poll tests well, every american wants that to happen. folks will say, you have been part of biden-harris administration 3-1/2 years. >> bill: simple argument to make, see how he does that. we start our show last hour with
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this clip from peggy nunan of w "wall street journal." she gave props and him and her and said in the epstein it comes down to policy. if you look at policy she supported in the past. >> we don't know if those are still her policies. >> bill: they were in this column. there is a reason she chose tim walz. when they had majority in the state house and governor's office, did a ton of stuff, most from the far left. >> we'll see, if they get to policy, there has been a lot of vibes, that is the word this week. they are getting to the september 10 debate. popcorn is upon poisons. >> dana: i'll take a weekend and get ready for that, pick my outfit and everything. always good to see you. >> bill: pivotal moment now,
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jerome powell speaking in jackson hole, with i wi, announcing time has come for interest rate cuts, he said, end quote. edward lawrence waking up in the tetons. what are we hearing? >> this is most upbeat speech i've heard the chairman give cl closest we've heard him say with inflation mission accomplished. 2% is the fed target, he believes he will get to the 2% ta target. a quotes the time has come for policy to adjust, direction in travel is clear, pace of rate cuts deep on incoming data and b balance of risk. we've been hearing about rate cuts in september meeting,
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quarter of percentage is likely scenario. powell pivots and sees inflation as lesser risk and more risk to employment and employment rising. he sees rise of employment at this point is caused by people coming into the workforce at same time companies are limiting hiring. he is watching to see if layoffs materialize. he makes nod to transitery comment and says this in another quote in this speech. he says, the good ship t transitery was a crowded one and advanced economy central bankers on board and admits federal reserve misjudged and why inflation started. he said inflation started with government spending and consumy er sumer behavior and inflation
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made worse by russian innovation and covid disrupting supply chain. this speech a turning point rea readjusting policy, there will be interest rate cuts starting in september and saying they have it under control. back to you, bill. >> bill: wow, what a day. this could be the beginning. >> dana: how did lawrence get to be in jackson hole? what kind of assignment editor do you have? >> bill: enjoy. nice to see you. >> i paid some people. >> bill: i'm sure you did. dow up 258 and nasdaq up as we speak. thank you, edward. >> dana: there we go. >> let me be clear, i will always stand up for israel's right to defend itself. at the same time, what has happened in gaza over the past
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10 months and devastating. >> dana: vice president kamala harris defining foreign policy at the dnc. critics say she is playing both sides, can she separate herself from president biden? >> i'm so glad we decided to do this. it is a little dangerous to do it. you guys are in danger, with the weaponry we have. i felt it was important to do. >> bill: violent threats continue to royal donald trump's campaign, case in point, yesterday. fbi trying to get answers on his would-be assassin. and mike waltz says he is not convinced pa shooter acted alone, he will make his case. >> dana: and where harris and trump stand in the dash for cash. ♪ ♪ (vo) you've had thyroid eye disease for a long time.
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>> and as president, i will stand strong with ukraine and our nato allies. i will never hesitate to take whatever action in necessary to defend our forces and our interest against iran and iran-backed terrorists. i will not cozy up to tyrants and dictators like kim yo-jong who are rooting for trump. >> dana: notably missing were details and gillian turner has more at the state department. >> gillian: hi, dana. back half of her speech last
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night vice president harris did get into her vision for -- take a listen to this, her biggest applause line of the evening. >> president biden and i are working to end this war such that israel is secure, the hostages are released, suffering in gaza ends and the palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom and self-determination. [cheering] >> gillian: self-determination for palestinians requires withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza. harris played to the other side, as well. listen. >> i will always ensure israel has the ability to defend itself because the people of israel must never again face the horror
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a terrorist organization called hamas caused on october 7, including unspeakable sexual violence and massacre of young people. >> gillian: harris for the first time took voters on tour of major global hot spot from ukraine to iran, taking credit for some of president biden's signature decisions. >> five days before russia attacked ukraine, i met with president zelenskyy to warn him about russia's plan to invade. i helped mobilize a global response over 50 countries to defend against putin's agregz. >> gillian: exactly three days before putin launched into ukraine, harris threatened him with economic sanctions by name to no avail. >> dana: thank you for being
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with us at the state department. >> bill: bring in michael waltz. former green peret colonel, good to have you on. are you buying what she was selling as you heard it last night 1234 >> it would be laughable if it weren't so serious. this week is three-year anniversary of the abbey gate bombing. zero mention. she proudly took credit for it in other interviews, patting herself for being last person in the room. tyrants have been having a field day on her watch the last four years. taliban have taken over afghan. putin invaded ukraine. china is on it is march. this week maduro stole another election. i guess she was saying this will
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be a continuation of the last four years of biden in terms of her foreign policy, which is app appeasement first, another concession, weakness on the world stage and see the world on fire as result of it. >> bill: she met with putin five days before the war started, she mentioned. her transition, i got the allies together. stop the damn war. that forced every government to choose a side and we're living with it today. transition to gaza. >> afghanistan was the original send. it was. >> bill: i understand your point on that. sinwar was promoted a week ago and reportedly saying let me survive. you know what leaders have done,
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they left gaza, living big lives in qatar. almost a tell, soon as you heard that a week ago, he was looking to get out of gaza alive. is that how you saw it? >> absolutely. that is because haniyeh is dead. he wants to get out of tunnel of gaza after sacrificing tens of thousands of his own people to turn opinion against israel, always their strategy and plan and biden-harris administration played right into it. it is time to go live the good life sitting in five-star hotels in qatar, ponied up with iran. most laughable line of the night, she was going to be tough on iran. it has been billions of dollars
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concession after concession, using russians with iranians and iranians are original send behind all terrorism in the middle east backed by chinese money and they have not done a damn thing. five urz u.s. service members are in the hospital, attacked last week and they have not said a word. >> bill: thomas crooks now dead, thankfully his bullet did not end. he has accounts with people in belgium, germany, new zealand. i want to roll this video of him at the rally along the souvenir line in butler, pa, that day. you say you are not satisfied with what you are hearing from the fbi. what do you mean by that should >> we've had multiple fbi briefings, the task force had one yesterday. engagement with secret service. one hand, it is shocking how little we know.
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they still are not ready to talk to crooks motivation, have not been able to get into all eni crypted accounts, but they are quick say he acted alone. how did he build those ieds? are remote detinator fully functional. how was he able to establish encrypted accounts and why? overlaid with iranian plots, one intreped last week with pakistani national that put a down payment on hit men recruiting spotters and protesters as distraction. i'm not convinced and i don't see how they are coming to that conclusion so quickly given in the same briefing saying we don't have much information on him. >> bill: more to come on that, we might get news momentarily.
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we'll wait on that and confirm what we're hearing about secret service and how far they have gotten in their investigation. nice to see you. hope you enjoy the weekend. >> dana: fox news alert, threat against former president trump prompted manhunt in arizona. what we know about the suspect who is behind bars. trump and kennedy campaigns, could they collide in arizona and could an endorsement be in the works for today? >> as far as r.f.k. jr., i've had a great relationship with him, i respect him, he respects me. i have no idea if he will endorse me. it is possible we will meet tomorrow and be discussing it. a, but with stearns & foster® that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. every single night. during our labor day sale, bring home incredible comfort,
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support in the former president last night was keeping his powder dry when asked about it. griff jenkins is here. good morning. >> griff: good morning, we could be in for a newsworthy afternoon. kennedy addresses the nation not far from when kennedy will be today. polling 10% at one point and mired in multiple lawsuits, running short on cash and there are assigns it is drawing close to a close. there is paperwork of r.f.k. jr.'s campaign with deteriorate drawing from the ballot in arizona. he could join forces with trump, who welcomes the idea. >> great relationship with him over the years, i respect him, he respects me. no idea if he will endorse me. we happen to be in the same state. >> griff: teaser from the trump
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campaign says president trump will be joined by a special guest as he delivers remarks about his america first policies. we know two have been talking privately amid rumors kennedy could find a role in future trump administration. and kennedy's running mate s shanahan gave a teaser what could come today speaking with dr. drew this week. >> i think friday will be one of the biggest events in american election history. >> griff: we'll see if it lives up to that billing. what impact would such a move have on the race? we'll wait and find out. bill. >> bill: we're analyzing that. griff jenkins, thanks. >> give credit to my men and women. they went out for 36 hours chasing this man down. we identified who he was and
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went through the night and couldn't find him. we continued through trump's visit. when you make a threat like this, we went after him. he's in custody. we did search warrants on his property. >> dana: former president trump facing new round of death threats. 66-year-old man is behind bars after arizona authorities say he threatened to kill trump before his visits to the state yesterday. bring in josh school for more on this. he is in custody. greg gutfeld made a point that people who say they are going to commit an assassination are not usually the people you have to worry about. the former president was nearly killed a month ago, you have to
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take everything serious. your thoughts this morning? >> the american people would be shocked how much violence is being directed at elected officials. the campaign and secret service is on edge with what happened in butler, pennsylvania, and need to take everything seriously. >> dana: the other thing that just happened while we were in the commercial break, we have breaking news now that multiple secret service agents have been put on leave during the investigation into the trump assassination. i'm getting more details and will provide them. one trump personnel protective team, four from pittsburgh, incl including special agent in charge. numbers might go up, we don't have a specific number. it is at least five total, that is information i have now. at least five, including the trump personnel, protective team, one from there and four from pittsburgh, including
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special agent in charge. we might have more detail coming in. your thoughts now about this. josh, is this standard operating procedure or have they found something to give them cause to put them on leave? >> i think they have found something that -- to cause them to put them on leave. clearly this was mistake made by the secret service. you cannot let someone get as close as they did. this is secret service process going through investigation and determining or have indication people did not do their job. clearly special agent in charge of pittsburgh, responsible per this, is ultimately responsible for security at that event. >> dana: do you know when they are put on leave, is that with pay? >> if they are put on leave, it is with pay. i'm assuming we will find other indications late today as reporting come out if they are s
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suspended with or without pay. usually leave is with pay. whether or not this goes into another round of internal investigations, then they would be fired. >> dana: bring in bill hemmer to join me. >> bill: chief of communications from secret service here, it is long, be patient with me. secret service committed to investigating personnel related to the event in butler. secret service mission is progressing and examining processes, procedure and factors that led to this operation or failure. secret service holds personnel to highest professional standard and any violations will be investigated for potential disciplinary action. given the fact this is a personnel matter, we are not in a position to comment further. i tell you, we've been in chicago for a week and we're in milwaukee about a month ago and listen, dana, we were with the
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secret service everyday. we see them in action, see them do their job. >> dana: and very well. and men and women, rank and file, have been amazing, even here in chicago. >> bill: it is quite commendable and we're not here to put them all in the same pot. you just wonder, this was eluded to and nothing to prove this right now, josh. but when the president was on the abortion yesterday and eliki sia was interviewing him, a reporter broke the news and he said first time hearing about it. she said, how do you feel about it? he said, i feel like i want to get this interview done right now and not be standing out here. it has to have a lasting effect on any human being who has been exposed to what he was that day in butler, pennsylvania. what runs through your mind,
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josh? >> of course it was horrific action taken and near-death experience that will impact anybody and especially the former president who has pe persistent threat as does the vice president. law enforcement counter parts and federal agencies are trying to ferret those out to determine what is real and what is not. internet, social media, large volume of threats and former president is aware there is a lot of threats to include from nation states like iran. >> bill: josh, dana and i were on the air on the evening of july 13th in milwaukee. i want to bring in my partner back in on this. i want you to explain to the audience what you were
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explaining at the time. the president came out with a statement and he was thanking secret service for protection they give me. you said to me, super smart and reflected on something president bush did. >> dana: i think president bush learned from when his father was in office and he had security detail in texas when he was governor and secret service service and what trump did on july 13th about secret service is something also that obama did during his time, which is this. you have to understand the relationship between the principal and secret service agents. you have to have complete and total trust, 100% confidence that they have got you. what i've seen, that has always been true. never seen daylight. when there was a question, for example, i believe may of 2005, we were in georgia, the country, and somebody, a terrorist, would
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be-be assassin rolled up a grenade and sent toward the site where the president was speaking. thankfully it did not go off, mostly because the t-shirt he wrapped around it was so tight it did not go off. that is how lucky. president bush told us spokespeople and on the record himself, i haven it 100% confidence in the secret service. heun waed to make sure they knew he knew he did not question him. and obama did the same. that was trump's first instinct. people protecting me are fine. it was not the people there in the vicinity. >> bill: trump knows he's coming to milwaukee in 48 hours and knows he needs to trust people paid toic tacare of him.
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>> dana: yesterday in arizona, he was exposed, he said, everybody here are exposed. i've never been shot at thankfully and i'm thankful he recovered quickly as he did. if you are, it might feel different if you are out in the open and there are enemies, especially on the border. >> bill: no mention of this over past four days in chicago. >> dana: i thought that was a miss, i thought they would say something about making sure everyone is protected. >> bill: democrats talk about gun safety, in their words, gun safety, not gun violence. >> dana: powerful event. >> bill: best moment of the week for everyday americans at the dnc. david spunt has coverage. doj. what do you have now? >> remember the threat from iran, bill and dana, to former president trump? this is something he's been facing threats since he ordered
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the killing of soleimani in 2020. threat from iran was presented to secret service and to the trump team before the rally in butler, it was something they knew well before the rally in butler. that is raising more questions about the issue of happhazard protection for the former president. as we have confirmed, if i am repeating apologies. as of monday, at least five secret service agents four from pittsburgh field office and special agent in charge all placed on administrative leave and one person from former president trump's personal protective team inside the bubble that travels with him all the time. tsyg secret service said this is ongoing, i spoke to acting director couple of weeks ago and he said he would not gets into
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specifics about who is gone. we know special agent in charge, i don't want to say gone, placed on administrative leave and we're told there likely will be more. numbers will rise. this is accountability that people on both sides of the aisle, forget everyday americans have been asking for. >> bill: david, dana was talking with josh school. when you have a shooting and any police department go on leave as part of policy. do you know whether this is part of secret service policy, a. b, if it is, why does it take so long? >> great question. it's been over a month and we know secret service is handling this internal investigation and then the fbi is doing a criminal investigation. i don't have exact answer, bill. we've asked that question, why it's taken so long. the criminal investigation is
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like a parallel investigation and secret service has let the fbi conduct some of the criminal interviews as they are doing their investigation. i'm not making excuses for secret service why this took so long, there are two parallel investigation. internal investigation is putting people on leave. the question is what does the fbi investigation reveal when that is done, that is not done yet and will there be criminal charges for this? >> dana: secret service is doing this investigation internally, is that correct? this is result of secret service internal investigation? okay. >> yes, absolutely yes, result of the internal secret service investigation and resulting right now in agents being placed on leave. the question is, will anybody face criminal charges for this negligence and that would be up to the fbi and the justice department. complicated, a little in the
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weeds, fbi is conducting the overall criminal investigation to see if there could be potential charges filed here. >> bill: coming back we'll get more. to tim miller now, former secret service agent. welcome to our coverage. i know you have been listening to this. what can you add for us right now? >> standard protocol for secret service and every law enforcement agent in the country, when you have an incident like that, you go into two parallel investigation. first is the internal investigation, parallel to criminal investigation. and quite frankly, the big question is, as you point out and david pointed out, when an officer is involved in a situation, he is placed on administrative leave. the fact it has taken this long and problematic and i am glad to see those steps were taken. the secret service should have likely done that right away.
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it does suggest there are reasons why those five agents were suspended. secret service inspection division is doing an internal investigation. that is parallel, what happens with the fbi investigation which will likely go on longer. that is a problem from the beginning, secret service did not come out with information right away. they probably knew day two or three what happened that day. >> dana: when agents are put on leave, does that, is that for indefinite period or some sort of resolution? remind me if this is part of a union situation? >> yeah, agents are not subject to those guidelines, typically they are placed on administrative leave for purposes of identifying what happened. fact you do it right away, so there is no concern about agents
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being involved in other duties or other things while this investigation is going on. to your point of having a resolution, again, internal investigation is identifying prettiy quickly what happened, who did what, who was responsible for what and now a question of what they are going to do about that, could be everything from termination to administrative penalties and obviously the doj piece will continue and have a huge outcome as if they find they were criminally negligent in this. >> bill: tomorrow is six weeks, tim, that's a long time to make a decision like this. standby, get to more reporting. that is some video we came up with where he was spotted two hours before the rally began outside the rally grounds.
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cb cotton spent a lot of time in butler, pennsylvania. what do you have to report? >> word of five secret service agents being placed on leaves comes on the heels of several whistleblower allegations being released. josh hawley has been instrumental in this. early august, he said he learned from a whistleblower that the lead site agent failed to implement various security protocol. what is not clear is whether that lead site agent is one agent placed on leave. we will follow up on that and get more details. i can tell you, josh hawley wrote to secret service acting director on august 5 calling for lead site agent to be placed on leave or to resign. he said he learned from this whistleblower that lead site agent allowed material like flags to be placed around the
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stage causing line of sight concerns. he learned secret service did not check ids when issuing cred credentials that authorize access to restricted areas. this news probably not surprising to many people within donald trump's inner circle. we learned from lawmaker ares that whistleblowers were coming forward to say there were serious concerns about the way the rally got underway that day, everything from preparation to during those tragic events on july 13th. >> dana: can i ask you something about radios? i know congressman higgins was talking about the forgotten radios in a recent report. would that play into this? >> possible. we know congressman higgins went to the sites and he said he
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learned from butler county district attorney they placed radios to be used by secret service but the butler county d.a. told him those radios were never picked up on the day of the rally and those radios would have allowed secret service to have a direct line of communing with local law enforcement. that is another aparent security lapse. >> bill: bring in stewart caplan, former fbi agent. good morning, welcome to our coverage. what can you add to give us insight as to the investigations ongoing. they found something obviously, stewart. >> good morning. your oaudience need to understad office of professional responsibility is administrative process. individual agents, in my opinion, should have been placed on leave immediately following
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the attempted assassination of the former president. that is because in any shooting scenario, we put people on administrative leave. in thisition swa, should have been for obvious reasons, there was a breach and lapsz in security. what we don't hear and what i will guarantee you is that behind this information that has been disseminated, what we should be looking for is whether or not the office of inspector general or the united states attorney's office through department of justice is running a concurrent parallel investigation to the office of professional responsibility because they are the ones and ultimately only ones that could bring criminal charges against any culpable individuals on the ground during this unfortunate situation. that is what i'm looking for, consequences of administrative process quite frankly, little
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too late. a little too little. this should have happened immediately following this. what i'm looking for is the attorney general garland going to come out and make a formal statement his office, united states attorney's office in pittsburgh is conducting a criminal investigation into the conduct of anybody who was on the ground. >> dana: that is a very interesting point, we had congressman waltz on earlier in the show and he's from florida and he said he personally is frustrated with the fbi, he feels they are not giving enough information about whether the shooter did act alone. i don't know about the fbi investigation, i don't have enough detail to know if they are slow to know that or don't know that. this at least gets maybe a little vin dication for local
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police officers who were accused by u.s. secret service for the breach. >> well, let me put it this way, i give no responsibility or no liability to the local law enforcement. reality is the united states secret service operates generally at highest level. i can tell you, i've worked side by side with them in my prior career. they don't nilly willie delegate u urgent or critical responsibilities, for example, taking up post on rooftop, setting up counter snipers, that is left for people with expertise and ability to interact because they train. the fact this was delegated to local law enforcement, i don't in any way find fault with local law enforcement when you watch that video of them putting themselves in harm's way being frustrated trying to get back on the roof to neutralize that threat. that could have ended in a
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tragic scenario and they are the brave ones. to me, it is left at the doorstep of the united states secret service. i will say this, i've said before, this was passive attempt that the united states secret service through current administration considered former president trump pariah, they knew there were lapses in security and figured, if it happens, it happens, we will not give them any more than necessary to ensure we are operating at highest level. that is fact and reality in today's world. >> bill: i don't know how much fact versus opinion. >> i will say it is my opinion. i will just say when you have such obvious breaches and lapses, you can only formulate my opinion this was passive neglect, the united states secret service at
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basically just did not give donald trump what he was entitled to. and that was the secret service to ensure not only has protection, but the protection of any of the spectators that were attending this rally. >> bill: okay, stuart, and we will work through the story. and if that is the ultimate conclusion, we can talk about that then. what is obvious is there was a high point at that rally on that building. in 130 yards away. and it should have been taken care of. i want to move back to tim miller right now, just mentioning this iran thread, we are getting information about the ag having an event may be this hour, so maybe you can comment on this, we will see. but it was about a week ago when secret service said "mr. trump, we need to put this protective glass up around you." and i don't know why you go to -- if you're going to do an outdoor rally, you need to have this protective glass and now we have seen this just a few days ago.
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tim, based on your experience, why does the secret service go to a protect d and say, we need to do extra for you? >> well, it's obvious that based on the intelligence. and just the video you are playing now highlights a few things that are really important, and we should not miss it. the agents that were suspended are part of the process of investigating why certain things did not happen. this video right now shows cooke's walking around in a very interesting way. the secret service is a proactive action. where were the counter surveillance unit to folks. it's come out they were not there, why weren't they there? that's the standard thing that helps us identify a potential threats and stop it before it happens.
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why weren't the protective intelligence teams interviewing folks. that's another protocol, and so when you get to where they are now, i'm happy that they are where they are now, but -- by the way, i did advances for her presidential elections, obviously there is ballistic screening in all protect our protect these, but the question is what did these agents that were suspended, what duties did they have and why weren't there duties for filled. and i agree with your -- with stuart, they should have been put on administrative leave right away so that we could get to the bottom of the of the lot of nagging questions that are still out there. and i am anxious to see what the response is when they are made public. >> dana: can you give us 30 seconds on what we might expect if anything from the attorney general? >> back up here, sorry, i was listening. what we are expecting is the
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attorney general will hold an antitrust announcement and about 20 or 30 seconds, so hopefully we will get something from him on this. as i mentioned before, the fbi is doing a criminal probe we want to know from the attorney general is the fbi possibly looking at a potentially -- or the doj charging someone criminally and this i think will be the next step to find out how many more people from the secret service were placed on leave and not even on leave, potentially just fired. >> bill: wow. >> dana: all helping us get through some breaking news here as we have secret service agents now being placed on leave during this investigation. and we wait to get more detail on that. >> bill: that's a way to end the week. >> dana: book and the conventions, right? we started off with this news before the rnc. >> bill: 41 days ago. >> dana: is incredible. great to be with you this morning. a >> bill: you too and see you back in new york. >> dana: john roberts' and for harris, john.


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