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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  August 23, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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flavor. >> tyrus: my sweet daughter georgey cooking the equestrian thing at the highest level went to land safe where thee learned how to fall off a shores and stole the show. oh this kid has a future in whatever she wants to do. very excited this one is the one i was worried about watching, her mom did this one with her. roll through it. there was no vape o videotape. >> judge jeanine: she is a super star ms. georgey. >> tyrus: check out my comedy tours dates all over don't say a word, jesse. >> jesse: ill noise. >> katie: asked mississippi students beer cans after a truck lost no, it's very good. real quickly, cops in oxford, mississipp itsivery,i, were a tl buzzkill this week after they ask university of mississippi student ly we has to stay. away from a street covered in beer cans after a truck lost its delivery. >> that said, no fun for you. all right. >> that's it, everybody.p
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have a great weeink. n st >>e by welcome to "jesse watters prime. donald trump in arizona justmpa joined on stage by rfk jr. >> who earlier suspendede stag his campaign and endorsed donald trump. he just came onto the stage with 45 and said the former president has his full endorsement. they're going to be campaigning together and that we need to make america healthy again. >> he wanted to get out of neocon wars. he wanted to make childhood diseases go away. ildhoohe wants to end censorshi. let's go back and listeno end >> wrump in arizona and wish strength. we would have been out fasith gt here, but we were going to keep pogrom. but that was the most embarrassing event in the history of our country, leading to a horrifi c warover and humiliation all over the world. when putin wor saw that he inva ukraine. it broughtinvade a lot of people back because they said the united states is run s is by incompetent people. the united states is no longer
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respected. it's no longer strong. that's what they a lot of these thingsou that you're seeing now wouldn't have happened except forldn't the horrible, horrible event was of afghanistan. you know, i was dealing with the leader of afghanistan, and i said,, you cannot kill our people. he was killing our peopl e. >> and i had a strong talkhim, with them. i'm not going to get into it. >> exactly. we wenexactlt 18 months without one soldier being sniped at or shot at. >> not one soldier injured or killed. and then we had a tremendouse di selection where we did probably ten or 12 million more votes. so we got the first time. you know, most presidents don'tt get as many votes a seconds ma because people get bored, but they don't get bored with me. nythey get bored. >> no, they get bored like.
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barack hussein obama gotnd time far fewer votes the second time. >> anyonhee he won. >> have you heard of him? barack hussein obama. remember rush? rush limbaugh. barack hussein obama. he was nasty to me. you know, he was nasty. michelle was nasty. they're all nasty, nasty i people. they were very. i was surprised. i thought he was. and sort ofhim,i was sort of nh i said, no, you know, i like him. it didn' t matter. they were nasty to me. and, of course, last night, kamala mentioned by name, i think 21 times she didn't mention the border. she didn't mention inflation. t she didn't mention anything about my name over and over. hing butand over again. med me
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she blamed me for the border. i haven't been there in fourit years. i had to go. i haw it. i had the safest the best border we've ever had. she blamed me for the they lied so mucrderh. they lied about everything. she said i wase said involvedg l with something called project 25. i don't even know what thaedt i. no, they were really weird. noy. >> and then they say to me,, sir, please stick to policpleay don't stick to personality. you shouldce to be nice to peo, sir. you have to be nice. i go, i call the them up. paid >> my genius is they get paid a fortune. actually, not that muca h, but i call up my people and say they're not going out of me. >> and you say i shouldn't get personal. i have to get personal say, t, don'tve t i? i have to get this.o ge i have to get they get personalo ,but i'm going to do my best.we
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so they're allowed to getperson personal, bu with me, but i'm nt allowed to get personal to them . >> they call me names that aree so badname . >> our great first lady says, but you're not that way, darling. they love our great first lady. i will tell you her over. hey, but, darling, you're not that way. i said. i said that.t and if i say something just slightly out of order, like shey didn't do a very good job. bless. r anyt note, please never, ever mention. lookhi lik or anything like tha if you ever say she did lookdi really great, that's the end of your political career. so i wouldn't say a thing likege that. >> how about her opening wherewh shere said, thank you. >> thank you, thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. i said what the hell is wrong with her?
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whadeb? debbie lesko. she's a winner. is that sheriff joe? oh, that's sheriff joe.that look at that. a legend in a sheriff joe's. look at these clowns whereare they have no idea what they're doing, where people come in by the millions. he had nobody came in. remember? he dressed everybody in pink. the number one guy.right, we that right, joe? they had a dress in pink.
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i mean, it wasn't the worst. it wasn' t bad.killer i mean, you know, say you got a lot of killers that address, but pink underwear, pink undershirt and a pink outfitnk because. >> because he didn't want them coming into our country. do you remember arizonnt peoa wa sheriff joe was at the border? >> you didn't have people comingder, in?or i think for the one year het th had one person come in, but they got himey g. now we have 3 million people coming in through your border. your border. order, oh, through the whole ths it's ridiculous. it's notn , joe. it's an honor. and i'll tell you, people didn't treat you righ t. >> you are a legend and you did a job like nobody else drew.
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great going, joe. and we love your wife. he lost his wife a few years ago and she was a hell ofh a woman. right, joe? but she was looking down at you and she's proud of youof . you she's saying you did very well with this group of people,ng yoo but i've known you for a long time, and there was nobody like him. he understood the border better thanhim. anybody, and he ran it ran fairly. he were very fair, but he ran it strong and they respected him. they didn't even tryt ev. >> so thank you very much, joe. and your wife is she's proud of you. she's proud of you. gratefu very proud of you. we're grateful to be joinedin tonight by the foundert of turning point action, a gentleman named charlie cook . thank you, charlie. what a job he does.. i said, charlie, do me a favor.b >> we got this thing won. but doo me a favor.
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make sure they don't cheat. the only way they can do anything is if they cheat like carl. and we've been victims of thaty make sure they don't cheat. charlie, we don't needheat the votes. but we just want to make sure that they don't cheat. hello, sheriff. d cheathow are we doing? how are you guys doing? we n, thandoing,k you. >> we need every sheriff to get over there, every law enforcemen t official, because tha we got the votes. we got to make sure everything'sever u on the up ane charlie and his team of people, ofmean, he's got hundreds it ihousands of young people. it's actually quite discriminatory. ed charlie, have you ever been old sued by old people for notem? accepting them? he's got the youngeshe hast looe group of people and they're warriors. they're unbelievable. the job charlie ha s done is incredible. thank you, charlie. thank yok you, charlie. the job he's done is really incredible.
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also with us is an incredibles n congress woman who is decided to go into a certain board. tho you know what i'm talking about? the most important board, maybe in the wholee most imp country and she's going to make sure everything's on the up and up. o >> debbie lesko. debbie. thank you, congresswoman. . thank you, debbie. you make sure debbie. big she just won a big election by a massive. but you won that election. she won it prett youy easy.nd another person who's a friend of mine, he's a warriominer for a long time is great. he loves his states . >> he loves our country. andy biggs, congressman andy biggs, thank thank you. and two other warriors, a youngn one and a little bit older one. but boy, they are tough. you don't get tougher than eli crane and paul gosar.
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brawl goes on. right. thank you a lot. right. right. beautiful, greatple. people. fro and the next congressman from arizona's eighth district, a hamadan. ct wow. goi he's going to be he's going for to be good for a long time.a yon he's a young gentleman. great. a great job. a to great job, great heart. we went through a tough one. arizona gop chairwoman, she is doing a job. >> gina swoboda. anna, she is doing a job and a very good friend of mine, fro the next senator from arizona. i really believe this. >> look, she's running against we're going to have to do it., i was going to bring her up. are you going to say, come on, gary, speak. spoke
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>> but she just spoke for a half an hour. what the hell am i going to do hereatll am ? l >> but i will tell you, she's running against a guyr it who's a rubber stamp for it. used to be by now. >> who the hell knows? i don't even know. do we know who it is?o who knew who had a rubber stamp for somebody? >> but rubin gallo is horrible . >> he's an open borders maniac act. he's a defund the police maniac . he shouldn't be allowed to even run in this election against her because kari lake is incredible. >> she's incredible. incrh, she's smart,, she she's got heart. has e should be inyou ar the senate. i hope you win this sucker because you are winning. you're running against a guy that cannot carry. your shoes are being nice. you know the expressio mean,n cy
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can't carry her shoes and youg o can have a big victory and we're going to work togetherher and and we're goino make sure we win this state. >> i say this presidentially if we win this state, which we're expected to, we're leading in all of that. we win the presidency. and we have toidency, ak take ke with us. them they get him. go get him, berniego g. rrie go get him. carrie, carrie, important. >> and honestly and forget, we don't know carrie. she's been 2 in the newscaster for 22 years. everybody knows her. she just a ie s never hat is ne. problem. she is solid as a rock.
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this guy is a frickin loser. s he's a loser. soloser. with that, we'll go ond but good luck, carrie. we love you. special. >> since democrats sit and talk about kamala's horrendous record last night, we will. for nearly four years, comrade kamala harris, i used that term out of how much good is it? good or no is thatt? >> let's do a poll. let's do a poll.esfr eei love these three polls. instea spendind of spending 250t to a pollster that does it, every poller. you know what they do to take, your money, they say, let's say, all rightt's , 49 to 51. all right. it's one of the greatestthat businesses's o in history. . i get a free poll here.e do you like the name? she's a radical left lunatic. >> okay.
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she's a defender of the police. she wants to defund all the things that we talk about. do i cal cl her comrade kamala harris, or do i not? ready? running. why do i do that? you tell me. you could tell me better than anybody. okay. ready? i'll say yes or no. >> yes. no. covered kamala harris hasa overseen a nation wrecking border invasion. this is a nation wreckin g. it's an invasion. you know, one of the ways i built hundreds of milessaid, of wall. i was there yesterday. i looked up and down. wallid it , man, i built a lot
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of wall. and we could have put up. 200they d miles more, but they didn't want to do it. and that's when i said, you know, i think they really want open borders. but we built mucn borderh more than i said i was going to build. and you couldn't see the end of it. yesterdaere goiny. day. you couldn't see the end. we had a news conference, but it's a dangerous area. becau too dangerous area because pu her, becaussef e of him. but he put her in charge, you know, whether she's borders are. and that's what she.e was called only recently did she say she doesn't have that. but, you knoshe saw what?wors she has been the worst manager and the border patrol never even saw they never even met her. >> she's in chargege of it.ered they never even met her. and you suffered the price. pshe's allowed at leastmillion 20 million illegal aliens into our country, including millions and millions of unvetted fighting age men from 159o countries. you know, it's no longer juslont south america. they come from africa. the congo, they come from the.
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a lot of coming from jails th the congo. let me tell you, these people, the nice thing, they make our criminal look like the nicest people on earth. that's how tough they are. they come from the middle east.e they come from areas that we're fighting. they com ae from enemy terrain. they come from all over the world. and they do come from southt on america, but notly only fromt cr south america. 159 different countries in the last ey are year, and they're totally unchecked and unvetted every shh single year she's been in office. she ha sets said an all time high illegal border crossings, record triple and quadruple, what, the year befor whae, where i'd have like 150,000 and she'd have two and a half million. what she has done to this country, nobody can tell you, you know, she destroyed san francisco as the distric t attorney. she destroyed california. you know that asow that. the.
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this is a woman that's going to take she destroyed california. she had a policy. s ifte you steal less than $950,ee you're allowed to keep it. you can go, we're not going to prosecute. >> so criminals are walking into stores. >> mean nasty guys.mean rough guys. and they take calculators and they calculate, let's sas ap i want to get up.en they walk out, then they walk a back indn the think this is who we're going to have running our country? i don't thin countryk so. and nobody lies like her. she's a liar. she makekes ups up. know sh she's the one get a raise. you know, sh e said donaldy sh trump is going to write. you know why she said i was going to raise i because put i'm going to put tariffs on other countries coming inton our country. and that has nothing to dos noth with taxes. to us. that's a tax on another countryd . and i did it we with china ande had no inflation and i had no i
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inflation. i took in hundreds of billions t of dollars from china and notke one of the president took in $0.10. they were all, o, h, china. we're afraid of china. we're afraid of china. >> according to a new dhs report, kamala harris also lost. >> and this is impossible to believe. listen to this. 325,000 migrant children are gone. d they're missing. she allowed them to be traffic into our country. many of these children are now in slavery or they're dead, probably mostly dead. they will neveey will r see thes or their parents again. they were swept out of their homef theis. they were taken out of their homes. 300. this is a government number, 325,000 children, or d they're dead.
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>> many are dead. hamas'mas show, little respect e for kabbalah and joe biden, crooked joe biden, that the hostages that they're talking about all the time, i believegoe they're largely gone. i bei believe they're largely g. so sad when you look at whathapt happened, when you look at that attack on october 7th, i believe they're gone. and the reason they're not negotiating, you know, it says hamas has decided no t to negotiate because what they want back are the hostageshosta and i think those hostages, foro the most part, aren't aroundr , anymore. red so they said, oh, boy, we w can't really negotiate because we don't have the hostages. the are larg. how sad. how terribly sadw terrib if thed and respected joe bidene and kamala, they would never have killed those hostages. they would ld have never attacked. they would never have attacked what? i was president. iran was iran was broke.
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i told china, if you spend any i money on buying oil from iran, you'll never do business in the united states again. 20and we're going to put a two hundred percent tariff on your . and iran was broke a and thend y had no money for hamas and they had no money for hezbollah. you can check your numbers hez. look at it. well, my last year, they had no money. they had we had no terrorism th you know, for four years i didn't have any terrorism. you know, they said nonedid yo.o >> and when they asked viktor orban, the prime ministerng of hungary, very strong guy, w, what is the reason that things are so bad now? >> the middle east middle is bt up, russia is blowing up with ukraine. there's wa ukraine.r starting all overoks i the place. looks like bad things could happen in taiwanke b with china. what's the reason? he says you got to get donald trump back as president. you won't have any problems. when he saw it's true,. it's true. they respected your countr
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y. ur they respected your leader, but they respected our country. no.w they laugh in our country. our country has become a joke. p she's provided deportation, immunity to the vast majority of criminal aliens living insides livi the united states g is importing. mr. qi gann gang member is knowo as the most violent gang of them all into our cities and into our high school. think of it. they're comingey are cg in intos schools. >> kamala has set loose thousands of venezuelan mem gang members who, according to law enforcementbe bulletins, have been given a license to shoote to american police officers. >> you know that right under harris ice, deportations are at the lowest level in history, the history of our country. >> she supports deadlyli sanctuary cities. >> now, of course, she's flip on. ping on everything you do know that, right? you know that, joe. she's flip flopping on everythinie, g. debbie red, she's a flip
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flopper and a she's a flip flopper. she flip flops on everything old because she was polled. she said she didn't do too wele . that's probably why she was first of 22 people. >> i can't get over it.s the fishe was the first failure. and now she's running, oh, we're going to beat her. >> i look forward to the debate, too. i do look forwartoo.d to the dee . look forward to. she called for abolishing ice.t >> these are great patriots who are tough as , indeed toughe people. she's compared i.c.e agents to the kkk. she wants to repeal the federalt law that makes illegal immigration a crime, making illegal immigration totally legal. >> it's okay to come into ity. l ntr al she wants to release all of the thousands of criminal illegal aliens that are locked up in detention centers. and these are the tougheste touu
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of them all. she wants to release them into our country. we have detention centers for r the toughest of them all, she says. >> we're going to release them l now. maybe they'll ask her tonight. oh, no, i would never do she might change you, change it and everything. but do, ift haet the election ever went haywire, if they can find a waywire to ct enough and she wins in quote, she wins. she's going to do everything that you wouldn't dreae m of, including no fracking. ofg fran't discuss frackin last night. no fracking in pennsylvania. i can't imagine she could do well in pennsylvania. 500,000 jobs are involved with fracking and a huge amount of their budget. everything is involved- everyt with fracking and she's againsto it. >> in her speech last night, she lied about almost everythingythingshe lied. no she lied when she said i was lor going to raise taxes. no, i'm loweringin taxes. >> she's the one.
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she lied and said that, oh, - this is the best. i'm going to be the one. i y there.a lot of i didn't touch your social security. and a lot of democrats wanted me to. she lied when she said that. i want to cut social turit secuy and medicare. no, she wants to cut it becauset she wants to have the illegal immigrants coming into our countrouy to go on social security and medicare, which will destroy social securityrowd and medicare. it's kamala harris who cast a tie breaking vote to cut b medicare by 260 $6 billion.t yo she cut your medicare. remember this by $266 billionanh and then promised mass amnesty last night to 20 million citigal aliens and make them america and citizens, which will absolutely obliterate
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your social security and medicare, ultimately leavinand g those programs bankrupt. and our seniorprogramss desperae and poor. and remember, whenrememb you tak about all of those hundreds of billions of dollars. at syou know what? >> she's putting that money into the green new scam. she took it out of your medicare. she's putting it into one ofe ge the greatest ever, one of ev of support..s stand up. let's see if anybody knowslet'en who the hell you areow. a good good job. he good man. he's done a good job . d sh wantshe took it out and she wants to put it in. she put it into the green new scam. she said the border wasyou kn safe under her direction. you know, they're the part, they of disinformation and misinformation. they'll sanformati y something a hundred was times. the border was safe. did you see inside the borders safe the first time? she said. that was about two months ago. and she went agohe like this.he she border was safe.
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she started joking. le. terrible. they areey are t lie they're misinformation, disinformation. they lie. they keep saying thee no same untruth over and over again. and, you know, you're not like in my business, you're not in this political business like thes, e you're in other things, you're lawyers and you're carpenters and you're electricians and your drivers and you're doing a lot of things. el anby the way, no tax on tips. >> remember that? no tax taxation, no tax on tips. sh taxe tried that and yet in congress right now, they have bill s to destroyn. people that don't issue what's going on. it'll neveill r happen, whether it's guaranteed to happen, whether it be no tax on terms. but actually it's the most dangerous and unsafe border anywhere in the world. there's neve r been a border like it. no country ever. if a country
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had a border like that, they would fight with sticks and stones. if they wou they had to, to keep the people out. she believes that if you say things enough over and over again, even if they're stone cold lies like project 25,- i project 25, he believes. >> i don't even knoweven k what the hell itnoit is. toget i know it's a group of people that got together and they'ren h slightly on the conservative sideconserva and it's unbelievat what they do. >> it's really unbelievabl is r >> she would destroy our country if she was ever elected. our country will go down. the tubes will be in a depression like 1929. we will not have a country anyny longer. he yesterday, i was at the border with the victims of camila's migrant crime wave. one of them is here with ue swih tonigh t. michael moran is the brother of rachel moran, who you know about. rachel wasthat you a cherished 37-year-old mom of five. absolutelyd mo incredible child. beautiful children, beautiful
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woman. last summely increr, rachel wast on a run when she was brutally and murdered by an illega al an alien who was led intoth america by kamala harrisat w. r let her in, said let her in. the animal who committed this heinous crime first killed another woman in el salvador before walking across the open border. just walked right in. no problemhe wi. he then attacked a nine year old girl and her mother in a home invasion in los angeles before murdering rachel in cold blood. michael, i promise you and rachel's memory, we will stop this invasion and we will keep savae savage criminals the hell out of our country. than helk you, michael. please. thank so sorry, michael. so sorry. say hello to your parents and everybody. okay? thanody, okak you. so horrible. m we are so sorry, michaelic. thank you for being here. according to her own admissionsi
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duration statistics on crime victims, kamala harrisharris h s presided over a 43% increase nus in violent crime. these are government numbers, by the way, includin g a 58%n increase in rape, 80 9% increase in aggravated assault%a and 56% increase in robberyencor during the riots of 2020. she encouraged her followers to donate to bail criminals, looters and arsonists and killers. people died, including sean michael tillman, an a dangerous repeat offender who went on to shoot and kill a minnesotuding a to man six ti. in the head. he shot him six times in the head and torso in kamala let him out. let him go. while kamala harris wails of sanctuary city, san francisco, 20 years ago, maybe the greatest city in the world today, it's unlivable. shsease, ed the plea
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of victim's family. please, please let us through. please don't do this to us anddu refuse to seek the death penalty againsset an illegal alien. ms. 13 gang member, one of the worst murderers they've seen in yearn s who murdered an innocent man and his two sons and didn't even remember he did itremember. torney as california attorney general, ase redefined child sex trafficking, assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as a n non violent crime. comrade. >>mala harris destroyed single handedly with some help from the worst governor in han our nation, gavin newsom. both san franciscogavi and california itself is a terrible governor. n what a governor for but, you know, she might
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have picked a worse one. if you look at theyears -- numb. in minnesota, we hope we're going to win minnesota. ota. you know, it hasn't been one since 1972. richard nixo been. n. but we're doing well there, too. but the governor is horriblee g you know what he did? he approved a bill to give tampons in every young man's (cthroom. right. >> think of that. this is what we have.have this is our vice president,potet our potential president. tampons in, boys bathrooms for years. kamala harris has pushed tion legislation to strip policept officers of protection, trying to bankrupt them and ruinedno p their lives for doing their jobs. no protection, no immunity, no e nothing. she even endorsed defunding the police. >> i will never defund the police. i willd the i only fund the police
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and fund them with plenty of money and pride. i will always back our lawement enforcement heroes in bluehe. o we are pleased to be joined tonight by the president of assc the arizona police association, justinia harris. oh, no, he's not a relation. i stin, are you a relation? >> last name is harris. spelled this way. i'm very concerned about this. i'm not really. but justin harris is a great gentleman who has a special announcement. justin, would you please come up? than k you. >> i'm not worried about litigation. thank you.l go >> well, good evening, everyone.
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i'm a little concerned about that. illegal immigrationgevn charge you put up there. was that a spike in immigration orioar the inflation? sort of both. kind of both, right. inflatiowonderful job those dem are doing. my name is justin harrison. i'm a veteran police sergeanton here in arizona with 25 years of experience as serviceoa . and i also hav te the privilege and the honor to serve as the state president of the arizona police officers association. >> the arizona police officers association is the largest law enforcement association in thean state of arizona, and we represent over 12,000 lawprofes enforcement professionals. the men and womesi the nsingle that currently serve in our communities each and every day at the local, county, statevels. and federal law enforcement levels. we coverwe the entire state.
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and on behalf of the arizona police association, weto w are proud to welcome president trump to the great state of arizona preside arizono the wonderful city of glendale, home of luke air force base. en >> folks, these men and women and luke fly those beautiful f-16 fighting falcons of the 309th fighter squadron and those beautiful, beautiful f-35 lightnings. ]. nothing like hearing those jets flying overhead, which that's the sound of freedom and american ingenuityerhead. cg also also a special thank you to the glendale mayor, enrry wires, and the entirglene city council for their unwavering support. l foand advocacy for our policei officers. active duty militaryce off and o
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veterans. you're not going to find stronger advocates for our military, our veterans and our police officers anywhere in the world other than glendale. thank you, mayor nicholson. eera also, i wanted to givemen of t a special thanks to the men and women of the glendale police department, the best and most professional police department ok the country.. thank you. with a special thanks to police chief chris briggs and the other eight west valley coalition department andsnts that allowed us to use their law enforcement officers here today to keep us allwed us safe. >> thank you, gentlemen. and women. law enforcement today is perhaps the most complex occupation on earth. it's an honorable professionment of service, a commitment to others, those who stepl and,
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in the gap between good and evil, and to protect g th communities. >> and we do so knowinge the risk officer s are required to make split second decisions under the most uncontrolle td, chaotic and stressful situations is often at greato th risk to their own personal safetyei. terall given the literally millions of of contacts between officers and the communities annually, with a few exceptions, officers make those decisions correctly and in accordancet high with the law. but high profile does norofile n high frequency. currently, in this day and agec of instant information, social media and videos, there's an unrealistic expectationctatio of absolute perfection or perfection. itn solute is not possible to be perfect every time because we hire from the human race. ce. people are not perfect. good people can make mistake s. however, the constant orchestrated visualization
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of police officers has eroded the public's trust. it has an air of obstinance, disrespect and assault of attitudes and behavior towards police officers. what was that name we called? it was conrad kamala. was that what was kamilla kamala conrad? well what we do know is she poliorted defunding the police . and the best term is they wanted to re-imagine policing. i don't know what that means. she is part of the radicalizedpc movement to degrade public safety and make our communities less saf e. in contrast, under president trump's first term in office, he always had our back backss. cheeri thank you fongr that. he never rushed to judgment and he never, ever in a
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lifetime called to defund the police ever. and we on the debt of gratitudem for that. it's also forget when president donald trump was president, he closed the borders and locked the door . borders are kamala harris. >> open the door and let everybody in. borders. >> borders are kamala harris is allowing millions of illegal immigrantsimmigran into this co, turning each and every state intointo a a border state and flooding america's streets with drugs and crime. >> the democrats haven't quiteoq figured out yet, but it's not rocket science. but open borders, bu equals more crime. close the border. a g
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and my gut tells me there's a gentleman standing up here on stage today that's going to do exactly that. >> president donald has in the past and will again make america great again by tackling lawl on.ess head >> you just heard from former president donald trump in glendale, arizona, who promised presl guest tonight. and unlike kamala, he actually delivered a kennedy. not the type of guy you'd guy expect to see the maga rally.a but today he shook upoo the presidential race by announcing he was suspending suightmpaign and endorsing trump. >> tonight, i'm very pleased, i to welcomeam a man who has beeno an incredible champion for so many of these values that we all share, and we've shared
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them for a long time. i don't think too many of you people have heard of him. he's very low key. perso he's a very low key person,n.t but he's highly respectehe id. he is a great person. i've known him for slongo long o the past 16 months. robert f. kennedy jr. >> back in town. >> i don't think i've ever♪ introduced anyone that got applause like he just got. i must tell you, i don't think that's true. i don' hast think i've ever introduced anything that got applause like that. an rfk jr had some thoughts.
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>> listen.out a call from the president and we talkeutd about not about the things that separate us because we don't agree on everything, but on the values and the issues that bind us together. and one of the issues that he talked h about was having safe d diod and ending the chronic disease epidemic. our children and all the unhealthy as sick as children in the world. don'n are tht you want healthy n and don't you want the chemical oils out of our food? and don't you want the regulatory agencies to befrm free from corporate corruption ? and don't you want a president that's going to make mak america healthy again? th >> the republican partyis is united, plus the kennedy faction and any independence
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he brings along for the ride. kennedy is not the one who abandoned the democratic partonedy. >> democratic party abandoned him. i attended first conve democratic convention at then age of six in 1960. and back then, the democrats were the champions of the constitution oe of civil right. i left that party in october because it had departed sorom th dramatically on the core valuesh that i grew up with. it would. become the party of war, censorship, corruptionci . big pharma, big tech. big ag and big money.. >> democrats used to be the party of democracy, and now they're hiding an ailing president orchestratedin in aa palace coup and anointing a puppet who's never won a single primary. >> rfk junior's running. >> she knows the deal. kamala harris is dangerous to me because she is thes dang
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ultimate puppet for an organization that has, i believe, since president obama not actually run real people. they have selected>> amongst a very small group of individuals that they can control and dictate policyopping over. >> kennedy dropping out d spoilorsing trump coul the machine's party. >> they can't argue with kennedythey c and what he's saying. so they attacked the medical condition that inflict s his voice. >> this was cuckoo for cocoavoi. puffs, and trying to get any logic out of that is good luck with that because it's one you can't understand what he says to if you canh . you can understand what he says and reminded of a line of ind of mel brooks is blazing saddles. when somebody gets up and gives a indecipherable speecmeh, he says, who can argue with that? >> that's authentic frontier gibberis cah.
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the trump campaign says in thes battlegrounds where rfk has been polling between three and 5%, his vote will spli3 and t and break for trump. in states like arizonaik, rfk leaving translates to about. 40,000 votes, swinging the republicans, 20,000 swinging the republicans in georgia. now last, last election, thoset states were decided by a lot less. . if thiif this election's a sque the rfk factor could decide ite . >> this could squeak. this could be the toughestughest because pennsylvania doesn't go the democratic way. and nort demh carolina doesn't go that way. it's tough. it's really tougtough.h. a hone >> now, a honeymoon ends when a couple has their first fight. rfk jaw dropping out mightght. have been kamala's first fight. >> former speake r of the house kevin mccarthy joins us now. all right, speaker, this rfks jn drop out an endorsement. what will that mean in thed
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battlegrounds? >> it'll mean big. i meanen , joe biden won by 48,918 votes and he was polling about nine points higher than where kamala is polling today. soayso this this could be the a and think of the applause in t. in that crowduse he >> and if you're a democrat, the kennedy family is the closess e clt there is to political royalty in that party. and it makes you wonder when john f. kennedy be a democrat todajohny because of his positi, were much different than the democrat party is today. >> the institutional corruption that rfk junior talks about when it comes to waromes the machine censorship, the poisoninisoning g of food, the sickness of the american societyca. >> that that's real stuff. really affects and on a level that's just it's your skin. it's in your bloodstream. the democrats don't talk
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about any of that stuff. >> how big of a movementut could this be when these two guys, the kennedys and the trumps, join forces? >> look, i don't think kennedy is going to bring it 20%, but presidenn t trump doesn'ty need 20%. he just needs. last time, will he only neededce less than 50,000 votes. so this whole race really comes down dow to pennsylvania and georgia. and when you're talking that this could be less thanredu 100,000 votes, but kennedy attracts libertarians, epende independents, disgruntled democrats. and think about how the democratic party treatednt him. they would they kicked him out. they wouldn't even let him debate had h he dee debated bid, biden would have collapsed a year earlier. they wouldearl have known and te whole country would have known. kamala had been lying the entire time about joe biden, but she could not wonon u the nomination if she had to go through a primary. the only way she could become. the nominee is the way they did it here politically. out? then, how does this play out? does he campaign for donaldgether trump? do they appear together? because together? there i there's a lot
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of power there. you saw the crowd react as he do treact, dv hits forum. him >> i mean, what is this look like now? and you knows what, 75 daysgo left. >> look, this is a trumt campaign to go.. seeing the applause he got on that crowd. if i was president trump, i' had have him on the plane at least once a week. and then you have him going other places, the othea r day. and i think he would enjoy spending ther he woum some time there talking the american public. >> i think so, too. now, doeso s the president dangle a cabinet position? where is the leverage? is there a negotiation going on with what kennedy's role would be in a future trump administration ? nald well, what president trump, he didn't promise anything . it was you watch the democrats push them out. it wasn't only a couple of weeks ago, kennednly was asking to meet with kamala. she wouldn't even meet with a kennedy or someone running for president. this shows the real difference to whoever you are, as anto american, don't you want a president who will talk to people nople,t just people t agree with, but people they might disagree with and have a conversatio thenam
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about ideas? that's what that's the power of america. is it --is it our strength?ft is it our aircraft carriers? our strength is the idea c a of this country. and i want a president who's willing to work with everyon thh and it just shows president trump raised to that occasion and rosoccasie there and actually achieved and endorsement and won it in a way that people wouldn't think. yeah, and it could pay off. big time. >> kevin mccarthy, thank you so much. ha great. f toeekend >> now, karmel introduced herself to us for the 19th time last night and we still don't know who she is we just know she's not biden. so, boy, the democrat, >> i w have fun. >> i will leave the reviewing of the contentill leav to you, e emotion and the feeling down h hereer is, i don't know, seven-year-old birthday party is how i would putwould pu it. there is joy and there is not a lot of think it is a good time. ake, i >> the problem with birthday cake is if you eat too much, you get a stomach achef and you, wa start to wonder, was that a good ideooa? >> she wasn't clear enoughh on
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on the on the policies. she did speak a lot of her personal history. on her personal history, which wa s great. but i, i still don't feel like she's ready. i feel like more so she should wait. t i don't want a per se a vote for someone that is a backup. we want substance, not frosting. kakamala had a lot of eyeballst on her last night, and she didn't really tellly tel us watw plan was or how she'd execute it. but no she wouldt everybody was watching for harris. rumors were swirling around in h that beyoncé was in the building, but she wasn't even in chicagos no. the harris team started the rumor and the dnc could i have debunked it immediately, but they let it spread to, build anticipation and boost ratings.
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the beyonce hoax added to the list for all of the talke and anticipation here and elsewhere that there may be a specialia , i am told by democrats that kamala harris was their guest. th they did not want a celebrity at the end of this convention to essentially compete with her phony surprise guests, no policies, a rigged nomination. >> democrats even laugh about how fake it all is a. >> how are you feeling about the switch? i mean, the switch?(laugh now, y through a very open process, inclusive process. it was bottom up. i know you know that. yes. that's what i've beeknown told.w >> yes, that's what i've been told to say. to the coups over the conventions are done and the debates are around the corner. >> this is usually when candidates start cranking out high profile. profil trump had his first joint interview with jody right afterg the rnc with me. what about kamale a? >> when will she sit downe medi
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with media in a one ona one capacity and answer our questionons? ons? >> i think she'll sit downt on her time. therdowne is no rest for the wicked. our campaign is going to continue to do all the things we need to doe things tot president harris will make herself available to speak to the press on her time and when she's ready. >> when she's ready. honey, the reservation is at 730. let's go. >> my hair yet. i'm not ready. make yourself a drin k. e bi kamala pulled the biden has no other events on her schedule oty. she's 20 years younger thane joe doesn't have the brainis 2 g or covid. >> what's her excuse? for carmel is only goal for the day was getting her steps in. >> that might be the last we
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hear from kamala until september. >> fox fox news contributor charle hurt is here. all right, charlie, i know you were ready, were for beyonc. >> how disappointed were you? >> well, actually, i thought it was perfect. it was a perfect endinually,g be it was the perfect fail democrat promise. e perfecthey promise it. they don't deliver. and it goes across the board. it's what they always t everything is so fake. and that entire campaignhe. first of all, give her credit. the convention didth what the convention needed to do, which was basically do no haricallym. but all of it got flushed downet the toilet today with. the rfk endorsement of donald trump, that outside of the,- yo you know, the death star, you have the rebel forces uniting. and i think that it's pretty impossible to overstatee vo how important this is, because voters in both parties parg time going back for a long time have had sought and been eager for a change
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and democrats got behind barack obama in 2008 because they thought he would be a change agent. he came to washington and immediately got into bed with washingtot. intn, and he's madeand ma a fortune by doing what washington wanted him to d atuneo. paved and, of course, that paved the way for for donald trump. what democrats couldn't deal with was rfk, because he is the most important rfe on their side,k going back 75 years. and the idea that these two men are uniting for all the right reasons to come to washington and change washington, radically change the way washington rundicalls so that it works for regular people and makes people' s live healthier and better and a more prosperound mors. this is i really don't think, jesse, you can overstate a bigso wel deal that is that so? >> well said, charlie. saidand the fact that kamalami couldn't see this coming, she coulnge could have orchestratedu
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actual coup. the coup would have beenlde beef kamala to win the endorsement of rfk jr. that would r have completely e changed this election. and she and she blew the guy y off. and now, look, you're exactly right. the reberight.l esl forces haved and they're coming right at the deatt at th star. >> yeah, but if they had if they had not killed the the the the kennedy nominationn th in the democratic primary when they did, then he would be the beennee today and kamala harris would have been taken outht with the garbage on the first night of the convention giving a speech beforech joe biden. >> yeah, she would have been on monday. it's funny how things change>> >> charlie, good to see you on sunday night. sunday night. that'sw things chang right.ay ng >> good to see you outht there in chicago. new >> democrats have a new comparison for kamala. she has this magical, charismatic quality in person. >> so do a lot of politicians. people say that about
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hillary clinton. also tru.e. >> former assistant treasury secretary for public affairs monica crowley. i don't know if she realized that that was an insult. insul >>t. yeah, the hillary analogy, jesse, is not something that i would reach for if i were the democrats right now. remember, hillary clinto hilarya two time presidential loser. she lost to barack obama. and that democrat primaryan back in 2008. and of course, she lost to donald trump in 2016. so it's because, of course, shef was very far left, but also becausere until kamala harris,bl she was the most unlikable presidential candidate in american history. >> is she friendly? doescan she have a lot of allis in washington, d.c.? because from what i've observed, she got in there and she's at the naval observatory. she didn't really make any alliances in the senate or in the house or within t the administrationhe.
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she was kind of out on her owner island. how is she all of a sudden so likable and charismatic? well, i think it's the direct result of the imperial media firing on all cylinders just to create a presidential candidate out of thin air. i meana prescandid, kamala harrh sort of the last ghost of that. the system is put up to run for president. they did 200 it in 2008 with bak obama. they did iy dit in 2020 with jos biden. these people are gross. they're just fabricated oundt of thin air. and then they're supported by the imperial media that creates whole superstructure, a whole illusion around thesure people o try to sell them to the american people. but you know, your questionsbut are just about the kind of alliances that she created in washington, few and far between few friendships as well . in fact, all of the stories over the last three and a halfe years have been the exact opposite that kamala harris haos driven people away, including her own staff, where shet like t
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couldn't retain staff. people did not like to work for her. they didn't trus her.t her and they didn't like her. so what does that say whenoe? d you're trying to sell a presidential candidate to the american people. to tshe's asking us to hire her, but she can't keep staff on her bun. >> well, and she drove away. rfk jr who made an overtureo to her and she just blew themt off right into trump's camp. look how that turnedsh ove out.d all right, monica, memo. good to see you. uthuge. >> thank you. >> johnny was running around the dnc asking your favorite democrats very, very important questions. >> watch. do yo are you dou you miss being mayor? i'm not doing any spontaneous interviews like that. do you miss its inte? iona, how are you, congresswoman? iwhat is kamala's policies. >> she has an entire plan that's about economic growth. wher plae are they?
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>> we can't find them long.t it's all about protecting a woman'hoose.s right to choose. >> it's about lowering taxes for the middle class. being unburdened cla by what has been. what? excuse me? democrat what, excuse s love el. >> do you have one? n no. who.y? because i don't. i have a for fd broncoor bringig the energy. >> yes. are you proud of kamala? are ofamala?, my god. so proud. so proud of the whole team. it's bee on a team effort.the so proud of the team.. what are the best policies that she has? honestly, it is carrying w on what the biden administrationhae has done.e ka would you advise kamala to do a fox debate? she doesn't want to do it. is she scareded? she's scared. but i hope that she will comeon on fox because, frankly, that's how we connect with lotswith lot and lots of americans, including members of my family. would you convinced lo her to do it? >> i think she'll crush trump in any debat.e anywhere, any time. so i'd be all in. governor, how are you? good. soe you?ime. why don't democrats want to secure the border? i'm i'm not sure what that even
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means. >> i'm sorry. ch we had about half of our team in chicago. really, really good production effort by everybody here in new york. and the crew in chicago. stage crew, everybody behind the scenes in the control room. really great job. and we'll do it agaid we w in ir years. >> but if trump's a dictator, maybe not by just carrying. some text messages, why not?no >> we got o j man from cranford, new jersey. >> are we ever going to see those maine photos you teas goinge e. >> why don't we show you some maine photos? we had a lot of breaking news. couldn't get to them. we got allie, we got sophie, we got the junior, we got gigi getting stranglejuniord by the e preserver, and then the whole family there. that's all for tonight . i am >> dvr. always remember, i'm waters. this is my world.


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