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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 24, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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finally back in washington tonighingtont, my joyful kamala takedown in moments. first, fbut first, former president trump is holding a rally in glendalona.e arizonan he's expected to come out any moment. and we're going to bring it to you live when he does. now, the campaign promised a guest and they're actually going to deliver. "thegle" hass confirmed it will be rfk jr. now this comes he suspended his own campaign earlier today and indeed did endorse the former president. >> fox business correspondent. grady trimble is live from the rally. grady, i know you're stayingra:r cool. what's the mood like to see laura? this place is packed all the itop anto the nosebleeds and ye you can hear the applause. it's going to be even bigger when former president trum p and rfk jr take the stager. in just minutes as jr buckspresd the family dynasty and backs is h president trump. he's taking his name offand th the ballot in several key
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swing. and that, of course, could change the outcome of this. election. the harris campaign out with a statement today making nntioo mention of rfk jr. by name and also making no mention of the impact this could have in the presidential racee tr. orme >> but the trump campaign sayst this is clearly good news fotrur president trump and the trump campaign. i'll end with this is th laura. and that is the fact that noda matter what the the outcomy,eda is from this on election day,d it's already making a mark todaisy. that's because it's stealing away headlines from vice president harrisis after after a consequential speech of her political career. justt yest because now everybodn is talking about the special guest who we now know is rfk jr, who will join trump in minutes. >> laura, very exciting. grady, thank you so much. and carrie leaight lake speakins right now there. we're going to keep an eye on the rally and bring i sidentt you when president trump comes out. we just had a very nice endorsement from rfk joining
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bobby. >> that's big. eve he's a great guy, respected by everybody. rfk his endorsement is sure to be a shake up in this race. we're going to explain how in moments. but, fbut first, the why these c are the principal causes the that persuaded me to leave the democratic democratic party and run as an independent. to and now to throw my support w at president trump. >> the causes were free speech,h a war in ukraine, an the war on our children. >> that's called issuesd to oriented disagreement. now, rfk, remember, tried appeal to voters in both parties and the leaders of both parties. is but the democrat bigwigs wouldn't tolerate >>. residentence disob following my first discussioni r with presidentie trump, i tried unsuccessfully to open similar harrussions.
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>> vice president harris. vice president harrivice pres dd to meet or even speak with me. . >> of course, she's not going to may speak now. all thcoming fall the bluster cc the democrats, all the unity, all th pe joy, the democratic party consistently demonizes those who, disagree with them. >> what most alarms me isn't, how the democratic party conducts its internal affairs or run s its candidates little arms me is the resort just, ambassadorship and media contro fedl and weaponization of the federal agencies. a u.s. president colludes c with or outright coerces media companies to censor political speech. it's attack on our most sacred right of free expression and that's the very right upon which all of our other constitutional rights rest. >> so you think he's exaggerating the whole constitution thing? >> listen.
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>> in the six months since decla i declared. abc, nbc, cbs, msnbc, and cnn. combined gave only two live interviews from a those networks instead ran a continuous deluge of hitn pieces with inaccurate, often vile pej pejoratives and defamay smears. roo >> representatives of those networks are in this room right no d i willw, and i'll just take a moment to ask you to consider the many ways that your institutions have abdicated this really sacred responsibility, a duty of a free press to safeguard party democracy and to challenge always the party in power. >>but, let but let's be clear t, that type of journalism startede dying a long, slow death, decades ago, but it really went into cardiac arrest. we sawand we s during covid.ey
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and we saw it really when trump came on the scene because. decided he was a mortal threat to their grip on power. >> rules wer so all the old rulp tossed out the window. >> and this is why are not up. in arms about harris' refusal to do interviewsthey kno, becaue they know interviews would hurte her and help trump. and those reporters, they can't riskiden that. >> vice president harris has not appeared in nglea single orn unscripted encounter voters for 35 days. >> this is profoundly. people how are people to choose when don't know whom they are choosing? and how ca n this look to they da rest of the world. i do interviews every dapresidy >> president trump who actually was nominated and won an election also interviews dailyn . >> how did the democratic party candidate that hastervie never e an interview or debate during the entire election cycle
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because it's not the party of jfk. ntonbill clinton or even barack obama. it's the partycrus of crush and control all dissent. well, of course, brandin g its candidate is joyful and fun. mumolo save us. >> joining us now, ari fleischer, former white house press secretary and byron york, chief political correspondent for the washington examiner. exami both are fox news contributors. ari, we're still waiting fornete donald trump and rfk jr. to come ou t in arizona on that stage. what do you think this endorse will do to where this race sits right now? >> i think it's going to modestly, very modestly help president trump. >> but in these battlegroundste0 states, lower where we knew four, four years ago, the race, is decided by 10,000 votes votes, 20,000 votes, 40,000 votes. incredibly tight, smalle ma margins. this could make the difference
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on thosergins, margins. >> the other factor is that since the day before joe bidenut dropped out of the race, donald trump has not caughtts a political break. everything since biden dropped out has gone. the democrat' s the fik hes way. this is the first breakthat's he's gotten in more than a montlyh. >> that's significantly helpful to well, rfk. thron called out harris and the democrats on this very issue that always addressing what the dnc and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for vice president as upon what? >> oh, nothing. oh. policies in chicago, a string of democratic mentioned donald whump 147 times. >> just on the first dayo . >> oh, who needs a policy when you have trump day? oh, byron, that's succinctly put. justbut having just left thee. convention and observing
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the delegates there, i mean, they were having a great time. they're dancing, great music sm a lot of smiles, a lot of laughter, but they animatedo. in principal of that convention. poliout a doubt was get trump and get them out of politics forever for good by any means a. necessary. that's what i took away. >> absolutely. it was just whenn, when when, you know, david plouffe, the former obama campaign head, who now is join the harris campaign , explained the other day, he said the short campaignf win benefits kamala harris in a. number of ways. , wa >> i think what you saw at the convention was democratic plan to rebrand kamala as a new product, a new and unseen producshe hat. conne the fact that she's been vice president of the unitectdng states for three and a half years, who's not connected to any of those unpleasant thingsuer, you might remember, r
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those last three and a half years and make impression lastfm for about 45 days from now when early voting starts, they're very aware that there' s no election day, there's election month, and keep that goingg until until voting. >> well, one of rfk jr's key criticisms of harris, as we heard, was her refusal to do anuall interview. >> but her campaign actually addressed that or toda. to today >> i think she'll sit down on her time. look, as you mentioned, this was a truncatedcatedme. tir wes. have made sure that we werk getting out, talking to voters.s vice president harris will make herself available to speak to the press on her time ready and when she's ready. >> all right. this is clearly a decision they've made that it's a minefield to send her out there to try to defendhalf yfact the three and a half years and explain the fact she's going to, i guess, abandon some off tt that and then completely have a ha to governingot
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because she's a new, new thing, right? >> not the old new thingold newh there is a real problemhe in america today, laura. and thocratie problem is the democratic media industrial complex the to work together. >> i think even if she did sit down and do it interview, they pick somebody who would sose them nothing but softball and questions about the horse race. ?how appeal to be up 2.1 pointsn in the poll. you know that would be a haro d question they would ask her. and it dovetails so nicely with what the harris campaign wants, because i do think they fear just like their sameoo staff, fear putting joe biden out in public because he was tomably,o stumbling, mumbling and old. >> they fear putting her out there because she is not capable intellectually of speaking, extemporaneously speaking spontaneous, spontaneousl y. she just doesn't have it. once she does, we all sethee the mishmash word salad, incoherent thoughts that are scrambled that she puts ousemble there. scere has never been a more scripted candidateriican in ameb
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history than kamala harris. and joe biden was plenty now scripted, but nowhere near as much. >> now has harris. she says laura: , no. discipline the script because she knows if she doesn'et it's the kiss of death. when people see how she really performs. . >> ari and byron, thanke you both. have a great weekend. nopeoplew talk to the people whs actually crunch the numbers here. joining us now, tom bevan, here, cleategisresident of real clear politics, and doug schoen, democratic strategist and former adviserformeradvisera president bill clinton. tom, right now in the real clear politics, average rfk jr takes about 5% of thethat i national vote. the new york post reporting mate that in key states where it matters that, support that rfk has could make a significantld k difference for trump. what are your thoughts tonight, given what we're seeindecisiongh >> yeah, we just did an analysis of the big seven battleground states and rfk is roll and when he's added to the ballot, it actually helps
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harris in michigan and wisconsin. it actually helps trump inthreet nevada and georgia. but the three states where it actually matters the most in and pennsylvania, where trump has leads that are just 0.2% right now, rfk presence on the ballot would actually tip that state in favor of harris har and north carolina, where trump has a small lead, about one point. f that race becomes tied. so removin theg rfk from the bae will boost trump. most likely boost trump in those states. now that the trump campaign also did their own analysis, they just released it ea it eard today and they showed that in according to their datar di and polling that rfk voters would break in their direction ,an average net gain of aboutnn 24% over kamala harris. >> doug, i mean, look, you knofw the kennedy family came out and they said this doesn't represent us a, t all.quote: our past, our current day thinking. they said it was, quotd.e. well, i always thought that,
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you know, we thought we that people can think their own things. you know, family members can have their own thought, bu thatm politics. but apparently that's not allowed. a new rmg research nationan yo national poll is showing that trump and harris are tiedsd when you include leaners both at 49%. but if nationally, she's tied n. does this show that the rfk jr , endorsement could actually hurt her? t yodoug given what you've analyzed? >> yeah, the simple answer is yes. and i was going to cite the rmg numbers. citelaura, which show that with kennedy in the race, even at 3% which is what he was at a trump trailed harris by two points. be this suggests from that survey was there's two or three points bearing outgn the argument that tom bevan and the trump campaign werete making. >> put simply, this is a smallsu amount of votes, but a very big deal for donald
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trump tonight. >> well, tomn , whenyou you lok at the numbers from 2016 and 2020 and i know you've addressed some oe f this before but for our viewers watching tonight and ready to watchis eventla this this tht play out on tv. tell us about the margins right now. >> so the 1.6%, whatever, real clear politics difference. that's the national poll. but what did it look likeor hil in 2020 folar biden in 2016? for hillary, both of whom were ahead? at's t >> yeah, i mean, that's that'sh if you're if you're in the trump campaign, that'she good news, is that he's in y a much stronger positionears thn he was four years ago or eight years ago. and the polls, both 2016timate and 2020, really underestimated his support. i just went back and looked, laura, at at the margins in particulalarln r in wisconsie was 6.6%. so if it's anything like that this time arounn be d, trump's doing even better than the polls suggest. >> tom and>> lautom and doug, a fantastic weekend. thank you for joining us tonight. by when we come back, what kamala's campaign of liesp
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and vibes really tells us about her strength. plus, we're stiling fol for president trump and rfk to makei their first appearance together since rfk jr. suspended his campaign are. >> we're going to bring it to you live next. >> fox nation would like to thank all active military and veterans by offering their first year of fox nation free stream exclusive shows that celebrate our country. >> this is the story of the greatest american. before there was an america hear real stories from real heroes, highlighting those who their lives on the line for our freedom. this is their top gun school one or 2 seconds. that sometimes could be the difference between life and death. go to nation .com and get your first year for free at go to bank for go to people in life. that's why we created the ultimate banking app easy to use and no monthly fees with direct deposit. >> do i get free atms pay my bills? yes and yes. it's mobile banking at its best
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president trump come out for his rally in glendale, arizona, where he's going to be joined by rfk jr. going to bring it to you as soon as they both come out. but first, okay, is it beyonce? >> how george w bush speaking? >> oh, my gosh. there's taylor swift. people were going crazy last night in chicago. >> so democrats promised special guest. and of course, they didn't deliver. and why should we expect anything different? >> over the past three years or so. biden and harris promised a lot more. >> all the promises of more u.s. manufacturing jobs, a return to norms and regular order, lower health care costs, peace in ukraine, all charging stations. what are we up to? ten nationwide. well, biden and harris delivered chaos at the border and inflation were. >> everything is more expensive. so when you watch clips of kamala harris last night, her lines were pretty well delivered. we're at lines in a script
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that might as well have been from an old reboot of, i don't know, the west wing. remember that show? kind of entertaining to watch, but with zero effect on your daily life. >> it is now our turn to do what generations before us have done. guided by optimism and faith to fight for this country. we love to fight for the ideals we what what ideals are those? madam vice president, because i seem to recall that kamala harris was very clear that we as a nation said, suffer from, paraphrasing here, a raging sickness. >> america has a long history of systemic racism. does she not know that we have all these video files? that's just the start, by the way. you see, that's what kamala
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really believes. and the entire campaign is built on a lie. the president of the united states has to make real life or death choices. and those life or death choices have an impact just here but abroad. >> over the past four years, the terrible decisions that biden and harris have made have led to increased crime. it ruined small businesses. it cost families enormous amounts and savings. and it made buying homes out of reach for millions of americans. and that pain and it's real pain is going to continue until we get trump in the white house. now, last night, kamala showed us that she can't make things better, but she can mouth same platitudes that biden used in almost every state of the union address. our nation with this election has precious, fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism
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and divisive battles of past. >> a chance to chart a new way forward. she needed to pick up the pace there. that was not great, teleprompter. all right. in other words, she's saying, i'm the incumbent vice president, but we need a new way forward. that literally makes no sense that what's been happening for the past three and a half years, she helped us get in this mess. but this is how cynical they are. >> now, i actually remember that bill clinton and even barack obama, they actually tried to make real policy arguments, convince people that their path was the right path. but these people, the harris people, are just basing their entire approach to this campaign on one belief and the belief is that the average american, in their view, is too stupid to know when they're being played with respect to the war in gaza. president biden and i
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are working around the clock because. >> now is the time to get a hostage deal and a ceasefire deal done. >> all right. what did she say around the clock? what is she talking about? biden is on and she and doug and the whole crew, i guess, taking the weekend off, no campaign stops. but maybe should ask president blinken or president sullivan, because they seem to be running the country in lieu of an actual and vice president. of course, she's not going to fix the economy if she did. >> you knew how she would have already used all that bossy girl power to do so. and of course, she's not going to get the border force or under control or she would have already done so. >> and of course, she's not going to bring us all together as a nation. >> she thinks america's boiling over right now with racism. >> kamala and, the crew believe that they will never have to be held accountable. there's no one there to do it. so they'll just continue it, continue to do what they've
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done again. one big mirage. my friends read, a fork in the road. and i know people say that a lot in politics, but we truly are. and what republicans are counting on is that most american are smarter and have more common sense than the democrat ites believe they have and that they want more than vibes. an appearance by kerry, washington or oprah. they actually want a better life for themselves and for their children. but the democrats have made a bet on the belief that the voters really don't care about policy. instead, to them, the presidency is like a no show in the fall. tv lineup. >> so biden was the lead actor and but biden didn't work in the ratings, so they dumped him for another actor or in this case, an actress. but let's be clear, the same who fired biden can fire her just as easily. joining us now is utah senator mike lee. senator, what was your main takeaway from last night's
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production and in particular, kamala harris' appeal to the idea that, look, the other people think america has failed ,but we're the font of optimism and a way. >> yeah. my first reaction was that it was miraculous or it was miraculous because she appears to be the first major party nominee in modern history to become that party's nominee without, stating a single policy position without receiving a single primary election vote, without standing for a single press conference. and kept waiting. >> i'm still waiting for her to state coherently a single policy position. but here's what i predict, laura. i think hear a policy position from laura bush, from kamala harris. the second that her and her focus groups and her consultants tell her that it's time to, do so and not a moment until that happens.
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>> and it's not clear at this point, laura, whether she'll ever do that. well this is the most one of the most absurd things i read of a lot of bad things today or ridiculous things from the new republic titled the female obama. no, kamala harris is more than that. kamala harris is historic figure. how she has risen to this occasion, her poise her power, her sure footedness has been just breathtaking to watch. she's kennedy in 1960 and then some no offense to obama harris is more senator press not only has abdicated its role as kind of an honest broker, but now she's obama and jfk combined combined into one. >> i mean you can just feel the joy and the vibes eking out of this. you know, look, i really do think that if kamala harris is your candidate, the odds are pretty good that you're somebody who thinks that presidential campaign and who thinks that the united states government
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through the oval office can and should properly be run joy and vibes, if, on the other hand, you want someone who has vision for america and an understanding of how the united states has failed the american people, where it needs to improve and where it needs to chart a path forward to remove impediments placed in front of the people by the government itself. and you should support donald trump because all you're going to get out of kamala harris is joy and vibes. >> and that's not enough. senator mike lee this is wild. so we have rfk jr has endorsed president trump. president trump, president trump is about to walk out on stage. they're playing a kind of a video tribute to him. >> on a scale of 1 to 10, how big is this moment at the. look, i think it's huge. i think it's an absolutely huge moment for the simple reason that this is somebody who who ran this is a long time democrat who ran and who was deprived of his opportunity
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to move forward as somebody who could be the nominee part because joe biden was in the seat. he didn't ever have to run. kamala harris. kamala harris never had to run against him. they have him now backing trump shows america where americans ought to be. >> all right, senator, we appreciate it very much. president trump taking the stage. >> this is a big moment. i mean this comes on the heels of kamala harris' speech at the dnc which was you know, it was quite a sight to behold. the arena there filled to capacity and people are pretty excited. but she's taking the day off today and through the weekend. she'll be back on the trail on monday. and president trump decided now we're going to take this arizona moment and was able to coordinate ultimately with jr to set the stage. and another looking like sold out. you know tickets are free but you know full to capacity arena and this is quite a nice is quite something. joining me now terry schilling
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president of the american principles project. sherry terry, sorry. >> hey, thank you so much, laura. thanks for having me. i think this is a huge moment. donald trump is going to save us from communism. i think that kamala harris is not going to get a bump in the polls. i think donald trump is going to take advantage of this rfk jr. moment. i think it's going to be big. i think, you know, ronald reagan saved the world from communism. and i think donald trump is going to save america, communism. >> well, and he has successfully vanquished a lot of demigods for the establishment. obviously hillary clinton, some would say the bushes, cheney then, of course, in 90 minutes, joe biden. and so a lot of people are like, wow, we hope he loses. and then we can have a regular republican party back. but the republican, more of a working class ethnic coalition today. and i don't think there's anyone else that i can think of who could have put this thing together. lee greenwood, song is wrapping
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up. terry, the president, former president, is walking to the lectern and is speaking now. thank you, terry. we're going to go in and join former president trump. well, thank very much. and a very big hello, arizona hello, phoenix. >> i'm thrilled to be back at this incredible state with thousands of proud, hardworking american patriots. that's what you are. you built our country 70 four days from now. >> can you imagine? 74 days. then we gently move into
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that beautiful white house and we take over our country and we make it great again. >> we're going to win arizona. we're going to defeat comrade kamala harris, and we're going to win back our beautiful white house. we're going to win it back. we're going to win it back. good record for. everyone here tonight is part of the greatest political in the history of our country. >> you know, this is the greatest political movement. >> it's called make america great again. >> and it's right now bigger and better and stronger than it ever was before. you know, we won in 2016 and we did much better in 2020. a lot of people don't that. but we understand that millions and millions more votes. but those two are nothing like the spirit that we have now.
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>> it's amazing. and that's because we've seen how bad government can be. that's why it's combinations of a lot of things. but the job they've done in destroying our country, unbelievable. and people have seen it. and because of that, there's never been anything like this, right, carrie? >> right. our movement is not about democrat versus republican. it's about patria ism and common sense have a common sense with a party of common sense. you say what you want. nice to say, but really with a party of common sense, we want fair elections, free elections. we want strong borders. we want a great military, we want great education. we want a nice home and low interest rates, low taxes and no regulations. that's why we're welcoming support from millions and millions of disaffected democrats and they are joining like wildfire now. it's a little different than it was. you know, we had somebody i was
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up 18 points and they said, joe, you can't win. you're getting out of the race. no, i want to go. and give it a shot. >> no, joe, you're getting out of the race, joe. >> and if you don't do it the nice way, do it the tough way. joe. and he said, okay, and now i have a new opponent. this never happened before. we spent $100 million and a lot of time on defeating. and as soon as he was gonzo, it all started with the debate. the debate all that time, all that effort. a friend of mine said you did a terrible job in the debate. i said, why do you say that? everybody? i was brilliant. they said, no, you got him out of the race with that debate. it's all right. we have to do what we have to do right? we have to do what we have to do. and now we have somebody in theory should be easier to beat.
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in theory because she's a radical, left a marxist and everybody knows. but we're welcoming the support from millions of disaffected democrats, independents, moderates, old fashioned liberals who still believe in things like little things like borders was there yesterday. that's a scary place. sure, it's about time that you get out of the sun, sir. we're going to have to get out of here, sir. let's get the out of here. she was the borders. she presided over the worst border in history. not american history, world history, democracy, liberty, and, of course, always the right of free. we don't really have free speech right now. the press. look at all of them. look all of them. >> look at that. wow man. that's a lot of press. that's a lot of fake news. that's a hell of a lot of fake news.
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gone forever is the old democratic party of fdr, jfk. and that's right. even bill clinton kamala harris' democrat party is the party of free health care for illegal aliens. communist style price controls, defund the police. all her life. she wants to defund the police. a little while ago changed it in china, banning gas powered cars and changes for minor children without parental or without parental consent. how about that? how would you like that without parental consent? can you imagine? your kid comes home. parental consent. what happened to my baby? what happened? >> the true divide in american politics is between these far left fascists led by harris and her group and you know who her group is and citizens of all political backgrounds who love our country, share tradition,
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american values, the values that you have right in this great state and look past our differences, unite around a thing called our great american flag. and we should and we should speak, too. we speak to our great congressman and congresswomen. they ought to make it illegal to burn the american flag. if you burn the american flag, you go to jail for one year, one year. that's all. one year. you burn the american flag. because in chicago at the democrats, you know, they were burning flags over the place. you burn the american flag. they say it's unconstitutional to do that. i think it's constitutional. you burn american flag. you go to jail for one year. nobody's going to be burning the american flag and our
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opponents worship the deep state. >> we want to obliterate the state. >> slight difference. our opponents. thank you. our opponents join with warmongers and neocons to wage endless wars. these wars, it never end. we don't even know who the hell country is that we're fighting. we believe that america is strongest when america is at peace. we want peace through strength. that's what we want, like we had four years ago, we didn't have any wars except we wiped out isis very quickly. it was supposed to take five years to beat isis. >> i did it in three weeks. they support coercive covid vaccine mandates and want to fire you. if you don't obey, you get fired. we oppose these mandates as a fundamental violation of our
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given rights. >> we don't want the mandates. we don't want the mandates they want to arrest their political opponents and silence those who disagree. we reject censorship all forms ,and we believe in freedom, open debate and fair, equal and impartial justice under the constitutional rule of law. >> our opponents slander us as a threat to democracy. trump is a threat to democracy . no, they're a threat to democracy. how many times have you heard you know, it's a talking point for them, right, deb? it's a talking point. donald trump is a threat to democracy. and those guys say it, too, because they're the same thing. they're like they're a subsidiary of the democrat party. >> meanwhile, they rigged their primaries. they force out joe biden. they force him out the party. joe biden got 14 million votes
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in an unconstitutional coup. and they appoint a nominee who never got a single vote. >> and when she ran against this guy and i'm no fan, he was the worst president in the history of our country. he let in millions and millions of through her, let in millions of people would destroy our country. but we're going to get those people out. the people that came in here from jails and prisons and mental institutions. but they threw him out. you know, they ran against each other for the primary. and she never even made it to the first state, the great state of iowa never made it. >> and now she's the one running a little strange, isn't it? as you see, that's really a threat to democracy if you get right down to it. right in our movement, we know democracy does not mean ruled by the democrats, that bush meant it means rule by the american people. tonight, i'm very pleased to a
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man who has been an incredible champion and for so many of these values that we all share and we've shared them for a long time, i don't think too many of you people have heard of him. he's very low key. he's a very low key person, but he's highly respected. he is a great person. i've known him for so long for . the past 16 months. robert f. kennedy jr. i may and the last man will and
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he deserves it. he deserves it. for the past 16 months, bobby has run an extraordinary campaign for president of the united states. i know because he also went after me a couple of times i didn't like it and i mean this sincerely. had he been allowed to enter the democrat primary, he would have easily beaten biden,
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but they wouldn't let him in. they put up rules. i've never seen rules like he had to have 65% of the vote in order to run. you know little things like that. his candidacy has inspired millions and millions of americans, raised critical issues that have been too long ignored in this country and brought together people from across the political spectrum in a positive campaign grounded in the american values of his father, robert kennedy, a great man, and his uncle. >> president john f kennedy. >> and i know that they are looking down right now and they are very, very proud of bobby. i'm proud of bobby. you want to know the truth. >> and i don't think i've ever introduced anyone that got applause. >> like he just got i must tell
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you, i don't think that's true. >> i don't think i ever introduced anything that got applause like that. oh, amazing. it's true. amazing. >> soon after i was i can't even believe i have to say. this nearly assassinated in pennsylvania last month, bobby called me to express his best wishes. he knows firsthand the risks incurred by leaders who stand up to the corrupt political establishment. when you stand up, you bring on some trouble yourself.
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but you have to do what's right. you have to do what's right for the country. i will tell you, we are both in this to do what's right for country. that's one thing i can tell you. he lost his father and uncle in service to our country. >> and bobby himself, subject to repeated threats to his safety during the course, his campaign while being denied protection by the harris biden administration. >> and this is a tribute in honor of bobby. i am announcing tonight that upon my election i will establish a new independent presidential commission on assassination attempts and they will be tasked with releasing all of the remaining documents pertaining to the assassination of president john f. kennedy.
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and they will also conduct a rigorous review of attack last month. but i you i have never had more people ask me, please, sir, release the documents on the kennedy assassination and we're going to do that. and i also want to salute bobby's decades work as an advocate for the health of our families and our children nobody's done more. >> millions and millions of americans who want clean air ,clean water and a healthy nation have concerns about toxins in our environment and pesticides in our food. >> that's why today i'm repeating my pledge to a panel of top experts working with bobby to invest against
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what is causing the decades long increase in chronic problems and childhood diseases ,including autoimmune disorders, obesity, infertility and many more. we want every child in america to grow up and to live a long and healthy life. so i just want to ask bobby to speak for a little while. >> i'll stand aside. i'm going to stand beside. but i can only tell you i've known him a long time. we've been a little bit on the opposite side of the equation. >> but i will say this he is a . >> i still think of him as young. he's not that young. i always call him young, but he's not that young. but he is a phenomenal person, a phenomenal man who loves
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the people of this country as much as anybody can love the people of this country. so, bobby, please say a few words. thank you very thank. you. thank you. president trump. thank you. >> a few hours after the assassination attempt at butler, i got a call from a safe food advocate named kelly maines, who's been fighting for many years to try to end the corruption at cdc and fda and usda and these
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institutions run by the big food processing companies, the big ag and the chemical companies that they're to regulate. and he said to me that he'd been advising me for many years and on my campaign. and he told me that night that he was also advising president trump and asked if i would talk to president trump. and i said, of course. >> and about a few minutes later, i got a call from the president. and we talked we had a very good talk, and he invited me to come. >> him and i went to minneapolis on. we met again a couple of weeks later in florida. and we talked about not about the things that separate us because we don't agree on everything, but on
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the values and the issues at. bind us together. and one of the issues that he talked about was having safe food, ending the chronic epidemic. our children are now unhealthy as sick as children in the world. >> don't you want a healthy child? and don't you want the chemical out of our food? and don't you want the regulatory agencies to be free from corporate corruption ? and that's what president trump told me that he wanted. >> also told me that wanted to end the grip of the neocons on u.s. foreign he said
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he didn't want any more 200 trillion to $200 billion wars in ukraine could to use that money back here in the united states. and the safest the best way to build safe america is to rebuild our industrial base and rebuild the middle class in this country. and he said he didn't want any more 200 trillion, $200 billion wars in ukraine. we could use that money back in the united states. and the safest the best way to build a safe america is
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to rebuild our industrial base and rebuild the middle class in this country and don't you want a president who's going to get us out of the wars and who's going to rebuild the middle class in this country. and he told me that he wanted to end the censorship because. the basis of american democracy is the free flow of information . and we know that a government that can silence its opponents has for any kind of atrocity. and can you think of any time you can look back history and say that the people who were censoring him were the good guys, they're always
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the bad guys because it's always the first step down that slippery to totalitarianism totalitarianism. and don't you want a president who's going to protect america's freedoms is not filled with chemicals that are going to give them cancer and chronic disease? and don't you want a president that's going to make america again and all very, very much and god bless you and god bless
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america. wow. how is something that was something fantastic? you know, he did well in the polls are good now, but you have to remember, we have sort of like a two party system. it was designed that way. and it's awfully and as well as he did, it'd be a ten and 15 and 16 points sometimes. >> that's a lot. that's a lot. >> but if he were in a regular system, like as a democrat or perhaps as a republican, but not get to me, of course. >> but if he were in a regular
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system, there are a lot of people that maybe liked him the best, but they said we can't vote. so with all those votes, he was getting his a lot of votes that he could have gotten. i think he's going to have a huge we're now, but i think he's going to have a huge influence on this campaign. actually much bigger than you'd see in the polls. and those numbers are big just short of it. but bobby and i will fight together to defeat corrupt political establishment and return control of this country to the people and to all who supported bobby's campaign. i very simply ask you to join us building this coalition. it's a beautiful coalition in defense of liberty and safety, prosperity and peace. it's going to be an incredible coalition. and the relationship been so good for so long. i have no doubt it's going
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to and work well. but we have to win. we have to take our country away from these people that are going to destroy our country we won't have a country left. so thank you very much. need your vote. as you all know, this week, the democrats held their convention probably so at their party. the media says the big message from their convention was that we need to turn the page from the failures of the last four years here believe it, they forgot they've run it for the last four years she was saying last night, we will stop the abuse. >> we will stop the high. i said that you could have done it three and a half years ago. in fact, you could lead that nice that you're in and go to the white house right now. you want have a strong border.
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all you have to do is say to the incredible border patrol, ice, law enforcement closed the border. now you don't need bells. i and we had the best border history. put up that chart. put it up a chart. i love that chart. i love that chart. put it up. but i love chart. not everybody realizes. but that chart is very meaningful, even beyond the numbers that are on the chart, it shows the least numbers of illegal immigrants pouring into our country. again, prisons from mental institutions. terror is where the bottom arrow is. >> but you know what? that charge is meaningful in many ways. some people understand what i'm talking about.
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>> i love you, darling. i love you. i love you to sleep with that chart tonight. deb, i'm to sleep with the chart. but isn't that a beautiful sight? look at that? look at this. and then look what happens when that was my last week in office. >> and look what happens after i left. it's like a rocket ship. look at that. isn't that terrible no padding, no checking. we have idea who they are. >> they just pour into our country by the millions and millions and millions. >> we need to turn the page of four years of calamity and failure. they have had calamity and fairly and say kamala, you've done a horrible job. you've been the worst vice president in the history of our country. you're fired. you're fired. get out. get out, get out!
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kamala, she's the only person ever to get a nomination of a party without getting one votes. you get one vote. hey, maybe she's smarter than we think. you know, you could at it that way. as vice president kamala, the deciding votes causing the worst inflation in decades ,costing the typical american household $28,000. >> think of this. prices. it was inflation, $28,000 has bought czar. she flooded america with savage illegal alien criminals who have been and pillaging and killing our cities and our towns. will >> all right, everybody, first of all, we apologize for that glitchy shodot. >> apparently, we had internet issues. jessi's next. well, everybody, i'm jessejess


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