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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 24, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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ever to get a nomination of a party without getting one votes. you get one vote. hey, maybe she's smarter than we think. you know, you could at it that way. as vice president kamala, the deciding votes causing the worst inflation in decades ,costing the typical american household $28,000. >> think of this. prices. it was inflation, $28,000 has bought czar. she flooded america with savage illegal alien criminals who have been and pillaging and killing our cities and our towns. will >> all right, everybody, first of all, we apologize for that glitchy shodot. >> apparently, we had internet issues. jessi's next. well, everybody, i'm jessejessea
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waters, along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov,a, katie and tyrus. it's 5:00 in new york city. and thisit's 5:0 is the five fos alert. >> rfk jaw dropping,of the biggest bombshell yet of the 2024 race. he's suspending his campaign for president and endorsingd donald trump. much more on that comingmuch mo. but first to this. donald trump hammering kamala's dnc speech while back on >> lcampaign trail in las vegas. >> watch.t last night. this week, she madnipeech she tg 26 different things that were lies. >> she lied. she didn'ts, the border. she didn't mention inflation. she didn't mention the badecono. economy. she didn't mention crime. she didn't mentione didn of theo things that you supposed to be mentioning. but you mentioned trump 21 times or some crazy thing. did you see the beginning? thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you.
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thank you. thanu. thk you.thank yo thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank than, k. h >> thank.l thank i said what the hell is wrong with her . and here's what trump was talking about. it was all style. noas all s in kamala's dnc spee harris bathing the roaringe applause lines and glowing adoration from it was the culmination of a coronation that startedlminatio with a cou. >> harris going light on what she plans to d light oo for ame, but heavy on how bad she thinks the former is. former >> donald trump is an unserious man, but the consequencest the of putting donalcod trump back in the white house areite extremely seriouhouss. he would use the immense powersm of the presidencensey of thetato united states to serve the client he has ever had himself, our nation. with this election has a precious, fleeting
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opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism and divisive battles of the past, a chance to chart a new way forward. judge jeanine, be fair. i knowjudge je you're always fak >> what did you think of her speech to want me to be the judge or the prosecutor? >> well, look, you know, switc she's the first bait and switch candidate we've ever had run fo r. nights after three nights, we finally do hear from w her, and she is basically whomever you want her to be.mpressed i was so impressed that she talked about prosecuting cases e on behalf of the people against the individual defendant. doing i mean, everybody in the country does that. we've been doing that for years. she acted likethat for. you know, i came up with i said it wae s the peoplepeop and not just you against against the defendant. >> but other than her tellin thg us what a great prosecutor she was.
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my concerngreat prosecutor is to her prosecution experience, she didn't bring it to the office. of the vice president. and for the last three and a half years, we'vhree ande had0 million people come into this country, at leastcountr 2 million unknown, most of them unvetted. what percentage do you think are criminals? okay, this is the crime fighting prosecutor. it wascr 1%. it's 100,000 people. if it's 10%. kamala it's a million people. all unvetted criminals comingof out of jails in countries like salvador and venezuela and colombia. we don't know who they colombia. but she's going to chart a new path forward as a prosecutor for the rest of usard as ath. i think what is amazing about all this is that she neveall ofr it clear what her je as the borders are. she had the opportunity as ae op prosecutor to comeport and say, i'm going to handle the border. i'm going to bring all united states attorneys in this country and everyone from dea and at def, and we're going to
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go down to that border and we're going to stop the crime. we're going to stop the fentanylime, stop thha thatt americans. we're going to stop the human trafficking. we're going to stothe human trpe including the more thanchildr a quarter of a million children that we've lost during this administratioenn. and we're going to make sure that we find these kids that they're not being trafficked , not being abused, they're not being used in child labor. any prosecutor worth their salt would have been talking woul. she was e things and she has the hubris to talk about how great she wass on border. and she's a border prosecutor. she has everything, osecutor a prosecutor, because no one who's been a prosecutor woul been a pd go on and allow what f going on in this countryor for y the last three and a half years where this country has been invadede this by criminals and we have suffered as a result of it. >>an happy friday. >> thank you.nine: so wthe heard from michelleelleo obama. we heard from barack obama. we heard from opraba rack obah winfrey. mm-hmm. was this kamala speech better than any of thosfree.e speeches?
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>> yeah, i yes, it was. what do you think she really was? because that's it. rstand >> i mean, powerful speakers, they wer.e all fantastic had speakers. i had never seen michelle obama speak live er seen, and i thougt was one of the more incredible things i've ever seen in my life. i just hands down.nk kamal but i also think that kamala harris did a really good job and shreallyood job e did exacte needed to do. and you can judge how strongd yf her speech was by the strength of donald trump's meltdown. t st that was a meltdown. so it starts on social while she's speaking . are they talking about me in all capitals? yes, of course. yeg all then he moves on. he starts calling brad and martha when they try to injectny a dose of reality into it, like you're not really leading in the polls. ahe flips out, then they have to get him off the phone because gutfeld has to start. he's not done, though. >> then he calls greg halfway through the show. right here was the happies t moment of greg's life. and i'm afraid he might not come back right now.
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>> he hasn't taken a hockey game. it's like it was a wal k off homerun in the world series. >> he's got nothing left to prove. so it a great moment for greg. >> so was a meltdown and it continued today in lasd today and the evidence of how well she did wa shes in hard factsin' and ratings. trump's favorite drink, favorite thing? m a 22% up from donald trump's acceptance acceptance speech. >> 7.2 million raise between 11 p.m. and midnight over the course of the entire week. camelue says over $100 million came in for democratic candidates organizationn fomocratics was ay of undecided pennsylvania voters a focus groupia voter, ef them in there. six, after watching the speech, are now going with them afts. those shose are all hard facts that show that she did a really good jobowe di. we know about the enthusiasm being up. we know about the polls going in her direction. the the that i thought was most effective was she didn't give a partisan speech and thish was tracked online. bill kristol put this up. isi thought it was fascinating. she said america are americans 34 times, country or nation, 20 times democrat, ut
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the democratic party zero times. she talked freedom about freedof 12 times family eight times opportunity six timeamtimes cos she knew that if we put the act together, the coalition from 2020, thos litione 81 million voters, which included moderate republicans. and you sa million voters w ste, jeff duncan, adam kinzinger, etc., speaking directlzinger, y to people making the case that this is an america issue, that donale thisd trump is undemocratic, he is not representative of at least the old republican party. and if you believe in democracy that kamal, ana harris is the only option. and i feel very good about the entire week, even without beyoncé, which we will talk about later, democrats,atie: th have never liked the republican party. i mean, they accuse mitt romney, who they would praise today, but they didn't call john mccain a traitor or a lose callccain r. s love the democrats love republicansly only after they betrayed after their own party. but going back to the dnc this week, it was really fun fun. it was a show hollywood came a to play. fa was a great time. but hollywood's also a lot of fake fantasy. and that's what yos whatu saw w
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this week, starting with monday night with the send off of themo sitting president from the campaign trail when everybody says campa, joe, we le you. arl the pundits and democrats on tv are saying that he washe s a patriot and courageously gave up power. that's not true. he was forcepower. of the race.e and kamala harris was inserted in an undemocratic way into the top of the ticket. and they wanted everyone to believe all weee to belkrt that somehow she was part of this democratic process where she earned this de that spot. she did it. she was put into place by donors, by the rules in terms of transferring money over to her because she was a vice presidential candidate from the biden campaign, was the ticket. >> she does it. did she earn anyticket. primarys of the democrats even have a primary? no. in terms even have of what she said during her speech, the reason why she gave part no, i'm not a partisan speech is because she's again engaging in this fakeryg in thi, that sha continuing by claiming all of these things, that she's a moderate, that she actually carese is a the borderl and then finally, they really
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tried last night to turnly, reao the commander in chief. this is why you had leon panetta speaking right aheadett of her, why they showed her speech from west point westdhy they inserteshowed some foreign policy into her speech, completely ignoring the fact that nonempletely ignos that she talked about existed under former president donald trump. they're trying to portray that she was not part of the pastey are t three and a half years that all of the pain she is discussing that has been inflictedinflictd on the americn people somehow is trump's fault and that she has been part of themehow is biden harrishe administration, which, by the way, the whiteway, t house for three and a half years has been very specific about including her on luding all of thesehe cou big projects that she has gone around the country and touted. sont it was fun.f grea it's a good show, lots of great music, but it was veryt t very fake and not genuine in terms of the substance. tyrus i found her speech a hubris that the word hubris. i was confused. itfelt like the writers strike had shown its ugly face because i was watching two different movies on the same channel. bernever the oldhannel talked be
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and the president, they would her and all their successors talk about her being the alte and doing all these things to keep their wonderful position going on. so during her speech, i was waiting to ig her sp t. vot me who was the deciding vote to tax tips? it was me deciding vote. she didn't talk about any of their accomplishments. so it's like they want to have their their cake and eat it, too. but i think again, it ws a feelings. yes, that is the word. it was a feelings, but it li placel to be. cat l lo everyone was having a good time. all the cat ladies were representeads wered. ing. it was a beautiful thing, but there was no substance. but e wabiden one thing, bernie saying one thing. she's saying one thing. the only thingsayinge saying i n that they all agreed on was that it's good to have a vasectomy van, an abortion busdn outside. polid the one who really stood out were the police department. they were literally defending the grouliterap that wants to dr them, demoralize them, take away their rights. righhe men aand women who wear the shield kept them safe from their own party. so that'n pas my hat's off to te
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time's up. >> law enforcement and veteran ,the stage talking about how our communities are safer, that crime down. >> so they're going to open the doors up and let the palestinians supportt there were more american flags at the dnc than there were the rnc. >> q what issues are back in the democratic party becausee they like the flagys, like to sail, they like to burn the american flag. and did you raise the palestinian flags?ise >> oh, and herth on was that good enough for you?le pe ienough f, no, it's not.: >> how is that possible? how is it possible? you meanno.: hot was dignified to exist? she wrote a letter to somebodyta she wrote. actions speak louder than words. that's the one thing we've learned about. you can say. you can tell m en it sm me. >> it's raining. but when it smells like, it's the way she do about the jewish studentge jeanijewis whoe get into their classes. i didn't hear her talking about thatir cla?. that. >> now it's important. jessica. we have a whols import e lot of show left grade ahead. >> rfk jr. dropped a political nuke on kamala grew.
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we are aligned on many key issues and those suggested that we join forces as a unity party. >> rfk jr is in the same state as. donald trump, arizona and the former president has been teasin trump: er presig that a e will be joining him later at a rally tonight in phoenix. earlier, trump offering nothing but praise forffin rfk. >> we just had a very nice endorsement from rfk. >> jan bobby. oing to >> we're going to be goingil to arizona. we'll be talking about thal betd a lot of other things, too. but i just want to thankant everybodtoy and i want to thank bobby. >> that was very nice. that was really that's big. >> he's a great guy, respected. by everybody. >> all right, jesse. you know what was most interesting about rfk speechhe was how he literally took down the democrat party as the partyt
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of censorship, the party that did everything to, you know, negate free speech that sued him,peech, t that fou, that ridiculed him, that engaged in lawfare. he makes a decision, though,io to dron,p only in the primary states. it seems so wellstates, it s, te bit help donald trump. >> the trump campaign saying thi?s trump. they're saying in the seven battlegrounds he was polling between n and 5%. and if those votes now away, they say trump gets about 60% of those compared to what harris would have gotten.s to t and that translates to this charge and this is big in arizonahi is. that would mean 41,000 additional votes towards donald trump. that's like a lot bigger than voe margin last time in. georgia, almost 20,000 more votes for donald trump. you remembers for . how tight te margins are, these little these little shift, s can really play a big role. apparently, he went to the
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harris campaign and flirted with them and said, hey, you know, you want an endorsemenu want at because, yot maybe i could get a cabinet position. and then she just went dark. e justso we went to the trump campaign. >> i don't know if he's going to get a cabinet position. >> knowing trump, he may danglee something and then never give it or give him something. >> and, you know, trump likem ss action. that could be interesting to see. rfk jring to in aying t trump administration. but harris is saying, oh, you know, it's no big dealhi ng >> that's not true. the numbers speak for themselves. themselves, katie harrisfused refused to meet with him and he said, i mean, rfk wato es clear. there's a lot of things that he disagrees with donald trump on. and it kind of speaks to this idea that the democrat are so full of joy and unity. and yet harris wouldn't even wo with him. and yet donald trump is supposed to be this hater was willin was wil tg to sit down wy apparently several times where they hashed out some of hey hash speaks more for donald trump than the democrats . yeah it's a reflection of the republican side of then si
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political aisle willing to at least have a conversation about issues oking to that.ey they disagree with democrats, just put up the stiff arm and don't want to talk about ansagree wtiff army of it. rfk jr shouldn't take it personally because kamala harris' only meet with anybody.. i to talk about that later in the show. but in terms of the numbers, right. absolutely swinou look at these swing states now, endorsements don't necessarily turn int endot there's a lot of third party candidates get votes from people whoesn't want don't wante at all now because they don't agree with voting for either parttyy. and that's fine. but in terms of swing st states where electionsates, ded by very, very slim margins, thousands of votes maybe tens pt of thousands of votes. he's looking pretty good in ana states.sey georgia, michigan, wisconsin, virginia is a really interesting one. he taking up about 8% of the vote there. and if he gets some of those cod voters to go from him to donald trump, he could potentially win virginia, especially since the very popular state in terms of who the governor. but i think the most, most important thing is everybody's been tryins tryig to frame him s some kooky third party
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candidate. listenomthird-party to he actuas to say listen to what nicole shanahan, who was his vicee shanah presidential candidate, has to say about the censorship, about why they left the democraticorship, party.e about why is it that they were so afraid to have him even on ballot, why they're suing to keep his name off of the ballot. that doesn't seem very democratic. you might even argue that that's how you win wis, but it's certainly not how you should operate as a party that claimty thas to be standing up for democracy. and, you know, jessica, he wasn't just talkingu knjessi, you know, being sued, but he talked about real censorshipg su in portal that was set up in the white house with the fbi, the dhswhite ho, the c, where all the information about them came and the fact that the democrats wouldn't even give him secret service protectionet servi pro when hisn father and uncle were assassinated. i mean, it assassinate really hk down the democrat party, talked about the military industrialhao complex and the wars that go >> jhat didn't go on when trump was there. >> well, he didn't take down the democratic party. if didn't the election was heln
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it's a coin flip and probably advantage harris so we seemthou to be doing okay without him. and his values do not coincidehi with our values anymore. he's willing to betray things that were core to who he is you knew him from westchester, an environmental lawyer, someone who cares deeplyr, an et the planet from climate change, something that donald trump doesn't care about at all. mp doesn't carhe's someone who to care about a woman's right to choose. donald trump sent it. back to the states. there are women bleeding out of. >> oh, i get it. but no, but -- but that's not. but it is. harris >> that is that's why that's why harris wouldn't meet with him. >> why? you know why she didn't meet with him. >> jdoesn'she doesn't talkt tal. are you kidding? i'm not kidding anyone. i'm being truthful about it. he is anti-vax, which is dangerous. and everyone, he's not completely anti-vax. cohe's just 90% anti-vax. he is not. well, you know, gofromt the from go, but i mean, really. yeah, i was. i, i had at one time. that's great. and for someone else to do what you want to. all righti what yot anyway you said,
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you know, donald trump supposed to be a hater, but look at him . and, you know, he extended an olive branch. he did it because, like branchh, harris said, he has only ever served one client himself. this is what he said about rfkne just in april. i'd even take biden over juniorl views on vaccines are fake in all caps, as is everything else about his candidacy. let the democrats have rfk jr. they deserve him. , well, jessica, she called bidens a racist and then joined his ticket. are you people do that ins. politics. >> okay. so they're saying it is he knows that he can have a better shot at winnin ag by them on. >> there is nothing genuine about this. it's not because you know hurt donaldkn thinks.ow how thi what do you think, tyrus? well, the reason why she's not do yk him is because all he wants to talk about is policy. so and we're still waiting she wa to hear those things. i think you can have a meeting and they've had severau can hal meetings or a couple of meetings, and they aired out their differences, how the political proces he polital s usedthey to be to people who see things very differently. they sit down, they find ground . and we don't agree on this and we agree on this. unfortunately, we don't have it. don an think there needs to bebe
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more candidates when we make a choice? more candida, i would love to se a four party system or a three party system. i think the reasone why? a not only did he not want to be the deciding factor in the swing vote , swing is that he also wants to recognize that you can challengeto rec sts quo. he had over a million people. he's done things now to level, toy, ross perot, but he's t definitely got the idea of beinghe i a candidate in the americans. we're all thinking about it now. so it migh all tgt not serve his in terms of what he's going to do as far as being a president or that.e we sho but it is going to make a lot of people start thinking, you know what, maybe we should form our own party own and things like that.a so i think he's done a lot of good. and i think it was a mistake, be mistake not to meet meet wi with him, because if they would have met with him, maybe they would have came with the thing. because you ask hillary about the green vote, you what i'm saying? and even right now. yeah. so she coming ofyrus: thf the ed party and you lose arizona, you have nyou too one to blame but yourself. so it was a good thing trump did what the democratsdidw won't do because to judges, she won't talk to anybody. >> up next, kamala harrisis a all of a sudden thinks
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movements seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems, thinking or sweating, commonaus side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ask your doctor us detox are here, she did it. joe connell finally answering a single after 33 days of dodging and hiding from the press and refusing to do interviews. calm also says that she's ready to throw down and go toe to toe with fox news. our very own peter doocy getting harris say this. >> madam vice president, congratulations. sre you ready for your fox new
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? jesse? she's been on the job doingth interviewse job over, well, her entire career. yeah. what what' s the ready for? for >> well, she's getting ready for the debate and we hear she's cramming because. she's never done a presidential debate and she's nervous and it has to go well, because if it doesn't go well, her whole momentum is shot . jessica just said that the election was held today. she'd wion was h n, lose the rcptt battlegrounds. trump's ahealegrounds, trud andd in the betting market. so it's a tight race. itd he i is.s. her honeymoon will not last. everybody known s honeymoonmined doesn't last. well minded with them, but notid everybody has that special relationship. she is not taking questionss fr from voters. she has not taken questions frome . the media. she's not taking questions from trump. so there is goinquestiong to be a collision at some point with democracy. and kamalaat som harris one of e
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days. she'll get around to it. deght now, she's playing scare and know what happens when you play scared, you get hurt. >> yeah, and that could happen . >> comments and say people take cialis is that going to get me hurt. yeah. okay we're we're going to switch h seats. >> no, no, no. i can reach you from there. inte>> tyr, katie. his big interviews at the tarmac. good enough nooow the questions because that's what they're like. >> she finally answered that to me. doesn't count. of course it doesn't count, especially when you're saying i'm walking up the stairs. >> we know you're going to wal . yolking upk the stairs. that's why they're there. that's what they're for. obviously, you're getting on the plane are.on the p and yg to go somewhere else. but honestly, why would sh go sg answer questions ahead of the debate? the media is doing all of the work for her.lists they're debasing themselves, journalists and reporters, by publishinans, bg on anonymous background, anonymous statements, walking back, proposing from 2019, 2020. >> she doesn't have to defend anything. and their whole strategy is not to get nailed down on specifics . she can't run on what she wanted to in 2019 2020 becausep she literally had to drop out
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of the race as theofe as first n because they were so far left. even the democrats weren't buying them. and joe biden had to drop out of the race because his policies were unpopula tcer among the country and he was losing to donald trump. so was los doesn't have a lot oo to go unless she's going to try and redefine herself, whicing th what we saw this week at thec dnc and in her speech. to be kind of this blank slate where the media can defend her and she doesn't's a t have to say anything. so i think it's a little embarrassing to be first female not s nominee and not speak for yourself, but that'spe up to he, i do, too, think that's embarrassing. >> as someone who cares about what's not. your turn, jesse. that's rude. okay. okay. i want to give jessica as much time as. >> i can hear you. just take it. i've been saying, you know, rude for years. >>een sayi rude foi says you're. >> listen, gavin newsom asked for america to show in the media to show gracto shoe. you think that was the right, quote unquote, grace? what do you mean by gract do ye what are we supposed to be waiting for? >> be patiently waiting for? i thino waiting k what he was tg about was that this campaign
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is a month old in this iteration. and you can tell that it is very different fromlwith joe the campaign that they were running with joe biden at the top of the ticket. hethe emotions are different. i the way that it's polling her is different. the candidate is vastlsy and she's figuring out exactly what policies she wantut exactsa with. she did give her economic proposals. i understandnd ustand th that ty gouging one was widely panned by democrats and republicans, he but that she needed to get through the conventionthen she and she's preparing for this debate and then she'll do it when she's readt when sy. do it. but i know you guyeings being ut about thisut thi doesn't really affect the outcome of the election. the people who are supportinregf kamala or might support kamala harris. i haven't spoken to a lot of independentindependt voters. they're not mad that she hasn't sat down with lesley stahl. they want to get to know her. they want to see how the campaign unfolds. they wan aign unft policy positions. f they're looking forward to the debate. this is something that i des only getting right wingers upset. >> we'll see the word upseettin
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no, but i'm upset. i don't care. i'm i'm voting for anyway. noway.t is, is like, whyo th does it no one's upset. they always want to throw feelings in when you're askingi. just a question. >> in fact, when are you going to speak going? you know, it's interesting. the woman who has held the highest office , the land in the history of the united states of america who has been the vicelf president for the last three and a half years, who has been touted itears as and fearl, just ready on day one. yeah, ready to go.can't >> can't talk. it's not that we're upse t we're just kind of shocked because along with, you know what but bobby kennedy was talking about it is a sham rigged primary where the woman didn'te earn one vote where she got to be vice president in spite of the fact that she believed the president was a racist. and in the end, this is a woman who says, i'm toward you kind of get the sense that she's trying to, you know, get her couragt the see up.
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but i really believe that she and this is what's disappointing. she is more concerned about the medie is more concera thinking. she doesn't know the answer the than not the answer, because anyone who in that position of power would be sayingld to herself, i need to know what the issues are. i need to be comfortable. with them. >> she's not. she's just worried about how she'st worris. that's what the whole thing was in chicago. it was a it was s hollywood show. and in the end, you've got donald trump. they hate him. they have trump derangement syndrome. rome, they can'tabout anything without talking about him. he goes to the black journalistk generas, he go the bodega in harlem. he goes into every tv network. >> he's done an interview. and you know what? if she wantsdone aterview. be te barack obama baby, come and do fox just like barack obama did, you know, and or is shetulsi a little nervous because old tulsi gabbard is in the training room with the in tg roomh th, at longrace
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themselvesbody, in . >> so i think they should probably look at that aroundoffi and came out of that came outce of biden. so i complained about that forag a long time. >> so, judge, this case jud and investigatiogen are togethen with new and awful facts, including the local law enforcement, which was initially blamed for this, a number of radios that were never picked up by the secre ner service and those radios for been left there. soe l calls over the radio. there was a man on the roof, never made it to the proper people who could have taking seo this seriously. yeah. what happened there was that the local d.aus >> judge. the radios ulr everyone to have, so they'd all be on the samed al and they didn't bother to pick it up. also, we find out that they allowed flags on the stage, which of course would make it difficult for the guys on the stage to sestage what waa coming at them. i mean, everything that was done and i've used this termt de t, b and i'm tired of it, but it wast it was so negligent. reckless and it borders on intentional. and fox newsrders unintentio iso
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that the threat to trump from t iran was communicated internally at secret service prioommunicar to the butler pennsylvania event. and so there are alseveno at who butler event was allowed to go forward give n threat and giveney kne the fact that they knew it. but the fact that this took one days is is an embarrassment. it really is. ent,and, you know, i've got peor former secret service agents telling me they caetg men bring more manpower to any investigation. i mean to any, they literally put a 747 together in a hangar and a minute and a hal in a fs u and that this is just as a result of the public outcrf thy and the congressional outcry. >> so, jesse, the secret serviccongresse apparently hasns adopted tools that were supposed to be put in everedy after 911 to communicate on these kinds of issues. aren't we lucky that nothing more serious has happenee luckd, 2001? we are very, very lucky. the site agent was in charge of devising the plan.
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he was on trump's detail. he's now been placedump's de on administrative leave. but the lead agent in charge of the overallt securityerson posture, that person was from the pittsburgh field officwae. they've been also suspended, but it really falls on upper e the management at secret service. these are the people that didn't give the additionalpe tes counter sniper teams. >> these are the people that didn't provide the counter, surveillance team role. >> acting cut 20%, cut in counter surveillance. these are the guys that roam the premises. and if they had seen a guyif with a rangefinder t you pickat them up immediately, those guys weren't there on the ground. and the i can't add much more to what the judge said. if you have annian iranian thret 24 hours before this thing, it's not really communicated. nothing't is n s that's just, again, borderline negligent katie: slash intentional. >> yeah, of course, we had this threat yesterday. well, trump was visitingah, th border terrorists. >> but you know a little bit about this bothers me to the core. at first it was they always want to go after the guys on the ground who ars want t oel
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trying they all risk their lives everyone on that stage risked everyone their livesho they did the best they could. but it's funny, the people who are makingwere ms, t the ca, to jesse's point, they're should be held accountable. the the one who resigned. you don't get to resign. you need to be fired, held the r accountable. this again, the more the more you see yosee,e and not going te from the feds, the more you're seeing from people on the ground, the more calople imf are getting, more witnesses are coming forward. we're getting a pretty pi ud, gture of what the american people saw and what they don't want us to see. but then this is what they d s. o. police first, it was the local police. and the local police said, oh, hell no. d ohno.and we saw their stuff at was guys risking their life, sticking their head on a roof when a guy when they knew theres was a gun up there. so then we can't do with them wr is announced a field agent with the problem. no it's just got a coupl moreof more notches up on the board. let's see some of those heads roll. let's put some of thos and pute on leave. but it's always the the people with the boots on the ground. rewed bye trying for whas on t to cover up for what negligent is being polite. >> you know, i was being polite. the suits versus the boots proble>>e sum is permeated thro
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a lot of different federal boots. problem p or they haveoth the problem, jessica. this is an issue that isn't been bipartisan and it's outrage and calls forcall accountability. and we're finally starting to see some of it, albeis accou yeah, i still and i realizi e it kind of the same thoughthis, about this. we're so not getting information to stop the conspiracy theories about what happened here, noe on matter what side of the aisle you're on. and there's plenty happening in the red pillee isd side and e blue pilled side about this. and i think the secret serviceth is goinge secrng have a very toe building up confidence again in the agenc buincy. hings, they get more precise answers about these kinds of things, not just so-and-so was put n on leave, not even fired. and the one thing i'm still wondering about, i was glad, soe the radio frequency question was answered that someone no one picked up the radiosonver pickup. and but what about the drone that was offered? because i'm pretty sure the drone would have seeprty sue sitting on top of the roof. r piecehere's anothe to it, and that is who gave permission for his body to be cremated. i mean, it was done very quickly.
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interestin, g. >> and how do we know about the kids beliefs? it's so strange. s?it's strange. i'm there's a lot more on that.ll t i'm sure we'll be talking about it. alk t it, but now we're moving d to this. the democrats li.e about aa beyond, say, dnc performance jac to jack upk the of kamala'sf kaa speech. speech. lai got a guy for ain't got a gy ain't got a guy ain't got a guy in no me i meet the jennifers each planning their future through the chains mobile hello new apartment one bank for now for later for life tastes make more of what's yours we're standing up for our right to be lazy by sitting down reclining back because we work hard and want to relax hard. >> we, the lazy, are taking back lazy on our lazy furniture. >> lazy boy. long live the lazy.
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aggressive can cause depression, suicidal thoughts or actions in patients orts of sue pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed. to is in mood behaviors, feelings or have thoughts of suicide. have thoughts of suicide. don't take aggressive if you're allergic to its ingredients. in aggressive may cause serious potential heart rhythm problems and abnormal movements. reportco fevers, stiff muscles, or problems. thinking as these may be life thinking as these may be life threatening sleepinessezza. most common side effect. >> take control by asking your doctor in brezza analyzing the dnc. >> tell us where are you going to take this country? don'
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bring on the good stuff. the facts because your it juste wasn't meant to be. did not show up at the dnc last night despite some reports that would cnn seems to suggest that it was just a ploat iy for all of the talk and anticipation here and that there may be a special guest, i am told by democratsl that kamala harris was their guest. jesse, you and i were both hit pretty strongly by baby fever. well, you were asking everyoneih ,everyone you saw because i thought your is going to come in. going r. e only oh, that's the reason i cares. you didn't wan t to see hurt a little. >> you want to. so i had stevie wondert st,evie, the other night. i wanted to see beyoncé. of course. this is like i wanee beyon sayit girl is coming to my birthday
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parto y, and then she never shoh up. so you just get everybody to show. and thenow she doesn't show.kamt >> it's lame. i feel bad for kamala that she needs to do this. sounds lik . e have some trauma are. there. well, katy, there was this strange floating aroundthere an that she actually was there and then that theythey ended upe yanking the performance, which they did for timing on monday nighrfch then mondayt as well. >> well, maybe she bumped pianoh and james taylor on monday night. oh, yeah. know, no, they that they did bur her because they didn't necessarily want her to overshadow kamala insh kamal that kamala had done a really great james taylor. >> sure. rallies the troops to get oua go to vote. >> he's very sorry i his pink >> t would be a bump pick. no, he is pink. okay. the whole speculation is ridiculous. the campaign was telling journalistmpaign ws media that s coming. so they lied in order to. >> get.u li she was lying. you lied? i did not. you hear d her. was
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>> very, very. her representative said she wasn't there. nee e,s planned to be there g and that there was never anything going to happen. itt the campaignto was telling people in the media that it was happening. so they were talking, so they ,e tuning in. >> and then she didn't show up. so they lied . >> it was a lie. but pink was there. yes, this pink was great. she her daughter her daughter was there, too. but see, here's the thing. get used to it because the democrats lie. yeah, the bey hoax. so who is the next host? so no baby. bey b no. they're going to keep going with that. no, that's it. soie: goin i honestly don't hava horse in this race at all. i could i don't my concern i dos a bodyguard. i stepped in front of a speaker. why somebody rap for five years? er while pped fori'm. >> i don't care who it is.: ther i mean, they put that there was some speculation it was spec in thet becausee s rundown that they give it said special guests. and then dropping bracelets. so there was a lot of panic,yl right? maybor, ase taylor well, yeah, h >> but they got pink.ey they got kamala.ratings that's why the ratings were so good for the because everybody thought they were waitin
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yeah, just got a little better. we're still the go to for politics. breaking news. we've got so much more sports entertainment, lifestyle bringing you the world according to fox. it's now for one more thing.week we had an amazing week thf, f themthanks to my staf i had all the producers out there. some of them stayed back here. just we had and very, very blessed to have all that kind of support. also, we want to talk about myo special tonight, a surprise guest, a very high profilepris surprise guest, some would say at the level of beyoncé will be coming on at 8:00. but i don't want to tell. you who it is, but definitely tune in. it's not me. it's definitely noinitelnot gi . he did such a great job with that package.
2:59 am
>> yeah. hey, man, democrats get. speaker >> all right. it's time for krispy kreme and dr. pepper have launched a collection of donuts for football season and. we're going to put this delicious collaboration to the test right here in the studio we have the dr. pepper kickoff donut, the butter cream goals donut and a cream filled footballtbal. let's see if dr. pepper and donuts actually together. take one tie. real good. goo harvard, and try the dr. pepper one. i love dr. pepper. >> they're all i do this for the american people. you have a jelly donut. >> oh, this is in there. it's on all of them. see what i mean? >> i like dr. pepper. it and dr. pepperr.? m a donut. you never breathe. how is this a match madein? >>? that's great. oh, that's good. well, let's go with, you know, try out unti goodl you go is adoughn good jelly donut. >>ut. it's cream and dr. pepper
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flavor. >> oh, nice. >> all right, 2 hours. you're up. what it is. >> tg thrst up, my sweetavor daughter georgie, who's doing the equestrian thing at the thl, she went to landhe safe where she learned how to fall off a horsee le and she stole the show. whoop. i thought. ohwhatever wants t, this kid's t and whatever she wants to do. so she was very excited. and then this one is thedid this the one i was a little worried about watching her momne this with her.s well. well, but roll through it. but there was nonoof there was o videotape of her mom. >> she is a superstar. miss.eanine: george.rgey. and if you're notcheck watching georgie jump, you can catch out my comedy tour datesod all the stage. >> jesse, don't say a word or i'll end illinois very, very good. real quickly, cops in oxford, mississippi, a total buzzkill this week after they asked university of mississippi studentsnoise. to stay away from a street covered in beer cans after a truck


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