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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  August 24, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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agenda. >> to dan? what's his hits going out to an aversive company president michael draco announced this week all 10 campuses and the u cal system are going to ban protest encampments in the wearing of a mask to conceal one's identity. the violence that engulfed the anti- israel protests spread to other campuses but meanwhile the head of the california state university 23 campuses issued a similar directive saying there would be no disruptions on the campuses this semester. we have to give california credit for taking the lead against this poisonous activity. >> good news out of california believe are not that is it for this week show. thank you to my panel went to all of you for watching. we hope to see you right here next week. ♪ ♪ ♪ crux and nasa has decided that
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butch and sunny will return with crew nine next february. and star liner will return on crude. >> two nasa astronauts stuck in space another six months. a butch wilmore and suny williams dock at the international space station in early june but they cannot return to earth because of mechanical issues with their boeing star liner capsule hello welcome to "fox news live" i am molly line. i get the hang of the richer. rich: good afternoon to you. i am a rich as in the two astronauts launched into orbit june 5 what was supposed to be an eight day mission to the iss has turned into an eight month trip. nasa says it is too risky to bring them back in the troubled capsule bid latest black eye for boeing after a series of airline and mechanical issues going back to january. christina coleman is live with the latest. >> height rich ridge that is rt
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today nasa leaders announce star butch wilmore and suni williams will not return to earth on the boeing star liner spacecraft that carried them to the international space station. instead they will remain in space until february come home on a spacex dragon spacecraft the big decision comes after boeing star liner had several helium leaks and thruster issues. >> for me, where the really important factors is we just do not know how much we can use the thrusters on the way back home. before we encounter a problem. because of the heating effects that happen on the way a pill. >> i touch with butch and suni both yesterday and today to support the agency's decision fully. they are ready to continue this mission on board iss as members of the expedition 71 crew. >> they will remain at the international space station and complete research and cargo work or they may also do a couple
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spacewalks toward the end of their extended expedition. >> we have had a number of flights with astronauts who stayed on board with us for 12 months at a time. so the eight-month stay is very much within our normal operational experience base. while bush and suni are on bo board. nasa plan for boeing star liner spacecraft to return to earth without a crew next month following its technical issues this with the company's first crude admission for nasa under multibillion dollar contract. they have at least five other crude missions planned. rich: christina coleman thank you. later this else we can form a nasa hernandez about what this kid mcould made for nasa's partnership with boeing. eight shakeup at the secret service five agents reassigned coming a month after the assassination attempt on former president trump. those agents have been placed on administrative duty. meaning they are not in the field they cannot do any
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investigative or protective worker. cb cotton is live in art new york city newsroom with more on these developments. >> hi i can tell you there is no word on whether the ultimate fate of their employment will be former a dhs senior advisor sect service agent charles marino told fox it took far too long for these ages agents to be plan administrative leave. >> what should have been a 10 minute decision right leadership turn into this over 30 day process but should they have been removed from work? this would have not made the story that it is today it would have been considered standard practice to the american people and restored some of the credibility of the agency to make a simple decision quickly. >> as of monday one member of tromso personal protective team and for members of the secret service pittsburgh field office including special agent in charge were all placed on administrative duties.
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a word of this personnel shakeup comes nearly six weeks after the assassination attempts. fox news was told by a source the secret service and could not conduct interviews right away with the agent until the fbi did interviews for its separate criminal probe into the shooting. trump is now making a campaign promise if he is reelected he will get answers on the assassination attempt he survived but also the assassination of john f. kennedy was the uncle of course robert f kennedy jr. rfk junior on the heels of his endorsement for trump joined the former president on stage during a rally in glendale, arizona on friday as trump shared his plans for an independent residential commission on assassination attempts. >> they will beat tasked with releasing all of the remaining documents pertaining to the assassination of president john f. kennedy. they will also conduct a rigorous review of the attack
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last month. >> on monday at members of a bipartisan congressional task force will visit the raleigh sites and meet with local officials. >> what our local officials saying about this? are there any concerns they have the future? >> i think so as far as the circuit service agents there is a sigh of relief from his local officials. they felt there was misplaced blame the public the shooting part commander of a sniper unit even told me his team was falling direct orders from secret service as for the local officials they have a little bit of concern they want to make sure everything is lined up for former president trump's upcoming visit per his return to butler in october. they want to make sure all the t's are crossed all the i's are dotted so something nothing close to this happens again. >> absolutely a lot of unanswered questions but cb cotton thank you. >> critics are asking why the secret service took nearly six
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weeks to make this move most law enforcement officials are immediately put on leave or reassigned after a shooting break during mena is keith is a secret former supervisor secret agent for thank you for joining us this afternoon for alp with a question to you. do you think the suspensions or reassignments have taken too long? >> think it rich very much for having me today. i am shocked in a sense. in any investigation especially if there is a law enforcement or shootings and involved union to an protect the integrity of the investigation and in doing so removing personnel is key the personnel that are involved i was shocked it took so long. i'm sure there is a reason behind it. alva said do not have it now but we are looking to find out what that is. but additionally not only the integrity but the perception of how we are looking at the spirit of the secret service is not in good light. we all know that. with the rana wrote being the director who is a magnificent man and in a great position.
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he can save that perception by immediately doing this investigation. i was a little shocked it took this long to actually address the initial concerns. >> since the att attempts eventr agents placed on ministry of duty from the pittsburgh field office. you've got one from the former president's personal detail. and then of course shortly after the congressional hearing the director resigned. do you think there is more people they are potentially focusing on here? you do have a gap. he was once the director and we got books on the field office. there are a number of layers in between those two, right? >> there are. what surprises me is that limited it to four. the way i see it there are people that conducted the advance. if it's even performing that integrity check so that individuals can or member what happened. they are not mixing up different types of campaign stops for different protection side so they are confused because we all know we are humans we make
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errors. and in doing so multiple stop after stop after stop that integrity of the initial investigation that happened on july 13 is contaminated. again i think there's going to be some more administrative leave which is to protect them. it's not to say these guys are guilty about protecting the investigation to make sure it is thorough, detailed unbiased. there are multiple phases of an internal investigation like this. i think you're going to see more of that. >> do you think this as a systemic problem within the secret service or simply a major elapse that he had mentioned in the picture you painted the secret service is out all over the place. there's a number of different can it's a number of former presidents their job is massive. do you think this is an oversight or a problem within the secret service? >> it is a fantastic question. is there a problem? i would say no. i would say no because the secret service is so honorable when it comes to selecting their
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individuals. i'm sure you have come across a lot of type a individuals that want to do the best job that's what they are there to do the systemic problem i think is brought about on the outside. but that secret service as a whole does not have the systemic problem this was deathly unfortunate accident. i think it was a lot of traveling. look at the sites that happen that day it was not just a butler that other conventions going on. they had other sites it was unfortunately a miscalculation of what happened. it is detrimental for the secret service for sure. stuart keith do you think it's a little early for the former president to be back rallying outside? or its safety widget not just the former president but the vice president, kamala harris all the nominees as well. constants of the great question for that to me on had them in the white house 24 hours of a seven days a week. but you don't to make that risk. obvious and happy it out in the public. the services job is not to dictate where the individuals go. it is to make sure the grounds
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are safe and secure. is it too early? is it too late? know the job of the service guys on the ground during these assessments i would not say it's too early. it's a basically about the job that is done perfectly and one incident that happen horrific incident. the sevis is learning from this and they're moving forward for a short request about to get a lot more rallies. keep thank you for joining us this afternoon much appreciated but. >> think it rich come have a great day. >> you as well. rich: robert f kennedy jr.'s out of the race for the white house he is suspending his campaign endorsing former president trump vacaa candidate round their pubn nominee directing a scathing attack of democrats just one day after vice president kamala harris formally accepted her presidential nomination at the dnc. lucas thompson is live at the white house. >> good afternoon. bobby kennedy junior says he thanks the system was honest he would have won this election pretty also claimed this is not
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his father's ignore his uncle's democratic party. he then listed the reasons why. >> it had departed so dramatically on the core values that i grew up with. it had become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big bag and big money. when it abandon democracy by canceling the primary the cognitive decline of the sitting >> speaking at the dnc vice. president kamala harris accepted her parties nomination for president xi has been avoiding unscripted encounters. she has pledged a sitdown interview before the end of the month which is fast approaching. her campaign said she has raised over half a billion dollars since president biden dropped out of the race. or was pushed aside depending on your point of view. here was harris talking about the national security in
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chicago. >> as a vice president i have confronted threats to our security. negotiated with foreign leaders, strengthen our alliances and engage with our brave troops overseas. as commander-in-chief, i will ensure america always has the strongest most lethal fighting force in the world. >> not rich, and the 2:00 p.m. hour you interviewed a republican congressman who also had a conversion himself. he used to be a democrat. >> a lot of what he said about what happened in covid and how things were done wrong and democrats were part and parcel of that because of the big money. but there do with their oceans with wind turbines for destroying our oceans just to help foreign investors and big international companies. he is something that is an open book. as is donald trump.
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>> speaking of books many would like to read kamala harris and learn where she stands on a variety of issues. rich: lucas thompson lifers at the white house they gave her a tune into fox news tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. eastern robert f kennedy jr. joins shannon bream for an exclusive interview on "fox news sunday." >> what was supposed to be an eight day trip to the international space station will not last more than eight months. reaction to nasa's decision to keep two astronauts in space and what this means for the future of america's space program. coming up. hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey!
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officials are mentioned a manslaughter slope in the unsinkable super yacht want off the coast of sicily including seven people in a tech mobile and his daughter. stephanie bennett is live with more on this investigation. >> yes italian authorities say they are not looking for somebody in particular. say the responsibility could come down to the captain, the ship maker, the crew or possibly some others. >> i officially inform you that the public prosecutor's office has opened a case against
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unknown persons. hypothesizing the crimes of culpable ship wreck and multiple culpable homicide. we are only on the initial phase of the investigation. >> the chief prosecutor said the coast guard was called around 4:30 8:00 a.m. local time monday morning the yacht had sunk by the time help arrived he thought it was probable offenses were committed surrounding its sinking. they said today the luxury yacht sunk within minutes after a strong storm swept through. as previously believed the vessel may have sunk because of a waterspout the italian air force is now confirmed the most likely cause was a localizer powerful wind known as a down burst. in total 15 of the 22 people on board survived. uk tech entrepreneur michael lynch is 18-year-old daughter hannah were among those who died but he is reportedly celebrating his recent acquittal of u.s. fraud trial with his family and people who defended him. the bodies of jonathan bloomer a morgan stanley international bank chairman, his wife judy,
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chris a clifford chance lawyer and his wife were also recovered from the wreckage. investigators say that yacht was full of furniture which made it more difficult for divers to recover those bodies. >> the ship sank first from the stern and laid on its right side to a c but it's therefore cleared the unfortunate people who sought safety in the cabins on the left side were the last air bubbles had formed. >> all but one crew member survived. that was of course the yacht's chef. >> stephanie bennett life thank you. >> this whole discussion, remember is put in the context of what we have had mistakes done in the past. we lost two space shuttles as a result of their not being a culture in which information could come forward.
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our core value is safety. and it is our northstar. >> nasa defending his decision to keep two astronauts of the international space station until february. to play it safe and return the troubled boeing star liner capsule with no crew on board forthe spring and former nasa astronaut josé hernandez. thank you so much for bringing your expertise and analysis on the saturday after due. are you surprised at all by nash's decision? was i'm not surprised. is not surprising on the aerospace community that nasa took the contort server to conto establish take a safety timeout in the interest of safety, let's go ahead and send back the two astronauts on a vehicle that's proven to bring them home safely. steve i've never going to hitch another ride on when that will go and leave two empty seats
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help bring them home. from eight days to eight months, is there a psychological impact here for those astronauts? and it impacts on another mission that might be changing a little but because are switching people out on the ship that's headed home. >> clearly it has a domino effect in terms of delaying the missions of astronauts that have already been assigned to that mission. because they move forward in the timeline. but yes, it is part of our training that these two astronauts, i know them very well. they are colleagues of mine and they know they're going on a test flight it is a test flight that can last 10 days ideally that went to 80 days announced on more than eight months. they are human so it does have some effect but they are also trained professionals and i'm sure they're going to come out of this with flying colors and we are going to learn a lot. >> they're very busy at their
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nasa reports during blewett physics research and plant implt facility maintenance and robotics operations. there certainly not board while they're up there on the international space station. are they filling their time in a way nasa will find valuable. >> absolutely. nasa has much more experiments up there and with the six astronauts there full-time can do. because we always went of filler material case and get ahead activities in case they finish some experiments early. it's kind of like being in a graduate lab. you've got graduate students and there's always more work then hands to do it. they are a welcome sight to the six other astronauts. >> what is it mean to have two other people he did not plan to be there for a significant amount of time. how did they get their halloween candy in their thanksgiving turkey. what are the logistics to fruit
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like this progressive resupply missions they just include extra food, extra clothing, and of course the gift bags and care bags from home that they will get. also the station has contingency food, air, clothing so in case something like this happens were well prepared. molly: what does is mean for boeing? idoes it look that is something that could happen? this is experimental space research or is it something problematic? >> this is a test flight this is the maiden voyage where there's a crew on there. but we discovered is we we've a thruster problem. thrusters that overheat that create teflon seals to over bold and restrict propellant that results i in the degradation of performance. and so we learned a lot about this. boeing is going to come back and condition redesigns and fix
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these things. nasa is committed to having two types of space vehicles to go up in space. i don't think they're going to come back and punish an boeing is ever going to cancel you. they're going to work together to fix a problem. molly: it's interesting to say this a lot of attention spacex gets a lot of attention and recently boeing is getting a negative attention for various things they're really big companies a lot of specialties of altered to companies two different ways to get there and back. what is the next step as far as getting our astronauts and scientists back and forth? >> what's it will continue obviously spacex will probably be doing double duty in the next year or so until we really have a good look at the star liner design and make some changes that convince us that things are going to work out good. we are probably going to another unaccrued trip up. before he put another crew up on
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the star liner. i am looking about a two year delay here. but nonetheless nasa is committed to going to types of spacecraft to send their astronauts up into space because if you could give suni williams and butch wilmore a thought or advice but would you say to them right now as they are inching closer but still far away from coming home? >> as a take it one d day at a time guys, your families are being well taken care of by your colleagues do not worry about anything at home. see if i would think they are thinking right now t that using all their time wisely and communicating with people back home. >> is one thing i preach about nasa. when i went up into space, we are a close knit community. we support each other. when there are things like this that happen we are there literally to help out. i would not be surprised it's of my colleagues are mowing the lawns of the butch wilmore and suni williams in the front yard.
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so that those of the types of things we do to support each other. it's wonderful to hear but it's like a family we are hoping to have safe travel home when they come home in february. we really appreciate your insights. thank you so much former nasa astronaut josé thank you for bringing us your insight. >> high level cease-fire negotiations are set to resume in egypt today just after israeli airstrikes reportedly killed thousands of people in gaza. hamas said it sending a delegation directly in the talks alex hogan is life at the latest. >> here in israel tonight in tel aviv demanding the government except the cease-fire to save the hostages and bring them home. hamas says it's negotiators are in cairo, egypt to continue the cease-fire talks that are set to take place throughout the weekend.
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held his own talks this past sot week with israeli prime minister as well as speaking just yesterday. stressing the need for the current peace proposal. today continued ground operation into the gaza strip. as many as 50 people today yesterday is really shelling killed seven people fleeing the area during army evacuation orders. there is also been new violence on israel's northern border with lebanon. this was the scene last night. the iron dome watching interceptor missiles after hezbollah fired barrages of artillery rounds of the house on the northern border up in flames. the idf also released video of its air force destroyed what it says work hezbollah weapons warehouse in southern lebanon.
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when change among civilians the beginning of the month when iran and hezbollah promise there would be retaliation and there it would beat some kind of strike here in israel but it is also worth reminding our viewers the u.s. has amassed an extremely larger presence of u.s. military assets in the region as a washington continues to reaffirm it will be standing by to protect israel from any larger scale attacks are my ron and its proxies. >> alex hogan thank you. we've got breaking news of police in germany say they have made a second arrest with a deadly stabbing spree at a festival in germany last night. police were seen entering a refugee house this evening miles from the attack. they did not say who they arrested for this is hours after the islamic state terror group claimed responsibility. yesterday 15 or both arrested on
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charges that he knew about the planned attack and did not tell authorities. prosecutors say two witnesses saw the teenager and another before the attack people were killed eight others were hurt including for who were still in the hospital in critical condition. >> south carolina highest court will decide if convicted killer will get a new murder trial over concerns the court clerk influenced the jury. a closer look at the evidence and what this means for mur murdaugh. cominge te-ped up. or blasting the air conditioning. because only the tempur-pedic breeze is made with our one-of-a-kind cooling technology, that pulls heat away from your body. so, the mattress feels up to 10° cooler all night long. don't miss our biggest sale of the year with savings up to $700 on select adjustable mattress sets, and experience the deep, undisturbed rest of tempur-pedic. learn more at
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>> to watch his actions. >> convicted killer alex murdaugh could soon get a new murder trial the south or under supreme court now agreeing to hear arguments for new trial after the defense argued the clerk of the court tampered with the jury rebecca hill is facing ethics questions after murdaugh at legal team accused her of telling insurers not to be fooled by his testimony as they deliberated. hill strongly denies any wrongdoing. >> do you have any conversation with the jurors were you made any comment about the substance of any testimony or any comment about the merits or the strength of the case? >> no, no. >> blood spring and former prosecutor steve, thank you so much for joining us this afternoon. what do you think is there enough here for us to retry this all over again? >> rich, i will tell you. i've been practicing law 25 year old 12 a which i spent as a prosecutor. i have tried hundreds of cases. i've never seen a clerk clerk
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engage in a murder trial like this. i think the comments that she made in front of the jury indicating the jury shouldn't respect or listen to his testimony because it was somehow tainted. i think there is a really good chance this supreme court couldn't grant a new trial i really do. >> there some reporting out there that perhaps behind all of this is that she wanted to sell a book and therefore a conviction would help her in that case. is it that? is it carelessness? shouldn't cler clerks know not y this type of stuff to the member of the jury are in need to remember? >> yes. i have spent virtually every other day of my life for the last 25 years in a courtroom. the court clerks never talk about homicide cases like this.
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never. the fact she was writing a book about this, i saw there's evidence and testimony from other clerks that she made statements this would benefit her if there is a guilty verdict. she allowed mr. murdaugh's picture to be taken and a holding cell. this is outrageous conduct too. outrageous. i do not know what her motivations were. i do not know if she was a crazy or if this was driven by a monetary concern but this is beyond the pale especially when you're dealing with a trial of this magnitude. it is really shocking. "i south carolina supreme court says we've got to do this all over again. how long does this take? what are the next steps involved were going to have to get a new jury here. this is the whole thing over again, right? >> right. it becomes very complicated. because now this has been extremely -- this case is been
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extremely prevalent in the media we have now heard these facts of what what the clerk kurt said. it's important to ensure this defendant gets a fair trial where it could that happen? if they were to grant the motion for trial for a new trial it could take of the six -- nine months to get this thing off the ground again and it is always tough with getting witnesses back in line. i think there were 70 witnesses in this case. this is going to draw out this case for their two -- three years. >> is there any chance they go back to the county where he was originally tried or are they going to have to move it out of county? you mentioned how they going to find anyone even the state of cap south carolina let alone where he was originally convicted? >> you bring up an interesting point. i do think the next emotion from the defense will be a venue motion seeking to have it tried
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in another county. this is all a tactic from the defense to either look for a better deal or look for a better set of circumstances to try this case. remember this is a scenario, a case where mr. tran for murdaughcredibility is so cruc. it's very rare for a homicide or murder defendant to testify. so what her statements were about his credibility are really crucial. that's why i think the court will grant the defense motion in this case. >> do you think and going in god there is any chance that he may be at least walks on this he does face a 40 year old for financial crimes as well or he's arty been convicted of that. >> i think eventually there is sufficient evidence that would probably eventually get him convicted of these crimes. but look, if i were the
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prosecutor that tried this case i would be beyond upset. i would be beyond upset for the victims. for all the time and effort law enforcement put into this. for the surviving members of the family. that are ineffective victims in this case as well at this point now. i think eventually he would get convicted. but you know rich, you never know when 12 people get in the box you just never know where they come back. >> absolutely. steve thank you so much for joining us this afternoon. >> thank you for having me. molly: a memphis man faces charges of making death threats against president biden, vice president harris former president obama. this comes just a day after an arizona man was arrested for allegedly threatening to kill former president trump. matta line rivera has the latest. cooks federal officials anticipated threats would only grow as the election cycle ramps up. they are still alarming.
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this is 37-year-old kyle federal authorities in tennessee say he made several posts on x on july 27. they say in these posts he threatened to kill, assassinate, shoot and crash the plane of president biden. assassinate vice president harris and former president obama. if convicted he could face up to 15 years in prison. former president became a subject of another that the police they made on social media. cochise county police in arizona is a 66-year-old made it too post on august 21 and august 22. they allege the message had language indicating harm against trump. the manhunt for him on thursday unfolded as trump was in the states visiting the u.s./mexico border these threats come the middle of a department of homeland security and the fbi described as a heightened threat environment. federal, state, local agencies are boosting efforts to put political violence against candace, but other high-profile
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figures. and washington madeleine rivera fox news. >> recent polling shows a growing gender gap and support for former president trump and vice president harris. a closer look at the numbers and just how this is affecting each candicandidates strategy. coming up.
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molly: the race of the white out is shaping up as a battle of sexes in more ways than one. a brand-new fox poll shows a widening gender split in support for the nominees. more than half of mail voters say they back former president trump. while the majority of female voters support vice president harris. let's bring in a political reporter from washington examiner. selena, is this any surprise? or is there a certain expectation that a female candidate the people present at the nine states might draw and a
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little support for female voters and pickwick sure. there is a level of expectation. you saw hilary clinton running on that team and 2016. it came up short. it will be interesting to see how that -- how this continues to play in the most important stage which are my home state of pennsylvania. but also at mi michigan, ohio, h carolina, wisconsin and arizona and nevada. and so i know this will be a shock to a lot of people watching television. the people are not paying attention to this as much as we do. and in the news a profession but also politico who are super interested in politics. i don't think this is going to play out for a while. we will not really know where those numbers start to crystallize in a permanent
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place. until probably the mid to the end of september. so i think it's going to be kind of uncertain at that point. probably a lot of interesting discussions with families over the kitchen table or kitchen island whatever it may be. i do not think people are firm yet. just for the last few days talk into undecided voters. who would know there'd be undecided at this point but there definitely is. quickset is a great point the huge majority of americans are independent, independent thinkers are deeply involved in party politics or particular political party in general. and as you mentioned with this comes down to a swing states. we have a few more details in the fox news poll to give us a little insight little more specific so to say as far as white men, white women here's how the numbers break down. pretty even on a white women between the two candidates. you get into suburban women a bit more support harris support
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sticks up by 12% non- white women ticks up to plus 40%. president trump has a pushback on this notion he is losing among suburban women. he thanks he has a stronger case to be made as well as a crime and safety is concerned. he talks about that when he is out on the campaign trail. your thoughts on those numbers as we said in an hour polling and president trump's response? >> well it depends what suburb you are in. if you are in a suburb in western pennsylvania or in vernon county michigan you may see this race very differently than someone who lives in a suburb of connecticut or new york city. it has some somewhat to do with college education. it also has to do with a sense of place. where you connected to. if you have more inter- actual more action more legacy to the
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blue-collar family or in blue-collar workers in your family that suburban vote is going to be incredibly different. i saw that in 2016. less of it in 2020. this year feels very much like 2016 to me and terms of how voters are looking at what is most important. right now the economy and safety are the most important thing to voters whether they are in the suburbs, the city, or in rural america. what's another question i have the harris tickets have unveiled tim walz as a vice president when the custom of football season they're playing a piece of that throwing the camel on trying to appeal to the mill vote there's a politico report can coach pull the bar stool vote? his ties to football the democratic strategist frothing at the opportunity to make more
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direct appeals to major voters, football was a powerful unifying force in american culture, what you think? >> think that is a little bit insulting to voters. voters are not voting on whether he was a football coach or not. or he speaks football coach language. people are really hurting in this country. i just got back from driving across the country on back roads listen to voters from farmers coming to people in the city, two people in the suburbs there's a lot of concerns out there. i don't think it lays on whether or not the vice presidential candidate can talk about football in an authentic way. molly: thank you not impressed by the sports metaphors we understand but thank you very much for joining us on a saturday afternoon. we greatly appreciate it appreck thanks for having me.s back. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors.
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before tropical storm is approaching hawaii directed is not expected but some of the islands could see heavy rains and strong winds. meteorologist adam klotz is tracking the storm. >> we are already beginning to see some of those initial rounds of rain hit in the big island of hawaii. it's going be the one most impact. winds currently 65 miles an hour the whole system of into the west at 15 miles an hour.
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that does run it south of the island were not talking about direct impact here but it passes close it up vertically to the big island where you are going to see the impact. i just wrong tropical storm is awake makes this move by overnight tonight early tomorrow morning who are already beginning to wash his truck out away from the island are really focusing on what happens overnight tonight into early tomorrow morning. the main concern really and this is going to be heavy rain. particularly in the eastern side of the island. a lot of the darker red colors the orange is indicating may be as much as a foot of rain has some of the higher elevations that can be mudslides. a danger situation is possible to storm passes by even though it's not making a direct landfill. there are several storms either out there or about to be out there in the eastern pacific with each other to no risk of landfall than they show how active the pacific is. on the other end of the spectrum it's cricket across the atlantic this is simply the time of the years he had lot of atlantic activity for now for the next
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seven days we are not expecting that whatsoever. dings are looking good out here. the thing is we are buying ourselves a little bit of time. relate septembers a busy month of course we are going to be watching it looks like ingredients are going to come together we will see some more. rich: adam klotz thank you great our bread thank you so much everyone for watching. we'll be back again tomorrow. i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. han is 22 years old. he's not just a pet, he really is a part of our family. knowing that he's getting good nutrition, that's a huge relief for me and my dad. (sings) old bean piglet head yes that is your name. if you saw his piglet head you would say the same. toot toot. ok y'all we got ten orders coming in.. big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up.
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that will do it for now. here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody. jesse watters


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